
     1  <codewalk title="Share Memory By Communicating">
     3  <step title="Introduction" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go">
     4  Go's approach to concurrency differs from the traditional use of
     5  threads and shared memory. Philosophically, it can be summarized:
     6  <br/><br/>
     7  <i>Don't communicate by sharing memory; share memory by communicating.</i>
     8  <br/><br/>
     9  Channels allow you to pass references to data structures between goroutines.
    10  If you consider this as passing around ownership of the data (the ability to
    11  read and write it), they become a powerful and expressive synchronization 
    12  mechanism.
    13  <br/><br/>
    14  In this codewalk we will look at a simple program that polls a list of
    15  URLs, checking their HTTP response codes and periodically printing their state.
    16  </step>
    18  <step title="State type" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/State/,/}/">
    19  The State type represents the state of a URL.
    20  <br/><br/>
    21  The Pollers send State values to the StateMonitor,
    22  which maintains a map of the current state of each URL.
    23  </step>
    25  <step title="Resource type" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/Resource/,/}/">
    26  A Resource represents the state of a URL to be polled: the URL itself
    27  and the number of errors encountered since the last successful poll.
    28  <br/><br/>
    29  When the program starts, it allocates one Resource for each URL.
    30  The main goroutine and the Poller goroutines send the Resources to
    31  each other on channels.
    32  </step>
    34  <step title="Poller function" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/func Poller/,/\n}/">
    35  Each Poller receives Resource pointers from an input channel.
    36  In this program, the convention is that sending a Resource pointer on
    37  a channel passes ownership of the underlying data from the sender
    38  to the receiver.  Because of this convention, we know that
    39  no two goroutines will access this Resource at the same time.
    40  This means we don't have to worry about locking to prevent concurrent 
    41  access to these data structures.
    42  <br/><br/>
    43  The Poller processes the Resource by calling its Poll method.
    44  <br/><br/>
    45  It sends a State value to the status channel, to inform the StateMonitor
    46  of the result of the Poll.
    47  <br/><br/>
    48  Finally, it sends the Resource pointer to the out channel. This can be
    49  interpreted as the Poller saying &quot;I'm done with this Resource&quot; and 
    50  returning ownership of it to the main goroutine. 
    51  <br/><br/>
    52  Several goroutines run Pollers, processing Resources in parallel.
    53  </step>
    55  <step title="The Poll method" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/Poll executes/,/\n}/">
    56  The Poll method (of the Resource type) performs an HTTP HEAD request
    57  for the Resource's URL and returns the HTTP response's status code.
    58  If an error occurs, Poll logs the message to standard error and returns the 
    59  error string instead.
    60  </step>
    62  <step title="main function" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/func main/,/\n}/">
    63  The main function starts the Poller and StateMonitor goroutines
    64  and then loops passing completed Resources back to the pending
    65  channel after appropriate delays.
    66  </step>
    68  <step title="Creating channels" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/Create our/,/complete/">
    69  First, main makes two channels of *Resource, pending and complete.
    70  <br/><br/>
    71  Inside main, a new goroutine sends one Resource per URL to pending
    72  and the main goroutine receives completed Resources from complete.
    73  <br/><br/>
    74  The pending and complete channels are passed to each of the Poller
    75  goroutines, within which they are known as in and out. 
    76  </step>
    78  <step title="Initializing StateMonitor" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/Launch the StateMonitor/,/statusInterval/">
    79  StateMonitor will initialize and launch a goroutine that stores the state 
    80  of each Resource. We will look at this function in detail later. 
    81  <br/><br/>
    82  For now, the important thing to note is that it returns a channel of State, 
    83  which is saved as status and passed to the Poller goroutines.
    84  </step>
    86  <step title="Launching Poller goroutines" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/Launch some Poller/,/}/">
    87  Now that it has the necessary channels, main launches a number of
    88  Poller goroutines, passing the channels as arguments.
    89  The channels provide the means of communication between the main, Poller, and 
    90  StateMonitor goroutines.
    91  </step>
    93  <step title="Send Resources to pending" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/Send some Resources/,/}\(\)/">
    94  To add the initial work to the system, main starts a new goroutine
    95  that allocates and sends one Resource per URL to pending.
    96  <br/><br/>
    97  The new goroutine is necessary because unbuffered channel sends and
    98  receives are synchronous. That means these channel sends will block until
    99  the Pollers are ready to read from pending.
   100  <br/><br/>
   101  Were these sends performed in the main goroutine with fewer Pollers than 
   102  channel sends, the program would reach a deadlock situation, because
   103  main would not yet be receiving from complete.
   104  <br/><br/>
   105  Exercise for the reader: modify this part of the program to read a list of
   106  URLs from a file. (You may want to move this goroutine into its own
   107  named function.)
   108  </step>
   110  <step title="Main Event Loop" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/range complete/,/\n	}/">
   111  When a Poller is done with a Resource, it sends it on the complete channel.
   112  This loop receives those Resource pointers from complete.
   113  For each received Resource, it starts a new goroutine calling
   114  the Resource's Sleep method.  Using a new goroutine for each
   115  ensures that the sleeps can happen in parallel.
   116  <br/><br/>
   117  Note that any single Resource pointer may only be sent on either pending or
   118  complete at any one time. This ensures that a Resource is either being
   119  handled by a Poller goroutine or sleeping, but never both simultaneously.  
   120  In this way, we share our Resource data by communicating.
   121  </step>
   123  <step title="The Sleep method" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/Sleep/,/\n}/">
   124  Sleep calls time.Sleep to pause before sending the Resource to done.
   125  The pause will either be of a fixed length (pollInterval) plus an
   126  additional delay proportional to the number of sequential errors (r.errCount).
   127  <br/><br/>
   128  This is an example of a typical Go idiom: a function intended to run inside 
   129  a goroutine takes a channel, upon which it sends its return value 
   130  (or other indication of completed state).
   131  </step>
   133  <step title="StateMonitor" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/StateMonitor/,/\n}/">
   134  The StateMonitor receives State values on a channel and periodically
   135  outputs the state of all Resources being polled by the program.
   136  </step>
   138  <step title="The updates channel" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/updates :=/">
   139  The variable updates is a channel of State, on which the Poller goroutines
   140  send State values.
   141  <br/><br/>
   142  This channel is returned by the function.
   143  </step>
   145  <step title="The urlStatus map" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/urlStatus/">
   146  The variable urlStatus is a map of URLs to their most recent status. 
   147  </step>
   149  <step title="The Ticker object" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/ticker/">
   150  A time.Ticker is an object that repeatedly sends a value on a channel at a 
   151  specified interval. 
   152  <br/><br/>
   153  In this case, ticker triggers the printing of the current state to 
   154  standard output every updateInterval nanoseconds.
   155  </step>
   157  <step title="The StateMonitor goroutine" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go:/go func/,/}\(\)/">
   158  StateMonitor will loop forever, selecting on two channels: 
   159  ticker.C and update. The select statement blocks until one of its 
   160  communications is ready to proceed.
   161  <br/><br/>
   162  When StateMonitor receives a tick from ticker.C, it calls logState to
   163  print the current state.  When it receives a State update from updates,
   164  it records the new status in the urlStatus map.
   165  <br/><br/>
   166  Notice that this goroutine owns the urlStatus data structure,
   167  ensuring that it can only be accessed sequentially. 
   168  This prevents memory corruption issues that might arise from parallel reads 
   169  and/or writes to a shared map.
   170  </step>
   172  <step title="Conclusion" src="doc/codewalk/urlpoll.go">
   173  In this codewalk we have explored a simple example of using Go's concurrency
   174  primitives to share memory through communication.
   175  <br/><br/>
   176  This should provide a starting point from which to explore the ways in which
   177  goroutines and channels can be used to write expressive and concise concurrent
   178  programs.
   179  </step>
   181  </codewalk>