
     1  <!--{
     2  	"Title": "Go 1.8 Release Notes",
     3  	"Path":  "/doc/go1.8",
     4  	"Template": true
     5  }-->
     7  <!--
     8  NOTE: In this document and others in this directory, the convention is to
     9  set fixed-width phrases with non-fixed-width spaces, as in
    10  <code>hello</code> <code>world</code>.
    11  Do not send CLs removing the interior tags from such phrases.
    12  -->
    14  <style>
    15  ul li { margin: 0.5em 0; }
    16  </style>
    18  <h2 id="introduction">DRAFT RELEASE NOTES - Introduction to Go 1.8</h2>
    20  <p><strong>
    21  Go 1.8 is not yet released. These are work-in-progress
    22  release notes. Go 1.8 is expected to be released in February 2017.
    23  </strong></p>
    25  <p>
    26  The latest Go release, version 1.8, arrives six months after <a href="go1.7">Go 1.7</a>.
    27  Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries.
    28  There are <a href="#language">two minor changes</a> to the language specification.
    29  As always, the release maintains the Go 1 <a href="/doc/go1compat.html">promise of compatibility</a>.
    30  We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before.
    31  </p>
    33  <p>
    34  The release <a href="#ports">adds support for 32-bit MIPS</a>,
    35  <a href="#compiler">updates the compiler back end</a> to generate more efficient code,
    36  <a href="#gc">reduces GC pauses</a> by eliminating stop-the-world stack rescanning,
    37  <a href="#h2push">adds HTTP/2 Push support</a>,
    38  <a href="#http_shutdown">adds HTTP graceful shutdown</a>,
    39  <a href="#more_context">adds more context support</a>,
    40  <a href="#mutex_prof">enables profiling mutexes</a>,
    41  and <a href="#sort_slice">simplifies sorting slices</a>.
    42  </p>
    44  <h2 id="language">Changes to the language</h2>
    46  <p>
    47    When explicitly converting a value from one struct type to another,
    48    as of Go 1.8 the tags are ignored. Thus two structs that differ
    49    only in their tags may be converted from one to the other:
    50  </p>
    52  <pre>
    53  func example() {
    54  	type T1 struct {
    55  		X int `json:"foo"`
    56  	}
    57  	type T2 struct {
    58  		X int `json:"bar"`
    59  	}
    60  	var v1 T1
    61  	var v2 T2
    62  	v1 = T1(v2) // now legal
    63  }
    64  </pre>
    67  <p> <!-- CL 17711 -->
    68    The language specification now only requires that implementations
    69    support up to 16-bit exponents in floating-point constants.  This does not affect
    70    either the “<a href="/cmd/compile/"><code>gc</code></a>” or
    71    <code>gccgo</code> compilers, both of
    72    which still support 32-bit exponents.
    73  </p>
    75  <h2 id="ports">Ports</h2>
    77  <p>
    78  Go now supports 32-bit MIPS on Linux for both big-endian
    79  (<code>linux/mips</code>) and little-endian machines
    80  (<code>linux/mipsle</code>) that implement the MIPS32r1 instruction set with FPU
    81  or kernel FPU emulation. Note that many common MIPS-based routers lack an FPU and
    82  have firmware that doesn't enable kernel FPU emulation; Go won't run on such machines.
    83  </p>
    85  <p>
    86  On DragonFly BSD, Go now requires DragonFly 4.4.4 or later. <!-- CL 29491, CL 29971 -->
    87  </p>
    89  <p>
    90  On OpenBSD, Go now requires OpenBSD 5.9 or later. <!-- CL 34093 -->
    91  </p>
    93  <p>
    94  The Plan 9 port's networking support is now much more complete
    95  and matches the behavior of Unix and Windows with respect to deadlines
    96  and cancelation. For Plan 9 kernel requirements, see the
    97  <a href="">Plan 9 wiki page</a>.
    98  </p>
   100  <p>
   101    Go 1.8 now only supports OS X 10.8 or later. This is likely the last
   102    Go release to support 10.8. Compiling Go or running
   103    binaries on older OS X versions is untested.
   104  </p>
   106  <p>
   107    Go 1.8 will be the last release to support Linux on ARMv5E and ARMv6 processors:
   108    Go 1.9 will likely require the ARMv6K (as found in the Raspberry Pi 1) or later.
   109    To identify whether a Linux system is ARMv6K or later, run
   110    “<code>go</code> <code>tool</code> <code>dist</code> <code>-check-armv6k</code>”
   111    (to facilitate testing, it is also possible to just copy the <code>dist</code> command to the
   112    system without installing a full copy of Go 1.8)
   113    and if the program terminates with output "ARMv6K supported." then the system
   114    implements ARMv6K or later.
   115    Go on non-Linux ARM systems already requires ARMv6K or later.
   116  </p>
   119  <h3 id="known_issues">Known Issues</h3>
   121  <p>
   122  There are some instabilities on FreeBSD and NetBSD that are known but not understood.
   123  These can lead to program crashes in rare cases.
   124  See
   125  <a href="">issue 15658</a> and
   126  <a href="">issue 16511</a>.
   127  Any help in solving these issues would be appreciated.
   128  </p>
   130  <h2 id="tools">Tools</h2>
   132  <h3 id="cmd_asm">Assembler</h3>
   134  <p>
   135  For 64-bit x86 systems, the following instructions have been added:
   136  <code>VBROADCASTSD</code>,
   137  <code>BROADCASTSS</code>,
   138  <code>MOVDDUP</code>,
   139  <code>MOVSHDUP</code>,
   140  <code>MOVSLDUP</code>,
   141  <code>VMOVDDUP</code>,
   142  <code>VMOVSHDUP</code>, and
   143  <code>VMOVSLDUP</code>.
   144  </p>
   146  <p>
   147  For 64-bit PPC systems, the common vector scalar instructions have been
   148  added:
   149  <code>LXS</code>,
   150  <code>LXSDX</code>,
   151  <code>LXSI</code>,
   152  <code>LXSIWAX</code>,
   153  <code>LXSIWZX</code>,
   154  <code>LXV</code>,
   155  <code>LXVD2X</code>,
   156  <code>LXVDSX</code>,
   157  <code>LXVW4X</code>,
   158  <code>MFVSR</code>,
   159  <code>MFVSRD</code>,
   160  <code>MFVSRWZ</code>,
   161  <code>MTVSR</code>,
   162  <code>MTVSRD</code>,
   163  <code>MTVSRWA</code>,
   164  <code>MTVSRWZ</code>,
   165  <code>STXS</code>,
   166  <code>STXSDX</code>,
   167  <code>STXSI</code>,
   168  <code>STXSIWX</code>,
   169  <code>STXV</code>,
   170  <code>STXVD2X</code>,
   171  <code>STXVW4X</code>,
   172  <code>XSCV</code>,
   173  <code>XSCVDPSP</code>,
   174  <code>XSCVDPSPN</code>,
   175  <code>XSCVDPSXDS</code>,
   176  <code>XSCVDPSXWS</code>,
   177  <code>XSCVDPUXDS</code>,
   178  <code>XSCVDPUXWS</code>,
   179  <code>XSCVSPDP</code>,
   180  <code>XSCVSPDPN</code>,
   181  <code>XSCVSXDDP</code>,
   182  <code>XSCVSXDSP</code>,
   183  <code>XSCVUXDDP</code>,
   184  <code>XSCVUXDSP</code>,
   185  <code>XSCVX</code>,
   186  <code>XSCVXP</code>,
   187  <code>XVCV</code>,
   188  <code>XVCVDPSP</code>,
   189  <code>XVCVDPSXDS</code>,
   190  <code>XVCVDPSXWS</code>,
   191  <code>XVCVDPUXDS</code>,
   192  <code>XVCVDPUXWS</code>,
   193  <code>XVCVSPDP</code>,
   194  <code>XVCVSPSXDS</code>,
   195  <code>XVCVSPSXWS</code>,
   196  <code>XVCVSPUXDS</code>,
   197  <code>XVCVSPUXWS</code>,
   198  <code>XVCVSXDDP</code>,
   199  <code>XVCVSXDSP</code>,
   200  <code>XVCVSXWDP</code>,
   201  <code>XVCVSXWSP</code>,
   202  <code>XVCVUXDDP</code>,
   203  <code>XVCVUXDSP</code>,
   204  <code>XVCVUXWDP</code>,
   205  <code>XVCVUXWSP</code>,
   206  <code>XVCVX</code>,
   207  <code>XVCVXP</code>,
   208  <code>XXLAND</code>,
   209  <code>XXLANDC</code>,
   210  <code>XXLANDQ</code>,
   211  <code>XXLEQV</code>,
   212  <code>XXLNAND</code>,
   213  <code>XXLNOR</code>,
   214  <code>XXLOR</code>,
   215  <code>XXLORC</code>,
   216  <code>XXLORQ</code>,
   217  <code>XXLXOR</code>,
   218  <code>XXMRG</code>,
   219  <code>XXMRGHW</code>,
   220  <code>XXMRGLW</code>,
   221  <code>XXPERM</code>,
   222  <code>XXPERMDI</code>,
   223  <code>XXSEL</code>,
   224  <code>XXSI</code>,
   225  <code>XXSLDWI</code>,
   226  <code>XXSPLT</code>, and
   227  <code>XXSPLTW</code>.
   228  </p>
   230  <h3 id="tool_yacc">Yacc</h3>
   232  <p> <!-- CL 27324, CL 27325 -->
   233  The <code>yacc</code> tool (previously available by running
   234  “<code>go</code> <code>tool</code> <code>yacc</code>”) has been removed.
   235  As of Go 1.7 it was no longer used by the Go compiler.
   236  It has moved to the “tools” repository and is now available at
   237  <code><a href=""></a></code>.
   238  </p>
   240  <h3 id="tool_fix">Fix</h3>
   242  <p> <!-- CL 28872 -->
   243    The <code>fix</code> tool has a new “<code>context</code>”
   244    fix to change imports from “<code></code>”
   245    to “<a href="/pkg/context/"><code>context</code></a>”.
   246  </p>
   248  <h3 id="tool_pprof">Pprof</h3>
   250  <p> <!-- CL 33157 -->
   251    The <code>pprof</code> tool can now profile TLS servers
   252    and skip certificate validation by using the “<code>https+insecure</code>”
   253    URL scheme.
   254  </p>
   256  <p> <!-- CL 23781 -->
   257    The callgrind output now has instruction-level granularity.
   258  </p>
   260  <h3 id="tool_trace">Trace</h3>
   262  <p> <!-- CL 23324 -->
   263    The <code>trace</code> tool has a new <code>-pprof</code> flag for
   264    producing pprof-compatible blocking and latency profiles from an
   265    execution trace.
   266  </p>
   268  <p> <!-- CL 30017, CL 30702 -->
   269    Garbage collection events are now shown more clearly in the
   270    execution trace viewer. Garbage collection activity is shown on its
   271    own row and GC helper goroutines are annotated with their roles.
   272  </p>
   274  <h3 id="tool_vet">Vet</h3>
   276  <p>Vet is stricter in some ways and looser where it
   277    previously caused false positives.</p>
   279  <p>Vet now checks for copying an array of locks,
   280    duplicate JSON and XML struct field tags,
   281    non-space-separated struct tags,
   282    deferred calls to HTTP <code>Response.Body.Close</code>
   283    before checking errors, and
   284    indexed arguments in <code>Printf</code>.
   285    It also improves existing checks.</p>
   286  </p>
   288  <h3 id="compiler">Compiler Toolchain</h3>
   290  <p>
   291  Go 1.7 introduced a new compiler back end for 64-bit x86 systems.
   292  In Go 1.8, that back end has been developed further and is now used for
   293  all architectures.
   294  </p>
   296  <p>
   297  The new back end, based on
   298  <a href="">static single assignment form</a> (SSA),
   299  generates more compact, more efficient code
   300  and provides a better platform for optimizations
   301  such as bounds check elimination.
   302  The new back end reduces the CPU time required by
   303  <a href="">our benchmark programs</a> by 20-30%
   304  on 32-bit ARM systems. For 64-bit x86 systems, which already used the SSA back end in
   305  Go 1.7, the gains are a more modest 0-10%. Other architectures will likely
   306  see improvements closer to the 32-bit ARM numbers.
   307  </p>
   309  <p>
   310    The temporary <code>-ssa=0</code> compiler flag introduced in Go 1.7
   311    to disable the new back end has been removed in Go 1.8.
   312  </p>
   314  <p>
   315    In addition to enabling the new compiler back end for all systems,
   316    Go 1.8 also introduces a new compiler front end. The new compiler
   317    front end should not be noticeable to users but is the foundation for
   318    future performance work.
   319  </p>
   321  <p>
   322    The compiler and linker have been optimized and run faster in this
   323    release than in Go 1.7, although they are still slower than we would
   324    like and will continue to be optimized in future releases.
   325    Compared to the previous release, Go 1.8 is
   326    <a href="">about 15% faster</a>.
   327  </p>
   329  <h3 id="cmd_cgo">Cgo</h3>
   331  <p> <!-- CL 31141 -->
   332  The Go tool now remembers the value of the <code>CGO_ENABLED</code> environment
   333  variable set during <code>make.bash</code> and applies it to all future compilations
   334  by default to fix issue <a href="">#12808</a>.
   335  When doing native compilation, it is rarely necessary to explicitly set
   336  the <code>CGO_ENABLED</code> environment variable as <code>make.bash</code>
   337  will detect the correct setting automatically. The main reason to explicitly
   338  set the <code>CGO_ENABLED</code> environment variable is when your environment
   339  supports cgo, but you explicitly do not want cgo support, in which case, set
   340  <code>CGO_ENABLED=0</code> during <code>make.bash</code> or <code>all.bash</code>.
   341  </p>
   343  <p> <!-- CL 29991 -->
   344  The environment variable <code>PKG_CONFIG</code> may now be used to
   345  set the program to run to handle <code>#cgo</code> <code>pkg-config</code>
   346  directives.  The default is <code>pkg-config</code>, the program
   347  always used by earlier releases.  This is intended to make it easier
   348  to cross-compile
   349  <a href="/cmd/cgo/">cgo</a> code.
   350  </p>
   352  <p> <!-- CL 32354 -->
   353  The <a href="/cmd/cgo/">cgo</a> tool now supports a <code>-srcdir</code>
   354  option, which is used by the <a href="/cmd/go/">go</a> command.
   355  </p>
   357  <p> <!-- CL 31768, 31811 -->
   358  If <a href="/cmd/cgo/">cgo</a> code calls <code>C.malloc</code>, and
   359  <code>malloc</code> returns <code>NULL</code>, the program will now
   360  crash with an out of memory error.
   361  <code>C.malloc</code> will never return <code>nil</code>.
   362  Unlike most C functions, <code>C.malloc</code> may not be used in a
   363  two-result form returning an errno value.
   364  </p>
   366  <p> <!-- CL 33237 -->
   367  If <a href="/cmd/cgo/">cgo</a> is used to call a C function passing a
   368  pointer to a C union, and if the C union can contain any pointer
   369  values, and if <a href="/cmd/cgo/#hdr-Passing_pointers">cgo pointer
   370  checking</a> is enabled (as it is by default), the union value is now
   371  checked for Go pointers.
   372  </p>
   374  <h3 id="gccgo">Gccgo</h3>
   376  <p>
   377  Due to the alignment of Go's semiannual release schedule with GCC's
   378  annual release schedule,
   379  GCC release 6 contains the Go 1.6.1 version of gccgo.
   380  We expect that the next release, GCC 7, will contain the Go 1.8
   381  version of gccgo.
   382  </p>
   384  <h3 id="gopath">Default GOPATH</h3>
   386  <p>
   387    The
   388    <a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-GOPATH_environment_variable"><code>GOPATH</code>
   389    environment variable</a> now has a default value if it
   390    is unset. It defaults to
   391    <code>$HOME/go</code> on Unix and
   392    <code>%USERPROFILE%/go</code> on Windows.
   393  </p>
   395  <h3 id="go_get">Go get</h3>
   397  <p> <!-- CL 34818 -->
   398    The “<code>go</code> <code>get</code>” command now always respects
   399    HTTP proxy environment variables, regardless of whether
   400    the <code style='white-space:nowrap'>-insecure</code> flag is used. In previous releases, the
   401    <code style='white-space:nowrap'>-insecure</code> flag had the side effect of not using proxies.
   402  </p>
   404  <h3 id="go_bug">Go bug</h3>
   406  <p>
   407    The new
   408    “<a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Print_information_for_bug_reports"><code>go</code> <code>bug</code></a>”
   409    command starts a bug report on GitHub, prefilled
   410    with information about the current system.
   411  </p>
   413  <h3 id="cmd_doc">Go doc</h3>
   415  <p> <!-- CL 25419 -->
   416    The
   417    “<a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Show_documentation_for_package_or_symbol"><code>go</code> <code>doc</code></a>”
   418    command now groups constants and variables with their type,
   419    following the behavior of
   420    <a href="/cmd/godoc/"><code>godoc</code></a>.
   421  </p>
   423  <p> <!-- CL 25420 -->
   424    In order to improve the readability of <code>doc</code>'s
   425    output, each summary of the first-level items is guaranteed to
   426    occupy a single line.
   427  </p>
   429  <p> <!-- CL 31852 -->
   430    Documentation for a specific method in an interface definition can
   431    now be requested, as in
   432    “<code>go</code> <code>doc</code> <code>net.Conn.SetDeadline</code>”.
   433  </p>
   435  <h3 id="plugin">Plugins</h3>
   437  <p>
   438    Go now provides early support for plugins with a “<code>plugin</code>”
   439    build mode for generating plugins written in Go, and a
   440    new <a href="/pkg/plugin/"><code>plugin</code></a> package for
   441    loading such plugins at run time. Plugin support is currently only
   442    available on Linux. Please report any issues.
   443  </p>
   445  <h2 id="runtime">Runtime</h2>
   447  <h3 id="liveness">Argument Liveness</h3>
   449  <p>
   450    <!-- Issue 15843 --> The garbage collector no longer considers
   451    arguments live throughout the entirety of a function. For more
   452    information, and for how to force a variable to remain live, see
   453    the <a href="/pkg/runtime/#KeepAlive"><code>runtime.KeepAlive</code></a>
   454    function added in Go 1.7.
   455  </p>
   457  <p>
   458    <i>Updating:</i>
   459    Code that sets a finalizer on an allocated object may need to add
   460    calls to <code>runtime.KeepAlive</code> in functions or methods
   461    using that object.
   462    Read the
   463    <a href="/pkg/runtime/#KeepAlive"><code>KeepAlive</code>
   464    documentation</a> and its example for more details.
   465  </p>
   467  <h3 id="mapiter">Concurrent Map Misuse</h3>
   469  <p>
   470  In Go 1.6, the runtime
   471  <a href="/doc/go1.6#runtime">added lightweight,
   472  best-effort detection of concurrent misuse of maps</a>. This release
   473  improves that detector with support for detecting programs that
   474  concurrently write to and iterate over a map.
   475  </p>
   476  <p>
   477  As always, if one goroutine is writing to a map, no other goroutine should be
   478  reading (which includes iterating) or writing the map concurrently.
   479  If the runtime detects this condition, it prints a diagnosis and crashes the program.
   480  The best way to find out more about the problem is to run the program
   481  under the
   482  <a href="">race detector</a>,
   483  which will more reliably identify the race
   484  and give more detail.
   485  </p>
   487  <h3 id="memstats">MemStats Documentation</h3>
   489  <p> <!-- CL 28972 -->
   490    The <a href="/pkg/runtime/#MemStats"><code>runtime.MemStats</code></a>
   491    type has been more thoroughly documented.
   492  </p>
   494  <h2 id="performance">Performance</h2>
   496  <p>
   497  As always, the changes are so general and varied that precise statements
   498  about performance are difficult to make.
   499  Most programs should run a bit faster,
   500  due to speedups in the garbage collector and
   501  optimizations in the standard library.
   502  </p>
   504  <p>
   505  There have been optimizations to implementations in the
   506  <a href="/pkg/bytes/"><code>bytes</code></a>,
   507  <a href="/pkg/crypto/aes/"><code>crypto/aes</code></a>,
   508  <a href="/pkg/crypto/cipher/"><code>crypto/cipher</code></a>,
   509  <a href="/pkg/crypto/elliptic/"><code>crypto/elliptic</code></a>,
   510  <a href="/pkg/crypto/sha256/"><code>crypto/sha256</code></a>,
   511  <a href="/pkg/crypto/sha512/"><code>crypto/sha512</code></a>,
   512  <a href="/pkg/encoding/asn1/"><code>encoding/asn1</code></a>,
   513  <a href="/pkg/encoding/csv/"><code>encoding/csv</code></a>,
   514  <a href="/pkg/encoding/hex/"><code>encoding/hex</code></a>,
   515  <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/"><code>encoding/json</code></a>,
   516  <a href="/pkg/hash/crc32/"><code>hash/crc32</code></a>,
   517  <a href="/pkg/image/color/"><code>image/color</code></a>,
   518  <a href="/pkg/image/draw/"><code>image/draw</code></a>,
   519  <a href="/pkg/math/"><code>math</code></a>,
   520  <a href="/pkg/math/big/"><code>math/big</code></a>,
   521  <a href="/pkg/reflect/"><code>reflect</code></a>,
   522  <a href="/pkg/regexp/"><code>regexp</code></a>,
   523  <a href="/pkg/runtime/"><code>runtime</code></a>,
   524  <a href="/pkg/strconv/"><code>strconv</code></a>,
   525  <a href="/pkg/strings/"><code>strings</code></a>,
   526  <a href="/pkg/syscall/"><code>syscall</code></a>,
   527  <a href="/pkg/text/template/"><code>text/template</code></a>, and
   528  <a href="/pkg/unicode/utf8/"><code>unicode/utf8</code></a>
   529  packages.
   530  </p>
   532  <h3 id="gc">Garbage Collector</h3>
   534  <p>
   535    Garbage collection pauses should be significantly shorter than they
   536    were in Go 1.7, usually under 100 microseconds and often as low as
   537    10 microseconds.
   538    See the
   539    <a href=""
   540       >document on eliminating stop-the-world stack re-scanning</a>
   541    for details.  More work remains for Go 1.9.
   542  </p>
   544  <h3 id="defer">Defer</h3>
   546  <!-- CL 29656, CL 29656 -->
   547  <p>
   548    The overhead of <a href="/ref/spec/#Defer_statements">deferred
   549    function calls</a> has been reduced by about half.
   550  </p>
   552  <h3 id="cgoperf">Cgo</h3>
   554  <p>The overhead of calls from Go into C has been reduced by about half.</p>
   556  <h2 id="library">Standard library</h2>
   558  <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
   560  <p>
   561  Examples have been added to the documentation across many packages.
   562  </p>
   564  <h3 id="sort_slice">Sort</h3>
   566  <p>
   567  The <a href="/pkg/sort/">sort</a> package
   568  now includes a convenience function
   569  <a href="/pkg/sort/#Slice"><code>Slice</code></a> to sort a
   570  slice given a <em>less</em> function.
   572  In many cases this means that writing a new sorter type is not
   573  necessary.
   574  </p>
   576  <p>
   577  Also new are
   578  <a href="/pkg/sort/#SliceStable"><code>SliceStable</code></a> and
   579  <a href="/pkg/sort/#SliceIsSorted"><code>SliceIsSorted</code></a>.
   580  </p>
   582  <h3 id="h2push">HTTP/2 Push</h3>
   584  <p>
   585  The <a href="/pkg/net/http/">net/http</a> package now includes a
   586  mechanism to
   587  send HTTP/2 server pushes from a
   588  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Handler"><code>Handler</code></a>.
   589  Similar to the existing <code>Flusher</code> and <code>Hijacker</code>
   590  interfaces, an HTTP/2
   591  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#ResponseWriter"><code>ResponseWriter</code></a>
   592  now implements the new
   593  <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Pusher"><code>Pusher</code></a> interface.
   594  </p>
   596  <h3 id="http_shutdown">HTTP Server Graceful Shutdown</h3>
   598  <p> <!-- CL 32329 -->
   599    The HTTP Server now has support for graceful shutdown using the new
   600    <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Server.Shutdown"><code>Server.Shutdown</code></a>
   601    method and abrupt shutdown using the new
   602    <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Server.Close"><code>Server.Close</code></a>
   603    method.
   604  </p>
   606  <h3 id="more_context">More Context Support</h3>
   608  <p>
   609    Continuing <a href="/doc/go1.7#context">Go 1.7's adoption</a>
   610    of <a href="/pkg/context/#Context"><code>context.Context</code></a>
   611    into the standard library, Go 1.8 adds more context support
   612    to existing packages:
   613  </p>
   615  <ul>
   616    <li>The new <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Server.Shutdown"><code>Server.Shutdown</code></a>
   617      takes a context argument.</li>
   618    <li>There have been <a href="#database_sql">significant additions</a> to the
   619      <a href="/pkg/database/sql/">database/sql</a> package with context support.</li>
   620    <li>All nine of the new <code>Lookup</code> methods on the new
   621      <a href="/pkg/net/#Resolver"><code>net.Resolver</code></a> now
   622      take a context.</li>
   623    </ul>
   625  <h3 id="mutex_prof">Mutex Contention Profiling</h3>
   627  <p>
   628    The runtime and tools now support profiling contended mutexes.
   629  </p>
   631  <p>
   632    Most users will want to use the new <code>-mutexprofile</code>
   633    flag with “<a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Description_of_testing_flags"><code>go</code> <code>test</code></a>”,
   634    and then use <a href="/cmd/pprof/">pprof</a> on the resultant file.
   635  </p>
   637  <p>
   638    Lower-level support is also available via the new
   639    <a href="/pkg/runtime/#MutexProfile"><code>MutexProfile</code></a>
   640    and
   641    <a href="/pkg/runtime/#SetMutexProfileFraction"><code>SetMutexProfileFraction</code></a>.
   642  </p>
   644  <p>
   645    A known limitation for Go 1.8 is that the profile only reports contention for
   646    <a href="/pkg/sync/#Mutex"><code>sync.Mutex</code></a>,
   647    not 
   648    <a href="/pkg/sync/#RWMutex"><code>sync.RWMutex</code></a>.
   649  </p>
   651  <h3 id="minor_library_changes">Minor changes to the library</h3>
   653  <p>
   654  As always, there are various minor changes and updates to the library,
   655  made with the Go 1 <a href="/doc/go1compat">promise of compatibility</a>
   656  in mind. The following sections list the user visible changes and additions.
   657  Optimizations and minor bug fixes are not listed.
   658  </p>
   660  <dl id="archive_tar"><dt><a href="/pkg/archive/tar/">archive/tar</a></dt>
   661    <dd>
   663      <p> <!-- CL 28471, CL 31440, CL 31441, CL 31444, CL 28418, CL 31439 -->
   664        The tar implementation corrects many bugs in corner cases of the file format.
   665        The <a href="/pkg/archive/tar/#Reader"><code>Reader</code></a>
   666        is now able to process tar files in the PAX format with entries larger than 8GB.
   667        The <a href="/pkg/archive/tar/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a>
   668        no longer produces invalid tar files in some situations involving long pathnames.
   669      </p>
   671    </dd>
   672  </dl>
   674  <dl id="compress_flate"><dt><a href="/pkg/compress/flate/">compress/flate</a></dt>
   675    <dd>
   677      <p> <!-- CL 31640, CL 31174, CL 32149 -->
   678        There have been some minor fixes to the encoder to improve the
   679        compression ratio in certain situations. As a result, the exact
   680        encoded output of <code>DEFLATE</code> may be different from Go 1.7. Since
   681        <code>DEFLATE</code> is the underlying compression of gzip, png, zlib, and zip,
   682        those formats may have changed outputs.
   683      </p>
   685      <p> <!-- CL 31174 -->
   686        The encoder, when operating in
   687        <a href="/pkg/compress/flate/#NoCompression"><code>NoCompression</code></a>
   688        mode, now produces a consistent output that is not dependent on
   689        the size of the slices passed to the
   690        <a href="/pkg/compress/flate/#Writer.Write"><code>Write</code></a>
   691        method.
   692      </p>
   694      <p> <!-- CL 28216 -->
   695        The decoder, upon encountering an error, now returns any
   696        buffered data it had uncompressed along with the error.
   697      </p>
   699    </dd>
   700  </dl>
   703  <dl id="compress_gzip"><dt><a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/">compress/gzip</a></dt>
   704    <dd>
   706      <p>
   707        The <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a>
   708        now encodes a zero <code>MTIME</code> field when
   709        the <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/#Header"><code>Header.ModTime</code></a>
   710        field is the zero value.
   712        In previous releases of Go, the <code>Writer</code> would encode
   713        a nonsensical value.
   715        Similarly,
   716        the <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/#Reader"><code>Reader</code></a>
   717        now reports a zero encoded <code>MTIME</code> field as a zero
   718        <code>Header.ModTime</code>.
   719      </p>
   721    </dd>
   722  </dl>
   724  <dl id="context"><dt><a href="/pkg/context/">context</a></dt>
   725    <dd>
   726      <p> <!-- CL 30370 -->
   727        The <a href="/pkg/context#DeadlineExceeded"><code>DeadlineExceeded</code></a>
   728        error now implements
   729        <a href="/pkg/net/#Error"><code>net.Error</code></a>
   730        and reports true for both the <code>Timeout</code> and
   731        <code>Temporary</code> methods.
   732      </p>
   733    </dd>
   734  </dl>
   736  <dl id="crypto_tls"><dt><a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/">crypto/tls</a></dt>
   737    <dd>
   738      <p> <!-- CL 25159, CL 31318 -->
   739        The new method
   740        <a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#Conn.CloseWrite"><code>Conn.CloseWrite</code></a>
   741        allows TLS connections to be half closed.
   742      </p>
   744      <p> <!-- CL 28075 -->
   745        The new method
   746        <a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#Config.Clone"><code>Config.Clone</code></a>
   747        clones a TLS configuration.
   748      </p>
   750      <p>
   751        <!-- CL 30790 -->
   752        The new <a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#Config.GetConfigForClient"><code>Config.GetConfigForClient</code></a>
   753        callback allows selecting a configuration for a client dynamically, based
   754        on the client's
   755        <a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#ClientHelloInfo"><code>ClientHelloInfo</code></a>.
   757        <!-- CL 31391, CL 32119 -->
   758        The <a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#ClientHelloInfo"><code>ClientHelloInfo</code></a>
   759        struct now has new
   760        fields <code>Conn</code>, <code>SignatureSchemes</code> (using
   761        the new
   762        type <a href="/kg/crypto/tls/#SignatureScheme"><code>SignatureScheme</code></a>),
   763        <code>SupportedProtos</code>, and <code>SupportedVersions</code>.
   764      </p>
   766      <p> <!-- CL 32115 -->
   767        The new <a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#Config.GetClientCertificate"><code>Config.GetClientCertificate</code></a>
   768        callback allows selecting a client certificate based on the server's
   769        TLS <code>CertificateRequest</code> message, represented by the new
   770        <a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#CertificateRequestInfo"><code>CertificateRequestInfo</code></a>.
   771      </p>
   773      <p> <!-- CL 27434 -->
   774        The new
   775        <a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#Config.KeyLogWriter"><code>Config.KeyLogWriter</code></a>
   776        allows debugging TLS connections
   777        in <a href="">WireShark</a> and
   778        similar tools.
   779      </p>
   781      <p> <!-- CL 32115 -->
   782        The new
   783        <a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#Config.VerifyPeerCertificate"><code>Config.VerifyPeerCertificate</code></a>
   784        callback allows additional validation of a peer's presented certificate.
   785      </p>
   787      <p> <!-- CL 18130 -->
   788        The <code>crypto/tls</code> package now implements basic
   789        countermeasures against CBC padding oracles. There should be
   790        no explicit secret-dependent timings, but it does not attempt to
   791        normalize memory accesses to prevent cache timing leaks.
   792      </p>
   794      <p>
   795        The <code>crypto/tls</code> package now supports
   796        X25519 and <!-- CL 30824, CL 30825 -->
   797        ChaCha20-Poly1305.  <!-- CL 30957, CL 30958 -->
   798        ChaCha20-Poly1305 is now prioritized unless <!-- CL 32871 -->
   799        hardware support for AES-GCM is present.
   800      </p>
   802      <p> <!-- CL 27315, CL 35290 -->
   803        AES-128-CBC cipher suites with SHA-256 are also
   804        now supported, but disabled by default.
   805      </p>
   807    </dd>
   808  </dl>
   810  <dl id="crypto_x509"><dt><a href="/pkg/crypto/x509/">crypto/x509</a></dt>
   811    <dd>
   812      <p> <!-- CL 24743 -->
   813        PSS signatures are now supported.
   814      </p>
   816      <p> <!-- CL 32644 -->
   817        <a href="/pkg/crypto/x509/#UnknownAuthorityError"><code>UnknownAuthorityError</code></a>
   818        now has a <code>Cert</code> field, reporting the untrusted
   819        certificate.
   820      </p>
   822      <p>
   823        Certificate validation is more permissive in a few cases and
   824        stricter in a few other cases.
   825      <!--
   826  crypto/x509: allow a leaf certificate to be specified directly as root (CL 27393)
   827  crypto/x509: check that the issuer name matches the issuer's subject name (CL 23571)
   828  crypto/x509: don't accept a root that already appears in a chain. (CL 32121)
   829  crypto/x509: fix name constraints handling (CL 30155)
   830  crypto/x509: parse all names in an RDN (CL 30810)
   831  crypto/x509: recognise ISO OID for RSA+SHA1 (CL 27394)
   832  crypto/x509: require a NULL parameters for RSA public keys (CL 16166, CL 27312)
   833  crypto/x509: return error for missing SerialNumber (CL 27238)
   834  -->
   835      </p>
   837      <p><!-- CL 30375 -->
   838        Root certificates will now also be looked for
   839        at <code>/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem</code>
   840        on Linux, to support RHEL and CentOS.
   841      </p>
   843    </dd>
   844  </dl>
   846  <dl id="database_sql"><dt><a href="/pkg/database/sql/">database/sql</a></dt>
   847    <dd>
   848      <p>
   849        The package now supports <code>context.Context</code>. There are new methods
   850        ending in <code>Context</code> such as
   851        <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#DB.QueryContext"><code>DB.QueryContext</code></a> and
   852        <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#DB.PrepareContext"><code>DB.PrepareContext</code></a>
   853        that take context arguments. Using the new <code>Context</code> methods ensures that
   854        connections are closed and returned to the connection pool when the
   855        request is done; enables canceling in-progress queries
   856        should the driver support that; and allows the database
   857        pool to cancel waiting for the next available connection.
   858      </p>
   859      <p>
   860        The <a href="/pkg/database/sql#IsolationLevel"><code>IsolationLevel</code></a>
   861        can now be set when starting a transaction by setting the isolation level
   862        on <a href="/pkg/database/sql#TxOptions.Isolation"><code>TxOptions.Isolation</code></a> and passing
   863        it to <a href="/pkg/database/sql#DB.BeginTx"><code>DB.BeginTx</code></a>.
   864        An error will be returned if an isolation level is selected that the driver
   865        does not support. A read-only attribute may also be set on the transaction
   866        by setting <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#TxOptions.ReadOnly"><code>TxOptions.ReadOnly</code></a>
   867        to true.
   868      </p>
   869      <p>
   870        Queries now expose the SQL column type information for drivers that support it.
   871        Rows can return <a href="/pkg/database/sql#Rows.ColumnTypes"><code>ColumnTypes</code></a>
   872        which can include SQL type information, column type lengths, and the Go type.
   873      </p>
   874      <p>
   875        A <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#Rows"><code>Rows</code></a>
   876        can now represent multiple result sets. After
   877        <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#Rows.Next"><code>Rows.Next</code></a> returns false,
   878        <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#Rows.NextResultSet"><code>Rows.NextResultSet</code></a>
   879        may be called to advance to the next result set. The existing <code>Rows</code>
   880        should continue to be used after it advances to the next result set.
   881        </p>
   882      <p>
   883        <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#NamedArg"><code>NamedArg</code></a> may be used
   884        as query arguments. The new function <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#Named"><code>Named</code></a>
   885        helps create a <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#NamedArg"><code>NamedArg</code></a>
   886        more succinctly.
   887      <p>
   888        If a driver supports the new
   889        <a href="/pkg/database/sql/driver/#Pinger"><code>Pinger</code></a>
   890        interface, the
   891        <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#DB.Ping"><code>DB.Ping</code></a>
   892        and
   893        <a href="/pkg/database/sql/#DB.PingContext"><code>DB.PingContext</code></a>
   894        methods will use that interface to check whether a
   895        database connection is still valid.
   896      </p>
   897      <p>
   898        The new <code>Context</code> query methods work for all drivers, but
   899        <code>Context</code> cancelation is not responsive unless the driver has been
   900        updated to use them. The other features require driver support in
   901        <a href="/pkg/database/sql/driver"><code>database/sql/driver</code></a>.
   902        Driver authors should review the new interfaces. Users of existing
   903        driver should review the driver documentation to see what
   904        it supports and any system specific documentation on each feature.
   905      </p>
   906    </dd>
   907  </dl>
   909  <dl id="debug_pe"><dt><a href="/pkg/debug/pe/">debug/pe</a></dt>
   910    <dd>
   911      <p> <!-- CL 22720, CL 27212, CL 22181, CL 22332, CL 22336, Issue 15345 -->
   912        The package has been extended and is now used by
   913        <a href="/cmd/link/">the Go linker</a> to read <code>gcc</code>-generated object files.
   914        The new
   915        <a href="/pkg/debug/pe/#File.StringTable"><code>File.StringTable</code></a>
   916        and
   917        <a href="/pkg/debug/pe/#Section.Relocs"><code>Section.Relocs</code></a>
   918        fields provide access to the COFF string table and COFF relocations.
   919        The new
   920        <a href="/pkg/debug/pe/#File.COFFSymbols"><code>File.COFFSymbols</code></a>
   921        allows low-level access to the COFF symbol table.
   922        </p>
   923    </dd>
   924  </dl>
   926  <dl id="encoding_base64"><dt><a href="/pkg/encoding/base64/">encoding/base64</a></dt>
   927    <dd>
   928      <p> <!-- CL 24964 -->
   929        The new
   930        <a href="/pkg/encoding/base64/#Encoding.Strict"><code>Encoding.Strict</code></a>
   931        method returns an <code>Encoding</code> that causes the decoder
   932        to return an error when the trailing padding bits are not zero.
   933      </p>
   934    </dd>
   935  </dl>
   937  <dl id="encoding_binary"><dt><a href="/pkg/encoding/binary/">encoding/binary</a></dt>
   938    <dd>
   939      <p> <!-- CL 28514 -->
   940        <a href="/pkg/encoding/binary/#Read"><code>Read</code></a>
   941        and
   942        <a href="/pkg/encoding/binary/#Write"><code>Write</code></a>
   943        now support booleans.
   944      </p>
   945    </dd>
   946  </dl>
   948  <dl id="encoding_json"><dt><a href="/pkg/encoding/json/">encoding/json</a></dt>
   949    <dd>
   951      <p> <!-- CL 18692  -->
   952        <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#UnmarshalTypeError"><code>UnmarshalTypeError</code></a>
   953        now includes the struct and field name.
   954      </p>
   956      <p> <!-- CL 31932 -->
   957        A nil <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Marshaler"><code>Marshaler</code></a>
   958        now marshals as a JSON <code>null</code> value.
   959      </p>
   961      <p> <!-- CL 21811 -->
   962        A <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#RawMessage"><code>RawMessage</code></a> value now
   963        marshals the same as its pointer type.
   964      </p>
   966      <p> <!-- CL 30371 -->
   967        <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Marshal"><code>Marshal</code></a>
   968        encodes floating-point numbers using the same format as in ES6,
   969        preferring decimal (not exponential) notation for a wider range of values.
   970        In particular, all floating-point integers up to 2<sup>64</sup> format the
   971        same as the equivalent <code>int64</code> representation.
   972      </p>
   974      <p> <!-- CL 30944 -->
   975        In previous versions of Go, unmarshaling a JSON <code>null</code> into an
   976        <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Unmarshaler"><code>Unmarshaler</code></a>
   977        was considered a no-op; now the <code>Unmarshaler</code>'s
   978        <code>UnmarshalJSON</code> method is called with the JSON literal
   979        <code>null</code> and can define the semantics of that case.
   980      </p>
   982    </dd>
   983  </dl>
   985  <dl id="encoding_pem"><dt><a href="/pkg/encoding/pem/">encoding/pem</a></dt>
   986    <dd>
   987      <p> <!-- CL 27391 -->
   988        <a href="/pkg/encoding/pem/#Decode"><code>Decode</code></a>
   989        is now strict about the format of the ending line.
   990      </p>
   991    </dd>
   992  </dl>
   994  <dl id="encoding_xml"><dt><a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/">encoding/xml</a></dt>
   995    <dd>
   996      <p> <!-- CL 30946 -->
   997        <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#Unmarshal"><code>Unmarshal</code></a>
   998        now has wildcard support for collecting all attributes using
   999        the new <code>",any,attr"</code> struct tag.
  1000      </p>
  1001    </dd>
  1002  </dl>
  1004  <dl id="expvar"><dt><a href="/pkg/expvar/">expvar</a></dt>
  1005    <dd>
  1006      <p> <!-- CL 30917 -->
  1007        The new methods
  1008        <a href="/pkg/expvar/#Int.Value"><code>Int.Value</code></a>,
  1009        <a href="/pkg/expvar/#String.Value"><code>String.Value</code></a>,
  1010        <a href="/pkg/expvar/#Float.Value"><code>Float.Value</code></a>, and
  1011        <a href="/pkg/expvar/#Func.Value"><code>Func.Value</code></a>
  1012        report the current value of an exported variable.
  1013      </p>
  1015      <p> <!-- CL 24722 -->
  1016        The new
  1017        function <a href="/pkg/expvar/#Handler"><code>Handler</code></a>
  1018        returns the package's HTTP handler, to enable installing it in
  1019        non-standard locations.
  1020        </p>
  1021    </dd>
  1022  </dl>
  1024  <dl id="fmt"><dt><a href="/pkg/fmt/">fmt</a></dt>
  1025    <dd>
  1026      <p><!-- CL 30611 -->
  1027        <a href="/pkg/fmt/#Scanf"><code>Scanf</code></a>,
  1028        <a href="/pkg/fmt/#Fscanf"><code>Fscanf</code></a>, and
  1029        <a href="/pkg/fmt/#Sscanf"><code>Sscanf</code></a> now
  1030        handle spaces differently and more consistently than
  1031        previous releases. See the
  1032        <a href="/pkg/fmt/#hdr-Scanning">scanning documentation</a>
  1033        for details.
  1034      </p>
  1035    </dd>
  1036  </dl>
  1038  <dl id="go_doc"><dt><a href="/pkg/go/doc/">go/doc</a></dt>
  1039    <dd>
  1040      <p><!-- CL 29870 -->
  1041        The new <a href="/pkg/go/doc/#IsPredeclared"><code>IsPredeclared</code></a>
  1042        function reports whether a string is a predeclared identifier.
  1043      </p>
  1044    </dd>
  1045  </dl>
  1047  <dl id="go_types"><dt><a href="/pkg/go/types/">go/types</a></dt>
  1048    <dd>
  1049      <p><!-- CL 30715 -->
  1050        The new function
  1051        <a href="/pkg/go/types/#Default"><code>Default</code></a>
  1052        returns the default "typed" type for an "untyped" type.
  1053      </p>
  1055      <p><!-- CL 31939 -->
  1056        The alignment of <code>complex64</code> now matches
  1057        the <a href="/cmd/compile/">Go compiler</a>.
  1058      </p>
  1059    </dd>
  1060  </dl>
  1062  <dl id="html_template"><dt><a href="/pkg/html/template/">html/template</a></dt>
  1063    <dd>
  1064      <p><!-- CL 14336 -->
  1065        The package now validates
  1066        the <code>"type"</code> attribute on
  1067        a <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tag.
  1068      </p>
  1069    </dd>
  1070  </dl>
  1072  <dl id="image_png"><dt><a href="/pkg/image/png/">image/png</a></dt>
  1073    <dd>
  1074      <p> <!-- CL 32143, CL 32140 -->
  1075        <a href="/pkg/image/png/#Decode"><code>Decode</code></a>
  1076        (and <code>DecodeConfig</code>)
  1077        now supports True Color and grayscale transparency.
  1078      </p>
  1079      <p> <!-- CL 29872 -->
  1080        <a href="/pkg/image/png/#Encoder"><code>Encoder</code></a>
  1081        is now faster and creates smaller output
  1082        when encoding paletted images.
  1083        </p>
  1084    </dd>
  1085  </dl>
  1087  <dl id="math_big"><dt><a href="/pkg/math/big/">math/big</a></dt>
  1088    <dd>
  1089      <p><!-- CL 30706 -->
  1090        The new method
  1091        <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int.Sqrt"><code>Int.Sqrt</code></a>
  1092        calculates ⌊√x⌋.
  1093      </p>
  1095      <p>
  1096        The new method
  1097        <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Float.Scan"><code>Float.Scan</code></a>
  1098        is a support routine for
  1099        <a href="/pkg/fmt/#Scanner"><code>fmt.Scanner</code></a>.
  1100      </p>
  1102      <p>
  1103        <a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int.ModInverse"><code>Int.ModInverse</code></a>
  1104        now supports negative numbers.
  1105      </p>
  1107    </dd>
  1108  </dl>
  1110  <dl id="math_rand"><dt><a href="/pkg/math/rand/">math/rand</a></dt>
  1111    <dd>
  1113      <p><!-- CL 27253, CL 33456 -->
  1114        The new <a href="/pkg/math/rand/#Rand.Uint64"><code>Rand.Uint64</code></a>
  1115        method returns <code>uint64</code> values. The
  1116        new <a href="/pkg/math/rand/#Source64"><code>Source64</code></a>
  1117        interface describes sources capable of generating such values
  1118        directly; otherwise the <code>Rand.Uint64</code> method
  1119        constructs a <code>uint64</code> from two calls
  1120        to <a href="/pkg/math/rand/#Source"><code>Source</code></a>'s
  1121        <code>Int63</code> method.
  1122      </p>
  1124    </dd>
  1125  </dl>
  1127  <dl id="mime"><dt><a href="/pkg/mime/">mime</a></dt>
  1128    <dd>
  1129      <p> <!-- CL 32175 -->
  1130      <a href="/pkg/mime/#ParseMediaType"><code>ParseMediaType</code></a>
  1131      now preserves unnecessary backslash escapes as literals,
  1132      in order to support MSIE.
  1133      When MSIE sends a full file path (in “intranet mode”), it does not
  1134      escape backslashes: “<code>C:\dev\go\foo.txt</code>”, not
  1135      “<code>C:\\dev\\go\\foo.txt</code>”.
  1136      If we see an unnecessary backslash escape, we now assume it is from MSIE
  1137      and intended as a literal backslash.
  1138      No known MIME generators emit unnecessary backslash escapes
  1139      for simple token characters like numbers and letters.
  1140      </p>
  1141    </dd>
  1142  </dl>
  1144  <dl id="mime_quotedprintable"><dt><a href="/pkg/mime/quotedprintable/">mime/quotedprintable</a></dt>
  1145    <dd>
  1147      <p>
  1148        The
  1149        <a href="/pkg/mime/quotedprintable/#Reader"><code>Reader</code></a>'s
  1150        parsing has been relaxed in two ways to accept
  1151        more input seen in the wild.
  1153        <!-- CL 32174 -->
  1154        First, it accepts an equals sign (<code>=</code>) not followed
  1155        by two hex digits as a literal equal sign.
  1157        <!-- CL 27530 -->
  1158        Second, it silently ignores a trailing equals sign at the end of
  1159        an encoded input.
  1160      </p>
  1162    </dd>
  1163  </dl>
  1165  <dl id="net"><dt><a href="/pkg/net/">net</a></dt>
  1166    <dd>
  1168      <p><!-- CL 30164, CL 33473 -->
  1169        The <a href="/pkg/net/#Conn"><code>Conn</code></a> documentation
  1170        has been updated to clarify expectations of an interface
  1171        implementation. Updates in the <code>net/http</code> packages
  1172        depend on implementations obeying the documentation.
  1173      </p>
  1174      <p><i>Updating:</i> implementations of the <code>Conn</code> interface should verify
  1175        they implement the documented semantics. The
  1176        <a href=""></a>
  1177        package will exercise a <code>Conn</code> and validate it behaves properly.
  1178      </p>
  1180      <p><!-- CL 32099 -->
  1181        The new method
  1182        <a href="/pkg/net/#UnixListener.SetUnlinkOnClose"><code>UnixListener.SetUnlinkOnClose</code></a>
  1183        sets whether the underlying socket file should be removed from the file system when
  1184        the listener is closed.
  1185      </p>
  1187      <p><!-- CL 29951 -->
  1188        The new <a href="/pkg/net/#Buffers"><code>Buffers</code></a> type permits
  1189        writing to the network more efficiently from multiple discontiguous buffers
  1190        in memory. On certain machines, for certain types of connections,
  1191        this is optimized into an OS-specific batch write operation (such as <code>writev</code>).
  1192      </p>
  1194      <p><!-- CL 29440 -->
  1195        The new <a href="/pkg/net/#Resolver"><code>Resolver</code></a> looks up names and numbers
  1196        and supports <a href="/pkg/context/#Context"><code>context.Context</code></a>.
  1197        The <a href="/pkg/net/#Dialer"><code>Dialer</code></a> now has an optional
  1198        <a href="/pkg/net/#Dialer.Resolver"><code>Resolver</code> field</a>.
  1199      </p>
  1201      <p><!-- CL 29892 -->
  1202        <a href="/pkg/net/#Interfaces"><code>Interfaces</code></a> is now supported on Solaris.
  1203      </p>
  1205      <p><!-- CL 29233, CL 24901 -->
  1206        The Go DNS resolver now supports <code>resolv.conf</code>'s “<code>rotate</code>”
  1207        and “<code>option</code> <code>ndots:0</code>” options. The “<code>ndots</code>” option is
  1208        now respected in the same way as <code>libresolve</code>.
  1209      </p>
  1211    </dd>
  1212  </dl>
  1214  <dl id="net_http"><dt><a href="/pkg/net/http/">net/http</a></dt>
  1215    <dd>
  1217      <p>Server changes:</p>
  1218      <ul>
  1219        <li>The server now supports graceful shutdown support, <a href="#http_shutdown">mentioned above</a>.</li>
  1221        <li> <!-- CL 32024 -->
  1222          The <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Server"><code>Server</code></a>
  1223          adds configuration options
  1224          <code>ReadHeaderTimeout</code> and <code>IdleTimeout</code>
  1225          and documents <code>WriteTimeout</code>.
  1226        </li>
  1228        <li> <!-- CL 32014 -->
  1229          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#FileServer"><code>FileServer</code></a>
  1230          and
  1231          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#ServeContent"><code>ServeContent</code></a>
  1232          now support HTTP <code>If-Match</code> conditional requests,
  1233          in addition to the previous <code>If-None-Match</code>
  1234          support for ETags properly formatted according to RFC 7232, section 2.3.
  1235        </li>
  1236      </ul>
  1238      <p>
  1239        There are several additions to what a server's <code>Handler</code> can do:
  1240      </p>
  1242      <ul>
  1243        <li><!-- CL 31173 -->
  1244          The <a href="/pkg/context/#Context"><code>Context</code></a>
  1245          returned
  1246          by <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Request.Context"><code>Request.Context</code></a>
  1247          is canceled if the underlying <code>net.Conn</code>
  1248          closes. For instance, if the user closes their browser in the
  1249          middle of a slow request, the <code>Handler</code> can now
  1250          detect that the user is gone. This complements the
  1251          existing <a href="/pkg/net/http/#CloseNotifier"><code>CloseNotifier</code></a>
  1252          support. This functionality requires that the underlying
  1253          <a href="/pkg/net/#Conn"><code>net.Conn</code></a> implements
  1254          <a href="#net">recently clarified interface documentation</a>.
  1255        </li>
  1257        <li><!-- CL 32479 -->
  1258          To serve trailers produced after the header has already been written,
  1259          see the new
  1260          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#TrailerPrefix"><code>TrailerPrefix</code></a>
  1261          mechanism.
  1262        </li>
  1264        <li><!-- CL 33099 -->
  1265          A <code>Handler</code> can now abort a response by panicking
  1266          with the error
  1267          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#ErrAbortHandler"><code>ErrAbortHandler</code></a>.
  1268        </li>
  1270        <li><!-- CL 30812 -->
  1271          A <code>Write</code> of zero bytes to a
  1272          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#ResponseWriter"><code>ResponseWriter</code></a>
  1273          is now defined as a
  1274          way to test whether a <code>ResponseWriter</code> has been hijacked:
  1275          if so, the <code>Write</code> returns
  1276          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#ErrHijacked"><code>ErrHijacked</code></a>
  1277          without printing an error
  1278          to the server's error log.
  1279        </li>
  1281      </ul>
  1283      <p>Client &amp; Transport changes:</p>
  1284      <ul>
  1285        <li><!-- CL 28930, CL 31435 -->
  1286          The <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Client"><code>Client</code></a>
  1287          now copies most request headers on redirect. See
  1288          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Client">the documentation</a>
  1289          on the <code>Client</code> type for details.
  1290        </li>
  1292        <li><!-- CL 29072 -->
  1293          The <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Transport"><code>Transport</code></a>
  1294          now supports international domain names. Consequently, so do
  1295          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Get">Get</a> and other helpers.
  1296        </li>
  1298        <li><!-- CL 31733, CL 29852 -->
  1299          The <code>Client</code> now supports 301, 307, and 308 redirects.
  1301          For example, <code>Client.Post</code> now follows 301
  1302          redirects, converting them to <code>GET</code> requests
  1303          without bodies, like it did for 302 and 303 redirect responses
  1304          previously.
  1306          The <code>Client</code> now also follows 307 and 308
  1307          redirects, preserving the original request method and body, if
  1308          any. If the redirect requires resending the request body, the
  1309          request must have the new
  1310          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Request"><code>Request.GetBody</code></a>
  1311          field defined.
  1312          <a href="pkg/net/http/#NewRequest"><code>NewRequest</code></a>
  1313          sets <code>Request.GetBody</code> automatically for common
  1314          body types.
  1315        </li>
  1317        <li><!-- CL 32482 -->
  1318          The <code>Transport</code> now rejects requests for URLs with
  1319          ports containing non-digit characters.
  1320        </li>
  1322        <li><!-- CL 27117 -->
  1323          The <code>Transport</code> will now retry non-idempotent
  1324          requests if no bytes were written before a network failure
  1325          and the request has no body.
  1326        </li>
  1328        <li><!-- CL 32481 -->
  1329          The
  1330          new <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Transport"><code>Transport.ProxyConnectHeader</code></a>
  1331          allows configuration of header values to send to a proxy
  1332          during a <code>CONNECT</code> request.
  1333        </li>
  1335        <li> <!-- CL 28077 -->
  1336          The <a href="/pkg/net/http/#DefaultTransport"><code>DefaultTransport.Dialer</code></a>
  1337          now enables <code>DualStack</code> ("<a href="">Happy Eyeballs</a>") support,
  1338          allowing the use of IPv4 as a backup if it looks like IPv6 might be
  1339          failing.
  1340        </li>
  1342        <li> <!-- CL 31726 -->
  1343          The <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Transport"><code>Transport</code></a>
  1344          no longer reads a byte of a non-nil
  1345          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Request.Body"><code>Request.Body</code></a>
  1346          when the
  1347          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Request.ContentLength"><code>Request.ContentLength</code></a>
  1348          is zero to determine whether the <code>ContentLength</code>
  1349          is actually zero or just undefined.
  1350          To explicitly signal that a body has zero length,
  1351          either set it to <code>nil</code>, or set it to the new value
  1352          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#NoBody"><code>NoBody</code></a>.
  1353          The new <code>NoBody</code> value is intended for use by <code>Request</code>
  1354          constructor functions; it is used by
  1355          <a href="/pkg/net/http/#NewRequest"><code>NewRequest</code></a>.
  1356        </li>
  1357      </ul>
  1359    </dd>
  1360  </dl>
  1362  <dl id="net_http_httptrace"><dt><a href="/pkg/net/http/httptrace/">net/http/httptrace</a></dt>
  1363    <dd>
  1364      <p> <!-- CL 30359 -->
  1365      There is now support for tracing a client request's TLS handshakes with
  1366      the new
  1367      <a href="/pkg/net/http/httptrace/#ClientTrace.TLSHandshakeStart"><code>ClientTrace.TLSHandshakeStart</code></a>
  1368      and
  1369      <a href="/pkg/net/http/httptrace/#ClientTrace.TLSHandshakeDone"><code>ClientTrace.TLSHandshakeDone</code></a>.
  1370      </p>
  1371    </dd>
  1372  </dl>
  1374  <dl id="net_http_httputil"><dt><a href="/pkg/net/http/httputil/">net/http/httputil</a></dt>
  1375    <dd>
  1376      <p> <!-- CL 32356 -->
  1377      The <a href="/pkg/net/http/httputil/#ReverseProxy"><code>ReverseProxy</code></a>
  1378      has a new optional hook,
  1379      <a href="/pkg/net/http/httputil/#ReverseProxy.ModifyResponse"><code>ModifyResponse</code></a>,
  1380      for modifying the response from the back end before proxying it to the client.
  1381      </p>
  1383    </dd>
  1384  </dl>
  1386  <dl id="net_mail"><dt><a href="/pkg/net/mail/">net/mail</a></dt>
  1387    <dd>
  1389      <p> <!-- CL 32176 -->
  1390        Empty quoted strings are once again allowed in the name part of
  1391        an address. That is, Go 1.4 and earlier accepted
  1392        <code>""</code> <code>&lt;;</code>,
  1393        but Go 1.5 introduced a bug that rejected this address.
  1394        The address is recognized again.
  1395      </p>
  1397      <p> <!-- CL 31581 -->
  1398        The
  1399        <a href="/pkg/net/mail/#Header.Date"><code>Header.Date</code></a>
  1400        method has always provided a way to parse
  1401        the <code>Date:</code> header.
  1402        A new function
  1403        <a href="/pkg/net/mail/#ParseDate"><code>ParseDate</code></a>
  1404        allows parsing dates found in other
  1405        header lines, such as the <code>Resent-Date:</code> header.
  1406      </p>
  1408    </dd>
  1409  </dl>
  1411  <dl id="net_smtp"><dt><a href="/pkg/net/smtp/">net/smtp</a></dt>
  1412    <dd>
  1414      <p> <!-- CL 33143 -->
  1415        If an implementation of the
  1416        <a href="/pkg/net/smtp/#Auth"><code>Auth.Start</code></a>
  1417        method returns an empty <code>toServer</code> value,
  1418        the package no longer sends
  1419        trailing whitespace in the SMTP <code>AUTH</code> command,
  1420        which some servers rejected.
  1421      </p>
  1423    </dd>
  1424  </dl>
  1426  <dl id="net_url"><dt><a href="/pkg/net/url/">net/url</a></dt>
  1427    <dd>
  1429      <p> <!-- CL 31322 -->
  1430        The new functions
  1431        <a href="/pkg/net/url/#PathEscape"><code>PathEscape</code></a>
  1432        and
  1433        <a href="/pkg/net/url/#PathUnescape"><code>PathUnescape</code></a>
  1434        are similar to the query escaping and unescaping functions but
  1435        for path elements.
  1436      </p>
  1438      <p> <!-- CL 28933 -->
  1439        The new methods
  1440        <a href="/pkg/net/url/#URL.Hostname"><code>URL.Hostname</code></a>
  1441        and
  1442        <a href="/pkg/net/url/#URL.Port"><code>URL.Port</code></a>
  1443        return the hostname and port fields of a URL,
  1444        correctly handling the case where the port may not be present.
  1445      </p>
  1447      <p> <!-- CL 28343 -->
  1448        The existing method
  1449        <a href="/pkg/net/url/#URL.ResolveReference"><code>URL.ResolveReference</code></a>
  1450        now properly handles paths with escaped bytes without losing
  1451        the escaping.
  1452      </p>
  1454      <p> <!-- CL 31467 -->
  1455        The <code>URL</code> type now implements
  1456        <a href="/pkg/encoding/#BinaryMarshaler"><code>encoding.BinaryMarshaler</code></a> and
  1457        <a href="/pkg/encoding/#BinaryUnmarshaler"><code>encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler</code></a>,
  1458        making it possible to process URLs in <a href="/pkg/encoding/gob/">gob data</a>.
  1459      </p>
  1461      <p> <!-- CL 29610, CL 31582 -->
  1462        Following RFC 3986,
  1463        <a href="/pkg/net/url/#Parse"><code>Parse</code></a>
  1464        now rejects URLs like <code>this_that:other/thing</code> instead of
  1465        interpreting them as relative paths (<code>this_that</code> is not a valid scheme).
  1466        To force interpretation as a relative path,
  1467        such URLs should be prefixed with “<code>./</code>”.
  1468        The <code>URL.String</code> method now inserts this prefix as needed.
  1469      </p>
  1471    </dd>
  1472  </dl>
  1474  <dl id="os"><dt><a href="/pkg/os/">os</a></dt>
  1475    <dd>
  1476      <p> <!-- CL 16551 -->
  1477        The new function
  1478        <a href="/pkg/os/#Executable"><code>Executable</code></a> returns
  1479        the path name of the running executable.
  1480      </p>
  1482      <p> <!-- CL 30614 -->
  1483        An attempt to call a method on
  1484        an <a href="/pkg/os/#File"><code>os.File</code></a> that has
  1485        already been closed will now return the new error
  1486        value <a href="/pkg/os/#ErrClosed"><code>os.ErrClosed</code></a>.
  1487        Previously it returned a system-specific error such
  1488        as <code>syscall.EBADF</code>.
  1489      </p>
  1491      <p> <!-- CL 31358 -->
  1492        On Unix systems, <a href="/pkg/os/#Rename"><code>os.Rename</code></a>
  1493        will now return an error when used to rename a directory to an
  1494        existing empty directory.
  1495        Previously it would fail when renaming to a non-empty directory
  1496        but succeed when renaming to an empty directory.
  1497        This makes the behavior on Unix correspond to that of other systems.
  1498      </p>
  1500      <p> <!-- CL 32451 -->
  1501        On Windows, long absolute paths are now transparently converted to
  1502        extended-length paths (paths that start with “<code>\\?\</code>”).
  1503        This permits the package to work with files whose path names are
  1504        longer than 260 characters.
  1505      </p>
  1507      <p> <!-- CL 29753 -->
  1508        On Windows, <a href="/pkg/os/#IsExist"><code>os.IsExist</code></a>
  1509        will now return <code>true</code> for the system
  1510        error <code>ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY</code>.
  1511        This roughly corresponds to the existing handling of the Unix
  1512        error <code>ENOTEMPTY</code>.
  1513      </p>
  1515      <p> <!-- CL 32152 -->
  1516        On Plan 9, files that are not served by <code>#M</code> will now
  1517        have <a href="/pkg/os/#ModeDevice"><code>ModeDevice</code></a> set in
  1518        the value returned
  1519        by <a href="/pkg/os/#FileInfo"><code>FileInfo.Mode</code></a>.
  1520      </p>
  1521    </dd>
  1522  </dl>
  1524  <dl id="path_filepath"><dt><a href="/pkg/path/filepath/">path/filepath</a></dt>
  1525    <dd>
  1526      <p>
  1527        A number of bugs and corner cases on Windows were fixed:
  1528        <a href="/pkg/path/filepath/#Abs"><code>Abs</code></a> now calls <code>Clean</code> as documented,
  1529        <a href="/pkg/path/filepath/#Glob"><code>Glob</code></a> now matches
  1530        “<code>\\?\c:\*</code>”,
  1531        <a href="/pkg/path/filepath/#EvalSymlinks"><code>EvalSymlinks</code></a> now
  1532        correctly handles “<code>C:.</code>”, and
  1533        <a href="/pkg/path/filepath/#Clean"><code>Clean</code></a> now properly
  1534        handles a leading “<code>..</code>” in the path.
  1535      </p>
  1536    </dd>
  1537  </dl>
  1539  <dl id="reflect"><dt><a href="/pkg/reflect/">reflect</a></dt>
  1540    <dd>
  1541      <p> <!-- CL 30088 -->
  1542        The new function
  1543        <a href="/pkg/reflect/#Swapper"><code>Swapper</code></a> was
  1544        added to support <a href="#sortslice"><code>sort.Slice</code></a>.
  1545      </p>
  1546    </dd>
  1547  </dl>
  1549  <dl id="strconv"><dt><a href="/pkg/strconv/">strconv</a></dt>
  1550    <dd>
  1551      <p> <!-- CL 31210 -->
  1552        The <a href="/pkg/strconv/#Unquote"><code>Unquote</code></a>
  1553        function now strips carriage returns (<code>\r</code>) in
  1554        backquoted raw strings, following the
  1555        <a href="/ref/spec#String_literals">Go language semantics</a>.
  1556      </p>
  1557    </dd>
  1558  </dl>
  1560  <dl id="syscall"><dt><a href="/pkg/syscall/">syscall</a></dt>
  1561    <dd>
  1562      <p> <!-- CL 25050, CL 25022 -->
  1563        The <a href="/pkg/syscall/#Getpagesize"><code>Getpagesize</code></a>
  1564        now returns the system's size, rather than a constant value.
  1565        Previously it always returned 4KB.
  1566      </p>
  1568      <p> <!-- CL 31446 -->
  1569        The signature
  1570        of <a href="/pkg/syscall/#Utimes"><code>Utimes</code></a> has
  1571        changed on Solaris to match all the other Unix systems'
  1572        signature. Portable code should continue to use
  1573        <a href="/pkg/os/#Chtimes"><code>os.Chtimes</code></a> instead.
  1574      </p>
  1576      <p> <!-- CL 32319 -->
  1577        The <code>X__cmsg_data</code> field has been removed from
  1578        <a href="/pkg/syscall/#Cmsghdr"><code>Cmsghdr</code></a>.
  1579        </p>
  1580    </dd>
  1581  </dl>
  1583  <dl id="text_template"><dt><a href="/pkg/text/template/">text/template</a></dt>
  1584    <dd>
  1585      <p> <!-- CL 31462 -->
  1586        <a href="/pkg/text/template/#Template.Execute"><code>Template.Execute</code></a>
  1587        can now take a
  1588        <a href="/pkg/reflect/#Value"><code>reflect.Value</code></a> as its data
  1589        argument, and
  1590        <a href="/pkg/text/template/#FuncMap"><code>FuncMap</code></a>
  1591        functions can also accept and return <code>reflect.Value</code>.
  1592      </p>
  1594    </dd>
  1595  </dl>
  1597  <dl id="time"><dt><a href="/pkg/time/">time</a></dt>
  1598    <dd>
  1600      <p> <!-- CL 20118 --> The new function
  1601        <a href="/pkg/time/#Until"><code>Until</code></a> complements
  1602        the analogous <code>Since</code> function.
  1603      </p>
  1605      <p> <!-- CL 29338 -->
  1606        <a href="/pkg/time/#ParseDuration"><code>ParseDuration</code></a>
  1607        now accepts long fractional parts.
  1608      </p>
  1610      <p> <!-- CL 33429 -->
  1611        <a href="/pkg/time/#Parse"><code>Parse</code></a>
  1612        now rejects dates before the start of a month, such as June 0;
  1613        it already rejected dates beyond the end of the month, such as
  1614        June 31 and July 32.
  1615      </p>
  1617      <p> <!-- CL 33029 --> <!-- CL 34816 -->
  1618        The <code>tzdata</code> database has been updated to version
  1619        2016j for systems that don't already have a local time zone
  1620        database.
  1621      </p>
  1623      <p>
  1624    </dd>
  1625  </dl>
  1627  <dl id="testing"><dt><a href="/pkg/testing/">testing</a></dt>
  1628    <dd>
  1629      <p><!-- CL 29970 -->
  1630        The new method
  1631        <a href="/pkg/testing/#T.Name"><code>T.Name</code></a>
  1632        (and <code>B.Name</code>) returns the name of the current
  1633        test or benchmark.
  1634      </p>
  1636      <p><!-- CL 32483 -->
  1637        The new function
  1638        <a href="/pkg/testing/#CoverMode"><code>CoverMode</code></a>
  1639        reports the test coverage mode.
  1640      </p>
  1642      <p><!-- CL 32615 -->
  1643        Tests and benchmarks are now marked as failed if the race
  1644        detector is enabled and a data race occurs during execution.
  1645        Previously, individual test cases would appear to pass,
  1646        and only the overall execution of the test binary would fail.
  1647      </p>
  1649      <p><!-- CL 32455 -->
  1650        The signature of the
  1651        <a href="/pkg/testing/#MainStart"><code>MainStart</code></a>
  1652        function has changed, as allowed by the documentation. It is an
  1653        internal detail and not part of the Go 1 compatibility promise.
  1654        If you're not calling <code>MainStart</code> directly but see
  1655        errors, that likely means you set the
  1656        normally-empty <code>GOROOT</code> environment variable and it
  1657        doesn't match the version of your <code>go</code> command's binary.
  1658      </p>
  1660    </dd>
  1661  </dl>
  1663  <dl id="unicode"><dt><a href="/pkg/unicode/">unicode</a></dt>
  1664    <dd>
  1665      <p><!-- CL 30935 -->
  1666        <a href="/pkg/unicode/#SimpleFold"><code>SimpleFold</code></a>
  1667        now returns its argument unchanged if the provided input was an invalid rune.
  1668        Previously, the implementation failed with an index bounds check panic.
  1669      </p>
  1670    </dd>
  1671  </dl>