
     1  // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package ssa
     7  import (
     8  	"cmd/internal/obj"
     9  	"cmd/internal/obj/x86"
    10  	"cmd/internal/src"
    11  	"testing"
    12  )
    14  var CheckFunc = checkFunc
    15  var PrintFunc = printFunc
    16  var Opt = opt
    17  var Deadcode = deadcode
    18  var Copyelim = copyelim
    20  func testConfig(t testing.TB) *Config {
    21  	testCtxt := &obj.Link{Arch: &x86.Linkamd64}
    22  	return NewConfig("amd64", DummyFrontend{t}, testCtxt, true)
    23  }
    25  // DummyFrontend is a test-only frontend.
    26  // It assumes 64 bit integers and pointers.
    27  type DummyFrontend struct {
    28  	t testing.TB
    29  }
    31  func (DummyFrontend) StringData(s string) interface{} {
    32  	return nil
    33  }
    34  func (DummyFrontend) Auto(t Type) GCNode {
    35  	return nil
    36  }
    37  func (d DummyFrontend) SplitString(s LocalSlot) (LocalSlot, LocalSlot) {
    38  	return LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeBytePtr(), s.Off}, LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeInt(), s.Off + 8}
    39  }
    40  func (d DummyFrontend) SplitInterface(s LocalSlot) (LocalSlot, LocalSlot) {
    41  	return LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeBytePtr(), s.Off}, LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeBytePtr(), s.Off + 8}
    42  }
    43  func (d DummyFrontend) SplitSlice(s LocalSlot) (LocalSlot, LocalSlot, LocalSlot) {
    44  	return LocalSlot{s.N, s.Type.ElemType().PtrTo(), s.Off},
    45  		LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeInt(), s.Off + 8},
    46  		LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeInt(), s.Off + 16}
    47  }
    48  func (d DummyFrontend) SplitComplex(s LocalSlot) (LocalSlot, LocalSlot) {
    49  	if s.Type.Size() == 16 {
    50  		return LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeFloat64(), s.Off}, LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeFloat64(), s.Off + 8}
    51  	}
    52  	return LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeFloat32(), s.Off}, LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeFloat32(), s.Off + 4}
    53  }
    54  func (d DummyFrontend) SplitInt64(s LocalSlot) (LocalSlot, LocalSlot) {
    55  	if s.Type.IsSigned() {
    56  		return LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeInt32(), s.Off + 4}, LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeUInt32(), s.Off}
    57  	}
    58  	return LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeUInt32(), s.Off + 4}, LocalSlot{s.N, d.TypeUInt32(), s.Off}
    59  }
    60  func (d DummyFrontend) SplitStruct(s LocalSlot, i int) LocalSlot {
    61  	return LocalSlot{s.N, s.Type.FieldType(i), s.Off + s.Type.FieldOff(i)}
    62  }
    63  func (d DummyFrontend) SplitArray(s LocalSlot) LocalSlot {
    64  	return LocalSlot{s.N, s.Type.ElemType(), s.Off}
    65  }
    66  func (DummyFrontend) Line(_ src.XPos) string {
    67  	return "unknown.go:0"
    68  }
    69  func (DummyFrontend) AllocFrame(f *Func) {
    70  }
    71  func (DummyFrontend) Syslook(s string) interface{} {
    72  	return DummySym(s)
    73  }
    75  func (d DummyFrontend) Logf(msg string, args ...interface{}) { d.t.Logf(msg, args...) }
    76  func (d DummyFrontend) Log() bool                            { return true }
    78  func (d DummyFrontend) Fatalf(_ src.XPos, msg string, args ...interface{}) { d.t.Fatalf(msg, args...) }
    79  func (d DummyFrontend) Warnl(_ src.XPos, msg string, args ...interface{})  { d.t.Logf(msg, args...) }
    80  func (d DummyFrontend) Debug_checknil() bool                               { return false }
    81  func (d DummyFrontend) Debug_wb() bool                                     { return false }
    83  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeBool() Type    { return TypeBool }
    84  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeInt8() Type    { return TypeInt8 }
    85  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeInt16() Type   { return TypeInt16 }
    86  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeInt32() Type   { return TypeInt32 }
    87  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeInt64() Type   { return TypeInt64 }
    88  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeUInt8() Type   { return TypeUInt8 }
    89  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeUInt16() Type  { return TypeUInt16 }
    90  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeUInt32() Type  { return TypeUInt32 }
    91  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeUInt64() Type  { return TypeUInt64 }
    92  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeFloat32() Type { return TypeFloat32 }
    93  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeFloat64() Type { return TypeFloat64 }
    94  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeInt() Type     { return TypeInt64 }
    95  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeUintptr() Type { return TypeUInt64 }
    96  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeString() Type  { panic("unimplemented") }
    97  func (d DummyFrontend) TypeBytePtr() Type { return TypeBytePtr }
    99  func (d DummyFrontend) CanSSA(t Type) bool {
   100  	// There are no un-SSAable types in dummy land.
   101  	return true
   102  }
   104  type DummySym string
   106  func (s DummySym) String() string { return string(s) }