
     1  // Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package net
     7  import (
     8  	"context"
     9  	"internal/nettrace"
    10  	"internal/singleflight"
    11  )
    13  // protocols contains minimal mappings between internet protocol
    14  // names and numbers for platforms that don't have a complete list of
    15  // protocol numbers.
    16  //
    17  // See
    18  //
    19  // On Unix, this map is augmented by readProtocols via lookupProtocol.
    20  var protocols = map[string]int{
    21  	"icmp":      1,
    22  	"igmp":      2,
    23  	"tcp":       6,
    24  	"udp":       17,
    25  	"ipv6-icmp": 58,
    26  }
    28  // services contains minimal mappings between services names and port
    29  // numbers for platforms that don't have a complete list of port numbers
    30  // (some Solaris distros, nacl, etc).
    31  // On Unix, this map is augmented by readServices via goLookupPort.
    32  var services = map[string]map[string]int{
    33  	"udp": {
    34  		"domain": 53,
    35  	},
    36  	"tcp": {
    37  		"ftp":    21,
    38  		"ftps":   990,
    39  		"gopher": 70, // ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ
    40  		"http":   80,
    41  		"https":  443,
    42  		"imap2":  143,
    43  		"imap3":  220,
    44  		"imaps":  993,
    45  		"pop3":   110,
    46  		"pop3s":  995,
    47  		"smtp":   25,
    48  		"ssh":    22,
    49  		"telnet": 23,
    50  	},
    51  }
    53  const maxProtoLength = len("RSVP-E2E-IGNORE") + 10 // with room to grow
    55  func lookupProtocolMap(name string) (int, error) {
    56  	var lowerProtocol [maxProtoLength]byte
    57  	n := copy(lowerProtocol[:], name)
    58  	lowerASCIIBytes(lowerProtocol[:n])
    59  	proto, found := protocols[string(lowerProtocol[:n])]
    60  	if !found || n != len(name) {
    61  		return 0, &AddrError{Err: "unknown IP protocol specified", Addr: name}
    62  	}
    63  	return proto, nil
    64  }
    66  const maxServiceLength = len("mobility-header") + 10 // with room to grow
    68  func lookupPortMap(network, service string) (port int, error error) {
    69  	switch network {
    70  	case "tcp4", "tcp6":
    71  		network = "tcp"
    72  	case "udp4", "udp6":
    73  		network = "udp"
    74  	}
    76  	if m, ok := services[network]; ok {
    77  		var lowerService [maxServiceLength]byte
    78  		n := copy(lowerService[:], service)
    79  		lowerASCIIBytes(lowerService[:n])
    80  		if port, ok := m[string(lowerService[:n])]; ok && n == len(service) {
    81  			return port, nil
    82  		}
    83  	}
    84  	return 0, &AddrError{Err: "unknown port", Addr: network + "/" + service}
    85  }
    87  // DefaultResolver is the resolver used by the package-level Lookup
    88  // functions and by Dialers without a specified Resolver.
    89  var DefaultResolver = &Resolver{}
    91  // A Resolver looks up names and numbers.
    92  //
    93  // A nil *Resolver is equivalent to a zero Resolver.
    94  type Resolver struct {
    95  	// PreferGo controls whether Go's built-in DNS resolver is preferred
    96  	// on platforms where it's available. It is equivalent to setting
    97  	// GODEBUG=netdns=go, but scoped to just this resolver.
    98  	PreferGo bool
   100  	// TODO(bradfitz): optional interface impl override hook
   101  	// TODO(bradfitz): Timeout time.Duration?
   102  }
   104  // LookupHost looks up the given host using the local resolver.
   105  // It returns a slice of that host's addresses.
   106  func LookupHost(host string) (addrs []string, err error) {
   107  	return DefaultResolver.LookupHost(context.Background(), host)
   108  }
   110  // LookupHost looks up the given host using the local resolver.
   111  // It returns a slice of that host's addresses.
   112  func (r *Resolver) LookupHost(ctx context.Context, host string) (addrs []string, err error) {
   113  	// Make sure that no matter what we do later, host=="" is rejected.
   114  	// ParseIP, for example, does accept empty strings.
   115  	if host == "" {
   116  		return nil, &DNSError{Err: errNoSuchHost.Error(), Name: host}
   117  	}
   118  	if ip := ParseIP(host); ip != nil {
   119  		return []string{host}, nil
   120  	}
   121  	return r.lookupHost(ctx, host)
   122  }
   124  // LookupIP looks up host using the local resolver.
   125  // It returns a slice of that host's IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
   126  func LookupIP(host string) ([]IP, error) {
   127  	addrs, err := DefaultResolver.LookupIPAddr(context.Background(), host)
   128  	if err != nil {
   129  		return nil, err
   130  	}
   131  	ips := make([]IP, len(addrs))
   132  	for i, ia := range addrs {
   133  		ips[i] = ia.IP
   134  	}
   135  	return ips, nil
   136  }
   138  // LookupIPAddr looks up host using the local resolver.
   139  // It returns a slice of that host's IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
   140  func (r *Resolver) LookupIPAddr(ctx context.Context, host string) ([]IPAddr, error) {
   141  	// Make sure that no matter what we do later, host=="" is rejected.
   142  	// ParseIP, for example, does accept empty strings.
   143  	if host == "" {
   144  		return nil, &DNSError{Err: errNoSuchHost.Error(), Name: host}
   145  	}
   146  	if ip := ParseIP(host); ip != nil {
   147  		return []IPAddr{{IP: ip}}, nil
   148  	}
   149  	trace, _ := ctx.Value(nettrace.TraceKey{}).(*nettrace.Trace)
   150  	if trace != nil && trace.DNSStart != nil {
   151  		trace.DNSStart(host)
   152  	}
   153  	// The underlying resolver func is lookupIP by default but it
   154  	// can be overridden by tests. This is needed by net/http, so it
   155  	// uses a context key instead of unexported variables.
   156  	resolverFunc := r.lookupIP
   157  	if alt, _ := ctx.Value(nettrace.LookupIPAltResolverKey{}).(func(context.Context, string) ([]IPAddr, error)); alt != nil {
   158  		resolverFunc = alt
   159  	}
   161  	ch := lookupGroup.DoChan(host, func() (interface{}, error) {
   162  		return testHookLookupIP(ctx, resolverFunc, host)
   163  	})
   165  	select {
   166  	case <-ctx.Done():
   167  		// The DNS lookup timed out for some reason. Force
   168  		// future requests to start the DNS lookup again
   169  		// rather than waiting for the current lookup to
   170  		// complete. See issue 8602.
   171  		err := mapErr(ctx.Err())
   172  		lookupGroup.Forget(host)
   173  		if trace != nil && trace.DNSDone != nil {
   174  			trace.DNSDone(nil, false, err)
   175  		}
   176  		return nil, err
   177  	case r := <-ch:
   178  		if trace != nil && trace.DNSDone != nil {
   179  			addrs, _ := r.Val.([]IPAddr)
   180  			trace.DNSDone(ipAddrsEface(addrs), r.Shared, r.Err)
   181  		}
   182  		return lookupIPReturn(r.Val, r.Err, r.Shared)
   183  	}
   184  }
   186  // lookupGroup merges LookupIPAddr calls together for lookups
   187  // for the same host. The lookupGroup key is is the
   188  // argument.
   189  // The return values are ([]IPAddr, error).
   190  var lookupGroup singleflight.Group
   192  // lookupIPReturn turns the return values from singleflight.Do into
   193  // the return values from LookupIP.
   194  func lookupIPReturn(addrsi interface{}, err error, shared bool) ([]IPAddr, error) {
   195  	if err != nil {
   196  		return nil, err
   197  	}
   198  	addrs := addrsi.([]IPAddr)
   199  	if shared {
   200  		clone := make([]IPAddr, len(addrs))
   201  		copy(clone, addrs)
   202  		addrs = clone
   203  	}
   204  	return addrs, nil
   205  }
   207  // ipAddrsEface returns an empty interface slice of addrs.
   208  func ipAddrsEface(addrs []IPAddr) []interface{} {
   209  	s := make([]interface{}, len(addrs))
   210  	for i, v := range addrs {
   211  		s[i] = v
   212  	}
   213  	return s
   214  }
   216  // LookupPort looks up the port for the given network and service.
   217  func LookupPort(network, service string) (port int, err error) {
   218  	return DefaultResolver.LookupPort(context.Background(), network, service)
   219  }
   221  // LookupPort looks up the port for the given network and service.
   222  func (r *Resolver) LookupPort(ctx context.Context, network, service string) (port int, err error) {
   223  	port, needsLookup := parsePort(service)
   224  	if needsLookup {
   225  		port, err = r.lookupPort(ctx, network, service)
   226  		if err != nil {
   227  			return 0, err
   228  		}
   229  	}
   230  	if 0 > port || port > 65535 {
   231  		return 0, &AddrError{Err: "invalid port", Addr: service}
   232  	}
   233  	return port, nil
   234  }
   236  // LookupCNAME returns the canonical name for the given host.
   237  // Callers that do not care about the canonical name can call
   238  // LookupHost or LookupIP directly; both take care of resolving
   239  // the canonical name as part of the lookup.
   240  //
   241  // A canonical name is the final name after following zero
   242  // or more CNAME records.
   243  // LookupCNAME does not return an error if host does not
   244  // contain DNS "CNAME" records, as long as host resolves to
   245  // address records.
   246  func LookupCNAME(host string) (cname string, err error) {
   247  	return DefaultResolver.lookupCNAME(context.Background(), host)
   248  }
   250  // LookupCNAME returns the canonical name for the given host.
   251  // Callers that do not care about the canonical name can call
   252  // LookupHost or LookupIP directly; both take care of resolving
   253  // the canonical name as part of the lookup.
   254  //
   255  // A canonical name is the final name after following zero
   256  // or more CNAME records.
   257  // LookupCNAME does not return an error if host does not
   258  // contain DNS "CNAME" records, as long as host resolves to
   259  // address records.
   260  func (r *Resolver) LookupCNAME(ctx context.Context, host string) (cname string, err error) {
   261  	return r.lookupCNAME(ctx, host)
   262  }
   264  // LookupSRV tries to resolve an SRV query of the given service,
   265  // protocol, and domain name. The proto is "tcp" or "udp".
   266  // The returned records are sorted by priority and randomized
   267  // by weight within a priority.
   268  //
   269  // LookupSRV constructs the DNS name to look up following RFC 2782.
   270  // That is, it looks up To accommodate services
   271  // publishing SRV records under non-standard names, if both service
   272  // and proto are empty strings, LookupSRV looks up name directly.
   273  func LookupSRV(service, proto, name string) (cname string, addrs []*SRV, err error) {
   274  	return DefaultResolver.lookupSRV(context.Background(), service, proto, name)
   275  }
   277  // LookupSRV tries to resolve an SRV query of the given service,
   278  // protocol, and domain name. The proto is "tcp" or "udp".
   279  // The returned records are sorted by priority and randomized
   280  // by weight within a priority.
   281  //
   282  // LookupSRV constructs the DNS name to look up following RFC 2782.
   283  // That is, it looks up To accommodate services
   284  // publishing SRV records under non-standard names, if both service
   285  // and proto are empty strings, LookupSRV looks up name directly.
   286  func (r *Resolver) LookupSRV(ctx context.Context, service, proto, name string) (cname string, addrs []*SRV, err error) {
   287  	return r.lookupSRV(ctx, service, proto, name)
   288  }
   290  // LookupMX returns the DNS MX records for the given domain name sorted by preference.
   291  func LookupMX(name string) ([]*MX, error) {
   292  	return DefaultResolver.lookupMX(context.Background(), name)
   293  }
   295  // LookupMX returns the DNS MX records for the given domain name sorted by preference.
   296  func (r *Resolver) LookupMX(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*MX, error) {
   297  	return r.lookupMX(ctx, name)
   298  }
   300  // LookupNS returns the DNS NS records for the given domain name.
   301  func LookupNS(name string) ([]*NS, error) {
   302  	return DefaultResolver.lookupNS(context.Background(), name)
   303  }
   305  // LookupNS returns the DNS NS records for the given domain name.
   306  func (r *Resolver) LookupNS(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*NS, error) {
   307  	return r.lookupNS(ctx, name)
   308  }
   310  // LookupTXT returns the DNS TXT records for the given domain name.
   311  func LookupTXT(name string) ([]string, error) {
   312  	return DefaultResolver.lookupTXT(context.Background(), name)
   313  }
   315  // LookupTXT returns the DNS TXT records for the given domain name.
   316  func (r *Resolver) LookupTXT(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]string, error) {
   317  	return r.lookupTXT(ctx, name)
   318  }
   320  // LookupAddr performs a reverse lookup for the given address, returning a list
   321  // of names mapping to that address.
   322  //
   323  // When using the host C library resolver, at most one result will be
   324  // returned. To bypass the host resolver, use a custom Resolver.
   325  func LookupAddr(addr string) (names []string, err error) {
   326  	return DefaultResolver.lookupAddr(context.Background(), addr)
   327  }
   329  // LookupAddr performs a reverse lookup for the given address, returning a list
   330  // of names mapping to that address.
   331  func (r *Resolver) LookupAddr(ctx context.Context, addr string) (names []string, err error) {
   332  	return r.lookupAddr(ctx, addr)
   333  }