
     1  // Copyright 2015 The rkt Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  // +build host coreos src kvm fly
    17  package main
    19  import (
    20  	"os"
    21  	"strings"
    22  	"testing"
    24  	""
    25  )
    27  var envTests = []struct {
    28  	runCmd    string
    29  	runExpect string
    30  	sleepCmd  string
    31  	enterCmd  string
    32  }{
    33  	{
    34  		`^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false ^PRINT_VAR_FROM_MANIFEST^`,
    35  		"VAR_FROM_MANIFEST=manifest",
    36  		`^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive ^SLEEP^`,
    37  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --print-env=VAR_FROM_MANIFEST"`,
    38  	},
    39  	{
    40  		`^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --set-env=VAR_OTHER=setenv ^PRINT_VAR_OTHER^`,
    41  		"VAR_OTHER=setenv",
    42  		`^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive --set-env=VAR_OTHER=setenv ^SLEEP^`,
    43  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --print-env=VAR_OTHER"`,
    44  	},
    45  	{
    46  		`^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --set-env=VAR_FROM_MANIFEST=setenv ^PRINT_VAR_FROM_MANIFEST^`,
    47  		"VAR_FROM_MANIFEST=setenv",
    48  		`^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive --set-env=VAR_FROM_MANIFEST=setenv ^SLEEP^`,
    49  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --print-env=VAR_FROM_MANIFEST"`,
    50  	},
    51  	{
    52  		`/bin/sh -c "export VAR_OTHER=host ; ^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --inherit-env=true ^PRINT_VAR_OTHER^"`,
    53  		"VAR_OTHER=host",
    54  		`/bin/sh -c "export VAR_OTHER=host ; ^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive --inherit-env=true ^SLEEP^"`,
    55  		`/bin/sh -c "export VAR_OTHER=host ; ^RKT_BIN^ --debug enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --print-env=VAR_OTHER"`,
    56  	},
    57  	{
    58  		`^RKT_BIN^ --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --set-env=TERM=dumb ^PRINT_TERM_HOST^`,
    59  		"TERM=dumb",
    60  		`^RKT_BIN^ --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive --inherit-env=false ^SLEEP^`,
    61  		`/bin/sh -c "export TERM=dumb ; ^RKT_BIN^ enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --print-env=TERM"`,
    62  	},
    63  	{
    64  		`^RKT_BIN^ --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --set-env=TERM=^HOST_TERM^ ^PRINT_TERM_HOST^`,
    65  		"TERM=^HOST_TERM^",
    66  		`^RKT_BIN^ --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive --inherit-env=false ^SLEEP^`,
    67  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --print-env=TERM"`,
    68  	},
    69  	{
    70  		`/bin/sh -c "export VAR_FROM_MANIFEST=host ; ^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --inherit-env=true ^PRINT_VAR_FROM_MANIFEST^"`,
    71  		"VAR_FROM_MANIFEST=manifest",
    72  		`/bin/sh -c "export VAR_FROM_MANIFEST=host ; ^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive --inherit-env=true ^SLEEP^"`,
    73  		`/bin/sh -c "export VAR_FROM_MANIFEST=host ; ^RKT_BIN^ --debug enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --print-env=VAR_FROM_MANIFEST"`,
    74  	},
    75  	{
    76  		`/bin/sh -c "export VAR_OTHER=host ; ^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --inherit-env=true --set-env=VAR_OTHER=setenv ^PRINT_VAR_OTHER^"`,
    77  		"VAR_OTHER=setenv",
    78  		`/bin/sh -c "export VAR_OTHER=host ; ^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive --inherit-env=true --set-env=VAR_OTHER=setenv ^SLEEP^"`,
    79  		`/bin/sh -c "export VAR_OTHER=host ; ^RKT_BIN^ --debug enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --print-env=VAR_OTHER"`,
    80  	},
    81  	{
    82  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --set-env=VAR_OTHER=setenv --set-env-file=env_file_test.conf ^PRINT_VAR_OTHER^"`,
    83  		"VAR_OTHER=setenv",
    84  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive --set-env=VAR_OTHER=setenv --set-env-file=env_file_test.conf ^SLEEP^"`,
    85  		`/bin/sh -c "export VAR_OTHER=host ; ^RKT_BIN^ --debug enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --print-env=VAR_OTHER"`,
    86  	},
    87  	{
    88  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --set-env-file=env_file_test.conf ^PRINT_VAR_OTHER^"`,
    89  		"VAR_OTHER=file",
    90  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive --set-env-file=env_file_test.conf ^SLEEP^"`,
    91  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --print-env=VAR_OTHER"`,
    92  	},
    93  	{
    94  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --set-env-file=env_file_test.conf ^CHECK_PATH^"`,
    95  		"PATH is good",
    96  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false --interactive --set-env-file=env_file_test.conf ^SLEEP^"`,
    97  		`/bin/sh -c "^RKT_BIN^ --debug enter $(^RKT_BIN^ list --full|grep running|awk '{print $1}') /inspect --check-path"`,
    98  	},
    99  }
   101  func TestEnv(t *testing.T) {
   102  	printVarFromManifestImage := patchTestACI("rkt-inspect-print-var-from-manifest.aci", "--exec=/inspect --print-env=VAR_FROM_MANIFEST")
   103  	defer os.Remove(printVarFromManifestImage)
   104  	printVarOtherImage := patchTestACI("rkt-inspect-print-var-other.aci", "--exec=/inspect --print-env=VAR_OTHER")
   105  	defer os.Remove(printVarOtherImage)
   106  	printTermHostImage := patchTestACI("rkt-inspect-print-term-host.aci", "--exec=/inspect --print-env=TERM")
   107  	defer os.Remove(printTermHostImage)
   108  	checkPathImage := patchTestACI("rkt-inspect-check-path.aci", "--exec=/inspect --check-path")
   109  	defer os.Remove(checkPathImage)
   110  	sleepImage := patchTestACI("rkt-inspect-sleep.aci", "--exec=/inspect --read-stdin")
   111  	defer os.Remove(sleepImage)
   112  	ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
   113  	defer ctx.Cleanup()
   115  	term := testutils.GetValueFromEnvOrPanic("TERM")
   116  	replacePlaceholders := func(cmd string) string {
   117  		fixed := cmd
   118  		fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, "^RKT_BIN^", ctx.Cmd(), -1)
   119  		fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, "^PRINT_VAR_FROM_MANIFEST^", printVarFromManifestImage, -1)
   120  		fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, "^PRINT_VAR_OTHER^", printVarOtherImage, -1)
   121  		fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, "^PRINT_TERM_HOST^", printTermHostImage, -1)
   122  		fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, "^CHECK_PATH^", checkPathImage, -1)
   123  		fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, "^SLEEP^", sleepImage, -1)
   124  		fixed = strings.Replace(fixed, "^HOST_TERM^", term, -1)
   125  		return fixed
   126  	}
   127  	for i, tt := range envTests {
   128  		// change dynamic variables from expected result
   129  		tt.runExpect = replacePlaceholders(tt.runExpect)
   131  		// 'run' tests
   132  		runCmd := replacePlaceholders(tt.runCmd)
   133  		t.Logf("Running 'run' test #%v", i)
   134  		runRktAndCheckOutput(t, runCmd, tt.runExpect, false)
   136  		// 'enter' tests
   137  		sleepCmd := replacePlaceholders(tt.sleepCmd)
   138  		t.Logf("Running 'enter' test #%v", i)
   139  		child := spawnOrFail(t, sleepCmd)
   141  		if err := expectWithOutput(child, "Enter text:"); err != nil {
   142  			t.Fatalf("Waited for the prompt but not found #%v: %v", i, err)
   143  		}
   145  		enterCmd := replacePlaceholders(tt.enterCmd)
   146  		t.Logf("Running 'enter' test #%v", i)
   147  		enterChild := spawnOrFail(t, enterCmd)
   149  		if err := expectWithOutput(enterChild, tt.runExpect); err != nil {
   150  			t.Fatalf("Expected %q but not found: %v", tt.runExpect, err)
   151  		}
   153  		waitOrFail(t, enterChild, 0)
   155  		if err := child.SendLine("Bye"); err != nil {
   156  			t.Fatalf("rkt couldn't write to the container: %v", err)
   157  		}
   158  		if err := expectWithOutput(child, "Received text: Bye"); err != nil {
   159  			t.Fatalf("Expected Bye but not found #%v: %v", i, err)
   160  		}
   162  		waitOrFail(t, child, 0)
   163  		ctx.Reset()
   164  	}
   165  }