
     1  /*
     2   * chem.go, part of gochem.
     3   *
     4   * Copyright 2012 Raul Mera <rmera{at}chemDOThelsinkiDOTfi>
     5   *
     6   * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     7   * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
     8   * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
     9   * License, or (at your option) any later version.
    10   *
    11   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    12   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    14   * GNU General Public License for more details.
    15   *
    16   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
    17   * Public License along with this program.  If not, see
    18   * <>.
    19   *
    20   * Gochem is developed at the laboratory for instruction in Swedish, Department of Chemistry,
    21   * University of Helsinki, Finland.
    22   *
    23   */
    25  package chem
    27  import (
    28  	"fmt"
    29  	"sort"
    31  	v3 ""
    32  )
    34  //import "strings"
    36  /* Many funcitons here panic instead of returning errors. This is because they are "fundamental"
    37   * functions. I considered that if something goes wrong here, the program is way-most likely wrong and should
    38   * crash. Most panics are related to using the funciton on a nil object or trying to access out-of bounds
    39   * fields
    40   */
    42  // Atom contains the information to represent an atom, except for the coordinates, which will be in a separate *v3.Matrix
    43  // and the b-factors, which are in a separate slice of float64.
    44  type Atom struct {
    45  	Name      string  //PDB name of the atom
    46  	ID        int     //The PDB index of the atom
    47  	index     int     //The place of the atom in a set. I won't make it accessible to ensure that it does correspond to the ordering.
    48  	Tag       int     //Just added this for something that someone might want to keep that is not a float.
    49  	MolName   string  //PDB name of the residue or molecule (3-letter code for residues)
    50  	MolName1  byte    //the one letter name for residues and nucleotids
    51  	Char16    byte    //Whatever is in the column 16 (counting from 0) in a PDB file, anything.
    52  	MolID     int     //PDB index of the corresponding residue or molecule
    53  	Chain     string  //One-character PDB name for a chain.
    54  	Mass      float64 //hopefully all these float64 are not too much memory
    55  	Occupancy float64 //a PDB crystallographic field, often used to store values of interest.
    56  	Vdw       float64 //radius
    57  	Charge    float64 //Partial charge on an atom
    58  	Symbol    string
    59  	Het       bool    // is the atom an hetatm in the pdb file? (if applicable)
    60  	Bonds     []*Bond //The bonds connecting the atom to others.
    61  }
    63  //Atom methods
    65  // Copy returns a copy of the Atom object.
    66  // puts the copy into the
    67  func (N *Atom) Copy(A *Atom) {
    68  	if A == nil || N == nil {
    69  		panic(ErrNilAtom)
    70  	}
    71  	N.Name = A.Name
    72  	N.ID = A.ID
    73  	N.Tag = A.Tag
    74  	N.MolName = A.MolName
    75  	N.MolName1 = A.MolName1
    76  	N.MolID = A.MolID
    77  	N.Chain = A.Chain
    78  	N.Mass = A.Mass
    79  	N.Occupancy = A.Occupancy
    80  	N.Vdw = A.Vdw
    81  	N.Charge = A.Charge
    82  	N.Symbol = A.Symbol
    83  	N.Het = A.Het
    84  }
    86  // Index returns the index of the atom
    87  func (N *Atom) Index() int {
    88  	return N.index
    89  }
    91  // Index returns the index of the atom
    92  func (N *Atom) SetIndex(i int) {
    93  	N.index = i
    94  }
    96  /*****Topology type***/
    98  // Topology contains information about a molecule which is not expected to change in time (i.e. everything except for coordinates and b-factors)
    99  type Topology struct {
   100  	Atoms  []*Atom
   101  	charge int
   102  	multi  int
   103  }
   105  // NewTopology returns topology with ats atoms,
   106  // charge charge and multi multiplicity.
   107  // It doesnt check for consitency across slices, correct charge
   108  // or unpaired electrons.
   109  func NewTopology(charge, multi int, ats ...[]*Atom) *Topology {
   110  	top := new(Topology)
   111  	if len(ats) == 0 || ats[0] == nil {
   112  		top.Atoms = make([]*Atom, 0, 0) //return nil, fmt.Errorf("Supplied a nil Topology")
   113  	} else {
   114  		top.Atoms = ats[0]
   115  	}
   116  	top.charge = charge
   117  	top.multi = multi
   118  	return top
   119  }
   121  /*Topology methods*/
   123  // Charge returns the total charge of the topology
   124  func (T *Topology) Charge() int {
   125  	return T.charge
   126  }
   128  // Multi returns the multiplicity in the topology
   129  func (T *Topology) Multi() int {
   130  	return T.multi
   131  }
   133  // SetCharge sets the total charge of the topology to i
   134  func (T *Topology) SetCharge(i int) {
   135  	T.charge = i
   136  }
   138  // SetMulti sets the multiplicity in the topology to i
   139  func (T *Topology) SetMulti(i int) {
   140  	T.multi = i
   141  }
   143  // FillMasses tries to get fill the  masses for atom that don't have one
   144  // by getting it from the symbol. Only a few common elements are supported
   145  func (T *Topology) FillMasses() {
   146  	for _, val := range T.Atoms {
   147  		if val.Symbol != "" && val.Mass == 0 {
   148  			val.Mass = symbolMass[val.Symbol] //Not error checking
   149  		}
   150  	}
   151  }
   153  // FillsIndexes sets the Index value of each atom to that cooresponding to its
   154  // place in the molecule.
   155  func (T *Topology) FillIndexes() {
   156  	for key, val := range T.Atoms {
   157  		val.index = key
   158  	}
   160  }
   162  // FillVdw tries to get fill the  van der Waals radii for the atoms in the molecule
   163  // from a symbol->radii map. Only a few common elements are supported
   164  func (T *Topology) FillVdw() {
   165  	for _, val := range T.Atoms {
   166  		if val.Symbol != "" && val.Vdw == 0 {
   167  			val.Vdw = symbolVdwrad[val.Symbol] //Not error checking
   168  			//I'm not super sure about this.
   169  		}
   170  	}
   171  }
   173  // ResetIDs sets the current order of atoms as ID and the order of molecules as
   174  // MolID for all atoms
   175  func (T *Topology) ResetIDs() {
   176  	currid := 1
   177  	currid2 := 1
   178  	for key, val := range T.Atoms {
   179  		T.Atoms[key].ID = key + 1
   180  		if currid == val.MolID {
   181  			continue
   182  		}
   183  		if currid == val.MolID-1 { //We hit a new molecule
   184  			currid2++
   185  			currid++
   186  			continue
   187  		}
   188  		//change of residue after fixing one that didnt match position
   189  		if currid2 != val.MolID {
   190  			currid2 = T.Atoms[key].MolID
   191  			T.Atoms[key].MolID = currid + 1
   192  			currid = currid + 1
   193  			continue
   194  		}
   195  		//A residue's index doesnt match its position
   196  		T.Atoms[key].MolID = currid
   198  	}
   199  }
   201  // CopyAtoms copies the atoms form A into the receiver topology. This is a deep copy, so the receiver must have
   202  // at least as many atoms as A.
   203  func (T *Topology) CopyAtoms(A Atomer) {
   204  	//T := new(Topology)
   205  	if len(T.Atoms) < A.Len() {
   206  		T.Atoms = make([]*Atom, A.Len())
   207  		for i, _ := range T.Atoms {
   208  			T.Atoms[i] = new(Atom)
   209  		}
   210  	}
   211  	for key := 0; key < A.Len(); key++ {
   212  		T.Atoms[key].Copy(A.Atom(key))
   213  	}
   214  }
   216  // Atom returns the Atom corresponding to the index i
   217  // of the Atom slice in the Topology. Panics if
   218  // out of range.
   219  func (T *Topology) Atom(i int) *Atom {
   220  	if i >= T.Len() {
   221  		panic(ErrAtomOutOfRange)
   222  	}
   223  	return T.Atoms[i]
   224  }
   226  // SetAtom sets the (i+1)th Atom of the topology to aT.
   227  // Panics if out of range
   228  func (T *Topology) SetAtom(i int, at *Atom) {
   229  	if i >= T.Len() {
   230  		panic(ErrAtomOutOfRange)
   231  	}
   232  	T.Atoms[i] = at
   233  }
   235  // AppendAtom appends an atom at the end of the reference
   236  func (T *Topology) AppendAtom(at *Atom) {
   237  	/*newmol, ok := T.CopyAtoms().(*Topology)
   238  	if !ok {
   239  		panic("cant happen")
   240  	}
   241  	newmol.Atoms = append(newmol.Atoms, at)*/
   242  	T.Atoms = append(T.Atoms, at)
   243  }
   245  // SelectAtoms puts the subset of atoms in T that have
   246  // indexes in atomlist into the receiver. Panics if problem.
   247  func (R *Topology) SomeAtoms(T Atomer, atomlist []int) {
   248  	var ret []*Atom
   249  	lenatoms := T.Len()
   250  	for k, j := range atomlist {
   251  		if j > lenatoms-1 {
   252  			err := fmt.Sprintf("goChem: Atom requested (Number: %d, value: %d) out of range", k, j)
   253  			panic(PanicMsg(err))
   254  		}
   255  		ret = append(ret, T.Atom(j))
   256  	}
   257  	R.Atoms = ret
   258  }
   260  // SelectAtomsSafe puts the atoms of T
   261  // with indexes in atomlist into the receiver. Returns error if problem.
   262  func (R *Topology) SomeAtomsSafe(T Atomer, atomlist []int) error {
   263  	f := func() { R.SomeAtoms(T, atomlist) }
   264  	return gnMaybe(gnPanicker(f))
   265  }
   267  // DelAtom Deletes atom i by reslicing.
   268  // This means that the copy still uses as much memory as the original T.
   269  func (T *Topology) DelAtom(i int) {
   270  	if i >= T.Len() {
   271  		panic(ErrAtomOutOfRange)
   272  	}
   273  	if i == T.Len()-1 {
   274  		T.Atoms = T.Atoms[:i]
   275  	} else {
   276  		T.Atoms = append(T.Atoms[:i], T.Atoms[i+1:]...)
   277  	}
   278  }
   280  // Len returns the number of atoms in the topology.
   281  func (T *Topology) Len() int {
   282  	//if T.Atoms is nil, return len(T.Atoms) will panic, so I will let that happen for now.
   283  	//	if T.Atoms == nil {
   284  	//		panic(ErrNilAtoms)
   285  	//	}
   286  	return len(T.Atoms)
   287  }
   289  // Masses returns a slice of float64 with the masses of the atoms in the topology, or nil and an error if they have not been calculated
   290  func (T *Topology) Masses() ([]float64, error) {
   291  	mass := make([]float64, T.Len())
   292  	for i := 0; i < T.Len(); i++ {
   293  		thisatom := T.Atom(i)
   294  		if thisatom.Mass == 0 {
   295  			return nil, CError{fmt.Sprintf("goChem: Not all the masses have been obtained: %d %v", i, thisatom), []string{"Topology.Masses"}}
   296  		}
   297  		mass[i] = thisatom.Mass
   298  	}
   299  	return mass, nil
   300  }
   302  // AssignBonds assigns bonds to a molecule based on a simple distance
   303  // criterium, similar to that described in DOI:10.1186/1758-2946-3-33
   304  func (T *Topology) AssignBonds(coord *v3.Matrix) error {
   305  	// might get slow for
   306  	//large systems. It's really not thought
   307  	//for proteins or macromolecules.
   308  	//For this reason, this method is not called automatically when building a new topology.
   309  	//Well, that and that it requires a Matrix object, which would mean changing the
   310  	//signature of the NewTopology function.
   311  	var t1, t2 *v3.Matrix
   312  	var at1, at2 *Atom
   313  	T.FillIndexes()
   314  	t3 := v3.Zeros(1)
   315  	bonds := make([]*Bond, 0, 10)
   316  	tot := T.Len()
   317  	var nextIndex int
   318  	for i := 0; i < tot; i++ {
   319  		t1 = coord.VecView(i)
   320  		at1 = T.Atoms[i]
   321  		cov1 := symbolCovrad[at1.Symbol]
   322  		if cov1 == 0 {
   323  			err := new(CError)
   324  			err.msg = fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't find the covalent radii  for %s %d", at1.Symbol, i)
   325  			err.Decorate("AssignBonds")
   326  			return err
   327  		}
   328  		for j := i + 1; j < tot; j++ {
   329  			t2 = coord.VecView(j)
   330  			at2 = T.Atoms[j]
   331  			cov2 := symbolCovrad[at2.Symbol]
   332  			if cov2 == 0 {
   333  				err := new(CError)
   334  				err.msg = fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't find the covalent radii  for %s %d", at2.Symbol, j)
   335  				err.Decorate("AssignBonds")
   336  				return err
   337  			}
   339  			t3.Sub(t2, t1)
   340  			d := t3.Norm(2)
   341  			if d < cov1+cov2+bondtol && d > tooclose {
   342  				b := &Bond{Index: nextIndex, Dist: d, At1: at1, At2: at2}
   343  				at1.Bonds = append(at1.Bonds, b)
   344  				at2.Bonds = append(at2.Bonds, b)
   345  				bonds = append(bonds, b) //just to easily keep track of them.
   346  				nextIndex++
   347  			}
   349  		}
   350  	}
   352  	//Now we check that no atom has too many bonds.
   353  	for i := 0; i < tot; i++ {
   354  		at := T.Atoms[i]
   355  		max := symbolMaxBonds[at.Symbol]
   356  		if max == 0 { //means there is not a specified number of bonds for this atom.
   357  			continue
   358  		}
   359  		sort.Slice(at.Bonds, func(i, j int) bool { return at.Bonds[i].Dist < at.Bonds[j].Dist })
   360  		//I am hoping this will remove bonds until len(at.Bonds) is not
   361  		//greater than max.
   362  		for i := len(at.Bonds); i > max; i = len(at.Bonds) {
   363  			err := at.Bonds[len(at.Bonds)-1].Remove() //we remove the longest bond
   364  			if err != nil {
   365  				return errDecorate(err, "AssignBonds")
   366  			}
   367  		}
   369  	}
   371  	return nil
   372  }
   374  /**Type Molecule**/
   376  // Molecule contains all the info for a molecule in many states. The info that is expected to change between states,
   377  // Coordinates and b-factors are stored separately from other atomic info.
   378  type Molecule struct {
   379  	*Topology
   380  	Coords      []*v3.Matrix
   381  	Bfactors    [][]float64
   382  	XYZFileData []string //This can be anything. The main rationale for including it is that XYZ files have a "comment"
   383  	//line after the first one. This line is sometimes used to write the energy of the structure.
   384  	//So here the line can be kept for each XYZ frame, and parse later
   385  	current int
   386  }
   388  // NewMolecule makes a molecule with ats atoms, coords coordinates, bfactors b-factors
   389  // charge charge and unpaired unpaired electrons, and returns it. It doesnt check for
   390  // consitency across slices or correct charge or unpaired electrons.
   391  func NewMolecule(coords []*v3.Matrix, ats Atomer, bfactors [][]float64) (*Molecule, error) {
   392  	if ats == nil {
   393  		return nil, CError{"Supplied a nil Reference", []string{"NewMolCule"}}
   394  	}
   395  	if coords == nil {
   396  		return nil, CError{"Supplied a nil Coord slice", []string{"NewMolCule"}}
   397  	}
   398  	//	if bfactors == nil {
   399  	//		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Supplied a nil Bfactors slice")
   400  	//	}
   401  	mol := new(Molecule)
   402  	atcopy := func() {
   403  		mol.Topology = NewTopology(9999, -1, make([]*Atom, 0, ats.Len())) //I use 9999 for charge and -1 or multi to indicate that they are not truly set. So far NewTopology never actually returns any error so it's safe to ignore them.
   404  		for i := 0; i < ats.Len(); i++ {
   405  			mol.Atoms = append(mol.Atoms, ats.Atom(i))
   406  		}
   407  	}
   408  	switch ats := ats.(type) { //for speed
   409  	case *Topology:
   410  		mol.Topology = ats
   411  	case AtomMultiCharger:
   412  		atcopy()
   413  		mol.SetMulti(ats.Multi())
   414  		mol.SetCharge(ats.Charge())
   415  	default:
   416  		atcopy()
   417  	}
   418  	mol.Coords = coords
   419  	mol.Bfactors = bfactors
   420  	return mol, nil
   421  }
   423  //The molecule methods:
   425  // DelCoord deletes the coodinate i from every frame of the molecule.
   426  func (M *Molecule) DelCoord(i int) error {
   427  	//note: Maybe this shouldn't be exported. Unexporting it could be a reasonable API change.
   428  	r, _ := M.Coords[0].Dims()
   429  	var err error
   430  	for j := 0; j < len(M.Coords); j++ {
   431  		tmp := v3.Zeros(r - 1)
   432  		tmp.DelVec(M.Coords[j], i)
   433  		M.Coords[j] = tmp
   434  		if err != nil {
   435  			return err
   436  		}
   437  	}
   438  	return nil
   439  }
   441  // Del Deletes atom i and its coordinates from the molecule.
   442  func (M *Molecule) Del(i int) error {
   443  	if i >= M.Len() {
   444  		panic(ErrAtomOutOfRange)
   445  	}
   446  	M.DelAtom(i)
   447  	err := M.DelCoord(i)
   448  	return err
   449  }
   451  // Copy puts in the receiver a copy of the molecule  A including coordinates
   452  func (M *Molecule) Copy(A *Molecule) {
   453  	if err := A.Corrupted(); err != nil {
   454  		panic(err.Error())
   455  	}
   456  	r, _ := A.Coords[0].Dims()
   457  	//mol := new(Molecule)
   458  	M.Topology = new(Topology)
   459  	for i := 0; i < A.Len(); i++ {
   460  		at := new(Atom)
   461  		at.Copy(A.Atom(i))
   462  		M.Topology.Atoms = append(M.Topology.Atoms, at)
   464  	}
   465  	//	M.CopyAtoms(A)
   466  	M.Coords = make([]*v3.Matrix, 0, len(A.Coords))
   467  	M.Bfactors = make([][]float64, 0, len(A.Bfactors))
   468  	for key, val := range A.Coords {
   469  		tmp := v3.Zeros(r)
   470  		tmp.Copy(val)
   471  		M.Coords = append(M.Coords, tmp)
   472  		tmp2 := copyB(A.Bfactors[key])
   473  		M.Bfactors = append(M.Bfactors, tmp2)
   474  	}
   475  	if err := M.Corrupted(); err != nil {
   476  		panic(PanicMsg(fmt.Sprintf("goChem: Molecule creation error: %s", err.Error())))
   477  	}
   478  }
   480  func copyB(b []float64) []float64 {
   481  	r := make([]float64, len(b), len(b))
   482  	for k, v := range b {
   483  		r[k] = v
   484  	}
   485  	return r
   486  }
   488  // AddFrame akes a matrix of coordinates and appends them at the end of the Coords.
   489  // It checks that the number of coordinates matches the number of atoms.
   490  func (M *Molecule) AddFrame(newframe *v3.Matrix) {
   491  	if newframe == nil {
   492  		panic(ErrNilFrame)
   493  	}
   494  	r, c := newframe.Dims()
   495  	if c != 3 {
   496  		panic(ErrNotXx3Matrix)
   497  	}
   498  	if M.Len() != r {
   499  		panic(PanicMsg(fmt.Sprintf("goChem: Wrong number of coordinates (%d)", newframe.NVecs())))
   500  	}
   501  	if M.Coords == nil {
   502  		M.Coords = make([]*v3.Matrix, 1, 1)
   503  	}
   504  	M.Coords = append(M.Coords, newframe)
   505  }
   507  // AddManyFrames adds the array of matrices newfames to the molecule. It checks that
   508  // the number of coordinates matches the number of atoms.
   509  func (M *Molecule) AddManyFrames(newframes []*v3.Matrix) {
   510  	if newframes == nil {
   511  		panic(ErrNilFrame)
   512  	}
   513  	if M.Coords == nil {
   514  		M.Coords = make([]*v3.Matrix, 1, len(newframes))
   515  	}
   516  	for key, val := range newframes {
   517  		f := func() { M.AddFrame(val) }
   518  		err := gnMaybe(gnPanicker(f))
   519  		if err != nil {
   520  			panic(PanicMsg(fmt.Sprintf("goChem: %s in frame %d", err.Error(), key)))
   521  		}
   522  	}
   523  }
   525  // Coord returns the coords for the atom atom in the frame frame.
   526  // panics if frame or coords are out of range.
   527  func (M *Molecule) Coord(atom, frame int) *v3.Matrix {
   528  	if frame >= len(M.Coords) {
   529  		panic(PanicMsg(fmt.Sprintf("goChem: Frame requested (%d) out of range", frame)))
   530  	}
   531  	r, _ := M.Coords[frame].Dims()
   532  	if atom >= r {
   533  		panic(PanicMsg(fmt.Sprintf("goChem: Requested coordinate (%d) out of bounds (%d)", atom, M.Coords[frame].NVecs())))
   534  	}
   535  	ret := v3.Zeros(1)
   536  	empt := M.Coords[frame].VecView(atom)
   537  	ret.Copy(empt)
   538  	return ret
   539  }
   541  // Current returns the number of the next read frame
   542  func (M *Molecule) Current() int {
   543  	if M == nil {
   544  		return -1
   545  	}
   546  	return M.current
   547  }
   549  // SetCurrent sets the value of the frame nex to be read
   550  // to i.
   551  func (M *Molecule) SetCurrent(i int) {
   552  	if i < 0 || i >= len(M.Coords) {
   553  		panic(PanicMsg(fmt.Sprintf("goChem: Invalid new value for current frame: %d Current frames: %d", i, len(M.Coords))))
   554  	}
   555  	M.current = i
   556  }
   558  /*
   559  //SetCoords replaces the coordinates of atoms in the positions given by atomlist with the gnOnes in NewVecs (in order)
   560  //If atomlist contains a single element, it replaces as many coordinates as given in NewVecs, starting
   561  //at the element in atomlist. In the latter case, the function checks that there are enough coordinates to
   562  //replace and returns an error if not.
   563  func (M *Molecule) SetCoords(NewVecs *CoordMA, atomlist []int, frame int) {
   564  	if frame >= len(M.Coords) {
   565  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Frame (%d) out of range!", frame))
   566  	}
   567  	//If supplies a list with one number, the NewVecs will replace the old coords
   568  	//Starting that number. We do check that you don't put more coords than spaces we have.
   569  	if len(atomlist) == 1 {
   570  		if NewVecs.Rows() > M.Coords[frame].Rows()-atomlist[0]-1 {
   571  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cant replace starting from position %d: Not enough atoms in molecule", atomlist[0]))
   572  		}
   573  		M.Coords[frame].SetMatrix(atomlist[0], 0, NewVecs)
   574  		return
   575  	}
   576  	//If the list has more than one atom
   577  	lenatoms := M.Len()
   578  	for k, j := range atomlist {
   579  		if j > lenatoms-1 {
   580  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Requested position number: %d (%d) out of range", k, j))
   581  		}
   582  		M.Coords[frame].SetMatrix(j, 0, NewVecs.GetRowVector(k))
   583  	}
   584  }
   586  */
   588  // Corrupted checks whether the molecule is corrupted, i.e. the
   589  // coordinates don't match the number of atoms. It also checks
   590  // That the coordinate matrices have 3 columns.
   591  func (M *Molecule) Corrupted() error {
   592  	var err error
   593  	if M.Bfactors == nil {
   594  		M.Bfactors = make([][]float64, 0, len(M.Coords))
   595  		M.Bfactors = append(M.Bfactors, make([]float64, M.Len()))
   596  	}
   597  	lastbfac := len(M.Bfactors) - 1
   598  	for i := range M.Coords {
   599  		r, c := M.Coords[i].Dims()
   600  		if M.Len() != r || c != 3 {
   601  			err = CError{fmt.Sprintf("Inconsistent coordinates/atoms in frame %d: Atoms %d, coords: %d", i, M.Len(), M.Coords[i].NVecs()), []string{"Molecule.Corrupted"}}
   602  			break
   603  		}
   604  		//Since bfactors are not as important as coordinates, we will just fill with
   605  		//zeroes anything that is lacking or incomplete instead of returning an error.
   607  		if lastbfac < i {
   608  			bfacs := make([]float64, M.Len())
   609  			M.Bfactors = append(M.Bfactors, bfacs)
   610  		}
   611  		bfr := len(M.Bfactors[i])
   612  		if bfr < M.Len() {
   613  			M.Bfactors[i] = make([]float64, M.Len(), 1)
   614  		}
   615  	}
   616  	return err
   617  }
   619  // NFrames returns the number of frames in the molecule
   620  func (M *Molecule) NFrames() int {
   621  	return len(M.Coords)
   622  }
   624  //Implementaiton of the sort.Interface
   626  // Swap function, as demanded by sort.Interface. It swaps atoms, coordinates
   627  // (all frames) and bfactors of the molecule.
   628  func (M *Molecule) Swap(i, j int) {
   629  	M.Atoms[i], M.Atoms[j] = M.Atoms[j], M.Atoms[i]
   630  	for k := 0; k < len(M.Coords); k++ {
   631  		M.Coords[k].SwapVecs(i, j)
   632  		t1 := M.Bfactors[k][i]
   633  		t2 := M.Bfactors[k][j]
   634  		M.Bfactors[k][i] = t2
   635  		M.Bfactors[k][j] = t1
   636  	}
   637  }
   639  // Less returns true if the value in the Bfactors for
   640  // atom i are less than that for atom j, and false otherwise.
   641  func (M *Molecule) Less(i, j int) bool {
   642  	return M.Bfactors[0][i] < M.Bfactors[0][j]
   643  }
   645  //Len is implemented in Topology
   647  //End sort.Interface
   649  /******************************************
   650  //The following implement the Traj interface
   651  **********************************************/
   653  // Checks that the molecule exists and has some existent
   654  // Coordinates, in which case returns true.
   655  // It returns false otherwise.
   656  // The coordinates could still be empty
   657  func (M *Molecule) Readable() bool {
   658  	if M != nil || M.Coords != nil || M.current < len(M.Coords) {
   660  		return true
   661  	}
   662  	return false
   663  }
   665  // Next puts the next frame into V and returns  an error or nil
   666  // The box argument is never used.
   667  func (M *Molecule) Next(V *v3.Matrix, box ...[]float64) error {
   668  	if M.current >= len(M.Coords) {
   669  		return newlastFrameError("", len(M.Coords)-1)
   670  	}
   671  	//	fmt.Println("CURR", M.current, len(M.Coords), V.NVecs(), M.Coords[M.current].NVecs()) ////////////////
   672  	M.current++
   673  	if V == nil {
   674  		return nil
   675  	}
   676  	V.Copy(M.Coords[M.current-1])
   677  	return nil
   678  }
   680  // InitRead initializes molecule to be read as a traj (not tested!)
   681  func (M *Molecule) InitRead() error {
   682  	if M == nil || len(M.Coords) == 0 {
   683  		return CError{"Bad molecule", []string{"InitRead"}}
   684  	}
   685  	M.current = 0
   686  	return nil
   687  }
   689  // NextConc takes a slice of bools and reads as many frames as elements the list has
   690  // form the trajectory. The frames are discarted if the corresponding elemetn of the slice
   691  // is false. The function returns a slice of channels through each of each of which
   692  // a *matrix.DenseMatrix will be transmited
   693  func (M *Molecule) NextConc(frames []*v3.Matrix) ([]chan *v3.Matrix, error) {
   694  	toreturn := make([]chan *v3.Matrix, 0, len(frames))
   695  	used := false
   697  	for _, val := range frames {
   698  		if val == nil {
   699  			M.current++
   700  			toreturn = append(toreturn, nil)
   701  			continue
   702  		}
   703  		if M.current >= len(M.Coords) {
   704  			lastframe := newlastFrameError("", len(M.Coords)-1)
   705  			if used == false {
   706  				return nil, lastframe
   707  			} else {
   708  				return toreturn, lastframe
   709  			}
   710  		}
   711  		used = true
   712  		toreturn = append(toreturn, make(chan *v3.Matrix))
   713  		go func(a *v3.Matrix, pipe chan *v3.Matrix) {
   714  			pipe <- a
   715  		}(M.Coords[M.current], toreturn[len(toreturn)-1])
   716  		M.current++
   717  	}
   718  	return toreturn, nil
   719  }
   721  // Close just sets the "current" counter to 0.
   722  // If you are using it as a trajectory, you can always just discard the molecule
   723  // and let the CG take care of it, as there is nothing on disk linked to it..
   724  func (M *Molecule) Close() {
   725  	M.current = 0
   726  }
   728  /**End Traj interface implementation***********/
   730  //End Molecule methods
   732  //Traj Error
   734  type lastFrameError struct {
   735  	fileName string
   736  	frame    int
   737  	deco     []string
   738  }
   740  // Error returns an error message string.
   741  func (E *lastFrameError) Error() string {
   742  	return "EOF" //: Last frame in mol-based trajectory from file %10s reached at frame %10d", E.fileName, E.frame)
   743  }
   745  // Format returns the format used by the trajectory that returned the error.
   746  func (E *lastFrameError) Format() string {
   747  	return "mol"
   748  }
   750  // Frame returns the frame at which the error was detected.
   751  func (E *lastFrameError) Frame() int {
   752  	return E.frame
   753  }
   755  func (E *lastFrameError) Critical() bool {
   756  	return false
   757  }
   759  // FileName returns the name of the file from where the trajectory that gave the error is read.
   760  func (E *lastFrameError) FileName() string {
   761  	return E.fileName
   762  }
   764  // NormalLastFrameTermination does nothing, it is there so we can have an interface unifying all
   765  // "normal termination" errors so they can be filtered out by type switch.
   766  func (E *lastFrameError) NormalLastFrameTermination() {
   767  }
   769  // Decorate will add the dec string to the decoration slice of strings of the error,
   770  // and return the resulting slice.
   771  func (E *lastFrameError) Decorate(dec string) []string {
   772  	if dec == "" {
   773  		return E.deco
   774  	}
   775  	E.deco = append(E.deco, dec)
   776  	return E.deco
   777  }
   779  func newlastFrameError(filename string, frame int) *lastFrameError {
   780  	e := new(lastFrameError)
   781  	e.fileName = filename
   782  	e.frame = frame
   783  	return e
   784  }
   786  //End Traj Error
   788  //The general concrete error type for the package
   790  // CError (Concrete Error) is the concrete error type
   791  // for the chem package, that implements chem.Error
   792  type CError struct {
   793  	msg  string
   794  	deco []string
   795  }
   797  //func (err CError) NonCritical() bool { return err.noncritical }
   799  func (err CError) Error() string { return err.msg }
   801  // Decorate will add the dec string to the decoration slice of strings of the error,
   802  // and return the resulting slice.
   803  func (err CError) Decorate(dec string) []string {
   804  	if dec == "" {
   805  		return err.deco
   806  	}
   807  	err.deco = append(err.deco, dec)
   808  	return err.deco
   809  }
   811  // errDecorate will decorate a chem.Error, or use the message of the error
   812  // and the name of the called to produce a new chem.Error (if the original error does not
   813  // implement chem.Error
   814  func errDecorate(err error, caller string) Error {
   815  	if err == nil {
   816  		return nil
   817  	}
   818  	err2, ok := err.(Error) //I know that is the type returned byt initRead
   819  	if ok {
   820  		err2.Decorate(caller)
   821  		return err2
   822  	}
   823  	err3 := CError{err.Error(), []string{caller}}
   824  	return err3
   825  }
   827  // PanicMsg is the type used for all the panics raised in the chem package
   828  // so they can be easily recovered if needed. goChem only raises panics
   829  // for programming errors: Attempts to to out of a matrice's bounds,
   830  // dimension mismatches in matrices, etc.
   831  type PanicMsg string
   833  // Error returns a string with an error message
   834  func (v PanicMsg) Error() string { return string(v) }
   836  const (
   837  	ErrNilData          = PanicMsg("goChem: Nil data given ")
   838  	ErrInconsistentData = PanicMsg("goChem: Inconsistent data length ")
   839  	ErrNilMatrix        = PanicMsg("goChem: Attempted to access nil v3.Matrix or gonum/mat64.Dense")
   840  	ErrNilAtoms         = PanicMsg("goChem: Topology has a nil []*Atom slice")
   841  	ErrNilAtom          = PanicMsg("goChem: Attempted to copy from or to a nil Atom")
   842  	ErrAtomOutOfRange   = PanicMsg("goChem: Requested/Attempted setting Atom out of range")
   843  	ErrNilFrame         = PanicMsg("goChem: Attempted to acces nil frame")
   844  	ErrNotXx3Matrix     = PanicMsg("goChem: A v3.Matrix should have 3 columns")
   845  	ErrCliffordRotation = PanicMsg("goChem-Clifford: Target and Result matrices must have the same dimensions. They cannot reference the same matrix") //the only panic that the Clifford functions throw.
   846  )