(about) 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 """ 3 Apply a "Security Group" to the members of an etcd cluster. 4 5 Usage: 6 """ 7 import os 8 import re 9 import string 10 import argparse 11 from threading import Thread 12 import uuid 13 14 import colorama 15 from colorama import Fore, Style 16 import paramiko 17 import requests 18 import sys 19 import yaml 20 21 22 def get_nodes_from_args(args): 23 if args.discovery_url is not None: 24 return get_nodes_from_discovery_url(args.discovery_url) 25 26 return get_nodes_from_discovery_url(get_discovery_url_from_user_data()) 27 28 29 def get_nodes_from_discovery_url(discovery_url): 30 try: 31 nodes = [] 32 json = requests.get(discovery_url).json() 33 discovery_nodes = json['node']['nodes'] 34 for node in discovery_nodes: 35 value = node['value'] 36 ip ='([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}', value).group(0) 37 nodes.append(ip) 38 return nodes 39 except: 40 raise IOError('Could not load nodes from discovery url ' + discovery_url) 41 42 43 def get_discovery_url_from_user_data(): 44 name = 'linode-user-data.yaml' 45 log_info('Loading discovery url from ' + name) 46 try: 47 current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) 48 user_data_file = file(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_dir, name)), 'r') 49 return'--discovery (http\S+)', 50 except: 51 raise IOError('Could not load discovery url from ' + name) 52 53 54 def validate_ip_address(ip): 55 return True if re.match('([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}', ip) else False 56 57 58 def get_firewall_contents(node_ips, private=False): 59 rules_template_text = """*filter 60 :INPUT DROP [0:0] 61 :FORWARD DROP [0:0] 62 :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] 63 :DOCKER - [0:0] 64 :Firewall-INPUT - [0:0] 65 -A INPUT -j Firewall-INPUT 66 -A FORWARD -j Firewall-INPUT 67 -A Firewall-INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT 68 -A Firewall-INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT 69 -A Firewall-INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT 70 -A Firewall-INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT 71 # Ping 72 -A Firewall-INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT 73 # Accept any established connections 74 -A Firewall-INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT 75 # Enable the traffic between the nodes of the cluster 76 -A Firewall-INPUT -s $node_ips -j ACCEPT 77 # Allow connections from docker container 78 -A Firewall-INPUT -i docker0 -j ACCEPT 79 # Accept ssh, http, https and git 80 -A Firewall-INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m multiport$multiport_private -p tcp --dports 22,2222,80,443 -j ACCEPT 81 # Log and drop everything else 82 -A Firewall-INPUT -j REJECT 83 COMMIT 84 """ 85 86 multiport_private = ' -s' if private else '' 87 88 rules_template = string.Template(rules_template_text) 89 return rules_template.substitute(node_ips=string.join(node_ips, ','), multiport_private=multiport_private) 90 91 92 def apply_rules_to_all(host_ips, rules, private_key): 93 pkey = detect_and_create_private_key(private_key) 94 95 threads = [] 96 for ip in host_ips: 97 t = Thread(target=apply_rules, args=(ip, rules, pkey)) 98 t.setDaemon(False) 99 t.start() 100 threads.append(t) 101 for thread in threads: 102 thread.join() 103 104 105 def detect_and_create_private_key(private_key): 106 private_key_text = 107 108 if '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' in private_key_text: 109 return paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(private_key) 110 elif '-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----' in private_key_text: 111 return paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key(private_key) 112 else: 113 raise ValueError('Invalid private key file ' + 114 115 116 def apply_rules(host_ip, rules, private_key): 117 # connect to the server via ssh 118 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() 119 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) 120 ssh.connect(host_ip, username='core', allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False, pkey=private_key) 121 122 # copy the rules to the temp directory 123 temp_file = '/tmp/' + str(uuid.uuid4()) 124 125 ssh.open_sftp() 126 sftp = ssh.open_sftp() 127, 'w').write(rules) 128 129 # move the rules in to place and enable and run the iptables-restore.service 130 commands = [ 131 'sudo mv ' + temp_file + ' /var/lib/iptables/rules-save', 132 'sudo chown root:root /var/lib/iptables/rules-save', 133 'sudo systemctl enable iptables-restore.service', 134 'sudo systemctl start iptables-restore.service' 135 ] 136 137 for command in commands: 138 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) 139 140 141 ssh.close() 142 143 log_success('Applied rule to ' + host_ip) 144 145 146 def main(): 147 colorama.init() 148 149 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Apply a "Security Group" to a Deis cluster') 150 parser.add_argument('--private-key', required=True, type=file, dest='private_key', help='Cluster SSH Private Key') 151 parser.add_argument('--private', action='store_true', dest='private', help='Only allow access to the cluster from the private network') 152 parser.add_argument('--discovery-url', dest='discovery_url', help='Etcd discovery url') 153 parser.add_argument('--hosts', nargs='+', dest='hosts', help='The IP addresses of the hosts to apply rules to') 154 args = parser.parse_args() 155 156 nodes = get_nodes_from_args(args) 157 hosts = args.hosts if args.hosts is not None else nodes 158 159 node_ips = [] 160 for ip in nodes: 161 if validate_ip_address(ip): 162 node_ips.append(ip) 163 else: 164 log_warning('Invalid IP will not be added to security group: ' + ip) 165 166 if not len(node_ips) > 0: 167 raise ValueError('No valid IP addresses in security group.') 168 169 host_ips = [] 170 for ip in hosts: 171 if validate_ip_address(ip): 172 host_ips.append(ip) 173 else: 174 log_warning('Host has invalid IP address: ' + ip) 175 176 if not len(host_ips) > 0: 177 raise ValueError('No valid host addresses.') 178 179 log_info('Generating iptables rules...') 180 rules = get_firewall_contents(node_ips, args.private) 181 log_success('Generated rules:') 182 log_debug(rules) 183 184 log_info('Applying rules...') 185 apply_rules_to_all(host_ips, rules, args.private_key) 186 log_success('Done!') 187 188 189 def log_debug(message): 190 print(Style.DIM + Fore.MAGENTA + message + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) 191 192 193 def log_info(message): 194 print(Fore.CYAN + message + Fore.RESET) 195 196 197 def log_warning(message): 198 print(Fore.YELLOW + message + Fore.RESET) 199 200 201 def log_success(message): 202 print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + message + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) 203 204 205 def log_error(message): 206 print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + message + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) 207 208 if __name__ == "__main__": 209 try: 210 main() 211 except Exception as e: 212 log_error(e.message) 213 sys.exit(1)