
     1  package utils
     3  type AresEnv string
     5  const (
     6  	EnvProd    AresEnv = "production"
     7  	EnvStaging AresEnv = "staging"
     8  	EnvDev     AresEnv = "development"
     9  	EnvTest    AresEnv = "test"
    11  	EnvironmentKey        = "ENVIRONMENT"
    12  	RuntimeEnvironmentKey = "RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT"
    13  	ZoneKey               = "DATACENTER_ZONE"
    14  	DataCenterKey         = "DATACENTER"
    15  	DeploymentKey         = "DEPLOYMENT_NAME"
    16  	HostnameKey           = "HOSTNAME"
    17  	PortSystemKey         = "PORT_SYSTEM"
    18  	AppIDKey              = "APP_ID"
    19  	InstanceIDKey         = "INSTANCE_ID"
    20  	ConfigDirKey          = "UBER_CONFIG_DIR"
    21  )
    23  type EnvironmentContext struct {
    24  	// Environment is // enum for host-level environment (development, test, production, staging)
    25  	Environment string
    26  	// RuntimeEnvironment is user-specified service runtime environment
    27  	RuntimeEnvironment string
    28  	// Zone is data center
    29  	Zone string
    30  	// Hostname is the host name
    31  	Hostname string
    32  	// Deployment is the deployment name
    33  	Deployment string //
    34  	// SystemPort is for health checks and introspection
    35  	SystemPort string
    36  	// ApplicationID is application  name
    37  	ApplicationID string
    38  	// InstanceID is the ID of an application instance
    39  	InstanceID string
    40  }
    42  // GetAresEnv gets the running environment setting for ares
    43  func GetAresEnv() AresEnv {
    44  	aresEnv := AresEnv(GetConfig().Env)
    45  	switch aresEnv {
    46  	case EnvProd:
    47  		break
    48  	case EnvStaging:
    49  		break
    50  	case EnvDev:
    51  		break
    52  	case EnvTest:
    53  		break
    54  	default:
    55  		return EnvDev
    56  	}
    57  	return aresEnv
    58  }
    60  func IsTest() bool {
    61  	return GetAresEnv() == EnvTest
    62  }
    64  func IsDev() bool {
    65  	return GetAresEnv() == EnvDev
    66  }
    68  func IsProd() bool {
    69  	return GetAresEnv() == EnvProd
    70  }
    72  func IsStaging() bool {
    73  	return GetAresEnv() == EnvStaging
    74  }