
     1  In addition to the open-source contributors who can be found in the revision history of this project, the ProxyFS team would also like 
     2  to thank the following contributors to the ProxyFS project:
     4  - The abductive **Balaji Rao** for his insightful design and implementation in the early, pre-open-source phases of development in many areas core to the file system.
     5  - The indefatigable **Kim Malone** for her extensive work in the early, pre-open-source phases of development on the jrrpc layer and other areas of the code.
     6  - The incomparable **Zack M. Davis** for his effort in protoyping and investigations in early phases of the project and implementations and
     7  testing in later phases.
     8  - **Didier M. Contis'** team at Georgia Tech, who display a rare combination of inquisitiveness and patience, and have been (and continue to be) a great 
     9  help throughout the development of this software.  We would like in particular to call out **Asu Ogork** and **Paul Manno** for their help testing,
    10  benchmarking, and representing the concerns of real administrators with complex deployment scenarios.