
     1  // Package confgen provides a mechanism by which a supplied configuration is converted into a
     2  // set of configuration files to be supplied to ProxyFS (proxyfsd), Samba (smbd et. al.), and
     3  // NFS (nfsd). In (at least) the case of Samba, multiple configuration files will be produced
     4  // with a per-IP path.
     5  //
     6  // Only the configuration files for the Cluster.WhoAmI-identified Peer will be produced though,
     7  // in the case of the ProxyFS configuration file, all VolumeGroups will be included given that
     8  // ProxyFS needs to know the mapping of VolumeGroup to Peer. This allows one ProxyFS instance
     9  // to redirect a JSONRPC client to the appropriate ProxyFS instance servicing the refernected
    10  // Volume. The Cluster.WhoAmI can either already be present in the `confFilePath` or be provided
    11  // as an element of the `confOverrides` argument in each of the APIs below.
    12  //
    13  // As would be typical in a deployment where the placement of VolumeGroups on Peers in dynamic,
    14  // the `confFilePath` would provide `VirtualIPAddr` values as opposed to fixed `PrimaryPeer`
    15  // assignments. It is the callers responsibility to compute the assignments of VolumeGroups
    16  // to Peers and either modify the provided `confFilePath` to include PrimaryPeer values or to
    17  // supply those via the `confOverrides` (e.g. "VolumeGroup:CommonVolumeGroup.PrimaryPeer=Peer0").
    18  package confgen
    20  // EnvMap allows the caller to provide environment-specific paths for various programs invoked
    21  // by this API as well as customize the scripts produced by this API.
    22  type EnvMap map[string]string
    24  const (
    25  	// LinuxUserCommentDefault is the default value of environment variable LinuxUserCommentEnv.
    26  	LinuxUserCommentDefault = "user-created-for-samba"
    27  	// LinuxUserCommentEnv specifies a comment to be applied to each Linux user created
    28  	// to be referenced by the SMB user system as provided by SAMBA(7).
    29  	LinuxUserCommentEnv = "LINUX_USER_COMMENT"
    31  	// PathToNetDefault is the default value of environment variable PathToNetEnv.
    32  	PathToNetDefault = "/usr/bin/net"
    33  	// PathToNetEnv is the name of the environment variable used to specify the path to the
    34  	// NET(8) tool used to administer a SAMBA(7) installation.
    35  	PathToNetEnv = "PATH_TO_NET"
    37  	// PathToKRB5ConfDirDefault is the default value of environment variable PathToKRB5ConfDirEnv.
    38  	PathToKRB5ConfDirDefault = "/etc/krb5.conf.d"
    39  	// PathToKRB5ConfDirEnv is the name of the environment variable used to specify the path to
    40  	// the KRB5 configuration directory where realm declarations are placed. This method is used
    41  	// to avoid having to merge all realm declarations into a common KRB5 configuration file.
    42  	PathToKRB5ConfDirEnv = "PATH_TO_KRB5_CONF_DIR"
    44  	// PathToPDBEditDefault is the default value of environment variable PathToPDBEditEnv.
    45  	PathToPDBEditDefault = "/usr/bin/pdbedit"
    46  	// PathToPDBEditEnv is the name of the environment variable used to specify the path to
    47  	// the PDBEDIT(8) tool used to administer a SAMBA(7) installation.
    48  	PathToPDBEditEnv = "PATH_TO_PDBEDIT"
    50  	// PathToPerVirtualIPAddrDirDefault is the default value of environment variable PathToPerVirtualIPAddrDirEnv.
    51  	PathToPerVirtualIPAddrDirDefault = "/var/lib/vips"
    52  	// PathToPerVirtualIPAddrDirEnv is the name of the environment variable used to specify the
    53  	// path to a directory containing a set of subdirectories each named for the corresponding
    54  	// VirtualIPAddr to which they pertain. In particular, each such subdirectory will contain
    55  	// a "samba" subdirectory containing all files referenced by that VirtualIPAddr's instance
    56  	// of SAMBA(7).
    57  	PathToPerVirtualIPAddrDirEnv = "PATH_TO_PER_VIRTUAL_IP_ADDR_DIR"
    59  	// PathToSMBDDefault is the default value of environment variable PathToSMBDEnv.
    60  	PathToSMBDDefault = "/usr/bin/smbd"
    61  	// PathToSMBDEnv is the name of the environment variable used to specify the path to the
    62  	// SMBD(8) program in a SAMBA(7) installation used to provide SMB file serving to clients.
    63  	PathToSMBDEnv = "PATH_TO_SMBD"
    65  	// PathToSMBPasswdDefault is the default value of environment variable PathToSMBPasswdEnv.
    66  	PathToSMBPasswdDefault = "/usr/bin/smbpasswd"
    67  	// PathToSMBPasswdEnv is the name of the environment variable used to specify the path to
    68  	// the SMBPASSWD(8) tool used to add an SMB user or update an SMB user's password in a
    69  	// SAMBA(7) installation.
    70  	PathToSMBPasswdEnv = "PATH_TO_SMBPASSWD"
    71  )
    73  // ComputeInitial takes a supplied ConfFile, overlays ConfOverrides, and computes an initial
    74  // set of configuration files that are used by a per-IPAddr set of Samba instances as well as
    75  // NFSd & ProxyFS.
    76  func ComputeInitial(envMap EnvMap, confFilePath string, confOverrides []string, initialDirPath string) (err error) {
    77  	err = computeInitial(envMap, confFilePath, confOverrides, initialDirPath)
    78  	return
    79  }
    81  // ComputePhases takes a supplied initial set of conf files (such as produced by ComputeInitial()
    82  // above) along with a new ConfFile and new ConfOverrides and produces two sets of conf files
    83  // used in a 2-phase migration from the initial config to a new config. Presumably, the 2nd phase
    84  // produced will be used as the initial config in the next call to ComputePhases().
    85  func ComputePhases(envMap EnvMap, initialDirPath string, confFilePath string, confOverrides []string, phaseOneDirPath string, phaseTwoDirPath string) (err error) {
    86  	err = computePhases(envMap, initialDirPath, confFilePath, confOverrides, phaseOneDirPath, phaseTwoDirPath)
    87  	return
    88  }