
     1  package dlm
     3  import (
     4  	"container/list"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"sync"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  // This struct is used by LLM to track a lock.
    15  type localLockTrack struct {
    16  	trackedlock.Mutex
    17  	lockId       string // lock identity (must be unique)
    18  	owners       uint64 // Count of threads which own lock
    19  	waiters      uint64 // Count of threads which want to own the lock (either shared or exclusive)
    20  	state        lockState
    21  	exclOwner    CallerID
    22  	listOfOwners []CallerID
    23  	waitReqQ     *list.List               // List of requests waiting for lock
    24  	rwMutexTrack trackedlock.RWMutexTrack // Track the lock to see how long its held
    25  }
    27  var localLockTrackPool = sync.Pool{
    28  	New: func() interface{} {
    29  		var track localLockTrack
    31  		// every localLockTrack should have a waitReqQ
    32  		track.waitReqQ = list.New()
    34  		return &track
    35  	},
    36  }
    38  type localLockRequest struct {
    39  	requestedState lockState
    40  	*sync.Cond
    41  	wakeUp       bool
    42  	LockCallerID CallerID
    43  }
    45  type lockState int
    47  const (
    48  	nilType lockState = iota
    49  	shared
    50  	exclusive
    51  	stale
    52  )
    54  // NOTE: This is a test-only interface used for unit tests.
    55  //
    56  // This function assumes that globals.Lock() is held.
    57  // TODO - can this be used in more cases without creating entry it if does not exist?
    58  func getTrack(lockId string) (track *localLockTrack, ok bool) {
    59  	track, ok = globals.localLockMap[lockId]
    60  	if !ok {
    61  		return track, ok
    62  	}
    63  	return track, ok
    64  }
    66  // NOTE: This is a test-only interface used for unit tests.
    67  func waitCountWaiters(lockId string, count uint64) {
    68  	for {
    69  		globals.Lock()
    70  		track, ok := getTrack(lockId)
    72  		// If the tracking object has not been created yet, sleep and retry.
    73  		if !ok {
    74  			// Sleep 5 milliseconds and test again
    75  			globals.Unlock()
    76  			time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
    77  			break
    78  		}
    80  		track.Mutex.Lock()
    82  		globals.Unlock()
    84  		waiters := track.waiters
    85  		track.Mutex.Unlock()
    87  		if waiters == count {
    88  			return
    89  		} else {
    90  			// Sleep 5 milliseconds and test again
    91  			time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
    92  		}
    93  	}
    94  }
    96  // NOTE: This is a test-only interface used for unit tests.
    97  func waitCountOwners(lockId string, count uint64) {
    98  	for {
    99  		globals.Lock()
   100  		track, ok := getTrack(lockId)
   102  		// If the tracking object has not been created yet, sleep and retry.
   103  		if !ok {
   104  			// Sleep 5 milliseconds and test again
   105  			globals.Unlock()
   106  			time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
   107  			break
   108  		}
   110  		track.Mutex.Lock()
   112  		globals.Unlock()
   114  		owners := track.owners
   115  		track.Mutex.Unlock()
   117  		if owners == count {
   118  			return
   119  		} else {
   120  			// Sleep 5 milliseconds and test again
   121  			time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
   122  		}
   123  	}
   124  }
   126  // This function assumes the mutex is held on the tracker structure
   127  func (t *localLockTrack) removeFromListOfOwners(callerID CallerID) {
   129  	// Find Position and delete entry (a map might be more efficient)
   130  	for i, id := range t.listOfOwners {
   131  		if id == callerID {
   132  			lastIdx := len(t.listOfOwners) - 1
   133  			t.listOfOwners[i] = t.listOfOwners[lastIdx]
   134  			t.listOfOwners = t.listOfOwners[:lastIdx]
   135  			return
   136  		}
   137  	}
   139  	panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't find CallerID: %v in list of lock owners!", callerID))
   140  }
   142  // This function assumes the mutex is held on the tracker structure
   143  func callerInListOfOwners(listOfOwners []CallerID, callerID CallerID) (amOwner bool) {
   144  	// Find Position
   145  	for _, id := range listOfOwners {
   146  		if id == callerID {
   147  			return true
   148  		}
   149  	}
   151  	return false
   152  }
   154  func isLockHeld(lockID string, callerID CallerID, lockHeldType LockHeldType) (held bool) {
   155  	globals.Lock()
   156  	// NOTE: Not doing a defer globals.Unlock() here since grabbing another lock below.
   158  	track, ok := globals.localLockMap[lockID]
   159  	if !ok {
   161  		// Lock does not exist in map
   162  		globals.Unlock()
   163  		return false
   164  	}
   166  	track.Mutex.Lock()
   168  	globals.Unlock()
   170  	defer track.Mutex.Unlock()
   172  	switch lockHeldType {
   173  	case READLOCK:
   174  		return (track.state == shared) && (callerInListOfOwners(track.listOfOwners, callerID))
   175  	case WRITELOCK:
   176  		return (track.state == exclusive) && (callerInListOfOwners(track.listOfOwners, callerID))
   177  	case ANYLOCK:
   178  		return ((track.state == exclusive) || (track.state == shared)) && (callerInListOfOwners(track.listOfOwners, callerID))
   179  	}
   180  	return false
   181  }
   183  func grantAndSignal(track *localLockTrack, localQRequest *localLockRequest) {
   184  	track.state = localQRequest.requestedState
   185  	track.listOfOwners = append(track.listOfOwners, localQRequest.LockCallerID)
   186  	track.owners++
   188  	if track.state == exclusive {
   189  		if track.exclOwner != nil || track.owners != 1 {
   190  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("granted exclusive lock when (exclOwner != nil || track.owners != 1)! "+
   191  				"track lockId %v owners %d waiters %d lockState %v exclOwner %v listOfOwners %v",
   192  				track.lockId, track.owners, track.waiters, track.state,
   193  				*track.exclOwner, track.listOfOwners))
   194  		}
   195  		track.exclOwner = localQRequest.LockCallerID
   196  	}
   198  	localQRequest.wakeUp = true
   199  	localQRequest.Cond.Broadcast()
   200  }
   202  // Process the waitReqQ and see if any locks can be granted.
   203  //
   204  // This function assumes that the tracking mutex is held.
   205  func processLocalQ(track *localLockTrack) {
   207  	// If nothing on queue then return
   208  	if track.waitReqQ.Len() == 0 {
   209  		return
   210  	}
   212  	// If the lock is already held exclusively then nothing to do.
   213  	if track.state == exclusive {
   214  		return
   215  	}
   217  	// At this point, the lock is either stale or shared
   218  	//
   219  	// Loop through Q and see if a request can be granted.  If it can then pop it off the Q.
   220  	for track.waitReqQ.Len() > 0 {
   221  		elem := track.waitReqQ.Remove(track.waitReqQ.Front())
   222  		var localQRequest *localLockRequest
   223  		var ok bool
   224  		if localQRequest, ok = elem.(*localLockRequest); !ok {
   225  			panic("Remove of elem failed!!!")
   226  		}
   228  		// If the lock is already free and then want it exclusive
   229  		if (localQRequest.requestedState == exclusive) && (track.state == stale) {
   230  			grantAndSignal(track, localQRequest)
   231  			return
   232  		}
   234  		// If want exclusive and not free, we can't grant so push on front and break from loop.
   235  		if localQRequest.requestedState == exclusive {
   236  			track.waitReqQ.PushFront(localQRequest)
   237  			return
   238  		}
   240  		// At this point we know the Q entry is shared.  Grant it now.
   241  		grantAndSignal(track, localQRequest)
   242  	}
   243  }
   245  func (l *RWLockStruct) commonLock(requestedState lockState, try bool) (err error) {
   247  	globals.Lock()
   248  	track, ok := globals.localLockMap[l.LockID]
   249  	if !ok {
   250  		// TODO - handle blocking waiting for lock from DLM
   252  		// Lock does not exist in map, get one
   253  		track = localLockTrackPool.Get().(*localLockTrack)
   254  		if track.waitReqQ.Len() != 0 {
   255  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("localLockTrack object %p from pool does not have empty waitReqQ",
   256  				track))
   257  		}
   258  		if len(track.listOfOwners) != 0 {
   259  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("localLockTrack object %p  from pool does not have empty ListOfOwners",
   260  				track))
   261  		}
   262  		track.lockId = l.LockID
   263  		track.state = stale
   265  		globals.localLockMap[l.LockID] = track
   267  	}
   269  	track.Mutex.Lock()
   270  	defer track.Mutex.Unlock()
   272  	globals.Unlock()
   274  	// If we are doing a TryWriteLock or TryReadLock, see if we could
   275  	// grab the lock before putting on queue.
   276  	if try {
   277  		if (requestedState == exclusive) && (track.state != stale) {
   278  			err = errors.New("Lock is busy - try again!")
   279  			return blunder.AddError(err, blunder.TryAgainError)
   280  		} else {
   281  			if track.state == exclusive {
   282  				err = errors.New("Lock is busy - try again!")
   283  				return blunder.AddError(err, blunder.TryAgainError)
   284  			}
   285  		}
   286  	}
   287  	localRequest := localLockRequest{requestedState: requestedState, LockCallerID: l.LockCallerID, wakeUp: false}
   288  	localRequest.Cond = sync.NewCond(&track.Mutex)
   289  	track.waitReqQ.PushBack(&localRequest)
   291  	track.waiters++
   293  	// See if any locks can be granted
   294  	processLocalQ(track)
   296  	// wakeUp will already be true if processLocalQ() signaled this thread to wakeup.
   297  	for localRequest.wakeUp == false {
   298  		localRequest.Cond.Wait()
   299  	}
   301  	// sanity check request and lock state
   302  	if localRequest.wakeUp != true {
   303  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("commonLock(): thread awoke without being signalled; localRequest %v "+
   304  			"track lockId %v owners %d waiters %d lockState %v exclOwner %v listOfOwners %v",
   305  			localRequest, track.lockId, track.owners, track.waiters, track.state,
   306  			*track.exclOwner, track.listOfOwners))
   307  	}
   308  	if track.state == stale || track.owners == 0 || (track.owners > 1 && track.state != shared) {
   309  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("commonLock(): lock is in undefined state: localRequest %v "+
   310  			"track lockId %v owners %d waiters %d lockState %v exclOwner %v listOfOwners %v",
   311  			localRequest, track.lockId, track.owners, track.waiters, track.state,
   312  			*track.exclOwner, track.listOfOwners))
   313  	}
   315  	// let trackedlock package track how long we hold the lock
   316  	if track.state == exclusive {
   317  		track.rwMutexTrack.LockTrack(track)
   318  	} else {
   319  		track.rwMutexTrack.RLockTrack(track)
   320  	}
   322  	// At this point, we got the lock either by the call to processLocalQ() above
   323  	// or as a result of processLocalQ() being called from the unlock() path.
   325  	// We decrement waiters here instead of in processLocalQ() so that other threads do not
   326  	// assume there are no waiters between the time the Cond is signaled and we wakeup this thread.
   327  	track.waiters--
   329  	return nil
   330  }
   332  // unlock() releases the lock and signals any waiters that the lock is free.
   333  func (l *RWLockStruct) unlock() (err error) {
   335  	// TODO - assert not stale and if shared that count != 0
   336  	globals.Lock()
   337  	track, ok := globals.localLockMap[l.LockID]
   338  	if !ok {
   339  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Trying to Unlock() inode: %v and lock not found in localLockMap()!", l.LockID))
   340  	}
   342  	track.Mutex.Lock()
   344  	// Remove lock from localLockMap if no other thread using.
   345  	//
   346  	// We have track structure for lock.  While holding mutex on localLockMap, remove
   347  	// lock from map if we are the last holder of the lock.
   348  	// TODO - does this handle revoke case and any others?
   349  	var deleted = false
   350  	if (track.owners == 1) && (track.waiters == 0) {
   351  		deleted = true
   352  		delete(globals.localLockMap, l.LockID)
   353  	}
   355  	globals.Unlock()
   357  	// TODO - handle release of lock back to DLM and delete from localLockMap
   358  	// Set stale and signal any waiters
   359  	track.owners--
   360  	track.removeFromListOfOwners(l.LockCallerID)
   361  	if track.state == exclusive {
   362  		if track.owners != 0 || track.exclOwner == nil {
   363  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("releasing exclusive lock when (exclOwner == nil || track.owners != 0)! "+
   364  				"track lockId %v owners %d waiters %d lockState %v exclOwner %v listOfOwners %v",
   365  				track.lockId, track.owners, track.waiters, track.state,
   366  				*track.exclOwner, track.listOfOwners))
   367  		}
   368  		track.exclOwner = nil
   369  	}
   371  	if track.owners == 0 {
   372  		track.state = stale
   373  	} else {
   374  		if track.owners < 0 {
   375  			panic("track.owners < 0!!!")
   376  		}
   377  	}
   378  	// record the release of the lock
   379  	track.rwMutexTrack.DLMUnlockTrack(track)
   381  	// See if any locks can be granted
   382  	processLocalQ(track)
   384  	track.Mutex.Unlock()
   386  	// can't return the
   387  	if deleted {
   388  		if track.waitReqQ.Len() != 0 || track.waiters != 0 || track.state != stale {
   389  			panic(fmt.Sprintf(
   390  				"localLockTrack object %p retrieved from pool does not have an empty waitReqQ",
   391  				track.waitReqQ))
   392  		}
   393  		localLockTrackPool.Put(track)
   394  	}
   396  	// TODO what error is possible?
   397  	return nil
   398  }