
     1  @startuml
     2  participant Client
     3  participant ProxyFS
     4  participant "Namespace\nDistributed\nLock Manager" as DLM
     5  participant "Swift Proxy\nsupporting\nHTTP PATCH" as SP
     6  participant "Object\nServer" as OBJ
     7  participant "Container\nServer" as CONT
     9  Client->ProxyFS: create("/tmp/foo/cat.jpg")
    11  ProxyFS->DLM: shared-lock-request([/])
    12  DLM->ProxyFS: shared-lock-grant([/])
    13  loop until "tmp" found
    14  ProxyFS->SP: GET([/] to find "tmp" dirent)
    15  loop
    16  SP->OBJ: GET(BTree nodes in [/] LogSegments)
    17  OBJ->SP: GET Response
    18  end
    19  SP->ProxyFS: GET Response
    20  end
    21  ProxyFS->DLM: shared-lock-release([/])
    22  DLM->ProxyFS: shared-lock-released([/])
    24  ProxyFS->DLM: shared-lock-request([/tmp/])
    25  DLM->ProxyFS: shared-lock-grant([/tmp/])
    26  loop until "foo" found
    27  ProxyFS->SP: GET([/tmp/] to find "foo" dirent)
    28  loop on "read plan"
    29  SP->OBJ: GET(BTree nodes in [/tmp/] LogSegments)
    30  OBJ->SP: GET Response
    31  end
    32  SP->ProxyFS: GET Response
    33  end
    34  ProxyFS->DLM: shared-lock-release([/tmp/])
    35  DLM->ProxyFS: shared-lock-released([/tmp/])
    37  ProxyFS->DLM: exclusive-lock-request([/tmp/foo/])
    38  DLM->ProxyFS: exclusive-lock-grant([/tmp/foo/])
    39  loop until "cat.jpg" known to be missing
    40  ProxyFS->SP: GET([/tmp/foo/] to not find "cat.jpg" dirent)
    41  loop on "read plan"
    42  SP->OBJ: GET(BTree nodes in [/tmp/foo/] LogSegments)
    43  OBJ->SP: GET Response
    44  end
    45  SP->ProxyFS: GET Response
    46  end
    48  ProxyFS->SP: PUT([/tmp/foo/cat.jpg]'s "zeroth" LogSegment (no content))
    49  ProxyFS->SP: PUT([/tmp/foo/cat.jpg]'s empty "zeroth" LogSegment)
    50  SP->OBJ: PUT([/tmp/foo/cat.jpg]'s empty "zeroth" LogSegment)
    51  OBJ->CONT: Add([/tmp/foo/cat.jpg]'s "zeroth" LogSegment)
    52  CONT->OBJ: Add request queue'd
    53  OBJ->SP: PUT OK
    54  SP->ProxyFS: PUT OK
    56  ProxyFS->SP: PATCH([/tmp/foo/] with dirent mapping "cat.jpg" to [/tmp/foo/cat.jpg])
    57  SP->OBJ: PUT([/tmp/foo/]'s "next" LogSegment)
    58  OBJ->CONT: Add([/tmp/foo/]'s "next" LogSegment)
    59  CONT->OBJ: Add request queue'd
    60  OBJ->SP: PUT OK
    61  SP->ProxyFS: PATCH OK
    62  ProxyFS->DLM: exclusive-lock-release([/tmp/foo/])
    63  DLM->ProxyFS: exclusive-lock-released([/tmp/foo/])
    66  ProxyFS->Client: create("/tmp/foo/cat.jpg") successful
    67  @enduml