
     1  package inode
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"strconv"
     6  	"strings"
     7  	"sync"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  type snapShotScheduleStruct struct {
    16  	name                string
    17  	policy              *snapShotPolicyStruct
    18  	minuteSpecified     bool
    19  	minute              int // 0-59
    20  	hourSpecified       bool
    21  	hour                int // 0-23
    22  	dayOfMonthSpecified bool
    23  	dayOfMonth          int // 1-31
    24  	monthSpecified      bool
    25  	month               time.Month // 1-12
    26  	dayOfWeekSpecified  bool
    27  	dayOfWeek           time.Weekday // 0-6 (0 == Sunday)
    28  	keep                uint64
    29  	count               uint64 // computed by scanning each time daemon() awakes
    30  }
    32  type snapShotPolicyStruct struct {
    33  	name          string
    34  	volume        *volumeStruct
    35  	schedule      []*snapShotScheduleStruct
    36  	location      *time.Location
    37  	stopChan      chan struct{}
    38  	doneWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
    39  }
    41  func (vS *volumeStruct) loadSnapShotPolicy(confMap conf.ConfMap) (err error) {
    42  	var (
    43  		cronTabStringSlice          []string
    44  		dayOfMonthAsU64             uint64
    45  		dayOfWeekAsU64              uint64
    46  		hourAsU64                   uint64
    47  		minuteAsU64                 uint64
    48  		monthAsU64                  uint64
    49  		snapShotPolicy              *snapShotPolicyStruct
    50  		snapShotPolicyName          string
    51  		snapShotPolicySectionName   string
    52  		snapShotSchedule            *snapShotScheduleStruct
    53  		snapShotScheduleList        []string
    54  		snapShotScheduleName        string
    55  		snapShotScheduleSectionName string
    56  		timeZone                    string
    57  		volumeSectionName           string
    58  	)
    60  	// Default to no snapShotPolicy found
    61  	vS.snapShotPolicy = nil
    63  	volumeSectionName = "Volume:" + vS.volumeName
    65  	snapShotPolicyName, err = confMap.FetchOptionValueString(volumeSectionName, "SnapShotPolicy")
    66  	if nil != err {
    67  		// Default to setting snapShotPolicy to nil and returning success
    68  		err = nil
    69  		return
    70  	}
    72  	snapShotPolicy = &snapShotPolicyStruct{name: snapShotPolicyName, volume: vS}
    74  	snapShotPolicySectionName = "SnapShotPolicy:" + snapShotPolicyName
    76  	snapShotScheduleList, err = confMap.FetchOptionValueStringSlice(snapShotPolicySectionName, "ScheduleList")
    77  	if nil != err {
    78  		return
    79  	}
    80  	if 0 == len(snapShotScheduleList) {
    81  		// If ScheduleList is empty, set snapShotPolicy to nil and return success
    82  		err = nil
    83  		return
    84  	}
    85  	snapShotPolicy.schedule = make([]*snapShotScheduleStruct, 0, len(snapShotScheduleList))
    86  	for _, snapShotScheduleName = range snapShotScheduleList {
    87  		snapShotScheduleSectionName = "SnapShotSchedule:" + snapShotScheduleName
    89  		snapShotSchedule = &snapShotScheduleStruct{name: snapShotScheduleName, policy: snapShotPolicy}
    91  		cronTabStringSlice, err = confMap.FetchOptionValueStringSlice(snapShotScheduleSectionName, "CronTab")
    92  		if nil != err {
    93  			return
    94  		}
    95  		if 5 != len(cronTabStringSlice) {
    96  			err = fmt.Errorf("%v.CronTab must be a 5 element crontab time specification", snapShotScheduleSectionName)
    97  			return
    98  		}
   100  		if "*" == cronTabStringSlice[0] {
   101  			snapShotSchedule.minuteSpecified = false
   102  		} else {
   103  			snapShotSchedule.minuteSpecified = true
   105  			minuteAsU64, err = strconv.ParseUint(cronTabStringSlice[0], 10, 8)
   106  			if nil != err {
   107  				return
   108  			}
   109  			if 59 < minuteAsU64 {
   110  				err = fmt.Errorf("%v.CronTab[0] must be valid minute (0-59)", snapShotScheduleSectionName)
   111  				return
   112  			}
   114  			snapShotSchedule.minute = int(minuteAsU64)
   115  		}
   117  		if "*" == cronTabStringSlice[1] {
   118  			snapShotSchedule.hourSpecified = false
   119  		} else {
   120  			snapShotSchedule.hourSpecified = true
   122  			hourAsU64, err = strconv.ParseUint(cronTabStringSlice[1], 10, 8)
   123  			if nil != err {
   124  				return
   125  			}
   126  			if 23 < hourAsU64 {
   127  				err = fmt.Errorf("%v.CronTab[1] must be valid hour (0-23)", snapShotScheduleSectionName)
   128  				return
   129  			}
   131  			snapShotSchedule.hour = int(hourAsU64)
   132  		}
   134  		if "*" == cronTabStringSlice[2] {
   135  			snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonthSpecified = false
   136  		} else {
   137  			snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonthSpecified = true
   139  			dayOfMonthAsU64, err = strconv.ParseUint(cronTabStringSlice[2], 10, 8)
   140  			if nil != err {
   141  				return
   142  			}
   143  			if (0 == dayOfMonthAsU64) || (31 < dayOfMonthAsU64) {
   144  				err = fmt.Errorf("%v.CronTab[2] must be valid dayOfMonth (1-31)", snapShotScheduleSectionName)
   145  				return
   146  			}
   148  			snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonth = int(dayOfMonthAsU64)
   149  		}
   151  		if "*" == cronTabStringSlice[3] {
   152  			snapShotSchedule.monthSpecified = false
   153  		} else {
   154  			snapShotSchedule.monthSpecified = true
   156  			monthAsU64, err = strconv.ParseUint(cronTabStringSlice[3], 10, 8)
   157  			if nil != err {
   158  				return
   159  			}
   160  			if (0 == monthAsU64) || (12 < monthAsU64) {
   161  				err = fmt.Errorf("%v.CronTab[3] must be valid month (1-12)", snapShotScheduleSectionName)
   162  				return
   163  			}
   165  			snapShotSchedule.month = time.Month(monthAsU64)
   166  		}
   168  		if "*" == cronTabStringSlice[4] {
   169  			snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeekSpecified = false
   170  		} else {
   171  			snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeekSpecified = true
   173  			dayOfWeekAsU64, err = strconv.ParseUint(cronTabStringSlice[4], 10, 8)
   174  			if nil != err {
   175  				return
   176  			}
   177  			if 6 < dayOfWeekAsU64 {
   178  				err = fmt.Errorf("%v.CronTab[4] must be valid dayOfWeek (0-6)", snapShotScheduleSectionName)
   179  				return
   180  			}
   182  			snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeek = time.Weekday(dayOfWeekAsU64)
   183  		}
   185  		snapShotSchedule.keep, err = confMap.FetchOptionValueUint64(snapShotScheduleSectionName, "Keep")
   186  		if nil != err {
   187  			return
   188  		}
   190  		if snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeekSpecified && (snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonthSpecified || snapShotSchedule.monthSpecified) {
   191  			err = fmt.Errorf("%v.CronTab must not specify DayOfWeek if DayOfMonth and/or Month are specified", snapShotScheduleSectionName)
   192  			return
   193  		}
   195  		snapShotPolicy.schedule = append(snapShotPolicy.schedule, snapShotSchedule)
   196  	}
   198  	timeZone, err = confMap.FetchOptionValueString(snapShotPolicySectionName, "TimeZone")
   200  	if nil == err {
   201  		snapShotPolicy.location, err = time.LoadLocation(timeZone)
   202  		if nil != err {
   203  			return
   204  		}
   205  	} else { // nil != err
   206  		// If not present, default to UTC
   207  		snapShotPolicy.location = time.UTC
   208  	}
   210  	// If we reach here, we've successfully loaded the snapShotPolicy
   212  	vS.snapShotPolicy = snapShotPolicy
   213  	err = nil
   214  	return
   215  }
   217  func (snapShotPolicy *snapShotPolicyStruct) up() {
   218  	snapShotPolicy.stopChan = make(chan struct{}, 1)
   219  	snapShotPolicy.doneWaitGroup.Add(1)
   220  	go snapShotPolicy.daemon()
   221  }
   223  func (snapShotPolicy *snapShotPolicyStruct) down() {
   224  	snapShotPolicy.stopChan <- struct{}{}
   225  	snapShotPolicy.doneWaitGroup.Wait()
   226  }
   228  func (snapShotPolicy *snapShotPolicyStruct) daemon() {
   229  	var (
   230  		err                error
   231  		nextDuration       time.Duration
   232  		nextTime           time.Time
   233  		nextTimePreviously time.Time
   234  		snapShotName       string
   235  		timeNow            time.Time
   236  	)
   238  	nextTimePreviously = time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, snapShotPolicy.location)
   240  	for {
   241  		timeNow = time.Now().In(snapShotPolicy.location)
   242  		nextTime =
   243  		for {
   244  			if !nextTime.Equal(nextTimePreviously) {
   245  				break
   246  			}
   247  			// We took the last snapshot so quickly, next() returned the same nextTime
   248  			time.Sleep(time.Second)
   249  			timeNow = time.Now().In(snapShotPolicy.location)
   250  			nextTime =
   251  		}
   252  		nextDuration = nextTime.Sub(timeNow)
   253  		select {
   254  		case _ = <-snapShotPolicy.stopChan:
   255  			snapShotPolicy.doneWaitGroup.Done()
   256  			return
   257  		case <-time.After(nextDuration):
   258  			for time.Now().In(snapShotPolicy.location).Before(nextTime) {
   259  				// If time.After() returned a bit too soon, loop until it is our time
   260  				time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
   261  			}
   262  			snapShotName = strings.Replace(nextTime.Format(time.RFC3339), ":", ".", -1)
   263  			_, err = snapShotPolicy.volume.SnapShotCreate(snapShotName)
   264  			if nil != err {
   265  				logger.WarnWithError(err)
   266  			}
   267  			snapShotPolicy.prune()
   268  		}
   269  		nextTimePreviously = nextTime
   270  	}
   271  }
   273  func (snapShotPolicy *snapShotPolicyStruct) prune() {
   274  	var (
   275  		err               error
   276  		keep              bool
   277  		matches           bool
   278  		matchesAtLeastOne bool
   279  		snapShot          headhunter.SnapShotStruct
   280  		snapShotList      []headhunter.SnapShotStruct
   281  		snapShotSchedule  *snapShotScheduleStruct
   282  		snapShotTime      time.Time
   283  	)
   285  	// First, zero each snapShotSchedule.count
   287  	for _, snapShotSchedule = range snapShotPolicy.schedule {
   288  		snapShotSchedule.count = 0
   289  	}
   291  	// Now fetch the reverse time-ordered list of snapshots
   293  	snapShotList = snapShotPolicy.volume.headhunterVolumeHandle.SnapShotListByTime(true)
   295  	// Now walk snapShotList looking for snapshots to prune
   297  	for _, snapShot = range snapShotList {
   298  		snapShotTime, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, strings.Replace(snapShot.Name, ".", ":", -1))
   299  		if nil != err {
   300  			// SnapShot was not formatted to match a potential SnapShotPolicy/Schedule...skip it
   301  			continue
   302  		}
   304  		// Compare against each snapShotSchedule
   306  		keep = false
   307  		matchesAtLeastOne = false
   309  		for _, snapShotSchedule = range snapShotPolicy.schedule {
   310  			matches =
   311  			if matches {
   312  				matchesAtLeastOne = true
   313  				snapShotSchedule.count++
   314  				if snapShotSchedule.count <= snapShotSchedule.keep {
   315  					keep = true
   316  				}
   317  			}
   318  		}
   320  		if matchesAtLeastOne && !keep {
   321  			// Although this snapshot "matchesAtLeastOne",
   322  			//   no snapShotSchedule said "keep" it
   324  			err = snapShotPolicy.volume.SnapShotDelete(snapShot.ID)
   325  			if nil != err {
   326  				logger.WarnWithError(err)
   327  			}
   328  		}
   329  	}
   330  }
   332  // thisTime is presumably the snapShotSchedule.policy.location-local parsed
   333  func (snapShotSchedule *snapShotScheduleStruct) compare(thisTime time.Time) (matches bool) {
   334  	var (
   335  		dayOfMonth    int
   336  		dayOfWeek     time.Weekday
   337  		hour          int
   338  		minute        int
   339  		month         time.Month
   340  		truncatedTime time.Time
   341  		year          int
   342  	)
   344  	hour, minute, _ = thisTime.Clock()
   345  	year, month, dayOfMonth = thisTime.Date()
   346  	dayOfWeek = thisTime.Weekday()
   348  	truncatedTime = time.Date(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, 0, 0, snapShotSchedule.policy.location)
   349  	if !truncatedTime.Equal(thisTime) {
   350  		matches = false
   351  		return
   352  	}
   354  	if snapShotSchedule.minuteSpecified {
   355  		if snapShotSchedule.minute != minute {
   356  			matches = false
   357  			return
   358  		}
   359  	}
   361  	if snapShotSchedule.hourSpecified {
   362  		if snapShotSchedule.hour != hour {
   363  			matches = false
   364  			return
   365  		}
   366  	}
   368  	if snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonthSpecified {
   369  		if snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonth != dayOfMonth {
   370  			matches = false
   371  			return
   372  		}
   373  	}
   375  	if snapShotSchedule.monthSpecified {
   376  		if snapShotSchedule.month != month {
   377  			matches = false
   378  			return
   379  		}
   380  	}
   382  	if snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeekSpecified {
   383  		if snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeek != dayOfWeek {
   384  			matches = false
   385  			return
   386  		}
   387  	}
   389  	// If we make it this far, thisTime matches snapShotSchedule
   391  	matches = true
   392  	return
   393  }
   395  // Since time.Truncate() only truncates with respect to UTC, it is unsafe
   397  func truncateToStartOfMinute(untruncatedTime time.Time, loc *time.Location) (truncatedTime time.Time) {
   398  	var (
   399  		day   int
   400  		hour  int
   401  		min   int
   402  		month time.Month
   403  		year  int
   404  	)
   406  	hour, min, _ = untruncatedTime.Clock()
   407  	year, month, day = untruncatedTime.Date()
   409  	truncatedTime = time.Date(year, month, day, hour, min, 0, 0, loc)
   411  	return
   412  }
   414  func truncateToStartOfHour(untruncatedTime time.Time, loc *time.Location) (truncatedTime time.Time) {
   415  	var (
   416  		day   int
   417  		hour  int
   418  		month time.Month
   419  		year  int
   420  	)
   422  	hour, _, _ = untruncatedTime.Clock()
   423  	year, month, day = untruncatedTime.Date()
   425  	truncatedTime = time.Date(year, month, day, hour, 0, 0, 0, loc)
   427  	return
   428  }
   430  func truncateToStartOfDay(untruncatedTime time.Time, loc *time.Location) (truncatedTime time.Time) {
   431  	var (
   432  		day   int
   433  		month time.Month
   434  		year  int
   435  	)
   437  	year, month, day = untruncatedTime.Date()
   439  	truncatedTime = time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, loc)
   441  	return
   442  }
   444  func truncateToStartOfMonth(untruncatedTime time.Time, loc *time.Location) (truncatedTime time.Time) {
   445  	var (
   446  		month time.Month
   447  		year  int
   448  	)
   450  	year, month, _ = untruncatedTime.Date()
   452  	truncatedTime = time.Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, loc)
   454  	return
   455  }
   457  // timeNow is presumably time.Now() localized to snapShotSchedule.policy.location...
   458  //   ...but provided here so that each invocation of the per snapShotSchedule
   459  //      within a snapShotPolicy can use the same value
   460  func (snapShotSchedule *snapShotScheduleStruct) next(timeNow time.Time) (nextTime time.Time) {
   461  	var (
   462  		dayOfMonth      int
   463  		dayOfWeek       time.Weekday
   464  		hour            int
   465  		minute          int
   466  		month           time.Month
   467  		numDaysToAdd    int
   468  		numHoursToAdd   int
   469  		numMinutesToAdd int
   470  		year            int
   471  	)
   473  	// Ensure nextTime is at least at the start of the next minute
   474  	nextTime = truncateToStartOfMinute(timeNow, snapShotSchedule.policy.location).Add(time.Minute)
   476  	if snapShotSchedule.minuteSpecified {
   477  		minute = nextTime.Minute()
   478  		if snapShotSchedule.minute == minute {
   479  			// We don't need to advance nextTime
   480  		} else {
   481  			// No need to (again) truncate nextTime back to the start of the minute
   482  			// Now advance nextTime to align with minute
   483  			if snapShotSchedule.minute > minute {
   484  				numMinutesToAdd = snapShotSchedule.minute - minute
   485  			} else { // snapShotSchedule.minute < minute
   486  				numMinutesToAdd = snapShotSchedule.minute + 60 - minute
   487  			}
   488  			nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration(numMinutesToAdd) * time.Minute)
   489  		}
   490  	}
   492  	if snapShotSchedule.hourSpecified {
   493  		hour = nextTime.Hour()
   494  		if snapShotSchedule.hour == hour {
   495  			// We don't need to advance nextTime
   496  		} else {
   497  			// First truncate nextTime back to the start of the hour
   498  			nextTime = truncateToStartOfHour(nextTime, snapShotSchedule.policy.location)
   499  			// Restore minuteSpecified if necessary
   500  			if snapShotSchedule.minuteSpecified {
   501  				nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration(snapShotSchedule.minute) * time.Minute)
   502  			}
   503  			// Now advance nextTime to align with hour
   504  			if snapShotSchedule.hour > hour {
   505  				numHoursToAdd = snapShotSchedule.hour - hour
   506  			} else { // snapShotSchedule.hour < hour
   507  				numHoursToAdd = snapShotSchedule.hour + 24 - hour
   508  			}
   509  			nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration(numHoursToAdd) * time.Hour)
   510  		}
   511  	}
   513  	if snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonthSpecified {
   514  		dayOfMonth = nextTime.Day()
   515  		if snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonth == dayOfMonth {
   516  			// We don't need to advance nextTime
   517  		} else {
   518  			// First truncate nextTime back to the start of the day
   519  			nextTime = truncateToStartOfDay(nextTime, snapShotSchedule.policy.location)
   520  			// Restore minuteSpecified and/or hourSpecified if necessary
   521  			if snapShotSchedule.minuteSpecified {
   522  				nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration(snapShotSchedule.minute) * time.Minute)
   523  			}
   524  			if snapShotSchedule.hourSpecified {
   525  				nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration(snapShotSchedule.hour) * time.Hour)
   526  			}
   527  			// Now advance nextTime to align with dayOfMonth
   528  			// Note: This unfortunately iterative approach avoids complicated
   529  			//       adjustments for the non-fixed number of days in a month
   530  			for {
   531  				nextTime = nextTime.Add(24 * time.Hour)
   532  				dayOfMonth = nextTime.Day()
   533  				if snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonth == dayOfMonth {
   534  					break
   535  				}
   536  			}
   537  		}
   538  	}
   540  	if snapShotSchedule.monthSpecified {
   541  		month = nextTime.Month()
   542  		if snapShotSchedule.month == month {
   543  			// We don't need to advance nextTime
   544  		} else {
   545  			// First truncate nextTime back to the start of the month
   546  			nextTime = truncateToStartOfMonth(nextTime, snapShotSchedule.policy.location)
   547  			// Restore minuteSpecified, hourSpecified, and/or dayOfMonthSpecified if necessary
   548  			if snapShotSchedule.minuteSpecified {
   549  				nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration(snapShotSchedule.minute) * time.Minute)
   550  			}
   551  			if snapShotSchedule.hourSpecified {
   552  				nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration(snapShotSchedule.hour) * time.Hour)
   553  			}
   554  			if snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonthSpecified {
   555  				nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration((snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonth-1)*24) * time.Hour)
   556  			}
   557  			// Now advance nextTime to align with month
   558  			// Note: This unfortunately iterative approach avoids complicated
   559  			//       adjustments for the non-fixed number of days in a month
   560  			hour, minute, _ = nextTime.Clock()
   561  			year, month, dayOfMonth = nextTime.Date()
   562  			if !snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonthSpecified {
   563  				dayOfMonth = 1
   564  			}
   565  			for {
   566  				if time.December == month {
   567  					month = time.January
   568  					year++
   569  				} else {
   570  					month++
   571  				}
   572  				nextTime = time.Date(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, 0, 0, snapShotSchedule.policy.location)
   573  				year, month, dayOfMonth = nextTime.Date()
   574  				if snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonthSpecified {
   575  					if (snapShotSchedule.month == month) && (snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonth == dayOfMonth) {
   576  						break
   577  					} else {
   578  						dayOfMonth = snapShotSchedule.dayOfMonth
   579  					}
   580  				} else {
   581  					if (snapShotSchedule.month == month) && (1 == dayOfMonth) {
   582  						break
   583  					} else {
   584  						dayOfMonth = 1
   585  					}
   586  				}
   587  			}
   588  		}
   589  	}
   591  	if snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeekSpecified {
   592  		dayOfWeek = nextTime.Weekday()
   593  		if time.Weekday(snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeek) == dayOfWeek {
   594  			// We don't need to advance nextTime
   595  		} else {
   596  			// First truncate nextTime back to the start of the day
   597  			nextTime = truncateToStartOfDay(nextTime, snapShotSchedule.policy.location)
   598  			// Restore minuteSpecified and/or hourSpecified if necessary
   599  			if snapShotSchedule.minuteSpecified {
   600  				nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration(snapShotSchedule.minute) * time.Minute)
   601  			}
   602  			if snapShotSchedule.hourSpecified {
   603  				nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration(snapShotSchedule.hour) * time.Hour)
   604  			}
   605  			// Now advance nextTime to align with dayOfWeek
   606  			if time.Weekday(snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeek) > dayOfWeek {
   607  				numDaysToAdd = int(snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeek) - int(dayOfWeek)
   608  			} else { // time.Weekday(snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeek) < dayOfWeek
   609  				numDaysToAdd = int(snapShotSchedule.dayOfWeek) + 7 - int(dayOfWeek)
   610  			}
   611  			nextTime = nextTime.Add(time.Duration(24*numDaysToAdd) * time.Hour)
   612  		}
   613  	}
   615  	return
   616  }
   618  // timeNow is presumably time.Now() localized to snapShotPolicy.location...
   619  //   ...but provided here primarily to enable easy testing
   620  func (snapShotPolicy *snapShotPolicyStruct) next(timeNow time.Time) (nextTime time.Time) {
   621  	var (
   622  		nextTimeForSnapShotSchedule time.Time
   623  		nextTimeHasBeenSet          bool
   624  		snapShotSchedule            *snapShotScheduleStruct
   625  	)
   627  	nextTimeHasBeenSet = false
   629  	for _, snapShotSchedule = range snapShotPolicy.schedule {
   630  		nextTimeForSnapShotSchedule =
   631  		if nextTimeHasBeenSet {
   632  			if nextTimeForSnapShotSchedule.Before(nextTime) {
   633  				nextTime = nextTimeForSnapShotSchedule
   634  			}
   635  		} else {
   636  			nextTime = nextTimeForSnapShotSchedule
   637  			nextTimeHasBeenSet = true
   638  		}
   639  	}
   641  	return
   642  }