
     1  # Single peer .conf file customized for ProxyFS in a container
     3  [Peer:Peer0]
     4  PublicIPAddr:                   # To be set by
     5  PrivateIPAddr: # So that docker run -p can expose ports on PrivateIPAddr
     6  ReadCacheQuotaFraction: 0.20
     8  [Cluster]
     9  WhoAmI:                   Peer0
    10  Peers:                    Peer0
    11  ServerGuid:               0bb51164-258f-4e04-a417-e16d736ca41c
    12  PrivateClusterUDPPort:    8123
    13  UDPPacketSendSize:        1400
    14  UDPPacketRecvSize:        1500
    15  UDPPacketCapPerMessage:   5
    16  HeartBeatDuration:        1s
    17  HeartBeatMissLimit:       3
    18  MessageQueueDepthPerPeer: 4
    19  MaxRequestDuration:       1s
    20  LivenessCheckRedundancy:  2
    21  LogLevel:                 0
    23  [SwiftClient]
    24  NoAuthIPAddr:       
    25  NoAuthTCPPort:                8090
    27  RetryDelay:                   1s
    28  RetryExpBackoff:              1.5
    29  RetryLimit:                   1
    31  RetryDelayObject:             1s
    32  RetryExpBackoffObject:        1.95
    33  RetryLimitObject:             8
    35  ChunkedConnectionPoolSize:    512
    36  NonChunkedConnectionPoolSize: 128
    38  SwiftReconNoWriteThreshold:   80
    39  SwiftReconNoWriteErrno:       ENOSPC
    40  SwiftReconReadOnlyThreshold:  90
    41  SwiftReconReadOnlyErrno:      EROFS
    42  SwiftConfDir:                 /etc/swift
    43  SwiftReconChecksPerConfCheck: 10
    45  [PhysicalContainerLayout:CommonVolumePhysicalContainerLayoutReplicated3Way]
    46  ContainerStoragePolicy:                   silver          # bronze
    47  ContainerNamePrefix:                      Replicated3Way_ # ErasureCoded_
    48  ContainersPerPeer:                        10
    49  MaxObjectsPerContainer:                   1000000
    51  [SnapShotSchedule:MinutelySnapShotSchedule]
    52  CronTab:                                  * * * * * # Every minute
    53  Keep:                                     59
    55  [SnapShotSchedule:HourlySnapShotSchedule]
    56  CronTab:                                  0 * * * * # At the top of every hour
    57  Keep:                                     23
    59  [SnapShotSchedule:DailySnapShotSchedule]
    60  CronTab:                                  0 0 * * * # At midnight every day
    61  Keep:                                     6
    63  [SnapShotSchedule:WeeklySnapShotSchedule]
    64  CronTab:                                  0 0 * * 0 # At midnight every Sunday
    65  Keep:                                     8
    67  [SnapShotSchedule:MonthlySnapShotSchedule]
    68  CronTab:                                  0 0 1 * * # At midnight on the first of every month
    69  Keep:                                     11
    71  [SnapShotSchedule:YearlySnapShotSchedule]
    72  CronTab:                                  0 0 1 1 * # At midnight on the January 1st of every year
    73  Keep:                                     4
    75  [SnapShotPolicy:CommonSnapShotPolicy]
    76  ScheduleList:                             MinutelySnapShotSchedule,HourlySnapShotSchedule,DailySnapShotSchedule,WeeklySnapShotSchedule,MonthlySnapShotSchedule,YearlySnapShotSchedule
    77  TimeZone:                                 America/Los_Angeles
    79  [SnapShotSchedule:TestSnapShotSchedule]
    80  CronTab:                                  * * * * * # Every minute
    81  Keep:                                     3
    83  [SnapShotPolicy:TestSnapShotPolicy]
    84  ScheduleList:                             TestSnapShotSchedule
    85  TimeZone:                                 America/Los_Angeles
    87  [Volume:CommonVolume]
    88  FSID:                                     1
    89  FUSEMountPointName:                       CommonMountPoint
    90  NFSExportClientMapList:                   CommonVolumeNFSClient0
    91  SMBShareName:                             CommonShare
    92  AccountName:                              AUTH_test
    93  AutoFormat:                               true
    94  NonceValuesToReserve:                     100
    95  MaxEntriesPerDirNode:                     32
    96  MaxExtentsPerFileNode:                    32
    97  MaxInodesPerMetadataNode:                 32
    98  MaxLogSegmentsPerMetadataNode:            64
    99  MaxDirFileNodesPerMetadataNode:           16
   100  MaxCreatedDeletedObjectsPerMetadataNode:  256
   101  CheckpointEtcdKeyName:                    ProxyFS:Volume:CommonVolume:Checkpoint
   102  CheckpointContainerName:                  .__checkpoint__
   103  CheckpointContainerStoragePolicy:         gold
   104  CheckpointInterval:                       10s
   105  #ReplayLogFileName:                        CommonVolume.rlog
   106  DefaultPhysicalContainerLayout:           CommonVolumePhysicalContainerLayoutReplicated3Way
   107  MaxFlushSize:                             10485760
   108  MaxFlushTime:                             10s
   109  FileDefragmentChunkSize:                  10485760
   110  FileDefragmentChunkDelay:                 10ms
   111  ReportedBlockSize:                        65536
   112  ReportedFragmentSize:                     65536
   113  ReportedNumBlocks:                        1677721600
   114  ReportedNumInodes:                        107374182400
   115  SnapShotIDNumBits:                        10
   116  MaxBytesInodeCache:                       10485760
   117  InodeCacheEvictInterval:                  1s
   118  #SnapShotPolicy:                           CommonSnapShotPolicy # Optional
   119  #SnapShotPolicy:                           TestSnapShotPolicy
   120  SMBValidUserList:                         swift
   121  SMBBrowseable:                            true
   122  SMBStrictSync:                            yes
   123  SMBAuditLogging:                          false
   124  SMBEncryptionRequired:                    false
   125  ActiveLeaseEvictLowLimit:                 5000
   126  ActiveLeaseEvictHighLimit:                5010
   128  [NFSClientMap:CommonVolumeNFSClient0]
   129  ClientPattern:                            *
   130  AccessMode:                               rw
   131  RootSquash:                               no_root_squash
   132  Secure:                                   insecure
   134  [VolumeGroup:CommonVolumeGroup]
   135  VolumeList:                               CommonVolume
   136  VirtualIPAddr:
   137  PrimaryPeer:                              Peer0
   138  ReadCacheLineSize:                        1048576
   139  ReadCacheWeight:                          100
   140  SMBWorkgroup:                             # If missing or blank, defaults to WORKGROUP
   141  SMBActiveDirectoryEnabled:                false # If true, all other SMBActiveDirectory* Key:Values are required (defaults to false)
   142  SMBActiveDirectoryRealm:
   143  SMBActiveDirectoryIDMapDefaultMin:
   144  SMBActiveDirectoryIDMapDefaultMax:
   145  SMBActiveDirectoryIDMapWorkgroupMin:
   146  SMBActiveDirectoryIDMapWorkgroupMax:
   148  [FSGlobals]
   149  VolumeGroupList:                          CommonVolumeGroup
   150  CheckpointHeaderConsensusAttempts:        5
   151  MountRetryLimit:                          6
   152  MountRetryDelay:                          1s
   153  MountRetryExpBackoff:                     2
   154  LogCheckpointHeaderPosts:                 true
   155  TryLockBackoffMin:                        10ms
   156  TryLockBackoffMax:                        50ms
   157  TryLockSerializationThreshhold:           5
   158  SymlinkMax:                               32
   159  CoalesceElementChunkSize:                 16
   160  InodeRecCacheEvictLowLimit:               10000
   161  InodeRecCacheEvictHighLimit:              10010
   162  LogSegmentRecCacheEvictLowLimit:          10000
   163  LogSegmentRecCacheEvictHighLimit:         10010
   164  BPlusTreeObjectCacheEvictLowLimit:        10000
   165  BPlusTreeObjectCacheEvictHighLimit:       10010
   166  CreatedDeletedObjectsCacheEvictLowLimit:  10000
   167  CreatedDeletedObjectsCacheEvictHighLimit: 10010
   168  DirEntryCacheEvictLowLimit:               10000
   169  DirEntryCacheEvictHighLimit:              10010
   170  FileExtentMapEvictLowLimit:               10000
   171  FileExtentMapEvictHighLimit:              10010
   172  EtcdEnabled:                              false
   173  EtcdEndpoints:                  
   174  EtcdAutoSyncInterval:                     1m
   175  EtcdDialTimeout:                          10s
   176  EtcdOpTimeout:                            20s
   177  MetadataRecycleBin:                       false
   178  SMBUserList:                              swift
   179  SMBMapToGuest:                            # One of Never, Bad User, Bad Password, or Bad Uid (case insensitive)... defaults to Never
   180  SMBNetBiosName:                           # Defaults to `hostname -s` (i.e. short host name)
   182  [SMBUsers]
   183  swift:                                    c3dpZnQ= # base64.standard_b64encode("swift")
   185  [JSONRPCServer]
   186  TCPPort:                 12345
   187  FastTCPPort:             32345
   188  DataPathLogging:         false
   189  Debug:                   false
   190  RetryRPCPort:            32356
   191  RetryRPCTTLCompleted:      10m
   192  RetryRPCAckTrim:         100ms
   193  RetryRPCDeadlineIO:        60s
   194  RetryRPCKeepAlivePeriod:   60s
   195  MinLeaseDuration:        250ms
   196  LeaseInterruptInterval:  250ms
   197  LeaseInterruptLimit:        20
   199  [Logging]
   200  LogFilePath:       proxyfsd.log
   201  TraceLevelLogging: none
   202  DebugLevelLogging: none
   203  LogToConsole:      false
   205  [EventLog]
   206  Enabled:          false
   207  BufferKey:        1234
   208  BufferLength:     1048576 # 1MiB
   209  MinBackoff:       1us
   210  MaxBackoff:       2us
   211  DaemonPollDelay:  10ms
   212  DaemonOutputPath:         # If blank, os.Stdout is used
   214  [Stats]
   215  UDPPort:      48125 # To use nc to test, use "TCPPort" rather than UDPPort.
   216  BufferLength: 1000
   217  MaxLatency:   1s
   219  [StatsLogger]
   220  Period:  10m
   221  Verbose: true
   223  [HTTPServer]
   224  TCPPort:           15346
   225  JobHistoryMaxSize:     5
   227  [ProxyfsDebug]
   228  ProfileType:     None
   229  DebugServerPort: 6060