
     1  package nulls_test
     3  import (
     4  	"database/sql"
     5  	"encoding/json"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"os"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"testing"
    10  	"time"
    12  	""
    14  	. ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	_ ""
    18  	""
    19  )
    21  type Foo struct {
    22  	ID         Int64     `json:"id" db:"id"`
    23  	Name       String    `json:"name" db:"name"`
    24  	Alive      Bool      `json:"alive" db:"alive"`
    25  	Price      Float64   `json:"price" db:"price"`
    26  	Birth      Time      `json:"birth" db:"birth"`
    27  	Price32    Float32   `json:"price32" db:"price32"`
    28  	Bytes      ByteSlice `json:"bytes" db:"bytes"`
    29  	IntType    Int       `json:"intType" db:"int_type"`
    30  	Int32Type  Int32     `json:"int32Type" db:"int32_type"`
    31  	UInt32Type UInt32    `json:"uint32Type" db:"uint32_type"`
    32  	UID        UUID      `json:"uid" db:"uid"`
    33  }
    35  const schema = `CREATE TABLE "main"."foos" (
    36  	 "id" integer,
    37  	 "name" text,
    38  	 "alive" integer,
    39  	 "price" float,
    40  	 "birth" timestamp,
    41  	 "price32" float,
    42  	 "bytes"  blob,
    43  	 "int_type" integer,
    44  	 "int32_type" integer,
    45  	 "uint32_type" integer,
    46  	 "uid" uuid
    47  );`
    49  // Ensure legacy package is still compatible with new package types.
    50  var _ nulls.Bool = NewBool(true)
    51  var uid, _ = uuid.NewV4()
    52  var now = time.Now()
    54  func newValidFoo() Foo {
    55  	return Foo{
    56  		ID:         NewInt64(1),
    57  		Name:       NewString("Mark"),
    58  		Alive:      NewBool(true),
    59  		Price:      NewFloat64(9.99),
    60  		Birth:      NewTime(now),
    61  		Price32:    NewFloat32(3.33),
    62  		Bytes:      NewByteSlice([]byte("Byte Slice")),
    63  		IntType:    NewInt(2),
    64  		Int32Type:  NewInt32(3),
    65  		UInt32Type: NewUInt32(5),
    66  		UID:        NewUUID(uid),
    67  	}
    68  }
    70  func Test_TypesMarshalProperly(t *testing.T) {
    71  	t.Parallel()
    73  	a := require.New(t)
    74  	f := newValidFoo()
    76  	ti, _ := json.Marshal(now)
    77  	ba, _ := json.Marshal(f.Bytes)
    78  	jsonString := fmt.Sprintf(`{"id":1,"name":"Mark","alive":true,"price":9.99,"birth":%s,"price32":3.33,"bytes":%s,"intType":2,"int32Type":3,"uint32Type":5,"uid":"%s"}`, ti, ba, uid.String())
    80  	// check marshalling to json works:
    81  	data, _ := json.Marshal(f)
    82  	a.Equal(string(data), jsonString)
    84  	// check unmarshalling from json works:
    85  	f = Foo{}
    86  	json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(jsonString)).Decode(&f)
    87  	a.Equal(f.ID.Int64, int64(1))
    88  	a.Equal(f.Name.String, "Mark")
    89  	a.Equal(f.Alive.Bool, true)
    90  	a.Equal(f.Price.Float64, 9.99)
    91  	a.Equal(f.Birth.Time.Nanosecond(), now.Nanosecond())
    92  	a.Equal(f.Price32.Float32, float32(3.33))
    93  	a.Equal(f.Bytes.ByteSlice, ba)
    94  	a.Equal(f.IntType.Int, 2)
    95  	a.Equal(f.Int32Type.Int32, int32(3))
    96  	a.Equal(f.UInt32Type.UInt32, uint32(5))
    97  	a.Equal(uid.String(), f.UID.UUID.String())
    99  	// check marshalling nulls works:
   100  	f = Foo{}
   101  	jsonString = `{"id":null,"name":null,"alive":null,"price":null,"birth":null,"price32":null,"bytes":null,"intType":null,"int32Type":null,"uint32Type":null,"uid":null}`
   102  	data, _ = json.Marshal(f)
   103  	a.Equal(string(data), jsonString)
   105  	f = Foo{}
   106  	json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(jsonString)).Decode(&f)
   107  	a.Equal(f.ID.Int64, int64(0))
   108  	a.False(f.ID.Valid)
   109  	a.Equal(f.Name.String, "")
   110  	a.False(f.Name.Valid)
   111  	a.Equal(f.Alive.Bool, false)
   112  	a.False(f.Alive.Valid)
   113  	a.Equal(f.Price.Float64, float64(0))
   114  	a.False(f.Price.Valid)
   115  	a.Equal(f.Birth.Time, time.Time{})
   116  	a.False(f.Birth.Valid)
   117  	a.Equal(f.Price32.Float32, float32(0))
   118  	a.False(f.Price32.Valid)
   119  	a.Equal(f.Bytes.ByteSlice, []byte(nil))
   120  	a.False(f.Bytes.Valid)
   121  	a.Equal(f.IntType.Int, 0)
   122  	a.False(f.IntType.Valid)
   123  	a.Equal(f.Int32Type.Int32, int32(0))
   124  	a.False(f.Int32Type.Valid)
   125  	a.Equal(f.UInt32Type.UInt32, uint32(0))
   126  	a.False(f.UInt32Type.Valid)
   127  	a.Equal(f.UID.UUID, uuid.Nil)
   128  	a.False(f.UID.Valid)
   129  }
   131  func Test_TypeSaveAndRetrieveProperly(t *testing.T) {
   132  	t.Parallel()
   134  	a := require.New(t)
   136  	initDB(func(db *sqlx.DB) {
   137  		// Test with invalid INSERT query
   138  		tx, err := db.Beginx()
   139  		a.NoError(err)
   140  		_, err = tx.Exec("insert into foos")
   141  		a.Error(err)
   143  		f := Foo{}
   144  		a.Equal(sql.ErrNoRows, tx.Get(&f, "select * from foos"))
   145  		a.False(f.Alive.Valid)
   146  		a.False(f.Birth.Valid)
   147  		a.False(f.ID.Valid)
   148  		a.False(f.Name.Valid)
   149  		a.False(f.Price.Valid)
   150  		a.False(f.Alive.Bool)
   151  		a.False(f.Price32.Valid)
   152  		a.False(f.Bytes.Valid)
   153  		a.False(f.IntType.Valid)
   154  		a.False(f.Int32Type.Valid)
   155  		a.False(f.UInt32Type.Valid)
   156  		a.Equal(f.Birth.Time.UnixNano(), time.Time{}.UnixNano())
   157  		a.Equal(f.ID.Int64, int64(0))
   158  		a.Equal(f.Name.String, "")
   159  		a.Equal(f.Price.Float64, float64(0))
   160  		a.Equal(f.Price32.Float32, float32(0))
   161  		a.Equal(f.Bytes.ByteSlice, []byte(nil))
   162  		a.Equal(f.IntType.Int, 0)
   163  		a.Equal(f.Int32Type.Int32, int32(0))
   164  		a.Equal(f.UInt32Type.UInt32, uint32(0))
   165  		a.NoError(tx.Rollback())
   167  		// Test with valid INSERT query
   168  		tx, err = db.Beginx()
   169  		a.NoError(err)
   171  		f = newValidFoo()
   172  		_, err = tx.NamedExec("INSERT INTO foos (id, name, alive, price, birth, price32, bytes, int_type, int32_type, uint32_type, uid) VALUES (:id, :name, :alive, :price, :birth, :price32, :bytes, :int_type, :int32_type, :uint32_type, :uid)", &f)
   173  		a.NoError(err)
   174  		f = Foo{}
   175  		a.NoError(tx.Get(&f, "select * from foos"))
   176  		a.True(f.Alive.Valid)
   177  		a.True(f.Birth.Valid)
   178  		a.True(f.ID.Valid)
   179  		a.True(f.Name.Valid)
   180  		a.True(f.Price.Valid)
   181  		a.True(f.Alive.Bool)
   182  		a.True(f.Price32.Valid)
   183  		a.True(f.Bytes.Valid)
   184  		a.True(f.IntType.Valid)
   185  		a.True(f.Int32Type.Valid)
   186  		a.True(f.UInt32Type.Valid)
   187  		a.Equal(f.Birth.Time.UnixNano(), now.UnixNano())
   188  		a.Equal(f.ID.Int64, int64(1))
   189  		a.Equal(f.Name.String, "Mark")
   190  		a.Equal(f.Price.Float64, 9.99)
   191  		a.Equal(f.Price32.Float32, float32(3.33))
   192  		a.Equal(f.Bytes.ByteSlice, []byte("Byte Slice"))
   193  		a.Equal(f.IntType.Int, 2)
   194  		a.Equal(f.Int32Type.Int32, int32(3))
   195  		a.Equal(f.UInt32Type.UInt32, uint32(5))
   196  		a.Equal(uid.String(), f.UID.UUID.String())
   198  		a.NoError(tx.Rollback())
   199  	})
   200  }
   202  func initDB(f func(db *sqlx.DB)) {
   203  	os.Remove("./foo.db")
   204  	db, _ := sqlx.Open("sqlite3", "./foo.db")
   205  	db.MustExec(schema)
   206  	f(db)
   207  	os.Remove("./foo.db")
   208  }