
     1  @setupApplicationTest
     2  Feature: components / catalog-filter
     3    Scenario: Filtering [Model]
     4      Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc-1"
     5      And 4 service models from yaml
     6      ---
     7        - ChecksPassing: 1
     8          ChecksWarning: 0
     9          ChecksCritical: 0
    10        - ChecksPassing: 0
    11          ChecksWarning: 1
    12          ChecksCritical: 0
    13        - ChecksPassing: 0
    14          ChecksWarning: 0
    15          ChecksCritical: 1
    16        - ChecksPassing: 1
    17          ChecksWarning: 0
    18          ChecksCritical: 0
    19      ---
    20      And 4 node models from yaml
    21      ---
    22        - Checks:
    23            - Status: passing
    24        - Checks:
    25            - Status: warning
    26        - Checks:
    27            - Status: critical
    28        - Checks:
    29            - Status: passing
    30      ---
    31      When I visit the [Page] page for yaml
    32      ---
    33        dc: dc-1
    34      ---
    35      Then the url should be [Url]
    37      Then I see 4 [Model] models
    38      And I see allIsSelected on the filter
    40      When I click passing on the filter
    41      And I see passingIsSelected on the filter
    42      And I see 2 [Model] models
    44      When I click warning on the filter
    45      And I see warningIsSelected on the filter
    46      And I see 1 [Model] model
    48      When I click critical on the filter
    49      And I see criticalIsSelected on the filter
    50      And I see 1 [Model] model
    52      When I click all on the filter
    53      And I see allIsSelected on the filter
    54      Then I fill in with yaml
    55      ---
    56      s: [Model]-0
    57      ---
    58      And I see 1 [Model] model with the name "[Model]-0"
    60    Where:
    61      -------------------------------------------------
    62      | Model   | Page     | Url                       |
    63      | service | services | /dc-1/services            |
    64      | node    | nodes    | /dc-1/nodes               |
    65      -------------------------------------------------
    66    Scenario: Filtering [Model] in [Page]
    67      Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1"
    68      And 1 node model from yaml
    69      ---
    70      ID: node-0
    71      Services:
    72      - ID: 'service-0-with-id'
    73        Port: 65535
    74        Service: 'service-0'
    75        Tags: ['monitor', 'two', 'three']
    76      - ID: 'service-1'
    77        Port: 0
    78        Service: 'service-1'
    79        Tags: ['hard drive', 'monitor', 'three']
    80      - ID: 'service-2'
    81        Port: 1
    82        Service: 'service-2'
    83        Tags: ['one', 'two', 'three']
    84      ---
    85      When I visit the [Page] page for yaml
    86      ---
    87        dc: dc1
    88        node: node-0
    89      ---
    90      # And I see 3 healthcheck model with the name "Disk Util"
    91      When I click services on the tabs
    92      And I see servicesIsSelected on the tabs
    94      Then I fill in with yaml
    95      ---
    96      s: 65535
    97      ---
    98      And I see 1 [Model] model
    99      And I see 1 [Model] model with the port "65535"
   100      Then I fill in with yaml
   101      ---
   102      s: service-0-with-id
   103      ---
   104      And I see 1 [Model] model
   105      And I see 1 [Model] model with the id "service-0-with-id"
   106      Then I fill in with yaml
   107      ---
   108      s: hard drive
   109      ---
   110      And I see 1 [Model] model with the name "[Model]-1"
   111      Then I fill in with yaml
   112      ---
   113      s: monitor
   114      ---
   115      And I see 2 [Model] models
   116      Then I fill in with yaml
   117      ---
   118      s: wallpix
   119      ---
   120      And I see 0 [Model] models
   121    Where:
   122      -------------------------------------------------
   123      | Model   | Page     | Url                       |
   124      | service | node     | /dc-1/nodes/node-0        |
   125      -------------------------------------------------
   126    Scenario: Filtering [Model] in [Page]
   127      Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1"
   128      And 2 [Model] models from yaml
   129      ---
   130      - ID: node-0
   131      ---
   132      When I visit the [Page] page for yaml
   133      ---
   134        dc: dc1
   135        service: service-0
   136      ---
   137      Then I fill in with yaml
   138      ---
   139      s: service-0-with-id
   140      ---
   141      And I see 1 [Model] model
   142      Then I see id on the unhealthy like yaml
   143      ---
   144        - service-0-with-id
   145      ---
   146    Where:
   147      -------------------------------------------------
   148      | Model   | Page     | Url                       |
   149      | nodes   | service  | /dc-1/services/service-0  |
   150      -------------------------------------------------
   151    Scenario:
   152      Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc-1"
   153      And 3 service models from yaml
   154      ---
   155        - Tags: ['one', 'two', 'three']
   156        - Tags: ['two', 'three']
   157        - Tags: ['three']
   158      ---
   159      When I visit the services page for yaml
   160      ---
   161        dc: dc-1
   162      ---
   163      Then the url should be /dc-1/services
   164      Then I see 3 service models
   165      Then I fill in with yaml
   166      ---
   167      s: one
   168      ---
   169      And I see 1 service model with the name "service-0"
   170      Then I fill in with yaml
   171      ---
   172      s: two
   173      ---
   174      And I see 2 service models
   175      Then I fill in with yaml
   176      ---
   177      s: three
   178      ---
   179      And I see 3 service models
   180      Then I fill in with yaml
   181      ---
   182      s: wothre
   183      ---
   184      And I see 0 service models