
     1  @setupApplicationTest
     2  Feature: dc / services / show-with-slashes: Show Service that has slashes in its name
     3    In order to view services that have slashes in their name
     4    As a user
     5    I want to view the service in the service listing and click on it to see the service detail
     6    Scenario: Given a service with slashes in its name
     7      Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1"
     8      And 1 node model
     9      And 1 service model from yaml
    10      ---
    11      - Name: hashicorp/service/service-0
    12      ---
    13      When I visit the services page for yaml
    14      ---
    15        dc: dc1
    16      ---
    17      Then the url should be /dc1/services
    18      Then I see 1 service model
    19      And I click service on the services
    20      Then the url should be /dc1/services/hashicorp%2Fservice%2Fservice-0