
     1  @setupApplicationTest
     2  Feature: token headers
     3    In order to authenticate with tokens
     4    As a user
     5    I need to be able to specify a ACL token AND/OR leave it blank to authenticate with the API
     6    Scenario: Arriving at the index page having not set a token previously
     7      Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter"
     8      When I visit the index page
     9      Then the url should be /datacenter/services
    10      And a GET request is made to "/v1/catalog/datacenters" from yaml
    11      ---
    12      headers:
    13        X-Consul-Token: ''
    14      ---
    15    Scenario: Set the token to [Token] and then navigate to the index page
    16      Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter"
    17      And the url "/v1/acl/tokens" responds with a 403 status
    18      When I visit the tokens page for yaml
    19      ---
    20        dc: datacenter
    21      ---
    22      Then the url should be /datacenter/acls/tokens
    23      Then I fill in with yaml
    24      ---
    25        secret: [Token]
    26      ---
    27      And I submit
    28      When I visit the index page
    29      Then the url should be /datacenter/services
    30      And a GET request is made to "/v1/catalog/datacenters" from yaml
    31      ---
    32      headers:
    33        X-Consul-Token: [Token]
    34      ---
    35    Where:
    36        ---------
    37        | Token |
    38        | token |
    39        | ''    |
    40        ---------