(about) 1 # This Dockerfile is not intended for general use, but is rather used to 2 # package up official Terraform releases (from to 3 # release on Dockerhub as the "light" release images. 4 # 5 # The main Dockerfile in the root of the repository is more generally-useful, 6 # since it is able to build a docker image of the current state of the work 7 # tree, without any dependency on there being an existing release on 8 # 9 10 FROM alpine:latest as build 11 LABEL maintainer="HashiCorp Terraform Team <>" 12 13 # This is intended to be run from the hooks/build script, which sets this 14 # appropriately based on git tags. 15 ARG TERRAFORM_VERSION=UNSPECIFIED 16 17 COPY releases_public_key . 18 19 # What's going on here? 20 # - Download the indicated release along with its checksums and signature for the checksums 21 # - Verify that the checksums file is signed by the Hashicorp releases key 22 # - Verify that the zip file matches the expected checksum 23 # - Extract the zip file so it can be run 24 25 RUN apk add --no-cache git curl openssh gnupg && \ 26 curl -O${TERRAFORM_VERSION}/terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION} && \ 27 curl -O${TERRAFORM_VERSION}/terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}_SHA256SUMS.sig && \ 28 curl -O${TERRAFORM_VERSION}/terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}_SHA256SUMS && \ 29 gpg --import releases_public_key && \ 30 gpg --verify terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}_SHA256SUMS.sig terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}_SHA256SUMS && \ 31 grep linux_amd64 terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}_SHA256SUMS >terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}_SHA256SUMS_linux_amd64 && \ 32 sha256sum -cs terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}_SHA256SUMS_linux_amd64 && \ 33 unzip terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION} -d /bin && \ 34 rm -f terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION} terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}_SHA256SUMS* 35 36 FROM alpine:latest as final 37 ARG TERRAFORM_VERSION=UNSPECIFIED 38 LABEL "com.hashicorp.terraform.version"="${TERRAFORM_VERSION}" 39 40 RUN apk add --no-cache git openssh 41 42 COPY --from=build ["/bin/terraform", "/bin/terraform"] 43 44 ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/terraform"]