
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Expressions - Configuration Language"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-config-expressions"
     5  description: |-
     6    The Terraform language allows the use of expressions to access data exported
     7    by resources and to transform and combine that data to produce other values.
     8  ---
    10  # Expressions
    12  -> **Note:** This page is about Terraform 0.12 and later. For Terraform 0.11 and
    13  earlier, see
    14  [0.11 Configuration Language: Interpolation Syntax](../configuration-0-11/interpolation.html).
    16  _Expressions_ are used to refer to or compute values within a configuration.
    17  The simplest expressions are just literal values, like `"hello"` or `5`,
    18  but the Terraform language also allows more complex expressions such as
    19  references to data exported by resources, arithmetic, conditional evaluation,
    20  and a number of built-in functions.
    22  Expressions can be used in a number of places in the Terraform language,
    23  but some contexts limit which expression constructs are allowed,
    24  such as requiring a literal value of a particular type or forbidding
    25  [references to resource attributes](/docs/configuration/expressions.html#references-to-resource-attributes).
    26  Each language feature's documentation describes any restrictions it places on expressions.
    28  You can experiment with the behavior of Terraform's expressions from
    29  the Terraform expression console, by running
    30  [the `terraform console` command](/docs/commands/console.html).
    32  The rest of this page describes all of the features of Terraform's
    33  expression syntax.
    35  ## Types and Values
    37  The result of an expression is a _value_. All values have a _type_, which
    38  dictates where that value can be used and what transformations can be
    39  applied to it.
    41  The Terraform language uses the following types for its values:
    43  * `string`: a sequence of Unicode characters representing some text, like
    44    `"hello"`.
    45  * `number`: a numeric value. The `number` type can represent both whole
    46    numbers like `15` and fractional values like `6.283185`.
    47  * `bool`: either `true` or `false`. `bool` values can be used in conditional
    48    logic.
    49  * `list` (or `tuple`): a sequence of values, like
    50    `["us-west-1a", "us-west-1c"]`. Elements in a list or tuple are identified by
    51    consecutive whole numbers, starting with zero.
    52  * `map` (or `object`): a group of values identified by named labels, like
    53    `{name = "Mabel", age = 52}`.
    55  Strings, numbers, and bools are sometimes called _primitive types._ Lists/tuples and maps/objects are sometimes called _complex types,_ _structural types,_ or _collection types._
    57  Finally, there is one special value that has _no_ type:
    59  * `null`: a value that represents _absence_ or _omission._ If you set an
    60    argument of a resource or module to `null`, Terraform behaves as though you
    61    had completely omitted it — it will use the argument's default value if it has
    62    one, or raise an error if the argument is mandatory. `null` is most useful in
    63    conditional expressions, so you can dynamically omit an argument if a
    64    condition isn't met.
    66  ### Advanced Type Details
    68  In most situations, lists and tuples behave identically, as do maps and objects.
    69  Whenever the distinction isn't relevant, the Terraform documentation uses each
    70  pair of terms interchangeably (with a historical preference for "list" and
    71  "map").
    73  However, module authors and provider developers should understand the
    74  differences between these similar types (and the related `set` type), since they
    75  offer different ways to restrict the allowed values for input variables and
    76  resource arguments.
    78  For complete details about these types (and an explanation of why the difference
    79  usually doesn't matter), see [Type Constraints](./types.html).
    81  ### Type Conversion
    83  Expressions are most often used to set values for the arguments of resources and
    84  child modules. In these cases, the argument has an expected type and the given
    85  expression must produce a value of that type.
    87  Where possible, Terraform automatically converts values from one type to
    88  another in order to produce the expected type. If this isn't possible, Terraform
    89  will produce a type mismatch error and you must update the configuration with a
    90  more suitable expression.
    92  Terraform automatically converts number and bool values to strings when needed.
    93  It also converts strings to numbers or bools, as long as the string contains a
    94  valid representation of a number or bool value.
    96  * `true` converts to `"true"`, and vice-versa
    97  * `false` converts to `"false"`, and vice-versa
    98  * `15` converts to `"15"`, and vice-versa
   100  ## Literal Expressions
   102  A _literal expression_ is an expression that directly represents a particular
   103  constant value. Terraform has a literal expression syntax for each of the value
   104  types described above:
   106  * Strings are usually represented by a double-quoted sequence of Unicode
   107    characters, `"like this"`. There is also a "heredoc" syntax for more complex
   108    strings. String literals are the most complex kind of literal expression in
   109    Terraform, and have additional documentation on this page:
   110      * See [String Literals](#string-literals) below for information about escape
   111        sequences and the heredoc syntax.
   112      * See [String Templates](#string-templates) below for information about
   113        interpolation and template directives.
   114  * Numbers are represented by unquoted sequences of digits with or without a
   115    decimal point, like `15` or `6.283185`.
   116  * Bools are represented by the unquoted symbols `true` and `false`.
   117  * The null value is represented by the unquoted symbol `null`.
   118  * Lists/tuples are represented by a pair of square brackets containing a
   119    comma-separated sequence of values, like `["a", 15, true]`.
   121      List literals can be split into multiple lines for readability, but always
   122      require a comma between values. A comma after the final value is allowed,
   123      but not required. Values in a list can be arbitrary expressions.
   124  * Maps/objects are represented by a pair of curly braces containing a series of
   125    `<KEY> = <VALUE>` pairs:
   127      ```hcl
   128      {
   129        name = "John"
   130        age  = 52
   131      }
   132      ```
   134      Key/value pairs can be separated by either a comma or a line break. Values
   135      can be arbitrary expressions. Keys are strings; they can be left unquoted if
   136      they are a valid [identifier](./syntax.html#identifiers), but must be quoted
   137      otherwise. You can use a non-literal expression as a key by wrapping it in
   138      parentheses, like `(var.business_unit_tag_name) = "SRE"`.
   140  ## Indices and Attributes
   142  [inpage-index]: #indices-and-attributes
   144  Elements of list/tuple and map/object values can be accessed using
   145  the square-bracket index notation, like `local.list[3]`. The expression within
   146  the brackets must be a whole number for list and tuple values or a string
   147  for map and object values.
   149  Map/object attributes with names that are valid identifiers can also be accessed
   150  using the dot-separated attribute notation, like `local.object.attrname`.
   151  In cases where a map might contain arbitrary user-specified keys, we recommend
   152  using only the square-bracket index notation (`["keyname"]`).
   154  ## References to Named Values
   156  Terraform makes several kinds of named values available. Each of these names is
   157  an expression that references the associated value; you can use them as
   158  standalone expressions, or combine them with other expressions to compute new
   159  values.
   161  The following named values are available:
   163  * `<RESOURCE TYPE>.<NAME>` is an object representing a
   164    [managed resource](./resources.html) of the given type
   165    and name. The attributes of the resource can be accessed using
   166    [dot or square bracket notation][inpage-index].
   168      Any named value that does not match another pattern listed below
   169      will be interpreted by Terraform as a reference to a managed resource.
   171      If the resource has the `count` argument set, the value of this expression
   172      is a _list_ of objects representing its instances.
   174      If the resource has the `for_each` argument set, the value of this expression
   175      is a _map_ of objects representing its instances.
   177      For more information, see
   178      [references to resource attributes](#references-to-resource-attributes) below.
   179  * `var.<NAME>` is the value of the
   180    [input variable](./variables.html) of the given name.
   181  * `local.<NAME>` is the value of the
   182    [local value](./locals.html) of the given name.
   183  * `module.<MODULE NAME>.<OUTPUT NAME>` is the value of the specified
   184    [output value](./outputs.html) from a
   185    [child module](./modules.html) called by the current module.
   186  * `data.<DATA TYPE>.<NAME>` is an object representing a
   187    [data resource](./data-sources.html) of the given data
   188    source type and name. If the resource has the `count` argument set, the value
   189    is a list of objects representing its instances. If the resource has the `for_each`
   190    argument set, the value is a map of objects representing its instances.
   191  * `path.module` is the filesystem path of the module where the expression
   192    is placed.
   193  * `path.root` is the filesystem path of the root module of the configuration.
   194  * `path.cwd` is the filesystem path of the current working directory. In
   195    normal use of Terraform this is the same as `path.root`, but some advanced
   196    uses of Terraform run it from a directory other than the root module
   197    directory, causing these paths to be different.
   198  * `terraform.workspace` is the name of the currently selected
   199    [workspace](/docs/state/workspaces.html).
   201  Although many of these names use dot-separated paths that resemble
   202  [attribute notation][inpage-index] for elements of object values, they are not
   203  implemented as real objects. This means you must use them exactly as written:
   204  you cannot use square-bracket notation to replace the dot-separated paths, and
   205  you cannot iterate over the "parent object" of a named entity (for example, you
   206  cannot use `aws_instance` in a `for` expression).
   208  ### Local Named Values
   210  Within the bodies of certain expressions, or in some other specific contexts,
   211  there are other named values available beyond the global values listed above.
   212  These local names are described in the documentation for the specific contexts
   213  where they appear. Some of most common local names are:
   215  - `count.index`, in resources that use
   216    [the `count` meta-argument](./resources.html#count-multiple-resource-instances-by-count).
   217  - `each.key` / `each.value`, in resources that use
   218    [the `for_each` meta-argument](./resources.html#for_each-multiple-resource-instances-defined-by-a-map-or-set-of-strings).
   219  - `self`, in [provisioner](../provisioners/index.html) and
   220    [connection](../provisioners/connection.html) blocks.
   222  -> **Note:** Local names are often referred to as _variables_ or
   223  _temporary variables_ in their documentation. These are not [input
   224  variables](./variables.html); they are just arbitrary names
   225  that temporarily represent a value.
   227  ### Named Values and Dependencies
   229  Constructs like resources and module calls often use references to named values
   230  in their block bodies, and Terraform analyzes these expressions to automatically
   231  infer dependencies between objects. For example, an expression in a resource
   232  argument that refers to another managed resource creates an implicit dependency
   233  between the two resources.
   235  ### References to Resource Attributes
   237  The most common reference type is a reference to an attribute of a resource
   238  which has been declared either with a `resource` or `data` block. Because
   239  the contents of such blocks can be quite complicated themselves, expressions
   240  referring to these contents can also be complicated.
   242  Consider the following example resource block:
   244  ```hcl
   245  resource "aws_instance" "example" {
   246    ami           = "ami-abc123"
   247    instance_type = "t2.micro"
   249    ebs_block_device {
   250      device_name = "sda2"
   251      volume_size = 16
   252    }
   253    ebs_block_device {
   254      device_name = "sda3"
   255      volume_size = 20
   256    }
   257  }
   258  ```
   260  The documentation for [`aws_instance`](/docs/providers/aws/r/instance.html)
   261  lists all of the arguments and nested blocks supported for this resource type,
   262  and also lists a number of attributes that are _exported_ by this resource
   263  type. All of these different resource type schema constructs are available
   264  for use in references, as follows:
   266  * The `ami` argument set in the configuration can be used elsewhere with
   267    the reference expression `aws_instance.example.ami`.
   268  * The `id` attribute exported by this resource type can be read using the
   269    same syntax, giving ``.
   270  * The arguments of the `ebs_block_device` nested blocks can be accessed using
   271    a [splat expression](#splat-expressions). For example, to obtain a list of
   272    all of the `device_name` values, use
   273    `aws_instance.example.ebs_block_device[*].device_name`.
   274  * The nested blocks in this particular resource type do not have any exported
   275    attributes, but if `ebs_block_device` were to have a documented `id`
   276    attribute then a list of them could be accessed similarly as
   277    `aws_instance.example.ebs_block_device[*].id`.
   278  * Sometimes nested blocks are defined as taking a logical key to identify each
   279    block, which serves a similar purpose as the resource's own name by providing
   280    a convenient way to refer to that single block in expressions. If `aws_instance`
   281    had a hypothetical nested block type `device` that accepted such a key, it
   282    would look like this in configuration:
   284    ```hcl
   285      device "foo" {
   286        size = 2
   287      }
   288      device "bar" {
   289        size = 4
   290      }
   291    ```
   293    Arguments inside blocks with _keys_ can be accessed using index syntax, such
   294    as `aws_instance.example.device["foo"].size`.
   296    To obtain a map of values of a particular argument for _labelled_ nested
   297    block types, use a [`for` expression](#for-expressions):
   298    `{for k, device in aws_instance.example.device : k => device.size}`.
   300  When a resource has the
   301  [`count`](
   302  argument set, the resource itself becomes a _list_ of instance objects rather than
   303  a single object. In that case, access the attributes of the instances using
   304  either [splat expressions](#splat-expressions) or index syntax:
   306  * `aws_instance.example[*].id` returns a list of all of the ids of each of the
   307    instances.
   308  * `aws_instance.example[0].id` returns just the id of the first instance.
   310  When a resource has the
   311  [`for_each`](/docs/configuration/resources.html#for_each-multiple-resource-instances-defined-by-a-map-or-set-of-strings)
   312  argument set, the resource itself becomes a _map_ of instance objects rather than
   313  a single object, and attributes of instances must be specified by key, or can
   314  be accessed using a [`for` expression](#for-expressions).
   316  * `aws_instance.example["a"].id` returns the id of the "a"-keyed resource.
   317  * `[for value in aws_instance.example:]` returns a list of all of the ids
   318    of each of the instances.
   320  Note that unlike `count`, splat expressions are _not_ directly applicable to resources managed with `for_each`, as splat expressions are for lists only. You may apply a splat expression to values in a map like so:
   322  * `values(aws_instance.example)[*].id`
   324  ### Local Named Values
   326  Within the bodies of certain expressions, or in some other specific contexts,
   327  there are other named values available beyond the global values listed above.
   328  (For example, the body of a resource block where `count` is set can use a
   329  special `count.index` value.) These local names are described in the
   330  documentation for the specific contexts where they appear.
   332  -> **Note:** Local named values are often referred to as _variables_ or
   333  _temporary variables_ in their documentation. These are not [input
   334  variables](./variables.html); they are just arbitrary names
   335  that temporarily represent a value.
   337  ### Values Not Yet Known
   339  When Terraform is planning a set of changes that will apply your configuration,
   340  some resource attribute values cannot be populated immediately because their
   341  values are decided dynamically by the remote system. For example, if a
   342  particular remote object type is assigned a generated unique id on creation,
   343  Terraform cannot predict the value of this id until the object has been created.
   345  To allow expressions to still be evaluated during the plan phase, Terraform
   346  uses special "unknown value" placeholders for these results. In most cases you
   347  don't need to do anything special to deal with these, since the Terraform
   348  language automatically handles unknown values during expressions, so that
   349  for example adding a known value to an unknown value automatically produces
   350  an unknown value as the result.
   352  However, there are some situations where unknown values _do_ have a significant
   353  effect:
   355  * The `count` meta-argument for resources cannot be unknown, since it must
   356    be evaluated during the plan phase to determine how many instances are to
   357    be created.
   359  * If unknown values are used in the configuration of a data resource, that
   360    data resource cannot be read during the plan phase and so it will be deferred
   361    until the apply phase. In this case, the results of the data resource will
   362    _also_ be unknown values.
   364  * If an unknown value is assigned to an argument inside a `module` block,
   365    any references to the corresponding input variable within the child module
   366    will use that unknown value.
   368  * If an unknown value is used in the `value` argument of an output value,
   369    any references to that output value in the parent module will use that
   370    unknown value.
   372  * Terraform will attempt to validate that unknown values are of suitable
   373    types where possible, but incorrect use of such values may not be detected
   374    until the apply phase, causing the apply to fail.
   376  Unknown values appear in the `terraform plan` output as `(not yet known)`.
   378  ## Arithmetic and Logical Operators
   380  An _operator_ is a type of expression that transforms or combines one or more
   381  other expressions. Operators either combine two values in some way to
   382  produce a third result value, or transform a single given value to
   383  produce a single result.
   385  Operators that work on two values place an operator symbol between the two
   386  values, similar to mathematical notation: `1 + 2`. Operators that work on
   387  only one value place an operator symbol before that value, like
   388  `!true`.
   390  The Terraform language has a set of operators for both arithmetic and logic,
   391  which are similar to operators in programming languages such as JavaScript
   392  or Ruby.
   394  When multiple operators are used together in an expression, they are evaluated
   395  in the following order of operations:
   397  1. `!`, `-` (multiplication by `-1`)
   398  1. `*`, `/`, `%`
   399  1. `+`, `-` (subtraction)
   400  1. `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=`
   401  1. `==`, `!=`
   402  1. `&&`
   403  1. `||`
   405  Parentheses can be used to override the default order of operations. Without
   406  parentheses, higher levels are evaluated first, so `1 + 2 * 3` is interpreted
   407  as `1 + (2 * 3)` and _not_ as `(1 + 2) * 3`.
   409  The different operators can be gathered into a few different groups with
   410  similar behavior, as described below. Each group of operators expects its
   411  given values to be of a particular type. Terraform will attempt to convert
   412  values to the required type automatically, or will produce an error message
   413  if this automatic conversion is not possible.
   415  ### Arithmetic Operators
   417  The arithmetic operators all expect number values and produce number values
   418  as results:
   420  * `a + b` returns the result of adding `a` and `b` together.
   421  * `a - b` returns the result of subtracting `b` from `a`.
   422  * `a * b` returns the result of multiplying `a` and `b`.
   423  * `a / b` returns the result of dividing `a` by `b`.
   424  * `a % b` returns the remainder of dividing `a` by `b`. This operator is
   425    generally useful only when used with whole numbers.
   426  * `-a` returns the result of multiplying `a` by `-1`.
   428  ### Equality Operators
   430  The equality operators both take two values of any type and produce boolean
   431  values as results.
   433  * `a == b` returns `true` if `a` and `b` both have the same type and the same
   434    value, or `false` otherwise.
   435  * `a != b` is the opposite of `a == b`.
   437  ### Comparison Operators
   439  The comparison operators all expect number values and produce boolean values
   440  as results.
   442  * `a < b` returns `true` if `a` is less than `b`, or `false` otherwise.
   443  * `a <= b` returns `true` if `a` is less than or equal to `b`, or `false`
   444    otherwise.
   445  * `a > b` returns `true` if `a` is greater than `b`, or `false` otherwise.
   446  * `a >= b` returns `true` if `a` is greater than or equal to `b`, or `false otherwise.
   448  ### Logical Operators
   450  The logical operators all expect bool values and produce bool values as results.
   452  * `a || b` returns `true` if either `a` or `b` is `true`, or `false` if both are `false`.
   453  * `a && b` returns `true` if both `a` and `b` are `true`, or `false` if either one is `false`.
   454  * `!a` returns `true` if `a` is `false`, and `false` if `a` is `true`.
   456  ## Conditional Expressions
   458  A _conditional expression_ uses the value of a bool expression to select one of
   459  two values.
   461  The syntax of a conditional expression is as follows:
   463  ```hcl
   464  condition ? true_val : false_val
   465  ```
   467  If `condition` is `true` then the result is `true_val`. If `condition` is
   468  `false` then the result is `false_val`.
   470  A common use of conditional expressions is to define defaults to replace
   471  invalid values:
   473  ```
   474  var.a != "" ? var.a : "default-a"
   475  ```
   477  If `var.a` is an empty string then the result is `"default-a"`, but otherwise
   478  it is the actual value of `var.a`.
   480  Any of the equality, comparison, and logical operators can be used to define
   481  the condition. The two result values may be of any type, but they must both
   482  be of the _same_ type so that Terraform can determine what type the whole
   483  conditional expression will return without knowing the condition value.
   485  ## Function Calls
   487  The Terraform language has a number of
   488  [built-in functions](./functions.html) that can be used
   489  within expressions as another way to transform and combine values. These
   490  are similar to the operators but all follow a common syntax:
   492  ```hcl
   494  ```
   496  The function name specifies which function to call. Each defined function
   497  expects a specific number of arguments with specific value types, and returns a
   498  specific value type as a result.
   500  Some functions take an arbitrary number of arguments. For example, the `min`
   501  function takes any amount of number arguments and returns the one that is
   502  numerically smallest:
   504  ```hcl
   505  min(55, 3453, 2)
   506  ```
   508  ### Expanding Function Arguments
   510  If the arguments to pass to a function are available in a list or tuple value,
   511  that value can be _expanded_ into separate arguments. Provide the list value as
   512  an argument and follow it with the `...` symbol:
   514  ```hcl
   515  min([55, 2453, 2]...)
   516  ```
   518  The expansion symbol is three periods (`...`), not a Unicode ellipsis character
   519  (`…`). Expansion is a special syntax that is only available in function calls.
   521  ### Available Functions
   523  For a full list of available functions, see
   524  [the function reference](./functions.html).
   526  ## `for` Expressions
   528  A _`for` expression_ creates a complex type value by transforming
   529  another complex type value. Each element in the input value
   530  can correspond to either one or zero values in the result, and an arbitrary
   531  expression can be used to transform each input element into an output element.
   533  For example, if `var.list` is a list of strings, then the following expression
   534  produces a list of strings with all-uppercase letters:
   536  ```hcl
   537  [for s in var.list : upper(s)]
   538  ```
   540  This `for` expression iterates over each element of `var.list`, and then
   541  evaluates the expression `upper(s)` with `s` set to each respective element.
   542  It then builds a new tuple value with all of the results of executing that
   543  expression in the same order.
   545  The type of brackets around the `for` expression decide what type of result
   546  it produces. The above example uses `[` and `]`, which produces a tuple. If
   547  `{` and `}` are used instead, the result is an object, and two result
   548  expressions must be provided separated by the `=>` symbol:
   550  ```hcl
   551  {for s in var.list : s => upper(s)}
   552  ```
   554  This expression produces an object whose attributes are the original elements
   555  from `var.list` and their corresponding values are the uppercase versions.
   557  A `for` expression can also include an optional `if` clause to filter elements
   558  from the source collection, which can produce a value with fewer elements than
   559  the source:
   561  ```
   562  [for s in var.list : upper(s) if s != ""]
   563  ```
   565  The source value can also be an object or map value, in which case two
   566  temporary variable names can be provided to access the keys and values
   567  respectively:
   569  ```
   570  [for k, v in : length(k) + length(v)]
   571  ```
   573  Finally, if the result type is an object (using `{` and `}` delimiters) then
   574  the value result expression can be followed by the `...` symbol to group
   575  together results that have a common key:
   577  ```
   578  {for s in var.list : substr(s, 0, 1) => s... if s != ""}
   579  ```
   581  ## Splat Expressions
   583  A _splat expression_ provides a more concise way to express a common
   584  operation that could otherwise be performed with a `for` expression.
   586  If `var.list` is a list of objects that all have an attribute `id`, then
   587  a list of the ids could be produced with the following `for` expression:
   589  ```hcl
   590  [for o in var.list :]
   591  ```
   593  This is equivalent to the following _splat expression:_
   595  ```hcl
   596  var.list[*].id
   597  ```
   599  The special `[*]` symbol iterates over all of the elements of the list given
   600  to its left and accesses from each one the attribute name given on its
   601  right. A splat expression can also be used to access attributes and indexes
   602  from lists of complex types by extending the sequence of operations to the
   603  right of the symbol:
   605  ```hcl
   606  var.list[*].interfaces[0].name
   607  ```
   609  The above expression is equivalent to the following `for` expression:
   611  ```hcl
   612  [for o in var.list : o.interfaces[0].name]
   613  ```
   615  Splat expressions are for lists only (and thus cannot be used [to reference resources
   616  created with `for_each`](/docs/configuration/resources.html#referring-to-instances-1),
   617  which are represented as maps in Terraform). However, if a splat expression is applied 
   618  to a value that is _not_ a list or tuple then the value is automatically wrapped in 
   619  a single-element list before processing.
   621  For example, `var.single_object[*].id` is equivalent to `[var.single_object][*].id`, 
   622  or effectively `[]`. This behavior is not interesting in most cases,
   623  but it is particularly useful when referring to resources that may or may
   624  not have `count` set, and thus may or may not produce a tuple value:
   626  ```hcl
   627  aws_instance.example[*].id
   628  ```
   630  The above will produce a list of ids whether `aws_instance.example` has
   631  `count` set or not, avoiding the need to revise various other expressions
   632  in the configuration when a particular resource switches to and from
   633  having `count` set.
   635  ### Legacy (Attribute-only) Splat Expressions
   637  An older variant of the splat expression is available for compatibility with
   638  code written in older versions of the Terraform language. This is a less useful
   639  version of the splat expression, and should be avoided in new configurations.
   641  An "attribute-only" splat expression is indicated by the sequence `.*` (instead
   642  of `[*]`):
   644  ```
   645  var.list.*.interfaces[0].name
   646  ```
   648  This form has a subtly different behavior, equivalent to the following
   649  `for` expression:
   651  ```
   652  [for o in var.list : o.interfaces][0].name
   653  ```
   655  Notice that with the attribute-only splat expression the index operation
   656  `[0]` is applied to the result of the iteration, rather than as part of
   657  the iteration itself.
   659  ## `dynamic` blocks
   661  Within top-level block constructs like resources, expressions can usually be
   662  used only when assigning a value to an argument using the `name = expression`
   663  form. This covers many uses, but some resource types include repeatable _nested
   664  blocks_ in their arguments, which do not accept expressions:
   666  ```hcl
   667  resource "aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment" "tfenvtest" {
   668    name = "tf-test-name" # can use expressions here
   670    setting {
   671      # but the "setting" block is always a literal block
   672    }
   673  }
   674  ```
   676  You can dynamically construct repeatable nested blocks like `setting` using a
   677  special `dynamic` block type, which is supported inside `resource`, `data`,
   678  `provider`, and `provisioner` blocks:
   680  ```hcl
   681  resource "aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment" "tfenvtest" {
   682    name                = "tf-test-name"
   683    application         = "${}"
   684    solution_stack_name = "64bit Amazon Linux 2018.03 v2.11.4 running Go 1.12.6"
   686    dynamic "setting" {
   687      for_each = var.settings
   688      content {
   689        namespace = setting.value["namespace"]
   690        name = setting.value["name"]
   691        value = setting.value["value"]
   692      }
   693    }
   694  }
   695  ```
   697  A `dynamic` block acts much like a `for` expression, but produces nested blocks
   698  instead of a complex typed value. It iterates over a given complex value, and
   699  generates a nested block for each element of that complex value.
   701  - The label of the dynamic block (`"setting"` in the example above) specifies
   702    what kind of nested block to generate.
   703  - The `for_each` argument provides the complex value to iterate over.
   704  - The `iterator` argument (optional) sets the name of a temporary variable
   705    that represents the current element of the complex value. If omitted, the name
   706    of the variable defaults to the label of the `dynamic` block (`"setting"` in
   707    the example above).
   708  - The `labels` argument (optional) is a list of strings that specifies the block
   709    labels, in order, to use for each generated block. You can use the temporary
   710    iterator variable in this value.
   711  - The nested `content` block defines the body of each generated block. You can
   712    use the temporary iterator variable inside this block.
   714  Since the `for_each` argument accepts any collection or structural value,
   715  you can use a `for` expression or splat expression to transform an existing
   716  collection.
   718  The iterator object (`setting` in the example above) has two attributes:
   720  * `key` is the map key or list element index for the current element. If the
   721    `for_each` expression produces a _set_ value then `key` is identical to
   722    `value` and should not be used.
   723  * `value` is the value of the current element.
   725  A `dynamic` block can only generate arguments that belong to the resource type,
   726  data source, provider or provisioner being configured. It is _not_ possible
   727  to generate meta-argument blocks such as `lifecycle` and `provisioner`
   728  blocks, since Terraform must process these before it is safe to evaluate
   729  expressions.
   731  The `for_each` value must be a map or set with one element per desired
   732  nested block. If you need to declare resource instances based on a nested
   733  data structure or combinations of elements from multiple data structures you
   734  can use Terraform expressions and functions to derive a suitable value.
   735  For some common examples of such situations, see the
   736  [`flatten`](/docs/configuration/functions/flatten.html)
   737  and
   738  [`setproduct`](/docs/configuration/functions/setproduct.html)
   739  functions.
   741  ### Best Practices for `dynamic` Blocks
   743  Overuse of `dynamic` blocks can make configuration hard to read and maintain, so
   744  we recommend using them only when you need to hide details in order to build a
   745  clean user interface for a re-usable module. Always write nested blocks out
   746  literally where possible.
   748  ## String Literals
   750  The Terraform language has two different syntaxes for string literals. The
   751  most common is to delimit the string with quote characters (`"`), like
   752  `"hello"`. In quoted strings, the backslash character serves as an escape
   753  sequence, with the following characters selecting the escape behavior:
   755  | Sequence     | Replacement                                                                   |
   756  | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
   757  | `\n`         | Newline                                                                       |
   758  | `\r`         | Carriage Return                                                               |
   759  | `\t`         | Tab                                                                           |
   760  | `\"`         | Literal quote (without terminating the string)                                |
   761  | `\\`         | Literal backslash                                                             |
   762  | `\uNNNN`     | Unicode character from the basic multilingual plane (NNNN is four hex digits) |
   763  | `\UNNNNNNNN` | Unicode character from supplementary planes (NNNNNNNN is eight hex digits)    |
   765  The alternative syntax for string literals is the so-called "heredoc" style,
   766  inspired by Unix shell languages. This style allows multi-line strings to
   767  be expressed more clearly by using a custom delimiter word on a line of its
   768  own to close the string:
   770  ```hcl
   771  <<EOT
   772  hello
   773  world
   774  EOT
   775  ```
   777  The `<<` marker followed by any identifier at the end of a line introduces the
   778  sequence. Terraform then processes the following lines until it finds one that
   779  consists entirely of the identifier given in the introducer. In the above
   780  example, `EOT` is the identifier selected. Any identifier is allowed, but
   781  conventionally this identifier is in all-uppercase and begins with `EO`, meaning
   782  "end of". `EOT` in this case stands for "end of text".
   784  The "heredoc" form shown above requires that the lines following be flush with
   785  the left margin, which can be awkward when an expression is inside an indented
   786  block:
   788  ```hcl
   789  block {
   790    value = <<EOT
   791  hello
   792  world
   793  EOT
   794  }
   795  ```
   797  To improve on this, Terraform also accepts an _indented_ heredoc string variant
   798  that is introduced by the `<<-` sequence:
   800  ```hcl
   801  block {
   802    value = <<-EOT
   803    hello
   804      world
   805    EOT
   806  }
   807  ```
   809  In this case, Terraform analyses the lines in the sequence to find the one
   810  with the smallest number of leading spaces, and then trims that many spaces
   811  from the beginning of all of the lines, leading to the following result:
   813  ```
   814  hello
   815    world
   816  ```
   818  Backslash sequences are not interpreted in a heredoc string expression.
   819  Instead, the backslash character is interpreted literally.
   821  In both quoted and heredoc string expressions, Terraform supports template
   822  sequences that begin with `${` and `%{`. These are described in more detail
   823  in the following section. To include these sequences _literally_ without
   824  beginning a template sequence, double the leading character: `$${` or `%%{`.
   826  ## String Templates
   828  Within quoted and heredoc string expressions, the sequences `${` and `%{` begin
   829  _template sequences_. Templates let you directly embed expressions into a string
   830  literal, to dynamically construct strings from other values.
   832  ### Interpolation
   834  A `${ ... }` sequence is an _interpolation,_ which evaluates the expression
   835  given between the markers, converts the result to a string if necessary, and
   836  then inserts it into the final string:
   838  ```hcl
   839  "Hello, ${}!"
   840  ```
   842  In the above example, the named object `` is accessed and its value
   843  inserted into the string, producing a result like "Hello, Juan!".
   845  ### Directives
   847  A `%{ ... }` sequence is a _directive_, which allows for conditional
   848  results and iteration over collections, similar to conditional
   849  and `for` expressions.
   851  The following directives are supported:
   853  * The `if <BOOL>`/`else`/`endif` directive chooses between two templates based
   854    on the value of a bool expression:
   856      ```hcl
   857      "Hello, %{ if != "" }${}%{ else }unnamed%{ endif }!"
   858      ```
   860      The `else` portion may be omitted, in which case the result is an empty
   861      string if the condition expression returns `false`.
   863  * The `for <NAME> in <COLLECTION>` / `endfor` directive iterates over the
   864    elements of a given collection or structural value and evaluates a given
   865    template once for each element, concatenating the results together:
   867      ```hcl
   868      <<EOT
   869      %{ for ip in aws_instance.example.*.private_ip }
   870      server ${ip}
   871      %{ endfor }
   872      EOT
   873      ```
   875      The name given immediately after the `for` keyword is used as a temporary
   876      variable name which can then be referenced from the nested template.
   878  To allow template directives to be formatted for readability without adding
   879  unwanted spaces and newlines to the result, all template sequences can include
   880  optional _strip markers_ (`~`), immediately after the opening characters or
   881  immediately before the end. When a strip marker is present, the template
   882  sequence consumes all of the literal whitespace (spaces and newlines) either
   883  before the sequence (if the marker appears at the beginning) or after (if the
   884  marker appears at the end):
   886  ```hcl
   887  <<EOT
   888  %{ for ip in aws_instance.example.*.private_ip ~}
   889  server ${ip}
   890  %{ endfor ~}
   891  EOT
   892  ```
   894  In the above example, the newline after each of the directives is not included
   895  in the output, but the newline after the `server ${ip}` sequence is retained,
   896  causing only one line to be generated for each element:
   898  ```
   899  server
   900  server
   901  server
   902  ```
   904  When using template directives, we recommend always using the "heredoc" string
   905  literal form and then formatting the template over multiple lines for
   906  readability. Quoted string literals should usually include only interpolation
   907  sequences.