
     1  package db
     3  import (
     4  	"blockbook/bchain"
     5  	"blockbook/bchain/coins/eth"
     6  	"bytes"
     7  	"encoding/hex"
     9  	vlq ""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  // AddrContract is Contract address with number of transactions done by given address
    16  type AddrContract struct {
    17  	Contract bchain.AddressDescriptor
    18  	Txs      uint
    19  }
    21  // AddrContracts contains number of transactions and contracts for an address
    22  type AddrContracts struct {
    23  	TotalTxs       uint
    24  	NonContractTxs uint
    25  	Contracts      []AddrContract
    26  }
    28  func (d *RocksDB) storeAddressContracts(wb *gorocksdb.WriteBatch, acm map[string]*AddrContracts) error {
    29  	buf := make([]byte, 64)
    30  	varBuf := make([]byte, vlq.MaxLen64)
    31  	for addrDesc, acs := range acm {
    32  		// address with 0 contracts is removed from db - happens on disconnect
    33  		if acs == nil || (acs.NonContractTxs == 0 && len(acs.Contracts) == 0) {
    34  			wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfAddressContracts], bchain.AddressDescriptor(addrDesc))
    35  		} else {
    36  			buf = buf[:0]
    37  			l := packVaruint(acs.TotalTxs, varBuf)
    38  			buf = append(buf, varBuf[:l]...)
    39  			l = packVaruint(acs.NonContractTxs, varBuf)
    40  			buf = append(buf, varBuf[:l]...)
    41  			for _, ac := range acs.Contracts {
    42  				buf = append(buf, ac.Contract...)
    43  				l = packVaruint(ac.Txs, varBuf)
    44  				buf = append(buf, varBuf[:l]...)
    45  			}
    46  			wb.PutCF(d.cfh[cfAddressContracts], bchain.AddressDescriptor(addrDesc), buf)
    47  		}
    48  	}
    49  	return nil
    50  }
    52  // GetAddrDescContracts returns AddrContracts for given addrDesc
    53  func (d *RocksDB) GetAddrDescContracts(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) (*AddrContracts, error) {
    54  	val, err := d.db.GetCF(, d.cfh[cfAddressContracts], addrDesc)
    55  	if err != nil {
    56  		return nil, err
    57  	}
    58  	defer val.Free()
    59  	buf := val.Data()
    60  	if len(buf) == 0 {
    61  		return nil, nil
    62  	}
    63  	tt, l := unpackVaruint(buf)
    64  	buf = buf[l:]
    65  	nct, l := unpackVaruint(buf)
    66  	buf = buf[l:]
    67  	c := make([]AddrContract, 0, 4)
    68  	for len(buf) > 0 {
    69  		if len(buf) < eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen {
    70  			return nil, errors.New("Invalid data stored in cfAddressContracts for AddrDesc " + addrDesc.String())
    71  		}
    72  		txs, l := unpackVaruint(buf[eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen:])
    73  		contract := append(bchain.AddressDescriptor(nil), buf[:eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen]...)
    74  		c = append(c, AddrContract{
    75  			Contract: contract,
    76  			Txs:      txs,
    77  		})
    78  		buf = buf[eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen+l:]
    79  	}
    80  	return &AddrContracts{
    81  		TotalTxs:       tt,
    82  		NonContractTxs: nct,
    83  		Contracts:      c,
    84  	}, nil
    85  }
    87  func findContractInAddressContracts(contract bchain.AddressDescriptor, contracts []AddrContract) (int, bool) {
    88  	for i := range contracts {
    89  		if bytes.Equal(contract, contracts[i].Contract) {
    90  			return i, true
    91  		}
    92  	}
    93  	return 0, false
    94  }
    96  func isZeroAddress(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) bool {
    97  	for _, b := range addrDesc {
    98  		if b != 0 {
    99  			return false
   100  		}
   101  	}
   102  	return true
   103  }
   105  func (d *RocksDB) addToAddressesAndContractsEthereumType(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor, btxID []byte, index int32, contract bchain.AddressDescriptor, addresses addressesMap, addressContracts map[string]*AddrContracts, addTxCount bool) error {
   106  	var err error
   107  	strAddrDesc := string(addrDesc)
   108  	ac, e := addressContracts[strAddrDesc]
   109  	if !e {
   110  		ac, err = d.GetAddrDescContracts(addrDesc)
   111  		if err != nil {
   112  			return err
   113  		}
   114  		if ac == nil {
   115  			ac = &AddrContracts{}
   116  		}
   117  		addressContracts[strAddrDesc] = ac
   119  	} else {
   121  	}
   122  	if contract == nil {
   123  		if addTxCount {
   124  			ac.NonContractTxs++
   125  		}
   126  	} else {
   127  		// do not store contracts for 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 address
   128  		if !isZeroAddress(addrDesc) {
   129  			// locate the contract and set i to the index in the array of contracts
   130  			i, found := findContractInAddressContracts(contract, ac.Contracts)
   131  			if !found {
   132  				i = len(ac.Contracts)
   133  				ac.Contracts = append(ac.Contracts, AddrContract{Contract: contract})
   134  			}
   135  			// index 0 is for ETH transfers, contract indexes start with 1
   136  			if index < 0 {
   137  				index = ^int32(i + 1)
   138  			} else {
   139  				index = int32(i + 1)
   140  			}
   141  			if addTxCount {
   142  				ac.Contracts[i].Txs++
   143  			}
   144  		}
   145  	}
   146  	counted := addToAddressesMap(addresses, strAddrDesc, btxID, index)
   147  	if !counted {
   148  		ac.TotalTxs++
   149  	}
   150  	return nil
   151  }
   153  type ethBlockTxContract struct {
   154  	addr, contract bchain.AddressDescriptor
   155  }
   157  type ethBlockTx struct {
   158  	btxID     []byte
   159  	from, to  bchain.AddressDescriptor
   160  	contracts []ethBlockTxContract
   161  }
   163  func (d *RocksDB) processAddressesEthereumType(block *bchain.Block, addresses addressesMap, addressContracts map[string]*AddrContracts) ([]ethBlockTx, error) {
   164  	blockTxs := make([]ethBlockTx, len(block.Txs))
   165  	for txi, tx := range block.Txs {
   166  		btxID, err := d.chainParser.PackTxid(tx.Txid)
   167  		if err != nil {
   168  			return nil, err
   169  		}
   170  		blockTx := &blockTxs[txi]
   171  		blockTx.btxID = btxID
   172  		var from, to bchain.AddressDescriptor
   173  		// there is only one output address in EthereumType transaction, store it in format txid 0
   174  		if len(tx.Vout) == 1 && len(tx.Vout[0].ScriptPubKey.Addresses) == 1 {
   175  			to, err = d.chainParser.GetAddrDescFromAddress(tx.Vout[0].ScriptPubKey.Addresses[0])
   176  			if err != nil {
   177  				// do not log ErrAddressMissing, transactions can be without to address (for example eth contracts)
   178  				if err != bchain.ErrAddressMissing {
   179  					glog.Warningf("rocksdb: addrDesc: %v - height %d, tx %v, output", err, block.Height, tx.Txid)
   180  				}
   181  				continue
   182  			}
   183  			if err = d.addToAddressesAndContractsEthereumType(to, btxID, 0, nil, addresses, addressContracts, true); err != nil {
   184  				return nil, err
   185  			}
   186 = to
   187  		}
   188  		// there is only one input address in EthereumType transaction, store it in format txid ^0
   189  		if len(tx.Vin) == 1 && len(tx.Vin[0].Addresses) == 1 {
   190  			from, err = d.chainParser.GetAddrDescFromAddress(tx.Vin[0].Addresses[0])
   191  			if err != nil {
   192  				if err != bchain.ErrAddressMissing {
   193  					glog.Warningf("rocksdb: addrDesc: %v - height %d, tx %v, input", err, block.Height, tx.Txid)
   194  				}
   195  				continue
   196  			}
   197  			if err = d.addToAddressesAndContractsEthereumType(from, btxID, ^int32(0), nil, addresses, addressContracts, !bytes.Equal(from, to)); err != nil {
   198  				return nil, err
   199  			}
   200  			blockTx.from = from
   201  		}
   202  		// store erc20 transfers
   203  		erc20, err := d.chainParser.EthereumTypeGetErc20FromTx(&tx)
   204  		if err != nil {
   205  			glog.Warningf("rocksdb: GetErc20FromTx %v - height %d, tx %v", err, block.Height, tx.Txid)
   206  		}
   207  		blockTx.contracts = make([]ethBlockTxContract, len(erc20)*2)
   208  		j := 0
   209  		for i, t := range erc20 {
   210  			var contract, from, to bchain.AddressDescriptor
   211  			contract, err = d.chainParser.GetAddrDescFromAddress(t.Contract)
   212  			if err == nil {
   213  				from, err = d.chainParser.GetAddrDescFromAddress(t.From)
   214  				if err == nil {
   215  					to, err = d.chainParser.GetAddrDescFromAddress(t.To)
   216  				}
   217  			}
   218  			if err != nil {
   219  				glog.Warningf("rocksdb: GetErc20FromTx %v - height %d, tx %v, transfer %v", err, block.Height, tx.Txid, t)
   220  				continue
   221  			}
   222  			if err = d.addToAddressesAndContractsEthereumType(to, btxID, int32(i), contract, addresses, addressContracts, true); err != nil {
   223  				return nil, err
   224  			}
   225  			eq := bytes.Equal(from, to)
   226  			bc := &blockTx.contracts[j]
   227  			j++
   228  			bc.addr = from
   229  			bc.contract = contract
   230  			if err = d.addToAddressesAndContractsEthereumType(from, btxID, ^int32(i), contract, addresses, addressContracts, !eq); err != nil {
   231  				return nil, err
   232  			}
   233  			// add to address to blockTx.contracts only if it is different from from address
   234  			if !eq {
   235  				bc = &blockTx.contracts[j]
   236  				j++
   237  				bc.addr = to
   238  				bc.contract = contract
   239  			}
   240  		}
   241  		blockTx.contracts = blockTx.contracts[:j]
   242  	}
   243  	return blockTxs, nil
   244  }
   246  func (d *RocksDB) storeAndCleanupBlockTxsEthereumType(wb *gorocksdb.WriteBatch, block *bchain.Block, blockTxs []ethBlockTx) error {
   247  	pl := d.chainParser.PackedTxidLen()
   248  	buf := make([]byte, 0, (pl+2*eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen)*len(blockTxs))
   249  	varBuf := make([]byte, vlq.MaxLen64)
   250  	zeroAddress := make([]byte, eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen)
   251  	appendAddress := func(a bchain.AddressDescriptor) {
   252  		if len(a) != eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen {
   253  			buf = append(buf, zeroAddress...)
   254  		} else {
   255  			buf = append(buf, a...)
   256  		}
   257  	}
   258  	for i := range blockTxs {
   259  		blockTx := &blockTxs[i]
   260  		buf = append(buf, blockTx.btxID...)
   261  		appendAddress(blockTx.from)
   262  		appendAddress(
   263  		l := packVaruint(uint(len(blockTx.contracts)), varBuf)
   264  		buf = append(buf, varBuf[:l]...)
   265  		for j := range blockTx.contracts {
   266  			c := &blockTx.contracts[j]
   267  			appendAddress(c.addr)
   268  			appendAddress(c.contract)
   269  		}
   270  	}
   271  	key := packUint(block.Height)
   272  	wb.PutCF(d.cfh[cfBlockTxs], key, buf)
   273  	return d.cleanupBlockTxs(wb, block)
   274  }
   276  func (d *RocksDB) getBlockTxsEthereumType(height uint32) ([]ethBlockTx, error) {
   277  	pl := d.chainParser.PackedTxidLen()
   278  	val, err := d.db.GetCF(, d.cfh[cfBlockTxs], packUint(height))
   279  	if err != nil {
   280  		return nil, err
   281  	}
   282  	defer val.Free()
   283  	buf := val.Data()
   284  	// nil data means the key was not found in DB
   285  	if buf == nil {
   286  		return nil, nil
   287  	}
   288  	// buf can be empty slice, this means the block did not contain any transactions
   289  	bt := make([]ethBlockTx, 0, 8)
   290  	getAddress := func(i int) (bchain.AddressDescriptor, int, error) {
   291  		if len(buf)-i < eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen {
   292  			glog.Error("rocksdb: Inconsistent data in blockTxs ", hex.EncodeToString(buf))
   293  			return nil, 0, errors.New("Inconsistent data in blockTxs")
   294  		}
   295  		a := append(bchain.AddressDescriptor(nil), buf[i:i+eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen]...)
   296  		// return null addresses as nil
   297  		for _, b := range a {
   298  			if b != 0 {
   299  				return a, i + eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen, nil
   300  			}
   301  		}
   302  		return nil, i + eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen, nil
   303  	}
   304  	var from, to bchain.AddressDescriptor
   305  	for i := 0; i < len(buf); {
   306  		if len(buf)-i < pl {
   307  			glog.Error("rocksdb: Inconsistent data in blockTxs ", hex.EncodeToString(buf))
   308  			return nil, errors.New("Inconsistent data in blockTxs")
   309  		}
   310  		txid := append([]byte(nil), buf[i:i+pl]...)
   311  		i += pl
   312  		from, i, err = getAddress(i)
   313  		if err != nil {
   314  			return nil, err
   315  		}
   316  		to, i, err = getAddress(i)
   317  		if err != nil {
   318  			return nil, err
   319  		}
   320  		cc, l := unpackVaruint(buf[i:])
   321  		i += l
   322  		contracts := make([]ethBlockTxContract, cc)
   323  		for j := range contracts {
   324  			contracts[j].addr, i, err = getAddress(i)
   325  			if err != nil {
   326  				return nil, err
   327  			}
   328  			contracts[j].contract, i, err = getAddress(i)
   329  			if err != nil {
   330  				return nil, err
   331  			}
   332  		}
   333  		bt = append(bt, ethBlockTx{
   334  			btxID:     txid,
   335  			from:      from,
   336  			to:        to,
   337  			contracts: contracts,
   338  		})
   339  	}
   340  	return bt, nil
   341  }
   343  func (d *RocksDB) disconnectBlockTxsEthereumType(wb *gorocksdb.WriteBatch, height uint32, blockTxs []ethBlockTx, contracts map[string]*AddrContracts) error {
   344  	glog.Info("Disconnecting block ", height, " containing ", len(blockTxs), " transactions")
   345  	addresses := make(map[string]map[string]struct{})
   346  	disconnectAddress := func(btxID []byte, addrDesc, contract bchain.AddressDescriptor) error {
   347  		var err error
   348  		// do not process empty address
   349  		if len(addrDesc) == 0 {
   350  			return nil
   351  		}
   352  		s := string(addrDesc)
   353  		txid := string(btxID)
   354  		// find if tx for this address was already encountered
   355  		mtx, ftx := addresses[s]
   356  		if !ftx {
   357  			mtx = make(map[string]struct{})
   358  			mtx[txid] = struct{}{}
   359  			addresses[s] = mtx
   360  		} else {
   361  			_, ftx = mtx[txid]
   362  			if !ftx {
   363  				mtx[txid] = struct{}{}
   364  			}
   365  		}
   366  		c, fc := contracts[s]
   367  		if !fc {
   368  			c, err = d.GetAddrDescContracts(addrDesc)
   369  			if err != nil {
   370  				return err
   371  			}
   372  			contracts[s] = c
   373  		}
   374  		if c != nil {
   375  			if !ftx {
   376  				c.TotalTxs--
   377  			}
   378  			if contract == nil {
   379  				if c.NonContractTxs > 0 {
   380  					c.NonContractTxs--
   381  				} else {
   382  					glog.Warning("AddressContracts ", addrDesc, ", EthTxs would be negative, tx ", hex.EncodeToString(btxID))
   383  				}
   384  			} else {
   385  				i, found := findContractInAddressContracts(contract, c.Contracts)
   386  				if found {
   387  					if c.Contracts[i].Txs > 0 {
   388  						c.Contracts[i].Txs--
   389  						if c.Contracts[i].Txs == 0 {
   390  							c.Contracts = append(c.Contracts[:i], c.Contracts[i+1:]...)
   391  						}
   392  					} else {
   393  						glog.Warning("AddressContracts ", addrDesc, ", contract ", i, " Txs would be negative, tx ", hex.EncodeToString(btxID))
   394  					}
   395  				} else {
   396  					glog.Warning("AddressContracts ", addrDesc, ", contract ", contract, " not found, tx ", hex.EncodeToString(btxID))
   397  				}
   398  			}
   399  		} else {
   400  			glog.Warning("AddressContracts ", addrDesc, " not found, tx ", hex.EncodeToString(btxID))
   401  		}
   402  		return nil
   403  	}
   404  	for i := range blockTxs {
   405  		blockTx := &blockTxs[i]
   406  		if err := disconnectAddress(blockTx.btxID, blockTx.from, nil); err != nil {
   407  			return err
   408  		}
   409  		// if from==to, tx is counted only once and does not have to be disconnected again
   410  		if !bytes.Equal(blockTx.from, {
   411  			if err := disconnectAddress(blockTx.btxID,, nil); err != nil {
   412  				return err
   413  			}
   414  		}
   415  		for _, c := range blockTx.contracts {
   416  			if err := disconnectAddress(blockTx.btxID, c.addr, c.contract); err != nil {
   417  				return err
   418  			}
   419  		}
   420  		wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfTransactions], blockTx.btxID)
   421  	}
   422  	for a := range addresses {
   423  		key := packAddressKey([]byte(a), height)
   424  		wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfAddresses], key)
   425  	}
   426  	return nil
   427  }
   429  // DisconnectBlockRangeEthereumType removes all data belonging to blocks in range lower-higher
   430  // it is able to disconnect only blocks for which there are data in the blockTxs column
   431  func (d *RocksDB) DisconnectBlockRangeEthereumType(lower uint32, higher uint32) error {
   432  	blocks := make([][]ethBlockTx, higher-lower+1)
   433  	for height := lower; height <= higher; height++ {
   434  		blockTxs, err := d.getBlockTxsEthereumType(height)
   435  		if err != nil {
   436  			return err
   437  		}
   438  		// nil blockTxs means blockTxs were not found in db
   439  		if blockTxs == nil {
   440  			return errors.Errorf("Cannot disconnect blocks with height %v and lower. It is necessary to rebuild index.", height)
   441  		}
   442  		blocks[height-lower] = blockTxs
   443  	}
   444  	wb := gorocksdb.NewWriteBatch()
   445  	defer wb.Destroy()
   446  	contracts := make(map[string]*AddrContracts)
   447  	for height := higher; height >= lower; height-- {
   448  		if err := d.disconnectBlockTxsEthereumType(wb, height, blocks[height-lower], contracts); err != nil {
   449  			return err
   450  		}
   451  		key := packUint(height)
   452  		wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfBlockTxs], key)
   453  		wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfHeight], key)
   454  	}
   455  	d.storeAddressContracts(wb, contracts)
   456  	err := d.db.Write(d.wo, wb)
   457  	if err == nil {
   458 + 1)
   459  		glog.Infof("rocksdb: blocks %d-%d disconnected", lower, higher)
   460  	}
   461  	return err
   462  }