
     1  ---
     2  layout: "backend-types"
     3  page_title: "Backend Type: http"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-backends-types-standard-http"
     5  description: |-
     6    Terraform can store state remotely at any valid HTTP endpoint.
     7  ---
     9  # http
    11  **Kind: Standard (with optional locking)**
    13  Stores the state using a simple [REST]( client.
    15  State will be fetched via GET, updated via POST, and purged with DELETE. The method used for updating is configurable.
    17  When locking support is enabled it will use LOCK and UNLOCK requests providing the lock info in the body. The endpoint should
    18  return a 423: Locked or 409: Conflict with the holding lock info when it's already taken, 200: OK for success. Any other status
    19  will be considered an error. The ID of the holding lock info will be added as a query parameter to state updates requests.
    21  ## Example Usage
    23  ```hcl
    24  terraform {
    25    backend "http" {
    26      address = ""
    27      lock_address = ""
    28      unlock_address = ""
    29    }
    30  }
    31  ```
    33  ## Example Referencing
    35  ```hcl
    36  data "terraform_remote_state" "foo" {
    37    backend = "http"
    38    config {
    39      address = ""
    40    }
    41  }
    42  ```
    44  ## Configuration variables
    46  The following configuration options are supported:
    48   * `address` - (Required) The address of the REST endpoint
    49   * `update_method` - (Optional) HTTP method to use when updating state.
    50     Defaults to `POST`.
    51   * `lock_address` - (Optional) The address of the lock REST endpoint.
    52     Defaults to disabled.
    53   * `lock_method` - (Optional) The HTTP method to use when locking.
    54     Defaults to `LOCK`.
    55   * `unlock_address` - (Optional) The address of the unlock REST endpoint.
    56     Defaults to disabled.
    57   * `unlock_method` - (Optional) The HTTP method to use when unlocking.
    58     Defaults to `UNLOCK`.
    59   * `username` - (Optional) The username for HTTP basic authentication
    60   * `password` - (Optional) The password for HTTP basic authentication
    61   * `skip_cert_verification` - (Optional) Whether to skip TLS verification.
    62     Defaults to `false`.