(about) 1 204: 2 description: No Content 3 400: 4 description: Bad Request 5 schema: 6 $ref: './Error.yaml' 7 examples: 8 application/json: 9 code: MISSING_PARAMETERS 10 message: >- 11 Required parameters missing or incorrect. 12 401: 13 description: Unauthorized 14 headers: 15 WWW_Authenticate: 16 type: string 17 schema: 18 $ref: './Error.yaml' 19 examples: 20 application/json: 21 code: UNAUTHORIZED 22 message: >- 23 To access API you have to login 24 403: 25 description: Forbidden 26 schema: 27 $ref: './Error.yaml' 28 examples: 29 application/json: 30 code: FORBIDDEN 31 message: >- 32 Insufficient privileges to access API 33 404: 34 description: Not Found 35 schema: 36 $ref: './Error.yaml' 37 examples: 38 application/json: 39 code: RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND 40 message: >- 41 Requested resource not found 42 412: 43 description: Precondition Failed 44 schema: 45 $ref: "./Error.yaml" 46 examples: 47 application/json: 48 code: CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION 49 message: >- 50 The resource was modified in the meanwhile 51 500: 52 description: Internal server error 53 schema: 54 $ref: './Error.yaml' 55 examples: 56 application/json: 57 code: INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 58 message: >- 59 Internal server error occurred, retry after some time. In case the issue 60 persists contact your system administrator 61 501: 62 description: Not Implemented 63 schema: 64 $ref: './Error.yaml' 65 examples: 66 application/json: 67 code: FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 68 message: Requested feature is not implemented.