
     1  {
     2    "swagger": "2.0",
     3    "info": {
     4      "title": "VeloCloud Orchestrator API",
     5      "version": "3.3.2",
     6      "contact": {
     7        "name": "VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud",
     8        "email": "",
     9        "url": ""
    10      }
    11    },
    12    "basePath": "/portal/rest",
    13    "schemes": [
    14      "https"
    15    ],
    16    "produces": [
    17      "application/json"
    18    ],
    19    "paths": {
    20      "/login/operatorLogin": {
    21        "post": {
    22          "operationId": "login_operator_login",
    23          "summary": "Authenticate operator user",
    24          "description": "Authenticates an operator user and, upon successful login, returns a velocloud.session cookie. Pass this session cookie in the authentication header in subsequent VCO calls.\n If you are using an HTTP client (e.g. Postman) that is configured to automatically follow HTTP redirects, a successful authentication request will cause your client to follow an HTTP 302 redirect to the portal 'Home' web page. Your session cookie can then be used to make VCO API calls. \n Note that session cookies expire after a period of time specified in the VCO configuration (default is 24 hours).",
    25          "tags": [
    26            "all",
    27            "login"
    28          ],
    29          "parameters": [
    30            {
    31              "$ref": "#/parameters/auth_param"
    32            }
    33          ],
    34          "responses": {
    35            "200": {
    36              "description": "If you are using an HTTP client that is configured to automatically follow HTTP redirects (e.g. Postman), a successful authentication request will cause your client to follow a HTTP 302 redirect to the portal 'Home' web page. Your session cookie may then be used to make API calls."
    37            },
    38            "302": {
    39              "description": "An HTTP 302 response is returned on both successful and failed authentication attempts. If the response includes a Set-Cookie header specifying a non-empty velocloud.session cookie, authentication was successful and this cookie may be used to make API calls."
    40            }
    41          }
    42        }
    43      },
    44      "/login/enterpriseLogin": {
    45        "post": {
    46          "operationId": "login_enterprise_login",
    47          "summary": "Authenticate enterprise or partner (MSP) user",
    48          "description": "Authenticates an enterprise or partner (MSP) user and, upon successful login, returns a velocloud.session cookie. Pass this session cookie in the authentication header in subsequent VCO calls.\n If you are using an HTTP client (e.g. Postman) that is configured to automatically follow HTTP redirects, a successful authentication request will cause your client to follow an HTTP 302 redirect to the portal 'Home' web page. Your session cookie can then be used to make VCO API calls.\n Note that session cookies expire after a period of time specified in the VCO configuration (default is 24 hours).",
    49          "tags": [
    50            "all",
    51            "login"
    52          ],
    53          "parameters": [
    54            {
    55              "$ref": "#/parameters/auth_param"
    56            }
    57          ],
    58          "responses": {
    59            "200": {
    60              "description": "If you are using an HTTP client that is configured to automatically follow HTTP redirects (e.g. Postman), a successful authentication request will cause your client to follow an HTTP 302 redirect to the portal 'Home' web page. Your session cookie may then be used to make API calls."
    61            },
    62            "302": {
    63              "description": "An HTTP 302 response is returned on both successful and failed authentication attempts. If the response includes a Set-Cookie header specifying a non-empty velocloud.session cookie, authentication was successful and this cookie may be used to make API calls."
    64            }
    65          }
    66        }
    67      },
    68      "/logout": {
    69        "post": {
    70          "operationId": "logout",
    71          "summary": "Logout and invalidate authorization session cookie",
    72          "description": "Logs out the VCO API user and invalidates the session cookie.",
    73          "tags": [
    74            "all",
    75            "login"
    76          ],
    77          "parameters": [],
    78          "responses": {
    79            "200": {
    80              "description": "If you are using an HTTP client that is configured to automatically follow HTTP redirects (e.g. Postman), a successful logout request will cause your client to follow an HTTP 302 redirect to the portal login web page."
    81            },
    82            "302": {
    83              "description": "An HTTP 302 (redirect) response is returned on both successful and failed logout attempts."
    84            }
    85          }
    86        }
    87      },
    88      "/meta/{apiPath}": {
    89        "post": {
    90          "deprecated": true,
    91          "operationId": "meta",
    92          "summary": "Get Swagger specification for any VCO API call",
    93          "description": "Gets the Swagger specification for any VCO API call.",
    94          "tags": [
    95            "all",
    96            "meta"
    97          ],
    98          "parameters": [
    99            {
   100              "name": "apiPath",
   101              "in": "path",
   102              "description": "the path to another api method, starting after /rest/",
   103              "required": true,
   104              "type": "string"
   105            }
   106          ],
   107          "responses": {
   108            "200": {
   109              "description": "Request successful",
   110              "schema": {
   111                "type": "object",
   112                "properties": {
   113                  "privileges": {
   114                    "type": "object"
   115                  },
   116                  "swagger": {
   117                    "type": "object"
   118                  }
   119                }
   120              }
   121            },
   122            "400": {
   123              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   124            }
   125          }
   126        }
   127      },
   128      "/clientDevice/setClientDeviceHostName": {
   129        "post": {
   130          "summary": "Set hostname for client device",
   131          "description": "Sets the `hostName` for client device\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `CLIENT_DEVICE`",
   132          "tags": [
   133            "clientDevice",
   134            "all"
   135          ],
   136          "operationId": "set_client_device_host_name",
   137          "x-privileges": {
   138            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
   139            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   140            "allowAuthTypes": [
   141              "ANY"
   142            ],
   143            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   144            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   145              "EDGE",
   146              "GATEWAY"
   147            ],
   148            "requirePrivileges": [
   149              {
   150                "action": "UPDATE",
   151                "object": "CLIENT_DEVICE"
   152              }
   153            ]
   154          },
   155          "parameters": [
   156            {
   157              "name": "body",
   158              "in": "body",
   159              "required": true,
   160              "schema": {
   161                "title": "set_client_device_host_name",
   162                "type": "object",
   163                "properties": {
   164                  "enterpriseId": {
   165                    "type": "integer"
   166                  },
   167                  "clientDeviceId": {
   168                    "type": "integer"
   169                  },
   170                  "hostName": {
   171                    "type": "string"
   172                  },
   173                  "macAddress": {
   174                    "type": "string"
   175                  },
   176                  "ipAddress": {
   177                    "type": "string"
   178                  }
   179                },
   180                "required": [
   181                  "enterpriseId",
   182                  "hostName"
   183                ]
   184              }
   185            }
   186          ],
   187          "responses": {
   188            "200": {
   189              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   190              "schema": {
   191                "$ref": "#/definitions/set_client_device_host_name_result"
   192              }
   193            },
   194            "400": {
   195              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   196            },
   197            "500": {
   198              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   199            }
   200          }
   201        }
   202      },
   203      "/configuration/cloneAndConvertConfiguration": {
   204        "post": {
   205          "summary": "Create new segment-based profile from existing network-based profile",
   206          "description": "Clones and converts the specified network configuration (by `configurationId`). Accepts an `enterpriseId` or `networkId` to associate the new configuration with an enterprise or network. On success, returns the ID of the newly created configuration object.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`, or\n\n`CREATE` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
   207          "tags": [
   208            "configuration",
   209            "all"
   210          ],
   211          "operationId": "configuration_clone_and_convert_configuration",
   212          "x-privileges": {
   213            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   214            "allowAuthTypes": [
   215              "ANY"
   216            ],
   217            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   218            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   219              "EDGE",
   220              "GATEWAY"
   221            ],
   222            "requirePrivileges": [
   223              {
   224                "action": "CREATE",
   225                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE",
   226                "sufficient": true
   227              },
   228              {
   229                "action": "CREATE",
   230                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE",
   231                "sufficient": true
   232              }
   233            ]
   234          },
   235          "parameters": [
   236            {
   237              "name": "body",
   238              "in": "body",
   239              "required": true,
   240              "schema": {
   241                "type": "object",
   242                "title": "configuration_clone_and_convert_configuration",
   243                "properties": {
   244                  "configurationId": {
   245                    "type": "integer"
   246                  },
   247                  "enterpriseId": {
   248                    "type": "integer"
   249                  },
   250                  "name": {
   251                    "type": "string"
   252                  },
   253                  "description": {
   254                    "type": "string"
   255                  },
   256                  "guestVLANSegmentObjectId": {
   257                    "type": "integer"
   258                  }
   259                },
   260                "required": [
   261                  "configurationId"
   262                ]
   263              }
   264            }
   265          ],
   266          "responses": {
   267            "200": {
   268              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   269              "schema": {
   270                "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_clone_and_convert_configuration_result"
   271              }
   272            },
   273            "400": {
   274              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   275            },
   276            "500": {
   277              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   278            }
   279          }
   280        }
   281      },
   282      "/configuration/cloneConfiguration": {
   283        "post": {
   284          "summary": "Clone configuration profile",
   285          "description": "Clones the specified configuration (by `configurationId`) and all associated configuration modules. Accepts an `enterpriseId` or `networkId` to associate the new configuration with an enterprise or network. Select modules may also be specified. On success, returns the `id` of the newly created configuration object.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`, or\n\n`CREATE` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
   286          "tags": [
   287            "configuration",
   288            "all"
   289          ],
   290          "operationId": "configuration_clone_configuration",
   291          "x-privileges": {
   292            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   293            "allowAuthTypes": [
   294              "ANY"
   295            ],
   296            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   297            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   298              "EDGE",
   299              "GATEWAY"
   300            ],
   301            "requirePrivileges": [
   302              {
   303                "action": "CREATE",
   304                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE",
   305                "sufficient": true
   306              },
   307              {
   308                "action": "CREATE",
   309                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE",
   310                "sufficient": true
   311              }
   312            ]
   313          },
   314          "parameters": [
   315            {
   316              "name": "body",
   317              "in": "body",
   318              "required": true,
   319              "schema": {
   320                "type": "object",
   321                "title": "configuration_clone_configuration",
   322                "properties": {
   323                  "configurationId": {
   324                    "type": "integer"
   325                  },
   326                  "networkId": {
   327                    "type": "integer"
   328                  },
   329                  "enterpriseId": {
   330                    "type": "integer"
   331                  },
   332                  "name": {
   333                    "type": "string"
   334                  },
   335                  "version": {
   336                    "type": "string"
   337                  },
   338                  "description": {
   339                    "type": "string"
   340                  }
   341                },
   342                "required": [
   343                  "configurationId"
   344                ]
   345              }
   346            }
   347          ],
   348          "responses": {
   349            "200": {
   350              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   351              "schema": {
   352                "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_clone_configuration_result"
   353              }
   354            },
   355            "400": {
   356              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   357            },
   358            "500": {
   359              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   360            }
   361          }
   362        }
   363      },
   364      "/configuration/cloneEnterpriseTemplate": {
   365        "post": {
   366          "summary": "Clone default enterprise configuration profile",
   367          "description": "Creates a new enterprise configuration from the enterprise default configuration. On success, returns the `id` of the newly created configuration object.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`, or\n\n`CREATE` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
   368          "tags": [
   369            "all",
   370            "configuration"
   371          ],
   372          "operationId": "configuration_clone_enterprise_template",
   373          "x-privileges": {
   374            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   375            "allowAuthTypes": [
   376              "ANY"
   377            ],
   378            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   379            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   380              "EDGE",
   381              "GATEWAY"
   382            ],
   383            "requirePrivileges": [
   384              {
   385                "action": "CREATE",
   386                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE",
   387                "sufficient": true
   388              },
   389              {
   390                "action": "CREATE",
   391                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE",
   392                "sufficient": true
   393              }
   394            ]
   395          },
   396          "parameters": [
   397            {
   398              "name": "body",
   399              "in": "body",
   400              "required": true,
   401              "schema": {
   402                "type": "object",
   403                "title": "configuration_clone_enterprise_template",
   404                "properties": {
   405                  "enterpriseId": {
   406                    "type": "integer",
   407                    "description": "Required if called from the operator or MSP context, identifies the target enterprise of the API call."
   408                  },
   409                  "configurationType": {
   410                    "type": "string",
   411                    "enum": [
   412                      "SEGMENT_BASED",
   413                      "NETWORK_BASED"
   414                    ],
   415                    "description": "If both network and segment based functionality is granted to the enterprise, chose which template type to clone. If not specified the type of the operator profile assigned to the enterprise will be used."
   416                  },
   417                  "name": {
   418                    "type": "string"
   419                  },
   420                  "description": {
   421                    "type": "string"
   422                  }
   423                }
   424              }
   425            }
   426          ],
   427          "responses": {
   428            "200": {
   429              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   430              "schema": {
   431                "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_clone_enterprise_template_result"
   432              }
   433            },
   434            "400": {
   435              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   436            },
   437            "500": {
   438              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   439            }
   440          }
   441        }
   442      },
   443      "/configuration/deleteConfiguration": {
   444        "post": {
   445          "summary": "Delete configuration profile",
   446          "description": "Deletes the specified configuration profile (by `id`). On success, returns an object indicating the number of objects (rows) deleted (1 or 0).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`, or\n\n`DELETE` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
   447          "tags": [
   448            "all",
   449            "configuration"
   450          ],
   451          "operationId": "configuration_delete_configuration",
   452          "x-privileges": {
   453            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   454            "allowAuthTypes": [
   455              "ANY"
   456            ],
   457            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   458            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   459              "EDGE",
   460              "GATEWAY"
   461            ],
   462            "requirePrivileges": [
   463              {
   464                "action": "DELETE",
   465                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE",
   466                "sufficient": true
   467              },
   468              {
   469                "action": "DELETE",
   470                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE",
   471                "sufficient": true
   472              }
   473            ]
   474          },
   475          "parameters": [
   476            {
   477              "name": "body",
   478              "in": "body",
   479              "required": true,
   480              "schema": {
   481                "type": "object",
   482                "title": "configuration_delete_configuration",
   483                "properties": {
   484                  "enterpriseId": {
   485                    "type": "integer"
   486                  },
   487                  "id": {
   488                    "type": "integer"
   489                  }
   490                },
   491                "required": [
   492                  "id"
   493                ]
   494              }
   495            }
   496          ],
   497          "responses": {
   498            "200": {
   499              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   500              "schema": {
   501                "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_delete_configuration_result"
   502              }
   503            },
   504            "400": {
   505              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   506            },
   507            "500": {
   508              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   509            }
   510          }
   511        }
   512      },
   513      "/configuration/getConfiguration": {
   514        "post": {
   515          "summary": "Get configuration profile",
   516          "description": "Gets the specified configuration profile, optionally with module details.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`, or\n\n`READ` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
   517          "tags": [
   518            "all",
   519            "configuration"
   520          ],
   521          "operationId": "configuration_get_configuration",
   522          "x-privileges": {
   523            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   524            "allowAuthTypes": [
   525              "ANY"
   526            ],
   527            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   528            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   529              "EDGE",
   530              "GATEWAY"
   531            ],
   532            "requirePrivileges": [
   533              {
   534                "action": "READ",
   535                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE",
   536                "sufficient": true
   537              },
   538              {
   539                "action": "READ",
   540                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE",
   541                "sufficient": true
   542              }
   543            ]
   544          },
   545          "parameters": [
   546            {
   547              "name": "body",
   548              "in": "body",
   549              "required": true,
   550              "schema": {
   551                "type": "object",
   552                "title": "configuration_get_configuration",
   553                "properties": {
   554                  "id": {
   555                    "type": "integer"
   556                  },
   557                  "enterpriseId": {
   558                    "type": "integer"
   559                  },
   560                  "with": {
   561                    "type": "array",
   562                    "items": {
   563                      "type": "string",
   564                      "enum": [
   565                        "modules",
   566                        "edgeCount",
   567                        "enterprises",
   568                        "enterpriseCount",
   569                        "counts"
   570                      ]
   571                    }
   572                  }
   573                },
   574                "required": [
   575                  "id"
   576                ]
   577              }
   578            }
   579          ],
   580          "responses": {
   581            "200": {
   582              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   583              "schema": {
   584                "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_get_configuration_result"
   585              }
   586            },
   587            "400": {
   588              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   589            },
   590            "500": {
   591              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   592            }
   593          }
   594        }
   595      },
   596      "/configuration/getConfigurationModules": {
   597        "post": {
   598          "summary": "Get configuration profile modules",
   599          "description": "Gets all configuration modules for the specified configuration profile.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`, or\n\n`READ` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
   600          "tags": [
   601            "configuration",
   602            "all"
   603          ],
   604          "operationId": "configuration_get_configuration_modules",
   605          "x-privileges": {
   606            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   607            "allowAuthTypes": [
   608              "ANY"
   609            ],
   610            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   611            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   612              "EDGE",
   613              "GATEWAY"
   614            ],
   615            "requirePrivileges": [
   616              {
   617                "action": "READ",
   618                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE",
   619                "sufficient": true
   620              },
   621              {
   622                "action": "READ",
   623                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE",
   624                "sufficient": true
   625              }
   626            ]
   627          },
   628          "parameters": [
   629            {
   630              "name": "body",
   631              "in": "body",
   632              "required": true,
   633              "schema": {
   634                "type": "object",
   635                "title": "configuration_get_configuration_modules",
   636                "properties": {
   637                  "configurationId": {
   638                    "type": "integer"
   639                  },
   640                  "enterpriseId": {
   641                    "type": "integer"
   642                  },
   643                  "noData": {
   644                    "type": "boolean"
   645                  },
   646                  "modules": {
   647                    "type": "array",
   648                    "items": {
   649                      "type": "string",
   650                      "enum": [
   651                        "imageUpdate",
   652                        "controlPlane",
   653                        "managementPlane",
   654                        "firewall",
   655                        "QOS",
   656                        "deviceSettings",
   657                        "WAN",
   658                        "metaData",
   659                        "properties"
   660                      ]
   661                    }
   662                  }
   663                },
   664                "required": [
   665                  "configurationId"
   666                ]
   667              }
   668            }
   669          ],
   670          "responses": {
   671            "200": {
   672              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   673              "schema": {
   674                "title": "configuration_get_configuration_modules_result",
   675                "type": "array",
   676                "items": {
   677                  "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_get_configuration_modules_result_item"
   678                }
   679              }
   680            },
   681            "400": {
   682              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   683            },
   684            "500": {
   685              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   686            }
   687          }
   688        }
   689      },
   690      "/configuration/getIdentifiableApplications": {
   691        "post": {
   692          "summary": "Get the applications that are identifiable through DPI.",
   693          "description": "Gets all applications that are identifiable through DPI. If called from an operator or MSP context, then `enterpriseId` is required.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`",
   694          "tags": [
   695            "all",
   696            "configuration"
   697          ],
   698          "operationId": "configuration_get_identifiable_applications",
   699          "x-privileges": {
   700            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
   701            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   702            "allowAuthTypes": [
   703              "ANY"
   704            ],
   705            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   706            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   707              "EDGE",
   708              "GATEWAY"
   709            ],
   710            "requirePrivileges": [
   711              {
   712                "action": "READ",
   713                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE",
   714                "sufficient": true
   715              }
   716            ]
   717          },
   718          "parameters": [
   719            {
   720              "name": "body",
   721              "in": "body",
   722              "required": true,
   723              "schema": {
   724                "type": "object",
   725                "title": "configuration_get_identifiable_applications",
   726                "properties": {
   727                  "enterpriseId": {
   728                    "type": "integer"
   729                  }
   730                }
   731              }
   732            }
   733          ],
   734          "responses": {
   735            "200": {
   736              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   737              "schema": {
   738                "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_get_identifiable_applications_result"
   739              }
   740            },
   741            "400": {
   742              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   743            },
   744            "500": {
   745              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   746            }
   747          }
   748        }
   749      },
   750      "/configuration/getRoutableApplications": {
   751        "post": {
   752          "summary": "Get first packet routable applications",
   753          "description": "Gets all applications that are first packet routable. If called from an operator or MSP context, then `enterpriseId` is required.Optionally, specify `edgeId` to get the map for a specific Edge.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
   754          "tags": [
   755            "all",
   756            "configuration"
   757          ],
   758          "operationId": "configuration_get_routable_applications",
   759          "x-privileges": {
   760            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
   761            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   762            "allowAuthTypes": [
   763              "ANY"
   764            ],
   765            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   766            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   767              "EDGE",
   768              "GATEWAY"
   769            ],
   770            "requirePrivileges": [
   771              {
   772                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS",
   773                "sufficient": true
   774              }
   775            ]
   776          },
   777          "parameters": [
   778            {
   779              "name": "body",
   780              "in": "body",
   781              "required": true,
   782              "schema": {
   783                "type": "object",
   784                "title": "configuration_get_routable_applications",
   785                "properties": {
   786                  "enterpriseId": {
   787                    "type": "integer"
   788                  },
   789                  "edgeId": {
   790                    "type": "integer"
   791                  }
   792                }
   793              }
   794            }
   795          ],
   796          "responses": {
   797            "200": {
   798              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   799              "schema": {
   800                "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_get_routable_applications_result"
   801              }
   802            },
   803            "400": {
   804              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   805            },
   806            "500": {
   807              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   808            }
   809          }
   810        }
   811      },
   812      "/configuration/insertConfigurationModule": {
   813        "post": {
   814          "summary": "Create configuration module",
   815          "description": "Creates a new configuration module for the specified configuration profile.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`, or\n\n`UPDATE` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
   816          "tags": [
   817            "configuration",
   818            "all"
   819          ],
   820          "operationId": "configuration_insert_configuration_module",
   821          "x-privileges": {
   822            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   823            "allowAuthTypes": [
   824              "ANY"
   825            ],
   826            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   827            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   828              "EDGE",
   829              "GATEWAY"
   830            ],
   831            "requirePrivileges": [
   832              {
   833                "action": "UPDATE",
   834                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE",
   835                "sufficient": true
   836              },
   837              {
   838                "action": "UPDATE",
   839                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE",
   840                "sufficient": true
   841              }
   842            ]
   843          },
   844          "parameters": [
   845            {
   846              "name": "body",
   847              "in": "body",
   848              "required": true,
   849              "schema": {
   850                "type": "object",
   851                "title": "configuration_insert_configuration_module",
   852                "properties": {
   853                  "enterpriseId": {
   854                    "type": "integer"
   855                  },
   856                  "name": {
   857                    "type": "string",
   858                    "enum": [
   859                      "imageUpdate",
   860                      "controlPlane",
   861                      "managementPlane",
   862                      "firewall",
   863                      "QOS",
   864                      "deviceSettings",
   865                      "WAN",
   866                      "metaData",
   867                      "properties"
   868                    ]
   869                  },
   870                  "type": {
   871                    "type": "string",
   872                    "enum": [
   873                      "ENTERPRISE",
   874                      "OPERATOR",
   875                      "GATEWAY"
   876                    ]
   877                  },
   878                  "description": {
   879                    "type": "string"
   880                  },
   881                  "data": {
   882                    "type": "object"
   883                  },
   884                  "configurationId": {
   885                    "type": "integer"
   886                  },
   887                  "version": {
   888                    "type": "string"
   889                  }
   890                },
   891                "required": [
   892                  "name",
   893                  "data",
   894                  "configurationId"
   895                ]
   896              }
   897            }
   898          ],
   899          "responses": {
   900            "200": {
   901              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   902              "schema": {
   903                "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_insert_configuration_module_result"
   904              }
   905            },
   906            "400": {
   907              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   908            },
   909            "500": {
   910              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   911            }
   912          }
   913        }
   914      },
   915      "/configuration/updateConfiguration": {
   916        "post": {
   917          "summary": "Update configuration profile",
   918          "description": "Updates the specified configuration profile record according to the attribute:value mappings specified in the `_update` object.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`, or\n\n`UPDATE` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
   919          "tags": [
   920            "configuration",
   921            "all"
   922          ],
   923          "operationId": "configuration_update_configuration",
   924          "x-privileges": {
   925            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
   926            "allowAuthTypes": [
   927              "ANY"
   928            ],
   929            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
   930            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
   931              "EDGE",
   932              "GATEWAY"
   933            ],
   934            "requirePrivileges": [
   935              {
   936                "action": "UPDATE",
   937                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE",
   938                "sufficient": true
   939              },
   940              {
   941                "action": "UPDATE",
   942                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE",
   943                "sufficient": true
   944              }
   945            ]
   946          },
   947          "parameters": [
   948            {
   949              "name": "body",
   950              "in": "body",
   951              "required": true,
   952              "schema": {
   953                "type": "object",
   954                "title": "configuration_update_configuration",
   955                "properties": {
   956                  "id": {
   957                    "type": "integer"
   958                  },
   959                  "enterpriseId": {
   960                    "type": "integer"
   961                  },
   962                  "_update": {
   963                    "type": "object",
   964                    "properties": {
   965                      "name": {
   966                        "type": "string"
   967                      },
   968                      "description": {
   969                        "type": "string"
   970                      },
   971                      "version": {
   972                        "type": "string"
   973                      },
   974                      "effective": {
   975                        "type": "string"
   976                      }
   977                    }
   978                  }
   979                },
   980                "required": [
   981                  "id",
   982                  "_update"
   983                ]
   984              }
   985            }
   986          ],
   987          "responses": {
   988            "200": {
   989              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
   990              "schema": {
   991                "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
   992              }
   993            },
   994            "400": {
   995              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
   996            },
   997            "500": {
   998              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
   999            }
  1000          }
  1001        }
  1002      },
  1003      "/configuration/updateConfigurationModule": {
  1004        "post": {
  1005          "summary": "Update configuration module",
  1006          "description": "Updates the specified configuration module. Expects an `_update` object containing the field(s) to be updated and their corresponding value(s).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`, or\n\n`UPDATE` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
  1007          "tags": [
  1008            "configuration",
  1009            "all"
  1010          ],
  1011          "operationId": "configuration_update_configuration_module",
  1012          "x-privileges": {
  1013            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1014            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1015              "ANY"
  1016            ],
  1017            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1018            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1019              "EDGE",
  1020              "GATEWAY"
  1021            ],
  1022            "requirePrivileges": [
  1023              {
  1024                "action": "UPDATE",
  1025                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE",
  1026                "sufficient": true
  1027              },
  1028              {
  1029                "action": "UPDATE",
  1030                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE",
  1031                "sufficient": true
  1032              }
  1033            ]
  1034          },
  1035          "parameters": [
  1036            {
  1037              "name": "body",
  1038              "in": "body",
  1039              "required": true,
  1040              "schema": {
  1041                "type": "object",
  1042                "title": "configuration_update_configuration_module",
  1043                "properties": {
  1044                  "id": {
  1045                    "type": "integer"
  1046                  },
  1047                  "enterpriseId": {
  1048                    "type": "integer"
  1049                  },
  1050                  "basic": {
  1051                    "type": "boolean",
  1052                    "default": false
  1053                  },
  1054                  "_update": {
  1055                    "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_module_base_type"
  1056                  }
  1057                }
  1058              }
  1059            }
  1060          ],
  1061          "responses": {
  1062            "200": {
  1063              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1064              "schema": {
  1065                "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_update_configuration_module_result"
  1066              }
  1067            },
  1068            "400": {
  1069              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1070            },
  1071            "500": {
  1072              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1073            }
  1074          }
  1075        }
  1076      },
  1077      "/disasterRecovery/configureActiveForReplication": {
  1078        "post": {
  1079          "summary": "Configure current VCO for disaster recovery",
  1080          "tags": [
  1081            "all",
  1082            "disasterRecovery"
  1083          ],
  1084          "description": "Configures the current Orchestrator to be active and the specified Orchestrator to be standby for Orchestrator disaster recovery replication. Required attributes: 1) `standbyList`, a single-entry array containing the `standbyAddress` and `standbyUuid`, 2) `drVCOUser`, a Orchestrator super user available on both the active and standby VCOs, and 3) `drVCOPassword`, the password of `drVCOUser` on the standby Orchestrator (unless the `autoConfigStandby` option is specified as `false`). The call sets up the active Orchestrator to allow replication from the standby and then (unless `autoConfigStandby` is `false`) makes a `transitionToStandby` API call to the specified standby, expected to have been previously placed in `STANDBY_CANDIDATE` state via `prepareForStandby`. After this call, the active and standby VCOs should be polled via `getReplicationStatus` until they  both reach `STANDBY_RUNNING` `drState` (or a configuration error is reported).  (Note: `drVCOPassword` is not persisted.)\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `REPLICATION`",
  1085          "operationId": "disaster_recovery_configure_active_for_replication",
  1086          "x-privileges": {
  1087            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1088            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1089              "OPERATOR_USER"
  1090            ],
  1091            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1092            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1093              "EDGE",
  1094              "GATEWAY"
  1095            ],
  1096            "requirePrivileges": [
  1097              {
  1098                "action": "CREATE",
  1099                "object": "REPLICATION"
  1100              }
  1101            ]
  1102          },
  1103          "parameters": [
  1104            {
  1105              "name": "body",
  1106              "in": "body",
  1107              "required": true,
  1108              "schema": {
  1109                "type": "object",
  1110                "title": "disaster_recovery_configure_active_for_replication",
  1111                "properties": {
  1112                  "standbyList": {
  1113                    "type": "array",
  1114                    "items": {
  1115                      "title": "standby_vco_designee",
  1116                      "type": "object",
  1117                      "properties": {
  1118                        "standbyAddress": {
  1119                          "type": "string"
  1120                        },
  1121                        "standbyReplicationAddress": {
  1122                          "type": "string"
  1123                        },
  1124                        "standbyUuid": {
  1125                          "type": "string"
  1126                        }
  1127                      },
  1128                      "required": [
  1129                        "standbyAddress",
  1130                        "standbyUuid"
  1131                      ]
  1132                    }
  1133                  },
  1134                  "autoConfigStandby": {
  1135                    "type": "boolean",
  1136                    "default": true
  1137                  },
  1138                  "drVCOUser": {
  1139                    "type": "string"
  1140                  },
  1141                  "drVCOPassword": {
  1142                    "type": "string"
  1143                  }
  1144                },
  1145                "required": [
  1146                  "standbyList",
  1147                  "drVCOUser",
  1148                  "drVCOPassword"
  1149                ]
  1150              }
  1151            }
  1152          ],
  1153          "responses": {
  1154            "200": {
  1155              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1156              "schema": {
  1157                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_configure_active_for_replication_result"
  1158              }
  1159            },
  1160            "400": {
  1161              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1162            },
  1163            "500": {
  1164              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1165            }
  1166          }
  1167        }
  1168      },
  1169      "/disasterRecovery/demoteActive": {
  1170        "post": {
  1171          "summary": "Demote current VCO from active to zombie",
  1172          "tags": [
  1173            "all",
  1174            "disasterRecovery"
  1175          ],
  1176          "description": "Demotes the current VCO from active to zombie. No input parameters are required. The active server is expected to be in the `drState` `FAILURE_GET_STANDBY_STATUS` or `FAILURE_MYSQL_ACTIVE_STATUS`, meaning that DR protection had been engaged (with the last successful replication status observed at `lastDRProtectedTime`) but that active failed a health check since that time.  If the active server is in the `drState` `STANDBY_RUNNING`, meaning that it has detected no problems in interacting with the standby server, the operator can force demotion of the active using the optional `force` parameter passed with value of `true`; in this case, the operator must ensure that the standby server has already been successfully promoted.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `REPLICATION`",
  1177          "operationId": "disaster_recovery_demote_active",
  1178          "x-privileges": {
  1179            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1180            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1181              "OPERATOR_USER"
  1182            ],
  1183            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1184            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1185              "EDGE",
  1186              "GATEWAY"
  1187            ],
  1188            "requirePrivileges": [
  1189              {
  1190                "action": "CREATE",
  1191                "object": "REPLICATION"
  1192              }
  1193            ]
  1194          },
  1195          "parameters": [
  1196            {
  1197              "name": "body",
  1198              "in": "body",
  1199              "required": true,
  1200              "schema": {
  1201                "type": "object",
  1202                "title": "disaster_recovery_demote_active",
  1203                "properties": {
  1204                  "force": {
  1205                    "type": "boolean",
  1206                    "default": false
  1207                  }
  1208                }
  1209              }
  1210            }
  1211          ],
  1212          "responses": {
  1213            "200": {
  1214              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1215              "schema": {
  1216                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_demote_active_result"
  1217              }
  1218            },
  1219            "400": {
  1220              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1221            },
  1222            "500": {
  1223              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1224            }
  1225          }
  1226        }
  1227      },
  1228      "/disasterRecovery/getReplicationBlob": {
  1229        "post": {
  1230          "summary": "Get blob needed to configure VCO replication on standby",
  1231          "tags": [
  1232            "all",
  1233            "disasterRecovery"
  1234          ],
  1235          "description": "Gets from the active Orchestrator the blob needed to configure replication on the standby. Used only when `configureActiveForReplication` was called with `autoConfigStandby` set to `false` [`true` by default].\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `REPLICATION`",
  1236          "operationId": "disaster_recovery_get_replication_blob",
  1237          "x-privileges": {
  1238            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1239            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1240              "OPERATOR_USER"
  1241            ],
  1242            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1243            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1244              "EDGE",
  1245              "GATEWAY"
  1246            ],
  1247            "requirePrivileges": [
  1248              {
  1249                "action": "CREATE",
  1250                "object": "REPLICATION"
  1251              }
  1252            ]
  1253          },
  1254          "parameters": [
  1255            {
  1256              "name": "body",
  1257              "in": "body",
  1258              "required": true,
  1259              "schema": {
  1260                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_get_replication_blob"
  1261              }
  1262            }
  1263          ],
  1264          "responses": {
  1265            "200": {
  1266              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1267              "schema": {
  1268                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_get_replication_blob_result"
  1269              }
  1270            },
  1271            "400": {
  1272              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1273            },
  1274            "500": {
  1275              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1276            }
  1277          }
  1278        }
  1279      },
  1280      "/disasterRecovery/getReplicationStatus": {
  1281        "post": {
  1282          "summary": "Get disaster recovery status",
  1283          "tags": [
  1284            "all",
  1285            "disasterRecovery"
  1286          ],
  1287          "description": "Gets the disaster recovery replication status, optionally with client contact, state transition history, and storage information. No input parameters are required.  Can optionally specify one or more of the following `with` parameters: `clientContact`, `clientCount`, `stateHistory`, and `storageInfo`.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `REPLICATION`",
  1288          "operationId": "disaster_recovery_get_replication_status",
  1289          "x-privileges": {
  1290            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1291            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1292              "OPERATOR_USER"
  1293            ],
  1294            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1295            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1296              "EDGE",
  1297              "GATEWAY"
  1298            ],
  1299            "requirePrivileges": [
  1300              {
  1301                "action": "READ",
  1302                "object": "REPLICATION"
  1303              }
  1304            ]
  1305          },
  1306          "parameters": [
  1307            {
  1308              "name": "body",
  1309              "in": "body",
  1310              "required": true,
  1311              "schema": {
  1312                "type": "object",
  1313                "title": "disaster_recovery_get_replication_status",
  1314                "properties": {
  1315                  "with": {
  1316                    "type": "array",
  1317                    "items": {
  1318                      "type": "string",
  1319                      "enum": [
  1320                        "clientContact",
  1321                        "stateHistory",
  1322                        "clientCount",
  1323                        "storageInfo"
  1324                      ]
  1325                    }
  1326                  }
  1327                }
  1328              }
  1329            }
  1330          ],
  1331          "responses": {
  1332            "200": {
  1333              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1334              "schema": {
  1335                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_get_replication_status_result"
  1336              }
  1337            },
  1338            "400": {
  1339              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1340            },
  1341            "500": {
  1342              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1343            }
  1344          }
  1345        }
  1346      },
  1347      "/disasterRecovery/prepareForStandby": {
  1348        "post": {
  1349          "summary": "Designate current VCO as DR standby candidate",
  1350          "tags": [
  1351            "all",
  1352            "disasterRecovery"
  1353          ],
  1354          "description": "Transitions the current Orchestrator to a quiesced state, ready to be configured as a standby system. No input parameters are required.  After this call, the Orchestrator will be restarted in standby mode. The caller should subsequently poll `getReplicationStatus` until `drState` is `STANDBY_CANDIDATE`.  This is the first step in configuring Orchestrator disaster recovery.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `REPLICATION`",
  1355          "operationId": "disaster_recovery_prepare_for_standby",
  1356          "x-privileges": {
  1357            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1358            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1359              "OPERATOR_USER"
  1360            ],
  1361            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1362            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1363              "EDGE",
  1364              "GATEWAY"
  1365            ],
  1366            "requirePrivileges": [
  1367              {
  1368                "action": "CREATE",
  1369                "object": "REPLICATION"
  1370              }
  1371            ]
  1372          },
  1373          "parameters": [
  1374            {
  1375              "name": "body",
  1376              "in": "body",
  1377              "required": true,
  1378              "schema": {
  1379                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_prepare_for_standby"
  1380              }
  1381            }
  1382          ],
  1383          "responses": {
  1384            "200": {
  1385              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1386              "schema": {
  1387                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_prepare_for_standby_result"
  1388              }
  1389            },
  1390            "400": {
  1391              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1392            },
  1393            "500": {
  1394              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1395            }
  1396          }
  1397        }
  1398      },
  1399      "/disasterRecovery/promoteStandbyToActive": {
  1400        "post": {
  1401          "summary": "Promote standby VCO to active",
  1402          "tags": [
  1403            "all",
  1404            "disasterRecovery"
  1405          ],
  1406          "description": "Promotes the current server to take over as the single standalone VCO. The current server is expected to be a standby in the `drState` `FAILURE_MYSQL_STANDBY_STATUS`, meaning that DR protection had been engaged (with the last successful replication status observed at `lastDRProtectedTime`), but that standby has been unable to replicate since that time. \n If the standby server is in the `drState` `STANDBY_RUNNING`, meaning that it has detected no problems in replicating from the active server, the operator can force promotion of the standby using the optional `force` parameter passed with a value of `true`. In this case, the standby server will call `demoteActive/force` on the active server.  The operator should, if possible, ensure that the formerly active server is demoted by running `demoteServer` directly on that server if the standby server was unable to do so successfully.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `REPLICATION`",
  1407          "operationId": "disaster_recovery_promote_standby_to_active",
  1408          "x-privileges": {
  1409            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1410            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1411              "OPERATOR_USER"
  1412            ],
  1413            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1414            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1415              "EDGE",
  1416              "GATEWAY"
  1417            ],
  1418            "requirePrivileges": [
  1419              {
  1420                "action": "CREATE",
  1421                "object": "REPLICATION"
  1422              }
  1423            ]
  1424          },
  1425          "parameters": [
  1426            {
  1427              "name": "body",
  1428              "in": "body",
  1429              "required": true,
  1430              "schema": {
  1431                "type": "object",
  1432                "title": "disaster_recovery_promote_standby_to_active",
  1433                "properties": {
  1434                  "force": {
  1435                    "type": "boolean",
  1436                    "default": false
  1437                  }
  1438                }
  1439              }
  1440            }
  1441          ],
  1442          "responses": {
  1443            "200": {
  1444              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1445              "schema": {
  1446                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_promote_standby_to_active_result"
  1447              }
  1448            },
  1449            "400": {
  1450              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1451            },
  1452            "500": {
  1453              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1454            }
  1455          }
  1456        }
  1457      },
  1458      "/disasterRecovery/removeStandby": {
  1459        "post": {
  1460          "summary": "Remove VCO disaster recovery on current server",
  1461          "tags": [
  1462            "all",
  1463            "disasterRecovery"
  1464          ],
  1465          "description": "Removes disaster recovery on the current server. In addition, makes a best-effort call to `removeStandby` on the paired disaster recovery server. No input parameters are required.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `REPLICATION`",
  1466          "operationId": "disaster_recovery_remove_standby",
  1467          "x-privileges": {
  1468            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1469            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1470              "OPERATOR_USER"
  1471            ],
  1472            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1473            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1474              "EDGE",
  1475              "GATEWAY"
  1476            ],
  1477            "requirePrivileges": [
  1478              {
  1479                "action": "CREATE",
  1480                "object": "REPLICATION"
  1481              }
  1482            ]
  1483          },
  1484          "parameters": [
  1485            {
  1486              "name": "body",
  1487              "in": "body",
  1488              "required": true,
  1489              "schema": {
  1490                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_remove_standby"
  1491              }
  1492            }
  1493          ],
  1494          "responses": {
  1495            "200": {
  1496              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1497              "schema": {
  1498                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_remove_standby_result"
  1499              }
  1500            },
  1501            "400": {
  1502              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1503            },
  1504            "500": {
  1505              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1506            }
  1507          }
  1508        }
  1509      },
  1510      "/disasterRecovery/transitionToStandby": {
  1511        "post": {
  1512          "summary": "Transition VCO to standby",
  1513          "tags": [
  1514            "all",
  1515            "disasterRecovery"
  1516          ],
  1517          "description": "Configures the current Orchestrator to transition to standby in a disaster recovery active/standby pair. Requires the `activeAccessFromStandby` parameter that contains the data needed to configure standby. This data is produced by `configureActiveForReplication`, which by default automatically calls `transitionToStandby`; an explicit call is needed (with a blob obtained from `getReplicationBlob`), only if `configureActiveForReplication` is called with `autoConfigStandby` set to `false`.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `REPLICATION`",
  1518          "operationId": "disaster_recovery_transition_to_standby",
  1519          "x-privileges": {
  1520            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1521            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1522              "OPERATOR_USER"
  1523            ],
  1524            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1525            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1526              "EDGE",
  1527              "GATEWAY"
  1528            ],
  1529            "requirePrivileges": [
  1530              {
  1531                "action": "CREATE",
  1532                "object": "REPLICATION"
  1533              }
  1534            ]
  1535          },
  1536          "parameters": [
  1537            {
  1538              "name": "body",
  1539              "in": "body",
  1540              "required": true,
  1541              "schema": {
  1542                "type": "object",
  1543                "title": "disaster_recovery_transition_to_standby",
  1544                "properties": {
  1545                  "activeAccessFromStandby": {
  1546                    "type": "string"
  1547                  }
  1548                }
  1549              }
  1550            }
  1551          ],
  1552          "responses": {
  1553            "200": {
  1554              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1555              "schema": {
  1556                "$ref": "#/definitions/disaster_recovery_transition_to_standby_result"
  1557              }
  1558            },
  1559            "400": {
  1560              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1561            },
  1562            "500": {
  1563              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1564            }
  1565          }
  1566        }
  1567      },
  1568      "/edge/deleteEdge": {
  1569        "post": {
  1570          "summary": "Delete Edge",
  1571          "description": "Deletes the specified Edge(s) (by `id` or an array of `ids`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `EDGE`",
  1572          "tags": [
  1573            "all",
  1574            "edge"
  1575          ],
  1576          "x-privileges": {
  1577            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1578            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1579              "ANY"
  1580            ],
  1581            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1582            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1583              "EDGE",
  1584              "GATEWAY"
  1585            ],
  1586            "requirePrivileges": [
  1587              {
  1588                "action": "DELETE",
  1589                "object": "EDGE"
  1590              }
  1591            ]
  1592          },
  1593          "operationId": "edge_delete_edge",
  1594          "parameters": [
  1595            {
  1596              "name": "body",
  1597              "in": "body",
  1598              "required": true,
  1599              "schema": {
  1600                "type": "object",
  1601                "title": "edge_delete_edge",
  1602                "properties": {
  1603                  "enterpriseId": {
  1604                    "type": "integer"
  1605                  },
  1606                  "id": {
  1607                    "type": "integer"
  1608                  },
  1609                  "ids": {
  1610                    "type": "array",
  1611                    "items": {
  1612                      "type": "integer"
  1613                    }
  1614                  }
  1615                }
  1616              }
  1617            }
  1618          ],
  1619          "responses": {
  1620            "200": {
  1621              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1622              "schema": {
  1623                "type": "array",
  1624                "items": {
  1625                  "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_delete_edge_result_item"
  1626                }
  1627              }
  1628            },
  1629            "400": {
  1630              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1631            },
  1632            "500": {
  1633              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1634            }
  1635          }
  1636        }
  1637      },
  1638      "/edge/deleteEdgeBgpNeighborRecords": {
  1639        "post": {
  1640          "summary": "Delete Edge BGP neighbor records",
  1641          "description": "Deletes BGP record(s) matching the specified record keys (`neighborIp`) on the Edges with the specified `edgeId`s, if they exist.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `NETWORK_SERVICE`",
  1642          "tags": [
  1643            "all",
  1644            "edge"
  1645          ],
  1646          "x-privileges": {
  1647            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1648            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1649              "ANY"
  1650            ],
  1651            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1652            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1653              "EDGE",
  1654              "GATEWAY"
  1655            ],
  1656            "requirePrivileges": [
  1657              {
  1658                "action": "DELETE",
  1659                "object": "NETWORK_SERVICE"
  1660              }
  1661            ]
  1662          },
  1663          "operationId": "edge_delete_edge_bgp_neighbor_records",
  1664          "parameters": [
  1665            {
  1666              "name": "body",
  1667              "in": "body",
  1668              "required": true,
  1669              "schema": {
  1670                "type": "object",
  1671                "title": "edge_delete_edge_bgp_neighbor_records",
  1672                "properties": {
  1673                  "records": {
  1674                    "type": "array",
  1675                    "items": {
  1676                      "type": "object",
  1677                      "properties": {
  1678                        "edgeId": {
  1679                          "type": "integer"
  1680                        },
  1681                        "neighborIp": {
  1682                          "type": "string"
  1683                        }
  1684                      }
  1685                    }
  1686                  }
  1687                }
  1688              }
  1689            }
  1690          ],
  1691          "responses": {
  1692            "200": {
  1693              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1694              "schema": {
  1695                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_delete_edge_bgp_neighbor_records_result"
  1696              }
  1697            },
  1698            "400": {
  1699              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1700            },
  1701            "500": {
  1702              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1703            }
  1704          }
  1705        }
  1706      },
  1707      "/edge/edgeCancelReactivation": {
  1708        "post": {
  1709          "summary": "Cancel pending Edge reactivation request",
  1710          "tags": [
  1711            "edge",
  1712            "all"
  1713          ],
  1714          "description": "Cancels a pending Edge reactivation request for the specified Edge (by `edgeId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `EDGE`",
  1715          "operationId": "edge_edge_cancel_reactivation",
  1716          "x-privileges": {
  1717            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1718            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1719              "ANY"
  1720            ],
  1721            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1722            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1723              "EDGE",
  1724              "GATEWAY"
  1725            ],
  1726            "requirePrivileges": [
  1727              {
  1728                "action": "CREATE",
  1729                "object": "EDGE"
  1730              }
  1731            ]
  1732          },
  1733          "parameters": [
  1734            {
  1735              "name": "body",
  1736              "in": "body",
  1737              "required": true,
  1738              "schema": {
  1739                "type": "object",
  1740                "title": "edge_edge_cancel_reactivation",
  1741                "properties": {
  1742                  "enterpriseId": {
  1743                    "type": "integer"
  1744                  },
  1745                  "edgeId": {
  1746                    "type": "integer"
  1747                  }
  1748                },
  1749                "required": [
  1750                  "enterpriseId",
  1751                  "edgeId"
  1752                ]
  1753              }
  1754            }
  1755          ],
  1756          "responses": {
  1757            "200": {
  1758              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1759              "schema": {
  1760                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_edge_cancel_reactivation_result"
  1761              }
  1762            },
  1763            "400": {
  1764              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1765            },
  1766            "500": {
  1767              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1768            }
  1769          }
  1770        }
  1771      },
  1772      "/edge/edgeProvision": {
  1773        "post": {
  1774          "summary": "Provision Edge",
  1775          "description": "Provisions an Edge before activation.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `EDGE`",
  1776          "operationId": "edge_edge_provision",
  1777          "x-privileges": {
  1778            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1779            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1780              "ANY"
  1781            ],
  1782            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1783            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1784              "EDGE",
  1785              "GATEWAY"
  1786            ],
  1787            "requirePrivileges": [
  1788              {
  1789                "action": "CREATE",
  1790                "object": "EDGE"
  1791              }
  1792            ]
  1793          },
  1794          "tags": [
  1795            "edge",
  1796            "all"
  1797          ],
  1798          "parameters": [
  1799            {
  1800              "name": "body",
  1801              "in": "body",
  1802              "required": true,
  1803              "schema": {
  1804                "type": "object",
  1805                "title": "edge_edge_provision",
  1806                "properties": {
  1807                  "enterpriseId": {
  1808                    "type": "integer"
  1809                  },
  1810                  "configurationId": {
  1811                    "type": "integer"
  1812                  },
  1813                  "name": {
  1814                    "type": "string"
  1815                  },
  1816                  "serialNumber": {
  1817                    "type": "string"
  1818                  },
  1819                  "modelNumber": {
  1820                    "type": "string",
  1821                    "enum": [
  1822                      "edge500",
  1823                      "edge5X0",
  1824                      "edge510",
  1825                      "edge6X0",
  1826                      "edge840",
  1827                      "edge1000",
  1828                      "edge1000qat",
  1829                      "edge3X00",
  1830                      "virtual"
  1831                    ]
  1832                  },
  1833                  "description": {
  1834                    "type": "string"
  1835                  },
  1836                  "site": {
  1837                    "$ref": "#/definitions/site"
  1838                  },
  1839                  "haEnabled": {
  1840                    "type": "boolean"
  1841                  },
  1842                  "generateCertificate": {
  1843                    "type": "boolean"
  1844                  },
  1845                  "subjectCN": {
  1846                    "type": "string"
  1847                  },
  1848                  "subjectO": {
  1849                    "type": "string"
  1850                  },
  1851                  "subjectOU": {
  1852                    "type": "string"
  1853                  },
  1854                  "challengePassword": {
  1855                    "type": "string"
  1856                  },
  1857                  "privateKeyPassword": {
  1858                    "type": "string"
  1859                  }
  1860                },
  1861                "required": [
  1862                  "configurationId",
  1863                  "modelNumber"
  1864                ]
  1865              }
  1866            }
  1867          ],
  1868          "responses": {
  1869            "200": {
  1870              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1871              "schema": {
  1872                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_edge_provision_result"
  1873              }
  1874            },
  1875            "400": {
  1876              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1877            },
  1878            "500": {
  1879              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1880            }
  1881          }
  1882        }
  1883      },
  1884      "/edge/edgeRequestReactivation": {
  1885        "post": {
  1886          "summary": "Prepare Edge for reactivation",
  1887          "description": "Updates the activation state of the specified Edge to `REACTIVATION_PENDING`.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `EDGE`",
  1888          "tags": [
  1889            "edge",
  1890            "all"
  1891          ],
  1892          "operationId": "edge_edge_request_reactivation",
  1893          "x-privileges": {
  1894            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  1895            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1896            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1897              "ANY"
  1898            ],
  1899            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1900            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1901              "EDGE",
  1902              "GATEWAY"
  1903            ],
  1904            "requirePrivileges": [
  1905              {
  1906                "action": "CREATE",
  1907                "object": "EDGE"
  1908              }
  1909            ]
  1910          },
  1911          "parameters": [
  1912            {
  1913              "name": "body",
  1914              "in": "body",
  1915              "required": true,
  1916              "schema": {
  1917                "type": "object",
  1918                "title": "edge_edge_request_reactivation",
  1919                "properties": {
  1920                  "enterpriseId": {
  1921                    "type": "integer"
  1922                  },
  1923                  "edgeId": {
  1924                    "type": "integer"
  1925                  }
  1926                },
  1927                "required": [
  1928                  "enterpriseId",
  1929                  "edgeId"
  1930                ]
  1931              }
  1932            }
  1933          ],
  1934          "responses": {
  1935            "200": {
  1936              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  1937              "schema": {
  1938                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_edge_request_reactivation_result"
  1939              }
  1940            },
  1941            "400": {
  1942              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  1943            },
  1944            "500": {
  1945              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  1946            }
  1947          }
  1948        }
  1949      },
  1950      "/edge/getClientVisibilityMode": {
  1951        "post": {
  1952          "summary": "Get an edge's client visibility mode",
  1953          "description": "Retrieve an edge's client visibility mode.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  1954          "operationId": "edge_get_client_visibility_mode",
  1955          "x-privileges": {
  1956            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  1957            "allowAuthTypes": [
  1958              "ANY"
  1959            ],
  1960            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  1961            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  1962              "EDGE",
  1963              "GATEWAY"
  1964            ],
  1965            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  1966            "requirePrivileges": [
  1967              {
  1968                "action": "READ",
  1969                "object": "EDGE"
  1970              },
  1971              {
  1972                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  1973              }
  1974            ]
  1975          },
  1976          "tags": [
  1977            "edge",
  1978            "all"
  1979          ],
  1980          "parameters": [
  1981            {
  1982              "name": "body",
  1983              "in": "body",
  1984              "required": true,
  1985              "schema": {
  1986                "type": "object",
  1987                "title": "edge_get_client_visibility_mode",
  1988                "properties": {
  1989                  "edgeId": {
  1990                    "type": "integer"
  1991                  },
  1992                  "enterpriseId": {
  1993                    "type": "integer"
  1994                  }
  1995                },
  1996                "required": [
  1997                  "edgeId"
  1998                ]
  1999              }
  2000            }
  2001          ],
  2002          "responses": {
  2003            "200": {
  2004              "schema": {
  2005                "title": "edge_get_client_visibility_mode_result",
  2006                "type": "object",
  2007                "properties": {
  2008                  "edgeClientVisibilityMode": {
  2009                    "type": "string",
  2010                    "enum": [
  2011                      "MAC",
  2012                      "IP"
  2013                    ]
  2014                  }
  2015                }
  2016              },
  2017              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  2018            },
  2019            "400": {
  2020              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2021            },
  2022            "500": {
  2023              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2024            }
  2025          }
  2026        }
  2027      },
  2028      "/edge/getEdge": {
  2029        "post": {
  2030          "summary": "Get Edge",
  2031          "tags": [
  2032            "edge",
  2033            "all"
  2034          ],
  2035          "description": "Gets the specified Edge with optional link, site, configuration, certificate, orenterprise details. Supports queries by Edge `id`, `deviceId`, `activationKey`, and `logicalId`.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
  2036          "operationId": "edge_get_edge",
  2037          "x-privileges": {
  2038            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  2039            "allowAuthTypes": [
  2040              "ANY"
  2041            ],
  2042            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  2043            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  2044              "EDGE",
  2045              "GATEWAY"
  2046            ],
  2047            "requirePrivileges": [
  2048              {
  2049                "action": "READ",
  2050                "object": "EDGE"
  2051              }
  2052            ]
  2053          },
  2054          "parameters": [
  2055            {
  2056              "name": "body",
  2057              "in": "body",
  2058              "required": true,
  2059              "schema": {
  2060                "type": "object",
  2061                "title": "edge_get_edge",
  2062                "properties": {
  2063                  "id": {
  2064                    "type": "integer"
  2065                  },
  2066                  "enterpriseId": {
  2067                    "type": "integer"
  2068                  },
  2069                  "logicalId": {
  2070                    "type": "string"
  2071                  },
  2072                  "activationKey": {
  2073                    "type": "string"
  2074                  },
  2075                  "name": {
  2076                    "type": "string"
  2077                  },
  2078                  "with": {
  2079                    "type": "array",
  2080                    "items": {
  2081                      "type": "string",
  2082                      "enum": [
  2083                        "recentLinks",
  2084                        "links",
  2085                        "serviceGroups",
  2086                        "site",
  2087                        "enterprise",
  2088                        "configuration",
  2089                        "configurationWithModules"
  2090                      ]
  2091                    }
  2092                  }
  2093                }
  2094              }
  2095            }
  2096          ],
  2097          "responses": {
  2098            "200": {
  2099              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  2100              "schema": {
  2101                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_get_edge_result"
  2102              }
  2103            },
  2104            "400": {
  2105              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2106            },
  2107            "500": {
  2108              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2109            }
  2110          }
  2111        }
  2112      },
  2113      "/edge/getEdgeConfigurationModules": {
  2114        "post": {
  2115          "summary": "Get edge configuration modules",
  2116          "description": "Gets edge composite configuration modules for the specified Edge (by `edgeId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`",
  2117          "operationId": "edge_get_edge_configuration_modules",
  2118          "x-privileges": {
  2119            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  2120            "allowAuthTypes": [
  2121              "ANY"
  2122            ],
  2123            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  2124            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  2125              "EDGE",
  2126              "GATEWAY"
  2127            ],
  2128            "requirePrivileges": [
  2129              {
  2130                "action": "READ",
  2131                "object": "EDGE"
  2132              },
  2133              {
  2134                "action": "READ",
  2135                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE"
  2136              }
  2137            ]
  2138          },
  2139          "tags": [
  2140            "edge",
  2141            "all"
  2142          ],
  2143          "parameters": [
  2144            {
  2145              "name": "body",
  2146              "in": "body",
  2147              "required": true,
  2148              "schema": {
  2149                "type": "object",
  2150                "title": "edge_get_edge_configuration_modules",
  2151                "properties": {
  2152                  "edgeId": {
  2153                    "type": "integer"
  2154                  },
  2155                  "enterpriseId": {
  2156                    "type": "integer"
  2157                  },
  2158                  "modules": {
  2159                    "type": "array",
  2160                    "items": {
  2161                      "type": "string",
  2162                      "enum": [
  2163                        "imageUpdate",
  2164                        "controlPlane",
  2165                        "managementPlane",
  2166                        "firewall",
  2167                        "QOS",
  2168                        "deviceSettings",
  2169                        "WAN",
  2170                        "metaData",
  2171                        "properties"
  2172                      ]
  2173                    }
  2174                  }
  2175                },
  2176                "required": [
  2177                  "edgeId"
  2178                ]
  2179              }
  2180            }
  2181          ],
  2182          "responses": {
  2183            "200": {
  2184              "schema": {
  2185                "title": "edge_get_edge_configuration_modules_result",
  2186                "type": "object",
  2187                "properties": {
  2188                  "deviceSettings": {
  2189                    "type": "object",
  2190                    "properties": {
  2191                      "version": {
  2192                        "type": "string"
  2193                      },
  2194                      "schemaVersion": {
  2195                        "type": "string"
  2196                      },
  2197                      "type": {
  2198                        "type": "string",
  2199                        "enum": [
  2200                          "ENTERPRISE",
  2201                          "OPERATOR",
  2202                          "GATEWAY"
  2203                        ]
  2204                      },
  2205                      "data": {
  2206                        "$ref": "#/definitions/edgeDeviceSettingsData"
  2207                      }
  2208                    },
  2209                    "required": [
  2210                      "version",
  2211                      "schemaVersion",
  2212                      "type",
  2213                      "data"
  2214                    ]
  2215                  },
  2216                  "firewall": {
  2217                    "type": "object",
  2218                    "properties": {
  2219                      "version": {
  2220                        "type": "string"
  2221                      },
  2222                      "schemaVersion": {
  2223                        "type": "string"
  2224                      },
  2225                      "type": {
  2226                        "type": "string",
  2227                        "enum": [
  2228                          "ENTERPRISE",
  2229                          "OPERATOR",
  2230                          "GATEWAY"
  2231                        ]
  2232                      },
  2233                      "data": {
  2234                        "$ref": "#/definitions/firewall_data"
  2235                      }
  2236                    },
  2237                    "required": [
  2238                      "version",
  2239                      "schemaVersion",
  2240                      "type",
  2241                      "data"
  2242                    ]
  2243                  },
  2244                  "QOS": {
  2245                    "type": "object",
  2246                    "properties": {
  2247                      "version": {
  2248                        "type": "string"
  2249                      },
  2250                      "schemaVersion": {
  2251                        "type": "string"
  2252                      },
  2253                      "type": {
  2254                        "type": "string",
  2255                        "enum": [
  2256                          "ENTERPRISE",
  2257                          "OPERATOR",
  2258                          "GATEWAY"
  2259                        ]
  2260                      },
  2261                      "data": {
  2262                        "$ref": "#/definitions/QOSData"
  2263                      }
  2264                    },
  2265                    "required": [
  2266                      "version",
  2267                      "schemaVersion",
  2268                      "type",
  2269                      "data"
  2270                    ]
  2271                  },
  2272                  "WAN": {
  2273                    "type": "object",
  2274                    "properties": {
  2275                      "version": {
  2276                        "type": "string"
  2277                      },
  2278                      "schemaVersion": {
  2279                        "type": "string"
  2280                      },
  2281                      "type": {
  2282                        "type": "string",
  2283                        "enum": [
  2284                          "ENTERPRISE",
  2285                          "OPERATOR",
  2286                          "GATEWAY"
  2287                        ]
  2288                      },
  2289                      "data": {
  2290                        "$ref": "#/definitions/WAN_data"
  2291                      }
  2292                    },
  2293                    "required": [
  2294                      "version",
  2295                      "schemaVersion",
  2296                      "type",
  2297                      "data"
  2298                    ]
  2299                  },
  2300                  "controlPlane": {
  2301                    "type": "object",
  2302                    "properties": {
  2303                      "version": {
  2304                        "type": "string"
  2305                      },
  2306                      "schemaVersion": {
  2307                        "type": "string"
  2308                      },
  2309                      "type": {
  2310                        "type": "string",
  2311                        "enum": [
  2312                          "ENTERPRISE",
  2313                          "OPERATOR",
  2314                          "GATEWAY"
  2315                        ]
  2316                      },
  2317                      "data": {
  2318                        "$ref": "#/definitions/control_plane_data"
  2319                      }
  2320                    },
  2321                    "required": [
  2322                      "version",
  2323                      "schemaVersion",
  2324                      "type",
  2325                      "data"
  2326                    ]
  2327                  },
  2328                  "managementPlane": {
  2329                    "type": "object",
  2330                    "properties": {
  2331                      "version": {
  2332                        "type": "string"
  2333                      },
  2334                      "schemaVersion": {
  2335                        "type": "string"
  2336                      },
  2337                      "type": {
  2338                        "type": "string",
  2339                        "enum": [
  2340                          "ENTERPRISE",
  2341                          "OPERATOR",
  2342                          "GATEWAY"
  2343                        ]
  2344                      },
  2345                      "data": {
  2346                        "$ref": "#/definitions/management_plane_data"
  2347                      }
  2348                    },
  2349                    "required": [
  2350                      "version",
  2351                      "schemaVersion",
  2352                      "type",
  2353                      "data"
  2354                    ]
  2355                  },
  2356                  "imageUpdate": {
  2357                    "type": "object",
  2358                    "properties": {
  2359                      "version": {
  2360                        "type": "string"
  2361                      },
  2362                      "schemaVersion": {
  2363                        "type": "string"
  2364                      },
  2365                      "type": {
  2366                        "type": "string",
  2367                        "enum": [
  2368                          "ENTERPRISE",
  2369                          "OPERATOR",
  2370                          "GATEWAY"
  2371                        ]
  2372                      },
  2373                      "data": {
  2374                        "$ref": "#/definitions/image_update_data"
  2375                      }
  2376                    },
  2377                    "required": [
  2378                      "version",
  2379                      "schemaVersion",
  2380                      "type",
  2381                      "data"
  2382                    ]
  2383                  }
  2384                }
  2385              },
  2386              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  2387            },
  2388            "400": {
  2389              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2390            },
  2391            "500": {
  2392              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2393            }
  2394          }
  2395        }
  2396      },
  2397      "/edge/getEdgeConfigurationStack": {
  2398        "post": {
  2399          "summary": "Get Edge configuration stack",
  2400          "description": "Gets the complete configuration profile (including all modules) of the specified Edge (by `edgeId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`",
  2401          "operationId": "edge_get_edge_configuration_stack",
  2402          "x-privileges": {
  2403            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  2404            "allowAuthTypes": [
  2405              "ANY"
  2406            ],
  2407            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  2408            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  2409              "EDGE",
  2410              "GATEWAY"
  2411            ],
  2412            "requirePrivileges": [
  2413              {
  2414                "action": "READ",
  2415                "object": "EDGE"
  2416              },
  2417              {
  2418                "action": "READ",
  2419                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE"
  2420              }
  2421            ]
  2422          },
  2423          "tags": [
  2424            "edge",
  2425            "all"
  2426          ],
  2427          "parameters": [
  2428            {
  2429              "name": "body",
  2430              "in": "body",
  2431              "required": true,
  2432              "schema": {
  2433                "type": "object",
  2434                "title": "edge_get_edge_configuration_stack",
  2435                "properties": {
  2436                  "edgeId": {
  2437                    "type": "integer"
  2438                  },
  2439                  "enterpriseId": {
  2440                    "type": "integer"
  2441                  }
  2442                },
  2443                "required": [
  2444                  "edgeId"
  2445                ]
  2446              }
  2447            }
  2448          ],
  2449          "responses": {
  2450            "200": {
  2451              "schema": {
  2452                "title": "edge_get_edge_configuration_stack_result",
  2453                "type": "array",
  2454                "items": {
  2455                  "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_get_edge_configuration_stack_result_item"
  2456                }
  2457              },
  2458              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  2459            },
  2460            "400": {
  2461              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2462            },
  2463            "500": {
  2464              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2465            }
  2466          }
  2467        }
  2468      },
  2469      "/edge/setEdgeEnterpriseConfiguration": {
  2470        "post": {
  2471          "summary": "Apply configuration profile to Edge",
  2472          "tags": [
  2473            "all",
  2474            "edge"
  2475          ],
  2476          "description": "Sets the enterprise configuration for the specified Edge (by `edgeId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `EDGE`\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`",
  2477          "operationId": "edge_set_edge_enterprise_configuration",
  2478          "x-privileges": {
  2479            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  2480            "allowAuthTypes": [
  2481              "ANY"
  2482            ],
  2483            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  2484            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  2485              "EDGE",
  2486              "GATEWAY"
  2487            ],
  2488            "requirePrivileges": [
  2489              {
  2490                "action": "UPDATE",
  2491                "object": "EDGE"
  2492              },
  2493              {
  2494                "action": "UPDATE",
  2495                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE"
  2496              }
  2497            ]
  2498          },
  2499          "parameters": [
  2500            {
  2501              "name": "body",
  2502              "in": "body",
  2503              "required": true,
  2504              "schema": {
  2505                "type": "object",
  2506                "title": "edge_set_edge_enterprise_configuration",
  2507                "properties": {
  2508                  "id": {
  2509                    "type": "integer",
  2510                    "description": "alias for edgeId"
  2511                  },
  2512                  "edgeId": {
  2513                    "type": "integer"
  2514                  },
  2515                  "enterpriseId": {
  2516                    "type": "integer"
  2517                  },
  2518                  "configurationId": {
  2519                    "type": "integer"
  2520                  },
  2521                  "skipEdgeRoutingUpdates": {
  2522                    "type": "boolean"
  2523                  }
  2524                },
  2525                "required": [
  2526                  "configurationId"
  2527                ]
  2528              }
  2529            }
  2530          ],
  2531          "responses": {
  2532            "200": {
  2533              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  2534              "schema": {
  2535                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_set_edge_enterprise_configuration_result"
  2536              }
  2537            },
  2538            "400": {
  2539              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2540            },
  2541            "500": {
  2542              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2543            }
  2544          }
  2545        }
  2546      },
  2547      "/edge/setEdgeHandOffGateways": {
  2548        "post": {
  2549          "summary": "Set Edge on premise hand-off gateway(s)",
  2550          "description": "Sets the on-premise hand off gateways for the specified Edge (by `edgeId`). A primary and secondary gateway are defined. The primary is required, the secondary is optional. Moves all existing Edge-gateway hand-off relationships and replaces them with the specified primary and secondary gateways.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `EDGE`",
  2551          "tags": [
  2552            "all",
  2553            "edge"
  2554          ],
  2555          "x-privileges": {
  2556            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  2557            "allowAuthTypes": [
  2558              "OPERATOR_USER",
  2559              "MSP_USER"
  2560            ],
  2561            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  2562            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  2563              "EDGE",
  2564              "GATEWAY"
  2565            ],
  2566            "requirePrivileges": [
  2567              {
  2568                "action": "UPDATE",
  2569                "object": "EDGE"
  2570              }
  2571            ]
  2572          },
  2573          "operationId": "edge_set_edge_hand_off_gateways",
  2574          "parameters": [
  2575            {
  2576              "name": "body",
  2577              "in": "body",
  2578              "required": true,
  2579              "schema": {
  2580                "type": "object",
  2581                "title": "edge_set_edge_hand_off_gateways",
  2582                "properties": {
  2583                  "edgeId": {
  2584                    "type": "integer"
  2585                  },
  2586                  "enterpriseId": {
  2587                    "type": "integer"
  2588                  },
  2589                  "gateways": {
  2590                    "type": "object",
  2591                    "properties": {
  2592                      "primary": {
  2593                        "type": "integer"
  2594                      },
  2595                      "primaryIpsecDetail": {
  2596                        "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_handoff_ipsec_gateway_detail"
  2597                      },
  2598                      "secondary": {
  2599                        "type": "integer"
  2600                      },
  2601                      "secondaryIpsecDetail": {
  2602                        "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_handoff_ipsec_gateway_detail"
  2603                      }
  2604                    },
  2605                    "required": [
  2606                      "primary"
  2607                    ]
  2608                  }
  2609                }
  2610              }
  2611            }
  2612          ],
  2613          "responses": {
  2614            "200": {
  2615              "schema": {
  2616                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_set_edge_hand_off_gateways_result"
  2617              },
  2618              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  2619            },
  2620            "400": {
  2621              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2622            },
  2623            "500": {
  2624              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2625            }
  2626          }
  2627        }
  2628      },
  2629      "/edge/setEdgeOperatorConfiguration": {
  2630        "post": {
  2631          "summary": "Apply operator profile to Edge",
  2632          "tags": [
  2633            "all",
  2634            "edge"
  2635          ],
  2636          "description": "Sets the operator configuration for the specified Edge (by `edgeId`). This overrides any enterprise-assigned operator configuration and the network default operator configuration.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `EDGE`\n\n`READ` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
  2637          "operationId": "edge_set_edge_operator_configuration",
  2638          "x-privileges": {
  2639            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  2640            "allowAuthTypes": [
  2641              "OPERATOR_USER",
  2642              "MSP_USER"
  2643            ],
  2644            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  2645            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  2646              "EDGE",
  2647              "GATEWAY"
  2648            ],
  2649            "requirePrivileges": [
  2650              {
  2651                "action": "UPDATE",
  2652                "object": "EDGE"
  2653              },
  2654              {
  2655                "action": "READ",
  2656                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE"
  2657              }
  2658            ]
  2659          },
  2660          "parameters": [
  2661            {
  2662              "name": "body",
  2663              "in": "body",
  2664              "required": true,
  2665              "schema": {
  2666                "type": "object",
  2667                "title": "edge_set_edge_operator_configuration",
  2668                "properties": {
  2669                  "edgeId": {
  2670                    "type": "integer"
  2671                  },
  2672                  "enterpriseId": {
  2673                    "type": "integer"
  2674                  },
  2675                  "configurationId": {
  2676                    "type": "integer"
  2677                  }
  2678                },
  2679                "required": [
  2680                  "edgeId",
  2681                  "configurationId"
  2682                ]
  2683              }
  2684            }
  2685          ],
  2686          "responses": {
  2687            "200": {
  2688              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  2689              "schema": {
  2690                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_set_edge_operator_configuration_result"
  2691              }
  2692            },
  2693            "400": {
  2694              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2695            },
  2696            "500": {
  2697              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2698            }
  2699          }
  2700        }
  2701      },
  2702      "/edge/updateEdgeAdminPassword": {
  2703        "post": {
  2704          "summary": "Update Edge local UI authentication credentials",
  2705          "description": "Requests an update to the Edge's local UI authentication credentials. On success, returns a JSON object with the ID of the action queued, the status of which can be queried using the `edgeAction/getEdgeAction` API.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `EDGE`\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_KEYS`",
  2706          "tags": [
  2707            "edge",
  2708            "all"
  2709          ],
  2710          "operationId": "edge_update_edge_admin_password",
  2711          "x-privileges": {
  2712            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  2713            "allowAuthTypes": [
  2714              "ANY"
  2715            ],
  2716            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  2717            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  2718              "EDGE",
  2719              "GATEWAY"
  2720            ],
  2721            "requirePrivileges": [
  2722              {
  2723                "action": "UPDATE",
  2724                "object": "EDGE"
  2725              },
  2726              {
  2727                "action": "UPDATE",
  2728                "object": "ENTERPRISE_KEYS"
  2729              }
  2730            ]
  2731          },
  2732          "parameters": [
  2733            {
  2734              "name": "body",
  2735              "in": "body",
  2736              "required": true,
  2737              "schema": {
  2738                "type": "object",
  2739                "title": "edge_update_edge_admin_password",
  2740                "properties": {
  2741                  "id": {
  2742                    "type": "integer"
  2743                  },
  2744                  "username": {
  2745                    "type": "string"
  2746                  },
  2747                  "password": {
  2748                    "type": "string"
  2749                  }
  2750                },
  2751                "required": [
  2752                  "id",
  2753                  "password"
  2754                ]
  2755              }
  2756            }
  2757          ],
  2758          "responses": {
  2759            "200": {
  2760              "schema": {
  2761                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_update_edge_admin_password_result"
  2762              },
  2763              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  2764            },
  2765            "400": {
  2766              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2767            },
  2768            "500": {
  2769              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2770            }
  2771          }
  2772        }
  2773      },
  2774      "/edge/updateEdgeAttributes": {
  2775        "post": {
  2776          "summary": "Update Edge attributes",
  2777          "description": "Updates basic attributes (including Edge name, description, site information, and serial number) for the specified Edge. Expects an `_update` object containing the field(s) to be updated and their corresponding value(s).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `EDGE`",
  2778          "tags": [
  2779            "edge",
  2780            "all"
  2781          ],
  2782          "operationId": "edge_update_edge_attributes",
  2783          "x-privileges": {
  2784            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  2785            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  2786            "allowAuthTypes": [
  2787              "ANY"
  2788            ],
  2789            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  2790            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  2791              "EDGE",
  2792              "GATEWAY"
  2793            ],
  2794            "requirePrivileges": [
  2795              {
  2796                "action": "UPDATE",
  2797                "object": "EDGE"
  2798              }
  2799            ]
  2800          },
  2801          "parameters": [
  2802            {
  2803              "name": "body",
  2804              "in": "body",
  2805              "required": true,
  2806              "schema": {
  2807                "type": "object",
  2808                "title": "edge_update_edge_attributes",
  2809                "properties": {
  2810                  "id": {
  2811                    "type": "integer"
  2812                  },
  2813                  "enterpriseId": {
  2814                    "type": "integer"
  2815                  },
  2816                  "_update": {
  2817                    "type": "object",
  2818                    "properties": {
  2819                      "site": {
  2820                        "$ref": "#/definitions/site"
  2821                      },
  2822                      "name": {
  2823                        "type": "string"
  2824                      },
  2825                      "description": {
  2826                        "type": "string"
  2827                      },
  2828                      "serialNumber": {
  2829                        "type": "string"
  2830                      }
  2831                    }
  2832                  }
  2833                },
  2834                "required": [
  2835                  "_update"
  2836                ]
  2837              }
  2838            }
  2839          ],
  2840          "responses": {
  2841            "200": {
  2842              "schema": {
  2843                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_update_edge_attributes_result"
  2844              },
  2845              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  2846            },
  2847            "400": {
  2848              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2849            },
  2850            "500": {
  2851              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2852            }
  2853          }
  2854        }
  2855      },
  2856      "/edge/updateEdgeCredentialsByConfiguration": {
  2857        "post": {
  2858          "summary": "Update Edge local UI credentials by configuration profile",
  2859          "tags": [
  2860            "edge",
  2861            "all"
  2862          ],
  2863          "description": "Requests an update to the Edge-local UI authentication credentials for all Edges belonging to the specified configuration profile. On success, returns a JSON object containing a list of each of the action IDs queued.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `EDGE`\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_KEYS`",
  2864          "operationId": "edge_update_edge_credentials_by_configuration",
  2865          "x-privileges": {
  2866            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  2867            "allowAuthTypes": [
  2868              "ANY"
  2869            ],
  2870            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  2871            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  2872              "EDGE",
  2873              "GATEWAY"
  2874            ],
  2875            "requirePrivileges": [
  2876              {
  2877                "action": "UPDATE",
  2878                "object": "EDGE"
  2879              },
  2880              {
  2881                "action": "UPDATE",
  2882                "object": "ENTERPRISE_KEYS"
  2883              }
  2884            ]
  2885          },
  2886          "parameters": [
  2887            {
  2888              "name": "body",
  2889              "in": "body",
  2890              "required": true,
  2891              "schema": {
  2892                "type": "object",
  2893                "title": "edge_update_edge_credentials_by_configuration",
  2894                "properties": {
  2895                  "configurationId": {
  2896                    "type": "integer"
  2897                  },
  2898                  "credentials": {
  2899                    "type": "object",
  2900                    "properties": {
  2901                      "username": {
  2902                        "type": "string"
  2903                      },
  2904                      "password": {
  2905                        "type": "string"
  2906                      }
  2907                    }
  2908                  }
  2909                },
  2910                "required": [
  2911                  "id",
  2912                  "credentials"
  2913                ]
  2914              }
  2915            }
  2916          ],
  2917          "responses": {
  2918            "200": {
  2919              "schema": {
  2920                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_update_edge_credentials_by_configuration_result"
  2921              },
  2922              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  2923            },
  2924            "400": {
  2925              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2926            },
  2927            "500": {
  2928              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2929            }
  2930          }
  2931        }
  2932      },
  2933      "/enterprise/decodeEnterpriseKey": {
  2934        "post": {
  2935          "summary": "Decrypt an enterprise key",
  2936          "tags": [
  2937            "enterprise",
  2938            "all"
  2939          ],
  2940          "description": "Decrypt an enterprise key\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_KEYS`",
  2941          "operationId": "enterprise_decode_enterprise_key",
  2942          "x-privileges": {
  2943            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  2944            "allowAuthTypes": [
  2945              "ANY"
  2946            ],
  2947            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  2948            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  2949              "EDGE",
  2950              "GATEWAY"
  2951            ],
  2952            "requirePrivileges": [
  2953              {
  2954                "action": "READ",
  2955                "object": "ENTERPRISE_KEYS"
  2956              }
  2957            ]
  2958          },
  2959          "parameters": [
  2960            {
  2961              "name": "body",
  2962              "in": "body",
  2963              "required": true,
  2964              "schema": {
  2965                "type": "object",
  2966                "title": "enterprise_decode_enterprise_key",
  2967                "properties": {
  2968                  "key": {
  2969                    "type": "string"
  2970                  }
  2971                },
  2972                "required": [
  2973                  "key"
  2974                ]
  2975              }
  2976            }
  2977          ],
  2978          "responses": {
  2979            "200": {
  2980              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  2981              "schema": {
  2982                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_decode_enterprise_key_result"
  2983              }
  2984            },
  2985            "400": {
  2986              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  2987            },
  2988            "500": {
  2989              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  2990            }
  2991          }
  2992        }
  2993      },
  2994      "/enterprise/deleteEnterprise": {
  2995        "post": {
  2996          "summary": "Delete enterprise",
  2997          "description": "Deletes the specified enterprise (by `id` or `enterpriseId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `ENTERPRISE`",
  2998          "tags": [
  2999            "all",
  3000            "enterprise"
  3001          ],
  3002          "x-privileges": {
  3003            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3004            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3005              "OPERATOR_USER",
  3006              "MSP_USER"
  3007            ],
  3008            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3009            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3010              "EDGE",
  3011              "GATEWAY"
  3012            ],
  3013            "requirePrivileges": [
  3014              {
  3015                "action": "DELETE",
  3016                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  3017              }
  3018            ]
  3019          },
  3020          "operationId": "enterprise_delete_enterprise",
  3021          "parameters": [
  3022            {
  3023              "name": "body",
  3024              "in": "body",
  3025              "required": true,
  3026              "schema": {
  3027                "type": "object",
  3028                "title": "enterprise_delete_enterprise",
  3029                "properties": {
  3030                  "enterpriseId": {
  3031                    "type": "integer"
  3032                  }
  3033                }
  3034              }
  3035            }
  3036          ],
  3037          "responses": {
  3038            "200": {
  3039              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3040              "schema": {
  3041                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_delete_enterprise_result"
  3042              }
  3043            },
  3044            "400": {
  3045              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3046            },
  3047            "500": {
  3048              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3049            }
  3050          }
  3051        }
  3052      },
  3053      "/enterprise/deleteEnterpriseGatewayRecords": {
  3054        "post": {
  3055          "summary": "Delete gateway BGP neighbor record(s) for enterprise",
  3056          "description": "Deletes the enterprise gateway BGP neighbor record(s) matching the specified gateway id(s) (`gatewayId`) and neighbor IP addresses (`neighborIp`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `NETWORK_SERVICE`",
  3057          "tags": [
  3058            "all",
  3059            "enterprise"
  3060          ],
  3061          "x-privileges": {
  3062            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3063            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3064              "OPERATOR_USER",
  3065              "MSP_USER"
  3066            ],
  3067            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3068            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3069              "EDGE",
  3070              "GATEWAY"
  3071            ],
  3072            "requirePrivileges": [
  3073              {
  3074                "action": "DELETE",
  3075                "object": "NETWORK_SERVICE"
  3076              }
  3077            ]
  3078          },
  3079          "operationId": "enterprise_delete_enterprise_gateway_records",
  3080          "parameters": [
  3081            {
  3082              "name": "body",
  3083              "in": "body",
  3084              "required": true,
  3085              "schema": {
  3086                "type": "object",
  3087                "title": "enterprise_delete_enterprise_gateway_records",
  3088                "properties": {
  3089                  "records": {
  3090                    "type": "array",
  3091                    "items": {
  3092                      "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_delete_enterprise_delete_enterprise_gateway_records_record"
  3093                    }
  3094                  }
  3095                }
  3096              }
  3097            }
  3098          ],
  3099          "responses": {
  3100            "200": {
  3101              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3102              "schema": {
  3103                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_delete_enterprise_gateway_records_result"
  3104              }
  3105            },
  3106            "400": {
  3107              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3108            },
  3109            "500": {
  3110              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3111            }
  3112          }
  3113        }
  3114      },
  3115      "/enterprise/deleteEnterpriseNetworkAllocation": {
  3116        "post": {
  3117          "summary": "Delete enterprise network allocation",
  3118          "description": "Deletes the specified enterprise network allocation (by `id`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `NETWORK_ALLOCATION`",
  3119          "operationId": "enterprise_delete_enterprise_network_allocation",
  3120          "x-privileges": {
  3121            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  3122            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3123            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3124              "ANY"
  3125            ],
  3126            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3127            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3128              "EDGE",
  3129              "GATEWAY"
  3130            ],
  3131            "requirePrivileges": [
  3132              {
  3133                "action": "DELETE",
  3134                "object": "NETWORK_ALLOCATION"
  3135              }
  3136            ]
  3137          },
  3138          "tags": [
  3139            "all",
  3140            "enterprise"
  3141          ],
  3142          "parameters": [
  3143            {
  3144              "name": "body",
  3145              "in": "body",
  3146              "required": true,
  3147              "schema": {
  3148                "type": "object",
  3149                "title": "enterprise_delete_enterprise_network_allocation",
  3150                "properties": {
  3151                  "id": {
  3152                    "type": "integer"
  3153                  },
  3154                  "enterpriseId": {
  3155                    "type": "integer"
  3156                  }
  3157                },
  3158                "required": [
  3159                  "id"
  3160                ]
  3161              }
  3162            }
  3163          ],
  3164          "responses": {
  3165            "200": {
  3166              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3167              "schema": {
  3168                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_delete_enterprise_network_allocation_result"
  3169              }
  3170            },
  3171            "400": {
  3172              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3173            },
  3174            "500": {
  3175              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3176            }
  3177          }
  3178        }
  3179      },
  3180      "/enterprise/deleteEnterpriseNetworkSegment": {
  3181        "post": {
  3182          "summary": "Delete an enterprise network segment",
  3183          "description": "Delete an enterprise network segment, by id.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `NETWORK_ALLOCATION`",
  3184          "operationId": "enterprise_delete_enterprise_network_segment",
  3185          "x-privileges": {
  3186            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  3187            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3188            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3189              "ANY"
  3190            ],
  3191            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3192            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3193              "EDGE",
  3194              "GATEWAY"
  3195            ],
  3196            "requirePrivileges": [
  3197              {
  3198                "action": "DELETE",
  3199                "object": "NETWORK_ALLOCATION"
  3200              }
  3201            ]
  3202          },
  3203          "tags": [
  3204            "all",
  3205            "enterprise"
  3206          ],
  3207          "parameters": [
  3208            {
  3209              "name": "body",
  3210              "in": "body",
  3211              "required": true,
  3212              "schema": {
  3213                "type": "object",
  3214                "title": "enterprise_delete_enterprise_network_segment",
  3215                "properties": {
  3216                  "id": {
  3217                    "type": "integer"
  3218                  },
  3219                  "enterpriseId": {
  3220                    "type": "integer"
  3221                  }
  3222                },
  3223                "required": [
  3224                  "id"
  3225                ]
  3226              }
  3227            }
  3228          ],
  3229          "responses": {
  3230            "200": {
  3231              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3232              "schema": {
  3233                "$ref": "#/definitions/deletion_confirmation"
  3234              }
  3235            },
  3236            "400": {
  3237              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3238            },
  3239            "500": {
  3240              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3241            }
  3242          }
  3243        }
  3244      },
  3245      "/enterprise/deleteEnterpriseService": {
  3246        "post": {
  3247          "summary": "Delete enterprise network service",
  3248          "description": "Deletes the specified enterprise network service (by `id`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `NETWORK_SERVICE`",
  3249          "operationId": "enterprise_delete_enterprise_service",
  3250          "x-privileges": {
  3251            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  3252            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3253            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3254              "ANY"
  3255            ],
  3256            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3257            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3258              "EDGE",
  3259              "GATEWAY"
  3260            ],
  3261            "requirePrivileges": [
  3262              {
  3263                "action": "DELETE",
  3264                "object": "NETWORK_SERVICE"
  3265              }
  3266            ]
  3267          },
  3268          "tags": [
  3269            "all",
  3270            "enterprise"
  3271          ],
  3272          "parameters": [
  3273            {
  3274              "name": "body",
  3275              "in": "body",
  3276              "required": true,
  3277              "schema": {
  3278                "type": "object",
  3279                "title": "enterprise_delete_enterprise_service",
  3280                "properties": {
  3281                  "id": {
  3282                    "type": "integer"
  3283                  },
  3284                  "logicalId": {
  3285                    "type": "string"
  3286                  },
  3287                  "enterpriseId": {
  3288                    "type": "integer"
  3289                  }
  3290                }
  3291              }
  3292            }
  3293          ],
  3294          "responses": {
  3295            "200": {
  3296              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3297              "schema": {
  3298                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_delete_enterprise_service_result"
  3299              }
  3300            },
  3301            "400": {
  3302              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3303            },
  3304            "500": {
  3305              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3306            }
  3307          }
  3308        }
  3309      },
  3310      "/enterprise/encodeEnterpriseKey": {
  3311        "post": {
  3312          "summary": "Encrypt an enterprise key",
  3313          "tags": [
  3314            "enterprise",
  3315            "all"
  3316          ],
  3317          "description": "Encrypt an enterprise key\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `ENTERPRISE_KEYS`",
  3318          "operationId": "enterprise_encode_enterprise_key",
  3319          "x-privileges": {
  3320            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3321            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3322              "ANY"
  3323            ],
  3324            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3325            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3326              "EDGE",
  3327              "GATEWAY"
  3328            ],
  3329            "requirePrivileges": [
  3330              {
  3331                "action": "CREATE",
  3332                "object": "ENTERPRISE_KEYS"
  3333              }
  3334            ]
  3335          },
  3336          "parameters": [
  3337            {
  3338              "name": "body",
  3339              "in": "body",
  3340              "required": true,
  3341              "schema": {
  3342                "type": "object",
  3343                "title": "enterprise_encode_enterprise_key",
  3344                "properties": {
  3345                  "key": {
  3346                    "type": "string"
  3347                  }
  3348                },
  3349                "required": [
  3350                  "key"
  3351                ]
  3352              }
  3353            }
  3354          ],
  3355          "responses": {
  3356            "200": {
  3357              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3358              "schema": {
  3359                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_encode_enterprise_key_result"
  3360              }
  3361            },
  3362            "400": {
  3363              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3364            },
  3365            "500": {
  3366              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3367            }
  3368          }
  3369        }
  3370      },
  3371      "/enterprise/getEnterprise": {
  3372        "post": {
  3373          "summary": "Get enterprise",
  3374          "description": "Gets data for the specified enterprise with optional proxy (partner) detail.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`",
  3375          "tags": [
  3376            "enterprise",
  3377            "all"
  3378          ],
  3379          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise",
  3380          "x-privileges": {
  3381            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3382            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3383              "ANY"
  3384            ],
  3385            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3386            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3387              "EDGE",
  3388              "GATEWAY"
  3389            ],
  3390            "requirePrivileges": [
  3391              {
  3392                "action": "READ",
  3393                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  3394              }
  3395            ]
  3396          },
  3397          "parameters": [
  3398            {
  3399              "name": "body",
  3400              "in": "body",
  3401              "required": true,
  3402              "schema": {
  3403                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise",
  3404                "type": "object",
  3405                "properties": {
  3406                  "id": {
  3407                    "type": "integer"
  3408                  },
  3409                  "enterpriseId": {
  3410                    "type": "integer"
  3411                  },
  3412                  "with": {
  3413                    "type": "array",
  3414                    "items": {
  3415                      "type": "string",
  3416                      "enum": [
  3417                        "enterpriseProxy"
  3418                      ]
  3419                    }
  3420                  }
  3421                }
  3422              }
  3423            }
  3424          ],
  3425          "responses": {
  3426            "200": {
  3427              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3428              "schema": {
  3429                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_result"
  3430              }
  3431            },
  3432            "400": {
  3433              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3434            },
  3435            "500": {
  3436              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3437            }
  3438          }
  3439        }
  3440      },
  3441      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseAddresses": {
  3442        "post": {
  3443          "summary": "Get enterprise IP address(es)",
  3444          "description": "Gets all public IP address information for the management and control entities associated with the specified enterprise, including Orchestrator(s), Gateway(s), and datacenter(s).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`",
  3445          "tags": [
  3446            "all",
  3447            "enterprise"
  3448          ],
  3449          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_addresses",
  3450          "x-privileges": {
  3451            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3452            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3453              "ANY"
  3454            ],
  3455            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3456            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3457              "EDGE",
  3458              "GATEWAY"
  3459            ],
  3460            "requirePrivileges": [
  3461              {
  3462                "action": "READ",
  3463                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  3464              }
  3465            ]
  3466          },
  3467          "parameters": [
  3468            {
  3469              "name": "body",
  3470              "in": "body",
  3471              "required": true,
  3472              "schema": {
  3473                "type": "object",
  3474                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_addresses",
  3475                "properties": {
  3476                  "enterpriseId": {
  3477                    "type": "integer"
  3478                  }
  3479                },
  3480                "required": [
  3481                  "enterpriseId"
  3482                ]
  3483              }
  3484            }
  3485          ],
  3486          "responses": {
  3487            "200": {
  3488              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3489              "schema": {
  3490                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_addresses_result",
  3491                "type": "array",
  3492                "items": {
  3493                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_addresses_result_item"
  3494                }
  3495              }
  3496            },
  3497            "400": {
  3498              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3499            },
  3500            "500": {
  3501              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3502            }
  3503          }
  3504        }
  3505      },
  3506      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseAlertConfigurations": {
  3507        "post": {
  3508          "summary": "Get enterprise alert configuration(s)",
  3509          "description": "Gets all alert configuration(s) for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_ALERT`",
  3510          "tags": [
  3511            "all",
  3512            "enterprise"
  3513          ],
  3514          "x-privileges": {
  3515            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  3516            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3517            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3518              "ANY"
  3519            ],
  3520            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3521            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3522              "EDGE",
  3523              "GATEWAY"
  3524            ],
  3525            "requirePrivileges": [
  3526              {
  3527                "action": "READ",
  3528                "object": "ENTERPRISE_ALERT"
  3529              }
  3530            ]
  3531          },
  3532          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_alert_configurations",
  3533          "parameters": [
  3534            {
  3535              "name": "body",
  3536              "in": "body",
  3537              "required": true,
  3538              "schema": {
  3539                "type": "object",
  3540                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_alert_configurations",
  3541                "properties": {
  3542                  "enterpriseId": {
  3543                    "type": "integer"
  3544                  }
  3545                }
  3546              }
  3547            }
  3548          ],
  3549          "responses": {
  3550            "200": {
  3551              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3552              "schema": {
  3553                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_alert_configurations_result",
  3554                "type": "array",
  3555                "items": {
  3556                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_alert_configurations_result_item"
  3557                }
  3558              }
  3559            },
  3560            "400": {
  3561              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3562            },
  3563            "500": {
  3564              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3565            }
  3566          }
  3567        }
  3568      },
  3569      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseAlerts": {
  3570        "post": {
  3571          "summary": "Get triggered enterprise alerts",
  3572          "description": "Gets past triggered alerts for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_ALERT`",
  3573          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_alerts",
  3574          "x-privileges": {
  3575            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  3576            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3577            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3578              "ANY"
  3579            ],
  3580            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3581            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3582              "EDGE",
  3583              "GATEWAY"
  3584            ],
  3585            "requirePrivileges": [
  3586              {
  3587                "action": "READ",
  3588                "object": "ENTERPRISE_ALERT"
  3589              }
  3590            ]
  3591          },
  3592          "tags": [
  3593            "all",
  3594            "enterprise"
  3595          ],
  3596          "parameters": [
  3597            {
  3598              "name": "body",
  3599              "in": "body",
  3600              "required": true,
  3601              "schema": {
  3602                "type": "object",
  3603                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_alerts",
  3604                "properties": {
  3605                  "enterpriseId": {
  3606                    "type": "integer"
  3607                  },
  3608                  "interval": {
  3609                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  3610                  },
  3611                  "filter": {
  3612                    "type": "object",
  3613                    "properties": {
  3614                      "limit": {
  3615                        "type": "integer"
  3616                      }
  3617                    }
  3618                  },
  3619                  "with": {
  3620                    "type": "array",
  3621                    "items": {
  3622                      "type": "string",
  3623                      "enum": [
  3624                        "notifications"
  3625                      ]
  3626                    }
  3627                  }
  3628                },
  3629                "required": [
  3630                  "enterpriseId",
  3631                  "interval"
  3632                ]
  3633              }
  3634            }
  3635          ],
  3636          "responses": {
  3637            "200": {
  3638              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3639              "schema": {
  3640                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_alerts_result",
  3641                "type": "object",
  3642                "properties": {
  3643                  "metaData": {
  3644                    "$ref": "#/definitions/list_metadata"
  3645                  },
  3646                  "data": {
  3647                    "type": "array",
  3648                    "items": {
  3649                      "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_alerts_result_item"
  3650                    }
  3651                  }
  3652                },
  3653                "required": [
  3654                  "metaData",
  3655                  "data"
  3656                ]
  3657              }
  3658            },
  3659            "400": {
  3660              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3661            },
  3662            "500": {
  3663              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3664            }
  3665          }
  3666        }
  3667      },
  3668      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseAllAlertsRecipients": {
  3669        "post": {
  3670          "summary": "Get recipients receiving all enterprise alerts",
  3671          "description": "Gets all recipients configured to receive all alerts for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_ALERT`",
  3672          "tags": [
  3673            "all",
  3674            "enterprise"
  3675          ],
  3676          "x-privileges": {
  3677            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  3678            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3679            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3680              "ANY"
  3681            ],
  3682            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3683            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3684              "EDGE",
  3685              "GATEWAY"
  3686            ],
  3687            "requirePrivileges": [
  3688              {
  3689                "action": "READ",
  3690                "object": "ENTERPRISE_ALERT"
  3691              }
  3692            ]
  3693          },
  3694          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_all_alert_recipients",
  3695          "parameters": [
  3696            {
  3697              "name": "body",
  3698              "in": "body",
  3699              "required": true,
  3700              "schema": {
  3701                "type": "object",
  3702                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_all_alert_recipients",
  3703                "properties": {
  3704                  "enterpriseId": {
  3705                    "type": "integer"
  3706                  }
  3707                }
  3708              }
  3709            }
  3710          ],
  3711          "responses": {
  3712            "200": {
  3713              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3714              "schema": {
  3715                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_all_alert_recipients_result"
  3716              }
  3717            },
  3718            "400": {
  3719              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3720            },
  3721            "500": {
  3722              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3723            }
  3724          }
  3725        }
  3726      },
  3727      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseCapabilities": {
  3728        "post": {
  3729          "summary": "Get enterprise capabilities",
  3730          "description": "Gets all enterprise capabilities (e.g. BGP, COS mapping, PKI, etc.) currently enabled/disabled for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`",
  3731          "tags": [
  3732            "enterprise",
  3733            "all"
  3734          ],
  3735          "x-privileges": {
  3736            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  3737            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3738            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3739              "ANY"
  3740            ],
  3741            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3742            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3743              "EDGE",
  3744              "GATEWAY"
  3745            ],
  3746            "requirePrivileges": [
  3747              {
  3748                "action": "READ",
  3749                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  3750              }
  3751            ]
  3752          },
  3753          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_capabilities",
  3754          "parameters": [
  3755            {
  3756              "name": "body",
  3757              "in": "body",
  3758              "required": true,
  3759              "schema": {
  3760                "type": "object",
  3761                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_capabilities",
  3762                "properties": {
  3763                  "enterpriseId": {
  3764                    "type": "integer"
  3765                  }
  3766                }
  3767              }
  3768            }
  3769          ],
  3770          "responses": {
  3771            "200": {
  3772              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3773              "schema": {
  3774                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_capabilities_result"
  3775              }
  3776            },
  3777            "400": {
  3778              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3779            },
  3780            "500": {
  3781              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3782            }
  3783          }
  3784        }
  3785      },
  3786      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseConfigurations": {
  3787        "post": {
  3788          "summary": "Get enterprise configuration profiles",
  3789          "description": "Gets all configuration profiles, with optional Edge and/or module details, for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`",
  3790          "tags": [
  3791            "all",
  3792            "enterprise"
  3793          ],
  3794          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_configurations",
  3795          "x-privileges": {
  3796            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  3797            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3798            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3799              "ANY"
  3800            ],
  3801            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3802            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3803              "EDGE",
  3804              "GATEWAY"
  3805            ],
  3806            "requirePrivileges": [
  3807              {
  3808                "action": "READ",
  3809                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE"
  3810              }
  3811            ]
  3812          },
  3813          "parameters": [
  3814            {
  3815              "name": "body",
  3816              "in": "body",
  3817              "required": true,
  3818              "schema": {
  3819                "type": "object",
  3820                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_configurations",
  3821                "properties": {
  3822                  "enterpriseId": {
  3823                    "type": "integer"
  3824                  },
  3825                  "configurationType": {
  3826                    "type": "string",
  3827                    "enum": [
  3828                      "NETWORK_BASED",
  3829                      "SEGMENT_BASED"
  3830                    ]
  3831                  },
  3832                  "with": {
  3833                    "type": "array",
  3834                    "items": {
  3835                      "type": "string",
  3836                      "enum": [
  3837                        "edges",
  3838                        "modules",
  3839                        "edgeCount",
  3840                        "refs",
  3841                        "deviceSettings"
  3842                      ]
  3843                    }
  3844                  }
  3845                },
  3846                "required": [
  3847                  "enterpriseId"
  3848                ]
  3849              }
  3850            }
  3851          ],
  3852          "responses": {
  3853            "200": {
  3854              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3855              "schema": {
  3856                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_configurations_result",
  3857                "type": "array",
  3858                "items": {
  3859                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_configurations_result_item"
  3860                }
  3861              }
  3862            },
  3863            "400": {
  3864              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3865            },
  3866            "500": {
  3867              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3868            }
  3869          }
  3870        }
  3871      },
  3872      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseEdges": {
  3873        "post": {
  3874          "summary": "Get enterprise Edges",
  3875          "tags": [
  3876            "enterprise",
  3877            "all"
  3878          ],
  3879          "description": "Gets all Edges associated with the specified enterprise, including optional site, link, and configuration details.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
  3880          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_edges",
  3881          "x-privileges": {
  3882            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  3883            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3884            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3885              "ANY"
  3886            ],
  3887            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3888            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3889              "EDGE",
  3890              "GATEWAY"
  3891            ],
  3892            "requirePrivileges": [
  3893              {
  3894                "action": "READ",
  3895                "object": "EDGE"
  3896              }
  3897            ]
  3898          },
  3899          "parameters": [
  3900            {
  3901              "name": "body",
  3902              "in": "body",
  3903              "required": true,
  3904              "schema": {
  3905                "type": "object",
  3906                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_edges",
  3907                "properties": {
  3908                  "id": {
  3909                    "type": "integer"
  3910                  },
  3911                  "enterpriseId": {
  3912                    "type": "integer"
  3913                  },
  3914                  "with": {
  3915                    "type": "array",
  3916                    "items": {
  3917                      "type": "string",
  3918                      "enum": [
  3919                        "site",
  3920                        "links",
  3921                        "recentLinks",
  3922                        "configuration",
  3923                        "cloudServices",
  3924                        "cloudServiceSiteStatus",
  3925                        "vnfs",
  3926                        "certificates",
  3927                        "licenses"
  3928                      ]
  3929                    }
  3930                  }
  3931                }
  3932              }
  3933            }
  3934          ],
  3935          "responses": {
  3936            "200": {
  3937              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  3938              "schema": {
  3939                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_edges_result",
  3940                "type": "array",
  3941                "items": {
  3942                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_edges_result_item"
  3943                }
  3944              }
  3945            },
  3946            "400": {
  3947              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  3948            },
  3949            "500": {
  3950              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  3951            }
  3952          }
  3953        }
  3954      },
  3955      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseGatewayHandoff": {
  3956        "post": {
  3957          "summary": "Get enterprise gateway handoff configuration",
  3958          "description": "Gets the gateway handoff configuration for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`",
  3959          "tags": [
  3960            "enterprise",
  3961            "all"
  3962          ],
  3963          "x-privileges": {
  3964            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  3965            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  3966            "allowAuthTypes": [
  3967              "OPERATOR_USER",
  3968              "MSP_USER",
  3969              "ENTERPRISE_USER"
  3970            ],
  3971            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  3972            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  3973              "EDGE",
  3974              "GATEWAY"
  3975            ],
  3976            "requirePrivileges": [
  3977              {
  3978                "action": "READ",
  3979                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  3980              }
  3981            ]
  3982          },
  3983          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_gateway_handoff",
  3984          "parameters": [
  3985            {
  3986              "name": "body",
  3987              "in": "body",
  3988              "required": true,
  3989              "schema": {
  3990                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_gateway_handoff",
  3991                "type": "object",
  3992                "properties": {
  3993                  "enterpriseId": {
  3994                    "type": "integer"
  3995                  }
  3996                },
  3997                "required": [
  3998                  "enterpriseId"
  3999                ]
  4000              }
  4001            }
  4002          ],
  4003          "responses": {
  4004            "200": {
  4005              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4006              "schema": {
  4007                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_gateway_handoff_result"
  4008              }
  4009            },
  4010            "400": {
  4011              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4012            },
  4013            "500": {
  4014              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4015            }
  4016          }
  4017        }
  4018      },
  4019      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseMaximumSegments": {
  4020        "post": {
  4021          "summary": "Get enterprise maximum segment",
  4022          "description": "Gets maximum segments for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`",
  4023          "tags": [
  4024            "enterprise",
  4025            "all"
  4026          ],
  4027          "x-privileges": {
  4028            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  4029            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4030            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4031              "ANY"
  4032            ],
  4033            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4034            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4035              "EDGE",
  4036              "GATEWAY"
  4037            ],
  4038            "requirePrivileges": [
  4039              {
  4040                "action": "READ",
  4041                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  4042              }
  4043            ]
  4044          },
  4045          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_maximum_segments",
  4046          "parameters": [
  4047            {
  4048              "name": "body",
  4049              "in": "body",
  4050              "required": true,
  4051              "schema": {
  4052                "type": "object",
  4053                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_maximum_segments",
  4054                "properties": {
  4055                  "enterpriseId": {
  4056                    "type": "integer"
  4057                  }
  4058                }
  4059              }
  4060            }
  4061          ],
  4062          "responses": {
  4063            "200": {
  4064              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4065              "schema": {
  4066                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_property_result"
  4067              }
  4068            },
  4069            "400": {
  4070              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4071            },
  4072            "500": {
  4073              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4074            }
  4075          }
  4076        }
  4077      },
  4078      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseNetworkAllocation": {
  4079        "post": {
  4080          "summary": "Get enterprise network allocation",
  4081          "description": "Gets the specified network allocation object (by `id`) for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `NETWORK_ALLOCATION`",
  4082          "tags": [
  4083            "enterprise",
  4084            "all"
  4085          ],
  4086          "x-privileges": {
  4087            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4088            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4089              "ANY"
  4090            ],
  4091            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4092            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4093              "EDGE",
  4094              "GATEWAY"
  4095            ],
  4096            "requirePrivileges": [
  4097              {
  4098                "action": "READ",
  4099                "object": "NETWORK_ALLOCATION"
  4100              }
  4101            ]
  4102          },
  4103          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_network_allocation",
  4104          "parameters": [
  4105            {
  4106              "name": "body",
  4107              "in": "body",
  4108              "required": true,
  4109              "schema": {
  4110                "type": "object",
  4111                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_network_allocation",
  4112                "properties": {
  4113                  "id": {
  4114                    "type": "integer"
  4115                  },
  4116                  "enterpriseId": {
  4117                    "type": "integer"
  4118                  },
  4119                  "with": {
  4120                    "type": "array",
  4121                    "items": {
  4122                      "type": "string",
  4123                      "enum": [
  4124                        "edges",
  4125                        "edgeCount",
  4126                        "profileCount"
  4127                      ]
  4128                    }
  4129                  }
  4130                },
  4131                "required": [
  4132                  "id"
  4133                ]
  4134              }
  4135            }
  4136          ],
  4137          "responses": {
  4138            "200": {
  4139              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4140              "schema": {
  4141                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_network_allocation_result"
  4142              }
  4143            },
  4144            "400": {
  4145              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4146            },
  4147            "500": {
  4148              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4149            }
  4150          }
  4151        }
  4152      },
  4153      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseNetworkAllocations": {
  4154        "post": {
  4155          "summary": "Get enterprise network allocations",
  4156          "description": "Gets all network allocations for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `NETWORK_ALLOCATION`",
  4157          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_network_allocations",
  4158          "x-privileges": {
  4159            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4160            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4161              "ANY"
  4162            ],
  4163            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4164            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4165              "EDGE",
  4166              "GATEWAY"
  4167            ],
  4168            "requirePrivileges": [
  4169              {
  4170                "action": "READ",
  4171                "object": "NETWORK_ALLOCATION"
  4172              }
  4173            ]
  4174          },
  4175          "tags": [
  4176            "all",
  4177            "enterprise"
  4178          ],
  4179          "parameters": [
  4180            {
  4181              "name": "body",
  4182              "in": "body",
  4183              "required": true,
  4184              "schema": {
  4185                "type": "object",
  4186                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_network_allocations",
  4187                "properties": {
  4188                  "enterpriseId": {
  4189                    "type": "integer"
  4190                  },
  4191                  "name": {
  4192                    "type": "string"
  4193                  },
  4194                  "with": {
  4195                    "type": "array",
  4196                    "items": {
  4197                      "type": "string",
  4198                      "enum": [
  4199                        "edges",
  4200                        "edgeCount",
  4201                        "profileCount"
  4202                      ]
  4203                    }
  4204                  }
  4205                }
  4206              }
  4207            }
  4208          ],
  4209          "responses": {
  4210            "200": {
  4211              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4212              "schema": {
  4213                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_network_allocations_result",
  4214                "type": "array",
  4215                "items": {
  4216                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_network_allocations_result_item"
  4217                }
  4218              }
  4219            },
  4220            "400": {
  4221              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4222            },
  4223            "500": {
  4224              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4225            }
  4226          }
  4227        }
  4228      },
  4229      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseNetworkSegments": {
  4230        "post": {
  4231          "summary": "Get all network segment objects defined on an enterprise",
  4232          "description": "Retrieve a list of all of the network segments defined forthe given enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `NETWORK_ALLOCATION`",
  4233          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_network_segments",
  4234          "x-privileges": {
  4235            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4236            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4237              "ANY"
  4238            ],
  4239            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4240            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4241              "EDGE",
  4242              "GATEWAY"
  4243            ],
  4244            "requirePrivileges": [
  4245              {
  4246                "action": "READ",
  4247                "object": "NETWORK_ALLOCATION"
  4248              }
  4249            ]
  4250          },
  4251          "tags": [
  4252            "all",
  4253            "enterprise"
  4254          ],
  4255          "parameters": [
  4256            {
  4257              "name": "body",
  4258              "in": "body",
  4259              "required": true,
  4260              "schema": {
  4261                "type": "object",
  4262                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_network_segments",
  4263                "properties": {
  4264                  "enterpriseId": {
  4265                    "type": "integer"
  4266                  },
  4267                  "name": {
  4268                    "type": "string"
  4269                  },
  4270                  "type": {
  4271                    "type": "string"
  4272                  },
  4273                  "with": {
  4274                    "type": "array",
  4275                    "items": {
  4276                      "type": "string",
  4277                      "enum": [
  4278                        "profileCount",
  4279                        "edgeUsage",
  4280                        "configuration",
  4281                        "handoffUsage",
  4282                        "mpgUsage"
  4283                      ]
  4284                    }
  4285                  }
  4286                }
  4287              }
  4288            }
  4289          ],
  4290          "responses": {
  4291            "200": {
  4292              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4293              "schema": {
  4294                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_network_segments_result",
  4295                "type": "array",
  4296                "items": {
  4297                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_network_segments_result_item"
  4298                }
  4299              }
  4300            },
  4301            "400": {
  4302              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4303            },
  4304            "500": {
  4305              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4306            }
  4307          }
  4308        }
  4309      },
  4310      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseProperty": {
  4311        "post": {
  4312          "summary": "Get enterprise property",
  4313          "description": "Get a enterprise property by object id or other attribute.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`",
  4314          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_property",
  4315          "x-privileges": {
  4316            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  4317            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4318            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4319              "ANY"
  4320            ],
  4321            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4322            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4323              "EDGE",
  4324              "GATEWAY"
  4325            ],
  4326            "requirePrivileges": [
  4327              {
  4328                "action": "READ",
  4329                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  4330              }
  4331            ]
  4332          },
  4333          "tags": [
  4334            "enterprise",
  4335            "all"
  4336          ],
  4337          "parameters": [
  4338            {
  4339              "name": "body",
  4340              "in": "body",
  4341              "required": true,
  4342              "schema": {
  4343                "type": "object",
  4344                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_property",
  4345                "properties": {
  4346                  "enterpriseId": {
  4347                    "type": "integer"
  4348                  },
  4349                  "name": {
  4350                    "type": "string"
  4351                  },
  4352                  "id": {
  4353                    "type": "integer"
  4354                  }
  4355                }
  4356              }
  4357            }
  4358          ],
  4359          "responses": {
  4360            "200": {
  4361              "schema": {
  4362                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_property_result"
  4363              },
  4364              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  4365            },
  4366            "400": {
  4367              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4368            },
  4369            "500": {
  4370              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4371            }
  4372          }
  4373        }
  4374      },
  4375      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseRouteConfiguration": {
  4376        "post": {
  4377          "summary": "Get enterprise global routing preferences",
  4378          "description": "Gets all global routing preferences for the specified enterprise, incuding enterprise route advertisement, routing preferences, OSPF, and BGP advertisement policy.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`",
  4379          "tags": [
  4380            "all",
  4381            "enterprise"
  4382          ],
  4383          "x-privileges": {
  4384            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  4385            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4386            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4387              "ANY"
  4388            ],
  4389            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4390            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4391              "EDGE",
  4392              "GATEWAY"
  4393            ],
  4394            "requirePrivileges": [
  4395              {
  4396                "action": "READ",
  4397                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE"
  4398              }
  4399            ]
  4400          },
  4401          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_route_configuration",
  4402          "parameters": [
  4403            {
  4404              "name": "body",
  4405              "in": "body",
  4406              "required": true,
  4407              "schema": {
  4408                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_route_configuration",
  4409                "type": "object",
  4410                "properties": {
  4411                  "enterpriseId": {
  4412                    "type": "integer"
  4413                  }
  4414                }
  4415              }
  4416            }
  4417          ],
  4418          "responses": {
  4419            "200": {
  4420              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4421              "schema": {
  4422                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_route_configuration_result"
  4423              }
  4424            },
  4425            "400": {
  4426              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4427            },
  4428            "500": {
  4429              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4430            }
  4431          }
  4432        }
  4433      },
  4434      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseRouteTable": {
  4435        "post": {
  4436          "summary": "Get enterprise route table",
  4437          "description": "Gets the composite enterprise route table, optionally scoped by profile(s). The returned routes include static routes, directly connected routes, and learned routes.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`",
  4438          "tags": [
  4439            "all",
  4440            "enterprise"
  4441          ],
  4442          "x-privileges": {
  4443            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  4444            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4445            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4446              "ANY"
  4447            ],
  4448            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4449            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4450              "EDGE",
  4451              "GATEWAY"
  4452            ],
  4453            "requirePrivileges": [
  4454              {
  4455                "action": "READ",
  4456                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE"
  4457              }
  4458            ]
  4459          },
  4460          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_route_table",
  4461          "parameters": [
  4462            {
  4463              "name": "body",
  4464              "in": "body",
  4465              "required": true,
  4466              "schema": {
  4467                "type": "object",
  4468                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_route_table",
  4469                "properties": {
  4470                  "enterpriseId": {
  4471                    "type": "integer"
  4472                  },
  4473                  "profiles": {
  4474                    "type": "array",
  4475                    "items": {
  4476                      "type": "object",
  4477                      "properties": {
  4478                        "id": {
  4479                          "type": "integer"
  4480                        },
  4481                        "name": {
  4482                          "type": "string"
  4483                        },
  4484                        "description": {
  4485                          "type": "string"
  4486                        }
  4487                      }
  4488                    }
  4489                  },
  4490                  "subnets": {
  4491                    "type": "array",
  4492                    "items": {
  4493                      "type": "object",
  4494                      "properties": {
  4495                        "subnet": {
  4496                          "type": "string"
  4497                        },
  4498                        "preferredExits": {
  4499                          "type": "array",
  4500                          "items": {
  4501                            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_route"
  4502                          }
  4503                        },
  4504                        "eligableExits": {
  4505                          "type": "array",
  4506                          "items": {
  4507                            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_route"
  4508                          }
  4509                        }
  4510                      }
  4511                    }
  4512                  }
  4513                }
  4514              }
  4515            }
  4516          ],
  4517          "responses": {
  4518            "200": {
  4519              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4520              "schema": {
  4521                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_route_table_result"
  4522              }
  4523            },
  4524            "400": {
  4525              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4526            },
  4527            "500": {
  4528              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4529            }
  4530          }
  4531        }
  4532      },
  4533      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseServices": {
  4534        "post": {
  4535          "summary": "Get enterprise network services",
  4536          "description": "Gets all network service JSON objects defined for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `NETWORK_SERVICE`",
  4537          "tags": [
  4538            "all",
  4539            "enterprise"
  4540          ],
  4541          "x-privileges": {
  4542            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4543            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4544              "ANY"
  4545            ],
  4546            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4547            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4548              "EDGE",
  4549              "GATEWAY"
  4550            ],
  4551            "requirePrivileges": [
  4552              {
  4553                "action": "READ",
  4554                "object": "NETWORK_SERVICE"
  4555              }
  4556            ]
  4557          },
  4558          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_services",
  4559          "parameters": [
  4560            {
  4561              "name": "body",
  4562              "in": "body",
  4563              "required": true,
  4564              "schema": {
  4565                "type": "object",
  4566                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_services",
  4567                "properties": {
  4568                  "enterpriseId": {
  4569                    "type": "integer"
  4570                  },
  4571                  "type": {
  4572                    "type": "string"
  4573                  },
  4574                  "with": {
  4575                    "type": "array",
  4576                    "items": {
  4577                      "type": "string",
  4578                      "enum": [
  4579                        "profileCount",
  4580                        "edgeUsage",
  4581                        "configuration",
  4582                        "groupCount"
  4583                      ]
  4584                    }
  4585                  },
  4586                  "name": {
  4587                    "type": "string"
  4588                  },
  4589                  "includePartnerGateways": {
  4590                    "type": "boolean"
  4591                  }
  4592                }
  4593              }
  4594            }
  4595          ],
  4596          "responses": {
  4597            "200": {
  4598              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4599              "schema": {
  4600                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_services_result",
  4601                "type": "array",
  4602                "items": {
  4603                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_services_result_item"
  4604                }
  4605              }
  4606            },
  4607            "400": {
  4608              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4609            },
  4610            "500": {
  4611              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4612            }
  4613          }
  4614        }
  4615      },
  4616      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseUsers": {
  4617        "post": {
  4618          "tags": [
  4619            "userMaintenance",
  4620            "all"
  4621          ],
  4622          "summary": "Get enterprise users",
  4623          "description": "Gets all enterprise users for the specified enterprise (by `enterpriseId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_USER`",
  4624          "operationId": "enterprise_get_enterprise_users",
  4625          "x-privileges": {
  4626            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  4627            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4628            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4629              "ANY"
  4630            ],
  4631            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4632            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4633              "EDGE",
  4634              "GATEWAY"
  4635            ],
  4636            "requirePrivileges": [
  4637              {
  4638                "action": "READ",
  4639                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  4640              },
  4641              {
  4642                "action": "READ",
  4643                "object": "ENTERPRISE_USER"
  4644              }
  4645            ]
  4646          },
  4647          "parameters": [
  4648            {
  4649              "name": "body",
  4650              "in": "body",
  4651              "required": true,
  4652              "schema": {
  4653                "type": "object",
  4654                "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_users",
  4655                "properties": {
  4656                  "id": {
  4657                    "type": "integer"
  4658                  },
  4659                  "enterpriseId": {
  4660                    "type": "integer"
  4661                  }
  4662                }
  4663              }
  4664            }
  4665          ],
  4666          "responses": {
  4667            "200": {
  4668              "schema": {
  4669                "type": "array",
  4670                "items": {
  4671                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_users_result_item"
  4672                }
  4673              },
  4674              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  4675            },
  4676            "400": {
  4677              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4678            },
  4679            "500": {
  4680              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4681            }
  4682          }
  4683        }
  4684      },
  4685      "/enterprise/insertEnterprise": {
  4686        "post": {
  4687          "summary": "Create enterprise",
  4688          "description": "Creates a new enterprise, which is owned by the operator.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `ENTERPRISE`",
  4689          "tags": [
  4690            "enterprise",
  4691            "all"
  4692          ],
  4693          "operationId": "enterprise_insert_enterprise",
  4694          "x-privileges": {
  4695            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4696            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4697              "OPERATOR_USER",
  4698              "MSP_USER"
  4699            ],
  4700            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4701            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4702              "EDGE",
  4703              "GATEWAY"
  4704            ],
  4705            "requirePrivileges": [
  4706              {
  4707                "action": "CREATE",
  4708                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  4709              }
  4710            ]
  4711          },
  4712          "parameters": [
  4713            {
  4714              "name": "body",
  4715              "in": "body",
  4716              "required": true,
  4717              "schema": {
  4718                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_enterprise"
  4719              }
  4720            }
  4721          ],
  4722          "responses": {
  4723            "200": {
  4724              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4725              "schema": {
  4726                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_enterprise_result"
  4727              }
  4728            },
  4729            "400": {
  4730              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4731            },
  4732            "500": {
  4733              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4734            }
  4735          }
  4736        }
  4737      },
  4738      "/enterprise/insertEnterpriseNetworkAllocation": {
  4739        "post": {
  4740          "summary": "Create enterprise network allocation",
  4741          "description": "Creates a new network allocation for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `NETWORK_ALLOCATION`",
  4742          "tags": [
  4743            "enterprise",
  4744            "all"
  4745          ],
  4746          "operationId": "enterprise_insert_enterprise_network_allocation",
  4747          "x-privileges": {
  4748            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4749            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4750              "ANY"
  4751            ],
  4752            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4753            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4754              "EDGE",
  4755              "GATEWAY"
  4756            ],
  4757            "requirePrivileges": [
  4758              {
  4759                "action": "CREATE",
  4760                "object": "NETWORK_ALLOCATION"
  4761              }
  4762            ]
  4763          },
  4764          "parameters": [
  4765            {
  4766              "name": "body",
  4767              "in": "body",
  4768              "required": true,
  4769              "schema": {
  4770                "type": "object",
  4771                "title": "enterprise_insert_enterprise_network_allocation",
  4772                "properties": {
  4773                  "enterpriseId": {
  4774                    "type": "integer"
  4775                  },
  4776                  "name": {
  4777                    "type": "string"
  4778                  },
  4779                  "data": {
  4780                    "type": "object",
  4781                    "properties": {
  4782                      "spaces": {
  4783                        "type": "array",
  4784                        "items": {
  4785                          "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_network_space"
  4786                        }
  4787                      }
  4788                    }
  4789                  }
  4790                },
  4791                "required": [
  4792                  "name"
  4793                ]
  4794              }
  4795            }
  4796          ],
  4797          "responses": {
  4798            "200": {
  4799              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4800              "schema": {
  4801                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_enterprise_network_allocation_result"
  4802              }
  4803            },
  4804            "400": {
  4805              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4806            },
  4807            "500": {
  4808              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4809            }
  4810          }
  4811        }
  4812      },
  4813      "/enterprise/insertEnterpriseNetworkSegment": {
  4814        "post": {
  4815          "summary": "Create enterprise network segment",
  4816          "description": "Creates a new network segment for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `NETWORK_ALLOCATION`",
  4817          "tags": [
  4818            "enterprise",
  4819            "all"
  4820          ],
  4821          "operationId": "enterprise_insert_enterprise_network_segment",
  4822          "x-privileges": {
  4823            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4824            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4825              "ANY"
  4826            ],
  4827            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4828            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4829              "EDGE",
  4830              "GATEWAY"
  4831            ],
  4832            "requirePrivileges": [
  4833              {
  4834                "action": "CREATE",
  4835                "object": "NETWORK_ALLOCATION"
  4836              }
  4837            ]
  4838          },
  4839          "parameters": [
  4840            {
  4841              "name": "body",
  4842              "in": "body",
  4843              "required": true,
  4844              "schema": {
  4845                "type": "object",
  4846                "title": "enterprise_insert_enterprise_network_segment",
  4847                "properties": {
  4848                  "enterpriseId": {
  4849                    "type": "integer"
  4850                  },
  4851                  "name": {
  4852                    "type": "string"
  4853                  },
  4854                  "description": {
  4855                    "type": "string"
  4856                  },
  4857                  "type": {
  4858                    "type": "string",
  4859                    "enum": [
  4860                      "REGULAR",
  4861                      "CDE"
  4862                    ]
  4863                  },
  4864                  "data": {
  4865                    "$ref": "#/definitions/network_segment_data"
  4866                  }
  4867                },
  4868                "required": [
  4869                  "name",
  4870                  "type",
  4871                  "data"
  4872                ]
  4873              }
  4874            }
  4875          ],
  4876          "responses": {
  4877            "200": {
  4878              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4879              "schema": {
  4880                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_enterprise_network_segment_result"
  4881              }
  4882            },
  4883            "400": {
  4884              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4885            },
  4886            "500": {
  4887              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4888            }
  4889          }
  4890        }
  4891      },
  4892      "/enterprise/insertEnterpriseService": {
  4893        "post": {
  4894          "summary": "Create enterprise service",
  4895          "description": "Creates a new enterprise service for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `NETWORK_SERVICE`",
  4896          "tags": [
  4897            "all",
  4898            "enterprise"
  4899          ],
  4900          "x-privileges": {
  4901            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4902            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4903              "ANY"
  4904            ],
  4905            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4906            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4907              "EDGE",
  4908              "GATEWAY"
  4909            ],
  4910            "requirePrivileges": [
  4911              {
  4912                "action": "CREATE",
  4913                "object": "NETWORK_SERVICE"
  4914              }
  4915            ]
  4916          },
  4917          "operationId": "enterprise_insert_enterprise_service",
  4918          "parameters": [
  4919            {
  4920              "name": "body",
  4921              "in": "body",
  4922              "required": true,
  4923              "schema": {
  4924                "type": "object",
  4925                "title": "enterprise_insert_enterprise_service",
  4926                "properties": {
  4927                  "enterpriseId": {
  4928                    "type": "integer"
  4929                  },
  4930                  "type": {
  4931                    "type": "string"
  4932                  },
  4933                  "name": {
  4934                    "type": "string"
  4935                  },
  4936                  "data": {
  4937                    "type": "object"
  4938                  },
  4939                  "edgeId": {
  4940                    "type": "integer"
  4941                  },
  4942                  "parentGroupId": {
  4943                    "type": "integer"
  4944                  }
  4945                },
  4946                "required": [
  4947                  "type",
  4948                  "name",
  4949                  "data"
  4950                ]
  4951              }
  4952            }
  4953          ],
  4954          "responses": {
  4955            "200": {
  4956              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  4957              "schema": {
  4958                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_enterprise_service_result"
  4959              }
  4960            },
  4961            "400": {
  4962              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  4963            },
  4964            "500": {
  4965              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  4966            }
  4967          }
  4968        }
  4969      },
  4970      "/enterprise/insertEnterpriseUser": {
  4971        "post": {
  4972          "summary": "Create enterprise user",
  4973          "description": "Creates a new enterprise user.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `ENTERPRISE_USER`",
  4974          "x-privileges": {
  4975            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  4976            "allowAuthTypes": [
  4977              "ANY"
  4978            ],
  4979            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  4980            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  4981              "EDGE",
  4982              "GATEWAY"
  4983            ],
  4984            "requirePrivileges": [
  4985              {
  4986                "action": "CREATE",
  4987                "object": "ENTERPRISE_USER"
  4988              }
  4989            ]
  4990          },
  4991          "tags": [
  4992            "userMaintenance",
  4993            "all"
  4994          ],
  4995          "operationId": "enterprise_insert_enterprise_user",
  4996          "parameters": [
  4997            {
  4998              "name": "body",
  4999              "in": "body",
  5000              "required": true,
  5001              "schema": {
  5002                "$ref": "#/definitions/new_enterprise_user"
  5003              }
  5004            }
  5005          ],
  5006          "responses": {
  5007            "200": {
  5008              "schema": {
  5009                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_enterprise_user_result"
  5010              },
  5011              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  5012            },
  5013            "400": {
  5014              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5015            },
  5016            "500": {
  5017              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5018            }
  5019          }
  5020        }
  5021      },
  5022      "/enterprise/insertOrUpdateEnterpriseAlertConfigurations": {
  5023        "post": {
  5024          "summary": "Create, update, or delete enterprise alert configurations",
  5025          "description": "Creates, updates, or deletes alert configurations for the specified enterprise. Returns the array of alert configurations submitted, with ids added for the entries that have been successfully created. If an entry is not successfully created or updated, an `error` property is included in the response.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `ENTERPRISE_ALERT`",
  5026          "tags": [
  5027            "all",
  5028            "enterprise"
  5029          ],
  5030          "x-privileges": {
  5031            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  5032            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5033            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5034              "ANY"
  5035            ],
  5036            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5037            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5038              "EDGE",
  5039              "GATEWAY"
  5040            ],
  5041            "requirePrivileges": [
  5042              {
  5043                "action": "CREATE",
  5044                "object": "ENTERPRISE_ALERT"
  5045              }
  5046            ]
  5047          },
  5048          "operationId": "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_alert_configurations",
  5049          "parameters": [
  5050            {
  5051              "name": "body",
  5052              "in": "body",
  5053              "required": true,
  5054              "schema": {
  5055                "type": "object",
  5056                "title": "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_alert_configurations",
  5057                "properties": {
  5058                  "enterpriseId": {
  5059                    "type": "integer"
  5060                  },
  5061                  "enterpriseAlertConfigurations": {
  5062                    "type": "array",
  5063                    "items": {
  5064                      "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_alert_configuration"
  5065                    }
  5066                  }
  5067                },
  5068                "required": [
  5069                  "enterpriseAlertConfigurations"
  5070                ]
  5071              }
  5072            }
  5073          ],
  5074          "responses": {
  5075            "200": {
  5076              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  5077              "schema": {
  5078                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_alert_configurations_result"
  5079              }
  5080            },
  5081            "400": {
  5082              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5083            },
  5084            "500": {
  5085              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5086            }
  5087          }
  5088        }
  5089      },
  5090      "/enterprise/insertOrUpdateEnterpriseCapability": {
  5091        "post": {
  5092          "summary": "Create or update enterprise capability",
  5093          "description": "Creates or updates the specified capability (`name`, `value`) for the specified enterprise (by `enterpriseId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE`",
  5094          "tags": [
  5095            "enterprise",
  5096            "all"
  5097          ],
  5098          "x-privileges": {
  5099            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  5100            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5101            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5102              "OPERATOR_USER"
  5103            ],
  5104            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5105            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5106              "EDGE",
  5107              "GATEWAY"
  5108            ],
  5109            "requirePrivileges": [
  5110              {
  5111                "action": "UPDATE",
  5112                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  5113              }
  5114            ]
  5115          },
  5116          "operationId": "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_capability",
  5117          "parameters": [
  5118            {
  5119              "name": "body",
  5120              "in": "body",
  5121              "required": true,
  5122              "schema": {
  5123                "type": "object",
  5124                "title": "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_capability",
  5125                "properties": {
  5126                  "enterpriseId": {
  5127                    "type": "integer"
  5128                  },
  5129                  "name": {
  5130                    "type": "string",
  5131                    "enum": [
  5132                      "enableOSPF",
  5133                      "enableBGP",
  5134                      "enableNAT",
  5135                      "enablePKI",
  5136                      "enableFwLogs",
  5137                      "enableStatefulFirewall",
  5138                      "enableVQM",
  5139                      "enableServiceRateLimiting",
  5140                      "enableCosMapping",
  5141                      "enableSegmentation",
  5142                      "enableNetworks",
  5143                      "enableEnterpriseAuth",
  5144                      "enablePremium",
  5145                      "edgeVnfs.enable",
  5146                      "edgeVnfs.securityVnf.paloAlto",
  5147                      "edgeVnfs.securityVnf.checkPoint",
  5148                      "edgeVnfs.securityVnf.fortinet",
  5149                      "edgeVnfs.securityVnf.centOS"
  5150                    ]
  5151                  },
  5152                  "value": {
  5153                    "type": "boolean"
  5154                  }
  5155                },
  5156                "required": [
  5157                  "name",
  5158                  "value"
  5159                ]
  5160              }
  5161            }
  5162          ],
  5163          "responses": {
  5164            "200": {
  5165              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  5166              "schema": {
  5167                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_capability_result"
  5168              }
  5169            },
  5170            "400": {
  5171              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5172            },
  5173            "500": {
  5174              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5175            }
  5176          }
  5177        }
  5178      },
  5179      "/enterprise/insertOrUpdateEnterpriseGatewayHandoff": {
  5180        "post": {
  5181          "summary": "Create or update enterprise gateway handoff configuration",
  5182          "description": "Creates or updates a gateway handoff configuration for the specified enterprise (by `enterpriseId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE`\n\n`UPDATE` `GATEWAY`",
  5183          "tags": [
  5184            "enterprise",
  5185            "all"
  5186          ],
  5187          "x-privileges": {
  5188            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  5189            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5190            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5191              "OPERATOR_USER",
  5192              "MSP_USER"
  5193            ],
  5194            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5195            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5196              "EDGE",
  5197              "GATEWAY"
  5198            ],
  5199            "requirePrivileges": [
  5200              {
  5201                "action": "UPDATE",
  5202                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  5203              },
  5204              {
  5205                "action": "UPDATE",
  5206                "object": "GATEWAY"
  5207              }
  5208            ]
  5209          },
  5210          "operationId": "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_gateway_handoff",
  5211          "parameters": [
  5212            {
  5213              "name": "body",
  5214              "in": "body",
  5215              "required": true,
  5216              "schema": {
  5217                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_gateway_handoff"
  5218              }
  5219            }
  5220          ],
  5221          "responses": {
  5222            "200": {
  5223              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  5224              "schema": {
  5225                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_gateway_handoff_result"
  5226              }
  5227            },
  5228            "400": {
  5229              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5230            },
  5231            "500": {
  5232              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5233            }
  5234          }
  5235        }
  5236      },
  5237      "/enterprise/insertOrUpdateEnterpriseProperty": {
  5238        "post": {
  5239          "summary": "Insert or update an enterprise property",
  5240          "description": "Insert a enterprise property. If property with the given name already exists, the property will be updated.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE`",
  5241          "operationId": "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_property",
  5242          "x-privileges": {
  5243            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  5244            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5245            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5246              "ANY"
  5247            ],
  5248            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5249            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5250              "EDGE",
  5251              "GATEWAY"
  5252            ],
  5253            "requirePrivileges": [
  5254              {
  5255                "action": "UPDATE",
  5256                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  5257              }
  5258            ]
  5259          },
  5260          "tags": [
  5261            "enterprise",
  5262            "all"
  5263          ],
  5264          "parameters": [
  5265            {
  5266              "name": "body",
  5267              "in": "body",
  5268              "required": true,
  5269              "schema": {
  5270                "type": "object",
  5271                "title": "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_property",
  5272                "properties": {
  5273                  "enterpriseId": {
  5274                    "type": "integer"
  5275                  },
  5276                  "name": {
  5277                    "type": "string"
  5278                  },
  5279                  "value": {
  5280                    "type": "string"
  5281                  },
  5282                  "dataType": {
  5283                    "type": "string",
  5284                    "enum": [
  5285                      "STRING",
  5286                      "NUMBER",
  5287                      "BOOLEAN",
  5288                      "JSON",
  5289                      "DATE",
  5290                      "DATETIME"
  5291                    ]
  5292                  },
  5293                  "isPassword": {
  5294                    "type": "boolean"
  5295                  },
  5296                  "description": {
  5297                    "type": "string"
  5298                  }
  5299                },
  5300                "required": [
  5301                  "enterpriseId",
  5302                  "name",
  5303                  "value"
  5304                ],
  5305                "example": {
  5306                  "enterpriseId": 1532,
  5307                  "name": "vco.enterprise.authentication.twoFactor.enable",
  5308                  "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
  5309                  "value": "true"
  5310                }
  5311              }
  5312            }
  5313          ],
  5314          "responses": {
  5315            "200": {
  5316              "schema": {
  5317                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_property_result"
  5318              },
  5319              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  5320            },
  5321            "400": {
  5322              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5323            },
  5324            "500": {
  5325              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5326            }
  5327          }
  5328        }
  5329      },
  5330      "/enterprise/setEnterpriseAllAlertsRecipients": {
  5331        "post": {
  5332          "summary": "Specify recipients for all enterprise alerts",
  5333          "description": "Specifies the recipients who should receive all alerts for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_ALERT`",
  5334          "tags": [
  5335            "all",
  5336            "enterprise"
  5337          ],
  5338          "x-privileges": {
  5339            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5340            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5341              "ANY"
  5342            ],
  5343            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5344            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5345              "EDGE",
  5346              "GATEWAY"
  5347            ],
  5348            "requirePrivileges": [
  5349              {
  5350                "action": "UPDATE",
  5351                "object": "ENTERPRISE_ALERT"
  5352              }
  5353            ]
  5354          },
  5355          "operationId": "enterprise_set_enterprise_all_alert_recipients",
  5356          "parameters": [
  5357            {
  5358              "name": "body",
  5359              "in": "body",
  5360              "required": true,
  5361              "schema": {
  5362                "type": "object",
  5363                "title": "enterprise_set_enterprise_all_alert_recipients",
  5364                "properties": {
  5365                  "enterpriseId": {
  5366                    "type": "integer"
  5367                  },
  5368                  "enterpriseUsers": {
  5369                    "type": "array",
  5370                    "items": {
  5371                      "type": "object",
  5372                      "properties": {
  5373                        "enterpriseUserId": {
  5374                          "type": "integer"
  5375                        },
  5376                        "enabled": {
  5377                          "type": "boolean"
  5378                        },
  5379                        "smsEnabled": {
  5380                          "type": "boolean"
  5381                        },
  5382                        "emailEnabled": {
  5383                          "type": "boolean"
  5384                        },
  5385                        "mobileEnabled": {
  5386                          "type": "boolean"
  5387                        }
  5388                      }
  5389                    }
  5390                  },
  5391                  "smsEnabled": {
  5392                    "type": "boolean"
  5393                  },
  5394                  "smsList": {
  5395                    "type": "array",
  5396                    "items": {
  5397                      "type": "object",
  5398                      "properties": {
  5399                        "username": {
  5400                          "type": "string"
  5401                        },
  5402                        "mobilePhone": {
  5403                          "type": "string"
  5404                        },
  5405                        "email": {
  5406                          "type": "string"
  5407                        }
  5408                      }
  5409                    }
  5410                  },
  5411                  "emailEnabled": {
  5412                    "type": "boolean"
  5413                  },
  5414                  "emailList": {
  5415                    "type": "array",
  5416                    "items": {
  5417                      "type": "string"
  5418                    }
  5419                  },
  5420                  "mobileEnabled": {
  5421                    "type": "boolean"
  5422                  },
  5423                  "mobileList": {
  5424                    "type": "array",
  5425                    "items": {
  5426                      "type": "string"
  5427                    }
  5428                  }
  5429                }
  5430              }
  5431            }
  5432          ],
  5433          "responses": {
  5434            "200": {
  5435              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  5436              "schema": {
  5437                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_set_enterprise_all_alert_recipients_result"
  5438              }
  5439            },
  5440            "400": {
  5441              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5442            },
  5443            "500": {
  5444              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5445            }
  5446          }
  5447        }
  5448      },
  5449      "/enterprise/setEnterpriseMaximumSegments": {
  5450        "post": {
  5451          "summary": "Set enterprise maximum segments",
  5452          "description": "Set maximum segments for the specified enterprise (by `enterpriseId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE`",
  5453          "tags": [
  5454            "enterprise",
  5455            "all"
  5456          ],
  5457          "x-privileges": {
  5458            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  5459            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5460            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5461              "OPERATOR_USER",
  5462              "MSP_USER"
  5463            ],
  5464            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5465            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5466              "EDGE",
  5467              "GATEWAY"
  5468            ],
  5469            "requirePrivileges": [
  5470              {
  5471                "action": "UPDATE",
  5472                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  5473              }
  5474            ]
  5475          },
  5476          "operationId": "enterprise_set_enterprise_maximum_segments",
  5477          "parameters": [
  5478            {
  5479              "name": "body",
  5480              "in": "body",
  5481              "required": true,
  5482              "schema": {
  5483                "title": "enterprise_set_enterprise_maximum_segments",
  5484                "type": "object",
  5485                "properties": {
  5486                  "enterpriseId": {
  5487                    "type": "integer"
  5488                  },
  5489                  "value": {
  5490                    "type": "integer"
  5491                  }
  5492                }
  5493              }
  5494            }
  5495          ],
  5496          "responses": {
  5497            "200": {
  5498              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  5499              "schema": {
  5500                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_set_enterprise_maximum_segments_result"
  5501              }
  5502            },
  5503            "400": {
  5504              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5505            },
  5506            "500": {
  5507              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5508            }
  5509          }
  5510        }
  5511      },
  5512      "/enterprise/setEnterpriseOperatorConfiguration": {
  5513        "post": {
  5514          "summary": "Apply operator profile to given enterprise",
  5515          "tags": [
  5516            "all",
  5517            "enterprise"
  5518          ],
  5519          "description": "Sets the operator configuration for the specified enterprise (by `enterpriseId`). This overrides any network-assigned operator configuration and the network default operator configuration.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE`",
  5520          "operationId": "enterprise_set_enterprise_operator_configuration",
  5521          "x-privileges": {
  5522            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5523            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5524              "OPERATOR_USER",
  5525              "MSP_USER"
  5526            ],
  5527            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5528            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5529              "EDGE",
  5530              "GATEWAY"
  5531            ],
  5532            "requirePrivileges": [
  5533              {
  5534                "action": "UPDATE",
  5535                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  5536              }
  5537            ]
  5538          },
  5539          "parameters": [
  5540            {
  5541              "name": "body",
  5542              "in": "body",
  5543              "required": true,
  5544              "schema": {
  5545                "type": "object",
  5546                "title": "enterprise_set_enterprise_operator_configuration",
  5547                "properties": {
  5548                  "enterpriseId": {
  5549                    "type": "integer"
  5550                  },
  5551                  "configurationId": {
  5552                    "type": "integer"
  5553                  },
  5554                  "networkId": {
  5555                    "type": "integer"
  5556                  }
  5557                },
  5558                "required": [
  5559                  "enterpriseId",
  5560                  "configurationId"
  5561                ]
  5562              }
  5563            }
  5564          ],
  5565          "responses": {
  5566            "200": {
  5567              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  5568              "schema": {
  5569                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_set_enterprise_operator_configuration_result"
  5570              }
  5571            },
  5572            "400": {
  5573              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5574            },
  5575            "500": {
  5576              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5577            }
  5578          }
  5579        }
  5580      },
  5581      "/enterprise/updateEnterprise": {
  5582        "post": {
  5583          "summary": "Update enterprise",
  5584          "description": "Updates the specified enterprise (by `enterpriseId` or `name`). Expects an `_update` object containing the field(s) to be updated and their corresponding value(s).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE`",
  5585          "tags": [
  5586            "enterprise",
  5587            "all"
  5588          ],
  5589          "operationId": "enterprise_update_enterprise",
  5590          "x-privileges": {
  5591            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  5592            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5593            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5594              "ANY"
  5595            ],
  5596            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5597            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5598              "EDGE",
  5599              "GATEWAY"
  5600            ],
  5601            "requirePrivileges": [
  5602              {
  5603                "action": "UPDATE",
  5604                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  5605              }
  5606            ]
  5607          },
  5608          "parameters": [
  5609            {
  5610              "name": "body",
  5611              "in": "body",
  5612              "required": true,
  5613              "schema": {
  5614                "title": "enterprise_update_enterprise",
  5615                "type": "object",
  5616                "properties": {
  5617                  "enterpriseId": {
  5618                    "type": "integer"
  5619                  },
  5620                  "name": {
  5621                    "type": "string"
  5622                  },
  5623                  "_update": {
  5624                    "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_update_enterprise"
  5625                  }
  5626                }
  5627              }
  5628            }
  5629          ],
  5630          "responses": {
  5631            "200": {
  5632              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  5633              "schema": {
  5634                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_update_enterprise_result"
  5635              }
  5636            },
  5637            "400": {
  5638              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5639            },
  5640            "500": {
  5641              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5642            }
  5643          }
  5644        }
  5645      },
  5646      "/enterprise/updateEnterpriseNetworkAllocation": {
  5647        "post": {
  5648          "summary": "Update enterprise network allocation",
  5649          "description": "Updates the specified enterprise network allocation (by `id`). Expects an `_update` object containing the field(s) to be updated and their corresponding value(s).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `NETWORK_ALLOCATION`",
  5650          "tags": [
  5651            "enterprise",
  5652            "all"
  5653          ],
  5654          "x-privileges": {
  5655            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5656            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5657              "ANY"
  5658            ],
  5659            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5660            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5661              "EDGE",
  5662              "GATEWAY"
  5663            ],
  5664            "requirePrivileges": [
  5665              {
  5666                "action": "UPDATE",
  5667                "object": "NETWORK_ALLOCATION"
  5668              }
  5669            ]
  5670          },
  5671          "operationId": "enterprise_update_enterprise_network_allocation",
  5672          "parameters": [
  5673            {
  5674              "name": "body",
  5675              "in": "body",
  5676              "required": true,
  5677              "schema": {
  5678                "type": "object",
  5679                "title": "enterprise_update_enterprise_network_allocation",
  5680                "properties": {
  5681                  "id": {
  5682                    "type": "integer"
  5683                  },
  5684                  "enterpriseId": {
  5685                    "type": "integer"
  5686                  },
  5687                  "_update": {
  5688                    "type": "object",
  5689                    "properties": {
  5690                      "enterpriseId": {
  5691                        "type": "integer"
  5692                      },
  5693                      "name": {
  5694                        "type": "string"
  5695                      },
  5696                      "data": {
  5697                        "type": "object",
  5698                        "properties": {
  5699                          "spaces": {
  5700                            "type": "array",
  5701                            "items": {
  5702                              "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_network_space"
  5703                            }
  5704                          }
  5705                        }
  5706                      }
  5707                    }
  5708                  }
  5709                }
  5710              }
  5711            }
  5712          ],
  5713          "responses": {
  5714            "200": {
  5715              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  5716              "schema": {
  5717                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_update_enterprise_network_allocation_result"
  5718              }
  5719            },
  5720            "400": {
  5721              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5722            },
  5723            "500": {
  5724              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5725            }
  5726          }
  5727        }
  5728      },
  5729      "/enterprise/updateEnterpriseNetworkSegment": {
  5730        "post": {
  5731          "summary": "Update an enterprise network segment",
  5732          "description": "Update an enterprise network segment.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `NETWORK_ALLOCATION`",
  5733          "tags": [
  5734            "enterprise",
  5735            "all"
  5736          ],
  5737          "operationId": "enterprise_update_enterprise_network_segment",
  5738          "x-privileges": {
  5739            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5740            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5741              "ANY"
  5742            ],
  5743            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5744            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5745              "EDGE",
  5746              "GATEWAY"
  5747            ],
  5748            "requirePrivileges": [
  5749              {
  5750                "action": "UPDATE",
  5751                "object": "NETWORK_ALLOCATION"
  5752              }
  5753            ]
  5754          },
  5755          "parameters": [
  5756            {
  5757              "name": "body",
  5758              "in": "body",
  5759              "required": true,
  5760              "schema": {
  5761                "type": "object",
  5762                "title": "enterprise_update_enterprise_network_segment",
  5763                "properties": {
  5764                  "enterpriseId": {
  5765                    "type": "integer"
  5766                  },
  5767                  "id": {
  5768                    "type": "integer"
  5769                  },
  5770                  "_update": {
  5771                    "type": "object",
  5772                    "properties": {
  5773                      "name": {
  5774                        "type": "string"
  5775                      },
  5776                      "description": {
  5777                        "type": "string"
  5778                      },
  5779                      "type": {
  5780                        "type": "string",
  5781                        "enum": [
  5782                          "REGULAR",
  5783                          "CDE"
  5784                        ]
  5785                      },
  5786                      "data": {
  5787                        "$ref": "#/definitions/network_segment_data"
  5788                      }
  5789                    }
  5790                  }
  5791                },
  5792                "required": [
  5793                  "id"
  5794                ]
  5795              }
  5796            }
  5797          ],
  5798          "responses": {
  5799            "200": {
  5800              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  5801              "schema": {
  5802                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_update_enterprise_network_segment_result"
  5803              }
  5804            },
  5805            "400": {
  5806              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5807            },
  5808            "500": {
  5809              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5810            }
  5811          }
  5812        }
  5813      },
  5814      "/enterprise/updateEnterpriseRoute": {
  5815        "post": {
  5816          "summary": "Update preferred VPN exits for a route",
  5817          "description": "Updates the specified enterprise route, set advertisement, and cost values. Required parameters include the original route, as returned by `enterprise/getEnterpriseRouteTable`, and the updated route with modified advertisement and route preference ordering.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`",
  5818          "tags": [
  5819            "all",
  5820            "enterprise"
  5821          ],
  5822          "x-privileges": {
  5823            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  5824            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5825            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5826              "ANY"
  5827            ],
  5828            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5829            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5830              "EDGE",
  5831              "GATEWAY"
  5832            ],
  5833            "requirePrivileges": [
  5834              {
  5835                "action": "UPDATE",
  5836                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE"
  5837              }
  5838            ]
  5839          },
  5840          "operationId": "enterprise_update_enterprise_route",
  5841          "parameters": [
  5842            {
  5843              "name": "body",
  5844              "in": "body",
  5845              "required": true,
  5846              "schema": {
  5847                "type": "object",
  5848                "title": "enterprise_update_enterprise_route",
  5849                "properties": {
  5850                  "enterpriseId": {
  5851                    "type": "integer"
  5852                  },
  5853                  "original": {
  5854                    "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_route_collection"
  5855                  },
  5856                  "updated": {
  5857                    "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_route_collection"
  5858                  }
  5859                }
  5860              }
  5861            }
  5862          ],
  5863          "responses": {
  5864            "200": {
  5865              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  5866              "schema": {
  5867                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_update_enterprise_route_result"
  5868              }
  5869            },
  5870            "400": {
  5871              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  5872            },
  5873            "500": {
  5874              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  5875            }
  5876          }
  5877        }
  5878      },
  5879      "/enterprise/updateEnterpriseRouteConfiguration": {
  5880        "post": {
  5881          "summary": "Update enterprise global routing preferences",
  5882          "description": "Updates the specified enterprise global routing preferences as specified by configuration `id` or logicalId.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`",
  5883          "tags": [
  5884            "all",
  5885            "enterprise"
  5886          ],
  5887          "x-privileges": {
  5888            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  5889            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  5890            "allowAuthTypes": [
  5891              "ANY"
  5892            ],
  5893            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  5894            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  5895              "EDGE",
  5896              "GATEWAY"
  5897            ],
  5898            "requirePrivileges": [
  5899              {
  5900                "action": "UPDATE",
  5901                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE"
  5902              }
  5903            ]
  5904          },
  5905          "operationId": "enterprise_update_enterprise_route_configuration",
  5906          "parameters": [
  5907            {
  5908              "name": "body",
  5909              "in": "body",
  5910              "required": true,
  5911              "schema": {
  5912                "type": "object",
  5913                "title": "enterprise_update_enterprise_route_configuration",
  5914                "required": [
  5915                  "data"
  5916                ],
  5917                "properties": {
  5918                  "enterpriseId": {
  5919                    "type": "integer"
  5920                  },
  5921                  "id": {
  5922                    "type": "integer"
  5923                  },
  5924                  "data": {
  5925                    "type": "object",
  5926                    "required": [
  5927                      "edge",
  5928                      "hub",
  5929                      "partnerGateway",
  5930                      "routingPreference"
  5931                    ],
  5932                    "properties": {
  5933                      "edge": {
  5934                        "type": "object",
  5935                        "required": [
  5936                          "ospf",
  5937                          "bgp",
  5938                          "assigned"
  5939                        ],
  5940                        "properties": {
  5941                          "ospf": {
  5942                            "type": "object",
  5943                            "required": [
  5944                              "advertiseExternal",
  5945                              "advertiseInterArea",
  5946                              "advertiseIntraArea"
  5947                            ],
  5948                            "properties": {
  5949                              "advertiseExternal": {
  5950                                "type": "boolean",
  5951                                "default": false
  5952                              },
  5953                              "advertiseInterArea": {
  5954                                "type": "boolean",
  5955                                "default": true
  5956                              },
  5957                              "advertiseIntraArea": {
  5958                                "type": "boolean",
  5959                                "default": true
  5960                              }
  5961                            }
  5962                          },
  5963                          "bgp": {
  5964                            "type": "object",
  5965                            "required": [
  5966                              "advertiseInternal",
  5967                              "advertiseExternal",
  5968                              "advertiseNeighborTags"
  5969                            ],
  5970                            "properties": {
  5971                              "advertiseInternal": {
  5972                                "type": "boolean",
  5973                                "default": true
  5974                              },
  5975                              "advertiseExternal": {
  5976                                "type": "boolean",
  5977                                "default": false
  5978                              },
  5979                              "advertiseNeighborTags": {
  5980                                "type": "object",
  5981                                "required": [
  5982                                  "UPLINK"
  5983                                ],
  5984                                "properties": {
  5985                                  "UPLINK": {
  5986                                    "type": "boolean"
  5987                                  }
  5988                                }
  5989                              }
  5990                            }
  5991                          },
  5992                          "assigned": {
  5993                            "type": "object",
  5994                            "required": [
  5995                              "advertiseStatic",
  5996                              "advertiseConnected"
  5997                            ],
  5998                            "properties": {
  5999                              "advertiseStatic": {
  6000                                "type": "boolean",
  6001                                "default": true
  6002                              },
  6003                              "advertiseConnected": {
  6004                                "type": "boolean",
  6005                                "default": true
  6006                              }
  6007                            }
  6008                          }
  6009                        }
  6010                      },
  6011                      "hub": {
  6012                        "type": "object",
  6013                        "required": [
  6014                          "ospf",
  6015                          "bgp",
  6016                          "assigned"
  6017                        ],
  6018                        "properties": {
  6019                          "ospf": {
  6020                            "type": "object",
  6021                            "required": [
  6022                              "advertiseExternal",
  6023                              "advertiseInterArea",
  6024                              "advertiseIntraArea"
  6025                            ],
  6026                            "properties": {
  6027                              "advertiseExternal": {
  6028                                "type": "boolean",
  6029                                "default": false
  6030                              },
  6031                              "advertiseInterArea": {
  6032                                "type": "boolean",
  6033                                "default": true
  6034                              },
  6035                              "advertiseIntraArea": {
  6036                                "type": "boolean",
  6037                                "default": true
  6038                              }
  6039                            }
  6040                          },
  6041                          "bgp": {
  6042                            "type": "object",
  6043                            "required": [
  6044                              "advertiseInternal",
  6045                              "advertiseExternal",
  6046                              "advertiseNeighborTags"
  6047                            ],
  6048                            "properties": {
  6049                              "advertiseInternal": {
  6050                                "type": "boolean",
  6051                                "default": true
  6052                              },
  6053                              "advertiseExternal": {
  6054                                "type": "boolean",
  6055                                "default": false
  6056                              },
  6057                              "advertiseNeighborTags": {
  6058                                "type": "object",
  6059                                "required": [
  6060                                  "UPLINK"
  6061                                ],
  6062                                "properties": {
  6063                                  "UPLINK": {
  6064                                    "type": "boolean"
  6065                                  }
  6066                                }
  6067                              }
  6068                            }
  6069                          },
  6070                          "assigned": {
  6071                            "type": "object",
  6072                            "required": [
  6073                              "advertiseStatic",
  6074                              "advertiseConnected"
  6075                            ],
  6076                            "properties": {
  6077                              "advertiseStatic": {
  6078                                "type": "boolean",
  6079                                "default": true
  6080                              },
  6081                              "advertiseConnected": {
  6082                                "type": "boolean",
  6083                                "default": true
  6084                              }
  6085                            }
  6086                          }
  6087                        }
  6088                      },
  6089                      "partnerGateway": {
  6090                        "type": "object",
  6091                        "required": [
  6092                          "bgp",
  6093                          "assigned"
  6094                        ],
  6095                        "properties": {
  6096                          "bgp": {
  6097                            "type": "object",
  6098                            "required": [
  6099                              "advertiseExternal"
  6100                            ],
  6101                            "properties": {
  6102                              "advertiseExternal": {
  6103                                "type": "boolean",
  6104                                "default": true
  6105                              }
  6106                            }
  6107                          },
  6108                          "assigned": {
  6109                            "type": "object",
  6110                            "required": [
  6111                              "advertiseStatic"
  6112                            ],
  6113                            "properties": {
  6114                              "advertiseStatic": {
  6115                                "type": "boolean",
  6116                                "default": true
  6117                              }
  6118                            }
  6119                          }
  6120                        }
  6121                      },
  6122                      "routingPreference": {
  6123                        "type": "array",
  6124                        "items": {
  6125                          "type": "object",
  6126                          "required": [
  6127                            "entity",
  6128                            "allow"
  6129                          ],
  6130                          "properties": {
  6131                            "entity": {
  6132                              "type": "string",
  6133                              "enum": [
  6134                                "EDGE",
  6135                                "HUB",
  6136                                "ROUTER",
  6137                                "PARTNER"
  6138                              ]
  6139                            },
  6140                            "allow": {
  6141                              "type": "boolean"
  6142                            }
  6143                          }
  6144                        }
  6145                      }
  6146                    }
  6147                  }
  6148                }
  6149              }
  6150            }
  6151          ],
  6152          "responses": {
  6153            "200": {
  6154              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  6155              "schema": {
  6156                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_update_enterprise_route_configuration_result"
  6157              }
  6158            },
  6159            "400": {
  6160              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6161            },
  6162            "500": {
  6163              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6164            }
  6165          }
  6166        }
  6167      },
  6168      "/enterprise/updateEnterpriseSecurityPolicy": {
  6169        "post": {
  6170          "summary": "Update enterprise security policy",
  6171          "description": "Updates the security policy for the specified enterprise (by `enterpriseId`) using the passed in `ipsec` settings.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROFILE`",
  6172          "tags": [
  6173            "enterprise",
  6174            "all"
  6175          ],
  6176          "x-privileges": {
  6177            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  6178            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6179            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6180              "ANY"
  6181            ],
  6182            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6183            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6184              "EDGE",
  6185              "GATEWAY"
  6186            ],
  6187            "requirePrivileges": [
  6188              {
  6189                "action": "UPDATE",
  6190                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROFILE"
  6191              }
  6192            ]
  6193          },
  6194          "operationId": "enterprise_update_enterprise_security_policy",
  6195          "parameters": [
  6196            {
  6197              "name": "body",
  6198              "in": "body",
  6199              "required": true,
  6200              "schema": {
  6201                "type": "object",
  6202                "title": "enterprise_update_enterprise_security_policy",
  6203                "properties": {
  6204                  "enterpriseId": {
  6205                    "type": "integer"
  6206                  },
  6207                  "ipsec": {
  6208                    "type": "object",
  6209                    "properties": {
  6210                      "hash": {
  6211                        "type": "string",
  6212                        "enum": [
  6213                          "MD5",
  6214                          "SHA_1",
  6215                          "SHA_256"
  6216                        ]
  6217                      },
  6218                      "encryption": {
  6219                        "type": "string",
  6220                        "enum": [
  6221                          "AES_128_CBC",
  6222                          "AES_256_CBC"
  6223                        ]
  6224                      },
  6225                      "diffieHellmanGroup": {
  6226                        "type": "string",
  6227                        "enum": [
  6228                          "GROUP_2",
  6229                          "GROUP_5",
  6230                          "GROUP_14"
  6231                        ]
  6232                      },
  6233                      "perfectForwardSecrecy": {
  6234                        "type": "string",
  6235                        "enum": [
  6236                          "DISABLED",
  6237                          "GROUP_2",
  6238                          "GROUP_5"
  6239                        ]
  6240                      }
  6241                    }
  6242                  }
  6243                }
  6244              }
  6245            }
  6246          ],
  6247          "responses": {
  6248            "200": {
  6249              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  6250              "schema": {
  6251                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_update_enterprise_security_policy_result"
  6252              }
  6253            },
  6254            "400": {
  6255              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6256            },
  6257            "500": {
  6258              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6259            }
  6260          }
  6261        }
  6262      },
  6263      "/enterprise/updateEnterpriseService": {
  6264        "post": {
  6265          "summary": "Update enterprise network service",
  6266          "description": "Updates the enterprise service for the specified enterprise (by `id` or `enterpriseId`). Expects an `_update` object containing the field(s) to be updated and their corresponding value(s).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `NETWORK_SERVICE`",
  6267          "tags": [
  6268            "all",
  6269            "enterprise"
  6270          ],
  6271          "x-privileges": {
  6272            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6273            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6274              "ANY"
  6275            ],
  6276            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6277            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6278              "EDGE",
  6279              "GATEWAY"
  6280            ],
  6281            "requirePrivileges": [
  6282              {
  6283                "action": "UPDATE",
  6284                "object": "NETWORK_SERVICE"
  6285              }
  6286            ]
  6287          },
  6288          "operationId": "enterprise_update_enterprise_service",
  6289          "parameters": [
  6290            {
  6291              "name": "body",
  6292              "in": "body",
  6293              "required": true,
  6294              "schema": {
  6295                "type": "object",
  6296                "title": "enterprise_update_enterprise_service",
  6297                "properties": {
  6298                  "enterpriseId": {
  6299                    "type": "integer"
  6300                  },
  6301                  "id": {
  6302                    "type": "integer"
  6303                  },
  6304                  "_update": {
  6305                    "type": "object",
  6306                    "properties": {
  6307                      "operatorAlertsEnabled": {
  6308                        "type": "integer"
  6309                      },
  6310                      "alertsEnabled": {
  6311                        "type": "integer"
  6312                      },
  6313                      "data": {
  6314                        "type": "object"
  6315                      },
  6316                      "name": {
  6317                        "type": "string"
  6318                      },
  6319                      "type": {
  6320                        "type": "string"
  6321                      }
  6322                    }
  6323                  }
  6324                },
  6325                "required": [
  6326                  "id",
  6327                  "_update"
  6328                ]
  6329              }
  6330            }
  6331          ],
  6332          "responses": {
  6333            "200": {
  6334              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  6335              "schema": {
  6336                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_update_enterprise_service_result"
  6337              }
  6338            },
  6339            "400": {
  6340              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6341            },
  6342            "500": {
  6343              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6344            }
  6345          }
  6346        }
  6347      },
  6348      "/enterpriseProxy/deleteEnterpriseProxyUser": {
  6349        "post": {
  6350          "tags": [
  6351            "all",
  6352            "userMaintenance"
  6353          ],
  6354          "summary": "Delete partner admin user",
  6355          "description": "Deletes the specified enterprise proxy user (by `id` or `username`). Note: `enterpriseProxyId` is a required parameter when invoking this method as an operator or as a partner user.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `PROXY_USER`",
  6356          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_delete_enterprise_proxy_user",
  6357          "x-privileges": {
  6358            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6359            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6360              "OPERATOR_USER",
  6361              "MSP_USER"
  6362            ],
  6363            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6364            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6365              "EDGE",
  6366              "GATEWAY"
  6367            ],
  6368            "requirePrivileges": [
  6369              {
  6370                "action": "DELETE",
  6371                "object": "PROXY_USER"
  6372              }
  6373            ]
  6374          },
  6375          "parameters": [
  6376            {
  6377              "name": "body",
  6378              "in": "body",
  6379              "required": true,
  6380              "schema": {
  6381                "type": "object",
  6382                "title": "enterprise_proxy_delete_enterprise_proxy_user",
  6383                "properties": {
  6384                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
  6385                    "type": "integer"
  6386                  },
  6387                  "id": {
  6388                    "type": "integer"
  6389                  },
  6390                  "username": {
  6391                    "type": "string"
  6392                  }
  6393                }
  6394              }
  6395            }
  6396          ],
  6397          "responses": {
  6398            "200": {
  6399              "schema": {
  6400                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_delete_enterprise_proxy_user_result"
  6401              },
  6402              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  6403            },
  6404            "400": {
  6405              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6406            },
  6407            "500": {
  6408              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6409            }
  6410          }
  6411        }
  6412      },
  6413      "/enterpriseProxy/getEnterpriseProxyEdgeInventory": {
  6414        "post": {
  6415          "summary": "Get partner enterprises and associated Edge inventory",
  6416          "description": "Gets all partner enterprises and their associated Edge inventory.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`",
  6417          "tags": [
  6418            "all",
  6419            "enterpriseProxy"
  6420          ],
  6421          "x-privileges": {
  6422            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6423            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6424              "OPERATOR_USER",
  6425              "MSP_USER"
  6426            ],
  6427            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6428            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6429              "EDGE",
  6430              "GATEWAY"
  6431            ],
  6432            "requirePrivileges": [
  6433              {
  6434                "action": "READ",
  6435                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  6436              }
  6437            ]
  6438          },
  6439          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_edge_inventory",
  6440          "parameters": [
  6441            {
  6442              "name": "body",
  6443              "in": "body",
  6444              "required": true,
  6445              "schema": {
  6446                "type": "object",
  6447                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_edge_inventory",
  6448                "properties": {
  6449                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
  6450                    "type": "integer"
  6451                  }
  6452                }
  6453              }
  6454            }
  6455          ],
  6456          "responses": {
  6457            "200": {
  6458              "schema": {
  6459                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_edge_inventory_result",
  6460                "type": "array",
  6461                "items": {
  6462                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_edge_inventory_result_item"
  6463                }
  6464              },
  6465              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  6466            },
  6467            "400": {
  6468              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6469            },
  6470            "500": {
  6471              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6472            }
  6473          }
  6474        }
  6475      },
  6476      "/enterpriseProxy/getEnterpriseProxyEnterprises": {
  6477        "post": {
  6478          "summary": "Get partner enterprises",
  6479          "description": "Gets all partner enterprises. Optionally includes all Edges or Edge counts.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`",
  6480          "tags": [
  6481            "all",
  6482            "enterpriseProxy"
  6483          ],
  6484          "x-privileges": {
  6485            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6486            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6487              "OPERATOR_USER",
  6488              "MSP_USER"
  6489            ],
  6490            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6491            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6492              "EDGE",
  6493              "GATEWAY"
  6494            ],
  6495            "requirePrivileges": [
  6496              {
  6497                "action": "READ",
  6498                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  6499              }
  6500            ]
  6501          },
  6502          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_enterprises",
  6503          "parameters": [
  6504            {
  6505              "name": "body",
  6506              "in": "body",
  6507              "required": true,
  6508              "schema": {
  6509                "type": "object",
  6510                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_enterprises",
  6511                "properties": {
  6512                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
  6513                    "type": "integer"
  6514                  },
  6515                  "with": {
  6516                    "type": "array",
  6517                    "items": {
  6518                      "type": "string",
  6519                      "enum": [
  6520                        "edges",
  6521                        "edgeCount"
  6522                      ]
  6523                    }
  6524                  }
  6525                }
  6526              }
  6527            }
  6528          ],
  6529          "responses": {
  6530            "200": {
  6531              "schema": {
  6532                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_enterprises_result",
  6533                "type": "array",
  6534                "items": {
  6535                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_enterprises_result_item"
  6536                }
  6537              },
  6538              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  6539            },
  6540            "400": {
  6541              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6542            },
  6543            "500": {
  6544              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6545            }
  6546          }
  6547        }
  6548      },
  6549      "/enterpriseProxy/getEnterpriseProxyGatewayPools": {
  6550        "post": {
  6551          "summary": "Get gateway pools",
  6552          "tags": [
  6553            "all",
  6554            "enterpriseProxy"
  6555          ],
  6556          "description": "Gets all gateway pools associated with the specified enterprise proxy. Optionally includes all gateways or enterprises belonging to each pool.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `GATEWAY`",
  6557          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_gateway_pools",
  6558          "x-privileges": {
  6559            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6560            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6561              "OPERATOR_USER",
  6562              "MSP_USER"
  6563            ],
  6564            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6565            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6566              "EDGE",
  6567              "GATEWAY"
  6568            ],
  6569            "requirePrivileges": [
  6570              {
  6571                "action": "READ",
  6572                "object": "GATEWAY"
  6573              }
  6574            ]
  6575          },
  6576          "parameters": [
  6577            {
  6578              "name": "body",
  6579              "in": "body",
  6580              "required": true,
  6581              "schema": {
  6582                "type": "object",
  6583                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_gateway_pools",
  6584                "properties": {
  6585                  "id": {
  6586                    "type": "integer"
  6587                  },
  6588                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
  6589                    "type": "integer"
  6590                  },
  6591                  "with": {
  6592                    "type": "array",
  6593                    "items": {
  6594                      "type": "string",
  6595                      "enum": [
  6596                        "gateways",
  6597                        "enterprises"
  6598                      ]
  6599                    }
  6600                  }
  6601                }
  6602              }
  6603            }
  6604          ],
  6605          "responses": {
  6606            "200": {
  6607              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  6608              "schema": {
  6609                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_gateway_pools_result",
  6610                "type": "array",
  6611                "items": {
  6612                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_gateway_pools_result_item"
  6613                }
  6614              }
  6615            },
  6616            "400": {
  6617              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6618            },
  6619            "500": {
  6620              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6621            }
  6622          }
  6623        }
  6624      },
  6625      "/enterpriseProxy/getEnterpriseProxyGateways": {
  6626        "post": {
  6627          "summary": "Get gateways for enterprise proxy",
  6628          "description": "Gets all gateways associated with the specified enterprise proxy.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `GATEWAY`",
  6629          "tags": [
  6630            "enterpriseProxy",
  6631            "all"
  6632          ],
  6633          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_gateways",
  6634          "x-privileges": {
  6635            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6636            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6637              "OPERATOR_USER",
  6638              "MSP_USER"
  6639            ],
  6640            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6641            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6642              "EDGE",
  6643              "GATEWAY"
  6644            ],
  6645            "requirePrivileges": [
  6646              {
  6647                "action": "READ",
  6648                "object": "GATEWAY"
  6649              }
  6650            ]
  6651          },
  6652          "parameters": [
  6653            {
  6654              "name": "body",
  6655              "in": "body",
  6656              "required": true,
  6657              "schema": {
  6658                "type": "object",
  6659                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_gateways",
  6660                "properties": {
  6661                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
  6662                    "type": "integer"
  6663                  },
  6664                  "with": {
  6665                    "type": "array",
  6666                    "items": {
  6667                      "type": "string",
  6668                      "enum": [
  6669                        "site",
  6670                        "roles",
  6671                        "pools",
  6672                        "dataCenters",
  6673                        "certificates",
  6674                        "enterprises",
  6675                        "handOffEdges",
  6676                        "enterpriseAssociations",
  6677                        "enterpriseAssociationCounts"
  6678                      ]
  6679                    }
  6680                  }
  6681                }
  6682              }
  6683            }
  6684          ],
  6685          "responses": {
  6686            "200": {
  6687              "schema": {
  6688                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_gateways_result",
  6689                "type": "array",
  6690                "items": {
  6691                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_gateways_result_item"
  6692                }
  6693              },
  6694              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  6695            },
  6696            "400": {
  6697              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6698            },
  6699            "500": {
  6700              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6701            }
  6702          }
  6703        }
  6704      },
  6705      "/enterpriseProxy/getEnterpriseProxyOperatorProfiles": {
  6706        "post": {
  6707          "summary": "Get partner operator profiles",
  6708          "description": "Gets all operator profiles associated with the specified partner (MSP), as assigned by the operator.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
  6709          "tags": [
  6710            "all",
  6711            "enterpriseProxy"
  6712          ],
  6713          "x-privileges": {
  6714            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6715            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6716              "OPERATOR_USER",
  6717              "MSP_USER"
  6718            ],
  6719            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6720            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6721              "EDGE",
  6722              "GATEWAY"
  6723            ],
  6724            "requirePrivileges": [
  6725              {
  6726                "action": "READ",
  6727                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE"
  6728              }
  6729            ]
  6730          },
  6731          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_operator_profiles",
  6732          "parameters": [
  6733            {
  6734              "name": "body",
  6735              "in": "body",
  6736              "required": true,
  6737              "schema": {
  6738                "type": "object",
  6739                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_operator_profiles",
  6740                "properties": {
  6741                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
  6742                    "type": "integer"
  6743                  },
  6744                  "with": {
  6745                    "type": "array",
  6746                    "items": {
  6747                      "type": "string",
  6748                      "enum": [
  6749                        "edges",
  6750                        "edgeCount",
  6751                        "modules",
  6752                        "enterprises"
  6753                      ]
  6754                    }
  6755                  }
  6756                }
  6757              }
  6758            }
  6759          ],
  6760          "responses": {
  6761            "200": {
  6762              "schema": {
  6763                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_operator_profiles_result",
  6764                "type": "array",
  6765                "items": {
  6766                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_operator_profiles_result_item"
  6767                }
  6768              },
  6769              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  6770            },
  6771            "400": {
  6772              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6773            },
  6774            "500": {
  6775              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6776            }
  6777          }
  6778        }
  6779      },
  6780      "/enterprise/getEnterpriseProxyProperty": {
  6781        "post": {
  6782          "summary": "Get enterprise proxy property",
  6783          "description": "Get a enterprise proxy property by object id or other attribute.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `PROXY`",
  6784          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_property",
  6785          "x-privileges": {
  6786            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6787            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6788              "OPERATOR_USER",
  6789              "MSP_USER"
  6790            ],
  6791            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6792            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6793              "EDGE",
  6794              "GATEWAY"
  6795            ],
  6796            "requirePrivileges": [
  6797              {
  6798                "action": "READ",
  6799                "object": "PROXY"
  6800              }
  6801            ]
  6802          },
  6803          "tags": [
  6804            "enterprise",
  6805            "all"
  6806          ],
  6807          "parameters": [
  6808            {
  6809              "name": "body",
  6810              "in": "body",
  6811              "required": true,
  6812              "schema": {
  6813                "type": "object",
  6814                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_property",
  6815                "properties": {
  6816                  "enterpriseId": {
  6817                    "type": "integer"
  6818                  },
  6819                  "name": {
  6820                    "type": "string"
  6821                  },
  6822                  "id": {
  6823                    "type": "integer"
  6824                  }
  6825                }
  6826              }
  6827            }
  6828          ],
  6829          "responses": {
  6830            "200": {
  6831              "schema": {
  6832                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_property_result"
  6833              },
  6834              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  6835            },
  6836            "400": {
  6837              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6838            },
  6839            "500": {
  6840              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6841            }
  6842          }
  6843        }
  6844      },
  6845      "/enterpriseProxy/getEnterpriseProxyUser": {
  6846        "post": {
  6847          "tags": [
  6848            "all",
  6849            "userMaintenance"
  6850          ],
  6851          "summary": "Get enterprise proxy user",
  6852          "description": "Gets the specified enterprise proxy user (by `id` or `username`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `PROXY_USER`\n\n`READ` `PROXY`",
  6853          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_user",
  6854          "x-privileges": {
  6855            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6856            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6857              "ANY"
  6858            ],
  6859            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6860            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6861              "EDGE",
  6862              "GATEWAY"
  6863            ],
  6864            "allowPrivilegeToSelf": "MSP_USER",
  6865            "requirePrivileges": [
  6866              {
  6867                "action": "READ",
  6868                "object": "PROXY_USER"
  6869              },
  6870              {
  6871                "action": "READ",
  6872                "object": "PROXY"
  6873              }
  6874            ]
  6875          },
  6876          "parameters": [
  6877            {
  6878              "name": "body",
  6879              "in": "body",
  6880              "required": true,
  6881              "schema": {
  6882                "type": "object",
  6883                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_user",
  6884                "properties": {
  6885                  "id": {
  6886                    "type": "integer"
  6887                  },
  6888                  "username": {
  6889                    "type": "string"
  6890                  }
  6891                }
  6892              }
  6893            }
  6894          ],
  6895          "responses": {
  6896            "200": {
  6897              "schema": {
  6898                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_user_result"
  6899              },
  6900              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  6901            },
  6902            "400": {
  6903              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6904            },
  6905            "500": {
  6906              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6907            }
  6908          }
  6909        }
  6910      },
  6911      "/enterpriseProxy/getEnterpriseProxyUsers": {
  6912        "post": {
  6913          "tags": [
  6914            "userMaintenance",
  6915            "all"
  6916          ],
  6917          "summary": "Get enterprise proxy admin users",
  6918          "description": "Gets all proxy admin users for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`\n\n`READ` `PROXY_USER`",
  6919          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_users",
  6920          "x-privileges": {
  6921            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6922            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6923              "OPERATOR_USER",
  6924              "MSP_USER"
  6925            ],
  6926            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6927            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6928              "EDGE",
  6929              "GATEWAY"
  6930            ],
  6931            "requirePrivileges": [
  6932              {
  6933                "action": "READ",
  6934                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  6935              },
  6936              {
  6937                "action": "READ",
  6938                "object": "PROXY_USER"
  6939              }
  6940            ]
  6941          },
  6942          "parameters": [
  6943            {
  6944              "name": "body",
  6945              "in": "body",
  6946              "required": true,
  6947              "schema": {
  6948                "type": "object",
  6949                "title": "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_users",
  6950                "properties": {
  6951                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
  6952                    "type": "integer"
  6953                  },
  6954                  "id": {
  6955                    "type": "integer"
  6956                  }
  6957                }
  6958              }
  6959            }
  6960          ],
  6961          "responses": {
  6962            "200": {
  6963              "schema": {
  6964                "type": "array",
  6965                "items": {
  6966                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_users_result_item"
  6967                }
  6968              },
  6969              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  6970            },
  6971            "400": {
  6972              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  6973            },
  6974            "500": {
  6975              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  6976            }
  6977          }
  6978        }
  6979      },
  6980      "/enterpriseProxy/insertEnterpriseProxyEnterprise": {
  6981        "post": {
  6982          "summary": "Create enterprise owned by MSP",
  6983          "description": "Creates a new enterprise owned by an MSP. Whereas the `insertEnterprise` method creates an enterprise in the global or network context with no MSP association, this method creates one owned by an MSP, as determined by the credentials of the caller.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `ENTERPRISE`",
  6984          "tags": [
  6985            "enterpriseProxy",
  6986            "all"
  6987          ],
  6988          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_insert_enterprise_proxy_enterprise",
  6989          "x-privileges": {
  6990            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  6991            "allowAuthTypes": [
  6992              "OPERATOR_USER",
  6993              "MSP_USER"
  6994            ],
  6995            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  6996            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  6997              "EDGE",
  6998              "GATEWAY"
  6999            ],
  7000            "requirePrivileges": [
  7001              {
  7002                "action": "CREATE",
  7003                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
  7004              }
  7005            ]
  7006          },
  7007          "parameters": [
  7008            {
  7009              "name": "body",
  7010              "in": "body",
  7011              "required": true,
  7012              "schema": {
  7013                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_insert_enterprise_proxy_enterprise"
  7014              }
  7015            }
  7016          ],
  7017          "responses": {
  7018            "200": {
  7019              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  7020              "schema": {
  7021                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_insert_enterprise_proxy_enterprise_result"
  7022              }
  7023            },
  7024            "400": {
  7025              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7026            },
  7027            "500": {
  7028              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7029            }
  7030          }
  7031        }
  7032      },
  7033      "/enterpriseProxy/insertEnterpriseProxyUser": {
  7034        "post": {
  7035          "tags": [
  7036            "all",
  7037            "userMaintenance"
  7038          ],
  7039          "summary": "Create partner admin user",
  7040          "description": "Creates a new partner admin user.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `PROXY_USER`",
  7041          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_insert_enterprise_proxy_user",
  7042          "x-privileges": {
  7043            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7044            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7045              "MSP_USER",
  7046              "OPERATOR_USER"
  7047            ],
  7048            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7049            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7050              "EDGE",
  7051              "GATEWAY"
  7052            ],
  7053            "requirePrivileges": [
  7054              {
  7055                "action": "CREATE",
  7056                "object": "PROXY_USER"
  7057              }
  7058            ]
  7059          },
  7060          "parameters": [
  7061            {
  7062              "name": "body",
  7063              "in": "body",
  7064              "required": true,
  7065              "schema": {
  7066                "$ref": "#/definitions/new_enterprise_proxy_user"
  7067              }
  7068            }
  7069          ],
  7070          "responses": {
  7071            "200": {
  7072              "schema": {
  7073                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_insert_enterprise_proxy_user_result"
  7074              },
  7075              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  7076            },
  7077            "400": {
  7078              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7079            },
  7080            "500": {
  7081              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7082            }
  7083          }
  7084        }
  7085      },
  7086      "/enterpriseProxy/insertOrUpdateEnterpriseProxyProperty": {
  7087        "post": {
  7088          "summary": "Insert or update an enterprise proxy (MSP) property",
  7089          "description": "Insert a enterprise proxy property. If property with the given name already exists, the property will be updated.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `PROXY`",
  7090          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_insert_or_update_enterprise_proxy_property",
  7091          "x-privileges": {
  7092            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7093            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7094              "OPERATOR_USER",
  7095              null
  7096            ],
  7097            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7098            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7099              "EDGE",
  7100              "GATEWAY"
  7101            ],
  7102            "requirePrivileges": [
  7103              {
  7104                "action": "UPDATE",
  7105                "object": "PROXY"
  7106              }
  7107            ]
  7108          },
  7109          "tags": [
  7110            "enterpriseProxy",
  7111            "all"
  7112          ],
  7113          "parameters": [
  7114            {
  7115              "name": "body",
  7116              "in": "body",
  7117              "required": true,
  7118              "schema": {
  7119                "type": "object",
  7120                "title": "enterprise_proxy_insert_or_update_enterprise_proxy_property",
  7121                "properties": {
  7122                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
  7123                    "type": "integer"
  7124                  },
  7125                  "name": {
  7126                    "type": "string"
  7127                  },
  7128                  "value": {
  7129                    "type": "string"
  7130                  },
  7131                  "dataType": {
  7132                    "type": "string",
  7133                    "enum": [
  7134                      "STRING",
  7135                      "NUMBER",
  7136                      "BOOLEAN",
  7137                      "JSON",
  7138                      "DATE",
  7139                      "DATETIME"
  7140                    ]
  7141                  },
  7142                  "isPassword": {
  7143                    "type": "boolean"
  7144                  },
  7145                  "description": {
  7146                    "type": "string"
  7147                  }
  7148                },
  7149                "required": [
  7150                  "enterpriseProxyId",
  7151                  "name",
  7152                  "value"
  7153                ],
  7154                "example": {
  7155                  "enterpriseProxyId": 1532,
  7156                  "name": "vco.enterprise.proxy.authentication.twoFactor.enable",
  7157                  "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
  7158                  "value": "true"
  7159                }
  7160              }
  7161            }
  7162          ],
  7163          "responses": {
  7164            "200": {
  7165              "schema": {
  7166                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_insert_or_update_enterprise_proxy_property_result"
  7167              },
  7168              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  7169            },
  7170            "400": {
  7171              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7172            },
  7173            "500": {
  7174              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7175            }
  7176          }
  7177        }
  7178      },
  7179      "/enterpriseProxy/updateEnterpriseProxyUser": {
  7180        "post": {
  7181          "tags": [
  7182            "all",
  7183            "userMaintenance"
  7184          ],
  7185          "summary": "Update enterprise proxy admin user",
  7186          "description": "Updates the specified enterprise proxy admin user (by object `id` or other identifying attribute). Expects an `_update` object containing the field(s) to be updated and their corresponding value(s).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `PROXY_USER`",
  7187          "operationId": "enterprise_proxy_update_enterprise_proxy_user",
  7188          "x-privileges": {
  7189            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7190            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7191              "OPERATOR_USER",
  7192              "MSP_USER"
  7193            ],
  7194            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7195            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7196              "EDGE",
  7197              "GATEWAY"
  7198            ],
  7199            "allowPrivilegeToSelf": "MSP_USER",
  7200            "requirePrivileges": [
  7201              {
  7202                "action": "UPDATE",
  7203                "object": "PROXY_USER"
  7204              }
  7205            ]
  7206          },
  7207          "parameters": [
  7208            {
  7209              "name": "body",
  7210              "in": "body",
  7211              "required": true,
  7212              "schema": {
  7213                "type": "object",
  7214                "title": "enterprise_proxy_update_enterprise_proxy_user",
  7215                "properties": {
  7216                  "_update": {
  7217                    "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_user_with_role_info"
  7218                  },
  7219                  "id": {
  7220                    "type": "integer"
  7221                  },
  7222                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
  7223                    "type": "integer"
  7224                  },
  7225                  "username": {
  7226                    "type": "string"
  7227                  }
  7228                },
  7229                "required": [
  7230                  "_update"
  7231                ]
  7232              }
  7233            }
  7234          ],
  7235          "responses": {
  7236            "200": {
  7237              "schema": {
  7238                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_update_enterprise_proxy_user_result"
  7239              },
  7240              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  7241            },
  7242            "400": {
  7243              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7244            },
  7245            "500": {
  7246              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7247            }
  7248          }
  7249        }
  7250      },
  7251      "/enterpriseUser/deleteEnterpriseUser": {
  7252        "post": {
  7253          "tags": [
  7254            "all",
  7255            "userMaintenance"
  7256          ],
  7257          "summary": "Delete enterprise user",
  7258          "description": "Deletes the specified enterprise user (by `id` or `username`). Note: `enterpriseId` is a required parameter when invoking this method as an operator or as a partner user.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `ENTERPRISE_USER`",
  7259          "operationId": "enterprise_user_delete_enterprise_user",
  7260          "x-privileges": {
  7261            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7262            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7263              "ANY"
  7264            ],
  7265            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7266            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7267              "EDGE",
  7268              "GATEWAY"
  7269            ],
  7270            "requirePrivileges": [
  7271              {
  7272                "action": "DELETE",
  7273                "object": "ENTERPRISE_USER"
  7274              }
  7275            ]
  7276          },
  7277          "parameters": [
  7278            {
  7279              "name": "body",
  7280              "in": "body",
  7281              "required": true,
  7282              "schema": {
  7283                "type": "object",
  7284                "title": "enterprise_user_delete_enterprise_user",
  7285                "properties": {
  7286                  "id": {
  7287                    "type": "integer"
  7288                  },
  7289                  "enterpriseId": {
  7290                    "type": "integer"
  7291                  },
  7292                  "username": {
  7293                    "type": "string"
  7294                  }
  7295                }
  7296              }
  7297            }
  7298          ],
  7299          "responses": {
  7300            "200": {
  7301              "schema": {
  7302                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_user_delete_enterprise_user_result"
  7303              },
  7304              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  7305            },
  7306            "400": {
  7307              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7308            },
  7309            "500": {
  7310              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7311            }
  7312          }
  7313        }
  7314      },
  7315      "/enterpriseUser/getEnterpriseUser": {
  7316        "post": {
  7317          "tags": [
  7318            "all",
  7319            "userMaintenance"
  7320          ],
  7321          "summary": "Get enterprise user",
  7322          "description": "Gets the specified enterprise user (by `id` or `username`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_USER`",
  7323          "operationId": "enterprise_user_get_enterprise_user",
  7324          "x-privileges": {
  7325            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7326            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7327              "ANY"
  7328            ],
  7329            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7330            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7331              "EDGE",
  7332              "GATEWAY"
  7333            ],
  7334            "allowPrivilegeToSelf": "ENTERPRISE_USER",
  7335            "requirePrivileges": [
  7336              {
  7337                "action": "READ",
  7338                "object": "ENTERPRISE_USER"
  7339              }
  7340            ]
  7341          },
  7342          "parameters": [
  7343            {
  7344              "name": "body",
  7345              "in": "body",
  7346              "required": true,
  7347              "schema": {
  7348                "type": "object",
  7349                "title": "enterprise_user_get_enterprise_user",
  7350                "properties": {
  7351                  "id": {
  7352                    "type": "integer"
  7353                  },
  7354                  "username": {
  7355                    "type": "string"
  7356                  }
  7357                }
  7358              }
  7359            }
  7360          ],
  7361          "responses": {
  7362            "200": {
  7363              "schema": {
  7364                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_user_get_enterprise_user_result"
  7365              },
  7366              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  7367            },
  7368            "400": {
  7369              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7370            },
  7371            "500": {
  7372              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7373            }
  7374          }
  7375        }
  7376      },
  7377      "/enterpriseUser/updateEnterpriseUser": {
  7378        "post": {
  7379          "tags": [
  7380            "all",
  7381            "userMaintenance"
  7382          ],
  7383          "summary": "Update enterprise user",
  7384          "description": "Updates the specified enterprise user (by object `id` or other identifying attribute). Expects an `_update` object containing the field(s) to be updated and their corresponding value(s).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_USER`, or\n\n`UPDATE` `OPERATOR_USER`",
  7385          "operationId": "enterprise_user_update_enterprise_user",
  7386          "x-privileges": {
  7387            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7388            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7389              "ANY"
  7390            ],
  7391            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7392            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7393              "EDGE",
  7394              "GATEWAY"
  7395            ],
  7396            "allowPrivilegeToSelf": "ENTERPRISE_USER",
  7397            "requirePrivileges": [
  7398              {
  7399                "action": "UPDATE",
  7400                "object": "ENTERPRISE_USER",
  7401                "sufficient": true
  7402              },
  7403              {
  7404                "action": "UPDATE",
  7405                "object": "OPERATOR_USER",
  7406                "sufficient": true
  7407              }
  7408            ]
  7409          },
  7410          "parameters": [
  7411            {
  7412              "name": "body",
  7413              "in": "body",
  7414              "required": true,
  7415              "schema": {
  7416                "type": "object",
  7417                "title": "enterprise_user_update_enterprise_user",
  7418                "properties": {
  7419                  "_update": {
  7420                    "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_user_update_enterprise_user"
  7421                  },
  7422                  "id": {
  7423                    "type": "integer"
  7424                  },
  7425                  "enterpriseId": {
  7426                    "type": "integer"
  7427                  },
  7428                  "username": {
  7429                    "type": "string"
  7430                  }
  7431                },
  7432                "required": [
  7433                  "_update"
  7434                ]
  7435              }
  7436            }
  7437          ],
  7438          "responses": {
  7439            "200": {
  7440              "schema": {
  7441                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_user_update_enterprise_user_result"
  7442              },
  7443              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  7444            },
  7445            "400": {
  7446              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7447            },
  7448            "500": {
  7449              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7450            }
  7451          }
  7452        }
  7453      },
  7454      "/event/getEnterpriseEvents": {
  7455        "post": {
  7456          "summary": "Get Edge events",
  7457          "description": "Gets Edge events in an enterprise or Edge context. Returns an array of Edge events sorted by `eventTime`..\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_EVENT`",
  7458          "tags": [
  7459            "event",
  7460            "all"
  7461          ],
  7462          "x-privileges": {
  7463            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7464            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7465              "ANY"
  7466            ],
  7467            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7468            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7469              "EDGE",
  7470              "GATEWAY"
  7471            ],
  7472            "requirePrivileges": [
  7473              {
  7474                "action": "READ",
  7475                "object": "ENTERPRISE_EVENT"
  7476              }
  7477            ]
  7478          },
  7479          "operationId": "event_get_enterprise_events",
  7480          "parameters": [
  7481            {
  7482              "name": "body",
  7483              "in": "body",
  7484              "required": true,
  7485              "schema": {
  7486                "type": "object",
  7487                "title": "event_get_enterprise_events",
  7488                "properties": {
  7489                  "enterpriseId": {
  7490                    "type": "integer"
  7491                  },
  7492                  "interval": {
  7493                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  7494                  },
  7495                  "filter": {
  7496                    "title": "filter",
  7497                    "type": "object",
  7498                    "properties": {
  7499                      "limit": {
  7500                        "type": "integer",
  7501                        "default": 2048
  7502                      },
  7503                      "rules": {
  7504                        "type": "array",
  7505                        "items": {
  7506                          "type": "object",
  7507                          "properties": {
  7508                            "field": {
  7509                              "type": "string",
  7510                              "enum": [
  7511                                "event",
  7512                                "edgeName",
  7513                                "user",
  7514                                "severity",
  7515                                "message",
  7516                                "detail",
  7517                                "segmentName"
  7518                              ]
  7519                            },
  7520                            "op": {
  7521                              "type": "string",
  7522                              "enum": [
  7523                                "is",
  7524                                "is not",
  7525                                "startsWith",
  7526                                "notStartsWith",
  7527                                "endsWith",
  7528                                "notEndsWith",
  7529                                "contains",
  7530                                "notContains"
  7531                              ]
  7532                            },
  7533                            "values": {
  7534                              "type": "array",
  7535                              "items": {
  7536                                "type": "string"
  7537                              }
  7538                            }
  7539                          }
  7540                        }
  7541                      }
  7542                    }
  7543                  },
  7544                  "edgeId": {
  7545                    "type": "array",
  7546                    "items": {
  7547                      "type": "integer"
  7548                    }
  7549                  }
  7550                }
  7551              }
  7552            }
  7553          ],
  7554          "responses": {
  7555            "200": {
  7556              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  7557              "schema": {
  7558                "$ref": "#/definitions/event_get_enterprise_events_result"
  7559              }
  7560            },
  7561            "400": {
  7562              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7563            },
  7564            "500": {
  7565              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7566            }
  7567          }
  7568        }
  7569      },
  7570      "/event/getOperatorEvents": {
  7571        "post": {
  7572          "summary": "Get operator events",
  7573          "description": "Gets operator events by network ID (optional). If not specified, will be taken for the caller's security context. Optionally, use a filter object to limit the number of events returned. Additionally, specify a time interval with an interval object. If no end date is specified, then the default is the current date. Specify a `gatewayId` to filter events for the specified gateway.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `OPERATOR_EVENT`",
  7574          "tags": [
  7575            "event",
  7576            "all"
  7577          ],
  7578          "x-privileges": {
  7579            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7580            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7581              "OPERATOR_USER"
  7582            ],
  7583            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7584            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7585              "EDGE",
  7586              "GATEWAY"
  7587            ],
  7588            "requirePrivileges": [
  7589              {
  7590                "action": "READ",
  7591                "object": "OPERATOR_EVENT"
  7592              }
  7593            ]
  7594          },
  7595          "operationId": "event_get_operator_events",
  7596          "parameters": [
  7597            {
  7598              "name": "body",
  7599              "in": "body",
  7600              "required": true,
  7601              "schema": {
  7602                "type": "object",
  7603                "title": "event_get_operator_events",
  7604                "properties": {
  7605                  "networkId": {
  7606                    "type": "integer"
  7607                  },
  7608                  "interval": {
  7609                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  7610                  },
  7611                  "filter": {
  7612                    "title": "filter",
  7613                    "type": "object",
  7614                    "properties": {
  7615                      "limit": {
  7616                        "type": "integer",
  7617                        "default": 2048
  7618                      },
  7619                      "rules": {
  7620                        "type": "array",
  7621                        "items": {
  7622                          "type": "object",
  7623                          "properties": {
  7624                            "field": {
  7625                              "type": "string",
  7626                              "enum": [
  7627                                "event",
  7628                                "gatewayName",
  7629                                "user",
  7630                                "severity",
  7631                                "message"
  7632                              ]
  7633                            },
  7634                            "op": {
  7635                              "type": "string",
  7636                              "enum": [
  7637                                "is",
  7638                                "is not",
  7639                                "startsWith",
  7640                                "notStartsWith",
  7641                                "endsWith",
  7642                                "notEndsWith",
  7643                                "contains",
  7644                                "notContains"
  7645                              ]
  7646                            },
  7647                            "values": {
  7648                              "type": "array",
  7649                              "items": {
  7650                                "type": "string"
  7651                              }
  7652                            }
  7653                          }
  7654                        }
  7655                      }
  7656                    }
  7657                  },
  7658                  "gatewayId": {
  7659                    "type": "array",
  7660                    "items": {
  7661                      "type": "integer"
  7662                    }
  7663                  }
  7664                }
  7665              }
  7666            }
  7667          ],
  7668          "responses": {
  7669            "200": {
  7670              "schema": {
  7671                "$ref": "#/definitions/event_get_operator_events_result"
  7672              },
  7673              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  7674            },
  7675            "400": {
  7676              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7677            },
  7678            "500": {
  7679              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7680            }
  7681          }
  7682        }
  7683      },
  7684      "/event/getProxyEvents": {
  7685        "post": {
  7686          "summary": "Fetch Partner events",
  7687          "description": "Fetch Partner Events by enterprise ID. Optionally, a filter object to specify search criteria and limit on number of records. A time interval could be specified with an interval object. If no end date is given, it will default to the current date. Enterprise ID can be supplied to filter events to those of a specific enterprises.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `PROXY_EVENT`",
  7688          "tags": [
  7689            "event",
  7690            "all"
  7691          ],
  7692          "x-privileges": {
  7693            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7694            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7695              "MSP_USER",
  7696              "OPERATOR_USER"
  7697            ],
  7698            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7699            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7700              "EDGE",
  7701              "GATEWAY"
  7702            ],
  7703            "requirePrivileges": [
  7704              {
  7705                "action": "READ",
  7706                "object": "PROXY_EVENT"
  7707              }
  7708            ]
  7709          },
  7710          "operationId": "event_get_proxy_events",
  7711          "parameters": [
  7712            {
  7713              "name": "body",
  7714              "in": "body",
  7715              "required": true,
  7716              "schema": {
  7717                "type": "object",
  7718                "title": "event_get_proxy_events",
  7719                "properties": {
  7720                  "interval": {
  7721                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  7722                  },
  7723                  "filter": {
  7724                    "title": "filter",
  7725                    "type": "object",
  7726                    "properties": {
  7727                      "limit": {
  7728                        "type": "integer",
  7729                        "default": 2048
  7730                      },
  7731                      "rules": {
  7732                        "type": "array",
  7733                        "items": {
  7734                          "type": "object",
  7735                          "properties": {
  7736                            "field": {
  7737                              "type": "string",
  7738                              "enum": [
  7739                                "event",
  7740                                "gatewayName",
  7741                                "user",
  7742                                "severity",
  7743                                "message"
  7744                              ]
  7745                            },
  7746                            "op": {
  7747                              "type": "string",
  7748                              "enum": [
  7749                                "is",
  7750                                "is not",
  7751                                "startsWith",
  7752                                "notStartsWith",
  7753                                "endsWith",
  7754                                "notEndsWith",
  7755                                "contains",
  7756                                "notContains"
  7757                              ]
  7758                            },
  7759                            "values": {
  7760                              "type": "array",
  7761                              "items": {
  7762                                "type": "string"
  7763                              }
  7764                            }
  7765                          }
  7766                        }
  7767                      }
  7768                    }
  7769                  },
  7770                  "enterpriseId": {
  7771                    "type": "array",
  7772                    "items": {
  7773                      "type": "integer"
  7774                    }
  7775                  }
  7776                }
  7777              }
  7778            }
  7779          ],
  7780          "responses": {
  7781            "200": {
  7782              "schema": {
  7783                "$ref": "#/definitions/event_get_proxy_events_result"
  7784              },
  7785              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  7786            },
  7787            "400": {
  7788              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7789            },
  7790            "500": {
  7791              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7792            }
  7793          }
  7794        }
  7795      },
  7796      "/firewall/getEnterpriseFirewallLogs": {
  7797        "post": {
  7798          "summary": "Get enterprise firewall logs",
  7799          "description": "Gets firewall logs for the specified enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FIREWALL_LOGS` `undefined`",
  7800          "tags": [
  7801            "firewall",
  7802            "all"
  7803          ],
  7804          "operationId": "firewall_get_enterprise_firewall_logs",
  7805          "x-privileges": {
  7806            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7807            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7808              "ANY"
  7809            ],
  7810            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7811            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7812              "EDGE",
  7813              "GATEWAY"
  7814            ],
  7815            "requirePrivileges": [
  7816              {
  7817                "action": "READ",
  7818                "object": "EDGE"
  7819              },
  7820              {
  7821                "action": "VIEW_FIREWALL_LOGS"
  7822              }
  7823            ]
  7824          },
  7825          "parameters": [
  7826            {
  7827              "name": "body",
  7828              "in": "body",
  7829              "required": true,
  7830              "schema": {
  7831                "title": "firewall_get_enterprise_firewall_logs",
  7832                "type": "object",
  7833                "properties": {
  7834                  "enterpriseId": {
  7835                    "type": "integer"
  7836                  },
  7837                  "interval": {
  7838                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  7839                  },
  7840                  "filter": {
  7841                    "type": "object",
  7842                    "properties": {
  7843                      "limit": {
  7844                        "type": "integer"
  7845                      }
  7846                    }
  7847                  },
  7848                  "rules": {
  7849                    "type": "array",
  7850                    "items": {
  7851                      "type": "string"
  7852                    }
  7853                  },
  7854                  "sourceIps": {
  7855                    "type": "array",
  7856                    "items": {
  7857                      "type": "string"
  7858                    }
  7859                  },
  7860                  "destIps": {
  7861                    "type": "array",
  7862                    "items": {
  7863                      "type": "string"
  7864                    }
  7865                  },
  7866                  "edges": {
  7867                    "type": "array",
  7868                    "items": {
  7869                      "type": "integer"
  7870                    }
  7871                  },
  7872                  "with": {
  7873                    "type": "array",
  7874                    "items": {
  7875                      "type": "string",
  7876                      "enum": [
  7877                        "rules"
  7878                      ]
  7879                    }
  7880                  }
  7881                }
  7882              }
  7883            }
  7884          ],
  7885          "responses": {
  7886            "200": {
  7887              "schema": {
  7888                "$ref": "#/definitions/firewall_get_enterprise_firewall_logs_result"
  7889              },
  7890              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  7891            },
  7892            "400": {
  7893              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7894            },
  7895            "500": {
  7896              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7897            }
  7898          }
  7899        }
  7900      },
  7901      "/gateway/deleteGateway": {
  7902        "post": {
  7903          "summary": "Delete a gateway",
  7904          "description": "Delete a gateway by id.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `GATEWAY`",
  7905          "tags": [
  7906            "gateway",
  7907            "all"
  7908          ],
  7909          "operationId": "gateway_delete_gateway",
  7910          "x-privileges": {
  7911            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7912            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7913              "OPERATOR_USER",
  7914              "MSP_USER"
  7915            ],
  7916            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7917            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7918              "EDGE",
  7919              "GATEWAY"
  7920            ],
  7921            "requirePrivileges": [
  7922              {
  7923                "action": "DELETE",
  7924                "object": "GATEWAY"
  7925              }
  7926            ]
  7927          },
  7928          "parameters": [
  7929            {
  7930              "name": "body",
  7931              "in": "body",
  7932              "required": true,
  7933              "schema": {
  7934                "type": "object",
  7935                "title": "gateway_delete_gateway",
  7936                "properties": {
  7937                  "id": {
  7938                    "type": "integer"
  7939                  }
  7940                },
  7941                "required": [
  7942                  "id"
  7943                ]
  7944              }
  7945            }
  7946          ],
  7947          "responses": {
  7948            "200": {
  7949              "schema": {
  7950                "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_delete_gateway_result"
  7951              },
  7952              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  7953            },
  7954            "400": {
  7955              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  7956            },
  7957            "500": {
  7958              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  7959            }
  7960          }
  7961        }
  7962      },
  7963      "/gateway/gatewayProvision": {
  7964        "post": {
  7965          "summary": "Provision gateway",
  7966          "description": "Provisions a gateway into the specified operator network.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `GATEWAY`",
  7967          "tags": [
  7968            "gateway",
  7969            "all"
  7970          ],
  7971          "operationId": "gateway_gateway_provision",
  7972          "x-privileges": {
  7973            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  7974            "allowAuthTypes": [
  7975              "OPERATOR_USER",
  7976              "MSP_USER"
  7977            ],
  7978            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  7979            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  7980              "EDGE",
  7981              "GATEWAY"
  7982            ],
  7983            "requirePrivileges": [
  7984              {
  7985                "action": "CREATE",
  7986                "object": "GATEWAY"
  7987              }
  7988            ]
  7989          },
  7990          "parameters": [
  7991            {
  7992              "name": "body",
  7993              "in": "body",
  7994              "required": true,
  7995              "schema": {
  7996                "type": "object",
  7997                "title": "gateway_gateway_provision",
  7998                "properties": {
  7999                  "networkId": {
  8000                    "type": "integer"
  8001                  },
  8002                  "ipAddress": {
  8003                    "type": "string"
  8004                  },
  8005                  "gatewayPoolId": {
  8006                    "type": "integer"
  8007                  },
  8008                  "dnsName": {
  8009                    "type": "string"
  8010                  },
  8011                  "name": {
  8012                    "type": "string"
  8013                  },
  8014                  "description": {
  8015                    "type": "string"
  8016                  },
  8017                  "isLoadBalanced": {
  8018                    "type": "boolean"
  8019                  },
  8020                  "privateIpAddress": {
  8021                    "type": "string"
  8022                  },
  8023                  "roles": {
  8024                    "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_roles_object"
  8025                  },
  8026                  "site": {
  8027                    "$ref": "#/definitions/site"
  8028                  }
  8029                },
  8030                "required": [
  8031                  "networkId",
  8032                  "ipAddress"
  8033                ]
  8034              }
  8035            }
  8036          ],
  8037          "responses": {
  8038            "200": {
  8039              "schema": {
  8040                "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_gateway_provision_result"
  8041              },
  8042              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  8043            },
  8044            "400": {
  8045              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8046            },
  8047            "500": {
  8048              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8049            }
  8050          }
  8051        }
  8052      },
  8053      "/gateway/getGatewayEdgeAssignments": {
  8054        "post": {
  8055          "summary": "Get edge assignments for a gateway",
  8056          "tags": [
  8057            "gateway",
  8058            "all"
  8059          ],
  8060          "description": "Get edge assignments for a gateway\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `GATEWAY`",
  8061          "operationId": "gateway_get_gateway_edge_assignments",
  8062          "x-privileges": {
  8063            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8064            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8065              "OPERATOR_USER",
  8066              "MSP_USER"
  8067            ],
  8068            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8069            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8070              "EDGE",
  8071              "GATEWAY"
  8072            ],
  8073            "requirePrivileges": [
  8074              {
  8075                "action": "READ",
  8076                "object": "GATEWAY"
  8077              }
  8078            ]
  8079          },
  8080          "parameters": [
  8081            {
  8082              "name": "body",
  8083              "in": "body",
  8084              "required": true,
  8085              "schema": {
  8086                "type": "object",
  8087                "title": "gateway_get_gateway_edge_assignments",
  8088                "properties": {
  8089                  "gatewayId": {
  8090                    "type": "integer"
  8091                  }
  8092                },
  8093                "required": [
  8094                  "gatewayId"
  8095                ]
  8096              }
  8097            }
  8098          ],
  8099          "responses": {
  8100            "200": {
  8101              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
  8102              "schema": {
  8103                "title": "gateway_get_gateway_edge_assignments_result",
  8104                "type": "array",
  8105                "items": {
  8106                  "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_get_gateway_edge_assignments_result_item"
  8107                }
  8108              }
  8109            },
  8110            "400": {
  8111              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8112            },
  8113            "500": {
  8114              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8115            }
  8116          }
  8117        }
  8118      },
  8119      "/gateway/updateGatewayAttributes": {
  8120        "post": {
  8121          "summary": "Update gateway attributes",
  8122          "description": "Updates gateway attributes (`name`, `ipAddress`, on-premise parametrization, and `description`) and associated site attributes for the specified gateway (by `id`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `GATEWAY`",
  8123          "tags": [
  8124            "gateway",
  8125            "all"
  8126          ],
  8127          "operationId": "gateway_update_gateway_attributes",
  8128          "x-privileges": {
  8129            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8130            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8131              "OPERATOR_USER",
  8132              "MSP_USER"
  8133            ],
  8134            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8135            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8136              "EDGE",
  8137              "GATEWAY"
  8138            ],
  8139            "requirePrivileges": [
  8140              {
  8141                "action": "UPDATE",
  8142                "object": "GATEWAY"
  8143              }
  8144            ]
  8145          },
  8146          "parameters": [
  8147            {
  8148              "name": "body",
  8149              "in": "body",
  8150              "required": true,
  8151              "schema": {
  8152                "type": "object",
  8153                "title": "gateway_update_gateway_attributes",
  8154                "properties": {
  8155                  "id": {
  8156                    "type": "integer"
  8157                  },
  8158                  "name": {
  8159                    "type": "string"
  8160                  },
  8161                  "description": {
  8162                    "type": "string"
  8163                  },
  8164                  "site": {
  8165                    "$ref": "#/definitions/site"
  8166                  },
  8167                  "ipsecGatewayDetail": {
  8168                    "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_handoff_detail"
  8169                  },
  8170                  "handOffDetail": {
  8171                    "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_handoff_detail"
  8172                  },
  8173                  "roles": {
  8174                    "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_roles_object"
  8175                  }
  8176                },
  8177                "required": [
  8178                  "id"
  8179                ]
  8180              }
  8181            }
  8182          ],
  8183          "responses": {
  8184            "200": {
  8185              "schema": {
  8186                "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_update_gateway_attributes_result"
  8187              },
  8188              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  8189            },
  8190            "400": {
  8191              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8192            },
  8193            "500": {
  8194              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8195            }
  8196          }
  8197        }
  8198      },
  8199      "/linkQualityEvent/getLinkQualityEvents": {
  8200        "post": {
  8201          "summary": "Get link quality events",
  8202          "description": "Gets all link quality scores per link for the specified Edge within the specified time interval. Rolls up link quality events to provide an aggregate score for the Edge. Returns an empty array if no link quality events are available in the specified timeframe.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
  8203          "tags": [
  8204            "linkQualityEvent",
  8205            "all"
  8206          ],
  8207          "x-privileges": {
  8208            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8209            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8210              "ANY"
  8211            ],
  8212            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8213            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8214              "EDGE",
  8215              "GATEWAY"
  8216            ],
  8217            "requirePrivileges": [
  8218              {
  8219                "action": "READ",
  8220                "object": "EDGE"
  8221              }
  8222            ]
  8223          },
  8224          "operationId": "link_quality_event_get_link_quality_events",
  8225          "parameters": [
  8226            {
  8227              "name": "body",
  8228              "in": "body",
  8229              "required": true,
  8230              "schema": {
  8231                "type": "object",
  8232                "title": "link_quality_event_get_link_quality_events",
  8233                "properties": {
  8234                  "edgeId": {
  8235                    "type": "integer"
  8236                  },
  8237                  "interval": {
  8238                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  8239                  },
  8240                  "maxSamples": {
  8241                    "type": "integer"
  8242                  },
  8243                  "individualScores": {
  8244                    "type": "boolean"
  8245                  },
  8246                  "minutesPerSample": {
  8247                    "type": "integer"
  8248                  },
  8249                  "debug": {
  8250                    "type": "boolean"
  8251                  }
  8252                },
  8253                "required": [
  8254                  "edgeId",
  8255                  "interval"
  8256                ]
  8257              }
  8258            }
  8259          ],
  8260          "responses": {
  8261            "200": {
  8262              "schema": {
  8263                "$ref": "#/definitions/link_quality_event_get_link_quality_events_result"
  8264              },
  8265              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  8266            },
  8267            "400": {
  8268              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8269            },
  8270            "500": {
  8271              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8272            }
  8273          }
  8274        }
  8275      },
  8276      "/metrics/getEdgeAppLinkMetrics": {
  8277        "post": {
  8278          "summary": "Get flow metric aggregate data",
  8279          "description": "Gets flow metric summaries for the specified time interval by link. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a link on the specified Edge. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  8280          "tags": [
  8281            "all",
  8282            "metrics"
  8283          ],
  8284          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_app_link_metrics",
  8285          "x-privileges": {
  8286            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8287            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8288              "ANY"
  8289            ],
  8290            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8291            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8292              "EDGE",
  8293              "GATEWAY"
  8294            ],
  8295            "requirePrivileges": [
  8296              {
  8297                "action": "READ",
  8298                "object": "EDGE"
  8299              },
  8300              {
  8301                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  8302              }
  8303            ]
  8304          },
  8305          "parameters": [
  8306            {
  8307              "name": "body",
  8308              "in": "body",
  8309              "required": true,
  8310              "schema": {
  8311                "type": "object",
  8312                "title": "metrics_get_edge_app_link_metrics",
  8313                "properties": {
  8314                  "id": {
  8315                    "type": "integer"
  8316                  },
  8317                  "enterpriseId": {
  8318                    "type": "integer"
  8319                  },
  8320                  "interval": {
  8321                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  8322                  },
  8323                  "metrics": {
  8324                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  8325                  }
  8326                },
  8327                "required": [
  8328                  "id",
  8329                  "interval"
  8330                ]
  8331              }
  8332            }
  8333          ],
  8334          "responses": {
  8335            "200": {
  8336              "schema": {
  8337                "title": "metrics_get_edge_app_link_metrics_result",
  8338                "type": "array",
  8339                "items": {
  8340                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_app_link_metrics_result_item"
  8341                }
  8342              },
  8343              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  8344            },
  8345            "400": {
  8346              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8347            },
  8348            "500": {
  8349              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8350            }
  8351          }
  8352        }
  8353      },
  8354      "/metrics/getEdgeAppLinkSeries": {
  8355        "post": {
  8356          "summary": "Get flow metric time series data",
  8357          "description": "Gets flow metric time series data for the specified time interval by link. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a link on the specified Edge. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  8358          "tags": [
  8359            "all",
  8360            "metrics"
  8361          ],
  8362          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_app_link_series",
  8363          "x-privileges": {
  8364            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8365            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8366              "ANY"
  8367            ],
  8368            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8369            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8370              "EDGE",
  8371              "GATEWAY"
  8372            ],
  8373            "requirePrivileges": [
  8374              {
  8375                "action": "READ",
  8376                "object": "EDGE"
  8377              },
  8378              {
  8379                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  8380              }
  8381            ]
  8382          },
  8383          "parameters": [
  8384            {
  8385              "name": "body",
  8386              "in": "body",
  8387              "required": true,
  8388              "schema": {
  8389                "type": "object",
  8390                "title": "metrics_get_edge_app_link_series",
  8391                "properties": {
  8392                  "id": {
  8393                    "type": "integer"
  8394                  },
  8395                  "enterpriseId": {
  8396                    "type": "integer"
  8397                  },
  8398                  "interval": {
  8399                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  8400                  },
  8401                  "metrics": {
  8402                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  8403                  },
  8404                  "links": {
  8405                    "type": "array",
  8406                    "items": {
  8407                      "type": "integer"
  8408                    }
  8409                  }
  8410                },
  8411                "required": [
  8412                  "id",
  8413                  "interval"
  8414                ]
  8415              }
  8416            }
  8417          ],
  8418          "responses": {
  8419            "200": {
  8420              "schema": {
  8421                "title": "metrics_get_edge_app_link_series_result",
  8422                "type": "array",
  8423                "items": {
  8424                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_app_link_series_result_item"
  8425                }
  8426              },
  8427              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  8428            },
  8429            "400": {
  8430              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8431            },
  8432            "500": {
  8433              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8434            }
  8435          }
  8436        }
  8437      },
  8438      "/metrics/getEdgeAppMetrics": {
  8439        "post": {
  8440          "summary": "Get flow metric aggregate data by application",
  8441          "description": "Gets flow metric summaries for the specified time interval by application. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a single application. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  8442          "tags": [
  8443            "all",
  8444            "metrics"
  8445          ],
  8446          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_app_metrics",
  8447          "x-privileges": {
  8448            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  8449            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8450            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8451              "ANY"
  8452            ],
  8453            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8454            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8455              "EDGE",
  8456              "GATEWAY"
  8457            ],
  8458            "requirePrivileges": [
  8459              {
  8460                "action": "READ",
  8461                "object": "EDGE"
  8462              },
  8463              {
  8464                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  8465              }
  8466            ]
  8467          },
  8468          "parameters": [
  8469            {
  8470              "name": "body",
  8471              "in": "body",
  8472              "required": true,
  8473              "schema": {
  8474                "type": "object",
  8475                "title": "metrics_get_edge_app_metrics",
  8476                "properties": {
  8477                  "id": {
  8478                    "type": "integer"
  8479                  },
  8480                  "edgeId": {
  8481                    "type": "integer"
  8482                  },
  8483                  "enterpriseId": {
  8484                    "type": "integer"
  8485                  },
  8486                  "interval": {
  8487                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  8488                  },
  8489                  "metrics": {
  8490                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  8491                  },
  8492                  "sort": {
  8493                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  8494                  },
  8495                  "limit": {
  8496                    "type": "integer"
  8497                  },
  8498                  "applications": {
  8499                    "type": "array",
  8500                    "items": {
  8501                      "type": "string"
  8502                    }
  8503                  },
  8504                  "with": {
  8505                    "type": "array",
  8506                    "items": {
  8507                      "type": "string",
  8508                      "enum": [
  8509                        "category",
  8510                        "linkId"
  8511                      ]
  8512                    }
  8513                  }
  8514                },
  8515                "required": [
  8516                  "interval"
  8517                ]
  8518              }
  8519            }
  8520          ],
  8521          "responses": {
  8522            "200": {
  8523              "schema": {
  8524                "title": "metrics_get_edge_app_metrics_result",
  8525                "type": "array",
  8526                "items": {
  8527                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_app_metrics_result_item"
  8528                }
  8529              },
  8530              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  8531            },
  8532            "400": {
  8533              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8534            },
  8535            "500": {
  8536              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8537            }
  8538          }
  8539        }
  8540      },
  8541      "/metrics/getEdgeAppSeries": {
  8542        "post": {
  8543          "summary": "Get flow metric time series data by application",
  8544          "description": "Gets flow metric time series data for the specified time interval by application. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a single application. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  8545          "tags": [
  8546            "all",
  8547            "metrics"
  8548          ],
  8549          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_app_series",
  8550          "x-privileges": {
  8551            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  8552            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8553            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8554              "ANY"
  8555            ],
  8556            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8557            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8558              "EDGE",
  8559              "GATEWAY"
  8560            ],
  8561            "requirePrivileges": [
  8562              {
  8563                "action": "READ",
  8564                "object": "EDGE"
  8565              },
  8566              {
  8567                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  8568              }
  8569            ]
  8570          },
  8571          "parameters": [
  8572            {
  8573              "name": "body",
  8574              "in": "body",
  8575              "required": true,
  8576              "schema": {
  8577                "type": "object",
  8578                "title": "metrics_get_edge_app_series",
  8579                "properties": {
  8580                  "id": {
  8581                    "type": "integer"
  8582                  },
  8583                  "edgeId": {
  8584                    "type": "integer"
  8585                  },
  8586                  "enterpriseId": {
  8587                    "type": "integer"
  8588                  },
  8589                  "interval": {
  8590                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  8591                  },
  8592                  "metrics": {
  8593                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  8594                  },
  8595                  "sort": {
  8596                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  8597                  },
  8598                  "limit": {
  8599                    "type": "integer"
  8600                  },
  8601                  "maxSamples": {
  8602                    "type": "integer"
  8603                  },
  8604                  "applications": {
  8605                    "type": "array",
  8606                    "items": {
  8607                      "type": "string"
  8608                    }
  8609                  }
  8610                },
  8611                "required": [
  8612                  "interval"
  8613                ]
  8614              }
  8615            }
  8616          ],
  8617          "responses": {
  8618            "200": {
  8619              "schema": {
  8620                "title": "metrics_get_edge_app_series_result",
  8621                "type": "array",
  8622                "items": {
  8623                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_app_series_result_item"
  8624                }
  8625              },
  8626              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  8627            },
  8628            "400": {
  8629              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8630            },
  8631            "500": {
  8632              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8633            }
  8634          }
  8635        }
  8636      },
  8637      "/metrics/getEdgeCategoryMetrics": {
  8638        "post": {
  8639          "summary": "Get flow metric aggregate data by application category",
  8640          "description": "Gets flow metric summaries for the specified time interval by application category. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a category of application traffic that has traversed the specified Edge. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  8641          "tags": [
  8642            "all",
  8643            "metrics"
  8644          ],
  8645          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_category_metrics",
  8646          "x-privileges": {
  8647            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  8648            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8649            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8650              "ANY"
  8651            ],
  8652            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8653            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8654              "EDGE",
  8655              "GATEWAY"
  8656            ],
  8657            "requirePrivileges": [
  8658              {
  8659                "action": "READ",
  8660                "object": "EDGE"
  8661              },
  8662              {
  8663                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  8664              }
  8665            ]
  8666          },
  8667          "parameters": [
  8668            {
  8669              "name": "body",
  8670              "in": "body",
  8671              "required": true,
  8672              "schema": {
  8673                "type": "object",
  8674                "title": "metrics_get_edge_category_metrics",
  8675                "properties": {
  8676                  "id": {
  8677                    "type": "integer"
  8678                  },
  8679                  "edgeId": {
  8680                    "type": "integer"
  8681                  },
  8682                  "enterpriseId": {
  8683                    "type": "integer"
  8684                  },
  8685                  "interval": {
  8686                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  8687                  },
  8688                  "metrics": {
  8689                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  8690                  },
  8691                  "sort": {
  8692                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  8693                  },
  8694                  "limit": {
  8695                    "type": "integer"
  8696                  },
  8697                  "categories": {
  8698                    "type": "array",
  8699                    "items": {
  8700                      "type": "integer"
  8701                    }
  8702                  }
  8703                },
  8704                "required": [
  8705                  "interval"
  8706                ]
  8707              }
  8708            }
  8709          ],
  8710          "responses": {
  8711            "200": {
  8712              "schema": {
  8713                "title": "metrics_get_edge_category_metrics_result",
  8714                "type": "array",
  8715                "items": {
  8716                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_category_metrics_result_item"
  8717                }
  8718              },
  8719              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  8720            },
  8721            "400": {
  8722              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8723            },
  8724            "500": {
  8725              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8726            }
  8727          }
  8728        }
  8729      },
  8730      "/metrics/getEdgeCategorySeries": {
  8731        "post": {
  8732          "summary": "Get flow metric time series data by application category",
  8733          "description": "Gets flow metric time series data for the specified time interval by application category. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a category of application traffic that has traversed the specified Edge. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  8734          "tags": [
  8735            "all",
  8736            "metrics"
  8737          ],
  8738          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_category_series",
  8739          "x-privileges": {
  8740            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  8741            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8742            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8743              "ANY"
  8744            ],
  8745            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8746            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8747              "EDGE",
  8748              "GATEWAY"
  8749            ],
  8750            "requirePrivileges": [
  8751              {
  8752                "action": "READ",
  8753                "object": "EDGE"
  8754              },
  8755              {
  8756                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  8757              }
  8758            ]
  8759          },
  8760          "parameters": [
  8761            {
  8762              "name": "body",
  8763              "in": "body",
  8764              "required": true,
  8765              "schema": {
  8766                "type": "object",
  8767                "title": "metrics_get_edge_category_series",
  8768                "properties": {
  8769                  "id": {
  8770                    "type": "integer"
  8771                  },
  8772                  "edgeId": {
  8773                    "type": "integer"
  8774                  },
  8775                  "enterpriseId": {
  8776                    "type": "integer"
  8777                  },
  8778                  "interval": {
  8779                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  8780                  },
  8781                  "metrics": {
  8782                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  8783                  },
  8784                  "sort": {
  8785                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  8786                  },
  8787                  "limit": {
  8788                    "type": "integer"
  8789                  },
  8790                  "maxSamples": {
  8791                    "type": "integer"
  8792                  },
  8793                  "categories": {
  8794                    "type": "array",
  8795                    "items": {
  8796                      "type": "string"
  8797                    }
  8798                  }
  8799                },
  8800                "required": [
  8801                  "interval"
  8802                ]
  8803              }
  8804            }
  8805          ],
  8806          "responses": {
  8807            "200": {
  8808              "schema": {
  8809                "title": "metrics_get_edge_category_series_result",
  8810                "type": "array",
  8811                "items": {
  8812                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_category_series_result_item"
  8813                }
  8814              },
  8815              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  8816            },
  8817            "400": {
  8818              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8819            },
  8820            "500": {
  8821              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8822            }
  8823          }
  8824        }
  8825      },
  8826      "/metrics/getEdgeDestMetrics": {
  8827        "post": {
  8828          "summary": "Get flow metric aggregate data by destination",
  8829          "description": "Gets flow metric summaries for the specified time interval by destination. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a distinct traffic destination. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  8830          "tags": [
  8831            "all",
  8832            "metrics"
  8833          ],
  8834          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_dest_metrics",
  8835          "x-privileges": {
  8836            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  8837            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8838            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8839              "ANY"
  8840            ],
  8841            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8842            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8843              "EDGE",
  8844              "GATEWAY"
  8845            ],
  8846            "requirePrivileges": [
  8847              {
  8848                "action": "READ",
  8849                "object": "EDGE"
  8850              },
  8851              {
  8852                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  8853              }
  8854            ]
  8855          },
  8856          "parameters": [
  8857            {
  8858              "name": "body",
  8859              "in": "body",
  8860              "required": true,
  8861              "schema": {
  8862                "type": "object",
  8863                "title": "metrics_get_edge_dest_metrics",
  8864                "properties": {
  8865                  "id": {
  8866                    "type": "integer"
  8867                  },
  8868                  "edgeId": {
  8869                    "type": "integer"
  8870                  },
  8871                  "enterpriseId": {
  8872                    "type": "integer"
  8873                  },
  8874                  "interval": {
  8875                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  8876                  },
  8877                  "metrics": {
  8878                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  8879                  },
  8880                  "sort": {
  8881                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  8882                  },
  8883                  "limit": {
  8884                    "type": "integer"
  8885                  },
  8886                  "attribute": {
  8887                    "type": "string",
  8888                    "enum": [
  8889                      "destDomain",
  8890                      "destIp",
  8891                      "destFQDN"
  8892                    ]
  8893                  },
  8894                  "destinations": {
  8895                    "type": "array",
  8896                    "items": {
  8897                      "type": "string"
  8898                    }
  8899                  }
  8900                },
  8901                "required": [
  8902                  "interval"
  8903                ]
  8904              }
  8905            }
  8906          ],
  8907          "responses": {
  8908            "200": {
  8909              "schema": {
  8910                "title": "metrics_get_edge_dest_metrics_result",
  8911                "type": "array",
  8912                "items": {
  8913                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_dest_metrics_result_item"
  8914                }
  8915              },
  8916              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  8917            },
  8918            "400": {
  8919              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  8920            },
  8921            "500": {
  8922              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  8923            }
  8924          }
  8925        }
  8926      },
  8927      "/metrics/getEdgeDestSeries": {
  8928        "post": {
  8929          "summary": "Get flow metric time series data by destination",
  8930          "description": "Gets flow metric time series data for the specified time interval by destination. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a distinct traffic destination. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  8931          "tags": [
  8932            "all",
  8933            "metrics"
  8934          ],
  8935          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_dest_series",
  8936          "x-privileges": {
  8937            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  8938            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  8939            "allowAuthTypes": [
  8940              "ANY"
  8941            ],
  8942            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  8943            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  8944              "EDGE",
  8945              "GATEWAY"
  8946            ],
  8947            "requirePrivileges": [
  8948              {
  8949                "action": "READ",
  8950                "object": "EDGE"
  8951              },
  8952              {
  8953                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  8954              }
  8955            ]
  8956          },
  8957          "parameters": [
  8958            {
  8959              "name": "body",
  8960              "in": "body",
  8961              "required": true,
  8962              "schema": {
  8963                "type": "object",
  8964                "title": "metrics_get_edge_dest_series",
  8965                "properties": {
  8966                  "id": {
  8967                    "type": "integer"
  8968                  },
  8969                  "edgeId": {
  8970                    "type": "integer"
  8971                  },
  8972                  "enterpriseId": {
  8973                    "type": "integer"
  8974                  },
  8975                  "interval": {
  8976                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  8977                  },
  8978                  "sort": {
  8979                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  8980                  },
  8981                  "limit": {
  8982                    "type": "integer"
  8983                  },
  8984                  "attribute": {
  8985                    "type": "string",
  8986                    "enum": [
  8987                      "destDomain",
  8988                      "destIp",
  8989                      "destFQDN"
  8990                    ]
  8991                  },
  8992                  "destinations": {
  8993                    "type": "array",
  8994                    "items": {
  8995                      "type": "string"
  8996                    }
  8997                  }
  8998                },
  8999                "required": [
  9000                  "interval"
  9001                ]
  9002              }
  9003            }
  9004          ],
  9005          "responses": {
  9006            "200": {
  9007              "schema": {
  9008                "title": "metrics_get_edge_dest_series_result",
  9009                "type": "array",
  9010                "items": {
  9011                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_dest_series_result_item"
  9012                }
  9013              },
  9014              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9015            },
  9016            "400": {
  9017              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9018            },
  9019            "500": {
  9020              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9021            }
  9022          }
  9023        }
  9024      },
  9025      "/metrics/getEdgeDeviceMetrics": {
  9026        "post": {
  9027          "summary": "Get flow metric aggregate data by client device",
  9028          "description": "Gets flow metric summaries for the specified time interval by client device. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a distinct device. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_USER_IDENTIFIABLE_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  9029          "tags": [
  9030            "all",
  9031            "metrics"
  9032          ],
  9033          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_device_metrics",
  9034          "x-privileges": {
  9035            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  9036            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9037            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9038              "ANY"
  9039            ],
  9040            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9041            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9042              "EDGE",
  9043              "GATEWAY"
  9044            ],
  9045            "requirePrivileges": [
  9046              {
  9047                "action": "READ",
  9048                "object": "EDGE"
  9049              },
  9050              {
  9051                "action": "VIEW_USER_IDENTIFIABLE_FLOW_STATS"
  9052              }
  9053            ]
  9054          },
  9055          "parameters": [
  9056            {
  9057              "name": "body",
  9058              "in": "body",
  9059              "required": true,
  9060              "schema": {
  9061                "type": "object",
  9062                "title": "metrics_get_edge_device_metrics",
  9063                "properties": {
  9064                  "id": {
  9065                    "type": "integer"
  9066                  },
  9067                  "edgeId": {
  9068                    "type": "integer"
  9069                  },
  9070                  "enterpriseId": {
  9071                    "type": "integer"
  9072                  },
  9073                  "interval": {
  9074                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9075                  },
  9076                  "metrics": {
  9077                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  9078                  },
  9079                  "sort": {
  9080                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  9081                  },
  9082                  "limit": {
  9083                    "type": "integer"
  9084                  },
  9085                  "devices": {
  9086                    "type": "array",
  9087                    "items": {
  9088                      "type": "integer"
  9089                    }
  9090                  }
  9091                },
  9092                "required": [
  9093                  "interval"
  9094                ]
  9095              }
  9096            }
  9097          ],
  9098          "responses": {
  9099            "200": {
  9100              "schema": {
  9101                "title": "metrics_get_edge_device_metrics_result",
  9102                "type": "array",
  9103                "items": {
  9104                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_device_metrics_result_item"
  9105                }
  9106              },
  9107              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9108            },
  9109            "400": {
  9110              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9111            },
  9112            "500": {
  9113              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9114            }
  9115          }
  9116        }
  9117      },
  9118      "/metrics/getEdgeDeviceSeries": {
  9119        "post": {
  9120          "summary": "Get flow metric time series data by client device",
  9121          "description": "Gets flow metric time series data for the specified time interval by client device. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a distinct device. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_USER_IDENTIFIABLE_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  9122          "tags": [
  9123            "all",
  9124            "metrics"
  9125          ],
  9126          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_device_series",
  9127          "x-privileges": {
  9128            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  9129            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9130            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9131              "ANY"
  9132            ],
  9133            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9134            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9135              "EDGE",
  9136              "GATEWAY"
  9137            ],
  9138            "requirePrivileges": [
  9139              {
  9140                "action": "READ",
  9141                "object": "EDGE"
  9142              },
  9143              {
  9144                "action": "VIEW_USER_IDENTIFIABLE_FLOW_STATS"
  9145              }
  9146            ]
  9147          },
  9148          "parameters": [
  9149            {
  9150              "name": "body",
  9151              "in": "body",
  9152              "required": true,
  9153              "schema": {
  9154                "type": "object",
  9155                "title": "metrics_get_edge_device_series",
  9156                "properties": {
  9157                  "id": {
  9158                    "type": "integer"
  9159                  },
  9160                  "edgeId": {
  9161                    "type": "integer"
  9162                  },
  9163                  "enterpriseId": {
  9164                    "type": "integer"
  9165                  },
  9166                  "interval": {
  9167                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9168                  },
  9169                  "metrics": {
  9170                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  9171                  },
  9172                  "sort": {
  9173                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  9174                  },
  9175                  "limit": {
  9176                    "type": "integer"
  9177                  },
  9178                  "maxSamples": {
  9179                    "type": "integer"
  9180                  },
  9181                  "devices": {
  9182                    "type": "array",
  9183                    "items": {
  9184                      "type": "string"
  9185                    }
  9186                  }
  9187                },
  9188                "required": [
  9189                  "interval"
  9190                ]
  9191              }
  9192            }
  9193          ],
  9194          "responses": {
  9195            "200": {
  9196              "schema": {
  9197                "title": "metrics_get_edge_device_series_result",
  9198                "type": "array",
  9199                "items": {
  9200                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_device_series_result_item"
  9201                }
  9202              },
  9203              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9204            },
  9205            "400": {
  9206              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9207            },
  9208            "500": {
  9209              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9210            }
  9211          }
  9212        }
  9213      },
  9214      "/metrics/getEdgeLinkMetrics": {
  9215        "post": {
  9216          "summary": "Get advanced flow metric aggregate data by link",
  9217          "description": "Gets advanced flow metric summaries for the specified time interval by link. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a link on the specified Edge. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
  9218          "tags": [
  9219            "all",
  9220            "metrics"
  9221          ],
  9222          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_link_metrics",
  9223          "x-privileges": {
  9224            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  9225            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9226            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9227              "ANY"
  9228            ],
  9229            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9230            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9231              "EDGE",
  9232              "GATEWAY"
  9233            ],
  9234            "requirePrivileges": [
  9235              {
  9236                "action": "READ",
  9237                "object": "EDGE"
  9238              }
  9239            ]
  9240          },
  9241          "parameters": [
  9242            {
  9243              "name": "body",
  9244              "in": "body",
  9245              "required": true,
  9246              "schema": {
  9247                "type": "object",
  9248                "title": "metrics_get_edge_link_metrics",
  9249                "properties": {
  9250                  "id": {
  9251                    "type": "integer"
  9252                  },
  9253                  "edgeId": {
  9254                    "type": "integer"
  9255                  },
  9256                  "enterpriseId": {
  9257                    "type": "integer"
  9258                  },
  9259                  "interval": {
  9260                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9261                  },
  9262                  "metrics": {
  9263                    "type": "array",
  9264                    "items": {
  9265                      "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_link_metric"
  9266                    }
  9267                  },
  9268                  "sort": {
  9269                    "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_link_metric"
  9270                  },
  9271                  "limit": {
  9272                    "type": "integer"
  9273                  },
  9274                  "links": {
  9275                    "type": "array",
  9276                    "items": {
  9277                      "type": "integer"
  9278                    }
  9279                  }
  9280                },
  9281                "required": [
  9282                  "interval"
  9283                ]
  9284              }
  9285            }
  9286          ],
  9287          "responses": {
  9288            "200": {
  9289              "schema": {
  9290                "title": "metrics_get_edge_link_metrics_result",
  9291                "type": "array",
  9292                "items": {
  9293                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_link_metrics_result_item"
  9294                }
  9295              },
  9296              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9297            },
  9298            "400": {
  9299              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9300            },
  9301            "500": {
  9302              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9303            }
  9304          }
  9305        }
  9306      },
  9307      "/metrics/getEdgeLinkSeries": {
  9308        "post": {
  9309          "summary": "Get advanced flow metric time series data by link",
  9310          "description": "Gets advanced flow metric time series data for the specified time interval by link. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a link on the specified Edge. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
  9311          "tags": [
  9312            "all",
  9313            "metrics"
  9314          ],
  9315          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_link_series",
  9316          "x-privileges": {
  9317            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  9318            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9319            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9320              "ANY"
  9321            ],
  9322            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9323            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9324              "EDGE",
  9325              "GATEWAY"
  9326            ],
  9327            "requirePrivileges": [
  9328              {
  9329                "action": "READ",
  9330                "object": "EDGE"
  9331              }
  9332            ]
  9333          },
  9334          "parameters": [
  9335            {
  9336              "name": "body",
  9337              "in": "body",
  9338              "required": true,
  9339              "schema": {
  9340                "type": "object",
  9341                "title": "metrics_get_edge_link_series",
  9342                "properties": {
  9343                  "id": {
  9344                    "type": "integer"
  9345                  },
  9346                  "edgeId": {
  9347                    "type": "integer"
  9348                  },
  9349                  "enterpriseId": {
  9350                    "type": "integer"
  9351                  },
  9352                  "interval": {
  9353                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9354                  },
  9355                  "metrics": {
  9356                    "type": "array",
  9357                    "items": {
  9358                      "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_link_metric"
  9359                    }
  9360                  },
  9361                  "sort": {
  9362                    "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_link_metric"
  9363                  },
  9364                  "limit": {
  9365                    "type": "integer"
  9366                  },
  9367                  "links": {
  9368                    "type": "array",
  9369                    "items": {
  9370                      "type": "integer"
  9371                    }
  9372                  }
  9373                },
  9374                "required": [
  9375                  "interval"
  9376                ]
  9377              }
  9378            }
  9379          ],
  9380          "responses": {
  9381            "200": {
  9382              "schema": {
  9383                "title": "metrics_get_edge_link_series_result",
  9384                "type": "array",
  9385                "items": {
  9386                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_link_series_result_item"
  9387                }
  9388              },
  9389              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9390            },
  9391            "400": {
  9392              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9393            },
  9394            "500": {
  9395              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9396            }
  9397          }
  9398        }
  9399      },
  9400      "/metrics/getEdgeOsMetrics": {
  9401        "post": {
  9402          "summary": "Get flow metric aggregate data by client OS",
  9403          "description": "Gets flow metric summaries for the specified time interval by client OS. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a distinct OS on a client device. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  9404          "tags": [
  9405            "all",
  9406            "metrics"
  9407          ],
  9408          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_os_metrics",
  9409          "x-privileges": {
  9410            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  9411            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9412            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9413              "ANY"
  9414            ],
  9415            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9416            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9417              "EDGE",
  9418              "GATEWAY"
  9419            ],
  9420            "requirePrivileges": [
  9421              {
  9422                "action": "READ",
  9423                "object": "EDGE"
  9424              },
  9425              {
  9426                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  9427              }
  9428            ]
  9429          },
  9430          "parameters": [
  9431            {
  9432              "name": "body",
  9433              "in": "body",
  9434              "required": true,
  9435              "schema": {
  9436                "type": "object",
  9437                "title": "metrics_get_edge_os_metrics",
  9438                "properties": {
  9439                  "id": {
  9440                    "type": "integer"
  9441                  },
  9442                  "edgeId": {
  9443                    "type": "integer"
  9444                  },
  9445                  "enterpriseId": {
  9446                    "type": "integer"
  9447                  },
  9448                  "interval": {
  9449                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9450                  },
  9451                  "metrics": {
  9452                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  9453                  },
  9454                  "sort": {
  9455                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  9456                  },
  9457                  "limit": {
  9458                    "type": "integer"
  9459                  },
  9460                  "os": {
  9461                    "type": "array",
  9462                    "items": {
  9463                      "type": "integer"
  9464                    }
  9465                  }
  9466                },
  9467                "required": [
  9468                  "interval"
  9469                ]
  9470              }
  9471            }
  9472          ],
  9473          "responses": {
  9474            "200": {
  9475              "schema": {
  9476                "title": "metrics_get_edge_os_metrics_result",
  9477                "type": "array",
  9478                "items": {
  9479                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_os_metrics_result_item"
  9480                }
  9481              },
  9482              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9483            },
  9484            "400": {
  9485              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9486            },
  9487            "500": {
  9488              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9489            }
  9490          }
  9491        }
  9492      },
  9493      "/metrics/getEdgeOsSeries": {
  9494        "post": {
  9495          "summary": "Get flow metric time series data by client OS",
  9496          "description": "Gets flow metric time series data for the specified time interval by client OS. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a distinct OS on a client device. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  9497          "tags": [
  9498            "all",
  9499            "metrics"
  9500          ],
  9501          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_os_series",
  9502          "x-privileges": {
  9503            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  9504            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9505            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9506              "ANY"
  9507            ],
  9508            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9509            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9510              "EDGE",
  9511              "GATEWAY"
  9512            ],
  9513            "requirePrivileges": [
  9514              {
  9515                "action": "READ",
  9516                "object": "EDGE"
  9517              },
  9518              {
  9519                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  9520              }
  9521            ]
  9522          },
  9523          "parameters": [
  9524            {
  9525              "name": "body",
  9526              "in": "body",
  9527              "required": true,
  9528              "schema": {
  9529                "type": "object",
  9530                "title": "metrics_get_edge_os_series",
  9531                "properties": {
  9532                  "id": {
  9533                    "type": "integer"
  9534                  },
  9535                  "edgeId": {
  9536                    "type": "integer"
  9537                  },
  9538                  "enterpriseId": {
  9539                    "type": "integer"
  9540                  },
  9541                  "interval": {
  9542                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9543                  },
  9544                  "metrics": {
  9545                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  9546                  },
  9547                  "maxSamples": {
  9548                    "type": "integer"
  9549                  },
  9550                  "sort": {
  9551                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  9552                  },
  9553                  "limit": {
  9554                    "type": "integer"
  9555                  },
  9556                  "os": {
  9557                    "type": "array",
  9558                    "items": {
  9559                      "type": "integer"
  9560                    }
  9561                  }
  9562                },
  9563                "required": [
  9564                  "interval"
  9565                ]
  9566              }
  9567            }
  9568          ],
  9569          "responses": {
  9570            "200": {
  9571              "schema": {
  9572                "title": "metrics_get_edge_os_series_result",
  9573                "type": "array",
  9574                "items": {
  9575                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_os_series_result_item"
  9576                }
  9577              },
  9578              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9579            },
  9580            "400": {
  9581              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9582            },
  9583            "500": {
  9584              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9585            }
  9586          }
  9587        }
  9588      },
  9589      "/metrics/getEdgeSegmentMetrics": {
  9590        "post": {
  9591          "summary": "Get flow metric aggregate data by segment Id",
  9592          "description": "Gets flow metric summaries for the specified time interval by segment id. On success, this method returns an array of flow data where each entry corresponds to a segment id traffic that has traversed the specified Edge. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  9593          "tags": [
  9594            "all",
  9595            "metrics"
  9596          ],
  9597          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_segment_metrics",
  9598          "x-privileges": {
  9599            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  9600            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9601            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9602              "ANY"
  9603            ],
  9604            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9605            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9606              "EDGE",
  9607              "GATEWAY"
  9608            ],
  9609            "requirePrivileges": [
  9610              {
  9611                "action": "READ",
  9612                "object": "EDGE"
  9613              },
  9614              {
  9615                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  9616              }
  9617            ]
  9618          },
  9619          "parameters": [
  9620            {
  9621              "name": "body",
  9622              "in": "body",
  9623              "required": true,
  9624              "schema": {
  9625                "type": "object",
  9626                "title": "metrics_get_edge_segment_metrics",
  9627                "properties": {
  9628                  "id": {
  9629                    "type": "integer"
  9630                  },
  9631                  "edgeId": {
  9632                    "type": "integer"
  9633                  },
  9634                  "enterpriseId": {
  9635                    "type": "integer"
  9636                  },
  9637                  "interval": {
  9638                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9639                  },
  9640                  "metrics": {
  9641                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  9642                  },
  9643                  "sort": {
  9644                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  9645                  },
  9646                  "limit": {
  9647                    "type": "integer"
  9648                  },
  9649                  "segments": {
  9650                    "type": "array",
  9651                    "items": {
  9652                      "type": "integer"
  9653                    }
  9654                  }
  9655                },
  9656                "required": [
  9657                  "interval"
  9658                ]
  9659              }
  9660            }
  9661          ],
  9662          "responses": {
  9663            "200": {
  9664              "schema": {
  9665                "title": "metrics_get_edge_segment_metrics_result",
  9666                "type": "array",
  9667                "items": {
  9668                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_segment_metrics_result_item"
  9669                }
  9670              },
  9671              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9672            },
  9673            "400": {
  9674              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9675            },
  9676            "500": {
  9677              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9678            }
  9679          }
  9680        }
  9681      },
  9682      "/metrics/getEdgeSegmentSeries": {
  9683        "post": {
  9684          "summary": "Get flow metric time series data by segment id",
  9685          "description": "Gets flow metric time series data for the specified time interval by segment id. On success, this method returns an array of flow data in which each entry corresponds to a segment id of traffic that has traversed the specified Edge. In the request body, the `id` and `edgeId` property names are interchangeable. The `enterpriseId` property is required when this method is invoked in the operator context.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`\n\n`VIEW_FLOW_STATS` `undefined`",
  9686          "tags": [
  9687            "all",
  9688            "metrics"
  9689          ],
  9690          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_segment_series",
  9691          "x-privileges": {
  9692            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  9693            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9694            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9695              "ANY"
  9696            ],
  9697            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9698            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9699              "EDGE",
  9700              "GATEWAY"
  9701            ],
  9702            "requirePrivileges": [
  9703              {
  9704                "action": "READ",
  9705                "object": "EDGE"
  9706              },
  9707              {
  9708                "action": "VIEW_FLOW_STATS"
  9709              }
  9710            ]
  9711          },
  9712          "parameters": [
  9713            {
  9714              "name": "body",
  9715              "in": "body",
  9716              "required": true,
  9717              "schema": {
  9718                "type": "object",
  9719                "title": "metrics_get_edge_segment_series",
  9720                "properties": {
  9721                  "id": {
  9722                    "type": "integer"
  9723                  },
  9724                  "edgeId": {
  9725                    "type": "integer"
  9726                  },
  9727                  "enterpriseId": {
  9728                    "type": "integer"
  9729                  },
  9730                  "interval": {
  9731                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9732                  },
  9733                  "metrics": {
  9734                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metrics"
  9735                  },
  9736                  "sort": {
  9737                    "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric"
  9738                  },
  9739                  "limit": {
  9740                    "type": "integer"
  9741                  },
  9742                  "maxSamples": {
  9743                    "type": "integer"
  9744                  },
  9745                  "segments": {
  9746                    "type": "array",
  9747                    "items": {
  9748                      "type": "string"
  9749                    }
  9750                  }
  9751                },
  9752                "required": [
  9753                  "interval"
  9754                ]
  9755              }
  9756            }
  9757          ],
  9758          "responses": {
  9759            "200": {
  9760              "schema": {
  9761                "title": "metrics_get_edge_segment_series_result",
  9762                "type": "array",
  9763                "items": {
  9764                  "$ref": "#/definitions/metrics_get_edge_segment_series_result_item"
  9765                }
  9766              },
  9767              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9768            },
  9769            "400": {
  9770              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9771            },
  9772            "500": {
  9773              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9774            }
  9775          }
  9776        }
  9777      },
  9778      "/metrics/getEdgeStatusMetrics": {
  9779        "post": {
  9780          "summary": "Get Edge healthStats metrics for an interval",
  9781          "description": "Fetch healthStats metric summaries for the given edge, time interval and list of metrics. On success, this method returns anhealthsStats object with min, max and average values of requested metrics\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
  9782          "tags": [
  9783            "all",
  9784            "metrics"
  9785          ],
  9786          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_status_metrics",
  9787          "x-privileges": {
  9788            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  9789            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9790            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9791              "ANY"
  9792            ],
  9793            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9794            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9795              "EDGE",
  9796              "GATEWAY"
  9797            ],
  9798            "requirePrivileges": [
  9799              {
  9800                "action": "READ",
  9801                "object": "EDGE"
  9802              }
  9803            ]
  9804          },
  9805          "parameters": [
  9806            {
  9807              "name": "body",
  9808              "in": "body",
  9809              "required": true,
  9810              "schema": {
  9811                "type": "object",
  9812                "title": "metrics_get_edge_status_metrics",
  9813                "properties": {
  9814                  "edgeId": {
  9815                    "type": "integer"
  9816                  },
  9817                  "interval": {
  9818                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9819                  },
  9820                  "metrics": {
  9821                    "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_metrics"
  9822                  }
  9823                },
  9824                "required": [
  9825                  "edgeId"
  9826                ]
  9827              }
  9828            }
  9829          ],
  9830          "responses": {
  9831            "200": {
  9832              "schema": {
  9833                "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_status_metrics_summary"
  9834              },
  9835              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9836            },
  9837            "400": {
  9838              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9839            },
  9840            "500": {
  9841              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9842            }
  9843          }
  9844        }
  9845      },
  9846      "/metrics/getEdgeStatusSeries": {
  9847        "post": {
  9848          "summary": "Get Edge healthStats time series for an interval ",
  9849          "description": "Fetch healthStats time series for the given edge, time interval and list of metrics. On success, this method returns anarray of healthsStats series of requested metrics\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
  9850          "tags": [
  9851            "all",
  9852            "metrics"
  9853          ],
  9854          "operationId": "metrics_get_edge_status_series",
  9855          "x-privileges": {
  9856            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
  9857            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9858            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9859              "ANY"
  9860            ],
  9861            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9862            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9863              "EDGE",
  9864              "GATEWAY"
  9865            ],
  9866            "requirePrivileges": [
  9867              {
  9868                "action": "READ",
  9869                "object": "EDGE"
  9870              }
  9871            ]
  9872          },
  9873          "parameters": [
  9874            {
  9875              "name": "body",
  9876              "in": "body",
  9877              "required": true,
  9878              "schema": {
  9879                "type": "object",
  9880                "title": "metrics_get_edge_status_series",
  9881                "properties": {
  9882                  "edgeId": {
  9883                    "type": "integer"
  9884                  },
  9885                  "interval": {
  9886                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9887                  },
  9888                  "metrics": {
  9889                    "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_metrics"
  9890                  }
  9891                },
  9892                "required": [
  9893                  "edgeId"
  9894                ]
  9895              }
  9896            }
  9897          ],
  9898          "responses": {
  9899            "200": {
  9900              "schema": {
  9901                "$ref": "#/definitions/get_edge_status_metrics_time_series_result"
  9902              },
  9903              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9904            },
  9905            "400": {
  9906              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9907            },
  9908            "500": {
  9909              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9910            }
  9911          }
  9912        }
  9913      },
  9914      "/metrics/getGatewayStatusMetrics": {
  9915        "post": {
  9916          "summary": "Get Gateway health metric summaries for an interval",
  9917          "description": "Fetch health metric summaries given a target gateway, time interval and list of metrics. On success, this method returns an object containing min, max and average values of requested metrics\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `GATEWAY`",
  9918          "tags": [
  9919            "all",
  9920            "metrics"
  9921          ],
  9922          "operationId": "metrics_get_gateway_status_metrics",
  9923          "x-privileges": {
  9924            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9925            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9926              "OPERATOR_USER",
  9927              "MSP_USER"
  9928            ],
  9929            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9930            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9931              "EDGE",
  9932              "GATEWAY"
  9933            ],
  9934            "requirePrivileges": [
  9935              {
  9936                "action": "READ",
  9937                "object": "GATEWAY"
  9938              }
  9939            ]
  9940          },
  9941          "parameters": [
  9942            {
  9943              "name": "body",
  9944              "in": "body",
  9945              "required": true,
  9946              "schema": {
  9947                "type": "object",
  9948                "title": "metrics_get_gateway_status_metrics",
  9949                "properties": {
  9950                  "gatewayId": {
  9951                    "type": "integer"
  9952                  },
  9953                  "interval": {
  9954                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
  9955                  },
  9956                  "metrics": {
  9957                    "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_metrics"
  9958                  }
  9959                },
  9960                "required": [
  9961                  "gatewayId"
  9962                ]
  9963              }
  9964            }
  9965          ],
  9966          "responses": {
  9967            "200": {
  9968              "schema": {
  9969                "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_status_metrics_summary"
  9970              },
  9971              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
  9972            },
  9973            "400": {
  9974              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
  9975            },
  9976            "500": {
  9977              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
  9978            }
  9979          }
  9980        }
  9981      },
  9982      "/metrics/getGatewayStatusSeries": {
  9983        "post": {
  9984          "summary": "Get Gateway health metric time series for an interval",
  9985          "description": "Fetch health metric time series given a target gateway, time interval and list of metrics. On success, this method returns an array of time series, one per metric.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `GATEWAY`",
  9986          "tags": [
  9987            "all",
  9988            "metrics"
  9989          ],
  9990          "operationId": "metrics_get_gateway_status_series",
  9991          "x-privileges": {
  9992            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
  9993            "allowAuthTypes": [
  9994              "OPERATOR_USER",
  9995              "MSP_USER"
  9996            ],
  9997            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
  9998            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
  9999              "EDGE",
 10000              "GATEWAY"
 10001            ],
 10002            "requirePrivileges": [
 10003              {
 10004                "action": "READ",
 10005                "object": "GATEWAY"
 10006              }
 10007            ]
 10008          },
 10009          "parameters": [
 10010            {
 10011              "name": "body",
 10012              "in": "body",
 10013              "required": true,
 10014              "schema": {
 10015                "type": "object",
 10016                "title": "metrics_get_gateway_status_series",
 10017                "properties": {
 10018                  "gatewayId": {
 10019                    "type": "integer"
 10020                  },
 10021                  "interval": {
 10022                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
 10023                  },
 10024                  "metrics": {
 10025                    "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_metrics"
 10026                  }
 10027                },
 10028                "required": [
 10029                  "gatewayId"
 10030                ]
 10031              }
 10032            }
 10033          ],
 10034          "responses": {
 10035            "200": {
 10036              "schema": {
 10037                "$ref": "#/definitions/get_gateway_status_metrics_time_series_result"
 10038              },
 10039              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10040            },
 10041            "400": {
 10042              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10043            },
 10044            "500": {
 10045              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10046            }
 10047          }
 10048        }
 10049      },
 10050      "/monitoring/getAggregateEdgeLinkMetrics": {
 10051        "post": {
 10052          "summary": "Get aggregate Edge link metrics across enterprises",
 10053          "tags": [
 10054            "all",
 10055            "monitoring"
 10056          ],
 10057          "description": "Gets aggregate link metrics for the request interval for all active links across all enterprises, where a link is considered to be active if an Edge has reported any activity for it in the last 24 hours. On success, returns an array of network utilization metrics, one per link.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
 10058          "operationId": "monitoring_get_aggregate_edge_link_metrics",
 10059          "x-privileges": {
 10060            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10061            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10062              "OPERATOR_USER",
 10063              "MSP_USER",
 10064              "ENTERPRISE_USER"
 10065            ],
 10066            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10067            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10068              "EDGE",
 10069              "GATEWAY"
 10070            ],
 10071            "requirePrivileges": [
 10072              {
 10073                "action": "READ",
 10074                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
 10075              },
 10076              {
 10077                "action": "READ",
 10078                "object": "EDGE"
 10079              }
 10080            ]
 10081          },
 10082          "parameters": [
 10083            {
 10084              "name": "body",
 10085              "in": "body",
 10086              "required": true,
 10087              "schema": {
 10088                "type": "object",
 10089                "title": "monitoring_get_aggregate_edge_link_metrics",
 10090                "properties": {
 10091                  "enterprises": {
 10092                    "type": "array",
 10093                    "items": {
 10094                      "type": "integer"
 10095                    }
 10096                  },
 10097                  "metrics": {
 10098                    "type": "array",
 10099                    "items": {
 10100                      "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_link_metric"
 10101                    }
 10102                  },
 10103                  "interval": {
 10104                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
 10105                  }
 10106                }
 10107              }
 10108            }
 10109          ],
 10110          "responses": {
 10111            "200": {
 10112              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
 10113              "schema": {
 10114                "title": "monitoring_get_aggregate_edge_link_metrics_result",
 10115                "type": "array",
 10116                "items": {
 10117                  "$ref": "#/definitions/monitoring_get_aggregate_edge_link_metrics_result_item"
 10118                }
 10119              }
 10120            },
 10121            "400": {
 10122              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10123            },
 10124            "500": {
 10125              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10126            }
 10127          }
 10128        }
 10129      },
 10130      "/monitoring/getAggregateEnterpriseEvents": {
 10131        "post": {
 10132          "summary": "Get events across all enterprises",
 10133          "tags": [
 10134            "all",
 10135            "monitoring"
 10136          ],
 10137          "description": "Gets events across all enterprises in a paginated list. When called in the MSP/Partner context, queries only enterprises managed by the MSP.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
 10138          "x-privileges": {
 10139            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10140            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10141              "OPERATOR_USER",
 10142              "MSP_USER"
 10143            ],
 10144            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10145            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10146              "EDGE",
 10147              "GATEWAY"
 10148            ],
 10149            "requirePrivileges": [
 10150              {
 10151                "action": "READ",
 10152                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
 10153              },
 10154              {
 10155                "action": "READ",
 10156                "object": "EDGE"
 10157              }
 10158            ]
 10159          },
 10160          "operationId": "monitoring_get_aggregate_enterprise_events",
 10161          "parameters": [
 10162            {
 10163              "name": "body",
 10164              "in": "body",
 10165              "required": true,
 10166              "schema": {
 10167                "type": "object",
 10168                "title": "monitoring_get_aggregate_enterprise_events",
 10169                "properties": {
 10170                  "detail": {
 10171                    "type": "boolean"
 10172                  },
 10173                  "interval": {
 10174                    "$ref": "#/definitions/interval"
 10175                  },
 10176                  "filter": {
 10177                    "type": "object",
 10178                    "required": [
 10179                      "limit"
 10180                    ],
 10181                    "properties": {
 10182                      "limit": {
 10183                        "type": "integer",
 10184                        "default": 2048
 10185                      }
 10186                    }
 10187                  }
 10188                }
 10189              }
 10190            }
 10191          ],
 10192          "responses": {
 10193            "200": {
 10194              "schema": {
 10195                "$ref": "#/definitions/monitoring_get_aggregate_enterprise_events_result"
 10196              },
 10197              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10198            },
 10199            "400": {
 10200              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10201            },
 10202            "500": {
 10203              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10204            }
 10205          }
 10206        }
 10207      },
 10208      "/monitoring/getAggregates": {
 10209        "post": {
 10210          "summary": "Get aggregate enterprise and Edge information",
 10211          "description": "Gets a comprehensive listing of all enterprises and Edges on a network. Returns an object containing an aggregate `edgeCount`, a list (`enterprises`) containing enterprise objects, and a map (`edges`) that provides Edge counts per enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
 10212          "tags": [
 10213            "all",
 10214            "monitoring"
 10215          ],
 10216          "operationId": "monitoring_get_aggregates",
 10217          "x-privileges": {
 10218            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10219            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10220              "OPERATOR_USER",
 10221              "MSP_USER"
 10222            ],
 10223            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10224            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10225              "EDGE",
 10226              "GATEWAY"
 10227            ],
 10228            "requirePrivileges": [
 10229              {
 10230                "action": "READ",
 10231                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
 10232              },
 10233              {
 10234                "action": "READ",
 10235                "object": "EDGE"
 10236              }
 10237            ]
 10238          },
 10239          "parameters": [
 10240            {
 10241              "name": "body",
 10242              "in": "body",
 10243              "required": true,
 10244              "schema": {
 10245                "type": "object",
 10246                "title": "monitoring_get_aggregates",
 10247                "properties": {
 10248                  "enterpriseId": {
 10249                    "type": "integer"
 10250                  },
 10251                  "id": {
 10252                    "type": "integer"
 10253                  }
 10254                }
 10255              }
 10256            }
 10257          ],
 10258          "responses": {
 10259            "200": {
 10260              "schema": {
 10261                "$ref": "#/definitions/monitoring_get_aggregates_result"
 10262              },
 10263              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10264            },
 10265            "400": {
 10266              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10267            },
 10268            "500": {
 10269              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10270            }
 10271          }
 10272        }
 10273      },
 10274      "/monitoring/getEnterpriseBgpPeerStatus": {
 10275        "post": {
 10276          "summary": "Get gateway BGP peer status for all enterprise gateways",
 10277          "tags": [
 10278            "all",
 10279            "monitoring"
 10280          ],
 10281          "description": "Gets the gateway BGP peer status for all enterprise gateways. Returns an array in which each entry corresponds to a gateway and contains an associated set of BGP peers with state records.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `NETWORK_SERVICE`",
 10282          "operationId": "monitoring_get_enterprise_bgp_peer_status",
 10283          "x-privileges": {
 10284            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10285            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10286              "ANY"
 10287            ],
 10288            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10289            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10290              "EDGE",
 10291              "GATEWAY"
 10292            ],
 10293            "requirePrivileges": [
 10294              {
 10295                "action": "READ",
 10296                "object": "NETWORK_SERVICE"
 10297              }
 10298            ]
 10299          },
 10300          "parameters": [
 10301            {
 10302              "name": "body",
 10303              "in": "body",
 10304              "required": true,
 10305              "schema": {
 10306                "type": "object",
 10307                "properties": {
 10308                  "enterpriseId": {
 10309                    "type": "integer"
 10310                  }
 10311                }
 10312              }
 10313            }
 10314          ],
 10315          "responses": {
 10316            "200": {
 10317              "schema": {
 10318                "title": "monitoring_get_enterprise_bgp_peer_status_result",
 10319                "type": "array",
 10320                "items": {
 10321                  "$ref": "#/definitions/monitoring_get_enterprise_bgp_peer_status_result_item"
 10322                }
 10323              },
 10324              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10325            },
 10326            "400": {
 10327              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10328            },
 10329            "500": {
 10330              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10331            }
 10332          }
 10333        }
 10334      },
 10335      "/monitoring/getEnterpriseEdgeBgpPeerStatus": {
 10336        "post": {
 10337          "summary": "Get Edge BGP peer status for all enterprise Edges",
 10338          "tags": [
 10339            "all",
 10340            "monitoring"
 10341          ],
 10342          "description": "Gets the Edge BGP peer status for all enterprise Edges. Returns an array in which each entry corresponds to an Edge and contains an associated set of BGP peers and state records.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
 10343          "operationId": "monitoring_get_enterprise_edge_bgp_peer_status",
 10344          "x-privileges": {
 10345            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10346            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10347              "ANY"
 10348            ],
 10349            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10350            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10351              "EDGE",
 10352              "EDGE"
 10353            ],
 10354            "requirePrivileges": [
 10355              {
 10356                "action": "READ",
 10357                "object": "EDGE"
 10358              }
 10359            ]
 10360          },
 10361          "parameters": [
 10362            {
 10363              "name": "body",
 10364              "in": "body",
 10365              "required": true,
 10366              "schema": {
 10367                "type": "object",
 10368                "properties": {
 10369                  "enterpriseId": {
 10370                    "type": "integer"
 10371                  }
 10372                }
 10373              }
 10374            }
 10375          ],
 10376          "responses": {
 10377            "200": {
 10378              "schema": {
 10379                "title": "monitoring_get_enterprise_edge_bgp_peer_status_result",
 10380                "type": "array",
 10381                "items": {
 10382                  "$ref": "#/definitions/monitoring_get_enterprise_edge_bgp_peer_status_result_item"
 10383                }
 10384              },
 10385              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10386            },
 10387            "400": {
 10388              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10389            },
 10390            "500": {
 10391              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10392            }
 10393          }
 10394        }
 10395      },
 10396      "/monitoring/getEnterpriseEdgeClusterStatus": {
 10397        "post": {
 10398          "summary": "Get Edge Cluster status",
 10399          "description": "Get edge`s utilization data by clusters\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
 10400          "tags": [
 10401            "all",
 10402            "monitoring"
 10403          ],
 10404          "operationId": "monitoring_get_enterprise_edge_cluster_status",
 10405          "x-privileges": {
 10406            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10407            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10408              "OPERATOR_USER",
 10409              "MSP_USER",
 10410              "ENTERPRISE_USER"
 10411            ],
 10412            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10413            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10414              "EDGE",
 10415              "GATEWAY"
 10416            ],
 10417            "requirePrivileges": [
 10418              {
 10419                "action": "READ",
 10420                "object": "EDGE"
 10421              }
 10422            ]
 10423          },
 10424          "parameters": [
 10425            {
 10426              "name": "body",
 10427              "in": "body",
 10428              "required": true,
 10429              "schema": {
 10430                "type": "object",
 10431                "title": "monitoring_get_enterprise_edge_cluster_status",
 10432                "properties": {
 10433                  "enterpriseId": {
 10434                    "type": "integer"
 10435                  },
 10436                  "metrics": {
 10437                    "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_metrics"
 10438                  }
 10439                },
 10440                "required": [
 10441                  "enterpriseId"
 10442                ]
 10443              }
 10444            }
 10445          ],
 10446          "responses": {
 10447            "200": {
 10448              "schema": {
 10449                "type": "array",
 10450                "items": {
 10451                  "type": "object",
 10452                  "properties": {
 10453                    "edgeId": {
 10454                      "type": "integer"
 10455                    },
 10456                    "edgeName": {
 10457                      "type": "string"
 10458                    },
 10459                    "tunnelCount": {
 10460                      "type": "integer"
 10461                    },
 10462                    "memoryPct": {
 10463                      "type": "number"
 10464                    },
 10465                    "flowCount": {
 10466                      "type": "number"
 10467                    },
 10468                    "cpuPct": {
 10469                      "type": "number"
 10470                    },
 10471                    "handoffQueueDrops": {
 10472                      "type": "integer"
 10473                    }
 10474                  }
 10475                }
 10476              },
 10477              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10478            },
 10479            "400": {
 10480              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10481            },
 10482            "500": {
 10483              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10484            }
 10485          }
 10486        }
 10487      },
 10488      "/monitoring/getEnterpriseEdgeLinkStatus": {
 10489        "post": {
 10490          "summary": "Get Edge and link status data",
 10491          "tags": [
 10492            "all",
 10493            "monitoring"
 10494          ],
 10495          "description": "Gets the current Edge and Edge-link status for all enterprises. edges.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
 10496          "operationId": "monitoring_get_enterprise_edge_link_status",
 10497          "x-privileges": {
 10498            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10499            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10500              "OPERATOR_USER",
 10501              "MSP_USER"
 10502            ],
 10503            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10504            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10505              "EDGE",
 10506              "GATEWAY"
 10507            ],
 10508            "requirePrivileges": [
 10509              {
 10510                "action": "READ",
 10511                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
 10512              },
 10513              {
 10514                "action": "READ",
 10515                "object": "EDGE"
 10516              }
 10517            ]
 10518          },
 10519          "parameters": [
 10520            {
 10521              "name": "body",
 10522              "in": "body",
 10523              "required": true,
 10524              "schema": {
 10525                "type": "object",
 10526                "properties": {
 10527                  "enterprises": {
 10528                    "type": "array",
 10529                    "items": {
 10530                      "type": "integer"
 10531                    }
 10532                  },
 10533                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
 10534                    "type": "integer"
 10535                  },
 10536                  "networkId": {
 10537                    "type": "integer"
 10538                  },
 10539                  "links": {
 10540                    "type": "boolean",
 10541                    "default": true
 10542                  }
 10543                }
 10544              }
 10545            }
 10546          ],
 10547          "responses": {
 10548            "200": {
 10549              "schema": {
 10550                "type": "array",
 10551                "items": {
 10552                  "$ref": "#/definitions/monitoring_get_enterprise_edge_link_status_result_item"
 10553                }
 10554              },
 10555              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10556            },
 10557            "400": {
 10558              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10559            },
 10560            "500": {
 10561              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10562            }
 10563          }
 10564        }
 10565      },
 10566      "/monitoring/getEnterpriseEdgeStatus": {
 10567        "post": {
 10568          "summary": "Get Enterprise Edge monitoring status",
 10569          "description": "Fetch Enterprise Edge monitoring status time series for the given time interval, all for the enterprise or list of edgess, and list of metrics. On success, this method returns anarray of edge monitoring statuses.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `EDGE`",
 10570          "tags": [
 10571            "all",
 10572            "monitoring"
 10573          ],
 10574          "operationId": "monitoring_get_enterprise_edge_status",
 10575          "x-privileges": {
 10576            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
 10577            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10578            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10579              "ANY"
 10580            ],
 10581            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10582            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10583              "EDGE",
 10584              "GATEWAY"
 10585            ],
 10586            "requirePrivileges": [
 10587              {
 10588                "action": "READ",
 10589                "object": "EDGE"
 10590              }
 10591            ]
 10592          },
 10593          "parameters": [
 10594            {
 10595              "name": "body",
 10596              "in": "body",
 10597              "required": true,
 10598              "schema": {
 10599                "type": "object",
 10600                "title": "monitoring_get_enterprise_edge_status",
 10601                "properties": {
 10602                  "enterpriseId": {
 10603                    "type": "integer"
 10604                  },
 10605                  "edgeIds": {
 10606                    "type": "array",
 10607                    "items": {
 10608                      "type": "integer"
 10609                    }
 10610                  },
 10611                  "time": {
 10612                    "$ref": "#/definitions/js_date_formats"
 10613                  },
 10614                  "sort": {
 10615                    "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_metric"
 10616                  },
 10617                  "limit": {
 10618                    "type": "integer"
 10619                  },
 10620                  "metrics": {
 10621                    "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_metrics"
 10622                  }
 10623                },
 10624                "required": [
 10625                  "enterpriseId",
 10626                  "sort"
 10627                ]
 10628              }
 10629            }
 10630          ],
 10631          "responses": {
 10632            "200": {
 10633              "schema": {
 10634                "$ref": "#/definitions/monitoring_get_enterprise_edge_status_result"
 10635              },
 10636              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10637            },
 10638            "400": {
 10639              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10640            },
 10641            "500": {
 10642              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10643            }
 10644          }
 10645        }
 10646      },
 10647      "/monitoring/getNetworkGatewayStatus": {
 10648        "post": {
 10649          "summary": "Get Network Gateway monitoring status",
 10650          "description": "Fetch Network Gateway monitoring status time series for the given time interval, all for the network or list of gateways, and list of metrics. On success, this method returns anarray of gateway monitoring statuses.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `GATEWAY`",
 10651          "tags": [
 10652            "all",
 10653            "monitoring"
 10654          ],
 10655          "operationId": "monitoring_get_network_gateway_status",
 10656          "x-privileges": {
 10657            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10658            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10659              "OPERATOR_USER",
 10660              "MSP_USER"
 10661            ],
 10662            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10663            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10664              "EDGE",
 10665              "GATEWAY"
 10666            ],
 10667            "requirePrivileges": [
 10668              {
 10669                "action": "READ",
 10670                "object": "GATEWAY"
 10671              }
 10672            ]
 10673          },
 10674          "parameters": [
 10675            {
 10676              "name": "body",
 10677              "in": "body",
 10678              "required": true,
 10679              "schema": {
 10680                "type": "object",
 10681                "title": "monitoring_get_network_gateway_status",
 10682                "properties": {
 10683                  "networkId": {
 10684                    "type": "integer"
 10685                  },
 10686                  "gatewayIds": {
 10687                    "type": "array",
 10688                    "items": {
 10689                      "type": "integer"
 10690                    }
 10691                  },
 10692                  "time": {
 10693                    "format": "date-time",
 10694                    "type": "string"
 10695                  },
 10696                  "sort": {
 10697                    "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_metric"
 10698                  },
 10699                  "limit": {
 10700                    "type": "integer"
 10701                  },
 10702                  "metrics": {
 10703                    "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_metrics"
 10704                  }
 10705                },
 10706                "required": [
 10707                  "networkId",
 10708                  "sort"
 10709                ]
 10710              }
 10711            }
 10712          ],
 10713          "responses": {
 10714            "200": {
 10715              "schema": {
 10716                "$ref": "#/definitions/monitoring_get_network_gateway_status_result"
 10717              },
 10718              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10719            },
 10720            "400": {
 10721              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10722            },
 10723            "500": {
 10724              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10725            }
 10726          }
 10727        }
 10728      },
 10729      "/network/deleteNetworkGatewayPool": {
 10730        "post": {
 10731          "summary": "Delete gateway pool",
 10732          "description": "Deletes the specified gateway pool (by `id`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `GATEWAY`",
 10733          "operationId": "network_delete_network_gateway_pool",
 10734          "x-privileges": {
 10735            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10736            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10737              "OPERATOR_USER",
 10738              "MSP_USER"
 10739            ],
 10740            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10741            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10742              "EDGE",
 10743              "GATEWAY"
 10744            ],
 10745            "requirePrivileges": [
 10746              {
 10747                "action": "DELETE",
 10748                "object": "GATEWAY"
 10749              }
 10750            ]
 10751          },
 10752          "tags": [
 10753            "network",
 10754            "all"
 10755          ],
 10756          "parameters": [
 10757            {
 10758              "name": "body",
 10759              "in": "body",
 10760              "required": true,
 10761              "schema": {
 10762                "type": "object",
 10763                "title": "network_delete_network_gateway_pool",
 10764                "properties": {
 10765                  "networkId": {
 10766                    "type": "integer"
 10767                  },
 10768                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
 10769                    "type": "integer"
 10770                  },
 10771                  "id": {
 10772                    "type": "integer",
 10773                    "description": "alias for `gatewayPoolId`"
 10774                  },
 10775                  "gatewayPoolId": {
 10776                    "type": "integer"
 10777                  }
 10778                },
 10779                "required": [
 10780                  "id"
 10781                ]
 10782              }
 10783            }
 10784          ],
 10785          "responses": {
 10786            "200": {
 10787              "schema": {
 10788                "$ref": "#/definitions/network_delete_network_gateway_pool_result"
 10789              },
 10790              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10791            },
 10792            "400": {
 10793              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10794            },
 10795            "500": {
 10796              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10797            }
 10798          }
 10799        }
 10800      },
 10801      "/network/getNetworkConfigurations": {
 10802        "post": {
 10803          "summary": "Get operator configuration profiles",
 10804          "tags": [
 10805            "all",
 10806            "network"
 10807          ],
 10808          "description": "Gets all operator configuration profiles associated with an operator's network. Optionally includes the modules associated with each profile. This call does not return templates.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `OPERATOR_PROFILE`",
 10809          "operationId": "network_get_network_configurations",
 10810          "x-privileges": {
 10811            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10812            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10813              "OPERATOR_USER"
 10814            ],
 10815            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10816            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10817              "EDGE",
 10818              "GATEWAY"
 10819            ],
 10820            "requirePrivileges": [
 10821              {
 10822                "action": "READ",
 10823                "object": "OPERATOR_PROFILE"
 10824              }
 10825            ]
 10826          },
 10827          "parameters": [
 10828            {
 10829              "name": "body",
 10830              "in": "body",
 10831              "required": true,
 10832              "schema": {
 10833                "type": "object",
 10834                "title": "network_get_network_configurations",
 10835                "properties": {
 10836                  "id": {
 10837                    "type": "integer"
 10838                  },
 10839                  "networkId": {
 10840                    "type": "integer"
 10841                  },
 10842                  "with": {
 10843                    "type": "array",
 10844                    "items": {
 10845                      "type": "string",
 10846                      "enum": [
 10847                        "modules",
 10848                        "counts"
 10849                      ]
 10850                    }
 10851                  }
 10852                }
 10853              }
 10854            }
 10855          ],
 10856          "responses": {
 10857            "200": {
 10858              "schema": {
 10859                "title": "network_get_network_configurations_result",
 10860                "type": "array",
 10861                "items": {
 10862                  "$ref": "#/definitions/network_get_network_configurations_result_item"
 10863                }
 10864              },
 10865              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10866            },
 10867            "400": {
 10868              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10869            },
 10870            "500": {
 10871              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10872            }
 10873          }
 10874        }
 10875      },
 10876      "/network/getNetworkEnterprises": {
 10877        "post": {
 10878          "summary": "Get enterprises on network",
 10879          "description": "Gets all enterprises existing on a network, optionally including all Edges or Edge counts. The `edgeConfigUpdate` \"with\" option may also be passed to check whether the application of configuration updates to Edges is enabled for each enterprise.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE`",
 10880          "tags": [
 10881            "all",
 10882            "network"
 10883          ],
 10884          "x-privileges": {
 10885            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10886            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10887              "OPERATOR_USER"
 10888            ],
 10889            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10890            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10891              "EDGE",
 10892              "GATEWAY"
 10893            ],
 10894            "requirePrivileges": [
 10895              {
 10896                "action": "READ",
 10897                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
 10898              }
 10899            ]
 10900          },
 10901          "operationId": "network_get_network_enterprises",
 10902          "parameters": [
 10903            {
 10904              "name": "body",
 10905              "in": "body",
 10906              "required": true,
 10907              "schema": {
 10908                "type": "object",
 10909                "title": "network_get_network_enterprises",
 10910                "properties": {
 10911                  "networkId": {
 10912                    "type": "integer"
 10913                  },
 10914                  "id": {
 10915                    "type": "integer"
 10916                  },
 10917                  "with": {
 10918                    "type": "array",
 10919                    "items": {
 10920                      "type": "string",
 10921                      "enum": [
 10922                        "edges",
 10923                        "edgeCount",
 10924                        "edgeConfigUpdate"
 10925                      ]
 10926                    }
 10927                  }
 10928                }
 10929              }
 10930            }
 10931          ],
 10932          "responses": {
 10933            "200": {
 10934              "schema": {
 10935                "title": "network_get_network_enterprises_result",
 10936                "type": "array",
 10937                "items": {
 10938                  "$ref": "#/definitions/network_get_network_enterprises_result_item"
 10939                }
 10940              },
 10941              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 10942            },
 10943            "400": {
 10944              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 10945            },
 10946            "500": {
 10947              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 10948            }
 10949          }
 10950        }
 10951      },
 10952      "/network/getNetworkGatewayPools": {
 10953        "post": {
 10954          "summary": "Get gateway pools on network",
 10955          "tags": [
 10956            "all",
 10957            "network"
 10958          ],
 10959          "description": "Gets all gateway pools associated with the specified network. Optionally includes the gateways or enterprises belonging to each pool.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `GATEWAY`",
 10960          "operationId": "network_get_network_gateway_pools",
 10961          "x-privileges": {
 10962            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 10963            "allowAuthTypes": [
 10964              "OPERATOR_USER",
 10965              "MSP_USER"
 10966            ],
 10967            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 10968            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 10969              "EDGE",
 10970              "GATEWAY"
 10971            ],
 10972            "requirePrivileges": [
 10973              {
 10974                "action": "READ",
 10975                "object": "GATEWAY"
 10976              }
 10977            ]
 10978          },
 10979          "parameters": [
 10980            {
 10981              "name": "body",
 10982              "in": "body",
 10983              "required": true,
 10984              "schema": {
 10985                "type": "object",
 10986                "title": "network_get_network_gateway_pools",
 10987                "properties": {
 10988                  "id": {
 10989                    "type": "integer"
 10990                  },
 10991                  "networkId": {
 10992                    "type": "integer"
 10993                  },
 10994                  "with": {
 10995                    "type": "array",
 10996                    "items": {
 10997                      "type": "string",
 10998                      "enum": [
 10999                        "gateways",
 11000                        "enterprises"
 11001                      ]
 11002                    }
 11003                  }
 11004                }
 11005              }
 11006            }
 11007          ],
 11008          "responses": {
 11009            "200": {
 11010              "schema": {
 11011                "title": "network_get_network_gateway_pools_result",
 11012                "type": "array",
 11013                "items": {
 11014                  "$ref": "#/definitions/network_get_network_gateway_pools_result_item"
 11015                }
 11016              },
 11017              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11018            },
 11019            "400": {
 11020              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11021            },
 11022            "500": {
 11023              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11024            }
 11025          }
 11026        }
 11027      },
 11028      "/network/getNetworkGateways": {
 11029        "post": {
 11030          "summary": "Get gateways on network",
 11031          "description": "Gets all gateways associated with the specified network.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `GATEWAY`",
 11032          "tags": [
 11033            "network",
 11034            "all"
 11035          ],
 11036          "operationId": "network_get_network_gateways",
 11037          "x-privileges": {
 11038            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11039            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11040              "OPERATOR_USER",
 11041              "MSP_USER"
 11042            ],
 11043            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11044            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11045              "EDGE",
 11046              "GATEWAY"
 11047            ],
 11048            "requirePrivileges": [
 11049              {
 11050                "action": "READ",
 11051                "object": "GATEWAY"
 11052              }
 11053            ]
 11054          },
 11055          "parameters": [
 11056            {
 11057              "name": "body",
 11058              "in": "body",
 11059              "required": true,
 11060              "schema": {
 11061                "type": "object",
 11062                "title": "network_get_network_gateways",
 11063                "properties": {
 11064                  "networkId": {
 11065                    "type": "integer"
 11066                  },
 11067                  "gatewayIds": {
 11068                    "type": "array",
 11069                    "items": {
 11070                      "type": "string"
 11071                    }
 11072                  },
 11073                  "with": {
 11074                    "type": "array",
 11075                    "items": {
 11076                      "type": "string",
 11077                      "enum": [
 11078                        "site",
 11079                        "pools",
 11080                        "enterprises",
 11081                        "enterpriseAssociations",
 11082                        "enterpriseAssociationCounts",
 11083                        "dataCenters",
 11084                        "certificates",
 11085                        "handOffEdges",
 11086                        "roles"
 11087                      ]
 11088                    }
 11089                  }
 11090                }
 11091              }
 11092            }
 11093          ],
 11094          "responses": {
 11095            "200": {
 11096              "schema": {
 11097                "title": "network_get_network_gateways_result",
 11098                "type": "array",
 11099                "items": {
 11100                  "$ref": "#/definitions/network_get_network_gateways_result_item"
 11101                }
 11102              },
 11103              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11104            },
 11105            "400": {
 11106              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11107            },
 11108            "500": {
 11109              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11110            }
 11111          }
 11112        }
 11113      },
 11114      "/network/getNetworkOperatorUsers": {
 11115        "post": {
 11116          "summary": "Get operator users for network",
 11117          "description": "Gets all operator users associated with the specified network.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `OPERATOR_USER`",
 11118          "tags": [
 11119            "all",
 11120            "network"
 11121          ],
 11122          "operationId": "network_get_network_operator_users",
 11123          "x-privileges": {
 11124            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11125            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11126              "OPERATOR_USER"
 11127            ],
 11128            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11129            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11130              "EDGE",
 11131              "GATEWAY"
 11132            ],
 11133            "requirePrivileges": [
 11134              {
 11135                "action": "READ",
 11136                "object": "OPERATOR_USER"
 11137              }
 11138            ]
 11139          },
 11140          "parameters": [
 11141            {
 11142              "name": "body",
 11143              "in": "body",
 11144              "required": true,
 11145              "schema": {
 11146                "type": "object",
 11147                "title": "network_get_network_operator_users",
 11148                "properties": {
 11149                  "networkId": {
 11150                    "type": "integer"
 11151                  }
 11152                }
 11153              }
 11154            }
 11155          ],
 11156          "responses": {
 11157            "200": {
 11158              "schema": {
 11159                "title": "network_get_network_operator_users_result",
 11160                "type": "array",
 11161                "items": {
 11162                  "$ref": "#/definitions/network_get_network_operator_users_result_item"
 11163                }
 11164              },
 11165              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11166            },
 11167            "400": {
 11168              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11169            },
 11170            "500": {
 11171              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11172            }
 11173          }
 11174        }
 11175      },
 11176      "/network/insertNetworkGatewayPool": {
 11177        "post": {
 11178          "summary": "Create gateway pool",
 11179          "description": "Creates a gateway pool for the specified network.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `GATEWAY`",
 11180          "tags": [
 11181            "network",
 11182            "all"
 11183          ],
 11184          "x-privileges": {
 11185            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11186            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11187              "OPERATOR_USER",
 11188              "MSP_USER"
 11189            ],
 11190            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11191            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11192              "EDGE",
 11193              "GATEWAY"
 11194            ],
 11195            "requirePrivileges": [
 11196              {
 11197                "action": "CREATE",
 11198                "object": "GATEWAY"
 11199              }
 11200            ]
 11201          },
 11202          "operationId": "network_insert_network_gateway_pool",
 11203          "parameters": [
 11204            {
 11205              "name": "body",
 11206              "in": "body",
 11207              "required": true,
 11208              "schema": {
 11209                "type": "object",
 11210                "title": "network_insert_network_gateway_pool",
 11211                "properties": {
 11212                  "networkId": {
 11213                    "type": "integer"
 11214                  },
 11215                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
 11216                    "type": "integer"
 11217                  },
 11218                  "name": {
 11219                    "type": "string"
 11220                  },
 11221                  "description": {
 11222                    "type": "string"
 11223                  },
 11224                  "handOffType": {
 11225                    "type": "string",
 11226                    "enum": [
 11227                      "NONE",
 11228                      "ALLOW",
 11229                      "ONLY"
 11230                    ]
 11231                  }
 11232                },
 11233                "required": [
 11234                  "name",
 11235                  "networkId"
 11236                ]
 11237              }
 11238            }
 11239          ],
 11240          "responses": {
 11241            "200": {
 11242              "schema": {
 11243                "$ref": "#/definitions/network_insert_network_gateway_pool_result"
 11244              },
 11245              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11246            },
 11247            "400": {
 11248              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11249            },
 11250            "500": {
 11251              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11252            }
 11253          }
 11254        }
 11255      },
 11256      "/network/updateNetworkGatwayPoolAttributes": {
 11257        "post": {
 11258          "summary": "Update gateway pool attributes",
 11259          "description": "Updates the configurable attributes (`name`, `description`, and `handOffType`) of the specified gateway pool (by `id` or `gatewayPoolId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `GATEWAY`",
 11260          "tags": [
 11261            "network",
 11262            "all"
 11263          ],
 11264          "operationId": "network_update_network_gateway_pool_attributes",
 11265          "x-privileges": {
 11266            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11267            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11268              "OPERATOR_USER",
 11269              "MSP_USER"
 11270            ],
 11271            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11272            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11273              "EDGE",
 11274              "GATEWAY"
 11275            ],
 11276            "requirePrivileges": [
 11277              {
 11278                "action": "UPDATE",
 11279                "object": "GATEWAY"
 11280              }
 11281            ]
 11282          },
 11283          "parameters": [
 11284            {
 11285              "name": "body",
 11286              "in": "body",
 11287              "required": true,
 11288              "schema": {
 11289                "type": "object",
 11290                "title": "network_update_network_gateway_pool_attributes",
 11291                "properties": {
 11292                  "networkId": {
 11293                    "type": "integer"
 11294                  },
 11295                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
 11296                    "type": "integer"
 11297                  },
 11298                  "id": {
 11299                    "type": "integer",
 11300                    "description": "alias for `gatewayPoolId`"
 11301                  },
 11302                  "gatewayPoolId": {
 11303                    "type": "integer"
 11304                  },
 11305                  "name": {
 11306                    "type": "string"
 11307                  },
 11308                  "description": {
 11309                    "type": "string"
 11310                  },
 11311                  "handOffType": {
 11312                    "type": "string",
 11313                    "enum": [
 11314                      "NONE",
 11315                      "ALLOW",
 11316                      "ONLY"
 11317                    ]
 11318                  }
 11319                },
 11320                "required": [
 11321                  "id"
 11322                ]
 11323              }
 11324            }
 11325          ],
 11326          "responses": {
 11327            "200": {
 11328              "schema": {
 11329                "$ref": "#/definitions/network_update_network_gateway_pool_attributes_result"
 11330              },
 11331              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11332            },
 11333            "400": {
 11334              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11335            },
 11336            "500": {
 11337              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11338            }
 11339          }
 11340        }
 11341      },
 11342      "/operatorUser/deleteOperatorUser": {
 11343        "post": {
 11344          "tags": [
 11345            "all",
 11346            "userMaintenance"
 11347          ],
 11348          "summary": "Delete operator user",
 11349          "description": "Deletes the specified operator user (by `id` or `username`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`DELETE` `OPERATOR_USER`",
 11350          "operationId": "operator_user_delete_operator_user",
 11351          "x-privileges": {
 11352            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11353            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11354              "OPERATOR_USER"
 11355            ],
 11356            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11357            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11358              "EDGE",
 11359              "GATEWAY"
 11360            ],
 11361            "requirePrivileges": [
 11362              {
 11363                "action": "DELETE",
 11364                "object": "OPERATOR_USER"
 11365              }
 11366            ]
 11367          },
 11368          "parameters": [
 11369            {
 11370              "name": "body",
 11371              "in": "body",
 11372              "required": true,
 11373              "schema": {
 11374                "type": "object",
 11375                "title": "operator_user_delete_operator_user",
 11376                "properties": {
 11377                  "id": {
 11378                    "type": "integer"
 11379                  },
 11380                  "username": {
 11381                    "type": "string"
 11382                  }
 11383                }
 11384              }
 11385            }
 11386          ],
 11387          "responses": {
 11388            "200": {
 11389              "schema": {
 11390                "$ref": "#/definitions/operator_user_delete_operator_user_result"
 11391              },
 11392              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11393            },
 11394            "400": {
 11395              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11396            },
 11397            "500": {
 11398              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11399            }
 11400          }
 11401        }
 11402      },
 11403      "/operatorUser/getOperatorUser": {
 11404        "post": {
 11405          "tags": [
 11406            "all",
 11407            "userMaintenance"
 11408          ],
 11409          "summary": "Get operator user",
 11410          "description": "Gets the specified operator user object (by `id` or `username`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `OPERATOR_USER`",
 11411          "operationId": "operator_user_get_operator_user",
 11412          "x-privileges": {
 11413            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11414            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11415              "OPERATOR_USER"
 11416            ],
 11417            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11418            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11419              "EDGE",
 11420              "GATEWAY"
 11421            ],
 11422            "allowPrivilegeToSelf": "OPERATOR_USER",
 11423            "requirePrivileges": [
 11424              {
 11425                "action": "READ",
 11426                "object": "OPERATOR_USER"
 11427              }
 11428            ]
 11429          },
 11430          "parameters": [
 11431            {
 11432              "name": "body",
 11433              "in": "body",
 11434              "required": true,
 11435              "schema": {
 11436                "type": "object",
 11437                "title": "operator_user_get_operator_user",
 11438                "properties": {
 11439                  "id": {
 11440                    "type": "integer"
 11441                  },
 11442                  "username": {
 11443                    "type": "string"
 11444                  }
 11445                }
 11446              }
 11447            }
 11448          ],
 11449          "responses": {
 11450            "200": {
 11451              "schema": {
 11452                "$ref": "#/definitions/operator_user_get_operator_user_result"
 11453              },
 11454              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11455            },
 11456            "400": {
 11457              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11458            },
 11459            "500": {
 11460              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11461            }
 11462          }
 11463        }
 11464      },
 11465      "/operatorUser/insertOperatorUser": {
 11466        "post": {
 11467          "tags": [
 11468            "all",
 11469            "userMaintenance"
 11470          ],
 11471          "summary": "Create operator user",
 11472          "description": "Creates an operator user and associates it with the operator's network.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `OPERATOR_USER`",
 11473          "operationId": "operator_user_insert_operator_user",
 11474          "x-privileges": {
 11475            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11476            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11477              "OPERATOR_USER"
 11478            ],
 11479            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11480            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11481              "EDGE",
 11482              "GATEWAY"
 11483            ],
 11484            "requirePrivileges": [
 11485              {
 11486                "action": "CREATE",
 11487                "object": "OPERATOR_USER"
 11488              }
 11489            ]
 11490          },
 11491          "parameters": [
 11492            {
 11493              "name": "body",
 11494              "in": "body",
 11495              "required": true,
 11496              "schema": {
 11497                "$ref": "#/definitions/operator_user_insert_operator_user"
 11498              }
 11499            }
 11500          ],
 11501          "responses": {
 11502            "200": {
 11503              "schema": {
 11504                "$ref": "#/definitions/operator_user_get_operator_user_result"
 11505              },
 11506              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11507            },
 11508            "400": {
 11509              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11510            },
 11511            "500": {
 11512              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11513            }
 11514          }
 11515        }
 11516      },
 11517      "/operatorUser/updateOperatorUser": {
 11518        "post": {
 11519          "tags": [
 11520            "all",
 11521            "userMaintenance"
 11522          ],
 11523          "summary": "Update operator user",
 11524          "description": "Updates the specified operator user (by object `id` or `username`). Expects an `_update` object containing the field(s) to be updated and their corresponding value(s).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `OPERATOR_USER`",
 11525          "operationId": "operator_user_update_operator_user",
 11526          "x-privileges": {
 11527            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11528            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11529              "OPERATOR_USER"
 11530            ],
 11531            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11532            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11533              "EDGE",
 11534              "GATEWAY"
 11535            ],
 11536            "allowPrivilegeToSelf": "OPERATOR_USER",
 11537            "requirePrivileges": [
 11538              {
 11539                "action": "UPDATE",
 11540                "object": "OPERATOR_USER"
 11541              }
 11542            ]
 11543          },
 11544          "parameters": [
 11545            {
 11546              "name": "body",
 11547              "in": "body",
 11548              "required": true,
 11549              "schema": {
 11550                "type": "object",
 11551                "title": "operator_user_update_operator_user",
 11552                "properties": {
 11553                  "_update": {
 11554                    "$ref": "#/definitions/operator_user_update_operator_user"
 11555                  },
 11556                  "networkId": {
 11557                    "type": "integer"
 11558                  },
 11559                  "id": {
 11560                    "type": "integer"
 11561                  },
 11562                  "username": {
 11563                    "type": "string"
 11564                  }
 11565                },
 11566                "required": [
 11567                  "_update"
 11568                ]
 11569              }
 11570            }
 11571          ],
 11572          "responses": {
 11573            "200": {
 11574              "schema": {
 11575                "$ref": "#/definitions/operator_user_update_operator_user_result"
 11576              },
 11577              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11578            },
 11579            "400": {
 11580              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11581            },
 11582            "500": {
 11583              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11584            }
 11585          }
 11586        }
 11587      },
 11588      "/role/createRoleCustomization": {
 11589        "post": {
 11590          "summary": "Create role customization",
 11591          "tags": [
 11592            "all",
 11593            "role"
 11594          ],
 11595          "description": "Creates a role customization specified by `roleId` and an array of `privilegeIds`.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `NETWORK`",
 11596          "operationId": "role_create_role_customization",
 11597          "x-privileges": {
 11598            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11599            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11600              "OPERATOR_USER"
 11601            ],
 11602            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11603            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11604              "EDGE",
 11605              "GATEWAY"
 11606            ],
 11607            "requirePrivileges": [
 11608              {
 11609                "action": "UPDATE",
 11610                "object": "NETWORK"
 11611              }
 11612            ]
 11613          },
 11614          "parameters": [
 11615            {
 11616              "name": "body",
 11617              "in": "body",
 11618              "required": true,
 11619              "schema": {
 11620                "type": "object",
 11621                "title": "role_create_role_customization",
 11622                "properties": {
 11623                  "forRoleId": {
 11624                    "type": "integer"
 11625                  },
 11626                  "name": {
 11627                    "type": "string"
 11628                  },
 11629                  "description": {
 11630                    "type": "string"
 11631                  },
 11632                  "userId": {
 11633                    "type": "integer"
 11634                  },
 11635                  "enterpriseId": {
 11636                    "type": "integer"
 11637                  },
 11638                  "operatorId": {
 11639                    "type": "integer"
 11640                  },
 11641                  "networkId": {
 11642                    "type": "integer"
 11643                  },
 11644                  "privilegeIds": {
 11645                    "type": "array",
 11646                    "items": {
 11647                      "type": "integer"
 11648                    }
 11649                  }
 11650                },
 11651                "required": [
 11652                  "forRoleId",
 11653                  "privilegeIds"
 11654                ]
 11655              }
 11656            }
 11657          ],
 11658          "responses": {
 11659            "200": {
 11660              "schema": {
 11661                "$ref": "#/definitions/role_create_role_customization_result"
 11662              },
 11663              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11664            },
 11665            "400": {
 11666              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11667            },
 11668            "500": {
 11669              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11670            }
 11671          }
 11672        }
 11673      },
 11674      "/role/deleteRoleCustomization": {
 11675        "post": {
 11676          "summary": "Delete role customization",
 11677          "tags": [
 11678            "all",
 11679            "role"
 11680          ],
 11681          "description": "Deletes the specified role customization (by `name` or `forRoleId`).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `NETWORK`",
 11682          "operationId": "role_delete_role_customization",
 11683          "x-privileges": {
 11684            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11685            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11686              "OPERATOR_USER"
 11687            ],
 11688            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11689            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11690              "EDGE",
 11691              "GATEWAY"
 11692            ],
 11693            "requirePrivileges": [
 11694              {
 11695                "action": "UPDATE",
 11696                "object": "NETWORK"
 11697              }
 11698            ]
 11699          },
 11700          "parameters": [
 11701            {
 11702              "name": "body",
 11703              "in": "body",
 11704              "required": true,
 11705              "schema": {
 11706                "type": "object",
 11707                "title": "role_delete_role_customization",
 11708                "properties": {
 11709                  "forRoleId": {
 11710                    "type": "integer"
 11711                  },
 11712                  "name": {
 11713                    "type": "string"
 11714                  },
 11715                  "userId": {
 11716                    "type": "integer"
 11717                  },
 11718                  "enterpriseId": {
 11719                    "type": "integer"
 11720                  },
 11721                  "operatorId": {
 11722                    "type": "integer"
 11723                  },
 11724                  "networkId": {
 11725                    "type": "integer"
 11726                  }
 11727                },
 11728                "required": [
 11729                  "forRoleId"
 11730                ]
 11731              }
 11732            }
 11733          ],
 11734          "responses": {
 11735            "200": {
 11736              "schema": {
 11737                "$ref": "#/definitions/role_delete_role_customization_result"
 11738              },
 11739              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11740            },
 11741            "400": {
 11742              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11743            },
 11744            "500": {
 11745              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11746            }
 11747          }
 11748        }
 11749      },
 11750      "/role/getUserTypeRoles": {
 11751        "post": {
 11752          "summary": "Get roles per user type",
 11753          "tags": [
 11754            "all",
 11755            "role"
 11756          ],
 11757          "description": "Gets all roles defined for the specified `userType`.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `ENTERPRISE_USER`, or\n\n`READ` `PROXY_USER`, or\n\n`READ` `OPERATOR_USER`",
 11758          "operationId": "role_get_user_type_roles",
 11759          "x-privileges": {
 11760            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11761            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11762              "ANY"
 11763            ],
 11764            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11765            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11766              "EDGE",
 11767              "GATEWAY"
 11768            ],
 11769            "requirePrivileges": [
 11770              {
 11771                "action": "READ",
 11772                "object": "ENTERPRISE_USER",
 11773                "sufficient": true
 11774              },
 11775              {
 11776                "action": "READ",
 11777                "object": "PROXY_USER",
 11778                "sufficient": true
 11779              },
 11780              {
 11781                "action": "READ",
 11782                "object": "OPERATOR_USER",
 11783                "sufficient": true
 11784              }
 11785            ]
 11786          },
 11787          "parameters": [
 11788            {
 11789              "name": "body",
 11790              "in": "body",
 11791              "required": true,
 11792              "schema": {
 11793                "type": "object",
 11794                "title": "role_get_user_type_roles",
 11795                "properties": {
 11796                  "userType": {
 11797                    "type": "string",
 11798                    "enum": [
 11799                      "OPERATOR",
 11800                      "MSP",
 11801                      "PARTNER",
 11802                      "ENTERPRISE",
 11803                      "END_USER",
 11804                      "CUSTOM"
 11805                    ]
 11806                  },
 11807                  "networkId": {
 11808                    "type": "integer"
 11809                  }
 11810                },
 11811                "required": [
 11812                  "userType"
 11813                ]
 11814              }
 11815            }
 11816          ],
 11817          "responses": {
 11818            "200": {
 11819              "schema": {
 11820                "title": "role_get_user_type_roles_result",
 11821                "type": "array",
 11822                "items": {
 11823                  "$ref": "#/definitions/role_get_user_type_roles_result_item"
 11824                }
 11825              },
 11826              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 11827            },
 11828            "400": {
 11829              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11830            },
 11831            "500": {
 11832              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11833            }
 11834          }
 11835        }
 11836      },
 11837      "/role/setEnterpriseDelegatedToEnterpriseProxy": {
 11838        "post": {
 11839          "summary": "Grant enterprise access to partner",
 11840          "description": "Grants enterprise access to the specified enterprise proxy (partner). When an enterprise is delegated to a proxy, proxy users are granted access to view, configure, and troubleshoot Edges owned by the enterprise. As a security consideration, proxy Support users cannot view personally identifiable information.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_DELEGATION`",
 11841          "tags": [
 11842            "role",
 11843            "all"
 11844          ],
 11845          "operationId": "role_set_enterprise_delegated_to_enterprise_proxy",
 11846          "x-privileges": {
 11847            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
 11848            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11849            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11850              "ANY"
 11851            ],
 11852            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11853            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11854              "EDGE",
 11855              "GATEWAY"
 11856            ],
 11857            "requirePrivileges": [
 11858              {
 11859                "action": "UPDATE",
 11860                "object": "ENTERPRISE_DELEGATION"
 11861              }
 11862            ]
 11863          },
 11864          "parameters": [
 11865            {
 11866              "name": "body",
 11867              "in": "body",
 11868              "required": true,
 11869              "schema": {
 11870                "type": "object",
 11871                "properties": {
 11872                  "enterpriseId": {
 11873                    "type": "integer"
 11874                  },
 11875                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
 11876                    "type": "integer"
 11877                  },
 11878                  "isDelegated": {
 11879                    "type": "boolean"
 11880                  }
 11881                },
 11882                "required": [
 11883                  "isDelegated"
 11884                ]
 11885              }
 11886            }
 11887          ],
 11888          "responses": {
 11889            "200": {
 11890              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
 11891              "schema": {
 11892                "$ref": "#/definitions/role_set_enterprise_delegated_to_enterprise_proxy_result"
 11893              }
 11894            },
 11895            "400": {
 11896              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11897            },
 11898            "500": {
 11899              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11900            }
 11901          }
 11902        }
 11903      },
 11904      "/role/setEnterpriseDelegatedToOperator": {
 11905        "post": {
 11906          "summary": "Grant enterprise access to network operator",
 11907          "description": "Grants enterprise access to the network operator. When an enterprise is delegated to the operator, operator users are permitted to view, configure, and troubleshoot Edges owned by the enterprise. As a security consideration, operator users cannot view personally identifiable information.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_DELEGATION`",
 11908          "tags": [
 11909            "role",
 11910            "all"
 11911          ],
 11912          "operationId": "role_set_enterprise_delegated_to_operator",
 11913          "x-privileges": {
 11914            "forceEnterpriseContext": true,
 11915            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11916            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11917              "ANY"
 11918            ],
 11919            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11920            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11921              "EDGE",
 11922              "GATEWAY"
 11923            ],
 11924            "requirePrivileges": [
 11925              {
 11926                "action": "UPDATE",
 11927                "object": "ENTERPRISE_DELEGATION"
 11928              }
 11929            ]
 11930          },
 11931          "parameters": [
 11932            {
 11933              "name": "body",
 11934              "in": "body",
 11935              "required": true,
 11936              "schema": {
 11937                "type": "object",
 11938                "properties": {
 11939                  "isDelegated": {
 11940                    "type": "boolean"
 11941                  }
 11942                },
 11943                "required": [
 11944                  "isDelegated"
 11945                ]
 11946              }
 11947            }
 11948          ],
 11949          "responses": {
 11950            "200": {
 11951              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
 11952              "schema": {
 11953                "$ref": "#/definitions/role_set_enterprise_delegated_to_operator_result"
 11954              }
 11955            },
 11956            "400": {
 11957              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 11958            },
 11959            "500": {
 11960              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 11961            }
 11962          }
 11963        }
 11964      },
 11965      "/role/setEnterpriseProxyDelegatedToOperator": {
 11966        "post": {
 11967          "summary": "Grant enterprise proxy access to network operator",
 11968          "description": "Grants enterprise proxy access to the network operator. When an enterprise proxy is delegated to the operator, operator users are granted access to view, configure and troubleshoot objects owned by the proxy.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_PROXY_DELEGATION`",
 11969          "tags": [
 11970            "role",
 11971            "all"
 11972          ],
 11973          "operationId": "role_set_enterprise_proxy_delegated_to_operator",
 11974          "x-privileges": {
 11975            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 11976            "allowAuthTypes": [
 11977              "OPERATOR_USER",
 11978              "MSP_USER"
 11979            ],
 11980            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 11981            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 11982              "EDGE",
 11983              "GATEWAY"
 11984            ],
 11985            "requirePrivileges": [
 11986              {
 11987                "action": "UPDATE",
 11988                "object": "ENTERPRISE_PROXY_DELEGATION"
 11989              }
 11990            ]
 11991          },
 11992          "parameters": [
 11993            {
 11994              "name": "body",
 11995              "in": "body",
 11996              "required": true,
 11997              "schema": {
 11998                "type": "object",
 11999                "properties": {
 12000                  "enterpriseProxyId": {
 12001                    "type": "integer"
 12002                  },
 12003                  "isDelegated": {
 12004                    "type": "boolean"
 12005                  }
 12006                },
 12007                "required": [
 12008                  "isDelegated"
 12009                ]
 12010              }
 12011            }
 12012          ],
 12013          "responses": {
 12014            "200": {
 12015              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
 12016              "schema": {
 12017                "$ref": "#/definitions/role_set_enterprise_proxy_delegated_to_operator_result"
 12018              }
 12019            },
 12020            "400": {
 12021              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12022            },
 12023            "500": {
 12024              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12025            }
 12026          }
 12027        }
 12028      },
 12029      "/role/setEnterpriseUserManagementDelegatedToOperator": {
 12030        "post": {
 12031          "summary": "Grant enterprise user access to network operator",
 12032          "description": "Grants enterprise user access to the specified network operator. When enterprise user management is delegated to the operator, operator users are granted enterprise-level user management capabilities (user creation, password resets, etc.).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `ENTERPRISE_DELEGATION`",
 12033          "tags": [
 12034            "role",
 12035            "all"
 12036          ],
 12037          "operationId": "role_set_enterprise_user_management_delegated_to_operator",
 12038          "x-privileges": {
 12039            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 12040            "allowAuthTypes": [
 12041              "OPERATOR_USER",
 12042              "MSP_USER",
 12043              "ENTERPRISE_USER"
 12044            ],
 12045            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 12046            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 12047              "EDGE",
 12048              "GATEWAY"
 12049            ],
 12050            "requirePrivileges": [
 12051              {
 12052                "action": "UPDATE",
 12053                "object": "ENTERPRISE_DELEGATION"
 12054              }
 12055            ]
 12056          },
 12057          "parameters": [
 12058            {
 12059              "name": "body",
 12060              "in": "body",
 12061              "required": true,
 12062              "schema": {
 12063                "type": "object",
 12064                "properties": {
 12065                  "isDelegated": {
 12066                    "type": "boolean"
 12067                  }
 12068                },
 12069                "required": [
 12070                  "isDelegated"
 12071                ]
 12072              }
 12073            }
 12074          ],
 12075          "responses": {
 12076            "200": {
 12077              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
 12078              "schema": {
 12079                "$ref": "#/definitions/role_set_enterprise_user_management_delegated_to_operator_result"
 12080              }
 12081            },
 12082            "400": {
 12083              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12084            },
 12085            "500": {
 12086              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12087            }
 12088          }
 12089        }
 12090      },
 12091      "/systemProperty/getSystemProperties": {
 12092        "post": {
 12093          "summary": "Get all system properties",
 12094          "description": "Gets all configured system properties.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `SYSTEM_PROPERTY`",
 12095          "operationId": "system_property_get_system_properties",
 12096          "x-privileges": {
 12097            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 12098            "allowAuthTypes": [
 12099              "OPERATOR_USER"
 12100            ],
 12101            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 12102            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 12103              "EDGE",
 12104              "GATEWAY"
 12105            ],
 12106            "requirePrivileges": [
 12107              {
 12108                "action": "READ",
 12109                "object": "SYSTEM_PROPERTY"
 12110              }
 12111            ]
 12112          },
 12113          "tags": [
 12114            "systemProperty",
 12115            "all"
 12116          ],
 12117          "parameters": [
 12118            {
 12119              "name": "body",
 12120              "in": "body",
 12121              "required": true,
 12122              "schema": {
 12123                "type": "object",
 12124                "title": "system_property_get_system_properties",
 12125                "properties": {
 12126                  "group": {
 12127                    "type": "string",
 12128                    "description": "Filter for properties matching a given group prefix"
 12129                  },
 12130                  "normalize": {
 12131                    "type": "boolean",
 12132                    "description": "If true, transforms query result from rowset to single object with attribute names matching property names fetched"
 12133                  }
 12134                }
 12135              }
 12136            }
 12137          ],
 12138          "responses": {
 12139            "200": {
 12140              "schema": {
 12141                "type": "array",
 12142                "items": {
 12143                  "$ref": "#/definitions/system_property_get_system_properties_result_item"
 12144                }
 12145              },
 12146              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 12147            },
 12148            "400": {
 12149              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12150            },
 12151            "500": {
 12152              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12153            }
 12154          }
 12155        }
 12156      },
 12157      "/systemProperty/getSystemProperty": {
 12158        "post": {
 12159          "summary": "Get system property",
 12160          "description": "Gets the specified system property. Specify by object `id` or `name`.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `SYSTEM_PROPERTY`",
 12161          "operationId": "system_property_get_system_property",
 12162          "x-privileges": {
 12163            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 12164            "allowAuthTypes": [
 12165              "OPERATOR_USER"
 12166            ],
 12167            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 12168            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 12169              "EDGE",
 12170              "GATEWAY"
 12171            ],
 12172            "requirePrivileges": [
 12173              {
 12174                "action": "READ",
 12175                "object": "SYSTEM_PROPERTY"
 12176              }
 12177            ]
 12178          },
 12179          "tags": [
 12180            "systemProperty",
 12181            "all"
 12182          ],
 12183          "parameters": [
 12184            {
 12185              "name": "body",
 12186              "in": "body",
 12187              "required": true,
 12188              "schema": {
 12189                "type": "object",
 12190                "title": "system_property_get_system_property",
 12191                "properties": {
 12192                  "name": {
 12193                    "type": "string"
 12194                  },
 12195                  "id": {
 12196                    "type": "integer"
 12197                  }
 12198                }
 12199              }
 12200            }
 12201          ],
 12202          "responses": {
 12203            "200": {
 12204              "schema": {
 12205                "$ref": "#/definitions/system_property_get_system_property_result"
 12206              },
 12207              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 12208            },
 12209            "400": {
 12210              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12211            },
 12212            "500": {
 12213              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12214            }
 12215          }
 12216        }
 12217      },
 12218      "/systemProperty/insertOrUpdateSystemProperty": {
 12219        "post": {
 12220          "summary": "Create or update system property",
 12221          "description": "Creates the specified system property. If the system property with the specified `name` already exists, then the API call updates it.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `SYSTEM_PROPERTY`",
 12222          "operationId": "system_property_insert_or_update_system_property",
 12223          "x-privileges": {
 12224            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 12225            "allowAuthTypes": [
 12226              "OPERATOR_USER"
 12227            ],
 12228            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 12229            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 12230              "EDGE",
 12231              "GATEWAY"
 12232            ],
 12233            "requirePrivileges": [
 12234              {
 12235                "action": "CREATE",
 12236                "object": "SYSTEM_PROPERTY"
 12237              }
 12238            ]
 12239          },
 12240          "tags": [
 12241            "systemProperty",
 12242            "all"
 12243          ],
 12244          "parameters": [
 12245            {
 12246              "name": "body",
 12247              "in": "body",
 12248              "required": true,
 12249              "schema": {
 12250                "type": "object",
 12251                "title": "system_property_insert_or_update_system_property",
 12252                "properties": {
 12253                  "name": {
 12254                    "type": "string"
 12255                  },
 12256                  "value": {
 12257                    "type": "string"
 12258                  },
 12259                  "defaultValue": {
 12260                    "type": "string"
 12261                  },
 12262                  "isPassword": {
 12263                    "type": "boolean"
 12264                  },
 12265                  "isReadOnly": {
 12266                    "type": "boolean"
 12267                  },
 12268                  "dataType": {
 12269                    "type": "string"
 12270                  },
 12271                  "description": {
 12272                    "type": "string"
 12273                  }
 12274                },
 12275                "required": [
 12276                  "name",
 12277                  "value"
 12278                ]
 12279              }
 12280            }
 12281          ],
 12282          "responses": {
 12283            "200": {
 12284              "schema": {
 12285                "$ref": "#/definitions/system_property_insert_or_update_system_property_result"
 12286              },
 12287              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 12288            },
 12289            "400": {
 12290              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12291            },
 12292            "500": {
 12293              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12294            }
 12295          }
 12296        }
 12297      },
 12298      "/systemProperty/insertSystemProperty": {
 12299        "post": {
 12300          "summary": "Create system property",
 12301          "description": "Creates a new system property with the specified `name`, `value`, and optionally other attributes.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `SYSTEM_PROPERTY`",
 12302          "operationId": "system_property_insert_system_property",
 12303          "x-privileges": {
 12304            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 12305            "allowAuthTypes": [
 12306              "OPERATOR_USER"
 12307            ],
 12308            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 12309            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 12310              "EDGE",
 12311              "GATEWAY"
 12312            ],
 12313            "requirePrivileges": [
 12314              {
 12315                "action": "CREATE",
 12316                "object": "SYSTEM_PROPERTY"
 12317              }
 12318            ]
 12319          },
 12320          "tags": [
 12321            "systemProperty",
 12322            "all"
 12323          ],
 12324          "parameters": [
 12325            {
 12326              "name": "body",
 12327              "in": "body",
 12328              "required": true,
 12329              "schema": {
 12330                "type": "object",
 12331                "title": "system_property_insert_system_property",
 12332                "properties": {
 12333                  "name": {
 12334                    "type": "string"
 12335                  },
 12336                  "value": {
 12337                    "type": "string"
 12338                  },
 12339                  "defaultValue": {
 12340                    "type": "string"
 12341                  },
 12342                  "dataType": {
 12343                    "type": "string"
 12344                  },
 12345                  "description": {
 12346                    "type": "string"
 12347                  },
 12348                  "isPassword": {
 12349                    "type": "boolean"
 12350                  },
 12351                  "isReadOnly": {
 12352                    "type": "boolean"
 12353                  }
 12354                },
 12355                "required": [
 12356                  "name",
 12357                  "value"
 12358                ]
 12359              }
 12360            }
 12361          ],
 12362          "responses": {
 12363            "200": {
 12364              "schema": {
 12365                "$ref": "#/definitions/system_property_insert_system_property_result"
 12366              },
 12367              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 12368            },
 12369            "400": {
 12370              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12371            },
 12372            "500": {
 12373              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12374            }
 12375          }
 12376        }
 12377      },
 12378      "/systemProperty/updateSystemProperty": {
 12379        "post": {
 12380          "summary": "Update system property",
 12381          "description": "Updates the specified system property (by object `id` or `name`). Expects an `_update` object containing the field(s) to be updated and their corresponding value(s).\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`UPDATE` `SYSTEM_PROPERTY`",
 12382          "operationId": "system_property_update_system_property",
 12383          "x-privileges": {
 12384            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 12385            "allowAuthTypes": [
 12386              "OPERATOR_USER"
 12387            ],
 12388            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 12389            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 12390              "EDGE",
 12391              "GATEWAY"
 12392            ],
 12393            "requirePrivileges": [
 12394              {
 12395                "action": "UPDATE",
 12396                "object": "SYSTEM_PROPERTY"
 12397              }
 12398            ]
 12399          },
 12400          "tags": [
 12401            "systemProperty",
 12402            "all"
 12403          ],
 12404          "parameters": [
 12405            {
 12406              "name": "body",
 12407              "in": "body",
 12408              "required": true,
 12409              "schema": {
 12410                "type": "object",
 12411                "title": "system_property_update_system_property",
 12412                "properties": {
 12413                  "name": {
 12414                    "type": "string"
 12415                  },
 12416                  "id": {
 12417                    "type": "integer"
 12418                  },
 12419                  "_update": {
 12420                    "type": "object",
 12421                    "properties": {
 12422                      "name": {
 12423                        "type": "string"
 12424                      },
 12425                      "value": {
 12426                        "type": "string"
 12427                      },
 12428                      "defaultValue": {
 12429                        "type": "string"
 12430                      },
 12431                      "isPassword": {
 12432                        "type": "boolean"
 12433                      },
 12434                      "isReadOnly": {
 12435                        "type": "boolean"
 12436                      },
 12437                      "dataType": {
 12438                        "type": "string"
 12439                      },
 12440                      "description": {
 12441                        "type": "string"
 12442                      }
 12443                    }
 12444                  }
 12445                },
 12446                "required": [
 12447                  "_update"
 12448                ]
 12449              }
 12450            }
 12451          ],
 12452          "responses": {
 12453            "200": {
 12454              "schema": {
 12455                "$ref": "#/definitions/system_property_update_system_property_result"
 12456              },
 12457              "description": "Request was successfully processed"
 12458            },
 12459            "400": {
 12460              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12461            },
 12462            "500": {
 12463              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12464            }
 12465          }
 12466        }
 12467      },
 12468      "/vcoDiagnostics/getVcoDbDiagnostics": {
 12469        "post": {
 12470          "summary": "Get VCO Database Diagnostics",
 12471          "description": "Gets the diagnostic information of the VCO database.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `VCO_DIAGNOSTICS`",
 12472          "operationId": "vco_diagnostics_get_vco_db_diagnostics",
 12473          "x-privileges": {
 12474            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 12475            "allowAuthTypes": [
 12476              "OPERATOR_USER"
 12477            ],
 12478            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 12479            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 12480              "EDGE",
 12481              "GATEWAY"
 12482            ],
 12483            "requirePrivileges": [
 12484              {
 12485                "action": "READ",
 12486                "object": "VCO_DIAGNOSTICS"
 12487              }
 12488            ]
 12489          },
 12490          "tags": [
 12491            "all",
 12492            "vcoDiagnostics"
 12493          ],
 12494          "parameters": [
 12495            {
 12496              "name": "body",
 12497              "in": "body",
 12498              "required": true,
 12499              "schema": {
 12500                "type": "object",
 12501                "title": "vco_diagnostics_get_vco_db_diagnostics",
 12502                "properties": {}
 12503              }
 12504            }
 12505          ],
 12506          "responses": {
 12507            "200": {
 12508              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
 12509              "schema": {
 12510                "type": "array",
 12511                "items": {
 12512                  "type": "object",
 12513                  "properties": {
 12514                    "name": {
 12515                      "type": "string"
 12516                    },
 12517                    "description": {
 12518                      "type": "string"
 12519                    },
 12520                    "method": {
 12521                      "type": "string"
 12522                    },
 12523                    "result": {
 12524                      "type": "object",
 12525                      "properties": {
 12526                        "velocloud": {
 12527                          "type": "array",
 12528                          "items": {
 12529                            "type": "object",
 12530                            "properties": {
 12531                              "table_schema": {
 12532                                "type": "string"
 12533                              },
 12534                              "table_name": {
 12535                                "type": "string"
 12536                              },
 12537                              "table_rows": {
 12538                                "type": "integer"
 12539                              },
 12540                              "avg_row_length": {
 12541                                "type": "integer"
 12542                              },
 12543                              "data_length": {
 12544                                "type": "integer"
 12545                              },
 12546                              "index_length": {
 12547                                "type": "integer"
 12548                              },
 12549                              "data_free": {
 12550                                "type": "integer"
 12551                              }
 12552                            }
 12553                          }
 12554                        },
 12555                        "velocloud_ca": {
 12556                          "type": "array",
 12557                          "items": {
 12558                            "type": "object",
 12559                            "properties": {
 12560                              "table_schema": {
 12561                                "type": "string"
 12562                              },
 12563                              "table_name": {
 12564                                "type": "string"
 12565                              },
 12566                              "table_rows": {
 12567                                "type": "integer"
 12568                              },
 12569                              "avg_row_length": {
 12570                                "type": "integer"
 12571                              },
 12572                              "data_length": {
 12573                                "type": "integer"
 12574                              },
 12575                              "index_length": {
 12576                                "type": "integer"
 12577                              },
 12578                              "data_free": {
 12579                                "type": "integer"
 12580                              }
 12581                            }
 12582                          }
 12583                        },
 12584                        "velocloud_dr": {
 12585                          "type": "array",
 12586                          "items": {
 12587                            "type": "object",
 12588                            "properties": {
 12589                              "table_schema": {
 12590                                "type": "string"
 12591                              },
 12592                              "table_name": {
 12593                                "type": "string"
 12594                              },
 12595                              "table_rows": {
 12596                                "type": "integer"
 12597                              },
 12598                              "avg_row_length": {
 12599                                "type": "integer"
 12600                              },
 12601                              "data_length": {
 12602                                "type": "integer"
 12603                              },
 12604                              "index_length": {
 12605                                "type": "integer"
 12606                              },
 12607                              "data_free": {
 12608                                "type": "integer"
 12609                              }
 12610                            }
 12611                          }
 12612                        },
 12613                        "velocloud_stats": {
 12614                          "type": "array",
 12615                          "items": {
 12616                            "type": "object",
 12617                            "properties": {
 12618                              "table_schema": {
 12619                                "type": "string"
 12620                              },
 12621                              "table_name": {
 12622                                "type": "string"
 12623                              },
 12624                              "table_rows": {
 12625                                "type": "integer"
 12626                              },
 12627                              "avg_row_length": {
 12628                                "type": "integer"
 12629                              },
 12630                              "data_length": {
 12631                                "type": "integer"
 12632                              },
 12633                              "index_length": {
 12634                                "type": "integer"
 12635                              },
 12636                              "data_free": {
 12637                                "type": "integer"
 12638                              }
 12639                            }
 12640                          }
 12641                        }
 12642                      }
 12643                    }
 12644                  }
 12645                }
 12646              }
 12647            },
 12648            "400": {
 12649              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12650            },
 12651            "500": {
 12652              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12653            }
 12654          }
 12655        }
 12656      },
 12657      "/vcoInventory/associateEdge": {
 12658        "post": {
 12659          "summary": "Assign Edge to enterprise",
 12660          "tags": [
 12661            "all",
 12662            "vcoInventory"
 12663          ],
 12664          "description": "Assigns an Edge in the inventory to the specified enterprise. To perform the action, the Edge should already be in a `STAGING` state. The assignment can be done at an enterprise level, without selecting a destination Edge profile. In such a case, the inventory Edge is assigned to a staging profile within the enterprise. Optionally, a profile or destination Edge can be assigned to this inventory Edge. The Edge in the inventory can be assigned to any profile. The inventory Edge can be assigned to an enterprise Edge only if it is in a `PENDING` or `REACTIVATION_PENDING` state.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `ENTERPRISE`",
 12665          "operationId": "vco_inventory_associate_edge",
 12666          "x-privileges": {
 12667            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 12668            "allowAuthTypes": [
 12669              "OPERATOR_USER"
 12670            ],
 12671            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 12672            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 12673              "EDGE",
 12674              "GATEWAY"
 12675            ],
 12676            "requirePrivileges": [
 12677              {
 12678                "action": "CREATE",
 12679                "object": "ENTERPRISE"
 12680              }
 12681            ]
 12682          },
 12683          "parameters": [
 12684            {
 12685              "name": "body",
 12686              "in": "body",
 12687              "required": true,
 12688              "schema": {
 12689                "type": "object",
 12690                "title": "vco_inventory_associate_edge",
 12691                "properties": {
 12692                  "edgeInventoryId": {
 12693                    "type": "integer"
 12694                  },
 12695                  "enterpriseId": {
 12696                    "type": "integer"
 12697                  },
 12698                  "edgeId": {
 12699                    "type": "integer"
 12700                  },
 12701                  "deviceSerialNumber": {
 12702                    "type": "string"
 12703                  }
 12704                }
 12705              }
 12706            }
 12707          ],
 12708          "responses": {
 12709            "200": {
 12710              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
 12711              "schema": {
 12712                "type": "object",
 12713                "properties": {
 12714                  "id": {
 12715                    "type": "integer"
 12716                  },
 12717                  "deviceSerialNumber": {
 12718                    "type": "string"
 12719                  }
 12720                }
 12721              }
 12722            },
 12723            "400": {
 12724              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12725            },
 12726            "500": {
 12727              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12728            }
 12729          }
 12730        }
 12731      },
 12732      "/vcoInventory/getInventoryItems": {
 12733        "post": {
 12734          "summary": "Get available VCO inventory items",
 12735          "tags": [
 12736            "all",
 12737            "vcoInventory"
 12738          ],
 12739          "description": "Gets all of the inventory information available with this VCO. This method does not have required parameters. The optional parameters are \n`enterpriseId` - Returns inventory items belonging to the specified enterprise. If the caller context is an enterprise, then this value will be taken from the token itself.\n`modifiedSince` - Returns inventory items that have been modified in the last `modifiedSince` hours.\n`with` - Array containing the string \"edge\" to get details about the provisioned Edge, if any.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`READ` `INVENTORY`",
 12740          "operationId": "vco_inventory_get_inventory_items",
 12741          "x-privileges": {
 12742            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 12743            "allowAuthTypes": [
 12744              "OPERATOR_USER",
 12745              "ENTERPRISE_USER"
 12746            ],
 12747            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 12748            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 12749              "EDGE",
 12750              "GATEWAY"
 12751            ],
 12752            "requirePrivileges": [
 12753              {
 12754                "action": "READ",
 12755                "object": "INVENTORY"
 12756              }
 12757            ]
 12758          },
 12759          "parameters": [
 12760            {
 12761              "name": "body",
 12762              "in": "body",
 12763              "required": true,
 12764              "schema": {
 12765                "type": "object",
 12766                "title": "vco_inventory_get_inventory_items",
 12767                "properties": {
 12768                  "enterpriseId": {
 12769                    "type": "integer"
 12770                  },
 12771                  "modifiedSince": {
 12772                    "type": "integer"
 12773                  },
 12774                  "with": {
 12775                    "type": "array",
 12776                    "items": {
 12777                      "type": "string",
 12778                      "enum": [
 12779                        "edge",
 12780                        "vcoOwner"
 12781                      ]
 12782                    }
 12783                  }
 12784                }
 12785              }
 12786            }
 12787          ],
 12788          "responses": {
 12789            "200": {
 12790              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
 12791              "schema": {
 12792                "$ref": "#/definitions/vco_inventory_get_inventory_items_result"
 12793              }
 12794            },
 12795            "400": {
 12796              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12797            },
 12798            "500": {
 12799              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12800            }
 12801          }
 12802        }
 12803      },
 12804      "/vpn/generateVpnGatewayConfiguration": {
 12805        "post": {
 12806          "summary": "Provision a non-SD-WAN VPN site",
 12807          "description": "Provision a non-SD-WAN site (e.g. a data center or cloud service PoP) and generate VPN configuration.\n\nPrivileges required:\n\n`CREATE` `NETWORK_SERVICE`",
 12808          "tags": [
 12809            "all",
 12810            "vpn"
 12811          ],
 12812          "x-privileges": {
 12813            "excludeAuthTypes": [],
 12814            "allowAuthTypes": [
 12815              "ANY"
 12816            ],
 12817            "allowPrincipleTypes": [],
 12818            "excludePrincipleTypes": [
 12819              "EDGE",
 12820              "GATEWAY"
 12821            ],
 12822            "requirePrivileges": [
 12823              {
 12824                "action": "CREATE",
 12825                "object": "NETWORK_SERVICE"
 12826              }
 12827            ]
 12828          },
 12829          "operationId": "vpn_generate_vpn_gateway_configuration",
 12830          "parameters": [
 12831            {
 12832              "name": "body",
 12833              "in": "body",
 12834              "required": true,
 12835              "schema": {
 12836                "type": "object",
 12837                "title": "vpn_generate_vpn_gateway_configuration",
 12838                "properties": {
 12839                  "enterpriseId": {
 12840                    "type": "integer"
 12841                  },
 12842                  "name": {
 12843                    "type": "string"
 12844                  },
 12845                  "data": {
 12846                    "$ref": "#/definitions/data_center_data"
 12847                  }
 12848                },
 12849                "required": [
 12850                  "name",
 12851                  "data"
 12852                ]
 12853              }
 12854            }
 12855          ],
 12856          "responses": {
 12857            "200": {
 12858              "description": "Request was successfully processed",
 12859              "schema": {
 12860                "$ref": "#/definitions/vpn_generate_vpn_gateway_configuration_result"
 12861              }
 12862            },
 12863            "400": {
 12864              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_400"
 12865            },
 12866            "500": {
 12867              "$ref": "#/responses/generic_500"
 12868            }
 12869          }
 12870        }
 12871      }
 12872    },
 12873    "definitions": {
 12874      "error": {
 12875        "type": "object",
 12876        "properties": {
 12877          "error": {
 12878            "type": "object",
 12879            "properties": {
 12880              "code": {
 12881                "type": "integer",
 12882                "description": "A JSON-RPC error code (see for details)",
 12883                "example": -32600
 12884              },
 12885              "message": {
 12886                "type": "string",
 12887                "example": "An error occurred while processing your request"
 12888              }
 12889            },
 12890            "required": [
 12891              "code",
 12892              "message"
 12893            ]
 12894          }
 12895        },
 12896        "required": [
 12897          "error"
 12898        ]
 12899      },
 12900      "tinyint": {
 12901        "type": "integer",
 12902        "enum": [
 12903          0,
 12904          1
 12905        ]
 12906      },
 12907      "logicalid_reference": {
 12908        "type": "object",
 12909        "properties": {
 12910          "logicalId": {
 12911            "type": "string"
 12912          }
 12913        }
 12914      },
 12915      "subnet": {
 12916        "type": "object",
 12917        "properties": {
 12918          "cidrIp": {
 12919            "type": "string"
 12920          },
 12921          "cidrPrefix": {
 12922            "type": "integer"
 12923          }
 12924        }
 12925      },
 12926      "enterprise": {
 12927        "type": "object",
 12928        "properties": {
 12929          "id": {
 12930            "type": "integer"
 12931          },
 12932          "created": {
 12933            "type": "string",
 12934            "format": "date-time"
 12935          },
 12936          "networkId": {
 12937            "type": "integer"
 12938          },
 12939          "gatewayPoolId": {
 12940            "type": "integer"
 12941          },
 12942          "alertsEnabled": {
 12943            "$ref": "#/definitions/tinyint"
 12944          },
 12945          "operatorAlertsEnabled": {
 12946            "$ref": "#/definitions/tinyint"
 12947          },
 12948          "endpointPkiMode": {
 12949            "type": "string",
 12950            "enum": [
 12951              "CERTIFICATE_DISABLED",
 12952              "CERTIFICATE_OPTIONAL",
 12953              "CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED"
 12954            ]
 12955          },
 12956          "name": {
 12957            "type": "string"
 12958          },
 12959          "domain": {
 12960            "type": "string"
 12961          },
 12962          "prefix": {
 12963            "type": "string"
 12964          },
 12965          "logicalId": {
 12966            "type": "string"
 12967          },
 12968          "accountNumber": {
 12969            "type": "string"
 12970          },
 12971          "description": {
 12972            "type": "string"
 12973          },
 12974          "contactName": {
 12975            "type": "string"
 12976          },
 12977          "contactPhone": {
 12978            "type": "string"
 12979          },
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 14721                          },
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 14723                            "type": "integer"
 14724                          }
 14725                        }
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 14727                    }
 14728                  }
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 14739        ],
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 14743          },
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 14751              "QOS",
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 14753              "WAN",
 14754              "metaData",
 14755              "properties"
 14756            ]
 14757          },
 14758          "type": {
 14759            "type": "string",
 14760            "enum": [
 14761              "ENTERPRISE",
 14762              "OPERATOR",
 14763              "GATEWAY"
 14764            ]
 14765          },
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 14767            "type": "string"
 14768          },
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 14771          }
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 14774      },
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 14777        "additionalProperties": {
 14778          "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_service_base_type"
 14779        }
 14780      },
 14781      "imageUpdate": {
 14782        "allOf": [
 14783          {
 14784            "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_module_base_type"
 14785          },
 14786          {
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 14788            "properties": {
 14789              "data": {
 14790                "$ref": "#/definitions/image_update_data"
 14791              }
 14792            },
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 14796          }
 14797        ]
 14798      },
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 14800        "type": "object",
 14801        "properties": {
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 14803            "type": "string"
 14804          },
 14805          "profileDeviceFamily": {
 14806            "type": "string"
 14807          },
 14808          "profileVersion": {
 14809            "type": "string"
 14810          },
 14811          "scheduledStartTime": {
 14812            "$ref": "#/definitions/image_update_scheduled_time"
 14813          },
 14814          "softwarePackageId": {
 14815            "type": "integer"
 14816          },
 14817          "softwarePackageName": {
 14818            "type": "string"
 14819          },
 14820          "version": {
 14821            "type": "string"
 14822          },
 14823          "windowDurationMins": {
 14824            "type": "integer"
 14825          },
 14826          "windowed": {
 14827            "type": "boolean"
 14828          }
 14829        },
 14830        "required": [
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 14833          "profileVersion",
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 14835          "softwarePackageName",
 14836          "version",
 14837          "windowDurationMins",
 14838          "windowed"
 14839        ]
 14840      },
 14841      "image_update_scheduled_time": {
 14842        "type": "object",
 14843        "properties": {
 14844          "dayOfWeek": {
 14845            "type": "integer"
 14846          },
 14847          "specified": {
 14848            "type": "boolean"
 14849          },
 14850          "timeOfDayMins": {
 14851            "type": "integer"
 14852          },
 14853          "useEdgeTimeZone": {
 14854            "type": "boolean"
 14855          }
 14856        },
 14857        "required": [
 14858          "dayOfWeek",
 14859          "specified",
 14860          "timeOfDayMins",
 14861          "useEdgeTimeZone"
 14862        ]
 14863      },
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 14865        "allOf": [
 14866          {
 14867            "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_module_base_type"
 14868          },
 14869          {
 14870            "type": "object",
 14871            "properties": {
 14872              "data": {
 14873                "$ref": "#/definitions/control_plane_data"
 14874              }
 14875            },
 14876            "required": [
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 14878            ]
 14879          }
 14880        ]
 14881      },
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 14883        "type": "object",
 14884        "properties": {
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 14886            "type": "object",
 14887            "properties": {
 14888              "mode": {
 14889                "type": "string"
 14890              },
 14891              "primary": {
 14892                "type": "string"
 14893              },
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 14895                "type": "object",
 14896                "properties": {
 14897                  "ipAddress": {
 14898                    "type": "string"
 14899                  },
 14900                  "logicalId": {
 14901                    "type": "string"
 14902                  },
 14903                  "name": {
 14904                    "type": "string"
 14905                  }
 14906                },
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 14908                  "ipAddress",
 14909                  "logicalId",
 14910                  "name"
 14911                ]
 14912              },
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 14914                "type": "string"
 14915              },
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 14918                "properties": {
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 14920                    "type": "string"
 14921                  },
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 14923                    "type": "string"
 14924                  },
 14925                  "name": {
 14926                    "type": "string"
 14927                  }
 14928                },
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 14931                  "logicalId",
 14932                  "name"
 14933                ]
 14934              },
 14935              "super": {
 14936                "type": "string"
 14937              },
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 14940                "properties": {
 14941                  "ipAddress": {
 14942                    "type": "string"
 14943                  },
 14944                  "logicalId": {
 14945                    "type": "string"
 14946                  },
 14947                  "name": {
 14948                    "type": "string"
 14949                  }
 14950                }
 14951              }
 14952            }
 14953          },
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 14956            "properties": {
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 14958                "type": "array",
 14959                "items": {
 14960                  "type": "object",
 14961                  "properties": {
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 14963                      "type": "string"
 14964                    },
 14965                    "name": {
 14966                      "type": "string"
 14967                    }
 14968                  }
 14969                }
 14970              },
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 14972                "type": "boolean"
 14973              },
 14974              "edgeToEdge": {
 14975                "type": "boolean"
 14976              },
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 14978                "type": "object",
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 14981                    "type": "object",
 14982                    "properties": {
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 14984                        "type": "boolean"
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 14987                        "type": "integer"
 14988                      },
 14989                      "type": {
 14990                        "type": "string"
 14991                      }
 14992                    }
 14993                  },
 14994                  "encryptionProtocol": {
 14995                    "type": "string"
 14996                  },
 14997                  "profileIsolation": {
 14998                    "type": "object",
 14999                    "properties": {
 15000                      "enabled": {
 15001                        "type": "boolean"
 15002                      },
 15003                      "isolateDynamic": {
 15004                        "type": "boolean"
 15005                      }
 15006                    }
 15007                  },
 15008                  "useCloudGateway": {
 15009                    "type": "boolean"
 15010                  },
 15011                  "vpnHubs": {
 15012                    "type": "array",
 15013                    "items": {
 15014                      "type": "object"
 15015                    }
 15016                  },
 15017                  "autoSelectVpnHubs": {
 15018                    "type": "boolean"
 15019                  }
 15020                }
 15021              },
 15022              "edgeToEdgeList": {
 15023                "type": "array",
 15024                "items": {
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 15026                  "properties": {
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 15028                      "type": "integer"
 15029                    },
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 15031                      "type": "string"
 15032                    },
 15033                    "name": {
 15034                      "type": "string"
 15035                    },
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 15037                      "type": "string"
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 15039                  }
 15040                }
 15041              }
 15042            }
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 15047              "type": "object",
 15048              "properties": {
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 15050                  "type": "boolean"
 15051                },
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 15053                  "type": "boolean"
 15054                },
 15055                "strictHostCheckDN": {
 15056                  "type": "string"
 15057                }
 15058              }
 15059            }
 15060          }
 15061        },
 15062        "required": [
 15063          "gatewaySelection"
 15064        ]
 15065      },
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 15067        "allOf": [
 15068          {
 15069            "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_module_base_type"
 15070          },
 15071          {
 15072            "type": "object",
 15073            "properties": {
 15074              "data": {
 15075                "$ref": "#/definitions/management_plane_data"
 15076              }
 15077            },
 15078            "required": [
 15079              "data"
 15080            ]
 15081          }
 15082        ]
 15083      },
 15084      "management_plane_data": {
 15085        "type": "object",
 15086        "properties": {
 15087          "heartBeatSeconds": {
 15088            "type": "integer"
 15089          },
 15090          "managementPlaneProxy": {
 15091            "type": "object",
 15092            "properties": {
 15093              "primary": {
 15094                "type": "string"
 15095              },
 15096              "secondary": {
 15097                "type": "string"
 15098              }
 15099            },
 15100            "required": [
 15101              "primary",
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 15103            ]
 15104          },
 15105          "statsUploadSeconds": {
 15106            "type": "integer"
 15107          },
 15108          "timeSliceSeconds": {
 15109            "type": "integer"
 15110          }
 15111        },
 15112        "required": [
 15113          "heartBeatSeconds",
 15114          "managementPlaneProxy",
 15115          "statsUploadSeconds",
 15116          "timeSliceSeconds"
 15117        ]
 15118      },
 15119      "firewall": {
 15120        "allOf": [
 15121          {
 15122            "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_module_base_type"
 15123          },
 15124          {
 15125            "type": "object",
 15126            "properties": {
 15127              "data": {
 15128                "$ref": "#/definitions/firewall_data"
 15129              }
 15130            },
 15131            "required": [
 15132              "data"
 15133            ]
 15134          }
 15135        ]
 15136      },
 15137      "firewall_data": {
 15138        "type": "object",
 15139        "properties": {
 15140          "firewall_enabled": {
 15141            "type": "boolean"
 15142          },
 15143          "stateful_firewall_enabled": {
 15144            "type": "boolean"
 15145          },
 15146          "firewall_logging_enabled": {
 15147            "type": "boolean"
 15148          },
 15149          "inbound": {
 15150            "type": "array",
 15151            "items": {
 15152              "$ref": "#/definitions/firewall_inbound_rule"
 15153            }
 15154          },
 15155          "segments": {
 15156            "type": "array",
 15157            "items": {
 15158              "$ref": "#/definitions/firewall_segment"
 15159            }
 15160          },
 15161          "services": {
 15162            "type": "object",
 15163            "properties": {
 15164              "loggingEnabled": {
 15165                "type": "boolean"
 15166              },
 15167              "ssh": {
 15168                "type": "object",
 15169                "properties": {
 15170                  "enabled": {
 15171                    "type": "boolean"
 15172                  },
 15173                  "allowSelectedIp": {
 15174                    "type": "array",
 15175                    "items": {
 15176                      "type": "string"
 15177                    }
 15178                  },
 15179                  "ruleLogicalId": {
 15180                    "type": "string"
 15181                  }
 15182                },
 15183                "required": [
 15184                  "enabled"
 15185                ]
 15186              },
 15187              "localUi": {
 15188                "type": "object",
 15189                "properties": {
 15190                  "enabled": {
 15191                    "type": "boolean"
 15192                  },
 15193                  "allowSelectedIp": {
 15194                    "type": "array",
 15195                    "items": {
 15196                      "type": "string"
 15197                    },
 15198                    "description": "List of IP addresses allowed UI access"
 15199                  },
 15200                  "portNumber": {
 15201                    "type": "integer"
 15202                  },
 15203                  "ruleLogicalId": {
 15204                    "type": "string"
 15205                  }
 15206                },
 15207                "required": [
 15208                  "enabled",
 15209                  "portNumber"
 15210                ]
 15211              },
 15212              "snmp": {
 15213                "type": "object",
 15214                "properties": {
 15215                  "enabled": {
 15216                    "type": "boolean"
 15217                  },
 15218                  "allowSelectedIp": {
 15219                    "type": "array",
 15220                    "items": {
 15221                      "type": "string"
 15222                    },
 15223                    "description": "List of IP addresses allowed SNMP access"
 15224                  },
 15225                  "ruleLogicalId": {
 15226                    "type": "string"
 15227                  }
 15228                },
 15229                "required": [
 15230                  "enabled"
 15231                ]
 15232              },
 15233              "icmp": {
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 15235                "properties": {
 15236                  "enabled": {
 15237                    "type": "boolean"
 15238                  },
 15239                  "allowSelectedIp": {
 15240                    "type": "array",
 15241                    "items": {
 15242                      "type": "string"
 15243                    },
 15244                    "description": "List of IP addresses allowed ICMP access"
 15245                  },
 15246                  "ruleLogicalId": {
 15247                    "type": "string"
 15248                  }
 15249                },
 15250                "required": [
 15251                  "enabled"
 15252                ]
 15253              }
 15254            },
 15255            "required": [
 15256              "loggingEnabled"
 15257            ]
 15258          }
 15259        },
 15260        "required": [
 15261          "firewall_enabled",
 15262          "inbound",
 15263          "segments"
 15264        ]
 15265      },
 15266      "firewall_segment": {
 15267        "type": "object",
 15268        "properties": {
 15269          "firewall_logging_enabled": {
 15270            "type": "boolean"
 15271          },
 15272          "stateful_firewall_enabled": {
 15273            "type": "boolean"
 15274          },
 15275          "outbound": {
 15276            "type": "array",
 15277            "items": {
 15278              "$ref": "#/definitions/firewall_outbound_rule"
 15279            }
 15280          },
 15281          "segment": {
 15282            "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_module_segment_metadata"
 15283          }
 15284        },
 15285        "required": [
 15286          "firewall_logging_enabled",
 15287          "outbound",
 15288          "segment"
 15289        ]
 15290      },
 15291      "firewall_inbound_rule": {
 15292        "type": "object",
 15293        "properties": {
 15294          "name": {
 15295            "type": "string"
 15296          },
 15297          "match": {
 15298            "$ref": "#/definitions/firewall_rule_match"
 15299          },
 15300          "action": {
 15301            "type": "object",
 15302            "properties": {
 15303              "type": {
 15304                "type": "string",
 15305                "enum": [
 15306                  "port_forwarding",
 15307                  "one_to_one_nat"
 15308                ]
 15309              },
 15310              "nat": {
 15311                "type": "object",
 15312                "properties": {
 15313                  "lan_ip": {
 15314                    "type": "string"
 15315                  },
 15316                  "lan_port": {
 15317                    "type": "integer"
 15318                  },
 15319                  "outbound": {
 15320                    "type": "boolean"
 15321                  }
 15322                },
 15323                "required": [
 15324                  "lan_ip"
 15325                ]
 15326              },
 15327              "interface": {
 15328                "type": "string",
 15329                "description": "The name of the interface from which traffic should be forwarded"
 15330              },
 15331              "subinterfaceId": {
 15332                "type": "integer"
 15333              }
 15334            },
 15335            "required": [
 15336              "type",
 15337              "nat",
 15338              "interface"
 15339            ]
 15340          },
 15341          "ruleLogicalId": {
 15342            "type": "string"
 15343          }
 15344        },
 15345        "required": [
 15346          "match",
 15347          "action"
 15348        ]
 15349      },
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 15351        "type": "object",
 15352        "properties": {
 15353          "name": {
 15354            "type": "string"
 15355          },
 15356          "match": {
 15357            "$ref": "#/definitions/firewall_rule_match"
 15358          },
 15359          "action": {
 15360            "type": "object",
 15361            "properties": {
 15362              "allow_or_deny": {
 15363                "type": "string",
 15364                "enum": [
 15365                  "allow",
 15366                  "deny",
 15367                  "drop",
 15368                  "reject",
 15369                  "skip"
 15370                ]
 15371              }
 15372            }
 15373          },
 15374          "ruleLogicalId": {
 15375            "type": "string"
 15376          }
 15377        },
 15378        "required": [
 15379          "match",
 15380          "action"
 15381        ]
 15382      },
 15383      "netflow_filter": {
 15384        "allOf": [
 15385          {
 15386            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_object_base"
 15387          },
 15388          {
 15389            "type": "object",
 15390            "properties": {
 15391              "data": {
 15392                "$ref": "#/definitions/netflow_filter_data"
 15393              }
 15394            }
 15395          }
 15396        ]
 15397      },
 15398      "netflow_filter_data": {
 15399        "type": "object",
 15400        "properties": {
 15401          "name": {
 15402            "type": "string"
 15403          },
 15404          "match": {
 15405            "$ref": "#/definitions/netflow_filter_rule"
 15406          },
 15407          "action": {
 15408            "type": "object",
 15409            "properties": {
 15410              "allow_or_deny": {
 15411                "type": "string",
 15412                "enum": [
 15413                  "allow",
 15414                  "deny"
 15415                ]
 15416              }
 15417            },
 15418            "required": [
 15419              "allow_or_deny"
 15420            ]
 15421          }
 15422        },
 15423        "required": [
 15424          "match",
 15425          "action",
 15426          "name"
 15427        ]
 15428      },
 15429      "netflow_filter_rule": {
 15430        "type": "object",
 15431        "properties": {
 15432          "appid": {
 15433            "type": "integer",
 15434            "description": "Integer ID corresponding to an application in the network-level application map"
 15435          },
 15436          "classid": {
 15437            "type": "integer",
 15438            "description": "Integer ID corresponding to an application class in the network-level application map"
 15439          },
 15440          "dscp": {
 15441            "type": "integer",
 15442            "description": "Integer ID indicating DSCP classification, where mappings are as follows: [EF:46,VA:44,AF11:10,AF12:12,AF13:14,AF21:18,AF22:20,AF23:22,AF31:26,AF32:28,AF33:30,AF41:34,AF42:36,AF43:38,CS0:0,CS1:8,CS2:16,CS3:24,CS4:32,CS5:40,CS6:48,CS7:56]"
 15443          },
 15444          "sip": {
 15445            "type": "string",
 15446            "description": "Source IP address"
 15447          },
 15448          "sport_high": {
 15449            "type": "integer",
 15450            "description": "Upper bound of a source port range"
 15451          },
 15452          "sport_low": {
 15453            "type": "integer",
 15454            "description": "Lower bound of a source port range"
 15455          },
 15456          "sAddressGroup": {
 15457            "type": "string",
 15458            "description": "Source address group reference"
 15459          },
 15460          "sPortGroup": {
 15461            "type": "string",
 15462            "description": "Source port group reference"
 15463          },
 15464          "ssm": {
 15465            "type": "string",
 15466            "description": "Source subnet mask, e.g."
 15467          },
 15468          "smac": {
 15469            "type": "string",
 15470            "description": "Source MAC address"
 15471          },
 15472          "svlan": {
 15473            "type": "integer",
 15474            "description": "Integer ID for the source VLAN"
 15475          },
 15476          "os_version": {
 15477            "type": "integer",
 15478            "description": "Index corresponding to the OS in the array: [OTHER,WINDOWS,LINUX,MACOS,IOS,ANDROID,EDGE]"
 15479          },
 15480          "hostname": {
 15481            "type": "string"
 15482          },
 15483          "dip": {
 15484            "type": "string",
 15485            "description": "Destination IP address"
 15486          },
 15487          "dport_low": {
 15488            "type": "integer",
 15489            "description": "Lower bound of a destination port range"
 15490          },
 15491          "dport_high": {
 15492            "type": "integer",
 15493            "description": "Upper bound of a destination port range"
 15494          },
 15495          "dAddressGroup": {
 15496            "type": "string",
 15497            "description": "Destination address group reference"
 15498          },
 15499          "dPortGroup": {
 15500            "type": "string",
 15501            "description": "Destination port group reference"
 15502          },
 15503          "dsm": {
 15504            "type": "string",
 15505            "description": "Destination subnet mask e.g."
 15506          },
 15507          "dmac": {
 15508            "type": "string",
 15509            "description": "Destination MAC address"
 15510          },
 15511          "dvlan": {
 15512            "type": "integer",
 15513            "description": "Integer ID for the destination VLAN"
 15514          },
 15515          "proto": {
 15516            "type": "integer",
 15517            "description": "Integer ID corresponding to a protocol"
 15518          },
 15519          "s_rule_type": {
 15520            "type": "string",
 15521            "enum": [
 15522              "exact",
 15523              "prefix",
 15524              "wildcard",
 15525              "netmask"
 15526            ],
 15527            "description": "Source rule type"
 15528          },
 15529          "d_rule_type": {
 15530            "type": "string",
 15531            "enum": [
 15532              "exact",
 15533              "prefix",
 15534              "wildcard",
 15535              "netmask"
 15536            ],
 15537            "description": "Destination rule type"
 15538          }
 15539        }
 15540      },
 15541      "firewall_rule_match": {
 15542        "type": "object",
 15543        "properties": {
 15544          "appid": {
 15545            "type": "integer",
 15546            "description": "Integer ID corresponding to an application in the network-level application map"
 15547          },
 15548          "classid": {
 15549            "type": "integer",
 15550            "description": "Integer ID corresponding to an application class in the network-level application map"
 15551          },
 15552          "dscp": {
 15553            "type": "integer",
 15554            "description": "Integer ID indicating DSCP classification, where mappings are as follows: [EF:46,VA:44,AF11:10,AF12:12,AF13:14,AF21:18,AF22:20,AF23:22,AF31:26,AF32:28,AF33:30,AF41:34,AF42:36,AF43:38,CS0:0,CS1:8,CS2:16,CS3:24,CS4:32,CS5:40,CS6:48,CS7:56]"
 15555          },
 15556          "sip": {
 15557            "type": "string",
 15558            "description": "Source IP address"
 15559          },
 15560          "sport_high": {
 15561            "type": "integer",
 15562            "description": "Upper bound of a source port range"
 15563          },
 15564          "sport_low": {
 15565            "type": "integer",
 15566            "description": "Lower bound of a source port range"
 15567          },
 15568          "ssm": {
 15569            "type": "string",
 15570            "description": "Source subnet mask, e.g."
 15571          },
 15572          "smac": {
 15573            "type": "string",
 15574            "description": "Source MAC address"
 15575          },
 15576          "svlan": {
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 15578            "description": "Integer ID for the source VLAN"
 15579          },
 15580          "os_version": {
 15581            "type": "integer",
 15582            "description": "Index corresponding to the OS in the array: [OTHER,WINDOWS,LINUX,MACOS,IOS,ANDROID,EDGE]"
 15583          },
 15584          "hostname": {
 15585            "type": "string"
 15586          },
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 15589            "description": "Destination IP address"
 15590          },
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 15594          },
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 15597            "description": "Upper bound of a destination port range"
 15598          },
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 15601            "description": "Destination subnet mask e.g."
 15602          },
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 15605            "description": "Destination MAC address"
 15606          },
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 15609            "description": "Integer ID for the destination VLAN"
 15610          },
 15611          "proto": {
 15612            "type": "integer",
 15613            "description": "Integer ID corresponding to a protocol"
 15614          },
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 15617            "enum": [
 15618              "exact",
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 15622            ],
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 15632            ],
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 15758                "type": "integer",
 15759                "description": "Integer ID indicating DSCP classification, where mappings are as follows: [EF:46,VA:44,AF11:10,AF12:12,AF13:14,AF21:18,AF22:20,AF23:22,AF31:26,AF32:28,AF33:30,AF41:34,AF42:36,AF43:38,CS0:0,CS1:8,CS2:16,CS3:24,CS4:32,CS5:40,CS6:48,CS7:56]"
 15760              },
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 15763              },
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 15766              },
 15767              "sport_low": {
 15768                "type": "integer"
 15769              },
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 15772              },
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 15774                "type": "integer"
 15775              },
 15776              "os_version": {
 15777                "type": "integer",
 15778                "description": "Index corresponding to the OS in the array: [OTHER,WINDOWS,LINUX,MACOS,IOS,ANDROID,EDGE]"
 15779              },
 15780              "hostname": {
 15781                "type": "string"
 15782              },
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 15784                "type": "string"
 15785              },
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 15787                "type": "integer"
 15788              },
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 15797              },
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 15808                ]
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 15817                ]
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 15826              },
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 15829              },
 15830              "edge2DataCenterRouteAction": {
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 15835              },
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 15838              },
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 15841              }
 15842            }
 15843          },
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 15846            "description": "Globally unique identifier for the policy rule"
 15847          }
 15848        }
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 15867          },
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 15869            "type": "string"
 15870          },
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 15873          },
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 15876          },
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 15879          },
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 15882          },
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 15885          }
 15886        }
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 15893          },
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 15895            "$ref": "#/definitions/cos_mapping_value"
 15896          },
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 15898            "$ref": "#/definitions/cos_mapping_value"
 15899          }
 15900        }
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 15927            "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_module_base_type"
 15928          },
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 16090                    },
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 16312                      },
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 18420                "EDGE EVENT"
 18421              ]
 18422            }
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 18467          },
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 18470          },
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 18530              "deviceSettings:vpn:dataCenter"
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 20797              "FAILURE_STANDBY_CONFIGURING",
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 20830              "ZOMBIE"
 20831            ],
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 20890                    "FAILURE_STANDBY_CONFIGURING",
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 20903                    "FAILURE_STANDBY_PROMOTION",
 20904                    "FAILURE_ACTIVE_DEMOTION"
 20905                  ]
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 20920                    "STANDBY_CONFIGURED",
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 20924                    "STANDBY_PROMOTED",
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 20934                    "UPGRADING",
 20935                    "FAILURE_ACTIVE_CONFIGURING",
 20936                    "FAILURE_LAUNCHING_STANDBY",
 20937                    "FAILURE_STANDBY_CONFIGURING",
 20938                    "FAILURE_GET_STANDBY_CONFIG",
 20939                    "FAILURE_COPYING_DB",
 20940                    "FAILURE_COPYING_FILES",
 20941                    "FAILURE_SYNC_CONFIGURING",
 20942                    "FAILURE_BACKGROUND_IMPORT",
 20943                    "FAILURE_SYNCING_FILES",
 20944                    "FAILURE_GET_STANDBY_STATUS",
 20945                    "FAILURE_GET_ACTIVE_STATUS",
 20946                    "FAILURE_MYSQL_ACTIVE_STATUS",
 20947                    "FAILURE_MYSQL_STANDBY_STATUS",
 20948                    "FAILURE_STANDBY_CANDIDATE",
 20949                    "FAILURE_STANDBY_UNCONFIG",
 20950                    "FAILURE_STANDBY_PROMOTION",
 20951                    "FAILURE_ACTIVE_DEMOTION"
 20952                  ]
 20953                },
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 20956                  "format": "date-time"
 20957                }
 20958              }
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 20963            "format": "date-time"
 20964          },
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 20966            "type": "string"
 20967          },
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 20969            "type": "string"
 20970          },
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 20972            "type": "string"
 20973          }
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 20990          {
 20991            "$ref": "#/definitions/empty_object"
 20992          }
 20993        ]
 20994      },
 20995      "disaster_recovery_prepare_for_standby_result": {
 20996        "allOf": [
 20997          {
 20998            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 20999          }
 21000        ]
 21001      },
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 21005            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 21006          }
 21007        ]
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 21012            "$ref": "#/definitions/empty_object"
 21013          }
 21014        ]
 21015      },
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 21017        "allOf": [
 21018          {
 21019            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 21020          }
 21021        ]
 21022      },
 21023      "disaster_recovery_transition_to_standby_result": {
 21024        "allOf": [
 21025          {
 21026            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 21027          }
 21028        ]
 21029      },
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 21031        "allOf": [
 21032          {
 21033            "$ref": "#/definitions/deletion_confirmation"
 21034          }
 21035        ]
 21036      },
 21037      "edge_delete_edge_result_item": {
 21038        "allOf": [
 21039          {
 21040            "$ref": "#/definitions/deletion_confirmation"
 21041          }
 21042        ]
 21043      },
 21044      "edge_edge_cancel_reactivation_result": {
 21045        "allOf": [
 21046          {
 21047            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 21048          }
 21049        ]
 21050      },
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 21054            "type": "integer"
 21055          },
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 21057            "type": "string"
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 21061            "properties": {
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 21063                "type": "string"
 21064              },
 21065              "ca-certificate": {
 21066                "type": "string"
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 21068              "privateKey": {
 21069                "type": "string"
 21070              },
 21071              "privateKeyPassword": {
 21072                "type": "string"
 21073              },
 21074              "csr": {
 21075                "type": "string"
 21076              }
 21077            }
 21078          }
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 21088            "type": "string"
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 21103            "$ref": "#/definitions/model_configuration"
 21104          },
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 21121            "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_object"
 21122          },
 21123          {
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 21126                "$ref": "#/definitions/model_configuration"
 21127              },
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 21129                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise"
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 21132                "type": "array",
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 21134                  "$ref": "#/definitions/link"
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 21197            "enum": [
 21198              "UNASSIGNED",
 21199              "PENDING",
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 21201              "REACTIVATION_PENDING"
 21202            ],
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 21207          },
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 21210          },
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 21248            ],
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 21289          },
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 21292          },
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 21318              "PENDING_SERVICE"
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 21320            "type": "string"
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 21343            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 21344          }
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 21351            "type": "string"
 21352          }
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 21370          }
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 21389          {
 21390            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 21391          }
 21392        ]
 21393      },
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 21395        "allOf": [
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 21397            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 21398          }
 21399        ]
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 21404            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 21405          }
 21406        ]
 21407      },
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 21412          },
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 21414            "type": "integer"
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 21424          },
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 21451          },
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 21453            "type": "string"
 21454          }
 21455        },
 21456        "type": "object"
 21457      },
 21458      "enterprise_delete_enterprise_gateway_records_result": {
 21459        "allOf": [
 21460          {
 21461            "$ref": "#/definitions/deletion_confirmation"
 21462          }
 21463        ]
 21464      },
 21465      "enterprise_delete_enterprise_network_allocation_result": {
 21466        "allOf": [
 21467          {
 21468            "$ref": "#/definitions/deletion_confirmation"
 21469          }
 21470        ]
 21471      },
 21472      "enterprise_delete_enterprise_result": {
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 21474          {
 21475            "$ref": "#/definitions/deletion_confirmation"
 21476          }
 21477        ]
 21478      },
 21479      "enterprise_delete_enterprise_service_result": {
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 21482            "$ref": "#/definitions/deletion_confirmation"
 21483          }
 21484        ]
 21485      },
 21486      "enterprise_enterprise_proxy": {
 21487        "allOf": [
 21488          {
 21489            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy"
 21490          },
 21491          {
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 21512              "country",
 21513              "lat",
 21514              "lon",
 21515              "modified"
 21516            ]
 21517          }
 21518        ]
 21519      },
 21520      "enterprise_get_enterprise_addresses_result_item": {
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 21523            "type": "string"
 21524          },
 21525          "entity": {
 21526            "enum": [
 21527              "ACTIVE_VCO",
 21528              "STANDBY_VCO",
 21529              "GATEWAY",
 21530              "DATACENTER"
 21531            ],
 21532            "type": "string"
 21533          }
 21534        },
 21535        "type": "object"
 21536      },
 21537      "enterprise_get_enterprise_alert_configurations_result_item": {
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 21539          {
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 21541          },
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 21565            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_alert_trigger"
 21566          },
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 21602            "type": "boolean"
 21603          },
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 21606              "type": "string"
 21607            },
 21608            "type": "array"
 21609          },
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 21612              "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_alert_notification_user_data"
 21613            },
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 21618          },
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 21621              "type": "string"
 21622            },
 21623            "type": "array"
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 21626            "type": "boolean"
 21627          },
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 21636          },
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 21660          },
 21661          "edgeVnfs.securityVnf.paloAlto": {
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 21675          },
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 21678          },
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 21680            "type": "boolean"
 21681          },
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 21683            "type": "boolean"
 21684          },
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 21711          "edgeVnfs.securityVnf.fortinet": true,
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 21722          "enableServiceRateLimiting": false,
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 21724        }
 21725      },
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 21727        "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_configurations_with_policies",
 21728        "type": "object",
 21729        "properties": {
 21730          "enterpriseId": {
 21731            "type": "integer"
 21732          }
 21733        }
 21734      },
 21735      "enterprise_get_enterprise_configurations_with_policies_result": {
 21736        "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_configurations_with_policies_result",
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 21738        "items": {
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 21780                },
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 21783                },
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 21801            },
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 21828        "type": "object",
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 21832          }
 21833        }
 21834      },
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 21836        "title": "enterprise_get_enterprise_operator_configuration_type_result",
 21837        "type": "object",
 21838        "properties": {
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 21840            "type": "string",
 21841            "enum": [
 21842              "NETWORK_BASED",
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 21855          },
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 21861                  "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_certificate"
 21862                }
 21863              },
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 21869                    "properties": {
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 21871                        "type": "integer"
 21872                      },
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 21881                                0,
 21882                                1
 21883                              ]
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 21887                            },
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 21894                              ]
 21895                            },
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 21897                              "type": "string"
 21898                            }
 21899                          }
 21900                        }
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 21926                              ]
 21927                            },
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 21950                }
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 21958                      "ACTIVE_ACTIVE",
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 21987                "$ref": "#/definitions/site"
 21988              },
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 21990                "type": "boolean"
 21991              },
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 21993                "type": "boolean"
 21994              }
 21995            },
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 22043          },
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 22049              "PENDING_CONFIRMATION",
 22050              "PENDING_CONFIRMED",
 22051              "PENDING_DISSOCIATION",
 22052              "READY",
 22053              "FAILED"
 22054            ]
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 22057            "type": "string"
 22058          },
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 22065              "PENDING_CONFIRMED",
 22066              "PENDING_DISSOCIATION",
 22067              "READY",
 22068              "FAILED"
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 22083            "type": "integer"
 22084          },
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 22087          }
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 22096        "items": {
 22097          "$ref": "#/definitions/device_settings_vrrp_virtual_router"
 22098        }
 22099      },
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 22101        "allOf": [
 22102          {
 22103            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_object_base"
 22104          }
 22105        ]
 22106      },
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 22109          {
 22110            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_object_base"
 22111          }
 22112        ]
 22113      },
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 22116          {
 22117            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise"
 22118          },
 22119          {
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 22122                "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_enterprise_proxy"
 22123              }
 22124            },
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 22162          }
 22163        ]
 22164      },
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 22167        "type": "object",
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 22171          },
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 22193                {
 22194                  "$ref": "#/definitions/model_configuration"
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 22227                }
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 22232                  "$ref": "#/definitions/exit_entity_type"
 22233                }
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 22254          {
 22255            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_object_base"
 22256          },
 22257          {
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 22277          },
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 22282                "type": "integer"
 22283              },
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 22289              },
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 22291                "$ref": "#/definitions/auth_object"
 22292              }
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 22294          }
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 22301          }
 22302        ]
 22303      },
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 22306          {
 22307            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 22308          }
 22309        ]
 22310      },
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 22314            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_object"
 22315          },
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 22337                      "type": "integer"
 22338                    }
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 22360            "$ref": "#/definitions/site"
 22361          },
 22362          {
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 22366                "type": "integer"
 22367              },
 22368              "networkId": {
 22369                "type": "integer"
 22370              },
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 22372                "type": "boolean"
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 22377                "properties": {
 22378                  "email": {
 22379                    "type": "string"
 22380                  },
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 22383                  },
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 22385                    "type": "string"
 22386                  }
 22387                }
 22388              }
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 22414            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_insert_enterprise_result"
 22415          }
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 22466              "CONNECTED"
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 22478              "UNASSIGNED",
 22479              "PENDING",
 22480              "ACTIVATED",
 22481              "REACTIVATION_PENDING"
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 22486            "format": "date-time"
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 22489            "type": "string"
 22490          },
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 22493          },
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 22523            "$ref": "#/definitions/proxy_edge_inventory_object"
 22524          }
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 22527      "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_operator_profiles_result_item": {
 22528        "allOf": [
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 22530            "$ref": "#/definitions/model_configuration"
 22531          },
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 22538                  "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_object"
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 22543                "items": {
 22544                  "$ref": "#/definitions/configuration_enterprise"
 22545                }
 22546              }
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 22563            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
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 22565        ]
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 22567      "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_alert_configurations_result": {
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 22572            "items": {
 22573              "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_alert_configuration"
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 22576        }
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 22579        "allOf": [
 22580          {
 22581            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 22582          }
 22583        ]
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 22586        "allOf": [
 22587          {
 22588            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 22589          }
 22590        ]
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 22592      "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_property_result": {
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 22596          }
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 22624              "STRING",
 22625              "NUMBER",
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 22643          {
 22644            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_property"
 22645          },
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 22658          }
 22659        ]
 22660      },
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 22664            "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_handoff"
 22665          },
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 22667            "type": "object",
 22668            "properties": {
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 22670                "type": "integer"
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 22677                "type": "string"
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 22683                "type": "string"
 22684              },
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 22701        "allOf": [
 22702          {
 22703            "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_handoff"
 22704          }
 22705        ]
 22706      },
 22707      "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_gateway_handoff_result": {
 22708        "allOf": [
 22709          {
 22710            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 22711          }
 22712        ]
 22713      },
 22714      "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_gateway_pools_result_item": {
 22715        "allOf": [
 22716          {
 22717            "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_pool"
 22718          },
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 22720            "properties": {
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 22722                "items": {
 22723                  "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise"
 22724                },
 22725                "type": "array"
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 22728                "items": {
 22729                  "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_pool_gateway"
 22730                },
 22731                "type": "array"
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 22742            },
 22743            "type": "array"
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 22747              "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_route"
 22748            },
 22749            "type": "array"
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 22752            "type": "string"
 22753          }
 22754        },
 22755        "type": "object"
 22756      },
 22757      "enterprise_set_enterprise_all_alert_recipients_result": {
 22758        "allOf": [
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 22760            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_get_enterprise_all_alert_recipients_result"
 22761          }
 22762        ]
 22763      },
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 22765        "allOf": [
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 22767            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 22768          }
 22769        ]
 22770      },
 22771      "enterprise_update_enterprise_network_segment_result": {
 22772        "allOf": [
 22773          {
 22774            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 22775          }
 22776        ]
 22777      },
 22778      "enterprise_update_enterprise_route_configuration_result": {
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 22781            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 22782          }
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 22786        "allOf": [
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 22788            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_route_collection"
 22789          },
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 22800        "allOf": [
 22801          {
 22802            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 22803          }
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 22808          {
 22809            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 22810          }
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 22818            },
 22819            "type": "array"
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 22822            "$ref": "#/definitions/list_metadata"
 22823          }
 22824        },
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 22835              "$ref": "#/definitions/operator_event"
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 22853              "$ref": "#/definitions/proxy_event"
 22854            },
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 22960          },
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 23107                "ON_PREMISE",
 23108                "CDE"
 23109              ],
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 23125          {
 23126            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 23127          }
 23128        ]
 23129      },
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 23133            "$ref": "#/definitions/edge_object"
 23134          },
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 23146              },
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 23159                "type": "string"
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 23163              },
 23164              "postalCode": {
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 23191          },
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 23218            },
 23219            "type": "array"
 23220          }
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 23222        "type": "object"
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 23225        "type": "object",
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 23229          }
 23230        },
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 23241            "PUBLIC_WIRELESS"
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 23328            "type": "integer"
 23329          },
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 23342            "format": "float"
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 23376              "$ref": "#/definitions/destinations"
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 23508              "STANDBY"
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 23561              "UNSTABLE",
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 23563              "STANDBY"
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 23599          }
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 23856            "type": "integer"
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 23863            "type": "string"
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 23883              },
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 23904          },
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 23924          },
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 23927          },
 23928          "bestLatencyMsTx": {
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 23930          },
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 24078          },
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 24363              "CONNECTED"
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 24482                "type": "integer"
 24483              },
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 24530          {
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 24539          },
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 24594          },
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 25450          }
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 25452      },
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 25455          {
 25456            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 25457          }
 25458        ]
 25459      },
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 25463            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
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 25566          }
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 25595          {
 25596            "$ref": "#/definitions/empty_object"
 25597          }
 25598        ]
 25599      },
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 25603            "$ref": "#/definitions/deletion_confirmation"
 25604          }
 25605        ]
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 25653          }
 25654        ]
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 25657        "allOf": [
 25658          {
 25659            "$ref": "#/definitions/set_delegated_result"
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 25663      "role_set_enterprise_user_management_delegated_to_operator_result": {
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 25667          }
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 25759          }
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 25771          {
 25772            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
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 25779            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_user_with_role_info"
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 25809            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 25810          }
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 25815          {
 25816            "$ref": "#/definitions/deletion_confirmation"
 25817          }
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 25820      "enterprise_user_get_enterprise_user_result": {
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 25823            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_user_with_role_and_assocs"
 25824          },
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 25845              "enterpriseId",
 25846              "enterpriseProxyId",
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 25851      },
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 25871          },
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 25873            "type": "string"
 25874          },
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 25876            "type": "string"
 25877          },
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 25880          },
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 25898            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 25899          }
 25900        ]
 25901      },
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 25905            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 25906          }
 25907        ]
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 25913          },
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 25928          {
 25929            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 25930          }
 25931        ]
 25932      },
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 25936            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 25937          }
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 25943            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_user_with_role_info"
 25944          },
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 25952              }
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 25954          }
 25955        ]
 25956      },
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 25958        "allOf": [
 25959          {
 25960            "$ref": "#/definitions/deletion_confirmation"
 25961          }
 25962        ]
 25963      },
 25964      "operator_user_get_operator_user_result": {
 25965        "allOf": [
 25966          {
 25967            "$ref": "#/definitions/operator_user_with_role_info"
 25968          }
 25969        ]
 25970      },
 25971      "operator_user_insert_operator_user_result": {
 25972        "allOf": [
 25973          {
 25974            "$ref": "#/definitions/insertion_confirmation"
 25975          }
 25976        ]
 25977      },
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 25982            "type": "string"
 25983          },
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 25985            "type": "string"
 25986          },
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 25997          },
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 26000          },
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 26002            "type": "string"
 26003          },
 26004          "officePhone": {
 26005            "type": "string"
 26006          },
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 26008            "type": "integer"
 26009          },
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 26012          },
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 26015          },
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 26017            "type": "string"
 26018          },
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 26020            "type": "boolean"
 26021          },
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 26023            "type": "boolean"
 26024          },
 26025          "isActive": {
 26026            "type": "boolean"
 26027          }
 26028        }
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 26031        "allOf": [
 26032          {
 26033            "$ref": "#/definitions/rows_modified_confirmation"
 26034          }
 26035        ]
 26036      },
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 26067              "PARTNER",
 26068              "ENTERPRISE",
 26069              "END_USER",
 26070              "CUSTOM"
 26071            ]
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 26077              "MSP",
 26078              "PARTNER",
 26079              "ENTERPRISE",
 26080              "END_USER",
 26081              "CUSTOM"
 26082            ]
 26083          },
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 26103              "type": "integer"
 26104            },
 26105            "type": "array"
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 26110            },
 26111            "type": "array"
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 26118        "properties": {
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 26120            "description": "An error message explaining why the method failed",
 26121            "type": "string"
 26122          },
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 26125            "type": "integer"
 26126          }
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 26133        }
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 26139            "type": "integer",
 26140            "description": "The id of the newly-created object."
 26141          },
 26142          "rows": {
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 26144            "type": "integer"
 26145          },
 26146          "error": {
 26147            "description": "An error message explaining why the method failed",
 26148            "type": "string"
 26149          }
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 26153        ],
 26154        "example": {
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 26157        }
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 26160        "type": "object",
 26161        "properties": {
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 26163            "type": "integer",
 26164            "description": "The id of the deleted object."
 26165          },
 26166          "error": {
 26167            "description": "An error message explaining why the method failed",
 26168            "type": "string"
 26169          },
 26170          "rows": {
 26171            "description": "The number of rows modified",
 26172            "type": "integer"
 26173          }
 26174        },
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 26177        ],
 26178        "example": {
 26179          "id": 123,
 26180          "rows": 1
 26181        }
 26182      },
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 26184        "type": "object",
 26185        "properties": {
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 26194          },
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 26199            }
 26200          }
 26201        }
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 26221          },
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 26224          },
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 26262          },
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 26265          },
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 26268          },
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 26274          },
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 26284          "modified": {
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 26294            "$ref": "#/definitions/list_metadata"
 26295          },
 26296          "data": {
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 26299              "$ref": "#/definitions/firewall_log_data"
 26300            }
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 26304            "additionalProperties": {
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 26307          }
 26308        }
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 26320            "type": "string",
 26321            "format": "date-time"
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 26334            "enum": [
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 26337              "UDP",
 26338              "GRE"
 26339            ]
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 26343          },
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 26346          },
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 26348            "type": "string"
 26349          },
 26350          "destPort": {
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 26352          },
 26353          "icmpType": {
 26354            "type": "string"
 26355          },
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 26357            "type": "integer"
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 26379          },
 26380          "id": {
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 26393              "OUTBOUND",
 26394              "SERVICE"
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 26396          }
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 26402          "$ref": "#/definitions/inventory_item"
 26403        }
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 26453          },
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 26456          },
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 26508        "type": "string"
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 26513        },
 26514        "type": "array"
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 26518        "title": "metrics_get_gateway_status_metrics_result",
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 26521            "type": "integer"
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 26525          },
 26526          "memoryPct": {
 26527            "$ref": "#/definitions/basic_metric_summary"
 26528          },
 26529          "flowCount": {
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 26531          },
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 26537          },
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 26555          },
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 26568          }
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 26572        ]
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 26575        "type": "object",
 26576        "title": "gateway_status_metrics_time_series_result",
 26577        "properties": {
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 26580            "items": {
 26581              "$ref": "#/definitions/gateway_status_metrics_time_series_item"
 26582            }
 26583          }
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 26592        "properties": {
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 26595          },
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 26597            "type": "integer"
 26598          },
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 26601          },
 26602          "flowCount": {
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 26604          },
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 26622        "properties": {
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 26627                "type": "integer"
 26628              },
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 26630                "type": "boolean"
 26631              }
 26632            }
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 26650          "flowCount",
 26651          "cpuPct",
 26652          "handoffQueueDrops"
 26653        ],
 26654        "type": "string"
 26655      },
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 28383            "format": "date-time"
 28384          },
 28385          "reason": {
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 28387          },
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 28404          },
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 28410          }
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 28458          }
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 28466          },
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 28498          },
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 28502        }
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 28603                        }
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 28609                        }
 28610                      },
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 28615                        }
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 28621                        }
 28622                      }
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 28698                        }
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 28704                        }
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 28710                        }
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 28716                        }
 28717                      }
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 28752              },
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 28772                }
 28773              },
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 28779                  },
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 28781                    "type": "boolean"
 28782                  },
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 28785                  },
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 28788                    "properties": {
 28789                      "Enterprise Read Only": {
 28790                        "type": "array",
 28791                        "items": {
 28792                          "type": "string"
 28793                        }
 28794                      },
 28795                      "Enterprise Standard Admin": {
 28796                        "type": "array",
 28797                        "items": {
 28798                          "type": "string"
 28799                        }
 28800                      },
 28801                      "Enterprise Superuser": {
 28802                        "type": "array",
 28803                        "items": {
 28804                          "type": "string"
 28805                        }
 28806                      },
 28807                      "Enterprise Support": {
 28808                        "type": "array",
 28809                        "items": {
 28810                          "type": "string"
 28811                        }
 28812                      }
 28813                    }
 28814                  }
 28815                }
 28816              }
 28817            }
 28818          }
 28819        }
 28820      },
 28821      "enterprise_authentication_configuration": {
 28822        "type": "object",
 28823        "properties": {
 28824          "mode": {
 28825            "type": "string"
 28826          },
 28827          "radius": {
 28828            "description": "",
 28829            "$ref": "#/definitions/radius_enterprise_authentication_configuration"
 28830          }
 28831        }
 28832      },
 28833      "operator_authentication_configuration": {
 28834        "type": "object",
 28835        "properties": {
 28836          "mode": {
 28837            "type": "string"
 28838          },
 28839          "radius": {
 28840            "description": "Returns radius configuration or null (if no configuration available)",
 28841            "$ref": "#/definitions/radius_operator_authentication_configuration"
 28842          },
 28843          "sso": {
 28844            "description": "Returns sso configuration or null (if no configuration available)",
 28845            "$ref": "#/definitions/operator_sso_authentication_configuration"
 28846          }
 28847        }
 28848      },
 28849      "system_property_get_authentication_configuration_result": {
 28850        "type": "object",
 28851        "properties": {
 28852          "operator": {
 28853            "$ref": "#/definitions/operator_authentication_configuration"
 28854          },
 28855          "enterprise": {
 28856            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_authentication_configuration"
 28857          }
 28858        }
 28859      },
 28860      "system_property_set_authentication_configuration_result": {
 28861        "type": "object",
 28862        "properties": {
 28863          "rows": {
 28864            "description": "The number of rows modified",
 28865            "type": "integer"
 28866          }
 28867        }
 28868      },
 28869      "sso_get_sso_properties_result": {
 28870        "type": "object",
 28871        "properties": {
 28872          "redirectUri": {
 28873            "type": "string"
 28874          }
 28875        }
 28876      },
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 28879        "properties": {
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 28881            "type": "string"
 28882          },
 28883          "authorization_endpoint": {
 28884            "type": "string"
 28885          },
 28886          "token_endpoint": {
 28887            "type": "string"
 28888          },
 28889          "revocation_endpoint": {
 28890            "type": "string"
 28891          },
 28892          "userinfo_endpoint": {
 28893            "type": "string"
 28894          },
 28895          "jwks_uri": {
 28896            "type": "string"
 28897          },
 28898          "scopes_supported": {
 28899            "type": "array",
 28900            "items": {
 28901              "type": "string"
 28902            }
 28903          },
 28904          "response_types_supported": {
 28905            "type": "array",
 28906            "items": {
 28907              "type": "string"
 28908            }
 28909          },
 28910          "response_modes_supported": {
 28911            "type": "array",
 28912            "items": {
 28913              "type": "string"
 28914            }
 28915          },
 28916          "claims_supported": {
 28917            "type": "array",
 28918            "items": {
 28919              "type": "string"
 28920            }
 28921          }
 28922        }
 28923      },
 28924      "sso_discover_openid_endpoints_result": {
 28925        "$ref": "#/definitions/openid_well_known_config"
 28926      },
 28927      "operator_user_get_operator_user_authentication_mode_result": {
 28928        "$ref": "#/definitions/system_property_get_system_property_result"
 28929      },
 28930      "enterprise_proxy_insert_or_update_enterprise_proxy_authentication_configuration_result": {
 28931        "type": "object",
 28932        "properties": {
 28933          "rows": {
 28934            "description": "The number of rows modified",
 28935            "type": "integer"
 28936          }
 28937        }
 28938      },
 28939      "enterprise_proxy_get_enterprise_proxy_authentication_configuration_result": {
 28940        "type": "object",
 28941        "properties": {
 28942          "mode": {
 28943            "type": "string"
 28944          },
 28945          "sso": {
 28946            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_proxy_sso_authentication_configuration",
 28947            "description": "Returns sso configuration or null (if no configuration available)"
 28948          }
 28949        }
 28950      },
 28951      "enterprise_insert_or_update_enterprise_authentication_configuration_result": {
 28952        "type": "object",
 28953        "properties": {
 28954          "rows": {
 28955            "description": "The number of rows modified",
 28956            "type": "integer"
 28957          }
 28958        }
 28959      },
 28960      "enterprise_get_enterprise_authentication_configuration_result": {
 28961        "type": "object",
 28962        "properties": {
 28963          "mode": {
 28964            "type": "string"
 28965          },
 28966          "sso": {
 28967            "description": "Returns sso configuration or null (if no configuration available)",
 28968            "$ref": "#/definitions/enterprise_sso_authentication_configuration"
 28969          }
 28970        }
 28971      }
 28972    },
 28973    "parameters": {
 28974      "auth_param": {
 28975        "name": "authorization",
 28976        "in": "body",
 28977        "required": true,
 28978        "schema": {
 28979          "$ref": "#/definitions/auth_object"
 28980        }
 28981      }
 28982    },
 28983    "responses": {
 28984      "generic_200": {
 28985        "description": "Request was successfully processed",
 28986        "schema": {
 28987          "type": "object"
 28988        }
 28989      },
 28990      "generic_400": {
 28991        "description": "Invalid Request: Please check your request schema",
 28992        "schema": {
 28993          "$ref": "#/definitions/error"
 28994        }
 28995      },
 28996      "generic_500": {
 28997        "description": "Error parsing or processing request",
 28998        "schema": {
 28999          "$ref": "#/definitions/error"
 29000        }
 29001      },
 29002      "no_credentials": {
 29003        "description": "Authorization Cookie not Received"
 29004      },
 29005      "forbidden": {
 29006        "description": "Insufficient Permissions"
 29007      }
 29008    }
 29009  }