
     1  {{- if and .IsPrimitive .IsCustomFormatter (not (stringContains .Zero "(\"")) }}
     2    if err := {{ varname .ID}}Default.UnmarshalText([]byte({{ printf "%q" .Default }})) ; err != nil {
     3      msg := fmt.Sprintf("invalid default value for {{ varname .ID }}: %v",err)
     4      panic(msg) // panics if the specification is invalid
     5    }
     6  {{- else if .IsArray }}
     7    {{- if or ( and .Child.IsPrimitive .Child.IsCustomFormatter ) .Child.IsArray }}
     8    if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{{printf "%s" (json .Default)}}`), &{{ varname .ID }}Default); err != nil {
     9      msg := fmt.Sprintf("invalid default value for {{ varname .ID }}: %v",err)
    10      panic(msg) // panics if the specification is invalid
    11    }
    12    {{- else if and (not .Child.IsPrimitive) (not .Child.IsArray) }} {{/* shouldn't get there: guard */}}
    13    if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{{printf "%s" (json .Default)}}`), &{{ varname .ID }}Default); err != nil {
    14      msg := fmt.Sprintf("invalid default value for {{ varname .ID }}: %v",err)
    15      panic(msg) // panics if the specification is invalid
    16    }
    17    {{- end }}
    18  {{- else if not .IsPrimitive }} {{/* shouldn't get there: guard (defaults to letting json figure out) */}}
    19    if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{{printf "%s" (json .Default)}}`), &{{ varname .ID }}Default); err != nil {
    20      msg := fmt.Sprintf("invalid default value for {{ varname .ID }}: %v",err)
    21      panic(msg) // panics if the specification is invalid
    22    }
    23  {{- end }}