
     1  # Owner - access control hyperledger fabric chaincode extension
     3  In many cases during chaincode instantiating we need to define permissions for chaincode functions -
     4  "who is allowed to do this thing", incredibly important in the world of smart contracts, 
     5  but in many examples access control implemented at the application level but not at the blockchain layer. 
     7  The most common and basic form of access control is the concept of `ownership`: there's one or more accounts
     8  (in case of Hyperledger Fabric chaincode model  - combination of MSP and certificate) that is the
     9  owners and can do administrative tasks on contracts. This 
    10  approach is perfectly reasonable for contracts that only have a single administrative user.
    12  CCKit provides `owner` extension for implementing ownership and access control in Hyperledger Fabric chaincodes.
    14  Owner extension implemented in two version:
    16  1. As chaincode [handlers](handler.go)
    17  2. As [service](chaincode_owner.proto), that can be embedded in chaincode, using [chaincode-as-service mode](../../gateway)