
     1  # Go API client for swagger
     3  The Tyk Gateway API is the primary means for integrating your application with the Tyk API Gateway system. This API is very small, and has no granular permissions system. It is intended to be used purely for internal automation and integration.  **Warning: Under no circumstances should outside parties be granted access to this API.**  The Tyk Gateway API is capable of:  * Managing session objects (key generation) * Managing and listing policies * Managing and listing API Definitions (only when not using the Dashboard) * Hot reloads / reloading a cluster configuration * OAuth client creation (only when not using the Dashboard)   In order to use the Gateway API, you'll need to set the `secret` parameter in your tyk.conf file.  The shared secret you set should then be sent along as a header with each Gateway API Request in order for it to be successful:  ``` x-tyk-authorization: <your-secret> ``` <br/> <b>The Tyk Gateway API is subsumed by the Tyk Dashboard API in Pro installations.</b>
     5  ## Overview
     6  This API client was generated by the [swagger-codegen]( project.  By using the [swagger-spec]( from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
     8  - API version: 5.5.0
     9  - Package version: 1.0.0
    10  - Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.go.GoClientCodegen
    12  ## Installation
    13  Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
    14  ```golang
    15  import "./swagger"
    16  ```
    18  ## Documentation for API Endpoints
    20  All URIs are relative to *http://localhost/*
    22  Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
    23  ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
    24  *APIsApi* | [**CreateApi**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/apis | 
    25  *APIsApi* | [**DeleteApi**](docs/ | **Delete** /tyk/apis/{apiID} | 
    26  *APIsApi* | [**GetApi**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/apis/{apiID} | 
    27  *APIsApi* | [**ListApiVersions**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/apis/{apiID}/versions | 
    28  *APIsApi* | [**ListApis**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/apis | 
    29  *APIsApi* | [**UpdateApi**](docs/ | **Put** /tyk/apis/{apiID} | 
    30  *BatchRequestsApi* | [**Batch**](docs/ | **Post** /{listen_path}/tyk/batch | Run batch request
    31  *CacheInvalidationApi* | [**InvalidateCache**](docs/ | **Delete** /tyk/cache/{apiID} | Invalidate cache
    32  *CertsApi* | [**AddCert**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/certs | Add a certificate
    33  *CertsApi* | [**DeleteCerts**](docs/ | **Delete** /tyk/certs | Delete Certificate
    34  *CertsApi* | [**ListCerts**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/certs | List Certificates
    35  *HealthCheckingApi* | [**Hello**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/hello | Check the Health of the Tyk Gateway
    36  *HotReloadApi* | [**HotReload**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/reload/ | Hot-reload a single node
    37  *HotReloadApi* | [**HotReloadGroup**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/reload/group | Hot-reload a Tyk group
    38  *KeysApi* | [**AddKey**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/keys | Create a key
    39  *KeysApi* | [**CreateCustomKey**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/keys/{keyID} | Create Custom Key / Import Key
    40  *KeysApi* | [**DeleteKey**](docs/ | **Delete** /tyk/keys/{keyID} | Delete Key
    41  *KeysApi* | [**GetKey**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/keys/{keyID} | Get a Key
    42  *KeysApi* | [**ListKeys**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/keys | List Keys
    43  *KeysApi* | [**UpdateKey**](docs/ | **Put** /tyk/keys/{keyID} | Update Key
    44  *OASAPIsApi* | [**CreateApiOAS**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/apis/oas | 
    45  *OASAPIsApi* | [**DeleteOASApi**](docs/ | **Delete** /tyk/apis/oas/{apiID} | 
    46  *OASAPIsApi* | [**DownloadApiOASPublic**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/apis/oas/{apiID}/export | 
    47  *OASAPIsApi* | [**DownloadApisOASPublic**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/apis/oas/export | 
    48  *OASAPIsApi* | [**ImportOAS**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/apis/oas/import | 
    49  *OASAPIsApi* | [**ListApiOAS**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/apis/oas/{apiID} | 
    50  *OASAPIsApi* | [**ListApisOAS**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/apis/oas | 
    51  *OASAPIsApi* | [**ListOASApiVersions**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/apis/oas/{apiID}/versions | 
    52  *OASAPIsApi* | [**PatchApiOAS**](docs/ | **Patch** /tyk/apis/oas/{apiID} | Patch a single OAS API by ID
    53  *OASAPIsApi* | [**UpdateApiOAS**](docs/ | **Put** /tyk/apis/oas/{apiID} | 
    54  *OAuthApi* | [**AuthorizeClient**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/oauth/authorize-client/ | Authorize client
    55  *OAuthApi* | [**CreateOAuthClient**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/oauth/clients/create | Create new OAuth client
    56  *OAuthApi* | [**DeleteOAuthClient**](docs/ | **Delete** /tyk/oauth/clients/{apiID}/{keyName} | Delete OAuth client
    57  *OAuthApi* | [**GetOAuthClient**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/oauth/clients/{apiID}/{keyName} | Get OAuth client
    58  *OAuthApi* | [**GetOAuthClientTokens**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/oauth/clients/{apiID}/{keyName}/tokens | List tokens
    59  *OAuthApi* | [**InvalidateOAuthRefresh**](docs/ | **Delete** /tyk/oauth/refresh/{keyName} | Invalidate OAuth refresh token
    60  *OAuthApi* | [**ListOAuthClients**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/oauth/clients/{apiID} | List oAuth clients
    61  *OAuthApi* | [**RevokeAllTokens**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/oauth/revoke_all | revoke all client&#x27;s tokens
    62  *OAuthApi* | [**RevokeSingleToken**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/oauth/revoke | revoke token
    63  *OAuthApi* | [**UpdateoAuthClient**](docs/ | **Put** /tyk/oauth/clients/{apiID} | Update OAuth metadata and Policy ID
    64  *OrganisationQuotasApi* | [**AddOrgKey**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/org/keys/{keyID} | Create an organisation key
    65  *OrganisationQuotasApi* | [**DeleteOrgKey**](docs/ | **Delete** /tyk/org/keys/{keyID} | Delete Organisation Key
    66  *OrganisationQuotasApi* | [**GetOrgKey**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/org/keys/{keyID} | Get an Organisation Key
    67  *OrganisationQuotasApi* | [**ListOrgKeys**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/org/keys | List Organisation Keys
    68  *OrganisationQuotasApi* | [**UpdateOrgKey**](docs/ | **Put** /tyk/org/keys/{keyID} | Update Organisation Key
    69  *PoliciesApi* | [**AddPolicy**](docs/ | **Post** /tyk/policies | Create a Policy
    70  *PoliciesApi* | [**DeletePolicy**](docs/ | **Delete** /tyk/policies/{polID} | Delete a Policy
    71  *PoliciesApi* | [**GetPolicy**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/policies/{polID} | Get a Policy
    72  *PoliciesApi* | [**ListPolicies**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/policies | List Policies
    73  *PoliciesApi* | [**UpdatePolicy**](docs/ | **Put** /tyk/policies/{polID} | Update a Policy
    74  *SchemaApi* | [**GetSchema**](docs/ | **Get** /tyk/schema | 
    76  ## Documentation For Models
    78   - [AccessDefinition](docs/
    79   - [AccessSpec](docs/
    80   - [ApiAllCertificateBasics](docs/
    81   - [ApiAllCertificates](docs/
    82   - [ApiAllKeys](docs/
    83   - [ApiCertificateStatusMessage](docs/
    84   - [ApiDefinition](docs/
    85   - [ApiDefinitionBasicAuth](docs/
    86   - [ApiDefinitionCors](docs/
    87   - [ApiDefinitionDefinition](docs/
    88   - [ApiDefinitionOauthMeta](docs/
    89   - [ApiDefinitionProxy](docs/
    90   - [ApiDefinitionProxyTransport](docs/
    91   - [ApiDefinitionUptimeTests](docs/
    92   - [ApiDefinitionUptimeTestsConfig](docs/
    93   - [ApiDefinitionVersionData](docs/
    94   - [ApiLimit](docs/
    95   - [ApiModifyKeySuccess](docs/
    96   - [ApiStatusMessage](docs/
    97   - [ApiVersionMeta](docs/
    98   - [Auth](docs/
    99   - [AuthProviderMeta](docs/
   100   - [BooleanQueryParam](docs/
   101   - [CacheMeta](docs/
   102   - [CacheOptions](docs/
   103   - [CertificateBasics](docs/
   104   - [CertificateMeta](docs/
   105   - [CircuitBreakerMeta](docs/
   106   - [Components](docs/
   107   - [Contact](docs/
   108   - [EndPointMeta](docs/
   109   - [EndpointMethodMeta](docs/
   110   - [EventHandlerMetaConfig](docs/
   111   - [ExtendedPathsSet](docs/
   112   - [ExternalDocumentation](docs/
   113   - [GlobalRateLimit](docs/
   114   - [GraphAccessDefinition](docs/
   115   - [HardTimeoutMeta](docs/
   116   - [HeaderInjectionMeta](docs/
   117   - [HostCheckObject](docs/
   118   - [Info](docs/
   119   - [InlineResponse200](docs/
   120   - [InlineResponse2001](docs/
   121   - [InlineResponse2002](docs/
   122   - [InternalMeta](docs/
   123   - [License](docs/
   124   - [MethodTransformMeta](docs/
   125   - [MiddlewareDefinition](docs/
   126   - [MiddlewareIdExtractor](docs/
   127   - [MiddlewareSection](docs/
   128   - [NewClientRequest](docs/
   129   - [NotificationsManager](docs/
   130   - [OAuthClientToken](docs/
   131   - [OasSchemaResponse](docs/
   132   - [OauthAuthorizeclientBody](docs/
   133   - [OauthRevokeAllBody](docs/
   134   - [OauthRevokeBody](docs/
   135   - [OidProviderConfig](docs/
   136   - [OpenIdOptions](docs/
   137   - [Paths](docs/
   138   - [PkixAttributeTypeAndValue](docs/
   139   - [PkixAttributeTypeAndValueSet](docs/
   140   - [PkixName](docs/
   141   - [Policy](docs/
   142   - [PolicyPartitions](docs/
   143   - [RateLimitMeta](docs/
   144   - [RateLimitSmoothing](docs/
   145   - [Regexp](docs/
   146   - [RequestSizeMeta](docs/
   147   - [ResponseProcessor](docs/
   148   - [RoutingTrigger](docs/
   149   - [RoutingTriggerOptions](docs/
   150   - [Schema](docs/
   151   - [Server](docs/
   152   - [ServerVariable](docs/
   153   - [ServiceDiscoveryConfiguration](docs/
   154   - [SessionProviderMeta](docs/
   155   - [SessionState](docs/
   156   - [SessionStateBasicAuthData](docs/
   157   - [SessionStateJwtData](docs/
   158   - [SessionStateMonitor](docs/
   159   - [SignatureConfig](docs/
   160   - [StringRegexMap](docs/
   161   - [Tag](docs/
   162   - [TemplateData](docs/
   163   - [TemplateMeta](docs/
   164   - [TrackEndpointMeta](docs/
   165   - [TransformJqMeta](docs/
   166   - [UrlRewriteMeta](docs/
   167   - [ValidatePathMeta](docs/
   168   - [VersionInfo](docs/
   169   - [VersionInfoPaths](docs/
   170   - [VirtualMeta](docs/
   172  ## Documentation For Authorization
   174  ## api_key
   175  - **Type**: API key 
   177  Example
   178  ```golang
   179  auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
   180  	Key: "APIKEY",
   181  	Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
   182  })
   183  r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
   184  ```
   186  ## Author