
     1  # OauthAuthorizeclientBody
     3  ## Properties
     4  Name | Type | Description | Notes
     5  ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
     6  **ResponseType** | **string** | Should be provided by requesting client as part of authorisation request, this should be either `code` or `token` depending on the methods you have specified for the API. | [optional] [default to null]
     7  **ClientId** | **string** | Should be provided by requesting client as part of authorisation request. The Client ID that is making the request. | [optional] [default to null]
     8  **RedirectUri** | **string** | Should be provided by requesting client as part of authorisation request. Must match with the record stored with Tyk. | [optional] [default to null]
     9  **KeyRules** | **string** | A string representation of a Session Object (form-encoded). This should be provided by your application in order to apply any quotas or rules to the key. | [optional] [default to null]
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