
     1  package cloud
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"io"
     7  	"time"
     8  )
    10  var (
    11  	// ErrRegionShouldNotEmptyForS3 s3 的 region 必须进行设置,否则返回该错误
    12  	ErrRegionShouldNotEmptyForS3 = errors.New("region should not empty for s3")
    13  	// ErrUnknownStorageType 未知的 StorageType
    14  	ErrUnknownStorageType = errors.New("unknown storage type")
    15  )
    17  // ObjectInfo container for object metadata.
    18  type ObjectInfo struct {
    19  	// An ETag is optionally set to md5sum of an object.  In case of multipart objects,
    20  	// ETag is of the form MD5SUM-N where MD5SUM is md5sum of all individual md5sums of
    21  	// each parts concatenated into one string.
    22  	ETag         string    `json:"etag"`
    23  	Key          string    `json:"name"`         // Name of the object
    24  	LastModified time.Time `json:"lastModified"` // Date and time the object was last modified.
    25  	Size         int64     `json:"size"`         // Size in bytes of the object.
    26  	ContentType  string    `json:"contentType"`  // A standard MIME type describing the format of the object data.
    27  }
    29  // Storage 存储器
    30  type Storage interface {
    31  	// GetRootUrl 获取 root url,不同的 StorageType,拥有不同的 root url
    32  	GetRootUrl() string
    33  	// ResolveObjectName 解析 objectName
    34  	ResolveObjectName(rawUrl string) (string, error)
    36  	// DelObject 通过 objectName 删除指定的 object
    37  	DelObject(ctx context.Context, objectName string) error
    38  	// PutObject 将 object 存放至 Storage 中
    39  	// PutObject Uploads objects that are less than 128MiB in a single PUT operation.Wr481iDXfbN1VntumTyHPM7f4IKDvTr4
    40  	// For objects that are greater than 128MiB in size, PutObject seamlessly
    41  	// uploads the object as parts of 128MiB or more depending on the actual file size.
    42  	// The max upload size for an object is 5TB.
    43  	PutObject(ctx context.Context, objectName string, reader io.Reader, objectSize int, options ...PutOption) (err error)
    44  	// StatObject 通过 objectName 获取 object 元信息 ObjectInfo
    45  	StatObject(ctx context.Context, objectName string) (ObjectInfo, error)
    46  	// ListObjects 通过前缀批量获取 object 元信息 ObjectInfo
    47  	ListObjects(ctx context.Context, prefix string) <-chan ObjectInfo
    48  	// GetObject 通过 objectName 获取 object
    49  	GetObject(ctx context.Context, objectName string) (reader io.Reader, err error)
    50  	// CopyObject 拷贝名为 srcObjectName 的 object 至 destObjectName
    51  	CopyObject(ctx context.Context, destObjectName, srcObjectName string) error
    52  }