
     1  // Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // This file implements TestFormats; a test that verifies
     6  // format strings in the compiler (this directory and all
     7  // subdirectories, recursively).
     8  //
     9  // TestFormats finds potential (Printf, etc.) format strings.
    10  // If they are used in a call, the format verbs are verified
    11  // based on the matching argument type against a precomputed
    12  // table of valid formats. The knownFormats table can be used
    13  // to automatically rewrite format strings with the -u flag.
    14  //
    15  // A new knownFormats table based on the found formats is printed
    16  // when the test is run in verbose mode (-v flag). The table
    17  // needs to be updated whenever a new (type, format) combination
    18  // is found and the format verb is not 'v' or 'T' (as in "%v" or
    19  // "%T").
    20  //
    21  // Run as: go test -run Formats [-u][-v]
    22  //
    23  // Known bugs:
    24  // - indexed format strings ("%[2]s", etc.) are not supported
    25  //   (the test will fail)
    26  // - format strings that are not simple string literals cannot
    27  //   be updated automatically
    28  //   (the test will fail with respective warnings)
    29  // - format strings in _test packages outside the current
    30  //   package are not processed
    31  //   (the test will report those files)
    32  //
    33  package main_test
    35  import (
    36  	"bytes"
    37  	"flag"
    38  	"fmt"
    39  	"go/ast"
    40  	"go/build"
    41  	"go/constant"
    42  	"go/format"
    43  	"go/importer"
    44  	"go/parser"
    45  	"go/token"
    46  	"go/types"
    47  	"internal/testenv"
    48  	"io/ioutil"
    49  	"log"
    50  	"os"
    51  	"path/filepath"
    52  	"sort"
    53  	"strconv"
    54  	"strings"
    55  	"testing"
    56  	"unicode/utf8"
    57  )
    59  var update = flag.Bool("u", false, "update format strings")
    61  // The following variables collect information across all processed files.
    62  var (
    63  	fset          = token.NewFileSet()
    64  	formatStrings = make(map[*ast.BasicLit]bool)      // set of all potential format strings found
    65  	foundFormats  = make(map[string]bool)             // set of all formats found
    66  	callSites     = make(map[*ast.CallExpr]*callSite) // map of all calls
    67  )
    69  // A File is a corresponding (filename, ast) pair.
    70  type File struct {
    71  	name string
    72  	ast  *ast.File
    73  }
    75  func TestFormats(t *testing.T) {
    76  	testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) // more restrictive than necessary, but that's ok
    78  	// process all directories
    79  	filepath.Walk(".", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
    80  		if info.IsDir() {
    81  			if info.Name() == "testdata" {
    82  				return filepath.SkipDir
    83  			}
    85  			importPath := filepath.Join("cmd/compile", path)
    86  			if blacklistedPackages[filepath.ToSlash(importPath)] {
    87  				return filepath.SkipDir
    88  			}
    90  			pkg, err := build.Import(importPath, path, 0)
    91  			if err != nil {
    92  				if _, ok := err.(*build.NoGoError); ok {
    93  					return nil // nothing to do here
    94  				}
    95  				t.Fatal(err)
    96  			}
    97  			collectPkgFormats(t, pkg)
    98  		}
    99  		return nil
   100  	})
   102  	// test and rewrite formats
   103  	updatedFiles := make(map[string]File) // files that were rewritten
   104  	for _, p := range callSites {
   105  		// test current format literal and determine updated one
   106  		out := formatReplace(p.str, func(index int, in string) string {
   107  			if in == "*" {
   108  				return in // cannot rewrite '*' (as in "%*d")
   109  			}
   110  			// in != '*'
   111  			typ := p.types[index]
   112  			format := typ + " " + in // e.g., "*Node %n"
   114  			// check if format is known
   115  			out, known := knownFormats[format]
   117  			// record format if not yet found
   118  			_, found := foundFormats[format]
   119  			if !found {
   120  				foundFormats[format] = true
   121  			}
   123  			// report an error if the format is unknown and this is the first
   124  			// time we see it; ignore "%v" and "%T" which are always valid
   125  			if !known && !found && in != "%v" && in != "%T" {
   126  				t.Errorf("%s: unknown format %q for %s argument", posString(p.arg), in, typ)
   127  			}
   129  			if out == "" {
   130  				out = in
   131  			}
   132  			return out
   133  		})
   135  		// replace existing format literal if it changed
   136  		if out != p.str {
   137  			// we cannot replace the argument if it's not a string literal for now
   138  			// (e.g., it may be "foo" + "bar")
   139  			lit, ok := p.arg.(*ast.BasicLit)
   140  			if !ok {
   141  				delete(callSites, // treat as if we hadn't found this site
   142  				continue
   143  			}
   145  			if testing.Verbose() {
   146  				fmt.Printf("%s:\n\t- %q\n\t+ %q\n", posString(p.arg), p.str, out)
   147  			}
   149  			// find argument index of format argument
   150  			index := -1
   151  			for i, arg := range {
   152  				if p.arg == arg {
   153  					index = i
   154  					break
   155  				}
   156  			}
   157  			if index < 0 {
   158  				// we may have processed the same call site twice,
   159  				// but that shouldn't happen
   160  				panic("internal error: matching argument not found")
   161  			}
   163  			// replace literal
   164  			new := *lit                    // make a copy
   165  			new.Value = strconv.Quote(out) // this may introduce "-quotes where there were `-quotes
   166[index] = &new
   167  			updatedFiles[] = p.file
   168  		}
   169  	}
   171  	// write dirty files back
   172  	var filesUpdated bool
   173  	if len(updatedFiles) > 0 && *update {
   174  		for _, file := range updatedFiles {
   175  			var buf bytes.Buffer
   176  			if err := format.Node(&buf, fset, file.ast); err != nil {
   177  				t.Errorf("WARNING: formatting %s failed: %v",, err)
   178  				continue
   179  			}
   180  			if err := ioutil.WriteFile(, buf.Bytes(), 0x666); err != nil {
   181  				t.Errorf("WARNING: writing %s failed: %v",, err)
   182  				continue
   183  			}
   184  			fmt.Printf("updated %s\n",
   185  			filesUpdated = true
   186  		}
   187  	}
   189  	// report all function names containing a format string
   190  	if len(callSites) > 0 && testing.Verbose() {
   191  		set := make(map[string]bool)
   192  		for _, p := range callSites {
   193  			set[nodeString(] = true
   194  		}
   195  		var list []string
   196  		for s := range set {
   197  			list = append(list, s)
   198  		}
   199  		fmt.Println("\nFunctions")
   200  		printList(list)
   201  	}
   203  	// report all formats found
   204  	if len(foundFormats) > 0 && testing.Verbose() {
   205  		var list []string
   206  		for s := range foundFormats {
   207  			list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("%q: \"\",", s))
   208  		}
   209  		fmt.Println("\nvar knownFormats = map[string]string{")
   210  		printList(list)
   211  		fmt.Println("}")
   212  	}
   214  	// check that knownFormats is up to date
   215  	if !testing.Verbose() && !*update {
   216  		var mismatch bool
   217  		for s := range foundFormats {
   218  			if _, ok := knownFormats[s]; !ok {
   219  				mismatch = true
   220  				break
   221  			}
   222  		}
   223  		if !mismatch {
   224  			for s := range knownFormats {
   225  				if _, ok := foundFormats[s]; !ok {
   226  					mismatch = true
   227  					break
   228  				}
   229  			}
   230  		}
   231  		if mismatch {
   232  			t.Errorf("knownFormats is out of date; please run with -v to regenerate")
   233  		}
   234  	}
   236  	// all format strings of calls must be in the formatStrings set (self-verification)
   237  	for _, p := range callSites {
   238  		if lit, ok := p.arg.(*ast.BasicLit); ok && lit.Kind == token.STRING {
   239  			if formatStrings[lit] {
   240  				// ok
   241  				delete(formatStrings, lit)
   242  			} else {
   243  				// this should never happen
   244  				panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: format string not found (%s)", posString(lit)))
   245  			}
   246  		}
   247  	}
   249  	// if we have any strings left, we may need to update them manually
   250  	if len(formatStrings) > 0 && filesUpdated {
   251  		var list []string
   252  		for lit := range formatStrings {
   253  			list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", posString(lit), nodeString(lit)))
   254  		}
   255  		fmt.Println("\nWARNING: Potentially missed format strings")
   256  		printList(list)
   257  		t.Fail()
   258  	}
   260  	fmt.Println()
   261  }
   263  // A callSite describes a function call that appears to contain
   264  // a format string.
   265  type callSite struct {
   266  	file  File
   267  	call  *ast.CallExpr // call containing the format string
   268  	arg   ast.Expr      // format argument (string literal or constant)
   269  	str   string        // unquoted format string
   270  	types []string      // argument types
   271  }
   273  func collectPkgFormats(t *testing.T, pkg *build.Package) {
   274  	// collect all files
   275  	var filenames []string
   276  	filenames = append(filenames, pkg.GoFiles...)
   277  	filenames = append(filenames, pkg.CgoFiles...)
   278  	filenames = append(filenames, pkg.TestGoFiles...)
   280  	// TODO(gri) verify _test files outside package
   281  	for _, name := range pkg.XTestGoFiles {
   282  		// don't process this test itself
   283  		if name != "fmt_test.go" && testing.Verbose() {
   284  			fmt.Printf("WARNING: %s not processed\n", filepath.Join(pkg.Dir, name))
   285  		}
   286  	}
   288  	// make filenames relative to .
   289  	for i, name := range filenames {
   290  		filenames[i] = filepath.Join(pkg.Dir, name)
   291  	}
   293  	// parse all files
   294  	files := make([]*ast.File, len(filenames))
   295  	for i, filename := range filenames {
   296  		f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, nil, parser.ParseComments)
   297  		if err != nil {
   298  			t.Fatal(err)
   299  		}
   300  		files[i] = f
   301  	}
   303  	// typecheck package
   304  	conf := types.Config{Importer: importer.Default()}
   305  	etypes := make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue)
   306  	if _, err := conf.Check(pkg.ImportPath, fset, files, &types.Info{Types: etypes}); err != nil {
   307  		t.Fatal(err)
   308  	}
   310  	// collect all potential format strings (for extra verification later)
   311  	for _, file := range files {
   312  		ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool {
   313  			if s, ok := stringLit(n); ok && isFormat(s) {
   314  				formatStrings[n.(*ast.BasicLit)] = true
   315  			}
   316  			return true
   317  		})
   318  	}
   320  	// collect all formats/arguments of calls with format strings
   321  	for index, file := range files {
   322  		ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool {
   323  			if call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
   324  				// ignore blacklisted functions
   325  				if blacklistedFunctions[nodeString(call.Fun)] {
   326  					return true
   327  				}
   328  				// look for an arguments that might be a format string
   329  				for i, arg := range call.Args {
   330  					if s, ok := stringVal(etypes[arg]); ok && isFormat(s) {
   331  						// make sure we have enough arguments
   332  						n := numFormatArgs(s)
   333  						if i+1+n > len(call.Args) {
   334  							t.Errorf("%s: not enough format args (blacklist %s?)", posString(call), nodeString(call.Fun))
   335  							break // ignore this call
   336  						}
   337  						// assume last n arguments are to be formatted;
   338  						// determine their types
   339  						argTypes := make([]string, n)
   340  						for i, arg := range call.Args[len(call.Args)-n:] {
   341  							if tv, ok := etypes[arg]; ok {
   342  								argTypes[i] = typeString(tv.Type)
   343  							}
   344  						}
   345  						// collect call site
   346  						if callSites[call] != nil {
   347  							panic("internal error: file processed twice?")
   348  						}
   349  						callSites[call] = &callSite{
   350  							file:  File{filenames[index], file},
   351  							call:  call,
   352  							arg:   arg,
   353  							str:   s,
   354  							types: argTypes,
   355  						}
   356  						break // at most one format per argument list
   357  					}
   358  				}
   359  			}
   360  			return true
   361  		})
   362  	}
   363  }
   365  // printList prints list in sorted order.
   366  func printList(list []string) {
   367  	sort.Strings(list)
   368  	for _, s := range list {
   369  		fmt.Println("\t", s)
   370  	}
   371  }
   373  // posString returns a string representation of n's position
   374  // in the form filename:line:col: .
   375  func posString(n ast.Node) string {
   376  	if n == nil {
   377  		return ""
   378  	}
   379  	return fset.Position(n.Pos()).String()
   380  }
   382  // nodeString returns a string representation of n.
   383  func nodeString(n ast.Node) string {
   384  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   385  	if err := format.Node(&buf, fset, n); err != nil {
   386  		log.Fatal(err) // should always succeed
   387  	}
   388  	return buf.String()
   389  }
   391  // typeString returns a string representation of n.
   392  func typeString(typ types.Type) string {
   393  	return filepath.ToSlash(typ.String())
   394  }
   396  // stringLit returns the unquoted string value and true if
   397  // n represents a string literal; otherwise it returns ""
   398  // and false.
   399  func stringLit(n ast.Node) (string, bool) {
   400  	if lit, ok := n.(*ast.BasicLit); ok && lit.Kind == token.STRING {
   401  		s, err := strconv.Unquote(lit.Value)
   402  		if err != nil {
   403  			log.Fatal(err) // should not happen with correct ASTs
   404  		}
   405  		return s, true
   406  	}
   407  	return "", false
   408  }
   410  // stringVal returns the (unquoted) string value and true if
   411  // tv is a string constant; otherwise it returns "" and false.
   412  func stringVal(tv types.TypeAndValue) (string, bool) {
   413  	if tv.IsValue() && tv.Value != nil && tv.Value.Kind() == constant.String {
   414  		return constant.StringVal(tv.Value), true
   415  	}
   416  	return "", false
   417  }
   419  // formatIter iterates through the string s in increasing
   420  // index order and calls f for each format specifier '%..v'.
   421  // The arguments for f describe the specifier's index range.
   422  // If a format specifier contains a  "*", f is called with
   423  // the index range for "*" alone, before being called for
   424  // the entire specifier. The result of f is the index of
   425  // the rune at which iteration continues.
   426  func formatIter(s string, f func(i, j int) int) {
   427  	i := 0     // index after current rune
   428  	var r rune // current rune
   430  	next := func() {
   431  		r1, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
   432  		if w == 0 {
   433  			r1 = -1 // signal end-of-string
   434  		}
   435  		r = r1
   436  		i += w
   437  	}
   439  	flags := func() {
   440  		for r == ' ' || r == '#' || r == '+' || r == '-' || r == '0' {
   441  			next()
   442  		}
   443  	}
   445  	index := func() {
   446  		if r == '[' {
   447  			log.Fatalf("cannot handle indexed arguments: %s", s)
   448  		}
   449  	}
   451  	digits := func() {
   452  		index()
   453  		if r == '*' {
   454  			i = f(i-1, i)
   455  			next()
   456  			return
   457  		}
   458  		for '0' <= r && r <= '9' {
   459  			next()
   460  		}
   461  	}
   463  	for next(); r >= 0; next() {
   464  		if r == '%' {
   465  			i0 := i
   466  			next()
   467  			flags()
   468  			digits()
   469  			if r == '.' {
   470  				next()
   471  				digits()
   472  			}
   473  			index()
   474  			// accept any letter (a-z, A-Z) as format verb;
   475  			// ignore anything else
   476  			if 'a' <= r && r <= 'z' || 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' {
   477  				i = f(i0-1, i)
   478  			}
   479  		}
   480  	}
   481  }
   483  // isFormat reports whether s contains format specifiers.
   484  func isFormat(s string) (yes bool) {
   485  	formatIter(s, func(i, j int) int {
   486  		yes = true
   487  		return len(s) // stop iteration
   488  	})
   489  	return
   490  }
   492  // oneFormat reports whether s is exactly one format specifier.
   493  func oneFormat(s string) (yes bool) {
   494  	formatIter(s, func(i, j int) int {
   495  		yes = i == 0 && j == len(s)
   496  		return j
   497  	})
   498  	return
   499  }
   501  // numFormatArgs returns the number of format specifiers in s.
   502  func numFormatArgs(s string) int {
   503  	count := 0
   504  	formatIter(s, func(i, j int) int {
   505  		count++
   506  		return j
   507  	})
   508  	return count
   509  }
   511  // formatReplace replaces the i'th format specifier s in the incoming
   512  // string in with the result of f(i, s) and returns the new string.
   513  func formatReplace(in string, f func(i int, s string) string) string {
   514  	var buf []byte
   515  	i0 := 0
   516  	index := 0
   517  	formatIter(in, func(i, j int) int {
   518  		if sub := in[i:j]; sub != "*" { // ignore calls for "*" width/length specifiers
   519  			buf = append(buf, in[i0:i]...)
   520  			buf = append(buf, f(index, sub)...)
   521  			i0 = j
   522  		}
   523  		index++
   524  		return j
   525  	})
   526  	return string(append(buf, in[i0:]...))
   527  }
   529  // blacklistedPackages is the set of packages which can
   530  // be ignored.
   531  var blacklistedPackages = map[string]bool{}
   533  // blacklistedFunctions is the set of functions which may have
   534  // format-like arguments but which don't do any formatting and
   535  // thus may be ignored.
   536  var blacklistedFunctions = map[string]bool{}
   538  func init() {
   539  	// verify that knownFormats entries are correctly formatted
   540  	for key, val := range knownFormats {
   541  		// key must be "typename format", and format starts with a '%'
   542  		// (formats containing '*' alone are not collected in this table)
   543  		i := strings.Index(key, "%")
   544  		if i < 0 || !oneFormat(key[i:]) {
   545  			log.Fatalf("incorrect knownFormats key: %q", key)
   546  		}
   547  		// val must be "format" or ""
   548  		if val != "" && !oneFormat(val) {
   549  			log.Fatalf("incorrect knownFormats value: %q (key = %q)", val, key)
   550  		}
   551  	}
   552  }
   554  // knownFormats entries are of the form "typename format" -> "newformat".
   555  // An absent entry means that the format is not recognized as valid.
   556  // An empty new format means that the format should remain unchanged.
   557  // To print out a new table, run: go test -run Formats -v.
   558  var knownFormats = map[string]string{
   559  	"*bytes.Buffer %s":                                "",
   560  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Mpflt %v":               "",
   561  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Mpint %v":               "",
   562  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %#v":               "",
   563  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %+S":               "",
   564  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %+v":               "",
   565  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %0j":               "",
   566  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %L":                "",
   567  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %S":                "",
   568  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %j":                "",
   569  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %p":                "",
   570  	"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %v":                "",
   571  	"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Block %s":              "",
   572  	"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Block %v":              "",
   573  	"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Func %s":               "",
   574  	"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.SparseTreeNode %v":     "",
   575  	"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Value %s":              "",
   576  	"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Value %v":              "",
   577  	"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.sparseTreeMapEntry %v": "",
   578  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Field %p":            "",
   579  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Field %v":            "",
   580  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Sym %+v":             "",
   581  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Sym %-v":             "",
   582  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Sym %0S":             "",
   583  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Sym %S":              "",
   584  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Sym %p":              "",
   585  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Sym %v":              "",
   586  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %#v":            "",
   587  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %+v":            "",
   588  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %-S":            "",
   589  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %0S":            "",
   590  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %L":             "",
   591  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %S":             "",
   592  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %p":             "",
   593  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %s":             "",
   594  	"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %v":             "",
   595  	"*cmd/internal/obj.Addr %v":                       "",
   596  	"*cmd/internal/obj.LSym %v":                       "",
   597  	"*cmd/internal/obj.Prog %s":                       "",
   598  	"*math/big.Int %#x":                               "",
   599  	"*math/big.Int %s":                                "",
   600  	"[16]byte %x":                                     "",
   601  	"[]*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %v":              "",
   602  	"[]*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Sig %#v":              "",
   603  	"[]*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Value %v":            "",
   604  	"[]byte %s":                                       "",
   605  	"[]byte %x":                                       "",
   606  	"[]cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Edge %v":              "",
   607  	"[]cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ID %v":                "",
   608  	"[]string %v":                                     "",
   609  	"bool %v":                                         "",
   610  	"byte %08b":                                       "",
   611  	"byte %c":                                         "",
   612  	"cmd/compile/internal/arm.shift %d":               "",
   613  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Class %d":                "",
   614  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Ctype %d":                "",
   615  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Ctype %v":                "",
   616  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Level %d":                "",
   617  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Level %v":                "",
   618  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Nodes %#v":               "",
   619  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Nodes %+v":               "",
   620  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Nodes %.v":               "",
   621  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Nodes %v":                "",
   622  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Op %#v":                  "",
   623  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Op %v":                   "",
   624  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Val %#v":                 "",
   625  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Val %T":                  "",
   626  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Val %v":                  "",
   627  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.fmtMode %d":              "",
   628  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc.initKind %d":             "",
   629  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.BranchPrediction %d":    "",
   630  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Edge %v":                "",
   631  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.GCNode %v":              "",
   632  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ID %d":                  "",
   633  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.LocalSlot %v":           "",
   634  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Location %v":            "",
   635  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Op %s":                  "",
   636  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Op %v":                  "",
   637  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ValAndOff %s":           "",
   638  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.rbrank %d":              "",
   639  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.regMask %d":             "",
   640  	"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.register %d":            "",
   641  	"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.Expr %#v":            "",
   642  	"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.Node %T":             "",
   643  	"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.Operator %d":         "",
   644  	"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.Operator %s":         "",
   645  	"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.token %d":            "",
   646  	"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.token %q":            "",
   647  	"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.token %s":            "",
   648  	"cmd/compile/internal/types.EType %d":             "",
   649  	"cmd/compile/internal/types.EType %s":             "",
   650  	"cmd/compile/internal/types.EType %v":             "",
   651  	"cmd/internal/src.Pos %s":                         "",
   652  	"cmd/internal/src.Pos %v":                         "",
   653  	"error %v":                                        "",
   654  	"float64 %.2f":                                    "",
   655  	"float64 %.3f":                                    "",
   656  	"float64 %.6g":                                    "",
   657  	"float64 %g":                                      "",
   658  	"int %-12d":                                       "",
   659  	"int %-6d":                                        "",
   660  	"int %-8o":                                        "",
   661  	"int %6d":                                         "",
   662  	"int %c":                                          "",
   663  	"int %d":                                          "",
   664  	"int %v":                                          "",
   665  	"int %x":                                          "",
   666  	"int16 %d":                                        "",
   667  	"int16 %x":                                        "",
   668  	"int32 %d":                                        "",
   669  	"int32 %v":                                        "",
   670  	"int32 %x":                                        "",
   671  	"int64 %+d":                                       "",
   672  	"int64 %-10d":                                     "",
   673  	"int64 %X":                                        "",
   674  	"int64 %d":                                        "",
   675  	"int64 %v":                                        "",
   676  	"int64 %x":                                        "",
   677  	"int8 %d":                                         "",
   678  	"int8 %x":                                         "",
   679  	"interface{} %#v":                                 "",
   680  	"interface{} %T":                                  "",
   681  	"interface{} %q":                                  "",
   682  	"interface{} %s":                                  "",
   683  	"interface{} %v":                                  "",
   684  	"map[*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node]*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Value %v": "",
   685  	"reflect.Type %s":  "",
   686  	"rune %#U":         "",
   687  	"rune %c":          "",
   688  	"string %-*s":      "",
   689  	"string %-16s":     "",
   690  	"string %.*s":      "",
   691  	"string %q":        "",
   692  	"string %s":        "",
   693  	"string %v":        "",
   694  	"time.Duration %d": "",
   695  	"time.Duration %v": "",
   696  	"uint %04x":        "",
   697  	"uint %5d":         "",
   698  	"uint %d":          "",
   699  	"uint16 %d":        "",
   700  	"uint16 %v":        "",
   701  	"uint16 %x":        "",
   702  	"uint32 %d":        "",
   703  	"uint32 %x":        "",
   704  	"uint64 %08x":      "",
   705  	"uint64 %d":        "",
   706  	"uint64 %x":        "",
   707  	"uint8 %d":         "",
   708  	"uint8 %x":         "",
   709  	"uintptr %d":       "",
   710  }