
     1  # Contributing to the MultiApps CF CLI Plugin
     3  ## Did you find a bug?
     4  * Check if the bug has already been reported and has an open [Issue](
     6  * If there is none, create one by using the provided [Issue Template]( for bugs.
     8  * Try to be as detailed as possible when describing the bug. Every bit of information helps!
    10  ## Do you have a question or need support?
    11  If you need any support or have any questions regarding the project, you can drop us a message on [Slack]( or open an [Issue]( and we shall get back to you.
    13  ## Do you want to contribute to the code base?
    15  ### Starter GitHub Issues
    16  If you are looking for what you can contribute to the project, check the GitHub Issues labeled as [Good First Issue]( to find items that are marked as more beginner friendly.
    18  ### Fork the project
    19  * To develop your contribution to the project, first [fork]( this repository in your own github account.
    21  * To clone the project into your Go workspace check the [Cloning the repository]( section.
    23  * When developing make sure to keep your fork up to date with the origin's master branch or the release branch you want to contribute a fix to.
    25  ### How to build, develop and install?
    26  * To build a new version of the plugin follow the [Development]( instructions.
    28  * If you have added new dependencies into the CF plugin make sure to update them as described in the [Adding Dependencies](
    30  * To install the plugin follow the [Installation]( instructions.
    32  ### Testing
    33  * Running the tests is done with the [ginkgo]( framework. Once you have it installed just execute `ginkgo -r` from the project's root directory and it will run all the tests.
    35  * If you are developing new functionality make sure to add tests covering the new scenarios where applicable!
    37  * The [spring-music]( contains a handy sample MTA archive to test your MultiApps CF CLI Plugin against the MultiApps Controller.
    39  ### Formatting
    40  Having the same style of formatting across the project helps a lot with readability. To format the project's source code run the following command from the root directory of the project:
    41  ```
    42  gofmt -w cli clients commands testutil ui util
    43  ```
    45  ## Creating a pull request
    46  When creating a pull request please use the provided template. Don't forget to link the [Issue]( if there is one related to your pull request!