
     1  // Copyright 2022 Vitalii Noha All rights reserved.
     3  // Package sb implements a Smart Builder application.
     4  // It is the next generation of building applications using independent bussiness components.
     5  package sb
     7  import ""
     9  // SmartCreator creates a new application.
    10  type SmartCreator struct {
    11  	ModManager ModManager
    12  	Logger     Logger
    13  }
    15  // SmartBuilder manages modules and builds the application.
    16  type SmartBuilder struct {
    17  	Builder         interface{}
    18  	ModManager      ModManager
    19  	PluginHandshake plugin.HandshakeConfig
    20  	Logger          Logger
    21  }
    23  // SmartGenerator generates smart builder unit (.sb) using smart application unit.
    24  type SmartGenerator struct{}
    26  // ModManager describes methods for managing a module.
    27  type ModManager interface {
    28  	AddItem(moduleName, itemName string) error
    29  	AddDependency(itemName, dependencyName, resolver string, update bool) error
    30  	DeleteItem(itemName string) error
    31  	DeleteDependency(itemName, dependencyName string) error
    32  	ReadAll() (ModReader, error)
    33  	SetLogger(logger Logger)
    34  }
    36  // ModReader describes methods for getting module attributes.
    37  type ModReader interface {
    38  	Items() map[string][][]string
    39  	Dependency(itemName, dependencyName string) string
    40  }
    42  // ModHelper performs usuful methods.
    43  type ModHelper struct {
    44  	Manager ModManager
    45  }
    47  // Logger describes methods for logging messages.
    48  type Logger interface {
    49  	Trace(msg string, args ...interface{})
    50  	Debug(msg string, args ...interface{})
    51  	Info(msg string, args ...interface{})
    52  	Warn(msg string, args ...interface{})
    53  	Error(msg string, args ...interface{})
    54  	IsTrace() bool
    55  	IsDebug() bool
    56  	IsInfo() bool
    57  	IsWarn() bool
    58  	IsError() bool
    59  }
    61  var ModKind = struct {
    62  	SA string
    63  	SB string
    64  	SP string
    65  }{
    66  	"sa", // smart application unit
    67  	"sb", // smart builder unit
    68  	"sp", // smart package unit
    69  }
    71  const (
    72  	// application
    73  	AppName           string = "sb"
    74  	AppVersion        string = "1.0"
    75  	AppVersionString  string = AppName + " version " + AppVersion
    76  	AppsItemName      string = "apps"
    77  	DefaultModuleName string = "apps"
    78  	// errors
    79  	ErrorMessageF         string = "Error: %v\n"
    80  	AppIsExistF           string = "the specified %s application is exist"
    81  	AppIsMissing          string = "does not found any application in the apps"
    82  	AppIsMissingF         string = "the selected \"%s\" application is not found"
    83  	AppIsMissingInSystemF string = "the system cannot find the \"%s\" application"
    84  	AppIsNotSpecified     string = "the application is not specified"
    85  	ItemIsMissingF        string = "the %s item is not found"
    86  	AttrIsMissingF        string = "the \"%s\" attribute is missing for \"%s\" application"
    87  	ModuleFilesMissingF   string = "no .%s files in \""
    88  )