
     1  // This file is part of the go-sberex library. The go-sberex library is 
     2  // free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms 
     3  // of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free 
     4  // Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
     5  // any later version.
     6  //
     7  // The go-sberex library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
     8  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    10  // General Public License <> for more details.
    12  // Contains the block download scheduler to collect download tasks and schedule
    13  // them in an ordered, and throttled way.
    15  package downloader
    17  import (
    18  	"errors"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"sync"
    21  	"time"
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  )
    30  var (
    31  	blockCacheItems      = 8192             // Maximum number of blocks to cache before throttling the download
    32  	blockCacheMemory     = 64 * 1024 * 1024 // Maximum amount of memory to use for block caching
    33  	blockCacheSizeWeight = 0.1              // Multiplier to approximate the average block size based on past ones
    34  )
    36  var (
    37  	errNoFetchesPending = errors.New("no fetches pending")
    38  	errStaleDelivery    = errors.New("stale delivery")
    39  )
    41  // fetchRequest is a currently running data retrieval operation.
    42  type fetchRequest struct {
    43  	Peer    *peerConnection // Peer to which the request was sent
    44  	From    uint64          // [eth/62] Requested chain element index (used for skeleton fills only)
    45  	Headers []*types.Header // [eth/62] Requested headers, sorted by request order
    46  	Time    time.Time       // Time when the request was made
    47  }
    49  // fetchResult is a struct collecting partial results from data fetchers until
    50  // all outstanding pieces complete and the result as a whole can be processed.
    51  type fetchResult struct {
    52  	Pending int         // Number of data fetches still pending
    53  	Hash    common.Hash // Hash of the header to prevent recalculating
    55  	Header       *types.Header
    56  	Uncles       []*types.Header
    57  	Transactions types.Transactions
    58  	Receipts     types.Receipts
    59  }
    61  // queue represents hashes that are either need fetching or are being fetched
    62  type queue struct {
    63  	mode SyncMode // Synchronisation mode to decide on the block parts to schedule for fetching
    65  	// Headers are "special", they download in batches, supported by a skeleton chain
    66  	headerHead      common.Hash                    // [eth/62] Hash of the last queued header to verify order
    67  	headerTaskPool  map[uint64]*types.Header       // [eth/62] Pending header retrieval tasks, mapping starting indexes to skeleton headers
    68  	headerTaskQueue *prque.Prque                   // [eth/62] Priority queue of the skeleton indexes to fetch the filling headers for
    69  	headerPeerMiss  map[string]map[uint64]struct{} // [eth/62] Set of per-peer header batches known to be unavailable
    70  	headerPendPool  map[string]*fetchRequest       // [eth/62] Currently pending header retrieval operations
    71  	headerResults   []*types.Header                // [eth/62] Result cache accumulating the completed headers
    72  	headerProced    int                            // [eth/62] Number of headers already processed from the results
    73  	headerOffset    uint64                         // [eth/62] Number of the first header in the result cache
    74  	headerContCh    chan bool                      // [eth/62] Channel to notify when header download finishes
    76  	// All data retrievals below are based on an already assembles header chain
    77  	blockTaskPool  map[common.Hash]*types.Header // [eth/62] Pending block (body) retrieval tasks, mapping hashes to headers
    78  	blockTaskQueue *prque.Prque                  // [eth/62] Priority queue of the headers to fetch the blocks (bodies) for
    79  	blockPendPool  map[string]*fetchRequest      // [eth/62] Currently pending block (body) retrieval operations
    80  	blockDonePool  map[common.Hash]struct{}      // [eth/62] Set of the completed block (body) fetches
    82  	receiptTaskPool  map[common.Hash]*types.Header // [eth/63] Pending receipt retrieval tasks, mapping hashes to headers
    83  	receiptTaskQueue *prque.Prque                  // [eth/63] Priority queue of the headers to fetch the receipts for
    84  	receiptPendPool  map[string]*fetchRequest      // [eth/63] Currently pending receipt retrieval operations
    85  	receiptDonePool  map[common.Hash]struct{}      // [eth/63] Set of the completed receipt fetches
    87  	resultCache  []*fetchResult     // Downloaded but not yet delivered fetch results
    88  	resultOffset uint64             // Offset of the first cached fetch result in the block chain
    89  	resultSize   common.StorageSize // Approximate size of a block (exponential moving average)
    91  	lock   *sync.Mutex
    92  	active *sync.Cond
    93  	closed bool
    94  }
    96  // newQueue creates a new download queue for scheduling block retrieval.
    97  func newQueue() *queue {
    98  	lock := new(sync.Mutex)
    99  	return &queue{
   100  		headerPendPool:   make(map[string]*fetchRequest),
   101  		headerContCh:     make(chan bool),
   102  		blockTaskPool:    make(map[common.Hash]*types.Header),
   103  		blockTaskQueue:   prque.New(),
   104  		blockPendPool:    make(map[string]*fetchRequest),
   105  		blockDonePool:    make(map[common.Hash]struct{}),
   106  		receiptTaskPool:  make(map[common.Hash]*types.Header),
   107  		receiptTaskQueue: prque.New(),
   108  		receiptPendPool:  make(map[string]*fetchRequest),
   109  		receiptDonePool:  make(map[common.Hash]struct{}),
   110  		resultCache:      make([]*fetchResult, blockCacheItems),
   111  		active:           sync.NewCond(lock),
   112  		lock:             lock,
   113  	}
   114  }
   116  // Reset clears out the queue contents.
   117  func (q *queue) Reset() {
   118  	q.lock.Lock()
   119  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   121  	q.closed = false
   122  	q.mode = FullSync
   124  	q.headerHead = common.Hash{}
   125  	q.headerPendPool = make(map[string]*fetchRequest)
   127  	q.blockTaskPool = make(map[common.Hash]*types.Header)
   128  	q.blockTaskQueue.Reset()
   129  	q.blockPendPool = make(map[string]*fetchRequest)
   130  	q.blockDonePool = make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
   132  	q.receiptTaskPool = make(map[common.Hash]*types.Header)
   133  	q.receiptTaskQueue.Reset()
   134  	q.receiptPendPool = make(map[string]*fetchRequest)
   135  	q.receiptDonePool = make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
   137  	q.resultCache = make([]*fetchResult, blockCacheItems)
   138  	q.resultOffset = 0
   139  }
   141  // Close marks the end of the sync, unblocking WaitResults.
   142  // It may be called even if the queue is already closed.
   143  func (q *queue) Close() {
   144  	q.lock.Lock()
   145  	q.closed = true
   146  	q.lock.Unlock()
   148  }
   150  // PendingHeaders retrieves the number of header requests pending for retrieval.
   151  func (q *queue) PendingHeaders() int {
   152  	q.lock.Lock()
   153  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   155  	return q.headerTaskQueue.Size()
   156  }
   158  // PendingBlocks retrieves the number of block (body) requests pending for retrieval.
   159  func (q *queue) PendingBlocks() int {
   160  	q.lock.Lock()
   161  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   163  	return q.blockTaskQueue.Size()
   164  }
   166  // PendingReceipts retrieves the number of block receipts pending for retrieval.
   167  func (q *queue) PendingReceipts() int {
   168  	q.lock.Lock()
   169  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   171  	return q.receiptTaskQueue.Size()
   172  }
   174  // InFlightHeaders retrieves whether there are header fetch requests currently
   175  // in flight.
   176  func (q *queue) InFlightHeaders() bool {
   177  	q.lock.Lock()
   178  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   180  	return len(q.headerPendPool) > 0
   181  }
   183  // InFlightBlocks retrieves whether there are block fetch requests currently in
   184  // flight.
   185  func (q *queue) InFlightBlocks() bool {
   186  	q.lock.Lock()
   187  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   189  	return len(q.blockPendPool) > 0
   190  }
   192  // InFlightReceipts retrieves whether there are receipt fetch requests currently
   193  // in flight.
   194  func (q *queue) InFlightReceipts() bool {
   195  	q.lock.Lock()
   196  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   198  	return len(q.receiptPendPool) > 0
   199  }
   201  // Idle returns if the queue is fully idle or has some data still inside.
   202  func (q *queue) Idle() bool {
   203  	q.lock.Lock()
   204  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   206  	queued := q.blockTaskQueue.Size() + q.receiptTaskQueue.Size()
   207  	pending := len(q.blockPendPool) + len(q.receiptPendPool)
   208  	cached := len(q.blockDonePool) + len(q.receiptDonePool)
   210  	return (queued + pending + cached) == 0
   211  }
   213  // ShouldThrottleBlocks checks if the download should be throttled (active block (body)
   214  // fetches exceed block cache).
   215  func (q *queue) ShouldThrottleBlocks() bool {
   216  	q.lock.Lock()
   217  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   219  	return q.resultSlots(q.blockPendPool, q.blockDonePool) <= 0
   220  }
   222  // ShouldThrottleReceipts checks if the download should be throttled (active receipt
   223  // fetches exceed block cache).
   224  func (q *queue) ShouldThrottleReceipts() bool {
   225  	q.lock.Lock()
   226  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   228  	return q.resultSlots(q.receiptPendPool, q.receiptDonePool) <= 0
   229  }
   231  // resultSlots calculates the number of results slots available for requests
   232  // whilst adhering to both the item and the memory limit too of the results
   233  // cache.
   234  func (q *queue) resultSlots(pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, donePool map[common.Hash]struct{}) int {
   235  	// Calculate the maximum length capped by the memory limit
   236  	limit := len(q.resultCache)
   237  	if common.StorageSize(len(q.resultCache))*q.resultSize > common.StorageSize(blockCacheMemory) {
   238  		limit = int((common.StorageSize(blockCacheMemory) + q.resultSize - 1) / q.resultSize)
   239  	}
   240  	// Calculate the number of slots already finished
   241  	finished := 0
   242  	for _, result := range q.resultCache[:limit] {
   243  		if result == nil {
   244  			break
   245  		}
   246  		if _, ok := donePool[result.Hash]; ok {
   247  			finished++
   248  		}
   249  	}
   250  	// Calculate the number of slots currently downloading
   251  	pending := 0
   252  	for _, request := range pendPool {
   253  		for _, header := range request.Headers {
   254  			if header.Number.Uint64() < q.resultOffset+uint64(limit) {
   255  				pending++
   256  			}
   257  		}
   258  	}
   259  	// Return the free slots to distribute
   260  	return limit - finished - pending
   261  }
   263  // ScheduleSkeleton adds a batch of header retrieval tasks to the queue to fill
   264  // up an already retrieved header skeleton.
   265  func (q *queue) ScheduleSkeleton(from uint64, skeleton []*types.Header) {
   266  	q.lock.Lock()
   267  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   269  	// No skeleton retrieval can be in progress, fail hard if so (huge implementation bug)
   270  	if q.headerResults != nil {
   271  		panic("skeleton assembly already in progress")
   272  	}
   273  	// Shedule all the header retrieval tasks for the skeleton assembly
   274  	q.headerTaskPool = make(map[uint64]*types.Header)
   275  	q.headerTaskQueue = prque.New()
   276  	q.headerPeerMiss = make(map[string]map[uint64]struct{}) // Reset availability to correct invalid chains
   277  	q.headerResults = make([]*types.Header, len(skeleton)*MaxHeaderFetch)
   278  	q.headerProced = 0
   279  	q.headerOffset = from
   280  	q.headerContCh = make(chan bool, 1)
   282  	for i, header := range skeleton {
   283  		index := from + uint64(i*MaxHeaderFetch)
   285  		q.headerTaskPool[index] = header
   286  		q.headerTaskQueue.Push(index, -float32(index))
   287  	}
   288  }
   290  // RetrieveHeaders retrieves the header chain assemble based on the scheduled
   291  // skeleton.
   292  func (q *queue) RetrieveHeaders() ([]*types.Header, int) {
   293  	q.lock.Lock()
   294  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   296  	headers, proced := q.headerResults, q.headerProced
   297  	q.headerResults, q.headerProced = nil, 0
   299  	return headers, proced
   300  }
   302  // Schedule adds a set of headers for the download queue for scheduling, returning
   303  // the new headers encountered.
   304  func (q *queue) Schedule(headers []*types.Header, from uint64) []*types.Header {
   305  	q.lock.Lock()
   306  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   308  	// Insert all the headers prioritised by the contained block number
   309  	inserts := make([]*types.Header, 0, len(headers))
   310  	for _, header := range headers {
   311  		// Make sure chain order is honoured and preserved throughout
   312  		hash := header.Hash()
   313  		if header.Number == nil || header.Number.Uint64() != from {
   314  			log.Warn("Header broke chain ordering", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash, "expected", from)
   315  			break
   316  		}
   317  		if q.headerHead != (common.Hash{}) && q.headerHead != header.ParentHash {
   318  			log.Warn("Header broke chain ancestry", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
   319  			break
   320  		}
   321  		// Make sure no duplicate requests are executed
   322  		if _, ok := q.blockTaskPool[hash]; ok {
   323  			log.Warn("Header  already scheduled for block fetch", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
   324  			continue
   325  		}
   326  		if _, ok := q.receiptTaskPool[hash]; ok {
   327  			log.Warn("Header already scheduled for receipt fetch", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
   328  			continue
   329  		}
   330  		// Queue the header for content retrieval
   331  		q.blockTaskPool[hash] = header
   332  		q.blockTaskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
   334  		if q.mode == FastSync {
   335  			q.receiptTaskPool[hash] = header
   336  			q.receiptTaskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
   337  		}
   338  		inserts = append(inserts, header)
   339  		q.headerHead = hash
   340  		from++
   341  	}
   342  	return inserts
   343  }
   345  // Results retrieves and permanently removes a batch of fetch results from
   346  // the cache. the result slice will be empty if the queue has been closed.
   347  func (q *queue) Results(block bool) []*fetchResult {
   348  	q.lock.Lock()
   349  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   351  	// Count the number of items available for processing
   352  	nproc := q.countProcessableItems()
   353  	for nproc == 0 && !q.closed {
   354  		if !block {
   355  			return nil
   356  		}
   358  		nproc = q.countProcessableItems()
   359  	}
   360  	// Since we have a batch limit, don't pull more into "dangling" memory
   361  	if nproc > maxResultsProcess {
   362  		nproc = maxResultsProcess
   363  	}
   364  	results := make([]*fetchResult, nproc)
   365  	copy(results, q.resultCache[:nproc])
   366  	if len(results) > 0 {
   367  		// Mark results as done before dropping them from the cache.
   368  		for _, result := range results {
   369  			hash := result.Header.Hash()
   370  			delete(q.blockDonePool, hash)
   371  			delete(q.receiptDonePool, hash)
   372  		}
   373  		// Delete the results from the cache and clear the tail.
   374  		copy(q.resultCache, q.resultCache[nproc:])
   375  		for i := len(q.resultCache) - nproc; i < len(q.resultCache); i++ {
   376  			q.resultCache[i] = nil
   377  		}
   378  		// Advance the expected block number of the first cache entry.
   379  		q.resultOffset += uint64(nproc)
   381  		// Recalculate the result item weights to prevent memory exhaustion
   382  		for _, result := range results {
   383  			size := result.Header.Size()
   384  			for _, uncle := range result.Uncles {
   385  				size += uncle.Size()
   386  			}
   387  			for _, receipt := range result.Receipts {
   388  				size += receipt.Size()
   389  			}
   390  			for _, tx := range result.Transactions {
   391  				size += tx.Size()
   392  			}
   393  			q.resultSize = common.StorageSize(blockCacheSizeWeight)*size + (1-common.StorageSize(blockCacheSizeWeight))*q.resultSize
   394  		}
   395  	}
   396  	return results
   397  }
   399  // countProcessableItems counts the processable items.
   400  func (q *queue) countProcessableItems() int {
   401  	for i, result := range q.resultCache {
   402  		if result == nil || result.Pending > 0 {
   403  			return i
   404  		}
   405  	}
   406  	return len(q.resultCache)
   407  }
   409  // ReserveHeaders reserves a set of headers for the given peer, skipping any
   410  // previously failed batches.
   411  func (q *queue) ReserveHeaders(p *peerConnection, count int) *fetchRequest {
   412  	q.lock.Lock()
   413  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   415  	// Short circuit if the peer's already downloading something (sanity check to
   416  	// not corrupt state)
   417  	if _, ok := q.headerPendPool[]; ok {
   418  		return nil
   419  	}
   420  	// Retrieve a batch of hashes, skipping previously failed ones
   421  	send, skip := uint64(0), []uint64{}
   422  	for send == 0 && !q.headerTaskQueue.Empty() {
   423  		from, _ := q.headerTaskQueue.Pop()
   424  		if q.headerPeerMiss[] != nil {
   425  			if _, ok := q.headerPeerMiss[][from.(uint64)]; ok {
   426  				skip = append(skip, from.(uint64))
   427  				continue
   428  			}
   429  		}
   430  		send = from.(uint64)
   431  	}
   432  	// Merge all the skipped batches back
   433  	for _, from := range skip {
   434  		q.headerTaskQueue.Push(from, -float32(from))
   435  	}
   436  	// Assemble and return the block download request
   437  	if send == 0 {
   438  		return nil
   439  	}
   440  	request := &fetchRequest{
   441  		Peer: p,
   442  		From: send,
   443  		Time: time.Now(),
   444  	}
   445  	q.headerPendPool[] = request
   446  	return request
   447  }
   449  // ReserveBodies reserves a set of body fetches for the given peer, skipping any
   450  // previously failed downloads. Beside the next batch of needed fetches, it also
   451  // returns a flag whether empty blocks were queued requiring processing.
   452  func (q *queue) ReserveBodies(p *peerConnection, count int) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {
   453  	isNoop := func(header *types.Header) bool {
   454  		return header.TxHash == types.EmptyRootHash && header.UncleHash == types.EmptyUncleHash
   455  	}
   456  	q.lock.Lock()
   457  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   459  	return q.reserveHeaders(p, count, q.blockTaskPool, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool, q.blockDonePool, isNoop)
   460  }
   462  // ReserveReceipts reserves a set of receipt fetches for the given peer, skipping
   463  // any previously failed downloads. Beside the next batch of needed fetches, it
   464  // also returns a flag whether empty receipts were queued requiring importing.
   465  func (q *queue) ReserveReceipts(p *peerConnection, count int) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {
   466  	isNoop := func(header *types.Header) bool {
   467  		return header.ReceiptHash == types.EmptyRootHash
   468  	}
   469  	q.lock.Lock()
   470  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   472  	return q.reserveHeaders(p, count, q.receiptTaskPool, q.receiptTaskQueue, q.receiptPendPool, q.receiptDonePool, isNoop)
   473  }
   475  // reserveHeaders reserves a set of data download operations for a given peer,
   476  // skipping any previously failed ones. This method is a generic version used
   477  // by the individual special reservation functions.
   478  //
   479  // Note, this method expects the queue lock to be already held for writing. The
   480  // reason the lock is not obtained in here is because the parameters already need
   481  // to access the queue, so they already need a lock anyway.
   482  func (q *queue) reserveHeaders(p *peerConnection, count int, taskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header, taskQueue *prque.Prque,
   483  	pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, donePool map[common.Hash]struct{}, isNoop func(*types.Header) bool) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {
   484  	// Short circuit if the pool has been depleted, or if the peer's already
   485  	// downloading something (sanity check not to corrupt state)
   486  	if taskQueue.Empty() {
   487  		return nil, false, nil
   488  	}
   489  	if _, ok := pendPool[]; ok {
   490  		return nil, false, nil
   491  	}
   492  	// Calculate an upper limit on the items we might fetch (i.e. throttling)
   493  	space := q.resultSlots(pendPool, donePool)
   495  	// Retrieve a batch of tasks, skipping previously failed ones
   496  	send := make([]*types.Header, 0, count)
   497  	skip := make([]*types.Header, 0)
   499  	progress := false
   500  	for proc := 0; proc < space && len(send) < count && !taskQueue.Empty(); proc++ {
   501  		header := taskQueue.PopItem().(*types.Header)
   502  		hash := header.Hash()
   504  		// If we're the first to request this task, initialise the result container
   505  		index := int(header.Number.Int64() - int64(q.resultOffset))
   506  		if index >= len(q.resultCache) || index < 0 {
   507  			common.Report("index allocation went beyond available resultCache space")
   508  			return nil, false, errInvalidChain
   509  		}
   510  		if q.resultCache[index] == nil {
   511  			components := 1
   512  			if q.mode == FastSync {
   513  				components = 2
   514  			}
   515  			q.resultCache[index] = &fetchResult{
   516  				Pending: components,
   517  				Hash:    hash,
   518  				Header:  header,
   519  			}
   520  		}
   521  		// If this fetch task is a noop, skip this fetch operation
   522  		if isNoop(header) {
   523  			donePool[hash] = struct{}{}
   524  			delete(taskPool, hash)
   526  			space, proc = space-1, proc-1
   527  			q.resultCache[index].Pending--
   528  			progress = true
   529  			continue
   530  		}
   531  		// Otherwise unless the peer is known not to have the data, add to the retrieve list
   532  		if p.Lacks(hash) {
   533  			skip = append(skip, header)
   534  		} else {
   535  			send = append(send, header)
   536  		}
   537  	}
   538  	// Merge all the skipped headers back
   539  	for _, header := range skip {
   540  		taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
   541  	}
   542  	if progress {
   543  		// Wake WaitResults, resultCache was modified
   545  	}
   546  	// Assemble and return the block download request
   547  	if len(send) == 0 {
   548  		return nil, progress, nil
   549  	}
   550  	request := &fetchRequest{
   551  		Peer:    p,
   552  		Headers: send,
   553  		Time:    time.Now(),
   554  	}
   555  	pendPool[] = request
   557  	return request, progress, nil
   558  }
   560  // CancelHeaders aborts a fetch request, returning all pending skeleton indexes to the queue.
   561  func (q *queue) CancelHeaders(request *fetchRequest) {
   562  	q.cancel(request, q.headerTaskQueue, q.headerPendPool)
   563  }
   565  // CancelBodies aborts a body fetch request, returning all pending headers to the
   566  // task queue.
   567  func (q *queue) CancelBodies(request *fetchRequest) {
   568  	q.cancel(request, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool)
   569  }
   571  // CancelReceipts aborts a body fetch request, returning all pending headers to
   572  // the task queue.
   573  func (q *queue) CancelReceipts(request *fetchRequest) {
   574  	q.cancel(request, q.receiptTaskQueue, q.receiptPendPool)
   575  }
   577  // Cancel aborts a fetch request, returning all pending hashes to the task queue.
   578  func (q *queue) cancel(request *fetchRequest, taskQueue *prque.Prque, pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest) {
   579  	q.lock.Lock()
   580  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   582  	if request.From > 0 {
   583  		taskQueue.Push(request.From, -float32(request.From))
   584  	}
   585  	for _, header := range request.Headers {
   586  		taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
   587  	}
   588  	delete(pendPool,
   589  }
   591  // Revoke cancels all pending requests belonging to a given peer. This method is
   592  // meant to be called during a peer drop to quickly reassign owned data fetches
   593  // to remaining nodes.
   594  func (q *queue) Revoke(peerId string) {
   595  	q.lock.Lock()
   596  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   598  	if request, ok := q.blockPendPool[peerId]; ok {
   599  		for _, header := range request.Headers {
   600  			q.blockTaskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
   601  		}
   602  		delete(q.blockPendPool, peerId)
   603  	}
   604  	if request, ok := q.receiptPendPool[peerId]; ok {
   605  		for _, header := range request.Headers {
   606  			q.receiptTaskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
   607  		}
   608  		delete(q.receiptPendPool, peerId)
   609  	}
   610  }
   612  // ExpireHeaders checks for in flight requests that exceeded a timeout allowance,
   613  // canceling them and returning the responsible peers for penalisation.
   614  func (q *queue) ExpireHeaders(timeout time.Duration) map[string]int {
   615  	q.lock.Lock()
   616  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   618  	return q.expire(timeout, q.headerPendPool, q.headerTaskQueue, headerTimeoutMeter)
   619  }
   621  // ExpireBodies checks for in flight block body requests that exceeded a timeout
   622  // allowance, canceling them and returning the responsible peers for penalisation.
   623  func (q *queue) ExpireBodies(timeout time.Duration) map[string]int {
   624  	q.lock.Lock()
   625  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   627  	return q.expire(timeout, q.blockPendPool, q.blockTaskQueue, bodyTimeoutMeter)
   628  }
   630  // ExpireReceipts checks for in flight receipt requests that exceeded a timeout
   631  // allowance, canceling them and returning the responsible peers for penalisation.
   632  func (q *queue) ExpireReceipts(timeout time.Duration) map[string]int {
   633  	q.lock.Lock()
   634  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   636  	return q.expire(timeout, q.receiptPendPool, q.receiptTaskQueue, receiptTimeoutMeter)
   637  }
   639  // expire is the generic check that move expired tasks from a pending pool back
   640  // into a task pool, returning all entities caught with expired tasks.
   641  //
   642  // Note, this method expects the queue lock to be already held. The
   643  // reason the lock is not obtained in here is because the parameters already need
   644  // to access the queue, so they already need a lock anyway.
   645  func (q *queue) expire(timeout time.Duration, pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, taskQueue *prque.Prque, timeoutMeter metrics.Meter) map[string]int {
   646  	// Iterate over the expired requests and return each to the queue
   647  	expiries := make(map[string]int)
   648  	for id, request := range pendPool {
   649  		if time.Since(request.Time) > timeout {
   650  			// Update the metrics with the timeout
   651  			timeoutMeter.Mark(1)
   653  			// Return any non satisfied requests to the pool
   654  			if request.From > 0 {
   655  				taskQueue.Push(request.From, -float32(request.From))
   656  			}
   657  			for _, header := range request.Headers {
   658  				taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
   659  			}
   660  			// Add the peer to the expiry report along the the number of failed requests
   661  			expiries[id] = len(request.Headers)
   662  		}
   663  	}
   664  	// Remove the expired requests from the pending pool
   665  	for id := range expiries {
   666  		delete(pendPool, id)
   667  	}
   668  	return expiries
   669  }
   671  // DeliverHeaders injects a header retrieval response into the header results
   672  // cache. This method either accepts all headers it received, or none of them
   673  // if they do not map correctly to the skeleton.
   674  //
   675  // If the headers are accepted, the method makes an attempt to deliver the set
   676  // of ready headers to the processor to keep the pipeline full. However it will
   677  // not block to prevent stalling other pending deliveries.
   678  func (q *queue) DeliverHeaders(id string, headers []*types.Header, headerProcCh chan []*types.Header) (int, error) {
   679  	q.lock.Lock()
   680  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   682  	// Short circuit if the data was never requested
   683  	request := q.headerPendPool[id]
   684  	if request == nil {
   685  		return 0, errNoFetchesPending
   686  	}
   687  	headerReqTimer.UpdateSince(request.Time)
   688  	delete(q.headerPendPool, id)
   690  	// Ensure headers can be mapped onto the skeleton chain
   691  	target := q.headerTaskPool[request.From].Hash()
   693  	accepted := len(headers) == MaxHeaderFetch
   694  	if accepted {
   695  		if headers[0].Number.Uint64() != request.From {
   696  			log.Trace("First header broke chain ordering", "peer", id, "number", headers[0].Number, "hash", headers[0].Hash(), request.From)
   697  			accepted = false
   698  		} else if headers[len(headers)-1].Hash() != target {
   699  			log.Trace("Last header broke skeleton structure ", "peer", id, "number", headers[len(headers)-1].Number, "hash", headers[len(headers)-1].Hash(), "expected", target)
   700  			accepted = false
   701  		}
   702  	}
   703  	if accepted {
   704  		for i, header := range headers[1:] {
   705  			hash := header.Hash()
   706  			if want := request.From + 1 + uint64(i); header.Number.Uint64() != want {
   707  				log.Warn("Header broke chain ordering", "peer", id, "number", header.Number, "hash", hash, "expected", want)
   708  				accepted = false
   709  				break
   710  			}
   711  			if headers[i].Hash() != header.ParentHash {
   712  				log.Warn("Header broke chain ancestry", "peer", id, "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
   713  				accepted = false
   714  				break
   715  			}
   716  		}
   717  	}
   718  	// If the batch of headers wasn't accepted, mark as unavailable
   719  	if !accepted {
   720  		log.Trace("Skeleton filling not accepted", "peer", id, "from", request.From)
   722  		miss := q.headerPeerMiss[id]
   723  		if miss == nil {
   724  			q.headerPeerMiss[id] = make(map[uint64]struct{})
   725  			miss = q.headerPeerMiss[id]
   726  		}
   727  		miss[request.From] = struct{}{}
   729  		q.headerTaskQueue.Push(request.From, -float32(request.From))
   730  		return 0, errors.New("delivery not accepted")
   731  	}
   732  	// Clean up a successful fetch and try to deliver any sub-results
   733  	copy(q.headerResults[request.From-q.headerOffset:], headers)
   734  	delete(q.headerTaskPool, request.From)
   736  	ready := 0
   737  	for q.headerProced+ready < len(q.headerResults) && q.headerResults[q.headerProced+ready] != nil {
   738  		ready += MaxHeaderFetch
   739  	}
   740  	if ready > 0 {
   741  		// Headers are ready for delivery, gather them and push forward (non blocking)
   742  		process := make([]*types.Header, ready)
   743  		copy(process, q.headerResults[q.headerProced:q.headerProced+ready])
   745  		select {
   746  		case headerProcCh <- process:
   747  			log.Trace("Pre-scheduled new headers", "peer", id, "count", len(process), "from", process[0].Number)
   748  			q.headerProced += len(process)
   749  		default:
   750  		}
   751  	}
   752  	// Check for termination and return
   753  	if len(q.headerTaskPool) == 0 {
   754  		q.headerContCh <- false
   755  	}
   756  	return len(headers), nil
   757  }
   759  // DeliverBodies injects a block body retrieval response into the results queue.
   760  // The method returns the number of blocks bodies accepted from the delivery and
   761  // also wakes any threads waiting for data delivery.
   762  func (q *queue) DeliverBodies(id string, txLists [][]*types.Transaction, uncleLists [][]*types.Header) (int, error) {
   763  	q.lock.Lock()
   764  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   766  	reconstruct := func(header *types.Header, index int, result *fetchResult) error {
   767  		if types.DeriveSha(types.Transactions(txLists[index])) != header.TxHash || types.CalcUncleHash(uncleLists[index]) != header.UncleHash {
   768  			return errInvalidBody
   769  		}
   770  		result.Transactions = txLists[index]
   771  		result.Uncles = uncleLists[index]
   772  		return nil
   773  	}
   774  	return q.deliver(id, q.blockTaskPool, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool, q.blockDonePool, bodyReqTimer, len(txLists), reconstruct)
   775  }
   777  // DeliverReceipts injects a receipt retrieval response into the results queue.
   778  // The method returns the number of transaction receipts accepted from the delivery
   779  // and also wakes any threads waiting for data delivery.
   780  func (q *queue) DeliverReceipts(id string, receiptList [][]*types.Receipt) (int, error) {
   781  	q.lock.Lock()
   782  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   784  	reconstruct := func(header *types.Header, index int, result *fetchResult) error {
   785  		if types.DeriveSha(types.Receipts(receiptList[index])) != header.ReceiptHash {
   786  			return errInvalidReceipt
   787  		}
   788  		result.Receipts = receiptList[index]
   789  		return nil
   790  	}
   791  	return q.deliver(id, q.receiptTaskPool, q.receiptTaskQueue, q.receiptPendPool, q.receiptDonePool, receiptReqTimer, len(receiptList), reconstruct)
   792  }
   794  // deliver injects a data retrieval response into the results queue.
   795  //
   796  // Note, this method expects the queue lock to be already held for writing. The
   797  // reason the lock is not obtained in here is because the parameters already need
   798  // to access the queue, so they already need a lock anyway.
   799  func (q *queue) deliver(id string, taskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header, taskQueue *prque.Prque,
   800  	pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, donePool map[common.Hash]struct{}, reqTimer metrics.Timer,
   801  	results int, reconstruct func(header *types.Header, index int, result *fetchResult) error) (int, error) {
   803  	// Short circuit if the data was never requested
   804  	request := pendPool[id]
   805  	if request == nil {
   806  		return 0, errNoFetchesPending
   807  	}
   808  	reqTimer.UpdateSince(request.Time)
   809  	delete(pendPool, id)
   811  	// If no data items were retrieved, mark them as unavailable for the origin peer
   812  	if results == 0 {
   813  		for _, header := range request.Headers {
   814  			request.Peer.MarkLacking(header.Hash())
   815  		}
   816  	}
   817  	// Assemble each of the results with their headers and retrieved data parts
   818  	var (
   819  		accepted int
   820  		failure  error
   821  		useful   bool
   822  	)
   823  	for i, header := range request.Headers {
   824  		// Short circuit assembly if no more fetch results are found
   825  		if i >= results {
   826  			break
   827  		}
   828  		// Reconstruct the next result if contents match up
   829  		index := int(header.Number.Int64() - int64(q.resultOffset))
   830  		if index >= len(q.resultCache) || index < 0 || q.resultCache[index] == nil {
   831  			failure = errInvalidChain
   832  			break
   833  		}
   834  		if err := reconstruct(header, i, q.resultCache[index]); err != nil {
   835  			failure = err
   836  			break
   837  		}
   838  		hash := header.Hash()
   840  		donePool[hash] = struct{}{}
   841  		q.resultCache[index].Pending--
   842  		useful = true
   843  		accepted++
   845  		// Clean up a successful fetch
   846  		request.Headers[i] = nil
   847  		delete(taskPool, hash)
   848  	}
   849  	// Return all failed or missing fetches to the queue
   850  	for _, header := range request.Headers {
   851  		if header != nil {
   852  			taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
   853  		}
   854  	}
   855  	// Wake up WaitResults
   856  	if accepted > 0 {
   858  	}
   859  	// If none of the data was good, it's a stale delivery
   860  	switch {
   861  	case failure == nil || failure == errInvalidChain:
   862  		return accepted, failure
   863  	case useful:
   864  		return accepted, fmt.Errorf("partial failure: %v", failure)
   865  	default:
   866  		return accepted, errStaleDelivery
   867  	}
   868  }
   870  // Prepare configures the result cache to allow accepting and caching inbound
   871  // fetch results.
   872  func (q *queue) Prepare(offset uint64, mode SyncMode) {
   873  	q.lock.Lock()
   874  	defer q.lock.Unlock()
   876  	// Prepare the queue for sync results
   877  	if q.resultOffset < offset {
   878  		q.resultOffset = offset
   879  	}
   880  	q.mode = mode
   881  }