
     1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package flate
     7  import (
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"io"
    10  	"math"
    11  )
    13  const (
    14  	NoCompression      = 0
    15  	BestSpeed          = 1
    16  	BestCompression    = 9
    17  	DefaultCompression = -1
    19  	// HuffmanOnly disables Lempel-Ziv match searching and only performs Huffman
    20  	// entropy encoding. This mode is useful in compressing data that has
    21  	// already been compressed with an LZ style algorithm (e.g. Snappy or LZ4)
    22  	// that lacks an entropy encoder. Compression gains are achieved when
    23  	// certain bytes in the input stream occur more frequently than others.
    24  	//
    25  	// Note that HuffmanOnly produces a compressed output that is
    26  	// RFC 1951 compliant. That is, any valid DEFLATE decompressor will
    27  	// continue to be able to decompress this output.
    28  	HuffmanOnly = -2
    29  )
    31  const (
    32  	logWindowSize = 15
    33  	windowSize    = 1 << logWindowSize
    34  	windowMask    = windowSize - 1
    36  	// The LZ77 step produces a sequence of literal tokens and <length, offset>
    37  	// pair tokens. The offset is also known as distance. The underlying wire
    38  	// format limits the range of lengths and offsets. For example, there are
    39  	// 256 legitimate lengths: those in the range [3, 258]. This package's
    40  	// compressor uses a higher minimum match length, enabling optimizations
    41  	// such as finding matches via 32-bit loads and compares.
    42  	baseMatchLength = 3       // The smallest match length per the RFC section 3.2.5
    43  	minMatchLength  = 4       // The smallest match length that the compressor actually emits
    44  	maxMatchLength  = 258     // The largest match length
    45  	baseMatchOffset = 1       // The smallest match offset
    46  	maxMatchOffset  = 1 << 15 // The largest match offset
    48  	// The maximum number of tokens we put into a single flate block, just to
    49  	// stop things from getting too large.
    50  	maxFlateBlockTokens = 1 << 14
    51  	maxStoreBlockSize   = 65535
    52  	hashBits            = 17 // After 17 performance degrades
    53  	hashSize            = 1 << hashBits
    54  	hashMask            = (1 << hashBits) - 1
    55  	maxHashOffset       = 1 << 24
    57  	skipNever = math.MaxInt32
    58  )
    60  type compressionLevel struct {
    61  	level, good, lazy, nice, chain, fastSkipHashing int
    62  }
    64  var levels = []compressionLevel{
    65  	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // NoCompression.
    66  	{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // BestSpeed uses a custom algorithm; see deflatefast.go.
    67  	// For levels 2-3 we don't bother trying with lazy matches.
    68  	{2, 4, 0, 16, 8, 5},
    69  	{3, 4, 0, 32, 32, 6},
    70  	// Levels 4-9 use increasingly more lazy matching
    71  	// and increasingly stringent conditions for "good enough".
    72  	{4, 4, 4, 16, 16, skipNever},
    73  	{5, 8, 16, 32, 32, skipNever},
    74  	{6, 8, 16, 128, 128, skipNever},
    75  	{7, 8, 32, 128, 256, skipNever},
    76  	{8, 32, 128, 258, 1024, skipNever},
    77  	{9, 32, 258, 258, 4096, skipNever},
    78  }
    80  type compressor struct {
    81  	compressionLevel
    83  	w          *huffmanBitWriter
    84  	bulkHasher func([]byte, []uint32)
    86  	// compression algorithm
    87  	fill func(*compressor, []byte) int // copy data to window
    88  	step func(*compressor)             // process window
    89  	sync bool                          // requesting flush
    91  	// Input hash chains
    92  	// hashHead[hashValue] contains the largest inputIndex with the specified hash value
    93  	// If hashHead[hashValue] is within the current window, then
    94  	// hashPrev[hashHead[hashValue] & windowMask] contains the previous index
    95  	// with the same hash value.
    96  	chainHead  int
    97  	hashHead   [hashSize]uint32
    98  	hashPrev   [windowSize]uint32
    99  	hashOffset int
   101  	// input window: unprocessed data is window[index:windowEnd]
   102  	index         int
   103  	window        []byte
   104  	windowEnd     int
   105  	blockStart    int  // window index where current tokens start
   106  	byteAvailable bool // if true, still need to process window[index-1].
   108  	// queued output tokens
   109  	tokens []token
   111  	// deflate state
   112  	length         int
   113  	offset         int
   114  	hash           uint32
   115  	maxInsertIndex int
   116  	err            error
   118  	// hashMatch must be able to contain hashes for the maximum match length.
   119  	hashMatch [maxMatchLength - 1]uint32
   120  }
   122  func (d *compressor) fillDeflate(b []byte) int {
   123  	if d.index >= 2*windowSize-(minMatchLength+maxMatchLength) {
   124  		// shift the window by windowSize
   125  		copy(d.window, d.window[windowSize:2*windowSize])
   126  		d.index -= windowSize
   127  		d.windowEnd -= windowSize
   128  		if d.blockStart >= windowSize {
   129  			d.blockStart -= windowSize
   130  		} else {
   131  			d.blockStart = math.MaxInt32
   132  		}
   133  		d.hashOffset += windowSize
   134  		if d.hashOffset > maxHashOffset {
   135  			delta := d.hashOffset - 1
   136  			d.hashOffset -= delta
   137  			d.chainHead -= delta
   138  			for i, v := range d.hashPrev {
   139  				if int(v) > delta {
   140  					d.hashPrev[i] = uint32(int(v) - delta)
   141  				} else {
   142  					d.hashPrev[i] = 0
   143  				}
   144  			}
   145  			for i, v := range d.hashHead {
   146  				if int(v) > delta {
   147  					d.hashHead[i] = uint32(int(v) - delta)
   148  				} else {
   149  					d.hashHead[i] = 0
   150  				}
   151  			}
   152  		}
   153  	}
   154  	n := copy(d.window[d.windowEnd:], b)
   155  	d.windowEnd += n
   156  	return n
   157  }
   159  func (d *compressor) writeBlock(tokens []token, index int) error {
   160  	if index > 0 {
   161  		var window []byte
   162  		if d.blockStart <= index {
   163  			window = d.window[d.blockStart:index]
   164  		}
   165  		d.blockStart = index
   166  		d.w.writeBlock(tokens, false, window)
   167  		return d.w.err
   168  	}
   169  	return nil
   170  }
   172  // fillWindow will fill the current window with the supplied
   173  // dictionary and calculate all hashes.
   174  // This is much faster than doing a full encode.
   175  // Should only be used after a reset.
   176  func (d *compressor) fillWindow(b []byte) {
   177  	// Do not fill window if we are in store-only mode.
   178  	if d.compressionLevel.level < 2 {
   179  		return
   180  	}
   181  	if d.index != 0 || d.windowEnd != 0 {
   182  		panic("internal error: fillWindow called with stale data")
   183  	}
   185  	// If we are given too much, cut it.
   186  	if len(b) > windowSize {
   187  		b = b[len(b)-windowSize:]
   188  	}
   189  	// Add all to window.
   190  	n := copy(d.window, b)
   192  	// Calculate 256 hashes at the time (more L1 cache hits)
   193  	loops := (n + 256 - minMatchLength) / 256
   194  	for j := 0; j < loops; j++ {
   195  		index := j * 256
   196  		end := index + 256 + minMatchLength - 1
   197  		if end > n {
   198  			end = n
   199  		}
   200  		toCheck := d.window[index:end]
   201  		dstSize := len(toCheck) - minMatchLength + 1
   203  		if dstSize <= 0 {
   204  			continue
   205  		}
   207  		dst := d.hashMatch[:dstSize]
   208  		d.bulkHasher(toCheck, dst)
   209  		var newH uint32
   210  		for i, val := range dst {
   211  			di := i + index
   212  			newH = val
   213  			hh := &d.hashHead[newH&hashMask]
   214  			// Get previous value with the same hash.
   215  			// Our chain should point to the previous value.
   216  			d.hashPrev[di&windowMask] = *hh
   217  			// Set the head of the hash chain to us.
   218  			*hh = uint32(di + d.hashOffset)
   219  		}
   220  		d.hash = newH
   221  	}
   222  	// Update window information.
   223  	d.windowEnd = n
   224  	d.index = n
   225  }
   227  // Try to find a match starting at index whose length is greater than prevSize.
   228  // We only look at chainCount possibilities before giving up.
   229  func (d *compressor) findMatch(pos int, prevHead int, prevLength int, lookahead int) (length, offset int, ok bool) {
   230  	minMatchLook := maxMatchLength
   231  	if lookahead < minMatchLook {
   232  		minMatchLook = lookahead
   233  	}
   235  	win := d.window[0 : pos+minMatchLook]
   237  	// We quit when we get a match that's at least nice long
   238  	nice := len(win) - pos
   239  	if d.nice < nice {
   240  		nice = d.nice
   241  	}
   243  	// If we've got a match that's good enough, only look in 1/4 the chain.
   244  	tries := d.chain
   245  	length = prevLength
   246  	if length >= d.good {
   247  		tries >>= 2
   248  	}
   250  	wEnd := win[pos+length]
   251  	wPos := win[pos:]
   252  	minIndex := pos - windowSize
   254  	for i := prevHead; tries > 0; tries-- {
   255  		if wEnd == win[i+length] {
   256  			n := matchLen(win[i:], wPos, minMatchLook)
   258  			if n > length && (n > minMatchLength || pos-i <= 4096) {
   259  				length = n
   260  				offset = pos - i
   261  				ok = true
   262  				if n >= nice {
   263  					// The match is good enough that we don't try to find a better one.
   264  					break
   265  				}
   266  				wEnd = win[pos+n]
   267  			}
   268  		}
   269  		if i == minIndex {
   270  			// hashPrev[i & windowMask] has already been overwritten, so stop now.
   271  			break
   272  		}
   273  		i = int(d.hashPrev[i&windowMask]) - d.hashOffset
   274  		if i < minIndex || i < 0 {
   275  			break
   276  		}
   277  	}
   278  	return
   279  }
   281  func (d *compressor) writeStoredBlock(buf []byte) error {
   282  	if d.w.writeStoredHeader(len(buf), false); d.w.err != nil {
   283  		return d.w.err
   284  	}
   285  	d.w.writeBytes(buf)
   286  	return d.w.err
   287  }
   289  const hashmul = 0x1e35a7bd
   291  // hash4 returns a hash representation of the first 4 bytes
   292  // of the supplied slice.
   293  // The caller must ensure that len(b) >= 4.
   294  func hash4(b []byte) uint32 {
   295  	return ((uint32(b[3]) | uint32(b[2])<<8 | uint32(b[1])<<16 | uint32(b[0])<<24) * hashmul) >> (32 - hashBits)
   296  }
   298  // bulkHash4 will compute hashes using the same
   299  // algorithm as hash4
   300  func bulkHash4(b []byte, dst []uint32) {
   301  	if len(b) < minMatchLength {
   302  		return
   303  	}
   304  	hb := uint32(b[3]) | uint32(b[2])<<8 | uint32(b[1])<<16 | uint32(b[0])<<24
   305  	dst[0] = (hb * hashmul) >> (32 - hashBits)
   306  	end := len(b) - minMatchLength + 1
   307  	for i := 1; i < end; i++ {
   308  		hb = (hb << 8) | uint32(b[i+3])
   309  		dst[i] = (hb * hashmul) >> (32 - hashBits)
   310  	}
   311  }
   313  // matchLen returns the number of matching bytes in a and b
   314  // up to length 'max'. Both slices must be at least 'max'
   315  // bytes in size.
   316  func matchLen(a, b []byte, max int) int {
   317  	a = a[:max]
   318  	b = b[:len(a)]
   319  	for i, av := range a {
   320  		if b[i] != av {
   321  			return i
   322  		}
   323  	}
   324  	return max
   325  }
   327  // encSpeed will compress and store the currently added data,
   328  // if enough has been accumulated or we at the end of the stream.
   329  // Any error that occurred will be in d.err
   330  func (d *compressor) encSpeed() {
   331  	// We only compress if we have maxStoreBlockSize.
   332  	if d.windowEnd < maxStoreBlockSize {
   333  		if !d.sync {
   334  			return
   335  		}
   337  		// Handle small sizes.
   338  		if d.windowEnd < 128 {
   339  			switch {
   340  			case d.windowEnd == 0:
   341  				return
   342  			case d.windowEnd <= 16:
   343  				d.err = d.writeStoredBlock(d.window[:d.windowEnd])
   344  			default:
   345  				d.w.writeBlockHuff(false, d.window[:d.windowEnd])
   346  				d.err = d.w.err
   347  			}
   348  			d.windowEnd = 0
   349  			return
   350  		}
   352  	}
   353  	// Encode the block.
   354  	d.tokens = encodeBestSpeed(d.tokens[:0], d.window[:d.windowEnd])
   356  	// If we removed less than 1/16th, Huffman compress the block.
   357  	if len(d.tokens) > d.windowEnd-(d.windowEnd>>4) {
   358  		d.w.writeBlockHuff(false, d.window[:d.windowEnd])
   359  	} else {
   360  		d.w.writeBlockDynamic(d.tokens, false, d.window[:d.windowEnd])
   361  	}
   362  	d.err = d.w.err
   363  	d.windowEnd = 0
   364  }
   366  func (d *compressor) initDeflate() {
   367  	d.window = make([]byte, 2*windowSize)
   368  	d.hashOffset = 1
   369  	d.tokens = make([]token, 0, maxFlateBlockTokens+1)
   370  	d.length = minMatchLength - 1
   371  	d.offset = 0
   372  	d.byteAvailable = false
   373  	d.index = 0
   374  	d.hash = 0
   375  	d.chainHead = -1
   376  	d.bulkHasher = bulkHash4
   377  }
   379  func (d *compressor) deflate() {
   380  	if d.windowEnd-d.index < minMatchLength+maxMatchLength && !d.sync {
   381  		return
   382  	}
   384  	d.maxInsertIndex = d.windowEnd - (minMatchLength - 1)
   385  	if d.index < d.maxInsertIndex {
   386  		d.hash = hash4(d.window[d.index : d.index+minMatchLength])
   387  	}
   389  Loop:
   390  	for {
   391  		if d.index > d.windowEnd {
   392  			panic("index > windowEnd")
   393  		}
   394  		lookahead := d.windowEnd - d.index
   395  		if lookahead < minMatchLength+maxMatchLength {
   396  			if !d.sync {
   397  				break Loop
   398  			}
   399  			if d.index > d.windowEnd {
   400  				panic("index > windowEnd")
   401  			}
   402  			if lookahead == 0 {
   403  				// Flush current output block if any.
   404  				if d.byteAvailable {
   405  					// There is still one pending token that needs to be flushed
   406  					d.tokens = append(d.tokens, literalToken(uint32(d.window[d.index-1])))
   407  					d.byteAvailable = false
   408  				}
   409  				if len(d.tokens) > 0 {
   410  					if d.err = d.writeBlock(d.tokens, d.index); d.err != nil {
   411  						return
   412  					}
   413  					d.tokens = d.tokens[:0]
   414  				}
   415  				break Loop
   416  			}
   417  		}
   418  		if d.index < d.maxInsertIndex {
   419  			// Update the hash
   420  			d.hash = hash4(d.window[d.index : d.index+minMatchLength])
   421  			hh := &d.hashHead[d.hash&hashMask]
   422  			d.chainHead = int(*hh)
   423  			d.hashPrev[d.index&windowMask] = uint32(d.chainHead)
   424  			*hh = uint32(d.index + d.hashOffset)
   425  		}
   426  		prevLength := d.length
   427  		prevOffset := d.offset
   428  		d.length = minMatchLength - 1
   429  		d.offset = 0
   430  		minIndex := d.index - windowSize
   431  		if minIndex < 0 {
   432  			minIndex = 0
   433  		}
   435  		if d.chainHead-d.hashOffset >= minIndex &&
   436  			(d.fastSkipHashing != skipNever && lookahead > minMatchLength-1 ||
   437  				d.fastSkipHashing == skipNever && lookahead > prevLength && prevLength < d.lazy) {
   438  			if newLength, newOffset, ok := d.findMatch(d.index, d.chainHead-d.hashOffset, minMatchLength-1, lookahead); ok {
   439  				d.length = newLength
   440  				d.offset = newOffset
   441  			}
   442  		}
   443  		if d.fastSkipHashing != skipNever && d.length >= minMatchLength ||
   444  			d.fastSkipHashing == skipNever && prevLength >= minMatchLength && d.length <= prevLength {
   445  			// There was a match at the previous step, and the current match is
   446  			// not better. Output the previous match.
   447  			if d.fastSkipHashing != skipNever {
   448  				d.tokens = append(d.tokens, matchToken(uint32(d.length-baseMatchLength), uint32(d.offset-baseMatchOffset)))
   449  			} else {
   450  				d.tokens = append(d.tokens, matchToken(uint32(prevLength-baseMatchLength), uint32(prevOffset-baseMatchOffset)))
   451  			}
   452  			// Insert in the hash table all strings up to the end of the match.
   453  			// index and index-1 are already inserted. If there is not enough
   454  			// lookahead, the last two strings are not inserted into the hash
   455  			// table.
   456  			if d.length <= d.fastSkipHashing {
   457  				var newIndex int
   458  				if d.fastSkipHashing != skipNever {
   459  					newIndex = d.index + d.length
   460  				} else {
   461  					newIndex = d.index + prevLength - 1
   462  				}
   463  				for d.index++; d.index < newIndex; d.index++ {
   464  					if d.index < d.maxInsertIndex {
   465  						d.hash = hash4(d.window[d.index : d.index+minMatchLength])
   466  						// Get previous value with the same hash.
   467  						// Our chain should point to the previous value.
   468  						hh := &d.hashHead[d.hash&hashMask]
   469  						d.hashPrev[d.index&windowMask] = *hh
   470  						// Set the head of the hash chain to us.
   471  						*hh = uint32(d.index + d.hashOffset)
   472  					}
   473  				}
   474  				if d.fastSkipHashing == skipNever {
   475  					d.byteAvailable = false
   476  					d.length = minMatchLength - 1
   477  				}
   478  			} else {
   479  				// For matches this long, we don't bother inserting each individual
   480  				// item into the table.
   481  				d.index += d.length
   482  				if d.index < d.maxInsertIndex {
   483  					d.hash = hash4(d.window[d.index : d.index+minMatchLength])
   484  				}
   485  			}
   486  			if len(d.tokens) == maxFlateBlockTokens {
   487  				// The block includes the current character
   488  				if d.err = d.writeBlock(d.tokens, d.index); d.err != nil {
   489  					return
   490  				}
   491  				d.tokens = d.tokens[:0]
   492  			}
   493  		} else {
   494  			if d.fastSkipHashing != skipNever || d.byteAvailable {
   495  				i := d.index - 1
   496  				if d.fastSkipHashing != skipNever {
   497  					i = d.index
   498  				}
   499  				d.tokens = append(d.tokens, literalToken(uint32(d.window[i])))
   500  				if len(d.tokens) == maxFlateBlockTokens {
   501  					if d.err = d.writeBlock(d.tokens, i+1); d.err != nil {
   502  						return
   503  					}
   504  					d.tokens = d.tokens[:0]
   505  				}
   506  			}
   507  			d.index++
   508  			if d.fastSkipHashing == skipNever {
   509  				d.byteAvailable = true
   510  			}
   511  		}
   512  	}
   513  }
   515  func (d *compressor) fillStore(b []byte) int {
   516  	n := copy(d.window[d.windowEnd:], b)
   517  	d.windowEnd += n
   518  	return n
   519  }
   521  func (d *compressor) store() {
   522  	if d.windowEnd > 0 {
   523  		d.err = d.writeStoredBlock(d.window[:d.windowEnd])
   524  	}
   525  	d.windowEnd = 0
   526  }
   528  // storeHuff compresses and stores the currently added data
   529  // when the d.window is full or we are at the end of the stream.
   530  // Any error that occurred will be in d.err
   531  func (d *compressor) storeHuff() {
   532  	if d.windowEnd < len(d.window) && !d.sync || d.windowEnd == 0 {
   533  		return
   534  	}
   535  	d.w.writeBlockHuff(false, d.window[:d.windowEnd])
   536  	d.err = d.w.err
   537  	d.windowEnd = 0
   538  }
   540  func (d *compressor) write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
   541  	if d.err != nil {
   542  		return 0, d.err
   543  	}
   544  	n = len(b)
   545  	for len(b) > 0 {
   546  		d.step(d)
   547  		b = b[d.fill(d, b):]
   548  		if d.err != nil {
   549  			return 0, d.err
   550  		}
   551  	}
   552  	return n, nil
   553  }
   555  func (d *compressor) syncFlush() error {
   556  	if d.err != nil {
   557  		return d.err
   558  	}
   559  	d.sync = true
   560  	d.step(d)
   561  	if d.err == nil {
   562  		d.w.writeStoredHeader(0, false)
   563  		d.w.flush()
   564  		d.err = d.w.err
   565  	}
   566  	d.sync = false
   567  	return d.err
   568  }
   570  func (d *compressor) init(w io.Writer, level int) (err error) {
   571  	d.w = newHuffmanBitWriter(w)
   573  	switch {
   574  	case level == NoCompression:
   575  		d.window = make([]byte, maxStoreBlockSize)
   576  		d.fill = (*compressor).fillStore
   577  		d.step = (*compressor).store
   578  	case level == HuffmanOnly:
   579  		d.window = make([]byte, maxStoreBlockSize)
   580  		d.fill = (*compressor).fillStore
   581  		d.step = (*compressor).storeHuff
   582  	case level == BestSpeed:
   583  		d.compressionLevel = levels[level]
   584  		d.window = make([]byte, maxStoreBlockSize)
   585  		d.fill = (*compressor).fillStore
   586  		d.step = (*compressor).encSpeed
   587  		d.tokens = make([]token, maxStoreBlockSize)
   588  	case level == DefaultCompression:
   589  		level = 6
   590  		fallthrough
   591  	case 2 <= level && level <= 9:
   592  		d.compressionLevel = levels[level]
   593  		d.initDeflate()
   594  		d.fill = (*compressor).fillDeflate
   595  		d.step = (*compressor).deflate
   596  	default:
   597  		return fmt.Errorf("flate: invalid compression level %d: want value in range [-2, 9]", level)
   598  	}
   599  	return nil
   600  }
   602  func (d *compressor) reset(w io.Writer) {
   603  	d.w.reset(w)
   604  	d.sync = false
   605  	d.err = nil
   606  	switch d.compressionLevel.level {
   607  	case NoCompression:
   608  		d.windowEnd = 0
   609  	case BestSpeed:
   610  		d.windowEnd = 0
   611  		d.tokens = d.tokens[:0]
   612  	default:
   613  		d.chainHead = -1
   614  		for i := range d.hashHead {
   615  			d.hashHead[i] = 0
   616  		}
   617  		for i := range d.hashPrev {
   618  			d.hashPrev[i] = 0
   619  		}
   620  		d.hashOffset = 1
   621  		d.index, d.windowEnd = 0, 0
   622  		d.blockStart, d.byteAvailable = 0, false
   623  		d.tokens = d.tokens[:0]
   624  		d.length = minMatchLength - 1
   625  		d.offset = 0
   626  		d.hash = 0
   627  		d.maxInsertIndex = 0
   628  	}
   629  }
   631  func (d *compressor) close() error {
   632  	if d.err != nil {
   633  		return d.err
   634  	}
   635  	d.sync = true
   636  	d.step(d)
   637  	if d.err != nil {
   638  		return d.err
   639  	}
   640  	if d.w.writeStoredHeader(0, true); d.w.err != nil {
   641  		return d.w.err
   642  	}
   643  	d.w.flush()
   644  	return d.w.err
   645  }
   647  // NewWriter returns a new Writer compressing data at the given level.
   648  // Following zlib, levels range from 1 (BestSpeed) to 9 (BestCompression);
   649  // higher levels typically run slower but compress more. Level 0
   650  // (NoCompression) does not attempt any compression; it only adds the
   651  // necessary DEFLATE framing.
   652  // Level -1 (DefaultCompression) uses the default compression level.
   653  // Level -2 (HuffmanOnly) will use Huffman compression only, giving
   654  // a very fast compression for all types of input, but sacrificing considerable
   655  // compression efficiency.
   656  //
   657  // If level is in the range [-2, 9] then the error returned will be nil.
   658  // Otherwise the error returned will be non-nil.
   659  func NewWriter(w io.Writer, level int) (*Writer, error) {
   660  	var dw Writer
   661  	if err := dw.d.init(w, level); err != nil {
   662  		return nil, err
   663  	}
   664  	return &dw, nil
   665  }
   667  // NewWriterDict is like NewWriter but initializes the new
   668  // Writer with a preset dictionary. The returned Writer behaves
   669  // as if the dictionary had been written to it without producing
   670  // any compressed output. The compressed data written to w
   671  // can only be decompressed by a Reader initialized with the
   672  // same dictionary.
   673  func NewWriterDict(w io.Writer, level int, dict []byte) (*Writer, error) {
   674  	dw := &dictWriter{w}
   675  	zw, err := NewWriter(dw, level)
   676  	if err != nil {
   677  		return nil, err
   678  	}
   679  	zw.d.fillWindow(dict)
   680  	zw.dict = append(zw.dict, dict...) // duplicate dictionary for Reset method.
   681  	return zw, err
   682  }
   684  type dictWriter struct {
   685  	w io.Writer
   686  }
   688  func (w *dictWriter) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
   689  	return w.w.Write(b)
   690  }
   692  // A Writer takes data written to it and writes the compressed
   693  // form of that data to an underlying writer (see NewWriter).
   694  type Writer struct {
   695  	d    compressor
   696  	dict []byte
   697  }
   699  // Write writes data to w, which will eventually write the
   700  // compressed form of data to its underlying writer.
   701  func (w *Writer) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
   702  	return w.d.write(data)
   703  }
   705  // Flush flushes any pending compressed data to the underlying writer.
   706  // It is useful mainly in compressed network protocols, to ensure that
   707  // a remote reader has enough data to reconstruct a packet.
   708  // Flush does not return until the data has been written.
   709  // If the underlying writer returns an error, Flush returns that error.
   710  //
   711  // In the terminology of the zlib library, Flush is equivalent to Z_SYNC_FLUSH.
   712  func (w *Writer) Flush() error {
   713  	// For more about flushing:
   714  	//
   715  	return w.d.syncFlush()
   716  }
   718  // Close flushes and closes the writer.
   719  func (w *Writer) Close() error {
   720  	return w.d.close()
   721  }
   723  // Reset discards the writer's state and makes it equivalent to
   724  // the result of NewWriter or NewWriterDict called with dst
   725  // and w's level and dictionary.
   726  func (w *Writer) Reset(dst io.Writer) {
   727  	if dw, ok := w.d.w.writer.(*dictWriter); ok {
   728  		// w was created with NewWriterDict
   729  		dw.w = dst
   730  		w.d.reset(dw)
   731  		w.d.fillWindow(w.dict)
   732  	} else {
   733  		// w was created with NewWriter
   734  		w.d.reset(dst)
   735  	}
   736  }