
     1  <!--{
     2  	"Title": "Installing Go from source",
     3  	"Path": "/doc/install/source"
     4  }-->
     6  <h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
     8  <p>
     9  Go is an open source project, distributed under a
    10  <a href="/LICENSE">BSD-style license</a>.
    11  This document explains how to check out the sources,
    12  build them on your own machine, and run them.
    13  </p>
    15  <p>
    16  Most users don't need to do this, and will instead install
    17  from precompiled binary packages as described in
    18  <a href="/doc/install">Getting Started</a>,
    19  a much simpler process.
    20  If you want to help develop what goes into those precompiled
    21  packages, though, read on.
    22  </p>
    24  <div class="detail">
    26  <p>
    27  There are two official Go compiler tool chains.
    28  This document focuses on the <code>gc</code> Go
    29  compiler and tools.
    30  For information on how to work on <code>gccgo</code>, a more traditional
    31  compiler using the GCC back end, see
    32  <a href="/doc/install/gccgo">Setting up and using gccgo</a>.
    33  </p>
    35  <p>
    36  The Go compilers support five instruction sets.
    37  There are important differences in the quality of the compilers for the different
    38  architectures.
    39  </p>
    41  <dl>
    42  <dt>
    43  	<code>amd64</code> (also known as <code>x86-64</code>)
    44  </dt>
    45  <dd>
    46  	A mature implementation. The compiler has an effective
    47  	optimizer (registerizer) and generates good code (although
    48  	<code>gccgo</code> can do noticeably better sometimes).
    49  </dd>
    50  <dt>
    51  	<code>386</code> (<code>x86</code> or <code>x86-32</code>)
    52  </dt>
    53  <dd>
    54  	Comparable to the <code>amd64</code> port.
    55  </dd>
    56  <dt>
    57  	<code>arm</code> (<code>ARM</code>)
    58  </dt>
    59  <dd>
    60  	Supports Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and Darwin binaries. Less widely used than the other ports.
    61  </dd>
    62  <dt>
    63  	<code>arm64</code> (<code>AArch64</code>)
    64  </dt>
    65  <dd>
    66  	Supports Linux and Darwin binaries. New in 1.5 and not as well excercised as other ports.
    67  </dd>
    68  <dt>
    69  	<code>ppc64, ppc64le</code> (64-bit PowerPC big- and little-endian)
    70  </dt>
    71  <dd>
    72  	Supports Linux binaries. New in 1.5 and not as well excercised as other ports.
    73  </dd>
    74  <dt>
    75  	<code>mips64, mips64le</code> (64-bit MIPS big- and little-endian)
    76  </dt>
    77  <dd>
    78  	Supports Linux binaries. New in 1.6 and not as well excercised as other ports.
    79  </dd>
    80  </dl>
    82  <p>
    83  Except for things like low-level operating system interface code, the run-time
    84  support is the same in all ports and includes a mark-and-sweep garbage
    85  collector, efficient array and string slicing, and support for efficient
    86  goroutines, such as stacks that grow and shrink on demand.
    87  </p>
    89  <p>
    90  The compilers can target the DragonFly BSD, FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
    91  OS X (Darwin), Plan 9, Solaris and Windows operating systems.
    92  The full set of supported combinations is listed in the discussion of
    93  <a href="#environment">environment variables</a> below.
    94  </p>
    96  </div>
    98  <h2 id="go14">Install Go compiler binaries</h2>
   100  <p>
   101  The Go tool chain is written in Go. To build it, you need a Go compiler installed.
   102  The scripts that do the initial build of the tools look for an existing Go tool
   103  chain in <code>$HOME/go1.4</code>.
   104  (This path may be overridden by setting the <code>GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP</code>
   105  environment variable.)
   106  </p>
   108  <p>
   109  Build the tools with Go version 1.4 or a point release (1.4.1, 1.4.2 etc.).
   110  Go 1.4 binaries can be found at <a href="/dl/">the downloads page</a>.
   111  </p>
   113  <p>
   114  Download the zip or tarball of Go 1.4 for your platform and extract it to
   115  <code>$HOME/go1.4</code> (or your nominated <code>GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP</code>
   116  location).
   117  </p>
   119  <p>
   120  If you want to install Go 1.5 on a system that is not supported by Go 1.4 (such
   121  as <code>linux/ppc64</code> and <code>linux/mips64le</code>) you can either use
   122  <a href="/src/bootstrap.bash">bootstrap.bash</a> on a system that can bootstrap Go
   123  1.5 normally, or bootstrap with gccgo 5.
   124  </p>
   126  <p>
   127  When run as (for example)
   128  </p>
   130  <pre>
   131  $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=ppc64 ./bootstrap.bash
   132  </pre>
   134  <p>
   135  <code>bootstrap.bash</code> cross-compiles a toolchain for that <code>GOOS/GOARCH</code>
   136  combination, leaving the resulting tree in <code>../../go-${GOOS}-${GOARCH}-bootstrap</code>.
   137  That tree can be copied to a machine of the given target type
   138  and used as <code>GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP</code> to bootstrap a local build.
   139  </p>
   141  <p>
   142  To use gccgo, you need to arrange for <code>$GOROOT_BOOSTRAP/bin/go</code> to be
   143  the go tool that comes as part of gccgo 5. For example on Ubuntu Vivid:
   144  </p>
   146  <pre>
   147  $ sudo apt-get install gccgo-5
   148  $ sudo update-alternatives --set go /usr/bin/go-5
   149  $ GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr ./make.bash
   150  </pre>
   152  <h2 id="git">Install Git, if needed</h2>
   154  <p>
   155  To perform the next step you must have Git installed. (Check that you
   156  have a <code>git</code> command before proceeding.)
   157  </p>
   159  <p>
   160  If you do not have a working Git installation,
   161  follow the instructions on the
   162  <a href="">Git downloads</a> page.
   163  </p>
   166  <h2 id="fetch">Fetch the repository</h2>
   168  <p>Go will install to a directory named <code>go</code>.
   169  Change to the directory that will be its parent
   170  and make sure the <code>go</code> directory does not exist.
   171  Then clone the repository and check out the latest release tag:</p>
   173  <pre>
   174  $ git clone
   175  $ cd go
   176  $ git checkout go1.5.2
   177  </pre>
   179  <h2 id="head">(Optional) Switch to the master branch</h2>
   181  <p>If you intend to modify the go source code, and
   182  <a href="/doc/contribute.html">contribute your changes</a>
   183  to the project, then move your repository
   184  off the release branch, and onto the master (development) branch.
   185  Otherwise, skip this step.</p>
   187  <pre>
   188  $ git checkout master
   189  </pre>
   191  <h2 id="install">Install Go</h2>
   193  <p>
   194  To build the Go distribution, run
   195  </p>
   197  <pre>
   198  $ cd src
   199  $ ./all.bash
   200  </pre>
   202  <p>
   203  (To build under Windows use <code>all.bat</code>.)
   204  </p>
   206  <p>
   207  If all goes well, it will finish by printing output like:
   208  </p>
   210  <pre>
   213  ---
   214  Installed Go for linux/amd64 in /home/you/go.
   215  Installed commands in /home/you/go/bin.
   216  *** You need to add /home/you/go/bin to your $PATH. ***
   217  </pre>
   219  <p>
   220  where the details on the last few lines reflect the operating system,
   221  architecture, and root directory used during the install.
   222  </p>
   224  <div class="detail">
   225  <p>
   226  For more information about ways to control the build, see the discussion of
   227  <a href="#environment">environment variables</a> below.
   228  <code>all.bash</code> (or <code>all.bat</code>) runs important tests for Go,
   229  which can take more time than simply building Go. If you do not want to run
   230  the test suite use <code>make.bash</code> (or <code>make.bat</code>)
   231  instead.
   232  </p>
   233  </div>
   236  <h2 id="testing">Testing your installation</h2>
   238  <p>
   239  Check that Go is installed correctly by building a simple program.
   240  </p>
   242  <p>
   243  Create a file named <code>hello.go</code> and put the following program in it:
   244  </p>
   246  <pre>
   247  package main
   249  import "fmt"
   251  func main() {
   252      fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")
   253  }
   254  </pre>
   256  <p>
   257  Then run it with the <code>go</code> tool:
   258  </p>
   260  <pre>
   261  $ go run hello.go
   262  hello, world
   263  </pre>
   265  <p>
   266  If you see the "hello, world" message then Go is installed correctly.
   267  </p>
   269  <h2 id="gopath">Set up your work environment</h2>
   271  <p>
   272  You're almost done.
   273  You just need to do a little more setup.
   274  </p>
   276  <p>
   277  <a href="/doc/code.html" class="download" id="start">
   278  <span class="big">How to Write Go Code</span>
   279  <span class="desc">Learn how to set up and use the Go tools</span>
   280  </a>
   281  </p>
   283  <p>
   284  The <a href="/doc/code.html">How to Write Go Code</a> document 
   285  provides <b>essential setup instructions</b> for using the Go tools.
   286  </p>
   289  <h2 id="tools">Install additional tools</h2>
   291  <p>
   292  The source code for several Go tools (including <a href="/cmd/godoc/">godoc</a>)
   293  is kept in <a href="">the repository</a>.
   294  To install all of them, run the <code>go</code> <code>get</code> command:
   295  </p>
   297  <pre>
   298  $ go get
   299  </pre>
   301  <p>
   302  Or if you just want to install a specific command (<code>godoc</code> in this case):
   303  </p>
   305  <pre>
   306  $ go get
   307  </pre>
   309  <p>
   310  To install these tools, the <code>go</code> <code>get</code> command requires 
   311  that <a href="#git">Git</a> be installed locally.
   312  </p>
   314  <p>
   315  You must also have a workspace (<code>GOPATH</code>) set up;
   316  see <a href="/doc/code.html">How to Write Go Code</a> for the details.
   317  </p>
   319  <p>
   320  <b>Note</b>: The <code>go</code> command will install the <code>godoc</code>
   321  binary to <code>$GOROOT/bin</code> (or <code>$GOBIN</code>) and the
   322  <code>cover</code> and <code>vet</code> binaries to
   323  <code>$GOROOT/pkg/tool/$GOOS_$GOARCH</code>.
   324  You can access the latter commands with
   325  "<code>go</code> <code>tool</code> <code>cover</code>" and
   326  "<code>go</code> <code>tool</code> <code>vet</code>".
   327  </p>
   329  <h2 id="community">Community resources</h2>
   331  <p>
   332  The usual community resources such as
   333  <code>#go-nuts</code> on the <a href="">Freenode</a> IRC server
   334  and the
   335  <a href="//">Go Nuts</a>
   336  mailing list have active developers that can help you with problems
   337  with your installation or your development work.
   338  For those who wish to keep up to date,
   339  there is another mailing list, <a href="//">golang-checkins</a>,
   340  that receives a message summarizing each checkin to the Go repository.
   341  </p>
   343  <p>
   344  Bugs can be reported using the <a href="//">Go issue tracker</a>.
   345  </p>
   348  <h2 id="releases">Keeping up with releases</h2>
   350  <p>
   351  New releases are announced on the
   352  <a href="//">golang-announce</a>
   353  mailing list.
   354  Each announcement mentions the latest release tag, for instance,
   355  <code>go1.5.2</code>.
   356  </p>
   358  <p>
   359  To update an existing tree to the latest release, you can run:
   360  </p>
   362  <pre>
   363  $ cd go/src
   364  $ git fetch
   365  $ git checkout <i>&lt;tag&gt;</i>
   366  $ ./all.bash
   367  </pre>
   369  Where <code>&lt;tag&gt;</code> is the version string of the release.
   372  <h2 id="environment">Optional environment variables</h2>
   374  <p>
   375  The Go compilation environment can be customized by environment variables.
   376  <i>None is required by the build</i>, but you may wish to set some
   377  to override the defaults.
   378  </p>
   380  <ul>
   381  <li><code>$GOROOT</code>
   382  <p>
   383  The root of the Go tree, often <code>$HOME/go</code>.
   384  Its value is built into the tree when it is compiled, and
   385  defaults to the parent of the directory where <code>all.bash</code> was run.
   386  There is no need to set this unless you want to switch between multiple
   387  local copies of the repository.
   388  </p>
   390  <li><code>$GOROOT_FINAL</code>
   391  <p>
   392  The value assumed by installed binaries and scripts when
   393  <code>$GOROOT</code> is not set explicitly.
   394  It defaults to the value of <code>$GOROOT</code>.
   395  If you want to build the Go tree in one location
   396  but move it elsewhere after the build, set 
   397  <code>$GOROOT_FINAL</code> to the eventual location.
   398  </p>
   400  <li><code>$GOOS</code> and <code>$GOARCH</code>
   401  <p>
   402  The name of the target operating system and compilation architecture.
   403  These default to the values of <code>$GOHOSTOS</code> and
   404  <code>$GOHOSTARCH</code> respectively (described below).
   406  <p>
   407  Choices for <code>$GOOS</code> are
   408  <code>darwin</code> (Mac OS X 10.7 and above and iOS), <code>dragonfly</code>, <code>freebsd</code>,
   409  <code>linux</code>, <code>netbsd</code>, <code>openbsd</code>,
   410  <code>plan9</code>, <code>solaris</code> and <code>windows</code>.
   411  Choices for <code>$GOARCH</code> are
   412  <code>amd64</code> (64-bit x86, the most mature port),
   413  <code>386</code> (32-bit x86), <code>arm</code> (32-bit ARM), <code>arm64</code> (64-bit ARM),
   414  <code>ppc64le</code> (PowerPC 64-bit, little-endian), <code>ppc64</code> (PowerPC 64-bit, big-endian),
   415  <code>mips64le</code> (MIPS 64-bit, little-endian), and <code>mips64</code> (MIPS 64-bit, big-endian).
   416  The valid combinations of <code>$GOOS</code> and <code>$GOARCH</code> are:
   417  <table cellpadding="0">
   418  <tr>
   419  <th width="50"></th><th align="left" width="100"><code>$GOOS</code></th> <th align="left" width="100"><code>$GOARCH</code></th>
   420  </tr>
   421  <tr>
   422  <td></td><td><code>darwin</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
   423  </tr>
   424  <tr>
   425  <td></td><td><code>darwin</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
   426  </tr>
   427  <tr>
   428  <td></td><td><code>darwin</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
   429  </tr>
   430  <tr>
   431  <td></td><td><code>darwin</code></td> <td><code>arm64</code></td>
   432  </tr>
   433  <tr>
   434  <td></td><td><code>dragonfly</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
   435  </tr>
   436  <tr>
   437  <td></td><td><code>freebsd</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
   438  </tr>
   439  <tr>
   440  <td></td><td><code>freebsd</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
   441  </tr>
   442  <tr>
   443  <td></td><td><code>freebsd</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
   444  </tr>
   445  <tr>
   446  <td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
   447  </tr>
   448  <tr>
   449  <td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
   450  </tr>
   451  <tr>
   452  <td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
   453  </tr>
   454  <tr>
   455  <td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>arm64</code></td>
   456  </tr>
   457  <tr>
   458  <td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>ppc64</code></td>
   459  </tr>
   460  <tr>
   461  <td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>ppc64le</code></td>
   462  </tr>
   463  <tr>
   464  <td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>mips64</code></td>
   465  </tr>
   466  <tr>
   467  <td></td><td><code>linux</code></td> <td><code>mips64le</code></td>
   468  </tr>
   469  <tr>
   470  <td></td><td><code>netbsd</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
   471  </tr>
   472  <tr>
   473  <td></td><td><code>netbsd</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
   474  </tr>
   475  <tr>
   476  <td></td><td><code>netbsd</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
   477  </tr>
   478  <tr>
   479  <td></td><td><code>openbsd</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
   480  </tr>
   481  <tr>
   482  <td></td><td><code>openbsd</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
   483  </tr>
   484  <tr>
   485  <td></td><td><code>openbsd</code></td> <td><code>arm</code></td>
   486  </tr>
   487  <tr>
   488  <td></td><td><code>plan9</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
   489  </tr>
   490  <tr>
   491  <td></td><td><code>plan9</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
   492  </tr>
   493  <tr>
   494  <td></td><td><code>solaris</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
   495  </tr>
   496  <tr>
   497  <td></td><td><code>windows</code></td> <td><code>386</code></td>
   498  </tr>
   499  <tr>
   500  <td></td><td><code>windows</code></td> <td><code>amd64</code></td>
   501  </tr>
   502  </table>
   503  <br>
   505  <li><code>$GOHOSTOS</code> and <code>$GOHOSTARCH</code>
   506  <p>
   507  The name of the host operating system and compilation architecture.
   508  These default to the local system's operating system and
   509  architecture.
   510  </p>
   512  <p>
   513  Valid choices are the same as for <code>$GOOS</code> and
   514  <code>$GOARCH</code>, listed above.
   515  The specified values must be compatible with the local system.
   516  For example, you should not set <code>$GOHOSTARCH</code> to 
   517  <code>arm</code> on an x86 system.
   518  </p>
   520  <li><code>$GOBIN</code>
   521  <p>
   522  The location where Go binaries will be installed.
   523  The default is <code>$GOROOT/bin</code>.
   524  After installing, you will want to arrange to add this
   525  directory to your <code>$PATH</code>, so you can use the tools.
   526  If <code>$GOBIN</code> is set, the <a href="/cmd/go">go command</a>
   527  installs all commands there.
   528  </p>
   530  <li><code>$GO386</code> (for <code>386</code> only, default is auto-detected
   531  if built on either <code>386</code> or <code>amd64</code>, <code>387</code> otherwise)
   532  <p>
   533  This controls the code generated by gc to use either the 387 floating-point unit
   534  (set to <code>387</code>) or SSE2 instructions (set to <code>sse2</code>) for
   535  floating point computations.
   536  </p>
   537  <ul>
   538  	<li><code>GO386=387</code>: use x87 for floating point operations; should support all x86 chips (Pentium MMX or later).
   539  	<li><code>GO386=sse2</code>: use SSE2 for floating point operations; has better performance than 387, but only available on Pentium 4/Opteron/Athlon 64 or later.
   540  </ul>
   542  <li><code>$GOARM</code> (for <code>arm</code> only; default is auto-detected if building
   543  on the target processor, 6 if not)
   544  <p>
   545  This sets the ARM floating point co-processor architecture version the run-time
   546  should target. If you are compiling on the target system, its value will be auto-detected.
   547  </p>
   548  <ul>
   549  	<li><code>GOARM=5</code>: use software floating point; when CPU doesn't have VFP co-processor
   550  	<li><code>GOARM=6</code>: use VFPv1 only; default if cross compiling; usually ARM11 or better cores (VFPv2 or better is also supported)
   551  	<li><code>GOARM=7</code>: use VFPv3; usually Cortex-A cores
   552  </ul>
   553  <p>
   554  If in doubt, leave this variable unset, and adjust it if required
   555  when you first run the Go executable.
   556  The <a href="//">GoARM</a> page
   557  on the <a href="//">Go community wiki</a>
   558  contains further details regarding Go's ARM support.
   559  </p>
   561  </ul>
   563  <p>
   564  Note that <code>$GOARCH</code> and <code>$GOOS</code> identify the
   565  <em>target</em> environment, not the environment you are running on.
   566  In effect, you are always cross-compiling.
   567  By architecture, we mean the kind of binaries
   568  that the target environment can run:
   569  an x86-64 system running a 32-bit-only operating system
   570  must set <code>GOARCH</code> to <code>386</code>,
   571  not <code>amd64</code>.
   572  </p>
   574  <p>
   575  If you choose to override the defaults,
   576  set these variables in your shell profile (<code>$HOME/.bashrc</code>,
   577  <code>$HOME/.profile</code>, or equivalent). The settings might look 
   578  something like this:
   579  </p>
   581  <pre>
   582  export GOROOT=$HOME/go
   583  export GOARCH=amd64
   584  export GOOS=linux
   585  </pre>
   587  <p>
   588  although, to reiterate, none of these variables needs to be set to build,
   589  install, and develop the Go tree.
   590  </p>