
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     3  # Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     4  # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     5  # license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     7  check() {
     8  	file=$1
     9  	line=$(grep -n 'ERROR HERE' $file | sed 's/:.*//')
    10  	if [ "$line" = "" ]; then
    11  		echo 1>&2 misc/cgo/errors/test.bash: BUG: cannot find ERROR HERE in $file
    12  		exit 1
    13  	fi
    14  	expect $file $file:$line:
    15  }
    17  expect() {
    18  	file=$1
    19  	shift
    20  	if go build $file >errs 2>&1; then
    21  		echo 1>&2 misc/cgo/errors/test.bash: BUG: expected cgo to fail but it succeeded
    22  		exit 1
    23  	fi
    24  	if ! test -s errs; then
    25  		echo 1>&2 misc/cgo/errors/test.bash: BUG: expected error output but saw none
    26  		exit 1
    27  	fi
    28  	for error; do
    29  		if ! fgrep $error errs >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    30  			echo 1>&2 misc/cgo/errors/test.bash: BUG: expected error output to contain \"$error\" but saw:
    31  			cat 1>&2 errs
    32  			exit 1
    33  		fi
    34  	done
    35  }
    37  check err1.go
    38  check err2.go
    39  check err3.go
    40  check issue7757.go
    41  check issue8442.go
    42  check issue11097a.go
    43  check issue11097b.go
    44  expect issue13129.go C.ushort
    45  check issue13423.go
    46  expect issue13635.go C.uchar C.schar C.ushort C.uint C.ulong C.longlong C.ulonglong C.complexfloat C.complexdouble
    48  if ! go run ptr.go; then
    49  	exit 1
    50  fi
    52  rm -rf errs _obj
    53  exit 0