(about) 1 // Copyright 2022 The searKing Author. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style 3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 package mysql 6 7 // Error codes for server-side errors. 8 // Originally found in 9 // See above reference for more information on each code. 10 const ( 11 // unknown 12 ERUnknownError = 1105 13 14 // internal 15 ERInternalError = 1815 16 17 // unimplemented 18 ERNotSupportedYet = 1235 19 ERUnsupportedPS = 1295 20 21 // resource exhausted 22 ERDiskFull = 1021 23 EROutOfMemory = 1037 24 EROutOfSortMemory = 1038 25 ERConCount = 1040 26 EROutOfResources = 1041 27 ERRecordFileFull = 1114 28 ERHostIsBlocked = 1129 29 ERCantCreateThread = 1135 30 ERTooManyDelayedThreads = 1151 31 ERNetPacketTooLarge = 1153 32 ERTooManyUserConnections = 1203 33 ERLockTableFull = 1206 34 ERUserLimitReached = 1226 35 36 // deadline exceeded 37 ERLockWaitTimeout = 1205 38 39 // unavailable 40 ERServerShutdown = 1053 41 42 // not found 43 ERCantFindFile = 1017 44 ERFormNotFound = 1029 45 ERKeyNotFound = 1032 46 ERBadFieldError = 1054 47 ERNoSuchThread = 1094 48 ERUnknownTable = 1109 49 ERCantFindUDF = 1122 50 ERNonExistingGrant = 1141 51 ERNoSuchTable = 1146 52 ERNonExistingTableGrant = 1147 53 ERKeyDoesNotExist = 1176 54 ERDbDropExists = 1008 55 56 // permissions 57 ERDBAccessDenied = 1044 58 ERAccessDeniedError = 1045 59 ERKillDenied = 1095 60 ERNoPermissionToCreateUsers = 1211 61 ERSpecifiedAccessDenied = 1227 62 63 // failed precondition 64 ERNoDb = 1046 65 ERNoSuchIndex = 1082 66 ERCantDropFieldOrKey = 1091 67 ERTableNotLockedForWrite = 1099 68 ERTableNotLocked = 1100 69 ERTooBigSelect = 1104 70 ERNotAllowedCommand = 1148 71 ERTooLongString = 1162 72 ERDelayedInsertTableLocked = 1165 73 ERDupUnique = 1169 74 ERRequiresPrimaryKey = 1173 75 ERCantDoThisDuringAnTransaction = 1179 76 ERReadOnlyTransaction = 1207 77 ERCannotAddForeign = 1215 78 ERNoReferencedRow = 1216 79 ERRowIsReferenced = 1217 80 ERCantUpdateWithReadLock = 1223 81 ERNoDefault = 1230 82 EROperandColumns = 1241 83 ERSubqueryNo1Row = 1242 84 ERWarnDataOutOfRange = 1264 85 ERNonUpdateableTable = 1288 86 ERFeatureDisabled = 1289 87 EROptionPreventsStatement = 1290 88 ERDuplicatedValueInType = 1291 89 ERSPDoesNotExist = 1305 90 ERRowIsReferenced2 = 1451 91 ErNoReferencedRow2 = 1452 92 ErSPNotVarArg = 1414 93 ERInnodbReadOnly = 1874 94 95 // already exists 96 ERTableExists = 1050 97 ERDupEntry = 1062 98 ERFileExists = 1086 99 ERUDFExists = 1125 100 ERDbCreateExists = 1007 101 102 // aborted 103 ERGotSignal = 1078 104 ERForcingClose = 1080 105 ERAbortingConnection = 1152 106 ERLockDeadlock = 1213 107 108 // invalid arg 109 ERUnknownComError = 1047 110 ERBadNullError = 1048 111 ERBadDb = 1049 112 ERBadTable = 1051 113 ERNonUniq = 1052 114 ERWrongFieldWithGroup = 1055 115 ERWrongGroupField = 1056 116 ERWrongSumSelect = 1057 117 ERWrongValueCount = 1058 118 ERTooLongIdent = 1059 119 ERDupFieldName = 1060 120 ERDupKeyName = 1061 121 ERWrongFieldSpec = 1063 122 ERParseError = 1064 123 EREmptyQuery = 1065 124 ERNonUniqTable = 1066 125 ERInvalidDefault = 1067 126 ERMultiplePriKey = 1068 127 ERTooManyKeys = 1069 128 ERTooManyKeyParts = 1070 129 ERTooLongKey = 1071 130 ERKeyColumnDoesNotExist = 1072 131 ERBlobUsedAsKey = 1073 132 ERTooBigFieldLength = 1074 133 ERWrongAutoKey = 1075 134 ERWrongFieldTerminators = 1083 135 ERBlobsAndNoTerminated = 1084 136 ERTextFileNotReadable = 1085 137 ERWrongSubKey = 1089 138 ERCantRemoveAllFields = 1090 139 ERUpdateTableUsed = 1093 140 ERNoTablesUsed = 1096 141 ERTooBigSet = 1097 142 ERBlobCantHaveDefault = 1101 143 ERWrongDbName = 1102 144 ERWrongTableName = 1103 145 ERUnknownProcedure = 1106 146 ERWrongParamCountToProcedure = 1107 147 ERWrongParametersToProcedure = 1108 148 ERFieldSpecifiedTwice = 1110 149 ERInvalidGroupFuncUse = 1111 150 ERTableMustHaveColumns = 1113 151 ERUnknownCharacterSet = 1115 152 ERTooManyTables = 1116 153 ERTooManyFields = 1117 154 ERTooBigRowSize = 1118 155 ERWrongOuterJoin = 1120 156 ERNullColumnInIndex = 1121 157 ERFunctionNotDefined = 1128 158 ERWrongValueCountOnRow = 1136 159 ERInvalidUseOfNull = 1138 160 ERRegexpError = 1139 161 ERMixOfGroupFuncAndFields = 1140 162 ERIllegalGrantForTable = 1144 163 ERSyntaxError = 1149 164 ERWrongColumnName = 1166 165 ERWrongKeyColumn = 1167 166 ERBlobKeyWithoutLength = 1170 167 ERPrimaryCantHaveNull = 1171 168 ERTooManyRows = 1172 169 ERLockOrActiveTransaction = 1192 170 ERUnknownSystemVariable = 1193 171 ERSetConstantsOnly = 1204 172 ERWrongArguments = 1210 173 ERWrongUsage = 1221 174 ERWrongNumberOfColumnsInSelect = 1222 175 ERDupArgument = 1225 176 ERLocalVariable = 1228 177 ERGlobalVariable = 1229 178 ERWrongValueForVar = 1231 179 ERWrongTypeForVar = 1232 180 ERVarCantBeRead = 1233 181 ERCantUseOptionHere = 1234 182 ERIncorrectGlobalLocalVar = 1238 183 ERWrongFKDef = 1239 184 ERKeyRefDoNotMatchTableRef = 1240 185 ERCyclicReference = 1245 186 ERCollationCharsetMismatch = 1253 187 ERCantAggregate2Collations = 1267 188 ERCantAggregate3Collations = 1270 189 ERCantAggregateNCollations = 1271 190 ERVariableIsNotStruct = 1272 191 ERUnknownCollation = 1273 192 ERWrongNameForIndex = 1280 193 ERWrongNameForCatalog = 1281 194 ERBadFTColumn = 1283 195 ERTruncatedWrongValue = 1292 196 ERTooMuchAutoTimestampCols = 1293 197 ERInvalidOnUpdate = 1294 198 ERUnknownTimeZone = 1298 199 ERInvalidCharacterString = 1300 200 ERIllegalReference = 1247 201 ERDerivedMustHaveAlias = 1248 202 ERTableNameNotAllowedHere = 1250 203 ERQueryInterrupted = 1317 204 ERTruncatedWrongValueForField = 1366 205 ERDataTooLong = 1406 206 ERForbidSchemaChange = 1450 207 ERDataOutOfRange = 1690 208 209 // server not available 210 ERServerIsntAvailable = 3168 211 )