
     1  // Copyright 2020 The searKing Author. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package scanner_test
     7  import (
     8  	"bufio"
     9  	"bytes"
    10  	"go/token"
    11  	"testing"
    12  	"unicode"
    14  	""
    15  )
    17  type ScanTests struct {
    18  	split  bufio.SplitFunc
    19  	input  []byte // input is the input that we want to tokenize.
    20  	output [][]byte
    21  }
    23  var (
    24  	scanTests = []ScanTests{
    25  		{
    26  			split:  scanner.ScanWords,
    27  			input:  []byte("cos(x) + 1i*sin(x) // Euler"),
    28  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("cos(x)"), []byte("+"), []byte("1i*sin(x)"), []byte("//"), []byte("Euler")},
    29  		},
    30  		{
    31  			split: scanner.ScanBytes,
    32  			input: []byte("cos(x) + 1i*sin(x) // Euler"),
    33  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("c"), []byte("o"), []byte("s"), []byte("("), []byte("x"), []byte(")"),
    34  				[]byte(" "), []byte("+"), []byte(" "),
    35  				[]byte("1"), []byte("i"), []byte("*"), []byte("s"), []byte("i"), []byte("n"), []byte("("), []byte("x"), []byte(")"),
    36  				[]byte(" "),
    37  				[]byte("/"), []byte("/"),
    38  				[]byte(" "),
    39  				[]byte("E"), []byte("u"), []byte("l"), []byte("e"), []byte("r")},
    40  		},
    41  		{
    42  			split:  scanner.ScanLines,
    43  			input:  []byte("cos(x) + 1i*sin(x) \n// Euler"),
    44  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("cos(x) + 1i*sin(x) "), []byte("// Euler")},
    45  		},
    46  		{
    47  			split: scanner.ScanRunes,
    48  			input: []byte("cos(x) + 1i*sin(x) // Euler"),
    49  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("c"), []byte("o"), []byte("s"), []byte("("), []byte("x"), []byte(")"),
    50  				[]byte(" "), []byte("+"), []byte(" "),
    51  				[]byte("1"), []byte("i"), []byte("*"), []byte("s"), []byte("i"), []byte("n"), []byte("("), []byte("x"), []byte(")"),
    52  				[]byte(" "),
    53  				[]byte("/"), []byte("/"),
    54  				[]byte(" "),
    55  				[]byte("E"), []byte("u"), []byte("l"), []byte("e"), []byte("r")},
    56  		},
    57  		{
    58  			split:  scanner.ScanEscapes('"'),
    59  			input:  []byte(`\\\r\n\"cos(x) + 1i*sin(x) // Euler`),
    60  			output: [][]byte{[]byte(`\\`), []byte(`\r`), []byte(`\n`), []byte(`\"`)},
    61  		},
    62  		{
    63  			split:  scanner.ScanEscapes('"'),
    64  			input:  []byte(`\y`),
    65  			output: [][]byte{},
    66  		},
    67  		{
    68  			split:  scanner.ScanEscapes('"'),
    69  			input:  []byte(`\xGGGG`),
    70  			output: [][]byte{},
    71  		},
    72  		{
    73  			split:  scanner.ScanInterpretedStrings,
    74  			input:  []byte(`\xGGGG`),
    75  			output: [][]byte{},
    76  		},
    77  		{
    78  			split:  scanner.ScanInterpretedStrings,
    79  			input:  []byte(`"""Hello World\""\xGGGG`),
    80  			output: [][]byte{[]byte(`""`), []byte(`"Hello World\""`)},
    81  		},
    82  		{
    83  			split:  scanner.ScanRawStrings,
    84  			input:  []byte("```Hello World\r`"),
    85  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("``"), []byte("`Hello World\r`")},
    86  		},
    87  		{
    88  			split:  scanner.ScanMantissas(10),
    89  			input:  []byte("123"),
    90  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("123")},
    91  		},
    92  		{
    93  			split:  scanner.ScanMantissas(8),
    94  			input:  []byte("1238"),
    95  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("123")},
    96  		},
    97  		{
    98  			split:  scanner.ScanNumbers,
    99  			input:  []byte("123"),
   100  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("123")},
   101  		},
   102  		{
   103  			split:  scanner.ScanNumbers,
   104  			input:  []byte("078"),
   105  			output: [][]byte{},
   106  		},
   107  		{
   108  			split:  scanner.ScanNumbers,
   109  			input:  []byte("123.56"),
   110  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("123.56")},
   111  		},
   112  		{
   113  			split:  scanner.ScanNumbers,
   114  			input:  []byte("123.56i78.96i"),
   115  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("123.56i"), []byte("78.96i")},
   116  		},
   117  		{
   118  			split:  scanner.ScanNumbers,
   119  			input:  []byte("0x55.FF"),
   120  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("0x55")},
   121  		},
   122  		{
   123  			split:  scanner.ScanNumbers,
   124  			input:  []byte("077x"),
   125  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("077")},
   126  		},
   127  		{
   128  			split:  scanner.ScanNumbers,
   129  			input:  []byte("0xFG"),
   130  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("0xF")},
   131  		},
   132  		{
   133  			split:  scanner.ScanIdentifier,
   134  			input:  []byte("_HelloWorld_&"),
   135  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("_HelloWorld_")},
   136  		},
   137  		{
   138  			split:  scanner.ScanIdentifier,
   139  			input:  []byte("_Hello World_&"),
   140  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("_Hello")},
   141  		},
   142  		{
   143  			split:  scanner.ScanIdentifier,
   144  			input:  []byte("_你好_&"),
   145  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("_你好_")},
   146  		},
   147  		{
   148  			split:  scanner.ScanIdentifier,
   149  			input:  []byte("0你好_&"),
   150  			output: [][]byte{},
   151  		},
   152  		{
   153  			split:  scanner.ScanIdentifier,
   154  			input:  []byte("H"),
   155  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("H")},
   156  		},
   157  		{
   158  			split:  scanner.ScanUntil(unicode.IsSpace),
   159  			input:  []byte("Hello World"),
   160  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("Hello")},
   161  		},
   162  		{
   163  			split:  scanner.ScanWhile(unicode.IsSpace),
   164  			input:  []byte("  \t Hello World"),
   165  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("  \t ")},
   166  		},
   167  		{
   168  			split:  scanner.ScanRegexpPosix(`^Hello.*[ W]`),
   169  			input:  []byte("Hello World"),
   170  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("Hello W")},
   171  		},
   172  		{
   173  			split:  scanner.ScanRegexpPerl(`^Hello.*[ W]`),
   174  			input:  []byte("Hello World"),
   175  			output: [][]byte{[]byte("Hello W")},
   176  		},
   177  	}
   178  )
   180  func TestScan(t *testing.T) {
   181  Outer:
   182  	for n, test := range scanTests {
   183  		// Initialize the scanner.
   184  		var s scanner.Scanner
   185  		fset := token.NewFileSet()                             // positions are relative to fset
   186  		file := fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(test.input)) // register input "file"
   187  		s.Init(file, test.input, nil /* no error handler */, scanner.ModeCaseSensitive)
   188  		var i int
   189  		for ; ; i++ {
   190  			token, has := s.ScanSplits(test.split)
   191  			if !has {
   192  				break
   193  			}
   194  			if i >= len(test.output) {
   195  				t.Errorf("#%d: scan[%d] got %v; nothing expected", n, i, string(token))
   196  				continue Outer
   197  			}
   198  			if bytes.Compare(token, test.output[i]) != 0 {
   199  				t.Errorf("#%d: scan[%d] got %v; expected %v", n, i, string(token), string(test.output[i]))
   200  				continue Outer
   201  			}
   202  		}
   203  		if i != len(test.output) {
   204  			t.Errorf("#%d: %v: got %d runs; expected %d", n, string(test.input), i, len(test.output))
   205  			continue
   206  		}
   207  	}
   208  }