(about) 1 # Bitnami Kafka 2 3 This document outlines how to create a docker-compose file for a specific Bitnami Kafka version. 4 5 6 ## Steps to create docker-compose 7 8 - Refer to [docker-hub Bitnami Kafka tags]( and sort by NEWEST to locate the image preferred, for example: `2.7.0` 9 - There is documentation in the (main branch)[] for environment config setup information. Refer to the `Notable Changes` section. 10 - Sometimes there is a need to understand how the set up is being done. To locate the appropriate Kafka release in the repo [bitnami/containers](, go through the [kafka commit history]( 11 - Once a commit is located, Refer to, Dockerfile, entrypoint and various init scripts to understand the environment variables to config mapping conventions. Alternatively, you can spin up the required Kafka image and refer the mapping inside the container. 12 - Ensure you follow the environment variable conventions in your docker-compose. Without proper environment variables, the Kafka cluster cannot start or can start with undesired configs. For example, Since Kafka version 2.3, all docker-compose environment configs start with `KAFKA_CFG_<config_with_underscore>` 13 - Older versions of Bitnami Kafka have different conventions and limited docker-compose environment variables exposed for configs needed in 14 15 16 In kafka-go, for all the test cases to succeed, Kafka cluster should have following along with a relevant kafka_jaas.conf mentioned in the KAFKA_OPTS. Goal is to ensure that the docker-compose file generates below 17 18 19 20 ``` 21 22 advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092,SASL_PLAINTEXT://localhost:9093 23 advertised.port=9092 24 auto.create.topics.enable=true 25 26 delete.topic.enable=true 27 28 listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9092,SASL_PLAINTEXT://:9093 29 log.dirs=/kafka/kafka-logs-1d5951569d78 30 31 log.retention.hours=168 32 log.segment.bytes=1073741824 33 message.max.bytes=200000000 34 35 36 num.partitions=1 37 38 offsets.topic.replication.factor=1 39 port=9092 40 sasl.enabled.mechanisms=PLAIN,SCRAM-SHA-256,SCRAM-SHA-512 41 socket.receive.buffer.bytes=102400 42 socket.request.max.bytes=104857600 43 socket.send.buffer.bytes=102400 44 transaction.state.log.min.isr=1 45 transaction.state.log.replication.factor=1 46 zookeeper.connect=zookeeper:2181 47 48 ``` 49 50 51 ## run docker-compose and test cases 52 53 run docker-compose 54 ``` 55 # docker-compose -f ./docker_compose_versions/docker-compose-<kafka_version>.yml up -d 56 ``` 57 58 59 run test cases 60 ``` 61 # go clean -cache; KAFKA_SKIP_NETTEST=1 KAFKA_VERSION=<a.b.c> go test -race -cover ./...; 62 ``` 63 64 65 ## Various Bitnami Kafka version issues observed in circleci 66 67 68 ### Kafka v101, v111, v201, v211 and v221 69 70 71 In kafka-go repo, all the tests require sasl.enabled.mechanisms as PLAIN,SCRAM-SHA-256,SCRAM-SHA-512 for the Kafka cluster. 72 73 74 It has been observed for Kafka v101, v111, v201, v211 and v221 which are used in the circleci for build have issues with SCRAM. 75 76 77 There is no way to override the config sasl.enabled.mechanisms causing Kafka cluster to start up as PLAIN. 78 79 80 There has been some attempts made to override sasl.enabled.mechanisms 81 - Modified entrypoint in docker-compose to append the with relevant configs sasl.enabled.mechanisms before running This resulted in failures for Kafka v101, v111, v201, v211 and v221. Once Kafka server starts, gets appended with default value of sasl.enabled.mechanisms there by cluster to start with out PLAIN,SCRAM-SHA-256,SCRAM-SHA-512 82 - Mounted a docker-compose volume for server.propeties. However, This also resulted in failures for Kafka v101, v111, v201, v211 and v221. Once Kafka server starts, gets appended with default value of sasl.enabled.mechanisms there by cluster to start with out PLAIN,SCRAM-SHA-256,SCRAM-SHA-512 83 84 85 NOTE: 86 - Kafka v101, v111, v201, v211 and v221 have no docker-compose files since we need SCRAM for kafka-go test cases to succeed. 87 - There is no Bitnami Kafka image for v222 hence testing has been performed on v221 88 89 90 ### Kafka v231 91 92 In Bitnami Kafka v2.3, all docker-compose environment configs start with `KAFKA_CFG_<config_with_underscore>`. However, it is not picking the custom populated kafka_jaas.conf. 93 94 95 After a lot of debugging, it has been noticed that there aren't enough privileges to create the kafka_jaas.conf. Hence the environment variables below need to be added in docker-compose to generate the kafka_jaas.conf. This issue is not noticed after kafka v2.3 96 97 98 ``` 99 KAFKA_INTER_BROKER_USER: adminplain 100 KAFKA_INTER_BROKER_PASSWORD: admin-secret 101 KAFKA_BROKER_USER: adminplain 102 KAFKA_BROKER_PASSWORD: admin-secret 103 ``` 104 105 There is a docker-compose file `docker-compose-231.yml` in the folder `kafka-go/docker_compose_versions` for reference. 106 107 108 ## References 109 110 111 For user reference, please find the some of the older kafka versions commits from the [kafka commit history]( For Kafka versions with no commit history, data is populated with the latest version available for the tag. 112 113 114 ### Kafka v010: docker-compose reference: `kafka-go/docker_compose_versions/docker-compose-010.yml` 115 - [tag]( 116 - [kafka commit]( 117 118 119 ### Kafka v011: docker-compose reference: `kafka-go/docker_compose_versions/docker-compose-011.yml` 120 - [tag]( 121 - [kafka commit]( 122 123 124 ### Kafka v101: docker-compose reference: N/A 125 - [tag]( 126 - [kafka commit]( 127 128 129 ### Kafka v111: docker-compose reference: N/A 130 - [tag]( 131 - [kafka commit]( 132 133 134 ### Kafka v201: docker-compose reference: N/A 135 - [tag]( 136 - [kafka commit]( 137 138 139 ### Kafka v211: docker-compose reference: N/A 140 - [tag]( 141 - [kafka commit]( 142 143 144 ### Kafka v221: docker-compose reference: N/A 145 - [tag]( 146 - [kafka commit]( 147 148 149 ### Kafka v231: docker-compose reference: `kafka-go/docker_compose_versions/docker-compose-231.yml` 150 - [tag]( 151 - [kafka commit]( 152