
     2      <h1>Please config file reference</h1>
     4      <p>The root of a Please repo is identified by a .plzconfig file. This also has a number of
     5        options to control various parts of its behaviour which might be useful to tailor it
     6        to your environment.</p>
     8      <p>Please looks in several locations for these files and builds it up bit by bit. In order
     9        (from lowest priority to highest):
    10        <ul>
    11          <li><code>/etc/plzconfig</code></li>
    12          <li><code>~/.please/plzconfig</code></li>
    13          <li><code>.plzconfig</code></li>
    14          <li><code>.plzconfig_&lt;arch&gt;</code> (e.g. .plzconfig_linux_amd64)</li>
    15          <li><code>.plzconfig.&lt;profile&gt;</code> (if the <code>--profile</code> flag is passed)</li>
    16          <li><code>.plzconfig.local</code></li>
    17        </ul>
    18        One would normally check in <code>.plzconfig</code> (and arch-specific equivalents if needed).<br/>
    19        <code>/etc/plzconfig</code> is there to facilitate per-machine config in cases where the repo is often
    20        deleted - this is quite common in CI systems.<br/>
    21        Finally you normally add <code>.plzconfig.local</code> to .gitignore to allow people to override
    22        settings locally if needed.</p>
    24      <p>The file format is very similar to
    25        <a href="">Git's config</a>; it's broken into
    26        sections by headers in square brackets, and each section contains <code>option = value</code>
    27        pairs. Comments start with a semicolon.</p>
    29      <p>We'll list out the various options by section. The option names are all case-insensitive,
    30        the values are of course case sensitive (except in the case of boolean variables which accept
    31        various forms of <code>true</code>, <code>false</code>, <code>yes</code>, <code>no</code> etc).<br/>
    32        Various parameters can be repeated (they're noted as such below); this means passing them
    33        multiple times in their entirety, e.g.
    34        <pre><code>
    35            buildfilename = BUILD
    36            buildfilename = BUCK
    37        </code></pre>
    38        Comma-separating on the same line won't work.</p>
    40      <h3>[Please]</h3>
    42      <ul>
    43        <li><b>Version</b><br/>
    44          Defines the version of plz that this repo is supposed to use currently. If it's not present
    45          or the version matches the currently running version no special action is taken; otherwise
    46          if <code>SelfUpdate</code> is set Please will attempt to download an appropriate
    47          version, otherwise it will issue a warning and continue.<br/><br/>
    49          Note that if this is not set, you can run <code>plz update</code> to update to the latest
    50          version available on the server.</li>
    52        <li><b>Location</b><br/>
    53          Defines the directory Please is installed into.<br/>
    54          Defaults to <code>~/.please</code> but you might want it to be somewhere else if you're
    55          installing via another method (e.g. the debs and install script still use <code>/opt/please</code>).</li>
    57        <li><b>SelfUpdate</b> (bool)<br/>
    58          Sets whether plz will attempt to update itself when the version set in the config file is
    59          different.</li>
    61        <li><b>DownloadLocation</b><br/>
    62          Defines the location to download Please from when self-updating. Defaults to the Please
    63          web server (<code></code>), but you can point it to some location of your own if you prefer to keep
    64          traffic within your network or use home-grown versions.</li>
    66        <li><b>Lang</b><br/>
    67          Sets the language passed to build rules when building. This can be important for some
    68          tools (although hopefully not many) - we've mostly observed it with Sass.
    69          Defaults to <code>en_GB.UTF-8</code>.</li>
    71        <li><b>Nonce</b><br/>
    72          This is an arbitrary string that is added to the hash of every build target. It provides
    73          a way to force a rebuild of everything when it's changed.<br/>
    74          We will bump the default of this whenever we think it's required - although it's been
    75          a pretty long time now and we hope that'll continue.</li>
    77        <li><b>NumThreads</b> (int)<br/>
    78          Number of parallel build operations to run.<br/>
    79          Is overridden by the equivalent command-line flag, if that's passed.
    80          Defaults to the number of CPUs plus two.</li>
    81      </ul>
    83      <h3>[Parse]</h3>
    85      <ul>
    86        <li><b>BuildFileName</b> (repeated string)<br/>
    87          Sets the names that Please uses for its build files.  Defaults to <code>BUILD</code>.<br/>
    88          For clarity the documentation refers to them simply as BUILD files but you could
    89          reconfigure them here to be something else.<br/>
    90          One case this can be particularly useful is in cases where you have a subdirectory named
    91          <code>build</code> on a case-insensitive file system like HFS+.</li>
    93        <li><b>BlacklistDirs</b> (repeated string)<br/>
    94          Directories to blacklist when recursively searching for BUILD files (e.g. when using
    95          <code>plz build ...</code> or similar).<br/>
    96          This is generally useful when you have large directories within your repo that don't
    97          need to be searched, especially things like <code>node_modules</code> that have
    98          come from external package managers.</li>
   100        <li><b>ExperimentalDir</b> (repeated string)<br/>
   101          Directory containing experimental code. This is subject to some extra restrictions:
   102          <ul>
   103            <li>Code in the experimental dir can override normal visibility constraints</li>
   104            <li>Code outside the experimental dir can never depend on code inside it</li>
   105            <li>Tests are excluded from general detection</li>
   106          </ul>
   107        </li>
   109        <li><b>PreloadBuildDefs</b> (repeated string)<br/>
   110          Files to preload by the parser before loading any BUILD files.<br/>
   111          Since this is done before the first package is parsed they must be files in the
   112          repository, they cannot be <code>subinclude()</code> paths.</li>
   113      </ul>
   115      <h3>[Display]</h3>
   117      <p>Contains options relating to display output. These have no impact on build output.</p>
   119      <ul>
   120        <li><b>UpdateTitle</b> (bool)<br/>
   121  	Whether to update the window title as things are built. This is off by default because while
   122  	many Linux shells will reset it afterwards, others won't and it's not ideal for us to leave
   123  	it messed up.</li>
   125        <li><b>SystemStats</b> (bool)<br/>
   126  	Whether or not to show basic system resource usage in the interactive display.
   127          Defaults to <code>False</code>.</li>
   128      </ul>
   130      <h3>[Build]</h3>
   132      <ul>
   134        <li><b>Arch</b><br/>
   135          Architecture to compile for. Defaults to the host architecture.</li>
   137        <li><b>Timeout</b> (int)<br/>
   138          Timeout for build operations, in seconds. Defaults to 600 (ten minutes).</li>
   140        <li><b>Path</b> (repeated string)<br/>
   141          The PATH variable that will be passed to the build processes.<br/>
   142          Defaults to <code>/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin</code> but of course can be modified if
   143          you need to get binaries from other locations.</li>
   145        <li><b>Config</b><br/>
   146          The build config to use when one is not chosen on the command line. Defaults to <code>opt</code>.</li>
   148        <li><b>FallbackConfig</b><br/>
   149          The build config to use when one is chosen and a required target does not have
   150          one by the same name. Also defaults to <code>opt</code>.</li>
   152        <li><b>PassEnv</b> (repeated string)<br/>
   153          A list of environment variables to pass from the current environment to build rules. For example
   154          <code>PassEnv = HTTP_PROXY</code>
   155          would copy your HTTP_PROXY environment variable to the build env for any rules.</li>
   157        <li><b>Sandbox</b> (bool)<br/>
   158          Activates sandboxing for individual build actions, which isolates them from network
   159          access, IPC and some aspects of the filesystem. Currently only works on Linux.
   160          Defaults to <code>False</code>.</li>
   162      </ul>
   164      <h3>[Cache]</h3>
   166      <ul>
   168        <li><b>Dir</b><br/>
   169          Sets the directory to use for the dir cache.<br/>
   170          The default is <code>.plz-cache</code>, if set to the empty string the dir cache will
   171          be disabled.</li>
   173        <li><b>DirCacheHighWaterMark</b> (size)<br/>
   174          Starts cleaning the directory cache when it is over this number of bytes.<br/>
   175          Can also be given with human-readable suffixes like 10G, 200MB etc.
   176          Defaults to <code>10GiB</code>.</li>
   178        <li><b>DirCacheLowWaterMark</b> (size)<br/>
   179          When cleaning the directory cache, it's reduced to at most this size.
   180          Defaults to <code>8GiB</code>.</li>
   182        <li><b>HttpUrl</b><br/>
   183          Base URL of the HTTP cache.<br/>
   184          Not set to anything by default which means the cache will be disabled.</li>
   186        <li><b>HttpWriteable</b> (bool)<br/>
   187          If True this plz instance will write content back to the HTTP cache.<br/>
   188          By default it runs in read-only mode.</li>
   190        <li><b>HttpTimeout</b> (int)<br/>
   191          Timeout for operations contacting the HTTP cache, in seconds.</li>
   193        <li><b>RpcUrl</b><br/>
   194          Base URL of the RPC cache.<br/>
   195          Not set to anything by default which means the cache will be disabled.</li>
   197        <li><b>RpcWriteable</b> (bool)<br/>
   198          If True this plz instance will write content back to the RPC cache.<br/>
   199          By default it runs in read-only mode.</li>
   201        <li><b>RpcTimeout</b> (int)<br/>
   202          Timeout for operations contacting the RPC cache, in seconds.</li>
   204        <li><b>RpcMaxMsgSize</b> (bytes)<br/>
   205          Maximum size of a single message that we'll send to the RPC server.<br/>
   206          This should agree with the server's limit, if it's higher the artifacts will be rejected.<br/>
   207          The value is given as a byte size so can be suffixed with M, GB, KiB, etc.</li>
   209      </ul>
   211      <h3>[Test]</h3>
   213      <ul>
   214        <li><b>Timeout</b> (int)<br/>
   215          Sets the default timeout length, in seconds, for any test that isn't explicitly given one.
   216          Defaults to 600 (10 minutes).</li>
   218        <li><b>DefaultContainer</b><br/>
   219          Sets the default type of containerisation to use for tests that are given
   220          <code>container = True</code>.<br/>
   221          Currently the only option is "docker" but we intend to add rkt support at some point.</li>
   223        <li><b>Sandbox</b> (bool)<br/>
   224          Activates sandboxing for individual tests, which isolates them from network
   225          access, IPC and some aspects of the filesystem. Currently only works on Linux.
   226          Defaults to <code>False</code>.</li>
   227      </ul>
   229      <h3>[Cover]</h3>
   231      <ul>
   232        <li><b>FileExtension</b> (repeated string)<br/>
   233          Extensions of files to consider for coverage.<br/>
   234          Defaults to <code>.go</code>, <code>.py</code>, <code>.java</code>,
   235          <code>.js</code>, <code>.cc</code>, <code>.h</code>, and <code>.c</code>.</li>
   237        <li><b>ExcludeExtension</b> (repeated string)<br/>
   238          Extensions of files to exclude from coverage.<br/>
   239          Typically this is for generated code; the default is to exclude protobuf extensions like
   240          <code>.pb.go</code>, <code></code>.
   241          Defaults to <code>.pb.go</code>, <code></code>, <code></code>,
   242          <code>.pb.h</code>, <code></code>, <code>_test.go</code>,
   243          <code>_pb.go</code>, <code>_bindata.go</code>, and <code></code>.</li>
   244      </ul>
   246      <h3>[Metrics]</h3>
   248      <p>Options related to metric collection. Currently the only metrics implementation pushes
   249        to a <a href="">Prometheus</a>
   250        <a href="">pushgateway</a> for collection.</p>
   252      <ul>
   253        <li><b>PushGatewayURL</b><br/>
   254  	    The URL of the pushgateway to send metrics to.</li>
   256        <li><b>PushFrequency</b> (duration)<br/>
   257  	    The frequency to push statistics at. Defaults to 400ms.</li>
   259        <li><b>PushTimeout</b> (duration)<br/>
   260  	    The timeout for metric pushes. Defaults to 500ms.</li>
   262        <li><b>PerTest</b> (bool)<br/>
   263  	    Emit per-test duration metrics. Off by default, they can be very useful but generate
   264          larger cardinalities of labels in Prometheus.</li>
   266        <li><b>PerUser</b> (bool)<br/>
   267  	    Emit per-user metric labels. On by default, but turning it off can reduce the amount of
   268          data to be stored.</li>
   269      </ul>
   271      <h3>[CustomMetricLabels]</h3>
   273      <p>Describes optional labels to attach to metrics.<br/>
   274        For technical reasons this is a separate section to the main metrics options.</p>
   276      <p>These are defined as key-value pairs, where the key is the label attached to the metric
   277        and the value is a command to run on the system that defines the value to attach.<br/>
   278        Hence these labels are run once at startup and constant across all build targets.</p>
   280      <p>For example:<br/>
   281        <pre><code>branch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD</code></pre>
   282        to attach the current git branch to all metrics reported.</p>
   284      <p>In general it's a good idea not to let the cardinality of your labels become too large,
   285        so you might want to filter it to only print whether the user is on master or not.</p>
   287      <h3>[Docker]</h3>
   289      <p>Options relating to tests that are run inside Docker containers.</p>
   291      <ul>
   292        <li><b>DefaultImage</b><br/>
   293          The default image used for any test that doesn't specify another.
   294          Defaults to <code>ubuntu:trusty</code>.</li>
   296        <li><b>AllowLocalFallback</b> (bool)<br/>
   297          If True, will attempt to run the test locally if containerised running fails.
   298          Defaults to <code>False</code>.</li>
   300        <li><b>Timeout</b> (int)<br/>
   301          Default timeout for Dockerised tests, in seconds. Default is 1200 (twenty minutes).</li>
   303        <li><b>ResultsTimeout</b> (int)<br/>
   304          Timeout to wait when trying to retrieve results from inside the container. Default is 20 seconds.</li>
   306        <li><b>RemoveTimeout</b> (int)<br/>
   307          Timeout to wait when trying to remove a container after running a test. Defaults to 20 seconds.</li>
   308      </ul>
   310      <h3>[Gc]</h3>
   312      <p>Options relating to use of <code>plz gc</code>.</p>
   314      <ul>
   315        <li><b>Keep</b> (build label)<br/>
   316          Marks targets that gc should always keep. Can include meta-targets such as
   317          <code>//test/...</code> and <code>//docs:all</code>.</li>
   318        <li><b>KeepLabel</b><br/>
   319          Defines a target label to be kept; for example, if you set this to <code>go</code>,
   320          no Go targets would ever be considered for deletion.</li>
   321      </ul>
   323      <h3>[Go]</h3>
   325      <p>Properties that affect how the various Go build rules work.</p>
   327      <ul>
   328        <li><b>ImportPath</b><br/>
   329          String name of the canonical path of this repository.<br/>
   330  	This path is used as the prefix of the package name relative to this <code>please</code> build directory.
   331  	<code>importpath</code> is commonly used to prepend <code></code> to a project's
   332          path.</li>
   334        <li><b>GoPath</b><br/>
   335          If set, will set the GOPATH environment variable appropriately during build actions.</li>
   337        <li><b>GoTool</b><br/>
   338          If set, the binary name to use to invoke Go & its subtools with.
   339          Defaults to <code>go</code>.</li>
   341        <li><b>GoRoot</b><br/>
   342          If set, will set the GOROOT environment variable appropriately during build actions.</li>
   344        <li><b>BuildIDTool</b><br/>
   345          Sets the name of the binary to use to replace Go <code>go tool buildid</code>.
   346          Defaults to <code>go_buildid_replacer</code>.</li>
   348        <li><b>TestTool</b><br/>
   349          Sets the location of the <code>please_go_test</code> tool that is used to template the test
   350          main for <code>go_test</code> rules.</li>
   352        <li><b>CgoCCTool</b><br/>
   353          Sets the location of <code>CC</code> while building <code>cgo_library</code> and <code>cgo_test</code>
   354  	rules. Defaults to <code>gcc</code></li>
   356        <li><b>FilterTool</b><br/>
   357          Sets the location of the <code>please_go_filter</code> tool that is used to filter source
   358          files against build constraints.</li>
   360        <li><b>DefaultStatic</b> (bool)<br/>
   361          Sets Go binaries to default to static linking. Note that enabling this may have negative
   362          consequences for some code, including Go's DNS lookup code in the net module.</li>
   363      </ul>
   365      <h3>[Python]</h3>
   367      <p>Properties that affect how the various Python build rules work.</p>
   369      <ul>
   370        <li><b>PipTool</b><br/>
   371          The tool that is invoked during <code>pip_library</code> rules. Defaults to <code>pip3</code>.</li>
   373        <li><b>PexTool</b><br/>
   374          The tool that's invoked to build pexes. Defaults to <code>please_pex</code> in the install directory.</li>
   376        <li><b>DefaultInterpreter</b><br/>
   377          The interpreter used for <code>python_binary</code> and <code>python_test</code> rules when none is
   378          specified on the rule itself. Defaults to <code>python3</code> but you could of course set it to
   379          <code>pypy</code>.</li>
   381        <li><b>TestRunner</b><br/>
   382          The test runner used to discover &amp; run Python tests; one of <code>unittest</code>,
   383          <code>pytest</code> or <code>behave</code>.  Defaults to <code>unittest</code>.</li>
   385        <li><b>ModuleDir</b><br/>
   386          Defines a directory containing modules from which they can be imported at the top level.<br/>
   387          By default this is empty but by convention we define our <code>pip_library</code> rules in
   388          <code>third_party/python</code> and set this appropriately. Hence any of those third-party
   389          libraries that try something like <code>import six</code> will have it work as they expect,
   390          even though it's actually in a different location within the .pex.</li>
   392        <li><b>DefaultPipRepo</b><br/>
   393          Defines a location for a pip repo to download wheels from.<br/>
   394          By default <code>pip_library</code> uses PyPI (although see below on that) but you may well want
   395          to use this define another location to upload your own wheels to.<br/>
   396          Is overridden by the <code>repo</code> argument to <code>pip_library</code>.</li>
   398        <li><b>UsePyPI</b> (bool)<br/>
   399          Whether or not to use PyPI for <code>pip_library</code> rules or not. Defaults to <code>True</code>, if you
   400          disable this you will presumably want to set DefaultPipRepo to use one of your own.<br/>
   401          Is overridden by the <code>use_pypi</code> argument to <code>pip_library</code>.</li>
   403        <li><b>WheelNameScheme</b> (string)<br/>
   404          Defines a custom templatized wheel naming scheme.<br/>
   405          Templatized variables should be surrounded in curly braces within the scheme, and the available options are: <code>url_base</code>, <code>package_name</code>, and <code>version</code>. The default search pattern is <code>{url_base}/{package_name}-{version}-${{OS}}-${{ARCH}}.whl</code> along with a few common variants.</li>
   406      </ul>
   408      <h3>[Java]</h3>
   410      <p>Properties that affect how the various Java build rules work.</p>
   412      <ul>
   413        <li><b>JavacTool</b><br/>
   414          Defines the tool used for the Java compiler. Defaults to <code>javac</code>.</li>
   416        <li><b>JlinkTool</b><br/>
   417          Defines the tool used for the Java linker. Defaults to <code>jlink</code>.</li>
   419        <li><b>JavaHome</b><br/>
   420  		    Defines the Java home folder.</li>
   422        <li><b>JarTool</b><br/>
   423          Defines the tool used to build a .jar. Defaults to <code>jar</code>.</li>
   425        <li><b>JarcatTool</b><br/>
   426          Defines the tool used to concatenate .jar files which we use to build the output
   427          of <code>java_binary</code> and <code>java_test</code>.Defaults to <code>jarcat</code>
   428  	in the Please install directory.<br/>
   429  	Any resemblance to
   430  	<a href="">this</a>
   431  	or <a href="">this</a>
   432  	is purr-ly coincidental.</li>
   434        <li><b>PleaseMavenTool</b><br/>
   435          Defines the tool used to fetch information from Maven in <code>maven_jars</code> rules.<br/>
   436          Defaults to <code>please_maven</code> in the Please install directory.</li>
   438        <li><b>DefaultMavenRepo</b><br/>
   439          Default location to load artifacts from in maven_jar rules.</li>
   441        <li><b>JUnitRunner</b><br/>
   442          Defines the .jar containing the JUnit runner. This is built into all <code>java_test</code> rules
   443          since it's necessary to make JUnit do anything useful.<br/>
   444          Defaults to <code>junit_runner.jar</code> in the Please install directory.</li>
   446        <li><b>DefaultTestPackage</b><br/>
   447          The Java classpath to search for functions annotated with <code>@Test</code>.</li>
   449        <li><b>SourceLevel</b> (int)<br/>
   450          The default Java source level when compiling. Defaults to 8.</li>
   452        <li><b>TargetLevel</b> (int)<br/>
   453          The default Java bytecode level to target. Defaults to 8.</li>
   455        <li><b>ReleaseLevel</b> (int)<br/>
   456          The default Java release level when compiling.
   457          SourceLevel and TargetLevel are ignored if this is set.
   458          Bear in mind that this flag is only supported in Java version 9+.</li>
   459      </ul>
   461      <h3><a name="cpp">[Cpp]</a></h3>
   463      <p>Properties that affect how the various C++ build rules work.</p>
   465      <ul>
   466        <li><b>CCTool</b><br/>
   467          The tool invoked to compile C code. Defaults to <code>gcc</code> but you might
   468          want to set it to <code>clang</code>, for example.</li>
   470        <li><b>CppTool</b><br/>
   471          The tool invoked to compile C++ code. Defaults to <code>g++</code> but you might
   472          want to set it to <code>clang++</code>, for example.</li>
   474        <li><b>LdTool</b><br/>
   475          The tool invoked to link object files. Defaults to <code>ld</code> but you could
   476          also set it to <code>gold</code>, for example.</li>
   478        <li><b>ArTool</b><br/>
   479          The tool invoked to archive static libraries. Defaults to <code>ar</code>.</li>
   481        <li><b>AsmTool</b><br/>
   482          The tool invoked as an assembler. Currently only used on OSX for
   483  	<code>cc_embed_binary</code> rules and so defaults to <code>nasm</code>.</li>
   485        <li><b>LinkWithLdTool</b><br/>
   486  	If true, instructs Please to use the tool set earlier in <code>ldtool</code>
   487  	to link binaries instead of <code>cctool</code>.<br/>
   488  	This is an esoteric setting that most people don't want; a vanilla <code>ld</code>
   489  	will not perform all steps necessary here (you'll get lots of missing symbol messages
   490  	from having no libc etc). Generally best to leave this disabled.</li>
   492        <li><b>DefaultOptCflags</b><br/>
   493          Compiler flags passed to all C rules during <code>opt</code> builds;
   494  	these are typically pretty basic things like
   495          what language standard you want to target, warning flags, etc.<br/>
   496          Defaults to <code>--std=c99 -O3 -DNDEBUG -Wall -Werror</code></li>
   498        <li><b>DefaultDbgCflags</b><br/>
   499          Compiler rules passed to all C rules during <code>dbg</code> builds.<br/>
   500          Defaults to <code>--std=c99 -g3 -DDEBUG -Wall -Werror</code>.</li>
   502        <li><b>DefaultOptCppflags</b><br/>
   503          Compiler flags passed to all C++ rules during <code>opt</code> builds;
   504  	these are typically pretty basic things like
   505          what language standard you want to target, warning flags, etc.<br/>
   506          Defaults to <code>--std=c++11 -O3 -DNDEBUG -Wall -Werror</code></li>
   508        <li><b>DefaultDbgCppflags</b><br/>
   509          Compiler rules passed to all C++ rules during <code>dbg</code> builds.<br/>
   510          Defaults to <code>--std=c++11 -g3 -DDEBUG -Wall -Werror</code>.</li>
   512        <li><b>DefaultLdFlags</b><br/>
   513          Linker flags passed to all C++ rules.<br/>
   514          By default this is empty.</li>
   516        <li><b>DefaultNamespace</b><br/>
   517          Namespace passed to all <code>cc_embed_binary</code> rules when not overridden
   518          by the <code>namespace</code> argument to that rule.<br/>
   519          Not set by default, if you want to use those rules you'll need to set it or
   520          pass it explicitly to each one.</li>
   522        <li><b>Coverage</b><br/>
   523          If true (the default), coverage will be available for C and C++ build rules.<br/>
   524          This is still a little experimental but should work for GCC. Right now it does
   525          <b>not</b> work for Clang (it likely will in Clang 4.0 which will likely support
   526          <code>--fprofile-dir</code>) and so this can be useful to disable it.<br/>
   527          It's also useful in some cases for CI systems etc if you'd prefer to avoid the overhead,
   528          since the tests have to be compiled with extra instrumentation and without optimisation.</li>
   529      </ul>
   531      <h3>[Proto]</h3>
   533      <p>Properties that affect how the <code>proto_library</code> and
   534        <code>grpc_library</code> rules work.</p>
   536      <p>As noted elsewhere, these rules are fairly complex and do a bunch of things
   537        internally, so they correspondingly have a lot of options here.</p>
   539      <p>Obviously the various gRPC-related properties only apply to <code>grpc_library</code>
   540        rules, whereas <code>proto_library</code> rules are affected by all of them.</p>
   542      <ul>
   544        <li><b>ProtocTool</b><br/>
   545          The binary invoked to compile .proto files. Defaults to <code>protoc</code>.</li>
   547        <li><b>ProtocGoPlugin</b><br/>
   548          The binary passed to protoc as a plugin to generate Go code. Defaults to
   549          <code>protoc-gen-go</code>.<br/>
   550          We've found this easier to manage with a <code>go_get</code> rule instead
   551          though, so you can also pass a build label here. See the Please repo for an example.</li>
   553        <li><b>GrpcPythonPlugin</b><br/>
   554          The plugin invoked to compile Python code for <code>grpc_library</code>.<br/>
   555          Defaults to <code>grpc_python_plugin</code>.</li>
   557        <li><b>GrpcJavaPlugin</b><br/>
   558          The plugin invoked to compile Java code for <code>grpc_library</code>.<br/>
   559          Defaults to <code>protoc-gen-grpc-java</code>.</li>
   561        <li><b>Language</b> (repeated string)<br/>
   562          Sets the default set of languages that proto rules are built for.<br/>
   563          Chosen from the set of {<code>cc</code>, <code>java</code>, <code>go</code>,
   564          <code>py</code>}.<br/>
   565          Defaults to multiple <code>Language</code> lines, one line for each of
   566          the following values: <code>cc</code>, <code>py</code>, <code>java</code>,
   567          <code>go</code>, and <code>js</code>.</li>
   569        <li><b>PythonDep</b><br/>
   570          An in-repo dependency that's applied to any Python targets built.
   571          Defaults to <code>//third_party/python:protobuf</code>.</li>
   573        <li><b>JavaDep</b><br/>
   574          An in-repo dependency that's applied to any Java targets built.
   575          Defaults to <code>//third_party/java:protobuf</code>.</li>
   577        <li><b>GoDep</b><br/>
   578          An in-repo dependency that's applied to any Go targets built.
   579          Defaults to <code>//third_party/go:protobuf</code>.</li>
   581        <li><b>PythonGrpcDep</b><br/>
   582          An in-repo dependency that's applied to any Python gRPC targets built.
   583          Defaults to <code>//third_party/python:grpc</code>.</li>
   585        <li><b>JavaGrpcDep</b><br/>
   586          An in-repo dependency that's applied to any Java gRPC targets built.
   587          Defaults to <code>/third_party/java:grpc-all</code>.</li>
   589        <li><b>GoGrpcDep</b><br/>
   590          An in-repo dependency that's applied to any Go gRPC targets built.
   591          Defaults to <code>//third_party/go:grpc</code>.</li>
   593      </ul>
   595      <h3>[Licences]</h3>
   597      <p>Please has a limited ability to detect licences from third-party code. We
   598        obviously can't be 100% sure of these due to the complex nature of dependency
   599        management formats and the many, many different forms each licence can be
   600        described as. Hopefully though this should offer some help in cases where
   601        licences can be detected.</p>
   603      <ul>
   604        <li><b>Accept</b> (repeated string)<br/>
   605          Licences that are accepted in this repository.<br/>
   606  	When this is empty licences are ignored. As soon as it's set any licence
   607  	detected or assigned must be accepted explicitly here.<br/>
   608  	There's no fuzzy matching, so some package managers (especially PyPI and
   609  	Maven, but shockingly not npm which rather nicely uses SPDX) will generate
   610  	a lot of slightly different spellings of the same thing, which will all
   611  	have to be accepted here. We'd rather that than trying to "cleverly" match
   612  	them which might result in matching the wrong thing.</li>
   614        <li><b>Reject</b><br/>
   615  	Licences that are explicitly rejected in this repository.<br/>
   616  	An astute observer will notice that this is not very different to just not
   617  	adding it to the accept section, but it does have the advantage of explicitly
   618  	documenting things that the team aren't allowed to use.</li>
   619      </ul>
   621      <h3>[Aliases]</h3>
   623      <p>This section lets you define new commands to run at the command line. These are
   624        currently implemented as a simple text-based replacement of the original command
   625        which limits some applications, but they can still be very useful.</p>
   627      <p>They're written with a simple <code>alias = replacement</code> syntax:</p>
   629      <pre><code>
   630  	[aliases]
   631  	deploy = run //deployment:deployer --
   632      </code></pre>
   634      <p>This would transform <code>plz deploy //src:please</code> into
   635        <code>plz run //deployment:deployer -- //src:please</code>.</p>
   637      <p>You can also do subcommands of aliases, with a slightly different syntax:</p>
   639      <pre><code>
   640  	[aliases "deploy"]
   641  	dev = run //deployment:deployer -- --env=dev
   642  	prod = run //deployment:deployer -- --env=prod
   643      </code></pre>
   645      <p>These are then invoked as <code>plz deploy dev</code> and
   646        <code>plz deploy prod</code> respectively.<br/>
   647        Due to the limitations of parsing our config format, you can only have one
   648        level of subcommand of aliases.</p>
   650      <h3>[Alias]</h3>
   652      <p>This is (unsurprisingly) very similar to the <code>[Aliases]</code> section, but
   653        allows more information to be defined against each one. For example:</p>
   655      <pre><code>
   656  	[alias "deploy"]
   657      cmd = run //deployment:deployer --
   658      subcommand = dev
   659      subcommand = prod
   660      subcommand = real prod
   661      flag = --force
   662      flag = -f
   663      </code></pre>
   665      <p>This will tab-complete, taking into account the various sub-commands and flags etc.</p>
   668      <h3>[Bazel]</h3>
   670      <p>This section defines some settings to help with limited Bazel compatibility.<br/>
   671        We don't aspire to be fully compatible and mimic all the semantics of their system,
   672        but we hope to ease migration and cross-testing by being able to parse simple repos.</p>
   674      <p>Currently the only attribute here is <code>compatibility</code>, when that is enabled
   675        some aspects of the parser behave a little differently; some of the rule names and flags
   676        change, <code>//visibility:public</code> is interpreted specially and WORKSPACE files are
   677        parsed to find external dependencies.<p>
   679      <p>There is a <code>--bazel_compat</code> flag to <code>plz init</code> which sets this
   680        on initialising a new repo.</p>
   682      <p>We don't have a separate setting for it, but switching this on will also allow limited
   683        Buck compatibility. Specifically <code>include_defs</code> becomes available and the
   684        various C++ rules gain <code>cxx_</code> aliases.</p>