
     1  // Tests on specific functions in build_target.go
     2  package core
     4  import (
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"os"
     7  	"testing"
     9  	""
    10  )
    12  func TestTmpDir(t *testing.T) {
    13  	target := makeTarget("//mickey/donald:goofy", "")
    14  	assert.Equal(t, "plz-out/tmp/mickey/donald/goofy._build", target.TmpDir())
    15  }
    17  func TestOutDir(t *testing.T) {
    18  	target := makeTarget("//mickey/donald:goofy", "")
    19  	assert.Equal(t, "plz-out/gen/mickey/donald", target.OutDir())
    20  	target.IsBinary = true
    21  	assert.Equal(t, "plz-out/bin/mickey/donald", target.OutDir())
    22  }
    24  func TestTestDir(t *testing.T) {
    25  	target := makeTarget("//mickey/donald:goofy", "")
    26  	assert.Equal(t, "plz-out/tmp/mickey/donald/goofy._test", target.TestDir())
    27  }
    29  func TestTmpDirSubrepo(t *testing.T) {
    30  	target := makeTarget("@test_x86//mickey/donald:goofy", "")
    31  	assert.Equal(t, "plz-out/tmp/test_x86/mickey/donald/goofy._build", target.TmpDir())
    32  }
    34  func TestOutDirSubrepo(t *testing.T) {
    35  	target := makeTarget("@test_x86//mickey/donald:goofy", "")
    36  	assert.Equal(t, "plz-out/gen/test_x86/mickey/donald", target.OutDir())
    37  	target.IsBinary = true
    38  	assert.Equal(t, "plz-out/bin/test_x86/mickey/donald", target.OutDir())
    39  }
    41  func TestTestDirSubrepo(t *testing.T) {
    42  	target := makeTarget("@test_x86//mickey/donald:goofy", "")
    43  	assert.Equal(t, "plz-out/tmp/test_x86/mickey/donald/goofy._test", target.TestDir())
    44  }
    46  func TestCanSee(t *testing.T) {
    47  	state := NewDefaultBuildState()
    48  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/build/python:lib1", "")
    49  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/build/python:lib2", "PUBLIC")
    50  	target3 := makeTarget("//src/test/python:lib3", "//src/test/...")
    51  	target4 := makeTarget("//src/test/python/moar:lib4", "")
    53  	// target2 is public so anything can import it
    54  	assert.True(t, target3.CanSee(state, target2), "couldn't see public target")
    55  	assert.True(t, target4.CanSee(state, target2), "couldn't see public target")
    57  	// target1 is not public, other things can't import it
    58  	assert.False(t, target3.CanSee(state, target1), "could see private target")
    59  	assert.False(t, target4.CanSee(state, target1), "could see private target")
    61  	// target2 is in the same package as target1 so can implicitly see it
    62  	assert.True(t, target2.CanSee(state, target1), "couldn't see target in the same package")
    64  	// target3 is only visible to a subtree, things outside it can't see it
    65  	assert.False(t, target1.CanSee(state, target3), "could see target with restricted visibility")
    66  	assert.False(t, target2.CanSee(state, target3), "could see target with restricted visibility")
    68  	// Targets in that subtree can though.
    69  	assert.True(t, target4.CanSee(state, target3), "couldn't see target within its visibility spec")
    71  	// Sub-targets can see things visible to their parents.
    72  	target5 := makeTarget("//src/build/python:lib5", "//src/test/python:test5")
    73  	target6 := makeTarget("//src/test/python:_test5#pex", "")
    74  	assert.True(t, target6.CanSee(state, target5))
    75  	assert.False(t, target5.CanSee(state, target6))
    76  }
    78  func TestCanSeeExperimental(t *testing.T) {
    79  	config := DefaultConfiguration()
    80  	config.Parse.ExperimentalDir = []string{"experimental"}
    81  	state := NewBuildState(1, nil, 1, config)
    83  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
    84  	target2 := makeTarget("//experimental/user:target2", "PUBLIC")
    86  	// target2 can see target1 since it's in experimental, which suppress normal visibility constraints.
    87  	assert.True(t, target2.CanSee(state, target1))
    88  	// target1 can't see target2 because it's in experimental, even though it's public.
    89  	assert.False(t, target1.CanSee(state, target2))
    90  }
    92  func TestCheckDependencyVisibility(t *testing.T) {
    93  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/build/python:lib1", "")
    94  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/build/python:lib2", "PUBLIC", target1)
    95  	target3 := makeTarget("//src/test/python:lib3", "//src/test/...", target2)
    96  	target4 := makeTarget("//src/test/python/moar:lib4", "//src/test/...", target3)
    97  	target5 := makeTarget("//third_party/python:mock", "PUBLIC")
    98  	target5.TestOnly = true
    99  	target6 := makeTarget("//src/test/python:test_lib", "", target5)
   100  	target6.TestOnly = true
   101  	target7 := makeTarget("//src/test/python:test1", "", target5, target4)
   102  	target7.IsTest = true
   104  	state := NewDefaultBuildState()
   105  	state.Graph.AddTarget(target1)
   106  	state.Graph.AddTarget(target2)
   107  	state.Graph.AddTarget(target3)
   108  	state.Graph.AddTarget(target4)
   109  	state.Graph.AddTarget(target5)
   110  	state.Graph.AddTarget(target6)
   111  	state.Graph.AddTarget(target7)
   113  	// Deps should all be correct at this point
   114  	assert.NoError(t, target1.CheckDependencyVisibility(state))
   115  	assert.NoError(t, target2.CheckDependencyVisibility(state))
   116  	assert.NoError(t, target3.CheckDependencyVisibility(state))
   117  	assert.NoError(t, target4.CheckDependencyVisibility(state))
   118  	assert.NoError(t, target5.CheckDependencyVisibility(state))
   119  	assert.NoError(t, target6.CheckDependencyVisibility(state))
   120  	assert.NoError(t, target7.CheckDependencyVisibility(state))
   122  	// Now if we add a dep on this mock library, lib2 will fail because it's not a test.
   123  	target2.resolveDependency(target5.Label, target5)
   124  	assert.Error(t, target2.CheckDependencyVisibility(state))
   126  	// Similarly to above test, if we add a dep on something that can't be seen, we should
   127  	// get errors back from this function.
   128  	target3.resolveDependency(target1.Label, target1)
   129  	assert.Error(t, target3.CheckDependencyVisibility(state))
   130  }
   132  func TestAddOutput(t *testing.T) {
   133  	target := makeTarget("//src/test/python:lib1", "")
   134  	target.AddOutput("")
   135  	target.AddOutput("")
   136  	target.AddOutput("")
   137  	if len(target.Outputs()) != 2 {
   138  		t.Errorf("Incorrect output length; should be 2, was %d", len(target.Outputs()))
   139  	}
   140  }
   142  func TestAddOutputSorting(t *testing.T) {
   143  	target := makeTarget("//src/test/python:lib1", "")
   144  	target.AddOutput("")
   145  	target.AddOutput("")
   146  	target.AddOutput("")
   147  	target.AddOutput("")
   148  	target.AddOutput("1.pyx")
   149  	target.AddOutput("x.pyx")
   150  	expected := []string{
   151  		"",
   152  		"1.pyx",
   153  		"",
   154  		"",
   155  		"x.pyx",
   156  	}
   157  	assert.Equal(t, expected, target.Outputs())
   158  }
   160  func TestAddOutputPanics(t *testing.T) {
   161  	target := makeTarget("//src/test/python:lib1", "")
   162  	assert.Panics(t, func() { target.AddOutput("") })
   163  	assert.Panics(t, func() { target.AddOptionalOutput("") })
   164  	assert.Panics(t, func() { target.AddTestOutput("") })
   165  	assert.Panics(t, func() { target.AddNamedOutput("", "") })
   166  }
   168  func TestAddSource(t *testing.T) {
   169  	target := makeTarget("//src/test/python:lib1", "")
   170  	target.AddSource(ParseBuildLabel("//src/test/python:lib2", ""))
   171  	target.AddSource(ParseBuildLabel("//src/test/python:lib3", ""))
   172  	target.AddSource(ParseBuildLabel("//src/test/python:lib2", ""))
   173  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(target.Sources))
   174  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(target.DeclaredDependencies()))
   175  }
   177  func TestSetContainerSettings(t *testing.T) {
   178  	target := makeTarget("//src/test/python:lib1", "")
   180  	target.SetContainerSetting("dockerimage", "tm/special_image:v2")
   181  	assert.Equal(t, "tm/special_image:v2", target.ContainerSettings.DockerImage)
   183  	target.SetContainerSetting("dockeruser", "")
   184  	assert.Equal(t, "", target.ContainerSettings.DockerUser)
   185  }
   187  func TestOutputs(t *testing.T) {
   188  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "PUBLIC")
   189  	target1.AddOutput("file1.go")
   190  	target1.AddOutput("file2.go")
   191  	target2 := makeFilegroup("//src/test:target2", "PUBLIC", target1)
   192  	target2.AddSource(target1.Label)
   193  	addFilegroupSource(target2, "file3.go")
   194  	target3 := makeFilegroup("//src/test:target3", "PUBLIC", target2)
   195  	target3.AddSource(target2.Label)
   196  	addFilegroupSource(target3, "file4.go")
   198  	assert.Equal(t, []string{"file1.go", "file2.go"}, target1.Outputs())
   199  	assert.Equal(t, []string{"file1.go", "file2.go", "file3.go"}, target2.Outputs())
   200  	assert.Equal(t, []string{"file1.go", "file2.go", "file3.go", "file4.go"}, target3.Outputs())
   201  }
   203  func TestFullOutputs(t *testing.T) {
   204  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "PUBLIC")
   205  	target.AddOutput("file1.go")
   206  	target.AddOutput("file2.go")
   207  	assert.Equal(t, []string{"plz-out/gen/src/core/file1.go", "plz-out/gen/src/core/file2.go"}, target.FullOutputs())
   208  }
   210  func TestProvideFor(t *testing.T) {
   211  	// target1 is provided directly since they have a simple dependency
   212  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "PUBLIC")
   213  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "PUBLIC", target1)
   214  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target1.Label}, target1.ProvideFor(target2))
   215  	// Now have target2 provide target1. target3 will get target1 instead.
   216  	target2.Provides = map[string]BuildLabel{"whatevs": target1.Label}
   217  	target3 := makeTarget("//src/core:target3", "PUBLIC", target2)
   218  	target3.Requires = append(target3.Requires, "whatevs")
   219  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target1.Label}, target2.ProvideFor(target3))
   220  	// Now target4 has a data dependency on target2. It has the same requirement as target3 but
   221  	// it gets target2 instead of target1, because that's just how data deps work.
   222  	target4 := makeTarget("//src/core:target4", "PUBLIC", target2)
   223  	target4.Data = append(target4.Data, target2.Label)
   224  	target4.Requires = append(target4.Requires, "whatevs")
   225  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target2.Label}, target2.ProvideFor(target4))
   226  }
   228  func TestAddProvide(t *testing.T) {
   229  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "PUBLIC")
   230  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "PUBLIC", target1)
   231  	target3 := makeTarget("//src/core:target3", "PUBLIC", target2)
   232  	target2.AddDependency(target1.Label)
   233  	target2.AddProvide("go", ParseBuildLabel(":target1", "src/core"))
   234  	target3.Requires = append(target3.Requires, "go")
   235  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target1.Label}, target2.ProvideFor(target3))
   236  }
   238  func TestAddDatum(t *testing.T) {
   239  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "PUBLIC")
   240  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "PUBLIC")
   241  	target1.AddDatum(target2.Label)
   242  	assert.Equal(t, target1.Data, []BuildInput{target2.Label})
   243  	assert.True(t, target1.dependencies[0].data)
   244  	// Now we add it as a dependency too, which unsets the data label
   245  	target1.AddMaybeExportedDependency(target2.Label, false, false)
   246  	assert.False(t, target1.dependencies[0].data)
   247  }
   249  func TestCheckDuplicateOutputs(t *testing.T) {
   250  	target1 := makeFilegroup("//src/core:target1", "PUBLIC")
   251  	target3 := makeFilegroup("//src/core:target3", "PUBLIC")
   252  	target2 := makeFilegroup("//src/core:target2", "PUBLIC", target1, target3)
   253  	addFilegroupSource(target1, "thingy.txt")
   254  	addFilegroupSource(target3, "thingy.txt")
   255  	assert.NoError(t, target1.CheckDuplicateOutputs())
   256  	target2.AddSource(target1.Label)
   257  	target2.AddSource(target1.Label)
   258  	// Not an error yet because AddOutput deduplicates trivially identical outputs.
   259  	assert.NoError(t, target2.CheckDuplicateOutputs())
   260  	// Will fail now we add the same output to another target.
   261  	target2.AddSource(target3.Label)
   262  	assert.Error(t, target2.CheckDuplicateOutputs())
   263  }
   265  func TestLabels(t *testing.T) {
   266  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "PUBLIC")
   267  	assert.False(t, target.HasLabel("py"))
   268  	assert.False(t, target.HasAnyLabel([]string{"py", "go"}))
   269  	target.AddLabel("py")
   270  	assert.True(t, target.HasLabel("py"))
   271  	assert.True(t, target.HasAnyLabel([]string{"py", "go"}))
   272  	target.AddLabel("py")
   273  	target.AddLabel("go")
   274  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(target.Labels))
   275  	// "test" label is implicit on tests.
   276  	assert.False(t, target.HasLabel("test"))
   277  	target.IsTest = true
   278  	assert.True(t, target.HasLabel("test"))
   279  }
   281  func TestGetCommandConfig(t *testing.T) {
   282  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "PUBLIC")
   283  	target.Command = "test1"
   284  	assert.Equal(t, "test1", target.GetCommandConfig(""))
   285  	target.Command = ""
   286  	target.AddCommand("opt", "test3")
   287  	target.AddCommand("dbg", "test4")
   288  	assert.Equal(t, "test3", target.GetCommandConfig("opt"))
   289  	assert.Equal(t, "test4", target.GetCommandConfig("dbg"))
   290  }
   292  func TestGetCommand(t *testing.T) {
   293  	state := NewDefaultBuildState()
   294  	state.Config.Build.Config = "dbg"
   295  	state.Config.Build.FallbackConfig = "opt"
   296  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "PUBLIC")
   297  	target.Command = "test1"
   298  	assert.Equal(t, "test1", target.GetCommand(state))
   299  	assert.Panics(t, func() { target.AddCommand("opt", "test2") },
   300  		"Should panic when adding a config command to a target with a command already")
   301  	target.Command = ""
   302  	target.AddCommand("opt", "test3")
   303  	target.AddCommand("dbg", "test4")
   304  	assert.Equal(t, "test4", target.GetCommand(state), "Current config is dbg")
   305  	state.Config.Build.Config = "opt"
   306  	assert.Equal(t, "test3", target.GetCommand(state), "Current config is opt")
   307  	state.Config.Build.Config = "fast"
   308  	assert.Equal(t, "test3", target.GetCommand(state), "Default config is opt, should fall back to that")
   309  }
   311  func TestGetTestCommand(t *testing.T) {
   312  	state := NewDefaultBuildState()
   313  	state.Config.Build.Config = "dbg"
   314  	state.Config.Build.FallbackConfig = "opt"
   315  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "PUBLIC")
   316  	target.TestCommand = "test1"
   317  	assert.Equal(t, "test1", target.GetTestCommand(state))
   318  	assert.Panics(t, func() { target.AddTestCommand("opt", "test2") },
   319  		"Should panic when adding a config command to a target with a command already")
   320  	target.TestCommand = ""
   321  	target.AddTestCommand("opt", "test3")
   322  	target.AddTestCommand("dbg", "test4")
   323  	assert.Equal(t, "test4", target.GetTestCommand(state), "Current config is dbg")
   324  	state.Config.Build.Config = "opt"
   325  	assert.Equal(t, "test3", target.GetTestCommand(state), "Current config is opt")
   326  	state.Config.Build.Config = "fast"
   327  	assert.Equal(t, "test3", target.GetTestCommand(state), "Default config is opt, should fall back to that")
   328  }
   330  func TestHasSource(t *testing.T) {
   331  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   332  	target.Sources = append(target.Sources, FileLabel{File: "file1.go"})
   333  	target.AddNamedSource("wevs", FileLabel{File: "file2.go"})
   334  	assert.True(t, target.HasSource("file1.go"))
   335  	assert.True(t, target.HasSource("file2.go"))
   336  	assert.False(t, target.HasSource("file3.go"))
   337  }
   339  func TestHasAbsoluteSource(t *testing.T) {
   340  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   341  	target.Sources = append(target.Sources, FileLabel{File: "file1.go"})
   342  	target.AddNamedSource("wevs", FileLabel{File: "file2.go"})
   343  	assert.False(t, target.HasSource("src/core/file1.go"))
   344  	assert.True(t, target.HasAbsoluteSource("src/core/file1.go"))
   345  	assert.True(t, target.HasAbsoluteSource("src/core/file2.go"))
   346  	assert.False(t, target.HasSource("src/core/file3.go"))
   347  }
   349  func TestToolPath(t *testing.T) {
   350  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   351  	target.AddOutput("file1.go")
   352  	target.AddOutput("file2.go")
   353  	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
   354  	root := wd + "/plz-out/gen/src/core"
   355  	assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s/file1.go %s/file2.go", root, root), target.toolPath())
   356  }
   358  func TestDependencies(t *testing.T) {
   359  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   360  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "", target1)
   361  	target3 := makeTarget("//src/core:target3", "", target1, target2)
   362  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{}, target1.DeclaredDependencies())
   363  	assert.Equal(t, []*BuildTarget{}, target1.Dependencies())
   364  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target1.Label}, target2.DeclaredDependencies())
   365  	assert.Equal(t, []*BuildTarget{target1}, target2.Dependencies())
   366  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target1.Label, target2.Label}, target3.DeclaredDependencies())
   367  	assert.Equal(t, []*BuildTarget{target1, target2}, target3.Dependencies())
   368  }
   370  func TestBuildDependencies(t *testing.T) {
   371  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   372  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "", target1)
   373  	target3 := makeTarget("//src/core:target3", "", target2)
   374  	target3.AddDatum(target1.Label)
   375  	assert.Equal(t, []*BuildTarget{}, target1.BuildDependencies())
   376  	assert.Equal(t, []*BuildTarget{target1}, target2.BuildDependencies())
   377  	assert.Equal(t, []*BuildTarget{target2}, target3.BuildDependencies())
   378  }
   380  func TestDeclaredDependenciesStrict(t *testing.T) {
   381  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   382  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "", target1)
   383  	target3 := makeTarget("//src/core:target3", "", target2)
   384  	target3.AddMaybeExportedDependency(target1.Label, true, false)
   385  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{}, target1.DeclaredDependenciesStrict())
   386  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target1.Label}, target2.DeclaredDependenciesStrict())
   387  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target2.Label}, target3.DeclaredDependenciesStrict())
   388  }
   390  func TestAddDependency(t *testing.T) {
   391  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   392  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "")
   393  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{}, target2.DeclaredDependencies())
   394  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{}, target2.ExportedDependencies())
   395  	target2.AddDependency(target1.Label)
   396  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target1.Label}, target2.DeclaredDependencies())
   397  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{}, target2.ExportedDependencies())
   398  	target2.AddMaybeExportedDependency(target1.Label, true, false)
   399  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target1.Label}, target2.DeclaredDependencies())
   400  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildLabel{target1.Label}, target2.ExportedDependencies())
   401  	assert.Equal(t, []*BuildTarget{}, target2.Dependencies())
   402  	target2.resolveDependency(target1.Label, target1)
   403  	assert.Equal(t, []*BuildTarget{target1}, target2.Dependencies())
   404  }
   406  func TestAddDependencySource(t *testing.T) {
   407  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   408  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "")
   409  	target2.AddMaybeExportedDependency(target1.Label, true, true)
   410  	assert.True(t, target2.IsSourceOnlyDep(target1.Label))
   411  	// N.B. It's important that calling this again cancels the source flag.
   412  	target2.AddMaybeExportedDependency(target1.Label, true, false)
   413  	assert.False(t, target2.IsSourceOnlyDep(target1.Label))
   414  }
   416  func TestDependencyFor(t *testing.T) {
   417  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   418  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "", target1)
   419  	assert.Equal(t, []*BuildTarget{target1}, target2.DependenciesFor(target1.Label))
   420  	assert.Equal(t, []*BuildTarget(nil), target2.DependenciesFor(target2.Label))
   421  	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(target2.dependencies))
   422  }
   424  func TestParent(t *testing.T) {
   425  	// "grandchild" is of course a misnomer since we only really have a concept of
   426  	// one level of parent-child relationship.
   427  	grandchild := makeTarget("//src/core:__target1#child#grandchild", "")
   428  	child := makeTarget("//src/core:_target1#child", "", grandchild)
   429  	parent := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "", child)
   430  	graph := NewGraph()
   431  	graph.AddTarget(grandchild)
   432  	graph.AddTarget(child)
   433  	graph.AddTarget(parent)
   435  	assert.Equal(t, parent.Label, grandchild.Label.Parent())
   436  	assert.Equal(t, parent.Label, child.Label.Parent())
   437  	assert.Equal(t, parent.Label, parent.Label.Parent())
   438  	assert.Equal(t, parent, grandchild.Parent(graph))
   439  	assert.Equal(t, parent, child.Parent(graph))
   440  	assert.Equal(t, (*BuildTarget)(nil), parent.Parent(graph))
   441  }
   443  func TestHasParent(t *testing.T) {
   444  	grandchild := makeTarget("//src/core:__target1#child#grandchild", "")
   445  	child := makeTarget("//src/core:_target1#child", "", grandchild)
   446  	parent := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "", child)
   447  	assert.True(t, grandchild.HasParent())
   448  	assert.True(t, child.HasParent())
   449  	assert.False(t, parent.HasParent())
   450  }
   452  func TestOutMode(t *testing.T) {
   453  	// Check that output modes match the binary flag correctly.
   454  	// This feels a little fatuous but it's hard to have any less specific assertions on it.
   455  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   456  	assert.Equal(t, os.FileMode(0444), target.OutMode())
   457  	target.IsBinary = true
   458  	assert.Equal(t, os.FileMode(0555), target.OutMode())
   459  }
   461  func TestOutputOrdering(t *testing.T) {
   462  	// Check that outputs come out ordered, this is important for hash stability; previously
   463  	// we preserved the original order, but tools like buildifier may reorder them assuming
   464  	// that the order of arguments is not important.
   465  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   466  	target1.AddOutput("file1.txt")
   467  	target1.AddOutput("file2.txt")
   468  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "")
   469  	target2.AddOutput("file2.txt")
   470  	target2.AddOutput("file1.txt")
   471  	assert.Equal(t, target1.DeclaredOutputs(), target2.DeclaredOutputs())
   472  	assert.Equal(t, target1.Outputs(), target2.Outputs())
   473  }
   475  func TestNamedOutputs(t *testing.T) {
   476  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   477  	target.AddOutput("a.txt")
   478  	target.AddOutput("z.txt")
   479  	target.AddNamedOutput("srcs", "src1.c")
   480  	target.AddNamedOutput("srcs", "src2.c")
   481  	target.AddNamedOutput("hdrs", "hdr1.h")
   482  	target.AddNamedOutput("hdrs", "hdr2.h")
   483  	target.AddNamedOutput("hdrs", "hdr2.h") // deliberate duplicate
   484  	assert.Equal(t, []string{"a.txt", "hdr1.h", "hdr2.h", "src1.c", "src2.c", "z.txt"}, target.Outputs())
   485  	assert.Equal(t, []string{"a.txt", "z.txt"}, target.DeclaredOutputs())
   486  	assert.Equal(t, map[string][]string{"srcs": {"src1.c", "src2.c"}, "hdrs": {"hdr1.h", "hdr2.h"}}, target.DeclaredNamedOutputs())
   487  	assert.Equal(t, []string{"hdr1.h", "hdr2.h"}, target.NamedOutputs("hdrs"))
   488  	assert.Equal(t, []string{"src1.c", "src2.c"}, target.NamedOutputs("srcs"))
   489  	assert.Equal(t, 0, len(target.NamedOutputs("go_srcs")))
   490  	assert.Equal(t, []string{"hdrs", "srcs"}, target.DeclaredOutputNames())
   491  }
   493  func TestAllLocalSources(t *testing.T) {
   494  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   495  	target.AddSource(FileLabel{File: "target1.go", Package: "src/core"})
   496  	target.AddSource(BuildLabel{Name: "target2", PackageName: "src/core"})
   497  	target.AddSource(SystemFileLabel{Path: "/usr/bin/bash"})
   498  	assert.Equal(t, []string{"src/core/target1.go"}, target.AllLocalSources())
   499  }
   501  func TestCheckSecrets(t *testing.T) {
   502  	target := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   503  	assert.NoError(t, target.CheckSecrets())
   504  	target.Secrets = append(target.Secrets, "/bin/sh")
   505  	assert.NoError(t, target.CheckSecrets())
   506  	// Checking for files in the home directory is awkward because nothing is really
   507  	// guaranteed to exist. We just check the directory itself for now.
   508  	target.Secrets = append(target.Secrets, "~/")
   509  	assert.NoError(t, target.CheckSecrets())
   510  	target.Secrets = append(target.Secrets, "/doesnt_exist")
   511  	assert.Error(t, target.CheckSecrets())
   512  }
   514  func TestAddTool(t *testing.T) {
   515  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   516  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "")
   517  	target1.AddTool(target2.Label)
   518  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildInput{target2.Label}, target1.Tools)
   519  	assert.True(t, target1.HasDependency(target2.Label))
   520  }
   522  func TestAddNamedTool(t *testing.T) {
   523  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   524  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "")
   525  	target1.AddNamedTool("test", target2.Label)
   526  	assert.Equal(t, 0, len(target1.Tools))
   527  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildInput{target2.Label}, target1.NamedTools("test"))
   528  	assert.True(t, target1.HasDependency(target2.Label))
   529  }
   531  func TestAllTools(t *testing.T) {
   532  	target1 := makeTarget("//src/core:target1", "")
   533  	target2 := makeTarget("//src/core:target2", "")
   534  	target3 := makeTarget("//src/core:target3", "")
   535  	target4 := makeTarget("//src/core:target4", "")
   536  	target1.AddTool(target2.Label)
   537  	target1.AddNamedTool("test1", target4.Label)
   538  	target1.AddNamedTool("test2", target3.Label)
   539  	assert.Equal(t, []BuildInput{target2.Label, target4.Label, target3.Label}, target1.AllTools())
   540  }
   542  func TestContainerSettingsToMap(t *testing.T) {
   543  	s := TargetContainerSettings{
   544  		DockerImage: "alpine:3.5",
   545  		DockerUser:  "test",
   546  	}
   547  	expected := map[string]string{
   548  		"docker_image": "alpine:3.5",
   549  		"docker_user":  "test",
   550  	}
   551  	assert.Equal(t, expected, s.ToMap())
   552  }
   554  func TestShouldIncludeSimple(t *testing.T) {
   555  	target := makeTargetWithLabels("//src/core:target1", "a", "b", "c")
   556  	excludes := []string{}
   557  	includes := []string{"a"}
   558  	assert.True(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   560  	includes = []string{"b"}
   561  	assert.True(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   563  	includes = []string{"c"}
   564  	assert.True(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   565  }
   567  func TestShouldIncludeNonMatchingInclude(t *testing.T) {
   568  	target := makeTargetWithLabels("//src/core:target1", "a", "b", "c")
   569  	excludes := []string{}
   570  	includes := []string{"d"}
   571  	assert.False(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   572  }
   574  func TestShouldIncludeWithExclude(t *testing.T) {
   575  	target := makeTargetWithLabels("//src/core:target1", "a", "b", "c")
   576  	includes := []string{}
   577  	excludes := []string{"a"}
   578  	assert.False(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   580  	excludes = []string{"b"}
   581  	assert.False(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   583  	excludes = []string{"c"}
   584  	assert.False(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   585  }
   587  func TestShouldIncludeWithIncludeAndExclude(t *testing.T) {
   588  	target := makeTargetWithLabels("//src/core:target1", "a", "b", "c")
   589  	includes := []string{"a"}
   590  	excludes := []string{"b"}
   591  	assert.False(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   592  }
   594  func TestShouldIncludeWithCompoundInclude(t *testing.T) {
   595  	target := makeTargetWithLabels("//src/core:target1", "a", "b", "c")
   596  	includes := []string{"a,b"}
   597  	excludes := []string{}
   598  	assert.True(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   600  	includes = []string{"a,d", "a"}
   601  	assert.True(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   603  	includes = []string{"a,d"}
   604  	assert.False(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   605  }
   607  func TestShouldIncludeWithCompoundExclude(t *testing.T) {
   608  	target := makeTargetWithLabels("//src/core:target1", "a", "b", "c")
   609  	includes := []string{}
   610  	excludes := []string{"a,d"}
   611  	assert.True(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   613  	excludes = []string{"a,b", "d"}
   614  	assert.False(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   615  }
   617  func TestShouldIncludeWithCompoundIncludeAndExclude(t *testing.T) {
   618  	target := makeTargetWithLabels("//src/core:target1", "a", "b", "c")
   619  	includes := []string{"a,b"}
   620  	excludes := []string{"a,d"}
   621  	assert.True(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   623  	includes = []string{"a,b"}
   624  	excludes = []string{"a,c"}
   625  	assert.False(t, target.ShouldInclude(includes, excludes))
   626  }
   628  func TestShouldIncludeManual(t *testing.T) {
   629  	target := makeTargetWithLabels("//src/core:target1", "a", "manual")
   630  	// Doesn't include because "manual" overrides it
   631  	assert.False(t, target.ShouldInclude([]string{"a"}, nil))
   633  	target = makeTargetWithLabels("//src/core:target1", "a", "manual:test_armhf")
   634  	// Does include because it's a different architecture
   635  	assert.True(t, target.ShouldInclude([]string{"a"}, nil))
   637  	target = makeTargetWithLabels("//src/core:target1", "a", "manual:"+OsArch)
   638  	// Doesn't include because it's manual for this architecture.
   639  	assert.False(t, target.ShouldInclude([]string{"a"}, nil))
   640  }
   642  func makeTarget(label, visibility string, deps ...*BuildTarget) *BuildTarget {
   643  	target := NewBuildTarget(ParseBuildLabel(label, ""))
   644  	if visibility == "PUBLIC" {
   645  		target.Visibility = append(target.Visibility, BuildLabel{PackageName: "", Name: "..."})
   646  	} else if visibility != "" {
   647  		target.Visibility = append(target.Visibility, ParseBuildLabel(visibility, ""))
   648  	}
   649  	for _, dep := range deps {
   650  		target.AddDependency(dep.Label)
   651  		target.resolveDependency(dep.Label, dep)
   652  	}
   653  	return target
   654  }
   656  func makeTargetWithLabels(name string, labels ...string) *BuildTarget {
   657  	target := makeTarget(name, "")
   658  	for _, label := range labels {
   659  		target.AddLabel(label)
   660  	}
   661  	return target
   662  }
   664  func makeFilegroup(label, visibility string, deps ...*BuildTarget) *BuildTarget {
   665  	target := makeTarget(label, visibility, deps...)
   666  	target.IsFilegroup = true
   667  	return target
   668  }
   670  func addFilegroupSource(target *BuildTarget, source string) {
   671  	target.AddSource(FileLabel{Package: target.Label.PackageName, File: source})
   672  }