
     1  # This is a service gateway to the replica set created by the deployment.
     2  # Take a look at the deployment.yaml for general notes about this chart.
     3  apiVersion: v1
     4  kind: Service
     5  metadata:
     6    name: "{{ }}"
     7    labels:
     8      heritage: {{ .Release.Service | quote }}
     9      release: {{ .Release.Name | quote }}
    10      chart: "{{.Chart.Name}}-{{.Chart.Version}}"
    11  spec:
    12    ports:
    13    - port: {{default 80 .Values.httpPort | quote}}
    14      targetPort: 80
    15      protocol: TCP
    16      name: http
    17    selector:
    18      app: {{template "fullname" .}}