
     1  package record
     3  import ""
     5  //XF: Extended Format (E0h)
     7  var XFRecord = []byte{0xE0, 0x00} //(E0h)
     9  /*
    11  The XF record stores formatting properties. There are two different XF records, one
    12  for cell records and another for style records. The fStyle bit is true if the XF is a
    13  style XF . The ixfe of a cell record ( BLANK , LABEL , NUMBER , RK , and so on) points
    14  to a cell XF record, and the ixfe of a STYLE record points to a style XF record.
    15  Note: in previous BIFF versions, the record number for the XF record was 43h.
    16  Prior to BIFF5, all number format information was included in FORMAT records in the
    17  BIFF file. Beginning with BIFF5, many of the built-in number formats were moved to
    18  an internal table and are no longer saved with the file as FORMAT records. Use the
    19  ifmt to associate the built-in number formats with an XF record. However, the
    20  internal number formats are no longer visible in the BIFF file.
    21  The following table lists all the number formats that are now maintained internally.
    22  Note: 17h through 24h are reserved for international versions and are
    23  undocumented at this time.
    25  Index to internal
    26  format (ifmt)			Format string
    27  -------------------------------------
    28  00h 					General
    29  01h 					0
    30  02h 					0.00
    31  03h 					#,##0
    32  04h 					#,##0.00
    33  05h 					($#,##0_);($#,##0)
    34  06h 					($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)
    35  07h 					($#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)
    36  08h 					($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)
    37  09h 					0%
    38  0ah 					0.00%
    39  0bh 					0.00E+00
    40  0ch 					# ?/?
    41  0dh 					# ??/??
    42  0eh 					m/d/yy
    43  0fh 					d-mmm-yy
    44  10h 					d-mmm
    45  11h 					mmm-yy
    46  12h 					h:mm AM/PM
    47  13h 					h:mm:ss AM/PM
    48  14h 					h:mm
    49  15h 					h:mm:ss
    50  16h 					m/d/yy h:mm
    51  25h 					(#,##0_);(#,##0)
    52  26h 					(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)
    53  27h 					(#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)
    54  28h 					(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)
    55  29h 					_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)
    56  2ah 					_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"_);_(@_)
    57  2bh 					_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)
    58  2ch 					_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)
    59  2dh 					mm:ss
    60  2eh 					[h]:mm:ss
    61  2fh 					mm:ss.0
    62  30h 					##0.0E+0
    63  31h 					@
    65  A BIFF file can contain as many XF records as are necessary to describe the different
    66  cell formats and styles in a workbook. The XF records are written in a table in the
    67  workbook ( Book ) stream, and the index to the XF record table is a 0-based number
    68  called ixfe .
    69  The workbook stream must contain a minimum XF table consisting of 15 style XF
    70  records and one cell XF record ( ixfe=0 through ixfe=15 ). The first XF record
    71  ( ixfe=0 ) is the XF record for the Normal style. The next 14 records ( ixfe=1
    72  through ixfe=14 ) are XF records that correspond to outline styles RowLevel_1,
    73  ColLevel_1, RowLevel_2, ColLevel_2, and so on. The last record ( ixfe=15 ) is the
    74  default cell XF for the workbook.
    75  Following these XF records are five additional style XF records (not strictly required)
    76  that correspond to the Comma, Comma [0], Currency, Currency [0], and Percent
    77  styles.
    80  Cell XF Record — BIFF8
    81  Record Data
    82  Offset		Bits		Mask		Name		Contents
    83  --------------------------------------------------------
    84  4 			15–0 		FFFFh 		ifnt 		Index to the FONT record.
    85  6 			15–0 		FFFFh 		ifmt 		Index to the FORMAT record.
    86  8 			0 			0001h 		fLocked 	=1 if the cell is locked
    87  			1 			0002h 		fHidden 	=1 if the cell is hidden.
    88  			2 			0004h 		fStyle 		=0 for cell XF.
    89  												=1 for style XF.
    90  			3 			0008h 		f123Prefix	If the Transition Navigation Keys option is off (Options dialog box,
    91  												Transition tab), f123Prefix=1 indicates that a leading apostrophe
    92  												(single quotation mark) is being used to coerce the cell‘s contents to a
    93  												simple string. If the Transition Navigation Keys option is on, f123Prefix=1 indicates
    94  												that the cell formula begins with one of the four Lotus 1-2-3 alignment
    95  												prefix characters:
    96  																	' left
    97  																	" right
    98  																	^ centered
    99  																	\ fill
   100  												This bit is always 0 if fStyle=1 .
   101  			15–4 		FFF0h		ixfParent	Index to the XF record of the parent style. Every cell XF must have a
   102  												parent style XF , which is usually ixfeNormal=0 T his structure is always FFFh if fStyle=1 .
   103  10			2–0			0007h		alc			Alignment:
   104  													0= general
   105  													1= left
   106  													2= center
   107  													3= right
   108  													4= fill
   109  													5= justify
   110  													6= center across selection
   111  			3			0008h		fWrap		=1 wrap text in cell.
   112  			6–4			0070h		alcV		Vertical alignment:
   113  													0= top
   114  													1= center
   115  													2= bottom
   116  													3= justify
   117  			7			0080h		fJustLast		(Used only in East Asian versions of Excel).
   118  			15–8		FF00h		trot			Rotation, in degrees; 0–90dec is up  0–90 deg., 91–180dec is down 1–90
   119  													deg, and 255dec is vertical.
   120  12			3–0			000Fh		cIndent			Indent value (Format Cells dialog box, Alignment tab)
   121  			4			0010h		fShrinkToFit	=1 if Shrink To Fit option is on
   122  			5			0020h		fMergeCell		=1 if Merge Cells option is on (Format Cells dialog box, Alignment tab).
   123  			7–6			00C0h		iReadOrder		Reading direction (East Asian versions only):
   124  														0= Context
   125  														1= Left-to-right
   126  														2= Right-to-left
   127  			9–8			0300h		(Reserved)
   128  			10			0400h		fAtrNum			=1 if the ifmt is not equal to the ifmt of the parent style XF .
   129  													This bit is N/A if fStyle=1 .
   130  			11			0800h		fAtrFnt			=1 if the ifnt is not equal to the ifnt of the parent style XF .
   131  													This bit is N/A if fStyle=1 .
   132  			12			1000h		fAtrAlc			=1 if either the alc or the fWrap structure is not equal to the corresponding structure
   133  													of the parent style XF . This bit is N/A if fStyle=1 .
   134  			13			2000h		fAtrBdr			=1 if any border line structure ( dgTop , and so on) is not equal to the
   135  													corresponding structure of the parent style XF.  This bit is N/A if fStyle=1 .
   136  			14			4000h		fAtrPat			=1 if any pattern structure ( fls , icvFore , icvBack ) is not equal to
   137  													the corresponding structure of the parent style XF . This bit is N/A if fStyle=1 .
   138  			15			8000h		fAtrProt		=1 if either the fLocked structure or the fHidden structure is not equal to the
   139  													corresponding structure of the parent style XF. This bit is N/A if fStyle=1.
   140  14			3–0			000Fh		dgLeft			Border line style (see the following table).
   141  			7–4			00F0h		dgRight			Border line style (see the following table).
   142  			11–8		0F00h		dgTop			Border line style (see the following table).
   143  			15–12		F000h		dgBottom		Border line style (see the following table).
   144  16			6–0			007Fh		icvLeft			Index to the color palette for the left border color.
   145  			13–7		3F80h		icvRight		Index to the color palette for the right border color.
   146  			15–14		C000h		grbitDiag		1=diag down, 2=diag up, 3=both.
   147  18			6–0			0000007Fh	icvTop			Index to the color palette for the top border color.
   148  			13–7		00003F80h	icvBottom		Index to the color palette for the bottom border color.
   149  			20–14		001FC000h	icvDiag			for diagonal borders.
   150  			24–21		01E00000h	dgDiag			Border line style (see the following table).
   151  			25			02000000h	fHasXFExt		=1 when a subsequent XFEXT record may modify the properties of this XF.
   152  													New for Office Excel 2007
   153  			31–26		FC000000h	fls				Fill pattern.
   154  22			6–0			007Fh		icvFore			Index to the color palette for the foreground color of the fill pattern.
   155  			13–7		3F80h		icvBack			Index to the color palette for the background color of the fill pattern.
   156  			14			4000h		fSxButton		=1 if the XF record is attached to a PivotTable button. This bit is always 0 if fStyle=1 .
   157  			15			8000h		(Reserved)
   159  */
   161  type XF struct {
   162  	font   [2]byte
   163  	format [2]byte
   164  	ttype  [2]byte
   165  }
   167  func (r *XF) Read(stream []byte) {
   168  	copy(r.font[:], stream[0:2])
   169  	copy(r.format[:], stream[2:4])
   170  	copy(r.ttype[:], stream[4:6])
   172  }
   174  func (r *XF) GetFormatIndex() int {
   175  	return int(helpers.BytesToUint16(r.format[:]))
   176  }