
     1  ---
     2  title: title
     3  # linktitle:
     4  description: Converts all characters in the provided string to title case.
     5  godocref:
     6  date: 2017-02-01
     7  publishdate: 2017-02-01
     8  lastmod: 2017-02-01
     9  categories: [functions]
    10  menu:
    11    docs:
    12      parent: "functions"
    13  keywords: [strings]
    14  signature: ["title INPUT"]
    15  workson: []
    16  hugoversion:
    17  relatedfuncs: []
    18  deprecated: false
    19  aliases: []
    20  ---
    23  ```
    24  {{title "BatMan"}}` → "Batman"
    25  ```
    27  Can be combined in pipes. In the following snippet, the link text is cleaned up using `humanize` to remove dashes and `title` to convert the value of `$name` to Initial Caps.
    29  ```
    30  {{ range $name, $items := .Site.Taxonomies.categories }}
    31      <li><a href="{{ printf "%s/%s" "categories" ($name | urlize | lower) | absURL }}">{{ $name | humanize | title }} ({{ len $items }})</a></li>
    32  {{ end }}
    33  ```