(about) 1 <!-- Similar to exfile.html but *only* pulls the front matter from the example/content/*md --> 2 {{ $file := .Get 0}} 3 {{ $filepath := replace $file "static/" ""}} 4 {{ $syntax := index (split $file ".") 1 }} 5 {{ $syntaxoverride := eq (len .Params) 2 }} 6 <div class="code-copy" id="{{$file | urlize}}"> 7 <div class="code-copy-header examplesite"><div class="action-buttons"></div><span title="" class="filename">{{$filepath}}</span><i class="icon-{{$syntax}} input"></i></div> 8 <button class="copy-button" title="Copy to clipboard" data-clipboard-snippet> 9 <div class="copy-text"><i class="icon-clipboard"></i> COPY</div> 10 </button> 11 <pre><code class="language-{{if $syntaxoverride}}{{.Get 1}}{{else}}{{$syntax}}{{end}}">{{- readFile $file -}}</code></pre> 12 <a role="button" target="_blank" href="{{$.Site.Params.ghdocsrepo}}{{$file}}" title="See {{$filepath}} on GitHub" class="see-on-github">Source<i class="icon-github"></i></a> 13 </div>