
     1  ---
     2  title: "Hello Hugo!"
     3  description: "Saying 'Hello' from Hugo"
     4  date: "2014-09-01"
     5  categories:
     6    - "example"
     7    - "hello"
     8  tags:
     9    - "example"
    10    - "hugo"
    11    - "blog"
    12  ---
    14  Hello from Hugo! If you're reading this in your browser, good job! The file `content/post/` has been
    15  converted into a complete HTML document by Hugo. Isn't that pretty nifty?
    17  A Section
    18  ---------
    20  Here's a simple titled section where you can place whatever information you want.
    22  You can use inline HTML if you want, but really there's not much that Markdown can't do.
    24  Showing off with Markdown
    25  -------------------------
    27  A full cheat sheet can be found [here](
    28  or through [Google](
    30  There are some *easy* examples for styling, though. I can't **emphasize** that enough.
    31  Creating [links]( or `inline code` blocks are very straightforward.
    33  ```
    34  There are some *easy* examples for styling, though. I can't **emphasize** that enough.
    35  Creating [links]( or `inline code` blocks are very straightforward.
    36  ```
    38  Front Matter for Fun
    39  --------------------
    41  This is the meta data for this post. It is located at the top of the `content/post/` markdown file.
    43  ```
    44  ---
    45  title: "Hello Hugo!"
    46  description: "Saying 'Hello' from Hugo"
    47  date: "2014-09-01"
    48  categories:
    49    - "example"
    50    - "hello"
    51  tags:
    52    - "example"
    53    - "hugo"
    54    - "blog"
    55  ---
    56  ```
    58  This section, called 'Front Matter', is what tells Hugo about the content in this file: the `title` of the item, the
    59  `description`, and the `date` it was posted. In our example, we've added two custom bits of data too. The `categories` and
    60  `tags` sections are used in this example for indexing/grouping content. You will learn more about what that means by
    61  examining the code in this example and through reading the Hugo [documentation](