
     1  // Copyright 2017-present The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     9  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    10  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    11  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    12  // limitations under the License.
    14  package hugolib
    16  import (
    17  	"fmt"
    18  	"path/filepath"
    19  	"strings"
    20  	"testing"
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  func TestNestedSections(t *testing.T) {
    27  	t.Parallel()
    29  	var (
    30  		assert  = require.New(t)
    31  		cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
    32  		th      = testHelper{cfg, fs, t}
    33  	)
    35  	cfg.Set("permalinks", map[string]string{
    36  		"perm a": ":sections/:title",
    37  	})
    39  	pageTemplate := `---
    40  title: T%d_%d
    41  ---
    42  Content
    43  `
    45  	// Home page
    46  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, -1, -1))
    48  	// Top level content page
    49  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1234, 5))
    51  	// Top level section without index content page
    52  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "top", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 12345, 6))
    53  	// Just a page in a subfolder, i.e. not a section.
    54  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "top", "folder", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 12345, 67))
    56  	for level1 := 1; level1 < 3; level1++ {
    57  		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", fmt.Sprintf("", level1)),
    58  			fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, level1))
    59  	}
    61  	// Issue #3586
    62  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "post", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, 2))
    63  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "post", "0000", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, 3))
    64  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "elsewhere", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, 4))
    66  	// Empty nested section, i.e. no regular content pages.
    67  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "empty1", "b", "c", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 33, -1))
    68  	// Index content file a the end and in the middle.
    69  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "empty2", "b", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 40, -1))
    70  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "empty2", "b", "c", "d", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 41, -1))
    72  	// Empty with content file in the middle.
    73  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "empty3", "b", "c", "d", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 41, -1))
    74  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "empty3", "b", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 3, -1))
    76  	// Section with permalink config
    77  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "perm a", "link", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 9, -1))
    78  	for i := 1; i < 4; i++ {
    79  		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "perm a", "link", fmt.Sprintf("", i)),
    80  			fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, i))
    81  	}
    82  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "perm a", "link", "regular", fmt.Sprintf("", 5)),
    83  		fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, 5))
    85  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 2, -1))
    86  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2_2", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 22, -1))
    87  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2", "l3", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 3, -1))
    89  	for level2 := 1; level2 < 4; level2++ {
    90  		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2", fmt.Sprintf("", level2)),
    91  			fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 2, level2))
    92  	}
    93  	for level2 := 1; level2 < 3; level2++ {
    94  		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2_2", fmt.Sprintf("", level2)),
    95  			fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 2, level2))
    96  	}
    97  	for level3 := 1; level3 < 3; level3++ {
    98  		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2", "l3", fmt.Sprintf("", level3)),
    99  			fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 3, level3))
   100  	}
   102  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "Spaces in Section", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 10, 0))
   104  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "single.html"), "<html>Single|{{ .Title }}</html>")
   105  	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "list.html"),
   106  		`
   107  {{ $sect := (.Site.GetPage "section" "l1" "l2") }}
   108  <html>List|{{ .Title }}|L1/l2-IsActive: {{ .InSection $sect }}
   109  {{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
   110  PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
   111  {{ end }}
   112  </html>`)
   114  	cfg.Set("paginate", 2)
   116  	s := buildSingleSite(t, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg}, BuildCfg{})
   118  	require.Len(t, s.RegularPages, 21)
   120  	tests := []struct {
   121  		sections string
   122  		verify   func(p *Page)
   123  	}{
   124  		{"elsewhere", func(p *Page) {
   125  			assert.Len(p.Pages, 1)
   126  			for _, p := range p.Pages {
   127  				assert.Equal([]string{"elsewhere"}, p.sections)
   128  			}
   129  		}},
   130  		{"post", func(p *Page) {
   131  			assert.Len(p.Pages, 2)
   132  			for _, p := range p.Pages {
   133  				assert.Equal("post", p.Section())
   134  			}
   135  		}},
   136  		{"empty1", func(p *Page) {
   137  			// > b,c
   138  			assert.NotNil(p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty1", "b"))
   139  			assert.NotNil(p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty1", "b", "c"))
   141  		}},
   142  		{"empty2", func(p *Page) {
   143  			// > b,c,d where b and d have content files.
   144  			b := p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty2", "b")
   145  			assert.NotNil(b)
   146  			assert.Equal("T40_-1", b.title)
   147  			c := p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty2", "b", "c")
   148  			assert.NotNil(c)
   149  			assert.Equal("Cs", c.title)
   150  			d := p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty2", "b", "c", "d")
   151  			assert.NotNil(d)
   152  			assert.Equal("T41_-1", d.title)
   154  			assert.False(c.Eq(d))
   155  			assert.True(c.Eq(c))
   156  			assert.False(c.Eq("asdf"))
   158  		}},
   159  		{"empty3", func(p *Page) {
   160  			// b,c,d with regular page in b
   161  			b := p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty3", "b")
   162  			assert.NotNil(b)
   163  			assert.Len(b.Pages, 1)
   164  			assert.Equal("", b.Pages[0].File.LogicalName())
   166  		}},
   167  		{"top", func(p *Page) {
   168  			assert.Equal("Tops", p.title)
   169  			assert.Len(p.Pages, 2)
   170  			assert.Equal("", p.Pages[0].LogicalName())
   171  			assert.Equal("", p.Pages[1].LogicalName())
   172  			home := p.Parent()
   173  			assert.True(home.IsHome())
   174  			assert.Len(p.Sections(), 0)
   175  			assert.Equal(home, home.CurrentSection())
   176  			active, err := home.InSection(home)
   177  			assert.NoError(err)
   178  			assert.True(active)
   179  		}},
   180  		{"l1", func(p *Page) {
   181  			assert.Equal("L1s", p.title)
   182  			assert.Len(p.Pages, 2)
   183  			assert.True(p.Parent().IsHome())
   184  			assert.Len(p.Sections(), 2)
   185  		}},
   186  		{"l1,l2", func(p *Page) {
   187  			assert.Equal("T2_-1", p.title)
   188  			assert.Len(p.Pages, 3)
   189  			assert.Equal(p, p.Pages[0].Parent())
   190  			assert.Equal("L1s", p.Parent().title)
   191  			assert.Equal("/l1/l2/", p.URLPath.URL)
   192  			assert.Equal("/l1/l2/", p.RelPermalink())
   193  			assert.Len(p.Sections(), 1)
   195  			for _, child := range p.Pages {
   196  				assert.Equal(p, child.CurrentSection())
   197  				active, err := child.InSection(p)
   198  				assert.NoError(err)
   199  				assert.True(active)
   200  				active, err = p.InSection(child)
   201  				assert.NoError(err)
   202  				assert.True(active)
   203  				active, err = p.InSection(p.s.getPage(KindHome))
   204  				assert.NoError(err)
   205  				assert.False(active)
   207  				isAncestor, err := p.IsAncestor(child)
   208  				assert.NoError(err)
   209  				assert.True(isAncestor)
   210  				isAncestor, err = child.IsAncestor(p)
   211  				assert.NoError(err)
   212  				assert.False(isAncestor)
   214  				isDescendant, err := p.IsDescendant(child)
   215  				assert.NoError(err)
   216  				assert.False(isDescendant)
   217  				isDescendant, err = child.IsDescendant(p)
   218  				assert.NoError(err)
   219  				assert.True(isDescendant)
   220  			}
   222  			assert.Equal(p, p.CurrentSection())
   224  		}},
   225  		{"l1,l2_2", func(p *Page) {
   226  			assert.Equal("T22_-1", p.title)
   227  			assert.Len(p.Pages, 2)
   228  			assert.Equal(filepath.FromSlash("l1/l2_2/"), p.Pages[0].Path())
   229  			assert.Equal("L1s", p.Parent().title)
   230  			assert.Len(p.Sections(), 0)
   231  		}},
   232  		{"l1,l2,l3", func(p *Page) {
   233  			assert.Equal("T3_-1", p.title)
   234  			assert.Len(p.Pages, 2)
   235  			assert.Equal("T2_-1", p.Parent().title)
   236  			assert.Len(p.Sections(), 0)
   238  			l1 := p.s.getPage(KindSection, "l1")
   239  			isDescendant, err := l1.IsDescendant(p)
   240  			assert.NoError(err)
   241  			assert.False(isDescendant)
   242  			isDescendant, err = p.IsDescendant(l1)
   243  			assert.NoError(err)
   244  			assert.True(isDescendant)
   246  			isAncestor, err := l1.IsAncestor(p)
   247  			assert.NoError(err)
   248  			assert.True(isAncestor)
   249  			isAncestor, err = p.IsAncestor(l1)
   250  			assert.NoError(err)
   251  			assert.False(isAncestor)
   253  		}},
   254  		{"perm a,link", func(p *Page) {
   255  			assert.Equal("T9_-1", p.title)
   256  			assert.Equal("/perm-a/link/", p.RelPermalink())
   257  			assert.Len(p.Pages, 4)
   258  			first := p.Pages[0]
   259  			assert.Equal("/perm-a/link/t1_1/", first.RelPermalink())
   260  			th.assertFileContent("public/perm-a/link/t1_1/index.html", "Single|T1_1")
   262  			last := p.Pages[3]
   263  			assert.Equal("/perm-a/link/t1_5/", last.RelPermalink())
   265  		}},
   266  	}
   268  	home := s.getPage(KindHome)
   270  	for _, test := range tests {
   271  		sections := strings.Split(test.sections, ",")
   272  		p := s.getPage(KindSection, sections...)
   273  		assert.NotNil(p, fmt.Sprint(sections))
   275  		if p.Pages != nil {
   276  			assert.Equal(p.Pages, p.Data["Pages"])
   277  		}
   278  		assert.NotNil(p.Parent(), fmt.Sprintf("Parent nil: %q", test.sections))
   279  		test.verify(p)
   280  	}
   282  	assert.NotNil(home)
   284  	assert.Len(home.Sections(), 9)
   285  	assert.Equal(home.Sections(), s.Info.Sections())
   287  	rootPage := s.getPage(KindPage, "")
   288  	assert.NotNil(rootPage)
   289  	assert.True(rootPage.Parent().IsHome())
   291  	// Add a odd test for this as this looks a little bit off, but I'm not in the mood
   292  	// to think too hard a out this right now. It works, but people will have to spell
   293  	// out the directory name as is.
   294  	// If we later decide to do something about this, we will have to do some normalization in
   295  	// getPage.
   296  	// TODO(bep)
   297  	sectionWithSpace := s.getPage(KindSection, "Spaces in Section")
   298  	require.NotNil(t, sectionWithSpace)
   299  	require.Equal(t, "/spaces-in-section/", sectionWithSpace.RelPermalink())
   301  	th.assertFileContent("public/l1/l2/page/2/index.html", "L1/l2-IsActive: true", "PAG|T2_3|true")
   303  }