
     1  <!--[metadata]>
     2  +++
     3  title = "pull"
     4  description = "The pull command description and usage"
     5  keywords = ["pull, image, hub, docker"]
     6  [menu.main]
     7  parent = "smn_cli"
     8  +++
     9  <![end-metadata]-->
    11  # pull
    13      Usage: docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG] | [REGISTRY_HOST[:REGISTRY_PORT]/]NAME[:TAG]
    15      Pull an image or a repository from the registry
    17        -a, --all-tags                Download all tagged images in the repository
    18        --disable-content-trust=true  Skip image verification
    19        --help                        Print usage
    21  Most of your images will be created on top of a base image from the
    22  [Docker Hub]( registry.
    24  [Docker Hub]( contains many pre-built images that you
    25  can `pull` and try without needing to define and configure your own.
    27  To download a particular image, or set of images (i.e., a repository),
    28  use `docker pull`.
    30  ## Examples
    32  ### Pull an image from Docker Hub
    34  To download a particular image, or set of images (i.e., a repository), use
    35  `docker pull`. If no tag is provided, Docker Engine uses the `:latest` tag as a
    36  default. This command pulls the `debian:latest` image:
    38  ```bash
    39  $ docker pull debian
    41  Using default tag: latest
    42  latest: Pulling from library/debian
    43  fdd5d7827f33: Pull complete
    44  a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
    45  Digest: sha256:e7d38b3517548a1c71e41bffe9c8ae6d6d29546ce46bf62159837aad072c90aa
    46  Status: Downloaded newer image for debian:latest
    47  ```
    49  Docker images can consist of multiple layers. In the example above, the image
    50  consists of two layers; `fdd5d7827f33` and `a3ed95caeb02`.
    52  Layers can be reused by images. For example, the `debian:jessie` image shares
    53  both layers with `debian:latest`. Pulling the `debian:jessie` image therefore
    54  only pulls its metadata, but not its layers, because all layers are already
    55  present locally:
    57  ```bash
    58  $ docker pull debian:jessie
    60  jessie: Pulling from library/debian
    61  fdd5d7827f33: Already exists
    62  a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
    63  Digest: sha256:a9c958be96d7d40df920e7041608f2f017af81800ca5ad23e327bc402626b58e
    64  Status: Downloaded newer image for debian:jessie
    65  ```
    67  To see which images are present locally, use the [`docker images`](
    68  command:
    70  ```bash
    71  $ docker images
    73  REPOSITORY   TAG      IMAGE ID        CREATED      SIZE
    74  debian       jessie   f50f9524513f    5 days ago   125.1 MB
    75  debian       latest   f50f9524513f    5 days ago   125.1 MB
    76  ```
    78  Docker uses a content-addressable image store, and the image ID is a SHA256
    79  digest covering the image's configuration and layers. In the example above,
    80  `debian:jessie` and `debian:latest` have the same image ID because they are
    81  actually the *same* image tagged with different names. Because they are the
    82  same image, their layers are stored only once and do not consume extra disk
    83  space.
    85  For more information about images, layers, and the content-addressable store,
    86  refer to [understand images, containers, and storage drivers](../../userguide/storagedriver/
    89  ## Pull an image by digest (immutable identifier)
    91  So far, you've pulled images by their name (and "tag"). Using names and tags is
    92  a convenient way to work with images. When using tags, you can `docker pull` an
    93  image again to make sure you have the most up-to-date version of that image.
    94  For example, `docker pull ubuntu:14.04` pulls the latest version of the Ubuntu
    95  14.04 image.
    97  In some cases you don't want images to be updated to newer versions, but prefer
    98  to use a fixed version of an image. Docker enables you to pull an image by its
    99  *digest*. When pulling an image by digest, you specify *exactly* which version
   100  of an image to pull. Doing so, allows you to "pin" an image to that version,
   101  and guarantee that the image you're using is always the same.
   103  To know the digest of an image, pull the image first. Let's pull the latest
   104  `ubuntu:14.04` image from Docker Hub:
   106  ```bash
   107  $ docker pull ubuntu:14.04
   109  14.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu
   110  5a132a7e7af1: Pull complete
   111  fd2731e4c50c: Pull complete
   112  28a2f68d1120: Pull complete
   113  a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
   114  Digest: sha256:45b23dee08af5e43a7fea6c4cf9c25ccf269ee113168c19722f87876677c5cb2
   115  Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:14.04
   116  ```
   118  Docker prints the digest of the image after the pull has finished. In the example
   119  above, the digest of the image is:
   121      sha256:45b23dee08af5e43a7fea6c4cf9c25ccf269ee113168c19722f87876677c5cb2
   123  Docker also prints the digest of an image when *pushing* to a registry. This
   124  may be useful if you want to pin to a version of the image you just pushed.
   126  A digest takes the place of the tag when pulling an image, for example, to 
   127  pull the above image by digest, run the following command:
   129  ```bash
   130  $ docker pull ubuntu@sha256:45b23dee08af5e43a7fea6c4cf9c25ccf269ee113168c19722f87876677c5cb2
   132  sha256:45b23dee08af5e43a7fea6c4cf9c25ccf269ee113168c19722f87876677c5cb2: Pulling from library/ubuntu
   133  5a132a7e7af1: Already exists
   134  fd2731e4c50c: Already exists
   135  28a2f68d1120: Already exists
   136  a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
   137  Digest: sha256:45b23dee08af5e43a7fea6c4cf9c25ccf269ee113168c19722f87876677c5cb2
   138  Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu@sha256:45b23dee08af5e43a7fea6c4cf9c25ccf269ee113168c19722f87876677c5cb2
   139  ```
   141  Digest can also be used in the `FROM` of a Dockerfile, for example:
   143  ```Dockerfile
   144  FROM ubuntu@sha256:45b23dee08af5e43a7fea6c4cf9c25ccf269ee113168c19722f87876677c5cb2
   145  MAINTAINER some maintainer <>
   146  ```
   148  > **Note**: Using this feature "pins" an image to a specific version in time.
   149  > Docker will therefore not pull updated versions of an image, which may include 
   150  > security updates. If you want to pull an updated image, you need to change the
   151  > digest accordingly.
   154  ## Pulling from a different registry
   156  By default, `docker pull` pulls images from Docker Hub. It is also possible to
   157  manually specify the path of a registry to pull from. For example, if you have
   158  set up a local registry, you can specify its path to pull from it. A registry
   159  path is similar to a URL, but does not contain a protocol specifier (`https://`).
   161  The following command pulls the `testing/test-image` image from a local registry
   162  listening on port 5000 (`myregistry.local:5000`):
   164  ```bash
   165  $ docker pull myregistry.local:5000/testing/test-image
   166  ```
   168  Registry credentials are managed by [docker login](
   170  Docker uses the `https://` protocol to communicate with a registry, unless the
   171  registry is allowed to be accessed over an insecure connection. Refer to the
   172  [insecure registries]( section for more information.
   175  ## Pull a repository with multiple images
   177  By default, `docker pull` pulls a *single* image from the registry. A repository
   178  can contain multiple images. To pull all images from a repository, provide the
   179  `-a` (or `--all-tags`) option when using `docker pull`.
   181  This command pulls all images from the `fedora` repository:
   183  ```bash
   184  $ docker pull --all-tags fedora
   186  Pulling repository fedora
   187  ad57ef8d78d7: Download complete
   188  105182bb5e8b: Download complete
   189  511136ea3c5a: Download complete
   190  73bd853d2ea5: Download complete
   191  ....
   193  Status: Downloaded newer image for fedora
   194  ```
   196  After the pull has completed use the `docker images` command to see the
   197  images that were pulled. The example below shows all the `fedora` images
   198  that are present locally:
   200  ```bash
   201  $ docker images fedora
   203  REPOSITORY   TAG         IMAGE ID        CREATED      SIZE
   204  fedora       rawhide     ad57ef8d78d7    5 days ago   359.3 MB
   205  fedora       20          105182bb5e8b    5 days ago   372.7 MB
   206  fedora       heisenbug   105182bb5e8b    5 days ago   372.7 MB
   207  fedora       latest      105182bb5e8b    5 days ago   372.7 MB
   208  ```
   210  ## Canceling a pull
   212  Killing the `docker pull` process, for example by pressing `CTRL-c` while it is
   213  running in a terminal, will terminate the pull operation.
   215  ```bash
   216  $ docker pull fedora
   218  Using default tag: latest
   219  latest: Pulling from library/fedora
   220  a3ed95caeb02: Pulling fs layer
   221  236608c7b546: Pulling fs layer
   222  ^C
   223  ```
   225  > **Note**: Technically, the Engine terminates a pull operation when the
   226  > connection between the Docker Engine daemon and the Docker Engine client
   227  > initiating the pull is lost. If the connection with the Engine daemon is
   228  > lost for other reasons than a manual interaction, the pull is also aborted.