
     1  /*
     2  Copyright IBM Corp. 2017 All Rights Reserved.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package lib
    19  import (
    20  	"time"
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  )
    31  const (
    32  	// defaultCACfgTemplate is the a CA's default configuration file template
    33  	defaultCACfgTemplate = `
    34  #############################################################################
    35  # This file contains information specific to a single Certificate Authority (CA).
    36  # A single fabric-ca-server can service multiple CAs.  The server's configuration
    37  # file contains configuration information for the default CA, and each of these
    38  # CA-specific files define configuration settings for a non-default CA.
    39  #
    40  # The only required configuration item in each CA-specific file is a unique
    41  # CA name (see "" below).  Each CA name in the same fabric-ca-server
    42  # must be unique. All other configuration settings needed for this CA are
    43  # taken from the default CA settings, or you may override those settings by
    44  # adding the setting to this file.
    45  #
    46  # For example, you should provide a different username and password for the
    47  # bootstrap identity as found in the "identities" subsection of the "registry"
    48  # section.
    49  #
    50  # See the server's configuration file for comments on all settings.
    51  # All settings pertaining to the server's listening endpoint are by definition
    52  # server-specific and so will be ignored in a CA configuration file.
    53  #############################################################################
    54  ca:
    55    # Name of this CA
    56    name: <<<CANAME>>>
    57    # The CA certificate file
    58    certfile: ca-cert.pem
    59    # The CA key file
    60    keyfile: ca-key.pem
    62  #############################################################################
    63  #  Database section
    64  #  Supported types are: "sqlite3", "postgres", and "mysql".
    65  #  The datasource value depends on the type.
    66  #  If the type is "sqlite3", the datasource value is a file name to use
    67  #  as the database store.  Since "sqlite3" is an embedded database, it
    68  #  may not be used if you want to run the fabric-ca-server in a cluster.
    69  #  To run the fabric-ca-server in a cluster, you must choose "postgres"
    70  #  or "mysql".
    71  #############################################################################
    72  db:
    73    datasource: <<<DATASOURCE>>>
    75  ###########################################################################
    76  #  Certificate Signing Request section for generating the CA certificate
    77  ###########################################################################
    78  csr:
    79    cn: <<<COMMONNAME>>>
    80  `
    81  )
    83  // CAConfig is the CA instance's config
    84  // The tags are recognized by the RegisterFlags function in fabric-ca/lib/util.go
    85  // and are as follows:
    86  // "def" - the default value of the field;
    87  // "opt" - the optional one character short name to use on the command line;
    88  // "help" - the help message to display on the command line;
    89  // "skip" - to skip the field.
    90  type CAConfig struct {
    91  	Version      string `skip:"true"`
    92  	Cfg          cfgOptions
    93  	CA           CAInfo
    94  	Signing      *config.Signing
    95  	CSR          api.CSRInfo
    96  	Registry     CAConfigRegistry
    97  	Affiliations map[string]interface{}
    98  	LDAP         ldap.Config
    99  	DB           CAConfigDB
   100  	CSP          *factory.FactoryOpts `mapstructure:"bccsp"`
   101  	// Optional client config for an intermediate server which acts as a client
   102  	// of the root (or parent) server
   103  	Client       *ClientConfig
   104  	Intermediate IntermediateCA
   105  	CRL          CRLConfig
   106  }
   108  // cfgOptions is a CA configuration that allows for setting different options
   109  type cfgOptions struct {
   110  	Identities   identitiesOptions
   111  	Affiliations affiliationsOptions
   112  }
   114  // identitiesOptions are options that are related to identities
   115  type identitiesOptions struct {
   116  	AllowRemove bool `help:"Enables removal of identities dynamically"`
   117  }
   119  // affiliationsOptions are options that are related to affiliations
   120  type affiliationsOptions struct {
   121  	AllowRemove bool `help:"Enables removal of affiliations dynamically"`
   122  }
   124  // CAInfo is the CA information on a fabric-ca-server
   125  type CAInfo struct {
   126  	Name      string `opt:"n" help:"Certificate Authority name"`
   127  	Keyfile   string `help:"PEM-encoded CA key file"`
   128  	Certfile  string `def:"ca-cert.pem" help:"PEM-encoded CA certificate file"`
   129  	Chainfile string `def:"ca-chain.pem" help:"PEM-encoded CA chain file"`
   130  }
   132  // CAConfigDB is the database part of the server's config
   133  type CAConfigDB struct {
   134  	Type       string `def:"sqlite3" help:"Type of database; one of: sqlite3, postgres, mysql"`
   135  	Datasource string `def:"fabric-ca-server.db" help:"Data source which is database specific"`
   136  	TLS        tls.ClientTLSConfig
   137  }
   139  // Implements Stringer interface for CAConfigDB
   140  // Calls util.StructToString to convert the CAConfigDB struct to
   141  // string and masks the password from the database URL. Returns
   142  // resulting string.
   143  func (c CAConfigDB) String() string {
   144  	str := util.StructToString(&c)
   145  	return dbutil.MaskDBCred(str)
   146  }
   148  // CAConfigRegistry is the registry part of the server's config
   149  type CAConfigRegistry struct {
   150  	MaxEnrollments int `def:"-1" help:"Maximum number of enrollments; valid if LDAP not enabled"`
   151  	Identities     []CAConfigIdentity
   152  }
   154  // CAConfigIdentity is identity information in the server's config
   155  type CAConfigIdentity struct {
   156  	Name           string `mask:"username"`
   157  	Pass           string `mask:"password"`
   158  	Type           string
   159  	Affiliation    string
   160  	MaxEnrollments int
   161  	Attrs          map[string]string
   162  }
   164  // ParentServer contains URL for the parent server and the name of CA inside
   165  // the server to connect to
   166  type ParentServer struct {
   167  	URL    string `opt:"u" help:"URL of the parent fabric-ca-server (e.g. http://<username>:<password>@<address>:<port)" mask:"url"`
   168  	CAName string `help:"Name of the CA to connect to on fabric-ca-server"`
   169  }
   171  // IntermediateCA contains parent server information, TLS configuration, and
   172  // enrollment request for an intermetiate CA
   173  type IntermediateCA struct {
   174  	ParentServer ParentServer
   175  	TLS          tls.ClientTLSConfig
   176  	Enrollment   api.EnrollmentRequest
   177  }
   179  // CRLConfig contains configuration options used by the gencrl request handler
   180  type CRLConfig struct {
   181  	// Specifies expiration for the CRL generated by the gencrl request
   182  	// The number of hours specified by this property is added to the UTC time, resulting time
   183  	// is used to set the 'Next Update' date of the CRL
   184  	Expiry time.Duration `def:"24h" help:"Expiration for the CRL generated by the gencrl request"`
   185  }
   187  func (cc CAConfigIdentity) String() string {
   188  	return util.StructToString(&cc)
   189  }
   191  func (parent ParentServer) String() string {
   192  	return util.StructToString(&parent)
   193  }