
     1  package main
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"io/ioutil"
     6  	"log"
     7  	"os"
     8  	"path/filepath"
     9  	"testing"
    10  )
    12  // Fri Feb 27 22:11:38 CET 2015 File of 4.2M
    13  // BenchmarkReader	       1	1181852831 ns/op (~1.18s)
    15  // Mon Mar 16 14:33:52 CET 2015
    16  // BenchmarkReader	       1	1235675316 ns/op
    17  func BenchmarkReader(b *testing.B) {
    18  	path := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".rir", "ripencc", "latest")
    19  	content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
    20  	if err != nil {
    21  		log.Fatalf("Cannot read file for bench. %v", err)
    22  	}
    23  	if len(content) == 0 {
    24  		log.Fatal(" File for bench is empty!")
    25  	}
    26  	b.ResetTimer()
    27  	data := bytes.NewBuffer(content)
    28  	NewReader(data).Read()
    29  }
    31  func findIpWith(records *Records, address string) *IpRecord {
    32  	for _, ip := range records.Ips {
    33  		if address == ip.Start.String() {
    34  			return ip
    35  		}
    36  	}
    37  	log.Fatalf("Cannot find ip with address %s", address)
    38  	return &IpRecord{}
    39  }
    41  func findAsnWith(records *Records, number int) *AsnRecord {
    42  	for _, asn := range records.Asns {
    43  		if number == asn.Start {
    44  			return asn
    45  		}
    46  	}
    47  	log.Fatalf("Cannot find asn with number %d", number)
    48  	return &AsnRecord{}
    50  }
    52  func TestParsingRegularFile(t *testing.T) {
    53  	data := bytes.NewBufferString(regularData)
    55  	records, _ := NewReader(data).Read()
    57  	recordsCount, asnCount, ipv4Count, ipv6Count := 23486, 3986, 17947, 1553
    59  	if records.Version != 2.3 {
    60  		t.Errorf("records version: expected 2.3 got %f", records.Version)
    61  	}
    62  	if records.Count != recordsCount {
    63  		t.Errorf("total records count: expected %d got %d", recordsCount, records.Count)
    64  	}
    65  	if records.AsnCount != asnCount {
    66  		t.Errorf("asn count: expected %d got %d", asnCount, records.AsnCount)
    67  	}
    68  	if records.Ipv4Count != ipv4Count {
    69  		t.Errorf("ipv4 count: expected %d got %d", ipv4Count, records.Ipv4Count)
    70  	}
    71  	if records.Ipv6Count != ipv6Count {
    72  		t.Errorf("ipv6 count: expected %d got %d", ipv6Count, records.Ipv6Count)
    73  	}
    75  	if len(records.Asns) != 2 {
    76  		t.Errorf("asn real count: expected %d got %d", 2, len(records.Asns))
    77  	}
    79  	if len(records.Ips) != 10 {
    80  		t.Errorf("ips real count: expected %d got %d. Content: %v", 10, len(records.Ips), records.Ips)
    81  	}
    83  	asnRecord := findAsnWith(records, 173)
    84  	if asnRecord.Status != "allocated" {
    85  		t.Errorf("asn record status: expected 'allocated' got %q", asnRecord.Status)
    86  	}
    87  	if asnRecord.OpaqueId != "A91BD5FB" {
    88  		t.Errorf("asn record opaque id: expected 'A91BD5FB' got %q", asnRecord.OpaqueId)
    89  	}
    91  	ipRecord := findIpWith(records, "")
    92  	if ipRecord.Status != "assigned" {
    93  		t.Errorf("ip record status: expected 'assigned' got %q", ipRecord.Status)
    94  	}
    95  	if ipRecord.OpaqueId != "" {
    96  		t.Errorf("ip record opaque id: expected empty got %q", ipRecord.OpaqueId)
    97  	}
    99  	otherIpRecord := findIpWith(records, "")
   100  	if otherIpRecord.Status != "assigned" {
   101  		t.Errorf("ip record status: expected 'assigned' got %q", otherIpRecord.Status)
   102  	}
   103  	if otherIpRecord.OpaqueId != "A91872ED" {
   104  		t.Errorf("ip record opaque id: expected 'A91872ED' got %q", otherIpRecord.OpaqueId)
   105  	}
   107  	splitRecord := findIpWith(records, "")
   108  	splitNets := splitRecord.Net()
   109  	if !(len(splitNets) == 2 && splitNets[0].String() == "" && splitNets[1].String() == "") {
   110  		t.Errorf("invalid parsing of split subnet, got: %v", splitNets)
   111  	}
   112  }
   114  var regularData = `2.3|apnic|20110113|23486|19850701|20110112|+1000
   115  # line to be ignored
   116  apnic|*|asn|*|3986|summary
   117  apnic|*|ipv4|*|17947|summary
   119  apnic|*|ipv6|*|1553|summary
   120  apnic|JP|asn|173|1|20020801|allocated|A91BD5FB
   121  apnic|NZ|asn|681|1|20020801|allocated
   122  apnic|MM|ipv4||8192|20100504|assigned
   123  apnic|MM|ipv4||4096|20100122|assigned
   124  apnic|KP|ipv4||1024|20100122|assigned
   125  apnic|JP|ipv6|2001:200::|35|19990813|allocated
   126  apnic|JP|ipv6|2001:200:2000::|35|20030423|allocated
   127  apnic|JP|ipv6|2001:200:4000::|34|20030423|allocated
   128  apnic|JP|ipv6|2001:200:8000::|33|20030423|allocated
   129  ripencc|PL|ipv4||256|20090225|assigned
   130  ripencc|DE|ipv4||73728|19920922|assigned
   131  ripencc|HU|ipv4||512|20081222|assigned|A91872ED`